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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 25, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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an accurate hit, the iskander m operational-tactical complex struck a temporary deployment point of the armed forces of ukraine in the building of construction companies in the kharkov industrial zone, killing a hundred militants, 40 of them foreign. mercenaries at gunpoint from pacific marine corps snipers disrupt the rotation of enemy troops and hunt for armored vehicles of ukrainian nationalists in the vicinity of ugledar. deadly pill. in the krasnodar territory, investigators uncovered a network of pharmacies that were selling counterfeit medicines. at least four teenagers died after buying counterfeit goods. in the name of democracy, biden addressed the americans and explained why he abandoned his presidential ambitions for a second term.
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meanwhile, benjamin netanyahu, speaking before american congressmen, said that israel would not give up victory over the hamas movement and would complete the operation, as well as the lost artifacts, the list of exhibits stolen by the nazis from the taganrog museum during the occupation in 1943 was declassified, which was possible return after the war. this is the program today in the edmund chelbynov studio. hello. the largest loss of western instructors in ukraine this year. the western press assessed the precise strikes of our iskandar-m missile system on the temporary deployment point of the ukrainian armed forces near kharkov. objective control footage was published today by the ministry of defense. as a result of the attack, 40 foreign mercenaries and 60 military personnel, 151 mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. they were all hiding in the building of a construction company. in one of the industrial zones of kharkov. the missiles of the iskander operational-tactical complex overcame enemy air defense systems and hit right into the building. just the day before, the same precise strike was carried out on the command post.
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a mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in krasny liman in the donetsk people's republic was destroyed, including two uav control center vehicles, 10 aircraft- type drones and more than 300 fpv drones. the same strikes from our missile forces greatly help our progress. one of the most difficult areas is now in yuzhnodonetsk, where snipers of the pacific fleet marine corps are working. that night they disrupted another rotation of ukrainian armed forces units in the ugledar area. behind rostislavsky observed the actions of our military. reaper sos, you are the eighth square, we will occupy the fifth, everything is clear, yes, observation when ready on your own, at work they are taciturn, sound is a source of risk, unmasks, in the sniper craft , conspiracy is the same weapon as a rifle, after a short briefing, in the long run and most importantly, a quiet path to the firing positions, the area of ​​​​responsibility of snipers of the pacific marine corps...
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there is a high risk of being detected after a shot, and if you hesitate, you will also get caught in a barrage fire in response, but sometimes it is necessary to linger for a couple of minutes to make sure that the support is cleared, it is possible to lie down a little and still confirm the goal, for example, if there is still no movement, if, for example, there are more people, the number of the enemy, that
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is, we can work not only in one rifle, in two barrels. pacific snipers combine such delicate operations with rough work on enemy equipment. their area of ​​interest is command vehicles in the ssu, most often these are lightly armored transporters. the more you if you throw it at the equipment, it will cause more damage, but the enemy still gets scared, stops, and further in comes the uav. summer is the golden season for snipers, it’s warm at night, ambushes are not bad, and during the day it’s sunny, targets are clearly visible through the optics of the rifle, through the lenses of our aerial reconnaissance. in flowering forest plantations, the boundary between natural artificial camouflage is ideally erased, and even being in relative safety after combat duty, the shooters of the vostok group do not neglect means of camouflage, and we we do not neglect personal protective equipment. the fact is that such a concept as a safe zone during a special military operation is already quite relative, and attack drones fly at a distance of up to 20 km, and this is clearly visible on our drone detector, right now. such peaks are on
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our screen, this means that somewhere in the sky there is an attack drone, the question is whether it’s ours or the enemy’s, our fighters have to work at extreme distances from the enemy. less than a kilometer, we are working on it, everything is flying at us at once, artillery, about you don’t want to tell me about your wound, but it’s not that special, but why is he, well, why in the ranks, in battle, you keep finding, you were walking with your partner - from a combat position, there was a drop, three fragments flew in, your partner provided first aid, we got to the orderlies, we processed everything, sewed it up, took out the fragments, 2 weeks later i was in service, a reaper’s partner with the call sign sos... also recently returned from the hospital, on the way with a task a drone with a cumulative projectile flew into the car, the car immediately caught fire and ran saving a comrade, for a reason, i have such a urge, my my partner has a lot of heavy storage, i pulled it out, my rifle burned out in the car, it
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came as a replacement, now it’s a leftover weapon, the arsenal of our snipers has recently been replenished with new large-caliber rifles, these are mainly russian weapons, there are proven foreign models, for any task. with the development of the russian offensive in the yuzhnodonetsk sector , snipers are only getting more of them every day. rostislav skidan valeriyan kushnir and dmitry tsarkov. ntv television company. yuzhnodonetsk direction of special military operations. the general situation in the middle east, trade turnover between russia and syria, and 80 years of diplomatic relations. these topics became the main topics during the conversation between vladimir putin and bashar al-assad. the presidents met the night before.
