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tv   Segodnya  NTV  August 1, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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rescue work does not stop in nizhny tagel, where the entrance to a residential building collapsed; they continue to search for survivors. mass protests and calls for space. the middle east is boiling after israeli strikes on beirut and tehran. the un security council held an emergency meeting. nakhit babayev is monitoring the situation. fertility, prayers, support for svo participants and economic development of mordovia. the head of the republic told the president about the first topic that he would put all his efforts into raising it. behind nikita korzun supervised the meeting in the kremlin. tons of fuel for our armored vehicles on the front line every day. the dead and tortured
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crimes of the finnish and german invaders in karelia were recognized as genocide, restoring historical justice about what this day means for the surviving prisoners. daria mosalova. for a career, not only in moscow, but in the neighboring city, employers are looking for workers all over the country, the authorities help them with this, why russians began to leave their small homeland more often, nikita korabenkov found out. hello, welcome to the information service of telekompanonent tv. this is the program
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today, its presenter is elmira ikhendieva and vladimir chernyshov. a powerful explosion occurred in the city of nizhny tagil, sverdlovsk region today. the cause was a gas leak in a five-story residential building, an entire entrance collapsed, and unfortunately, there were deaths. rescuers continue to clear the rubble at the site of the entrance collapse. there are still people under the rubble. rescuers regularly announced minutes of silence to quickly find survivors. several people, employees of the ministry of emergency situations already got under. helicopters delivered the wreckage to the hospital in yekaterinburg. olga zenkova has all the latest information. every life saved seems like a real miracle. here from under the baby, then another child. the explosion occurred in the middle of the working day, most adults were at work. during the holidays there were many children at home.
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rescuers arrange moments of silence by name , try to reach those they hope to find alive, ask for a response, and go out loud. say it loudly again, we are all coming to you, at these moments your family and friends are not find a place for themselves. why, under the rubble is a graduate of my kindergarten lying, 13 years old already. he seemed to take it and answered the phone that his legs were pressed, but we don’t know where anya and another girl are, they lived on the third floor in the sixth apartment, at that moment a boy came in there, seven-year-old denis, they were looking for them at the entrance, they got the mother and her baby, but they haven’t gotten the cousin herself yet, because she’s somewhere under the rubble, they say, because it’s your aunt who turns out to be a similar child, or who are you, the aunt, and the sister also tell me why you know what she is under?
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she called her grandmother, her grandmother got through to her, she said that she was under the rubble somewhere, the first minutes after the collapse, rescuers had to risk their lives, the closure was unstable, the decision of the firefighters to continue, despite the danger, was yielding results, they managed to save several more people. the victims are being transported to the nizhny tagil hospital. emergency measures were taken at the institution and it was stopped. planned care, medical and nursing teams have been formed and concentrated in the emergency room for providing assistance to victims. later , the heaviest three children and one adult were transported by air ambulance to the regional center of yekaterinburg, which caused the explosion, there is no official version yet. according to operational services, the epicenter was on the third floor; as a result , the second entrance and part of the first completely collapsed. the investigative committee opened a criminal case under the provision of services without responding. it is known that
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an inspection of gas equipment in the house was carried out a little over a month ago, but according to eyewitnesses, some work was going on in the house today. there were men in gas uniform walking around there. i don’t have any confirmation yet, for those who were left without housing , temporary accommodation centers have been set up in the city on the basis of hotels, temporary shelter will be needed not only for the residents of the collapsed entrances, but the neighboring ones, the disaster has again united all concerned. people began collecting humanitarian aid for the victims, bringing essentials, food and medicine for those who had everything left under rubble. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskuryakova, ntv television company. the middle east is now frozen on the brink of a full-scale war. iran has announced
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its readiness to respond to the assassination of hamas political leader ismail hani in tehran. responsibility was placed on israel, and the united states was accused of complicity. and intentions.
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there were also protests in lebanon, pakistan, morocco and the united states. tens of thousands of people in tehran today came to bid farewell to the slain hamas leader. the ceremony took place at the local university. the speaker of the majlis of the country's parliament made a speech in which he assured everyone that iran would respond at the right time in in the right place. slogans: death to israel - death to america. the spiritual leader of the republic, ayatullah ali khaminiya, read the requiem.
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iran is using its proxies hamas hezbollah to attack our citizens in israel from all sides. an interesting detail: the chair next to the israeli representative is empty;
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diplomats from iran, iraq, syria, lebanon and palestine refused to sit next to him. almost 300 days have passed since israel began its genocidal war against.
