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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  July 23, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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but it didn’t work out so that the children wouldn’t notice, the adults started rolling on the grass, the animators tried to distract the kids, but they hid behind the bushes and didn’t come out until the aggressive neighbor... having been defeated in battle, decided to leave, but only in order to return with a knife, he’s coming with a knife, he’s with a knife, come on, yeah, i’ll film this kind of horror, film it on video, just some video, film it, film it, film it, it developed more and more threatening , while some eyewitnesses called the police, others recorded everything on their phones, they tried to explain to the aggressor that the holiday in the yard lasted only 25 minutes, a joyful event for children, but he did not calm down, moreover, a woman from the pension ran out to help him. age in a dressing gown
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and already attacked the children with a phone, while i ’m giving it to you, i’ll call the police now, i understand, leave me alone, it turned out that these two people, a well-known scandalous couple, lovers of strong drinks, have recently moved into the house and are tormenting the neighbors with nagging, even their relatives can’t stand them, he is stanislav tarasov, and she is rita khudai berdina, and she aggressive, she constantly makes scandals, swears, she doesn’t like everything. yes, they have been drinking, apparently, since her birthday, it was her birthday on the twenty-fourth, and apparently they went on a binge, grabbing a knife, a long kitchen cleaver, the aggressive neighbor wanted to head for a showdown on the playground, where they retreated animators with children, trying to revive a good mood, parents and other neighbors again stood in the way of the inadequate person, who came running to the screams, and with their joint efforts they knocked stanislav tarasov to the ground, but that’s all anyway, he didn’t give up for a long time and didn’t throw away
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the documents, i asked you where the documents are, you have the right to hold this event, we’re on the street, you read the rules, dava won’t go anywhere, everyone was lured, the victims wrote four statements to the police, the birthday girl’s mother says that this is not the first time he has made trouble with their family, and once made his eldest son hysterical because he had lost his keys and could not get into the apartment, this man pointed at the children and said that he would come out now, here he will slaughter everyone, that is, children. walking and the like, the husband tried to take the knife away from him, that is, he holds the knife and does not let go, that is, the husband shouts to him, let go of the knife, like there are children here and the like, he says: i just asked you for documents, well, he is an attacker it’s not just that the spouse doesn’t repent, she’s against it, any attempts to talk are perceived as a personal challenge as a reason for an attack, is it you, a creature, well wait, what are you scolding, it’s you a brute, go ahead, come in, wait, ntv is filming you ,
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according to her parents, she and her friends in the yard are now afraid to even just go out street. aleftina marchenko, daniela boklanova, oksana goncharenko and daria vizovaya, ntv television company. we have already posted the full video version of the event from eyewitnesses of the spoiled children's party in the telegram channel chpn tv . if you are not subscribed to us, correct it right now, point your phone camera at the qr code that you see on the screen and go to the page or in application in general.
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search for chpntv and subscribe. the horror quest house of horror in makhachkala lived up to its name. the desire to get on your nerves was worth it the lives of two girls; they died in an accidental fire. the scenario did not go according to plan when the burning lekovizit ended up next to a can of gasoline. the flame instantly engulfed the room, but the worst events were ahead. investigators have already established that the quest administrators searched for a long time. the key to the door behind which the participants were located. as a result, several people were saved by eyewitnesses, but two friends, one 25 years old and the other 19, did not survive. who will bear responsibility for the painful death of the girls - all the details of the tragedy of daria masalova? this is probably the most terrible part of the so-called horror quest, in complete darkness, a participant chained to a chair is scared with a chainsaw.
