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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara-2  NTV  July 25, 2024 10:35am-11:01am MSK

10:35 am
slightly above normal in the daytime +28:30, but on the shores of the baltic in the kaliningrad region it is not yet higher than 25, but also without precipitation. on the black sea coast the value is an order of magnitude higher, but there will no longer be sweltering heat; in the crimea, in the krasnodar territory, there will be occasional rain in the mountainous areas of downpour. but in the capitals, tomorrow there will be no precipitation, in st. petersburg -28, in moscow a little more modest, at night 12:14, during the day about 26, atmospheric pressure is normal.
10:36 am
hello, mash, good afternoon, forgive me for yesterday’s harshness, well, you understand, you’re not at the concert, sergey petrovich, you asked presentation, well, yes, well, yes, yes, okay, don’t be offended, i hope, masha, that there will be no more such mistakes, because tomorrow you have to speak at the presentation, that is, how can it not? “listen, i don’t want to listen to stories about some maniacs, i need you to speak, you understand me, yes, this is stipulated in the contract, so shut up, otherwise the contract will be terminated, you understand me, that’s it, that’s it, i said lumps!"
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kirusik, that's what, just in case, prepare a lemish replacement, who, well, this one, what's his name, rapper, well, justin, sergei petrovich, customers may not agree, they want lemisheva, and you reduce the amount of the fee, by the way. in the near future, orders for lemisheva cannot be negotiated, so we are no longer working with her, my cat, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it , that’s it , that’s it, that’s it, you close the door for now, i’ll arrange it, like that, like that, like that. come on, listen, you know, what
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confuses me in this whole matter is that how a maniac turned out to be at the right time, in the right place, well, it’s reasonable, and you know, i think he heard that there would be a concert that would take participation maria lemishova, arrived at the entrance and hid there in advance. look, the concert starts at 7:00, so, lemishova was leaving at 10:00, so, the maniac was waiting for her at the entrance for about 20 minutes, why do you think so, he told the taxi, he came for her at 9:00 and no one was with him came in, go, go, here, and all day long, somewhere up to 93 , electricians were working in the entrance, they didn’t see anything either, i ’ve already spoken to them, yeah, that means he could have been in the entrance from 20:30 to 21: absolutely , which means it follows from this that the maniac knew with an accuracy of plus or minus 10 minutes. when masha
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leaves the apartment, go, well, we need to find out where he received this information, for example, from the driver who takes him to concerts, true, but this option disappears, i already checked it, yeah, good, but if from the organizers of the concert, well, this is already more likely, although, although who performs for whom and the repertoire, which means the time of the performance, is discussed in a rather narrow circle, and a left-wing person is unlikely to be able to obtain this information, but if our maniac is one of the organizers of the concert, this could be, yes, yeah, interesting, oh, what are you are you making me in your office, do you have to knock when you enter your office? yes, flax, well, flax, honestly, we’re with you for literally 15 minutes, it’s a good idea for me to play one game of chess, a rematch. and they’re screwed,
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that’s it, look, tell me what the results are, just don’t bother us, okay, we ’ll be quick, come on, go, well, first of all, i really wanted cherries, uh-huh, uh-huh. uh-huh, help yourself, thank you, yes, thank you, and secondly, according to timofey fedorovich, our maniac is not even a maniac at all, uh-huh, wait, in what sense, literally, mm, delicious cherry, delicious, open jardin gold. enjoy its rich and bright aroma, balanced, soft taste, feel the specialness of every moment with jardín gold. jardín gold - the pleasure of feeling
10:41 am
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10:42 am
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10:46 am
so it means it’s not a maniac who wants to kill me, but a normal person? no, the question is: does he even want to kill you? well, he attacked me. masha, remember, you heard the click and sound of the blade popping out? now, did you understand that it was a push-button knife? yes, especially. masha, there was only one blow, very neat, archy
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is safe, this man is good with weapons, he is a professional, he very competently went for a maniac, it doesn’t look like, yes, so this is not a maniac and not a psycho, a cold-blooded, calculating scoundrel who wants to scare you, another question is why he needs this, please think about what you would do if he finally wanted you. well, i wouldn’t leave the house, although after the latest telephone threats, i don’t go anywhere anyway, but i’ve just gone to concerts, that is , they would stop performing, and, probably, i would even leave moscow to go home to the novosibirsk region, this would be a benefit for someone, yes, so that you don’t perform and so that went home, and who cares, competitors? no, i don’t think so, maybe it’s him, sit, i’m going to samarka, are you ready?
