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tv   Rasplata  NTV  July 29, 2024 3:20am-4:06am MSK

3:20 am
you got involved with bad company, man, if you carried milk, you’d be alive and well now.
3:21 am
go, this one will take you until sunset, listen, guy, i have something to do, make money, do you want to, oh, who are you? carpenter's assistant,
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assistant, it's good for him to have assistants, let's go, where, let's go, let's go, i'll show you the holy of holies, here you are, cunningly wise, i thought, the carpenter is sitting here, don't leave, i'll show you now, to the inkwell, come here, stop here, take a bucket, here are the bitches, people, but you can’t leave it for a minute, it’s brand new or something, new, look, don’t go into the hole, into the hole if you climb in, you’ll disappear, people are dying there in droves, why didn’t you try to resist?
3:23 am
there are few guards, there are few guards, there are a lot of weapons, but to run, which one to run, look around the tower everywhere, well, come here, creature, i ’m looking for you everywhere, you want to get in here, what are you doing, in the isolation ward, i’m looking for the isolation ward , oh, i got it, i prepared properly, but with a specialist it’s a clinical case, but say it or not, we get out of the car, more alive. guys, are you
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more alive, and where is the third, don’t give up, peacefully, hands up, guys, we’re just tourists, what are you doing, yeah, yeah, there are two of us, the third one, where?
3:25 am
as you say? dima, dima, it’s me, nastya’s father, vorovyov, well, everything has arrived, in half an hour it’s leaving, there’s a man there, so, are you ready? i said that they won’t take you anywhere, don’t be stupid, diba, don’t be stupid, i’ll get you out without any problems. if you want, go away, alone, we’ll assume that i kept my word, they’ll kill you guy, or starve you to death, you think with your head, fuck it, i told you, get out of here, let’s go. i
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don’t know anything, i don’t know anything, and i don’t know anything, tell me what you know, tell me, creature, tell me, i saw yours, they went for a stalk, they went in vain, death is there, what did you say, death, let me explain, stalk, a bosom.
3:27 am
a bastard, so what to do with it, humanists?
3:28 am
hey, is anyone alive, what is this? stebelyovka, i understand, stebelyovka, how do you live, they ask, woman, children on the street, what’s the matter? oh, so all the men are with the augur? listen, maybe we can have lunch, and i’ll tell you everything over lunch. well, let's go, you're welcome to follow me,
3:29 am
oh, sparrow, what did you want? yes, i have some kind of conversation, so he’s taking over the conversation, but what are you doing?
3:30 am
well, the roof of the ship was completely blown off, yes, complete idiot, vadim, one word from you, i killed him, but i’ll deal with him myself, well, guest, sit down. “tell him that he ’s not there for your little kid, you found him, you
3:31 am
had such a journalist, savin, didn’t find him coming out, that you wanted a scandal, right? why are you silent, journalist, it was an assignment from the editors, maybe it’s not your editor’s balls to cut, already it’s not clear, you have your own life there, we have ours here, you have your own concepts there, on your own, i know your concept, you are a modern slave owner, i’m just making up for the lost function of the state, and you should
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be glad that this is vadim a wordsmith, because i think that spreading infection and running around in garbage dumps is not good, so i’m going to take these rascals and make people out of them, bury them like human beings. you're not crazy, they'll bury you like a human being, drag him to the barracks, let him clean up the shit there, a journalist just for you.