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each session in the house of horrors took place according to this scenario. the quest room for thrill-seekers was located on the ground floor of a small shopping center in makhachkala. it was during such a game. a fire broke out, two girls assiyad and madinina died. according to preliminary data, one of them was tied to a chair in the same way, the second was trying to save her best friend. soon a fireman arrived, his eyes helped save these three, there there were about 5-7 people somewhere, but they weren’t there yet. the cause of the fire was a fatal mistake by the animator; the eighteen-year-old show organizer was detained. according to eyewitnesses, he was the first. ran out into the street, leaving customers burning alive. the suspect set fire to a glove used during the game and threw it onto the floor, where there was a container of gasoline, causing the room to catch fire. the suspect has been interrogated. during the interrogation, he explained in detail the circumstances of the incident. about the dead girls
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they said water will not spill. we met a few years ago and became family friends, celebrated holidays together, traveled, and went shopping. we just... bought the entire store. the decision to go on a night quest, to tickle your nerves, was also made together on the website of the entertainment establishment: the duration of the performance is a little over an hour, the price is from 3,500. nineteen-year-old assiyad, she worked in dentistry, died in the emergency room from carbon monoxide poisoning. her husband took part in the game with her. he survived, but is in serious condition condition, 50% of the body is burned. just a week ago, the newlyweds had a wedding, to your applause, and madina was among the guests, a magnificent celebration, she worked as a doctor’s assistant, an orthodontist and a fitness trainer, the death was painful, she received a 100% burn
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to the body and respiratory tract, the animator, who committed criminal negligence, partially admitted guilt, my glove turns out to be light. the owner of the horror quest, dagestan kvn player gusein ibragimov, has not yet been detained, but everything can change, according to him , about the trick with the glove about being in the hall of the canister with gasoline, which is a gross violation, allegedly did not know, however, this does not exempt from responsibility, the house of horrors, which became a nightmare for eve, for the families of the dead victims, is closed during the investigation of the criminal case. unlikely to resume work. daria mosalova, daniela damashyan, yana semyonova, valentin lyubimov and sergey baganov (ntv). and then, see paris to die. the french and tourists fear for their lives more and more every day that the olympics approaches. why? watch scary footage from the capital
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summer games in a couple of minutes. don't switch. travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets up to 30% on alpha fridays. discover all profitable destinations in the bank’s app or on the website i have been talking to tv for 20 years to teach you today how to find any content in the new yandex tv station. alice. find a film with svetlokov, excellent choice, alisa, a hint about investments, although who am i kidding, alisa, turn on the taganrok astrakhan match, turn it on, i’ve been waiting for 20 years, so that it’s like this, and you don’t wait, well, it gives g5,
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yandex tv station with alice, there’s everything you like, great, but for a subscription, save up a vtb savings account, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 19%, vtb together with everything will work out , this summer is with us, this summer is with us, it will sparkle with new colors, buy a big combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions, only at a delicious point, this summer is with us, cool, i slept through my first exhibition, i’ll have to run, nah, hello , look what i collected, sat down, well, it won’t turn on, thanks, dad, thank you, dear, for this too, every thank you,
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there is another emergency on the air , we continue broadcasting. homeless people, drug addicts and illegal migrants who have flooded paris continue to be expelled from the city in order to bring it into decent shape before the upcoming olympics. everyone who lives on the streets, and there are thousands of them , they put them on buses without giving them much time to collect things and take them to other parts of the country. at the same time, they promise the tramps. comfortable housing, but in fact they are simply dropped off in an unfamiliar city and left without financial assistance. as a result, everyone who spoils the romance of paris goes back to the french capital in different ways, since there are more chances for handouts from tourists. those who returned are embittered and aggressive. statistics on street robberies, beatings and rapes are growing. so it seems that the phrase “see paris to die” takes on a completely different literal meaning. while on one side of the street music is playing, preparations are underway for a sports festival, on the other, separated by a fence from