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the security council also did not make a statement, russia proposed condemning the murder, the draft blocked by the usa, britain and france. at the same time, the financial times reports that diplomats from the united states and the european union. are holding urgent consultations to prevent a full-scale regional war. we have worked from day one to not only find the best solution for gaza, but also to prevent the conflict from spreading, whether north towards lebanon and hezbollah, whether towards the red sea. while blinken was talking about a truce at the national university of singapore, al jazeera journalists became victims of the israeli strike. news the network reported that in the gaza strip , a correspondent and... a cameraman, who were reporting near the house of the deceased hamas leader, were killed as a result of a direct rocket hit. we do everything, we wear bibs, our helmets,
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we try to go where it is unsafe, we go where we can protect ourselves, but we are persecuted in places where ordinary citizens. tel aviv, meanwhile, is preparing for retaliatory strikes. the americans warned their allies that hezbollah would launch a massive rocket launch from lebanon to overload the air defenses. israel. at the same time , it can be produced from the territory of iran. massive launch of kamikaze drones, the houthis in the red sea and pro-iranian groups in iraq will join the attack. according to israeli television, the country's intelligence services recommended to benjamin netanyahu that all cabinet members attend events only with bomb shelters. nahid bavaev, yulia sionskaya, ntv. the department of defense today released new footage from the third phase of the non-strategic nuclear forces exercise. the military worked on receiving special training ammunition, went to the designated areas and
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began equipping launch vehicles for aircraft weapons. now they have to prepare units for the combat use of tactical nuclear weapons. the maneuvers are taking place on behalf of supreme commander-in-chief vladimir putin. missile formations of the southern military district, aviation and naval forces take part in them. about support for military personnel. saransk experienced a cozy, as if doll-like, renaissance
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6 years ago, taking part in the world cup, about these days reminiscent of the new airport terminal, the mordovia arena stadium, repaired roads, the renovated cathedral named after the righteous admiral ushakov, built at the beginning of the century with public donations, the restored kryvet museum, where you can learn everything about the local indigenous peoples, moksha and erzi. the governor of mordovia, artyom zdunov, by the way, erzi, by origin , reported to the president that... we constantly have medical teams, emergency teams, construction crews
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located on the territory of the kolonchag district kherson region, we are working with them, in kolanchak mordovia also carried out the blessing of the patriarch, opened a chapel in honor of the righteous fyodor ushakov, there is a colorful spring nearby, from which people reverently take water, the president returned to the internal affairs of mordovia itself, birth rate, birth rate low, and this is for us, so i wanted to say problems, acute problems, number one. yes, we need to deal with it, in your message you gave options for resolving these issues, so now we will use all the possibilities that are in the message voiced use, throw all your strength into it. the republic is actively developing transport infrastructure and creating a favorable investment climate for industrial development. it produces radio electronics, lighting equipment, and fiber optics. mordovia clarified zdunov - its only producer in euros. pharmaceuticals are also thriving. most of the biokhimik company's assortment, for example, is dedicated to the fight against heat. diseases, oncology also requires special attention, yes, because
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the incidence rate in oncology is higher on average than in russia, that’s why i said, we built a cancer clinic on your instructions, the detection rate has increased sharply, and the detection rate was in the first stages, we saved many lives. mordovia is actively developing organic agricultural production, this is when the gifts of nature ripen with minimal chemical support. now saransk supplies these products to 10 countries, and in the agricultural sector in general. the sector is doing well, all positions are growing, meat, milk, sugar. 5 percent growth in agricultural production, well, the main base, last year and this year, thank you for decision regarding school nutrition, this year, zdunov said, the republic is also holding a championship for the “best school canteen.” this experience is being shared in armenia, tunisia, nicaragua and central asian countries.
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children's holidays, how? the rest of the children, we firstly guide our own.