10:48 am
yes, hello, masha, it’s me, anyway, how about speaking at the presentation? sergei petrovich, i said that i couldn’t. masha, you are not fulfilling your obligations, keep this in mind affect your fees. for starters , it would be nice to get these royalties, you will get them. soon, but minus the fines that are provided for in the contract, and these are quite large amounts, so think carefully about whether you will perform or not, this is my producer, kiryaev, sergei petrovich, the one who does not like to pay, yes, but a lot he owes you, taking into account the tour of the urals, about 100 thousand dollars.
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where should they go? that’s it, well, here’s work from him for pennies. but with masha another number came out. yes, with masha it’s not according to the standard scheme happened. but olga petrovna did not take into account one point. about the system of fines for disruption of a performance due to the artist’s fault, there is such a fad, but what is there? well
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, there is a rather complex system of fines, which, by the way, is assessed by the producer, and if masha misses at least one more concert, then he will reduce his debt to her to almost zero, and then he can terminate the contract. well, then everything works out, he intimidates masha, and not himself, he hires a person for this.
10:51 am
do you think he'll use a fake maniac again? yes, i'm sure of it, and did you take into account that the girl there is no leash for the dog, if it is accompanied by a person, then the maniac is unlikely to decide to attack, of course, nikolai nikolaevich taught, masha will now have a new dog, pavadere, oh, so, it seems to me, even i can guess the name of this dog, you.. nikola nikolavich, yeah, the best savings deposit up to 18% per annum, open in sberbank online. picador, our view of what ketchup should be, juicy, aromatic and truly spicy. picador, unexpectedly piquant ketchup.
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10:53 am
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10:54 am
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10:56 am
know, i’m still afraid, even though you say that he only wanted to scare, but to end up with this guy again, you know that he has a knife, little darling, don’t be afraid, firstly, we are completely in control of the situation, and secondly, mukhtar will be with you, yes, but you’re not are you afraid that he is a mukhtara so karchi? no, muhu no, muhu is very well trained, he is a fighting, strong dog, a professional, okay, then you should call the producer to say everything, word is word, as we agreed, okay, just be brave , don’t be afraid, okay, yeah, well, now walk with a fly. show me how you can do it yes, than march, sergei petrovich, lemishova
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is calling, connect, uh-huh, yes, presentation. at 10:00 today, will you still honor us with your performance? what about a maniac? doesn't bother you anymore? the police say that there was no maniac, it was a hooligan with a knife, they just don’t want to look for anyone, it seems to me, well, will you come to the concert? yes, i will be at 10, send the car for you? no, it’s not necessary, but what about the dog? archie is in the hospital, i took another lead dog for a while, how will you get there? i'll come by taxi, that's it. meeting, well done, car, very good,
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calm, waiting. hello, kolya, well, we need to repeat it again with this
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lemisheva, well, yes, she’s going to a concert tonight, and by 11 she’ll be on the dynamo, by taxi, oh well, don’t worry about the cops, she said they came for you. blamed it all on the drunk, yes, the hooligans were drunk, well , they don’t want to search for free, what yes, no, no, she has a new water dog, oh well, decide for yourself, well, of course it would be gothic in the entrance, like last time, well yes, yes, i’ll pay extra, i’ll pay extra separately. okay, okay,
11:00 am
yes. yes, i understand, how? yes, yes, i hear it. fine. we ended up on the right. after masha’s call, comrade kiryaev called the performer back. no one needs it. we are working. mukha, are you ready? the fly is ready. so don't be afraid of anything. everything will be fine.


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