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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-6  NTV  July 28, 2024 6:10am-7:01am MSK

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how many two pieces, give it here, that’s it, good luck. good day, traffic police inspector kazlov, documents, please, there is insurance, yes, there is a sticker on the glass, okay, take everyone’s documents, let’s leave. “come on quickly,
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please tell me what you saw? so, i was walking with the dog, returning home, i see the traffic cop stopped the car, the driver lowered the window, was handing him documents, the traffic cop suddenly pulled out a gun right at his head, at that time from another two more cars jump out with machine guns, i don’t remember, i don’t remember, but you do you remember their face?"
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what kind of person, yes my classmate, haven’t seen each other since school, i could be wrong, i looked at the documents, but he doesn’t have documents, wait, what was his name, kolya, kolya, kolya, tarasov, tarasov, that’s right, listen, he was an excellent student with us, okay, get on with it, yeah.
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it’s very nice, she’s also looking for one person, though he’s still alive, uh-huh, anechka, this is for you, thank you, and you’ll come by tomorrow morning, okay . , just leave the papers, if you’re down, then we’re on our way, no, unfortunately, i ’m up, it was nice to meet you, you you know, there’s a wonderful cafe nearby, let me treat you to a cup of coffee. thank you, thank you yes or thank you no? thanks, yes. i haven't seen you in the department before. are you new to work? you guessed. who are you looking for? actually, this is an official secret. but i'll tell you. we are looking for one malicious taxpayer. i work at
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the tax office, but it scares you, do you have any problems with taxes? no, i have no problems with taxes, and it doesn’t scare me so much that i would dare to invite you again, can i call you, well well, here's my business card, thanks. slava, what is it, well, you can’t do the same, you’ll have to do extra work, otherwise we’ll lose the match, you know how you got me with your football, if only you knew, and so, kirill, show me how to do it, remember, yes, go ahead, hit , well done! it’s immediately obvious that you
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didn’t play football as a child, you played and played, it’s just that in our childhood the goals were smaller, that’s it, that’s enough, stop talking, let’s train, the match is in a few days, listen, georgivich, maybe we’ll tie it today, huh? well, my whole body aches, by god, another half hour, thank you let's practice, okay, but i have beer, three bottles and a carton of juice, and what kind of beer, wait, fresh, when did you have time, fresh, okay, let's call it a day for today, well, what if, guys? we’ll train like this, we won’t see a quarterly bonus, we ’ll lose our last health because of this bonus, nothing, georgivich, we’ll take it by strength of spirit. well, kohl, did you find out about your classmate? i found out, i found out. well, he moved a long time ago. i
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found out his new address at the computer center. yeah. well, what did they say, it means he got divorced and recently lived with his sister his and his daughter's high school student. so she doesn't know at all.
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you see, i never thought or planned in my life, good afternoon, hello, hello, captain volkov, criminal investigation department, tell me, this man... used the services of your company, yes, he often visited us, but only communicated with him gennady petrovich, who is this? our director, gennady petrovich polyakov, how to find him, straight down the corridor to the right, over there, thank you, well, i’ll continue. hello, is this the neva company? yes, can i talk to your boss? ah, good one day, how can i introduce you? captain volkov, criminal investigation department. very nice. gennady
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petrovich is not here now, he will be back any minute. please sit down. thank you. maybe you could make some tea or coffee? no, thank you, no need, but you are in vain refusing, we have very tasty cookies for tea, one visitor gave them, here you go, thank you, these are the ones with roses, very tasty, mm, these are the ones with walnuts, you love walnuts ? yes, they say they are good for health, very useful, especially for higher digestion.