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and today our military department published footage of the destruction of the position of the radio engineering company of the ukrainian air defense forces. the target was hit by kh-35 missiles. as a result of a precise strike , a radar station, a combat control cabin and more than 20 ukrainian militants were destroyed. in today the russian army celebrates logistics day . logistics
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support units are the basis of the combat effectiveness of our units. they continuously supply the front line with ammunition. food, fuel, repair armored vehicles, supply soldiers with electronic warfare equipment and additional protection, and provide all conditions for recreation for military personnel returning from the combat zone. about the work of military rear officers in the southern donetsk direction, report by rostislav skidan. tanks, as you know, are not afraid of dirt, so empty fuel tanks and whatnot. to stall in the field means to become a magnet for... the entire arsenal of the enemy, so transbaikal tank crews try not to be late for a meeting with colleagues from the fuel service. the crew of our t-72 tank returns from the firing positions for a short refueling. the volume of the tanks of this machine is 700 liters, these are only internal storage units. almost a ton of diesel will be enough for the tank for 2-3 days of combat work, although the crew fires using batteries,
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occasionally firing 72 to recharge. it’s safer this way, the drones of the ukrainian armed forces will not reveal their positions. by thermal signature, tank crews are on duty 3 km from the front edge. the tank works from the enemy in closed, that is, firing positions, we managed to correct the targets, there was enemy infantry, the target was seemingly destroyed, everything is fine. tankers meet with canisters, as the fuel service vehicles are called here, not far from the firing lines. the time spent on diesel fuel will be different, if you go far away you get more diesel fuel, you will spend it close, everything is fast, at any moment you can react, jump in, get there, work leave also. refueling the tank. the speed is comparable to the front stop at some racing competitions , tankers spend no more than 10 minutes on the procedure, the whole point is that they are in the so -called red zone of reach of attack drones and rockets with cassette filling. fuel tankers prepare in advance for going to the front line, scald the vehicles with anti-drone nets and camouflage the nine-ton tank so that it appears
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as if it is on-board equipment, so that in the unlikely event that we don’t have any. ambushes, just don’t call people a lighter, the fact that this all happens quickly, this car will survive a hit from a shrapnel, the body of the tank is covered with a self-sealing solution, but when meeting with an attack drone, the only salvation is in the skill of the driver. in the dark time, when it was believed that it was safe, and there was an attack, baba yaga tried to track us and attack, as if they had found a shelter , opened up, as if everything had passed, god willing, everything had passed. well, fuel tankers are working today on irregular schedules, there are intense battles on the front line, it is impossible to plan a meeting in advance, you have to be ready all the time. you can go to positions three times a day. there is a break for a couple of days while the tankers, for example, are loading up with ammunition, so we have a break. in the southern donetsk direction, our troops continue to advance;
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hundreds of armored vehicles are involved in battles around the clock, each of which will not move forward without fuel. rostislav skidan, valerian kushnir, anna ivanova and dmitry piserev. ntv television company. yuzhnodonetsk direction of special military operations. since the beginning of the special operation, the russian parliament has adopted 238 new laws, which...
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instructions of the president given in his message to the federal assembly, other instructions, this is the implementation of the may decrees on national development goals until 2030 and in a number of areas with a longer horizon until 36, the federation council drew up its work plan, it was fully implemented, and 51 laws were adopted only on the implementation of the president's message. we are talking about laws related to supporting families with children, social protection of citizens, issues strengthening the country's defense capability before adjusting tax legislation, as well as integrating the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and
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kherson regions. today, the supreme court of karelia recognized the actions of the finnish and german occupiers during the great patriotic war as genocide. the prosecutor filed the lawsuit, having collected convincing evidence that more than 800 civilians died at the hands of the nazis. 80 years have passed since the day eight-year-old lenina makeeva was released from a concentration camp, the scars on her hands have already lightened, and the emotional wounds still bleed, the time spent under...
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petrozavodsk camp they were brought from another area, or rather from another life, in which the little girl knew nothing about war, death and cruelty. i remember that a person was given a spoonful of flour per day, made from this flour. we received seven spoons of flour, we cooked liquid cotton on the stove that was in our room, that’s all the food we had, women,
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when they were taken to forced labor, they were expensive, some managed to find leftover herring or some kind in the trash heaps. then the bones. german and finnish troops acting as accomplices of the fascists, organized over 100 more labor camps in karelia. in them, people were used as free labor, age and health status did not matter, they worked from morning to night, there was no proper rest, they were fed once a day, empty soup, but the prisoners tried their best to appear healthy and full of strength, because that the sick and weak were shot. i repeat, in the camps located on the territory of karelia there were no gas chambers that the nazis used for consumption soviet citizens. but the finnish occupation authorities and troops created such unbearable conditions for the non-national population that due to hunger, bullying.