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a flowering garden, a mother with two small children is sleeping right on the concrete floor, a small backpack is all their wealth, people are passing by, such a picture here will not surprise anyone, there is only turn the corner of any landmark to see what the city of love has become, instead of the crunch of a french roll, you hear the crunch of syringes under your feet. this smell literally makes my eyes water. i'm trying not to step on the syringes scattered everywhere. why did i come here, what the hell was i thinking, oh my god, dirty diapers, human shit. this is pre-olympic paris, with open trade in illegal substances at metro stations. the french authorities also failed to cope with the rampant drug addiction during the preparation for the olympics. it is clear that millions of tourists will come to paris by the start of the games, and these are millions of potential buyers of poison. local residents, not relying on the police, began to patrol on their own. it's quiet here for now, but a little later there will be crowds here the walking dead, they are potentially dangerous,
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we are sometimes forced to resort to violence, we are forced, and this is despite all the attempts of the local authorities to somehow restore order in the city, which has long been associated not so much with the romance of croissants, but with crime and illegal migrants, in the central part of the capital of the olympics , law enforcement officers from all over the country gathered, but this does not help, just a week before the start of the games , unknown persons committed as many as three attacks, last... in the eighth arrondissement of paris , a policeman was attacked, the employee arrived in response to a call from store security guards. police officers immediately neutralized the criminal. one way or another, criminal elements will definitely flock from the slums closer to tourists, experts say. typically, guides advise visitors to stay away from the suburbs and northeast of paris, but during the olympics these rules will no longer apply. and judging by
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the latest news, it’s already not easy for the french police. what will happen when they pour into the city? millions of fans, level of police security in france quite low, the specialists there are not of a very high level, there is a fairly strong theme there with political correctness, with gender and other agendas that directly interfere with the performance of official duties, in general, the police are of course of low quality now in france, they have never been of high quality , but now very, very... in the homeland of dumas and yugo in toropy, they even began to bulldoze the tent camps of homeless migrants, those who, according to the authorities, are unreliable and simply spoil the festive appearance of the capital. officially this is a temporary settlement away from paris. actually, even the french themselves don’t believe in this. human rights organizations complain that the authorities, so to speak, are cracking down on people
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who sleep on the streets with migrants, those who can disturb the beautiful image of paris during the olympics and... we were brought to a small commune, there is no work here, and i i'm looking for a job, that's why i can't stay here, apparently not relying on my own strength, the french authorities have asked for help from neighboring countries, police reinforcements in paris arrived from spain, great britain, germany and even qatar. in total , as many as 40 states sent their officers to help the hosts of the olympics. pavel kuznetsov, erika ovagyan, ivan gubin and vladimir tolyzin, ntv. a man intolerant of noise and children was detained by investigators in ufa. a sixty-two-year-old inadequate man began to spray with an air rifle on schoolgirls who had taken refuge from the rain under the entrance canopy. a ten-year-old girl needed medical help, she was taken to the hospital, security forces were in the criminal’s apartment found evidence of guilt. details from yulia
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obletsova. the moment of shooting at children was caught on video. girls playing on the playground. in the yard they decided to hide from the rain under the entrance canopy, a loud bang and children's laughter suddenly interrupted, what was it, oh, mommies, what happened, what happened, what happened, what happened, ten-year-old nastya felt a sharp pain, but didn’t understand right away, what exactly happened, we sang a song, didn’t bother anyone, didn’t give us any reprimands, then we heard a bang, i started... my leg started to hurt, eva and smina almost dragged me home, here, here they shot. the chronology of events is being reconstructed by a friend, an injured schoolgirl, when an inappropriate neighbor opened fire, eva and vika were very scared, we were standing there, just talking, and at an abrupt moment nastya flew in and started