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countries have gone through very difficult tests, and of course, these decades have witnessed complex transformation processes, but the relations of our countries maintained their level of trust, and this is an indicator of the maturity of our peoples. the meeting took place without between our countries, in these decades our signing of any documents, the kremlin clarified: bashar assad last flew to moscow in march last year, then the heads of countries discussed the elimination of the consequences of the strongest earthquake in the history of observations that shook syria. israel will not give up victory over the hamas movement and will complete the operation to defeat its opponents, benjamin netanyahu said in a speech in the us congress. the israeli prime minister said the crisis situation would have been resolved long ago if hamas had surrendered and released all the hostages. until then, militants
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the israeli army is putting up desperate resistance. netanyahu spoke at length and spoke of his determination to defeat not only hamas, but all opponents of israel. the prime minister's speech was repeatedly interrupted by applause. when we fight hamas we fight iran, when we fight hezbollah we fight iran, when we fight the houthis we fight iran, when we fight iran we fight the most radical bloodthirsty. the us and something else when israel takes action to stop iran from developing nuclear weapons, weapons that could destroy israel and threaten every american city. we not only protect ourselves, we protect you.
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iran quickly responded to netanyahu's speech. its leader and spiritual leader ayatallah ali khameni said that the united states and israel for 9 months were unable to bring hamas to its knees and achieved only resistance. the world is becoming stronger every day. resistance is growing in the states themselves. some american senators boycotted the prime minister's speech; those who do not accept his methods and do not want the united states to be drawn into middle eastern wars. netanyahu was greeted by crowds of protesters on the streets. the police pre-fenced the congress building with iron fences and activists attacked netanyahu right at the hotel, releasing a huge number of grasshoppers and larvae spilling onto dinner steel. part of the hotel had to be closed for disinfection. there are protesters on the streets... some of these protesters are holding signs
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that say gays for gas, they might as well be holding signs that say chickens for kfc. protesters chant from the river to the sea. but many of them have no idea know which river and which sea we are talking about, they get a bad mark not only in geography, but in history. much more than netanyahu's speech, attention. in front of president biden's cameras. he addressed the nation from the white house and finally tried to explain the strange story of his withdrawal from the presidential race. but it seems that there are no fewer questions about his condition or the reasons for his decision. the president’s speech was analyzed by our correspondent in the usa, alexey veselovsky. president biden was expected to give clear explanations as to why he decided to withdraw from elections. the white house, announcing his address to the country, said that the us president in detail...
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you are withdrawing from the election, while the white house continues to insist that the matter is not at all about the president’s health. biden really looked good, but when he spoke, and he spoke, of course, via a teleprompter, he still got confused several times and sometimes swallowed his words. the republican national committee summed it up on social media: biden is against the teleprompter. the teleprompter remains undefeated. republicans have included trump in recent days, demanding biden to file resign without waiting for the end of the term. since he is not able to run for the second, it means there is no point in sitting out the first, today the white house
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responded to these statements. we believe that any such assumption is absurd, i just listed what the president managed to do in 4 years, he did it, he withdrew his candidacy, but not because he believed that he could not serve a second term. well, if it ’s not a matter of health, then it turns out that they forced me to leave after all. there are more and more leaks in the american press.