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epidemics in the camps recorded a high mortality rate among prisoners. the collected evidence - these are archival documents, and excavations at the sites of massacres, testimonies of surviving prisoners, became another confirmation of the targeted extermination of soviet citizens, that is, genocide. this is exactly the decision made by the supreme court of the republic of karelia. the fascist allies organized territory of the present republic of karelia. concentration camps for the detention of the ethnic russian population, the prisoners held in them died en masse from hunger, hard labor and epidemics. the investigation documented numerous facts of torture of prisoners, including women, the elderly and children. this decision will not return former prisoners their childhood, will not resurrect their parents, brothers and sisters, will not restore lost health, but for them it is in any
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case a triumph. justice, which they, unlike others, waited for. daria masalova, oksana goncharenko, radu gurdish and mikhail odinokov. ntv. today marks an important historical date: exactly 110 years ago, the russian empire, defending the fraternal serbian people, entered the war against germany and austria-hungary. this war soon turned into the first world war. at the front , the russian army reliably held back the onslaught of strong powers, but in the soviet years about its exploits. russian soldiers were not often remembered. 10 years ago, thanks to the efforts of, including historians, a law was passed according to which the first of august is officially celebrated as a day of remembrance of russian soldiers. today wreaths and flowers are laid on their mass graves. and since then, year after year, members of the russian historical society gather here on august 1, on the territory of the former brotherly cemetery, to... pay tribute to
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the memory and respect of russian soldiers and officers who died in battles for our great fatherland during the first world war . a nationwide memorial to the hero of the first world war was erected on poklonnaya hill in moscow 10 years ago, through the efforts of the russian military historical society, monuments, dedicated to the heroes and victims of the first world war, opened in gusev, kaliningrad, ki
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hands throughout the country, the authorities are helping them with this, why why? have russians begun to leave their small homeland more often? nikita korabenkov found out. headaches of summer residents in moscow and the area of ​​invasion of spanish slugs, why these creatures are dangerous and how to get rid of them, ksenia ignatova looked into. there may be pain, tooth, compression of proctoglivin can help relieve pain, inflammation and improve vascular tone. proctoglivinol is your assistant in the fight against hemorrhoids. enjoy rolls from delicious dot. caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try caesar roll and other rolls at a tasty spot or stop by your drive-thru for them.
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this is the program today. we continue our release. mikhail mishustin today held a meeting with the head of the federal air transport agency dmitry yadrov. the key topics were the development of the air
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fleet, passenger transportation, construction and reconstruction of airports, as well as digitalization of the department’s work. the prime minister noted that the sustainable and safe operation of all air transport in the country now depends on the federal air transport agency. for the russian federation, this increases the connectivity of the territory, which our president always talks about, issues of functioning are always the focus of attention of the government, the president especially emphasized that flights should be more accessible, and in 6 years, we will have to increase their intensity by one and a half times. which , in general, is not an easy task, it will require an integrated approach, coordinated actions not only of authorities, but also of private organizations, we have three traditional programs, this is a program for the accessibility of mainline transportation, the development of routes bypassing moscow, as well as social routes on
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far east, by the end of the year we plan to transfer 4,150,000 passengers under these programs, this will be provided as part of 420 unique routes, discounted tickets that will... domestic aviation continues to develop despite unprecedented sanctions pressure. at the same time, it is necessary to create new infrastructure and open additional routes. the most important thing is to fulfill the tasks that the president has set for us. in 6 years, we must actually repair and put in order 70 airports, these are runways, these are publications, currently there are 228 civil aviation airfields in our country, taking into account the instructions president to increase aviation mobility by 2030 there will be 242
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civil aviation airfields. together with the ministry of transport, the federal air transport agency has compiled a list of 129 airfields that are subject to further development. the prime minister also emphasized what needs to be taken into account when constructing new airports. additional infrastructure of this road, hotels, everything that vacationers may need to make travel comfortable and safe. deputy prime minister tatyana golikova made a working day today a trip to... it was opened in january in the presence of vladimir putin, the hospital is equipped with the most modern equipment, there is a hospital with a capacity of 200 beds, a polyclinic that is capable of receiving hundreds of patients daily. in kaliningrad, the deputy prime minister also chaired a meeting of the government commission on the socio-economic development of the region. the head of the region, acting governor, alexey besprozvannykh, also took part in it.
