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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara-2  NTV  July 24, 2024 10:35am-11:01am MSK

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already exceeds more than 1 trillion rubles, to be precise, it is 1.3 trillion rubles. the loan portfolio is about 900 billion, which includes 189 projects from 55 regions of the country. of course, preferential lending is not the only tool the state uses to support domestic tourism, but it is one of the most effective. alexey kvashenkin, susanna pruchikova, anna martynova and olesya silivanova. tv component. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon. what is the best medicine for nail fungus? mizol and volar are more profitable up to 50%. new. mizol in large packaging 50 ml. even bigger and better priced. misola valar - treatment of fungus without overpayments. nail fungus makes it difficult to put on summer shoes. misola won't let the valar ruin your summer. mizol is the most beneficial medicine for nail fungus. new.
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evil in the largest package, it is also larger and more affordable. and now about the weather for tomorrow in the far east, another cyclone will bring heavy rains near buryatia in transbaikal. fortunately, the strongest ones will not affect us, but in the northeast of china, there is a real flood guaranteed. in siberia, from tomsk to kazyl , it is a hot, full sun, day with temperatures of about 30°, while the precipitation zone will approach omsk tomorrow afternoon. a cyclone critically filled with moisture will burst into the urals, and very strong ones should be expected there. in kurgan up to half the norm for the whole month, and the coolness will remain. the volga region is also noticeably lagging behind in temperature, the probability of rain there is higher, it exists all the way to tula, ryazan, but in the trap it’s only the sun that’s almost hot. in the south , temperatures are approaching normal for the first time since early july. shower thunderstorms are mainly in mountainous areas, where forces may gather there. but in st. petersburg the sun is +28 again. moscow tomorrow 25 possible rain. that's all i have for now. watch the weather on ntv.
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guys, but since such thefts occur systematically, then we can try to catch the thief at the crime scene, well, stab him, then we will find out where he hides the filly, well, how are you going to do this, i want to post an advertisement on the internet, the internet is full of advertisements for those interested buy dogs, i know, but i will advertise a specific dog indicating specific club, but no, how much time it will take is unrealistic, and i will indicate a very short deadline for fulfilling the order, and thus we will lead them to the dog we need, and elena vladimirovna, and what cable are you going to order for yourself, you remember my friend , lidya, vaguely, well, well, she also has such a wonderful dog, robin, the dog, i remember, a very good dog, well, well, maybe you’ll call her, and you’ll agree, you know, i wouldn’t want to create
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precedent, and this is your friend, so you call her and make an agreement yourself, okay, then, well, you and i quarreled a little, well , let’s forget everything, especially since she really liked you, in light of what has been said, you are asking me to call your friend lily, well, what can’t you do for the happiness of your beloved friend, especially since you haven’t finished the interview, yeah, yeah robin any.
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yes, i should sit at the helm of the moss, wait for me, tol, yes, no, no, linul, i doubt this idea, why not, well, since the dogs are so stupid from this smell, then letting robin go into the care of mukhtar is unreliable, although he’s smart, he’s a dog, but he’s a dog, sorry, mukhtar, and i believe in mukhtar, so do i. the latest foreign technologies online, and what do you propose so that our valiant russian police, who directly collaborate with criminal structures, nikolai nikolaevich, well, you misunderstood me , excuse me, that is, lieutenant colonel, well , remember how they catch bribe-takers, they are caught with marked bills used to pay for a certain service, well, firstly, marked bills have nothing to do with it, and secondly, these are monarco dealers, there is a straw buyer who orders a large batch of drugs, and how does he catch pickpockets, swindlers, well...
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kolosov, don’t lecture me, i know all this without you, there is, that is , a lieutenant colonel, but in principle i did not insist on my ideas and am ready to act according to the plan proposed to my comrades lieutenant colonel, sit down, well, i... asked you to conduct an informal investigation, so my consent or order is not required here, and nikolaykavich, if i understand correctly, the investigation is informal and i can act at my own discretion, so the latest technologies are online, in is our time it was called live bait, greens, fresh greens, friend, homemade, of course, look how fresh it is.