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the situation in the asia-pacific region sergey lavrov will discuss today. a few hours ago he arrived in loos. he was met at the plane's ramp by a large delegation led by ambassador vladimir kalinin. these days , the foreign ministers of the association of southeast asian nations are meeting in laos. russia is not part of asia. lavrov holds bilateral meetings. he is expected to outline russian assessments of increased american influence in the asia-pacific region. as our media previously stated, moscow is concerned about the threat of militarization of the region. because of nato is creating closed bloc structures. first of all, we are talking about the aucus alliance
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formed by australia, great britain and the united states, as well as the interaction of the united states with japan, south korea and new zealand. next, a short advertisement, after which we will tell you. the fact that russian banks will now be obliged in some cases to return to clients money stolen by fraudsters. what kind of case is this? find out in business news. lost artifacts, the list of exhibits stolen by the nazis from the museum has been declassified. horns during the occupation in forty-third, which was returned after the war, as well as digital immortality. programmers claim that thanks to artificial intelligence, it is now possible to communicate with deceased relatives, how does the technology work and is it necessary? in general, this summer is with us, this summer is with us, it will sparkle with new colors, buy a big combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions, only at a delicious point, this
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operations, investigative bodies solve special, additional, extremely important tasks, including effectively operating in liberated territories, well, just like that... today it became known how our investigators unraveled another detective story in the krasnodar territory, and they uncovered a whole network of underground pharmacies according to the investigation in last year, two brothers rented
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several dozen non-residential premises, equipped them as pharmacies and began trading, selling fictitious medicines, as well as psychotropic substances, without requiring any prescriptions. they dispensed drugs, including to minors, and opened these pharmacies specifically near schools and colleges; at least four teenagers died, all of them diagnosed with poisoning.
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executions, young people and even children were taken to work in germany. a portrait of hitler hung in the taganrov museum. the museum itself is larger looked like a club. german officers listened to music in the halls. the city had two
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administrations, military and civil. both of them took out museum exhibits. first , weapons and coins for gifts, then in an organized manner, the best of the collections. inventory book of the taganrok city museum, it was kept during the war. here is the name of the paintings and a description of what happened to them. for example, herodias, sora. from the stretcher and badly damaged, here it is indicated opposite the painting by bogdan vabelsky, taken by colonel lebert 278, 43, this is for 3 days before the liberation of taganrog. the red army breaks through the mius front, liberates taganrok with it, the rostov region moves towards donbass. in just a few days, a special commission begins work to assess the damage caused by the occupation. he finds out that 4,624 items were stolen from the taganrog museum. of documents from those years, almost more than a third of the entire collection, the figure
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was restored, but we did not have details of what was exported, how individual lists were exported. not left, declassified archive, parts, it is known that paintings were stolen detailing of the lost, only a small aivazovsky and shishkin, many icons, rare porcelain dishes. there is now a similar collection in peterhof, the state museum of nature reserves, sets from the time of emperor nicholas i, they were made at the carney brothers factory. only 74 items were returned to taganrok, these masks were probably among them. several years ago, this painting by vasily polenov returned to taganrok from germany. this was
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a great joy for us, because such events, well, they are rare for the museum community. to return the rest is extremely difficult complex, experts say, it is unknown whether everything has survived. there were cases when they were taken out of soviet museums and then sold at famous foreign auctions. much is certain. it has long been dispersed into private collections, it is very unlikely that these particular values ​​will end up in wide circulation, that is, these are not some famous paintings, this is not the amber room. archival documents will continue to be declassified; within the framework of the project , the assessment of damage caused by the occupiers continues without a statute of limitations. moreover, in a new way you can take a look at the work of museum staff in those years. they were not accused of aiding the enemy. the director of the taganrog museum, vasily bazilevich, was shot by the gestapo in 1942. at home. they found part of the museum collection on him; it is assumed that this was his way of trying to save it from looting. the archival inventory is now a subject for specialists to study; there is a lot of painstaking work ahead. svyatoslav gordin, maxim smagin.