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tanya, here are the reports, uh-huh, distribute them to our employees, uh-huh, okay, you prepared what i asked you for, yes, of course, uh-huh, what are you giving me, this is not at all the same, you created a mess here table, well, genochka, genochka, dear, don’t be angry, please, i’ll fix everything. here’s another thing, send this agreement to budapest by fax, here’s the number, genochka, and budapest is in
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ukraine, it’s in hungary, tanya, sorry, it’s difficult with some employees. do you like sweets? yes, you know what modern youth are like now, they love to eat sweets, dress nicely, well, there’s no time left for work, yes. and i sympathize with you, you have to put up with it, but on the other hand, you can’t find an intelligent worker in our time, so why are you coming to me? i want to talk about one person with whom you were connected with some kind of commercial business, well, why did he, we often work with him, this is nikolai tarasov, our regular client, i’m talking about him in the past tense, because he was killed last year week, shot in his own car on an oblique line, what are you saying, yes with him... two more people who were in the car died together, and what matters connected you with tarasov? from time to time he
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exchanged large sums of money with us, dollars for rubles vice versa, and what company did he represent? he represented an individual. did you meet him often? there was no special schedule, sometimes he appeared every day, sometimes he disappeared for a month, i had to call each other, the sums were large, i had to... prepare for the meeting, were you interested in where he got such sums from? you see, we don't we are interested in the origin of our clients’ money, this is one of the conditions of our work, maybe you had any assumptions about this? we can assume anything we want, but once again i want to tell you that we are not obliged to know and check the origin of the money that is brought to us for exchange, the only thing i can answer is why? because we have a favorable exchange rate for large amounts. we can make a discount, you know? okay, here’s my business card, if you remember anything, call me, and
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come and see us if you decide to change it money, we will also try to arrange a discount for you. thank you, goodbye, all the best. what's happened? probably check the technical inspection. yes. good afternoon, traffic police inspector kozlov. documents, please. “guys, i
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agreed with fedya, he’ll give us a lift to the stadium, let’s go, just wait 5 minutes with your football, you see, i just poured tea, no, 5 minutes won’t solve anything, well, sit down, please, it’s actually harmful to eat before training, what are you talking about, come on!” bon appetit, thank you, sit, sit, oleg georich, come to me, please, comrade colonel, this is how it is here, we can’t do this, we have to go to training, he’s our coach, we can’t live without him, that’s it, we’ll have to cancel the training, no cancellations of training, we need to talk, but how are we playing? . the sword can’t hit, you know, what do you think, we don’t
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understand anything here, no, we don’t think so, no, well, we honestly don’t think so. in short, there is information for internal use, on the day of the match they will send us a person from the management, he played as a striker for the zenit reserve, i will send him for reinforcement, so to speak, but well, another thing, what then of course, olegovich, come in, come in. well, guys, go without me, start,
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i’ll come back later, i was traveling through the war, yeah, miracles, glory, i’m proud of you, irochka, come on, kira is already better, i’ve arrived, come on, give me a pass, that’s it! well, give me the ball, let me hit, nine, georgich, georgich, well, well, get up, what are you doing, come on, get up, if, what happened, what happened, if, if? what are you saying, why is my knee injured, let's go to the bench, like this, let's go, oh, come on, come on, come on, be careful, be quiet, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, sit down, nothing, until the wedding will live, yes, with such a life you won’t live to see the wedding, but to get it, you will live, you will live, you will live, yeah, glory, you don’t have beer today,
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listen, guys, there is important information about the latest murder, yesterday morning it was committed in the neighboring area a similar attack, here... according to eyewitnesses, the car was stopped by a traffic cop, and then he and two others shot everyone who was in the car, still the same company, i think so, but this time one of the victims survived, he is now in military medical academy, the condition is satisfactory, with his help they established the identities of the two dead, and one more thing, that they were going to the currency exchange, and this is interesting, i should have taken you to talk to this, you’ll go in the morning, thank you, well, yes, well, i’ve recovered, yes, it seems... that’s it, let’s go , let's go to train, where, georgi, come on, come on, if, let's go, so wait, let's go, oh, yes,
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anechka, sorry, i was in a hurry as best i could, it 's okay that i kicked you, caught the criminal, mercilessly. so what, the criminal escaped? no, not really, i managed to catch him. okay, what should we do, take a walk? oh, uh, no, let's probably sit in a cafe somewhere, over there, let's celebrate the successful capture of a criminal, that's right, today's special issue, cool mask. to the anniversary of igor krutoy. it's hard to believe this, but what can you do? 70 and 70. special episode of the mask show. old friends congratulate the maestro. birthday. without your music, we were different. this music will touch for thousands of years to come. and completely
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today at 20:00. damn, it's busy busy. brokerage firm neva. please connect me with polikov. who is asking him? criminal investigation, captain wolf. i'm listening. hello, gennady petrovich. this captain volkov from the criminal investigation department. we met last week. hello. i want to ask you a question that may relate to our last conversation. i'm listening. tell me, eh. among your clients there were no people with the names daniil andreev and kirill seleznev? seleznev, yes, this is our client, you know, the fact is
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that 2 days ago i had an appointment with him, but he didn’t come, which is not like him. yeah, what time was the meeting scheduled? i'll look now at two. yeah, at a quarter to two he was killed in his car at entrance to the exchange. hmm, it’s not for nothing that they say that minuscule people go in pairs. “i would like to meet with you and discuss this, you know, vyacheslav yuryevich, i’m ready to meet with you, but we still won’t have anything to talk about, about seleznev, about the previous one, i really don’t know anything, except of course the amounts they exchanged with us. of course, i’m ready to collect the bills and send them to you by fax. okay, gennady petrovich, i’ll contact you, goodbye.” what a bug this wig is. listen, heer, run him through the card index. polikov.