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we will do everything, you can rely on us, lilya, think carefully before you trust this superman, whose entire version is based on a trampled bunch of dill, whether a reliable person or not is not for me to decide, but if someone here understands dogs, then it’s you and me, tell me, do you have doubts, no, and i have no doubt, in the near future this company will catch not a single dog, okay, robin and i are ready. great, and i promise you that the fly will look after robern, and i - livechka will follow you and the supermen will win, i agree, so when are we going to get to work? tomorrow 8, 8 am, and in the evening, if you don’t mind, i invite you to a restaurant, if you want, i
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will be happy to give you an interview, but on one condition, i pay for dinner, why, artyom, we can have dinner for editorial account, excluded. lilya, you just listened to the standard set of an ordinary seducer. absolutely true, lilechka, but lena, admit it, at one time it worked flawlessly for you. for friendship, for friendship, for friendship, fly. once again recognized as better by independent experts.
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air tickets up to 30% on alpha fridays. discover all profitable destinations in the bank’s app or on the website ten, well, i’m there, while no one is there, everything is fine, okay, see you, little bleak, the main thing is don’t be afraid of anything, everything will be fine, i promise you.
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lilya, i have to tell you something, look carefully to the left, there is your friend, lena. we are being watched, here are
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the athletes, let go of robena, fly, sniff. lilya, wait here!
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tolik, they ran in the other direction.
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so calm down, don’t twitch, everything will be fine,
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fine, don’t worry. hello, artyom? lely, everything is fine, don’t worry, robin is unharmed and wagging his tail for you. god bless. the best savings deposit up to 18% per annum. open in sberbank online. takayama motor oil formula instantly adapts to any engine operating mode and in real time activates the additives that are necessary to protect it right now. takayama - adaptive engine protection. the pain can be different, no matter what has become
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components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells. 45 on ntv, hello, great, are you so happy, yes, i’m again all night today, like i got to the hall, i don’t remember, i thought i didn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how
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you do it, i’ve already started to forget how it happens, well, what should i buy, what’s there, what’s it called? i remember, and also remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don’t think, i know, you’re dark, of course, i’m now my wife, you know how, and what’s there, how take it, call, everything is simple, when you order, everything will be explained to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying. that's it, i drove off, keep it, try it, then again say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think, call and order. and remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times. let's! meet the new golden prostatricum. prostatricum gold. prostatricum gold is
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god, help, athlete, well, i've been running around, get off, philly, philly, brother, you're mine, filka, you're mine, dear, where have you been, well, i searched for you, well, where have you been running, well , that's it tell me how you like him, how do you like him found it, yes, easily, carried out the operation, fishing with live bait, eh? i am passing on your experience to the youth with all my might, the guys worked clearly, quickly, as you taught, thank you, you respected the old man, well, thank you, well, i have
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a request to you, because the guys worked unofficially, you should write a statement, fyodor pavlovich in all uniforms, that’s how it’s supposed to be, okay, it’s time to reward the guys a long time ago, well, with pleasure, really, you know, i try not to spoil them, as you taught, well , thank you, right? be healthy, let's go, philly, home, home, tramp, home, that's it here mukhtar accomplishes his feat, overcoming himself, he leaves such a calling, mowing trail of bitches, oh, excuse me, ladies, he saves rubina, detains these criminals,
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you, because well, the day after tomorrow at 7:00 pm genatsvale restaurant, genatsvale genasvali, inasvali mukhtar , tell me, do you agree to georgian wine, cheese, herbs and shish kebab? skate, skate, skate, skate, skate, skate!
11:00 am
tyoma, come to us, good evening, this is the bride, it’s a pity that it’s not mine, my congratulations, i don’t understand what’s going on here, we invited you. well, first of all, due to the editors, i'm i don’t go to a restaurant, that’s one thing, and secondly, i was invited, but not a wedding, a wedding, a wedding, my friend lilla is getting married to her main one, and we played you a little, i can’t give it to someone else forever.


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