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bleeding heavily. she cried a lot, her bleeding wouldn’t stop, i stood here, stood like that. nastya was standing here, at that moment the lightning still struck, at first we thought that something had hit her in the leg, some kind of garbage hit her leg, really hard, we thought at first, we didn’t think that something could have shot her in the leg, the girls ran into the entrance, the parents provided first aid to the bleeding schoolgirl, nastya couldn’t really explain what happened, her mother recalls , only after a while they finally realized that my daughter had a bullet wound, and then my husband looked at me, felt it, and said: there’s a bullet. here you need to call an ambulance, they called an ambulance, the ambulance says, yes, she has a bullet there, you need to get the bullet, you need to call the police. doctors they removed a lead bullet with a diameter of 4.5 mm from the schoolgirl’s leg, stitched them up, and quickly found the shooter. the law enforcement officers were communicating with residents when they began to study the general chat, they were very surprised, their attention was attracted by
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a photograph of a man with a weapon, it turned out that he was a sixty-two-year-old pensioner from the second floor. when they came to his home with a search, robert akhmetyanov did not deny it and showed an air rifle. while in an apartment, being dissatisfied with the noise of minors at the entrance of a neighboring house, fired an air rifle towards a noisy group, hitting a ten-year-old girl in the leg. interestingly, robert akhmetyanov also filmed this; a camera was installed in the room from which he was shooting to take care of his seriously ill wife; supposedly her well-being and problems with sleep became the reason to take up an air rifle. the reason for his action, he said that his wife was sick, the children were in the way, he could just go out and say, girls, be a little quieter, there is an elderly man who is sick. she to me i called hysterically, just screaming and crying. nastya, she says, is all covered in blood, there is a lot of blood, she says, she’s completely hysterical, i don’t understand anything, nastya, who was wounded
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, is carried around in a bandage every day, she is still in pain and scared, detectives have opened a criminal case against her neighbor under the article hooliganism, robert akhmetyanov was placed in custody during the investigation. yulia oblitsova, oksana goncharenka and anna samburova, ntv television company. that's not all, see below. on her last journey, the most famous biker in russia, tanya moto, died in turkey while riding motorcycles with friends, who is to blame for the accident and whether the tragedy could have been avoided, we will tell you after the advertisement, let us go, let us go, let us go, firit, help! who the hell are they, was it a zater? yes, he thinks that my nephew would carry a child from him, a girl like sairan, in his arms.
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have you decided to force me into marriage again? the prosecutor decided to detain your father, we are transferring him to prison. kazym did not withdraw the application. don't be afraid, please don't be afraid, help me, son. if the child's father turns out to be neferit, there will be no one left next to you except the father of your child. rodok new season today at 14:00 on ntv. fairytale chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at the delicious point. new kari sauce in chicken premier and chicken hit carry.
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for it to happen like this, but you don’t wait, well, it gives g5, yandex tv station with alice , you will find everything, travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and receive super cashback on air tickets. up to 30% alpha on fridays, discover all profitable destinations in the bank’s app or on the website online cinema about the world i watch. oh, cashback has arrived. kohl, but does it fall for all purchases? with a black card for everything cashback peak everything, in real money, get a black card from tank and get cashback for all purchases, tbank, it’s the only one, emvideo
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eldorado gives out. super discounts and 500th bonuses to all refrigerator combustion snowfrost for only 49.999 video iltora, chief expert in technology, sberthank you loyalty program updated, every month choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even a percentage on everything, it’s more profitable with a subscription. another emergency, we continue production. the last path, the most famous and brightest biker in russia, is now being studied by turkish police. the life of tatyana azolina, or motani, as more than a million subscribers know her, was cut short on the road from izmir to bodrum. the
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speed lover covered this distance in '. their friends, and as the police have already established, they also died because of them. the circumstances of the terrible disaster in the report by denis zadokhin. these are the first shots taken at the scene of a terrible car accident in turkey, an overturned red motorcycle, a body covered with plastic, torn off license plates and a helmet with the hashtag mototanya, known to a million people. the identity of the deceased was quickly established; she was the popular biker blogger tatyana azolina. a day before the death of a motorcyclist on social networks. managed to share with subscribers a beautiful view from a turkish hotel and plans for the future, which due to a fateful coincidence, it was not destined to come true. i moved on to conquer beautiful, hot and hospitable turkey. the tragedy occurred when tatyana, in the company of the motorcycle brothers, was moving from izmir to bodrum. according to the first version, azolina lost control and crashed into a truck. later, criminologists determined that tanya’s motorcycle died due to the fault of her friend, a turkish biker blogger. he