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we have two issues on the agenda. first by murder. how is the investigation going? we managed to identify one of the dead. on the oblique line, this is tarasov nikolai, his sister says that he was doing some business at the currency exchange, i was at the exchange and talked with the general director of the brokerage firm niva polikov, gennady, and it turned out that tarasov was also killed this week, selezenev, regularly exchanged large sums of money with him on the stock exchange and... most importantly, polikov knew when he would have the money on the stock exchange, since he had agreed with them in advance about meeting. so what follows from this? well , it follows that palyakov is the main
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suspect. of course, he has an alebi. yes, he himself was in his office at the time of the murder and was waiting for those killed to bring him money. all his employees can confirm this. well, then he’s not listed on our card. what about the kind of murder? ballistics experts checked the weapon using shell casings left at the crime scene. it belongs to a batch of machine guns stolen 4 years ago in vologda. and according to our data , these weapons surfaced, but from this batch only. that it’s not here, in nizhny novgorod, maybe guest performers from nizhny came to us, but in general, machine guns from one batch could have ended up with bandits and not related to each other, in any case, this needs to be checked, yeah, my former classmate is in nizhny novgorod works in the department, mikhail kharitonov is also a colonel, oleg
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georgievich, send... someone on a business trip to nizhny, at the same time let them pass a package from me, i obey, andrey petrovich, okay, this is clear, develop polikov’s line, well, now the second and main the question is, how are the training going, yes, we are doing our best, and what is the 100% attendance? well, captain dymov is training, despite his injury, you are studying the book that i gave you, yes, you read it, from cover to cover, andrei petrovich, that’s right, by the way, the management will come to root for you, guys, don’t let us down, we won’t let you down, andrey petrovich, yeah, do you have any questions? then get to work.
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attention of those meeting you. fast train number 31. st. petersburg, nizhny novgorod, is on the seventh track. i repeat. fast train number 301, st. petersburg, nizhny novgorod, arrives on the seventh track. attention, passenger train number 27 departs from platform number six, nizhny novgorod, ufa. goodbye good luck.
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allow me, comrade colonel, whatever you want, captain volkov from st. petersburg, come on in. hello, your colonel called me, i ’m aware of your problems, how is he doing there, by the way, okay, what’s working, by the way, he sent you a parcel that this is homemade jam, and it’s his wife who makes it, it turns out very tasty , last time in in st. petersburg at their dacha, i got
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exactly half a jar in one sitting...
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everything is here, maybe you will have better luck, okay, we’ll figure it out, thank you, i wish you good luck, too. bon appetit, well , thank you, tell me, doesn’t it bother you that all three attacks were committed on clients of your company? i thought about this a lot, maybe it’s an accident, huh, and you ’ve been heading the company for a long time, you yourself? its foundation, we registered 5 years ago, yeah, what about your staff turnover? there is a very strong team in the group, everyone with whom i started, up to still work for us, a rare case,
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except perhaps for one girl, she was a secretary, however, the company only benefited from her departure when she quit, if my memory serves me right, two years ago, yeah, but you didn’t... could you tell us more about her, what was her name, how many years, wait a minute, her name was tatyana bochkareva, yeah, age 26 years old, but in vain you should focus on her, i’ve never met a more clueless worker in my life, she always confused everything, forgot. when she quit, we breathed a sigh of relief, but why didn’t you fired? how can i tell you, she still had some advantages, of course,
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you don’t have a photograph of her depicted, perhaps. “i have one group portrait, we took a photo on the third anniversary of the company during a banquet, you know, at the university of nizhny novgorod they spoke of a talented and purposeful girl, just like that. yes, come on, dashing, especially interesting, we need to check it out, isn’t it in our file cabinet? and how many were in the lower robbery? three, three, so if they
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operate according to the old scheme, there should be a third? happen here. what are we going to do, georgievich? so, let's follow this person, we need to listen to her conversations at work and at home. kolya, thank you, get on with it. yes. yes, more. do you need to install a bug, i don’t know, in your purse, or what? well, as always , the hardest part is how to organize conversations? okay, i'll help. can he help? go ahead, but i 'll talk to our economic consultant, there's something i don't like about these robberies.
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hello, hello, hello, please tell me your boss is there, i would like to discuss one transaction, gennady petrovich is not here now, when will he be? not until half an hour later, but you can make an appointment and come another day, or wait and we'll wait, uh-huh, we 'll wait, uh-huh, okay, please have a seat, thank you, have a seat. maybe tea or coffee? i might like tea, i might like coffee, i can offer you chocolates, a gift from our foreign partners. you can watch it with pleasure. what, are you crazy?