3:33 am
your mother! the raked one is not freezing, but
3:34 am
call the kaboldarev, what’s wrong with us? it’s bad, there’s only one colistra left, there’s a blockage, don’t break the glass, don’t worry, yes, pash. hello, rum, what do you have there? yes, we had lunch here we are sitting in the store. everything is fine. only your straw burns. what's not serious? poldariu says our straw is burning. so, we’re all unfolding. where we turn around behind the straw, there’s only one black guy there, nothing, but what do you
3:35 am
suggest, leave it aside, there’s only one car, you can’t share it, it’s so quiet, quiet, not a damn thing , oh, god hears me, i’m going any way, uh , guys, slow down, you're not old enough, man, sit down, sit down, thank you, special, you're out of your mind, don't worry about me, little guy! you better take care of yourself, happy dad, you're sick, what are you talking about, but what is yulka she is expecting a child from you, this is your child, gotoul! what, i’m thinking, will we have enough solarium and zakot or not, solarium,
3:36 am
who is it? by car at? i’m on my way to see vadim the slovak, why do i want to warn about the danger, uh-huh, we’ve been waiting for this danger for 3 years, just as the hoof stole the card, we’re still waiting, his friends are still in the cafe, i locked them up, what friends, i’m the only one who swear, now
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let's check how many there are, three of them, take one out, let him go. then we'll talk, okay? well, let's go, well, let's go,
3:38 am
are you an obgur or something? no, that’s what i asked, i still can’t sleep you'll have to, you watch over him, and i'll go find out what to do with him, take your hand away, don't twitch, guy, you don't understand as a human being, quietly,
3:39 am
quietly, so where did this guy run, to wake him up. go, brother, we have arrived, go quickly, quickly, quickly, so, who is augur for you, augur is our god, do you hear, don’t drive, god is in heaven, christ is called, i heard this, but no, we have one god , augur, okay, everything, where further, i can’t go any further, otherwise he will curse me, he will curse my children, i ’ll write you an indulgence now, quietly, quietly. let's go and they picked up the road, they thought they were someone else’s relatives, well, one of the new ones is someone else’s on leashes, fresh, you see, in a cafe, two people are already sitting there, but on the way, don’t stumble, peace, yeah, quiet, i
3:40 am
’ll hold the gun, yes, of course, thank you, so , where is the augur? in the house, go, i have nothing to lose, okay, just quiet, quiet, good, quiet, quiet, young man, i don’t know who you are, but you started this in vain, shut up, here are the steps, there’s a door, only me i won’t go there if the augur finds out that i, life is still dear to me, shut your mouth, so, what kind of dead man were we talking about, three arrived, in a jeep one, the gor ordered to be expended, who? i don't know what's here, dog.
3:41 am
well, hello agor, motherfucker, what are you doing here, you were released, you were released from the disbat, just think. what are you doing here? at the station two people came up, put a gun on it, woke up here, what gun? yes, he’s such a specialist, he takes it, that’s all, what are you doing, but wait, where does he keep prisoners, you know, there’s straw, yes, in the store here, let’s go, wait, what am i going to do with this? never mind.
3:42 am
igor, come here, how could you miss him, who knew that he was so tenacious, who knew who i knew, you knew perfectly well, how many times i went to the mountains from you, from you, from the parset, until you stick a power stake in his chest, don’t calm down, i understand, i understand, i have to go beyond kantai, where to go and what to do, i give orders , my order is this: let’s go for a ride, and stop at the store, take some food for the road, baby,
3:43 am
obana! they have a normal supply here, but baby, uh-huh, come on, hold it, well, let’s not reinvent the wheel, the old fashioned way, old russian, what are you doing, baby, take the gun away, and it’s not me, i’ll tell you, one of the locals i jumped out and banged, you’re crazy, i won’t pass out, don’t you remember how i jumped out of the army? i would have warned you, but then you turned me in to ifimovo, so did you want to take revenge or something? i swore, they will die too,
3:44 am
wait, what are you going to do for courage, it’s not her fault, let me tell you, igor, igor.
3:45 am
well, here's the post, what's here? i went, but what should i do? deeds, whatever i say. stand! guys, what are you doing with machine guns? where
3:46 am
we go? who? i'm a geologist, going on an expedition. what geologist? let's go to the booth? geologists, look, what do they need svd for? i don't know, but in... gentle farming it will be useful, forgive us, lord, our sin, that they filled up the tank, i don’t know where they said, i moved it there, why did you even come here, i have a conversation with the owner of the fishery, what a conversation, but this is already my business. marby,
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it’s great, you have some honey here, yes i mean it to me, i didn’t understand where i went, what are you doing, take it for yourself, take it for yourself, good boy, clean, no fleas, we’re just leaving.
3:48 am
show yourself, show yourself, well, you'll go, thank you, it will make your apartment more comfortable, but this is not for me, this is a gift to one very good girl, thank you. did you join the animal welfare society? well,
3:49 am
something like that, nastya, here, nastya, yes, here. she’s in her office, i’ll go, yes, good luck to you, thank you, you too, thank you, little, my, little, little, dima, dima, dima, dima, wait. this is for me, of course.