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crashed into her from behind. russian motorcycle. threw her into the bumper and she hit her head, and zolina died before the doctors arrived. straightaway after the accident, tanya got up and even went to her motorcycle, but at the time of the accident her helmet came off and she received life-threatening head injuries. unfortunately, she fell and died without regaining consciousness. and another blogger, a turkish motorcyclist , is in the hospital with serious injuries. tetyana azolina was 38 years old, born in the small town of tara. omsk region was among the top 150 most beautiful girls in omsk. in 2012 she moved to moscow, after another 2 years she passed it to prova and bought her first motorcycle. tatyana inherited her love for bikes from her father. soon she began to actively promote herself on the internet, becoming the most beautiful popular female biker. according to tanya’s friends, perhaps there is not a single motorcyclist who does not know her. now
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loved ones are dead. they are deciding how to deliver the body to their homeland; tatyana is left with a thirteen-year-old son. denisana, alina ilyukhina, erika ovagyan and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. and at the end of the issue, a touching story from the chelyabinsk region, about the reunion of the owner and his pet. initially, no one even believed in happy end. there was a terrible accident on the highway. the man was taken to the hospital, to the intensive care unit, and his dog, apparently from the stress of the search. rushed out of the car in an unknown direction, and a few weeks later the dog met two schoolgirls; diana kavando will tell the story in which everything ended well. while nikolai keldishov, descending on crutches, overcomes step after step, tyson, sticking out his tongue patiently, waits on the landing, only after making sure that his owner is nearby again, he runs down, never leaving nikolai, himself the man still can’t seem to believe that they are back together. these shots
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taken by the man’s relatives spread all over the internet and found a response in the hearts of thousands of people who were tensely following the search for the missing tyson. from zlatoust, where he got lost, this is the chelyabinsk region, he was taken for three days to his native volgograd, where the owner lives, the volunteers covered 1,500 km, when they saw the owner, the joyful dog knocked him down, along with his crutches, he almost cried and fell on the asphalt . i thought i wouldn't find you. fish, and you thought i wouldn’t find you, my dad, my dad, nikolai waited for this meeting for almost a month from the day he got into an accident, he was driving from volgograd to surgut by car, took a faithful friend with him, at night on the highway, having lost control, he provoked an accident, after which he barely survived, he lost his dog, i’m sitting , i’m tyson, tyson is like that, but i was pinned by the door, this, well, my leg was broken, and i
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didn’t even have time to... reach him, that is, he jumped up, he didn’t understand what happened, he drove, fell asleep , there’s a blow, he jumps up, doesn’t understand, and jumps out, as if he were running away, with multiple fractures and injuries internal organs... the man was taken to intensive care, he underwent several operations, from the hospital ward he shouted for help, they searched for the lost man in the forests and swamps along the highway, but no results. tyson, tyson, tyson, and we noticed the dog in a completely different place, somehow he reached the hospital where the owner was initially hospitalized, he ran 15 km from the scene of the accident, this one somehow got there, found the first hospital where i was operated on , well, here is the mash plant, in this one... then the dog was met more than once on the streets of the city, but she didn’t let anyone into her hands and trusted only one schoolgirl, karina, who followed this story on social networks. i immediately
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saw him and called him by his nickname, his grandmother was standing there, feeding him, i called him over and said: this is the same tyson from volgograd, i say, i’m after him, and well, i took him on a leash and fed him treats. that's all, thanks for your attention, kingfisher.
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we've arrived, it's here on the left, we can go inside.
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sairan, come in, welcome, sairan, hanim, please, thank you, yes. come here, come,
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mom, let's go, let's go. this is your room aunts, aunt, what a beautiful house you have, we have a house, daughter, no matter what your father says, you will come back, we’ll see, actually it depends on the father, daughter, we think the same way, what should you do in that house, listen, this woman is protecting you or her husband, you can’t be there... it’s impossible, besides, it’s unclear what will happen to your father’s leg, you see, he can remain a colleague, allah forbid, allah forbid, it would be better if you were next to by us, in our sight, eh?


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