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what's happened? i told you yesterday, no drink so much. lord, what happened? please give me a glass of cold water, please give me a glass of cold water, well, come on, come on! well, i feel better, thank you, it seems easier, thank you, how are you, we’ll probably come another time, okay, well, that’s better, yeah, thank you very much, thank you, maybe i’ll call an ambulance, no, we went on our own . take the glasses, take the glasses, take them, sorry,
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please, oh, inconvenient, how did it happen, thank you, forgive me, please, well done, kaya bey wanted to hit sunukhanim, what are you sick, you are pathetic, shut up, shut up, you need harsher conditions, i was too soft before, where is my daughter, do you know why cyran had to get engaged to that guy to save her? my father, your son, and the keshaga is not who he claims to be, we have already found out where they are hiding now, and we will catch them all, kingfisher, new season, today at 13:00 on ntv. the mask is a special issue for the anniversary of igor krutoy, today at 20:00. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology, this can lead to inflammation and cell destruction. two components of phosphaglyph help not
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keratin amino complex deeply restores the hair structure, seals split ends, hair is restored, strong, smooth. sios, my hair looks like it came out of a salon, every day. the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated and has become even more profitable with a sbertime subscription. plus two top cashback categories, 1% on everything. and twice as many bonuses every month. it’s more profitable in sberbank with prime. the two components of phosphoglyph help not not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in economical packaging of 96 capsules. have you started looking for a loan that will approve? compare simplifies this task. take a loan on the website or in the mobile application. compare. be careful, buzova! scandals, romances, breakups, all her secrets are about this. what does buzova have that sobchag doesn’t?
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why is the downed pilot jealous of her? where did buzova get her millions? who made her the star of the galaxy and the whipping girl in an investigation based on real events, today at 22:30 on ntv. you see, georgievich, in parallel with the officially existing currency exchange system , an unofficial one is actively functioning, in which money exchangers work, cashiers collecting money from money changers, collectors collecting
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money from cashiers and taking it to the exchange, playing on the difference between the official and street rates, yes, absolutely right, understandable. we catch opportunities, but you understand, the legal framework is weak, after 2 hours they have to be released, we’ll take a fine, and then everything again, which means they’ve been attacked the cars carried collectors belonging to this system, i think, yes, usually the difference between the official and street rates is small, but on days when the dollar rises sharply and the ruble falls accordingly, it can be significant, which is quite natural. considering the number of transactions, naturally, the activity of the system on such days increases, yeah, they increase, which means the turnover, well, yes, of course, by the way, on the day of the robberies you indicated, exactly such dollar jumps occurred and, therefore, the revenue from collectors was greater than usual , yes,
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exactly, listen, is it possible to predict such a jump, this is what we are working for, yes, when will the next fall of the ruble take place? we are working next wednesday, everyone understands, why on wednesday? calm down, vitenka, they are thinking for you, and i advise you not to miss this time. tatyana mikhailovna, who knew that he would turn out to be so tenacious? you don’t need to know anything, everything should be calculated down to the smallest detail, check everything again, what kind of car they will go in, how many people will be in the car, the amount of money, and so that... no mistakes, you need to track them in the morning routes, we’ll take them on the third or fourth trip, closer to the evening, look for some quiet side street, we’ll do everything like on tatyana mikhailovna, don’t worry, okay, there will be more questions, thank you for you,
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listen, what are you doing tomorrow , maybe we’ll go out of town, sunbathe, burn, i’d love to, but i can’t this week, we’re preparing for one operation, i accidentally found out today that your department is playing football on thursday, yeah, yeah, listen , i don’t know anything about this, what about you, come to cheer, no, what are you talking about, i don’t like football, that’s another matter, figure skating or tennis, yes, listen, i don’t like it either, i hate this sport, it’s another matter, a beautiful gentlewoman, give me money, happily ever after.
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hello, hello, traffic police inspector kozlov, documents, so inspector, i didn’t break anything, stand, hands on the hood, okay, hands said on the hood, car, glory goes away, quiet, quiet, quiet. you shoot!
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sit, good afternoon, hello, hello, we, oh, how are you feeling, much better than... last time should upset you, but today you will have to wait again, i must disappoint you, but this time we won’t wait, alas, oops, somehow our savior is not visible, don’t worry, he will definitely come, the main thing is that the tax authorities and spartak two were not invited, great! “so, guys, they sent me to you as a striker, yeah, borya, and did you
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play for the zenit double? no, that striker is now on a mission, they sent me, you, yes, that’s it, guys, we’re burning for the team criminal investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs play number, number one elena tsvintuk, number seven - svetlana ivanova, number five elizaveta
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vzorova, number six, svetlana kilasenskova, not there in the main office, they were completely crazy, just to check the box, say thank you that we are not playing with veterans of the ministry of internal affairs, but there are chances of winning, the match is being served by a republican category referee.
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in today's conditions, this may even sound strange, but in history there was more partnership between russia and the united states than conflicts, support from russia and the united states in the struggle for independence, support from president lincoln in the civil war in usa, participation in the anti-british coalition, that is, there were indeed much more friendly gestures in our history than it might seem. paradoxically, in fact, russian-american relations have existed longer than they themselves. back in 1698 , peter ii as part of the great embassy.


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