3:50 am
dima, is there anyone alive, dima, where are you from here, in short, guys, here are the keys to the car, leave if you hesitate. then instead of a friend you will get an enemy, i need to free people, don’t be stupid, guy, guy, i beg you, take him away yourself, leave, okay, you helped me, i’ll help you, in my opinion we’re even, listen, dima, come out, the guys and i agreed to save people, dima, friend, don’t
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test my patience. listen, there is no need to start a revolution, run away, fuck you, dima, sorry, guy, guys, everyone is here alive, alive, guys, you all know me, anyone who wants to go home, come with us,
3:52 am
now we are going to loading, there is a tank there, unhook we attach a platform to the tank, 100 people can fit on it, but what about the guys, the owner with the menu? or do they just want to kill us? have you completely lost your brain? if someone likes it here, they can stay, places in the cemetery there's enough for everyone. well, well, as you wish, who wants to live behind us, vadim, a wordsmith, i am
3:53 am
a stranger from semyon petrovich. a couple more barracks, we also need to get people out of there, we’ll try to take them by surprise, great, run, let’s go, run, run! why did a stranger send you, there were no other people today, don’t believe me, call him, i’m calling, i’m calling, hello, hello, who is this, and who are you, semyon
3:54 am
petrovich’s wife, and this is a person from you, okay. see you, hello to my husband, sweet girl, isn’t it, we’ll talk to you later, have questions, now here’s a question, let’s go.
3:55 am
guys, boss, this is razvadilova, get them down, guys, what are you guys, guys, good, guys, let’s go to the tents, today is a day off, if we offend, we’ll be executed, again. honestly, i would never have found it.
3:56 am
well, who are you, i’m nobody, i came for a friend, i don’t even have any conditions. there won’t be, some of them are lying here, and you tell me , it’s okay, you’ll live as you lived, well, that’s not enough, it’s normal, well, i’ll live as i lived, whatever, no question. guys, there are four snipers around the perimeter, even i don’t know where
3:57 am
they are sitting, but they told me they are under fire every point, get up, let's go, that's it, i picked up my friend, greetings from your friend. roma bolderev, roma bolderev, with your permission, vadim nikolaevich, i will also leave, especially since you take off along the way, roma bulderev is not a good person.
3:58 am
blackme, we meet at the fork, we are leaving,
3:59 am
well, if you need it, then stay, sanya, just bring igor, it’s hard that the poor one was wounded there. where is he in the back seat, quietly, he fell asleep all the way now, you treated it early, what is there in this first aid kit so antiseptic, in short, you need to go to the city, on what, on helicopter? i don’t know how many hours it takes to get to him, i understand that a comrade is wounded
4:00 am
, everything else, one person can take him, but everyone else needs to return, where to return, well, we didn’t do everything, pasha, maybe he forgot, rum, we helped as best we could , i won’t risk the lives of my friends anymore, i already regretted 100 times that i went, well, let’s talk, pasha, i’ll repeat, one of your people will take igor, we’ll call there, we’ll come to an agreement, we’ll decide everything there, why are you backing away? , tell me, are you with me or not, a week ago i i would go with you to the end of the rom, now there is a person waiting for me at home, two people, and in my car... my friend, who is dripping blood,
4:01 am
everything is clear with you, sasha, no, i’m with you, this is already good, man , well, you are a teacher, everything is clear with you, so, i’ll take your car, remember the pate, it’s up to you.
4:02 am
what do you have, what is it for, what is it for, what is it for, what is it for, what is it for, what is it for, tell me, come on,
4:03 am
well, how do we receive you to the headquarters, everything is fine. i know a workaround. hey, who are you? well done, i
4:04 am
'll be counted, let's count our years. well, soldier, i didn’t expect to see me here, but they told me rum that you would come here from the army, where is your army? give me my share, vadim, everything that’s due to me, you know, it seems to me that you haven’t read everything, rom, roman
4:05 am
bolderev, he’s not a good person, well done, guy, i’m owed what’s due to me. i don’t want to talk, let’s go pauline, new life, new friend.


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