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russian banks have a new obligation, which sounds promising when retold; they are now obliged in some cases to return to clients money stolen by fraudsters. business news marina pimenova. marina, what kind of incident is this? for example, if a bank transfers money to an account from the central bank’s blacklist. a law has come into force in russia that... will try to cope with voices from the phone, successfully convincing russians, then say a code from an sms, then transfer money to a mythical safe account, then follow the instructions of a certain employee of the ministry of internal affairs. now russian banks in some cases will be obliged to return stolen money to the client. it will be occur if the bank transferred money to an account that is located in a special database of the central bank. in addition, banks will now be able to block for 2 days any transfers that
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seem suspicious to them. during this time, the bank must contact the client and receive confirmation of transactions from him. the central bank clarified that suspicion may be caused, for example, by the fact that the client talked on the phone too often or for a long time before transferring money or received a lot of sms. partner of the company rustam kurmaev and partners dmitry gorbunov says rbc that the effectiveness of methods of combating fraudsters with the new law will also not change significantly. according to him, scammers often use third parties whose accounts are not on any blacklists. the central bank is not included. this morning, the russian stock market lost everything it gained during yesterday's session. investors' caution is explained by the expectation of a new key rate. the central bank significantly lowered the official exchange rates of the dollar and euro. american today 86:55, european - 94.38. now with a driver's license you can will not only go out on the road, but also stop
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at a hotel. vladimir putin instructed the government. developed a bill that allows check-in at a hotel with a driver’s license, as well as with a military id, but the latter is not mentioned in the president’s order. the ministry of economics also offered to check into a hotel, showing.
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what or who am i, am i dead, am i alive, or maybe the monument was not erected by hand, as your children were called? according to asimov's laws, a robot will not harm a person, according to the laws of frank pascual, professor at brooklyn law institute, artificial intelligence and robotic systems should not fake a person, but generating a digital trace of our deceased loved ones in an almost living image, with the help of artificial intelligence, laws have not yet been written, a digital copy seems to think, therefore, it exists in rostov-on-don they know how
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to make such a reasonable copy, while in...
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the world of the dead - this is some kind of dangerous world, where people do not behave as they are, and accordingly, for this, certain rituals were needed, defined as if ritual actions that were supposed to restore this border broken by death, but what can change now, when ritual offices in a number of countries offer to digitize the future deceased during their lifetime, so that you can communicate with them after death, in general, already today, to create a digital double of a person, the digital trace that he left on the internet, photographs, videos, information about preferences, purchases, other internet activity is enough, and if there is such information hundreds, thousands of times
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moreover, creating a personality with such a volume of data for generative artificial intelligence will certainly not be difficult, especially when the transfer of such information turns out to be voluntary, no one is sounding the alarm in russia yet, but imported studies are complaining about...
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where will that road to family crypt by the spirit of ancestors in a cemetery or telephone. alexey prokin, alexander stvolin, irina lemkin and aleona antonova, ntv television company. and at the end of the issue, impressive footage from kamchatka. the bezimyany volcano threw ashes onto height 12 km. the ministry of emergency situations announced the highest red code of aviation danger and recommended local companies to change flight routes. the plume of smoke and tiny particles from the volcano stretched almost 1.0 km towards the bering sea. ash covered several villages of the kronotsky nature reserve, and all tourist routes in the surrounding area were closed for the next few days. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon! what is
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the best medicine for nail fungus ? misola valar is up to 50% more profitable. new. mizol in large packaging 50 ml. even bigger and better priced. mizol evalar. nail fungus will ruin your summer. misole is the biggest hindrance to putting on summer shoes. mizol evalar is not a beneficial cure for nail fungus. new. mizol in the largest package is even larger and more affordable. good morning, tatyana ermilova is in the studio, about the weather for tomorrow. the urals are preparing for new and bad weather. showers return to the forecast, heavy in places with thunderstorms and gusty winds. the tour corresponds more to the end of september. in the volga region it is also noticeable it will get colder, but there will be no significant precipitation here. in the north-west, light rains cannot be excluded, they are possible in the pskov and novgorod regions, but just there the temperature will be slightly above normal, during the day
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+28:30, but on the shores of the baltic in the kaliningrad region it is not yet higher than 25, but also without precipitation. on the black sea coast the value is an order of magnitude higher, but there will no longer be sweltering heat. and in the crimea, krasnodar territory , there will be rain in places in the mountainous areas, showers, but in the capitals tomorrow there will be no precipitation, in st. petersburg +28, in moscow a little more modest, at night 12:14, during the day about 26, atmospheric pressure is normal. hello, mash, good afternoon, forgive me for
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yesterday’s harshness.


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