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specialists, are looking for workers in other places where there is a shortage of qualified parts of the country and offer them to move, while guaranteeing a high salary, housing, and so-called allowances, this is a large sum for settling in a new place. nikita korabenkov talked with those who made the decision and did not regret it. the cordiality and sociability of the new
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therapist at the magadan clinic make her seem like a southerner, but northern patients rather like it. oksana moved here from volgograd. the girl decided on such a change of climate and time zones because of the conditions that were offered to her. it turned out to be so beneficial that the young therapist i decided: i’m going to magadan. prices are very high in magadan, but so far i’m quite happy with the salary they pay me, and there seem to be no problems with finances. but they pay for my apartment, and in principle i’m happy. oksana's satisfaction is ensured by a regional program to attract specialists from other regions. in the magadan region, problems of personnel shortages have existed for a long time, so since 2015 , local authorities have been providing subsidies to priority employers so that they can attract employees from other cities. size subsidies amount to 1 million rubles. that is, this is such a good help. the employer may also offer housing compensation using these funds. perhaps some kind of one-time payment, annually we
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had about 15 people, that is, 15 million per year, it seems that the program works in the murmansk region, thanks to it a new mathematician pavel vladimirovich appeared at the local lyceum, he came here from moscow, he speaks for the new experiences and impressions, curators from the region try to make them pleasant. if you want an arctic mortgage, let's organize it, if you want additional excursions somewhere, please, educational or familiarization with the city, that is, completely open... full communication, support, almost around the clock. the murmansk program is called the course to the north. delegates from the region travel to different regions and meet with valuable specialists, including graduates of local universities. after the employee has been lured away, a permanent supervisor is assigned to him, he helps him get comfortable and solve some everyday problems in the new place. and if initially we worked only with the public sector, well , primarily with education, but now specialists are heading north. they work with the non -state sector, with large
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industrial enterprises, but in yakutia they rely on internal reserves. local authorities, at the expense of the budget, help fellow countrymen learn new, most often labor, and therefore scarce professions. inokenti used to work as an accountant in veluysk, but inokenti did not like city life with office work. at the local employment center he was offered to learn a new profession and move to the village. now enokentiy is happy with everything. it was paid for by the employment center, our republican employment center, they had a program for retraining the population in a specialty of a secondary specialty, the training took 3 months, and the internship took 2 months. successful examples of labor mobility have also attracted attention at the federal level. the country, according to some data, lacks almost 5 million workers, so now the ministry of labor is helping employers in all regions find them. necessary specialists, that is, it must be
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an enterprise belonging to a priority industry, the region itself determines which one, they must hire at least 100 people, they must have a need for personnel, there are certain criteria by which the enterprise can fall under them, in this case, hire an employee from in another region , wages are reimbursed in the amount of up to twelve minimum wages per year, that is, it is about 3,000 rubles. that is, in principle, it seems to me that this is good support. probably completely quenched this will not result in a staff shortage; the program will rather help narrow the labor shortage. in this case. nikita korabenkov, irina savoteeva, arthur gavrish and dmitry kochitov, ntv. today in moscow at a round table they discussed an amendment according to which bloggers with ten-thousanders will be required to submit information about themselves to roskomnadzor.
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one of the goals of this project is to expose the walls of anonymous authors who use their influence and often publish unverified or deliberately false information. toward. representatives of the human rights council were present, as well as representatives of the blogging community, they agreed that the system really needs to be regulated, according to the amendment, the creator of an anonymous page, if it is not included in the list, will not be able to legally place advertisements, registration of anonymous channels will most likely change the picture not for the advertising business, but for anonymous telegram channels that deal with various leaks and compromising evidence, this is really open here. the question is how this life will change for them, because you you see, there are white telegram channels that are registered, that work, that are tied to specific people or a specific legal entity, they work through it and receive money for advertising, and there are anonymous telegram channels that, in fact, rather eat up a piece of our business and publish any information
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without checking it and accepting money via cryptocurrencies or simply a card-bearing amendment. trump also noted that biden is unlikely to realize whether he is alive at all, while trump himself continues to meet with ordinary people americans, this time he arrived at the convention of the association of black journalists, members
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of the community make up part of the electorate for votes, which both republicans and democrats are fighting for. the moderator of the event tried to blame. from the president to disdain for african americans, but in response he immediately went on the attack. many people believe that you do not belong here, you have made false statements about nick hale and barack obama, they say that they were not born in the usa. it is not true. you told four congresswomen of color, u.s. citizens, to go back to where they came from. we've arrived. you used the words rabies and animal to describe black district attorneys. now you're telling black people to vote for you. why should they do this? first of all, i don't think i've ever been asked in such a terrible manner: no hello, no how are you, you're from abc, they're fake news, a terrible tv network, i think it's a shame, i came here with good intentions, i have done a lot for black people, including creating jobs. donald trump has not forgotten
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about his alleged rival in the race for the white house. he called on journalists to find out why kamela hari was proud in the first place. of indian descent, and then suddenly started calling herself black. according to him, this shows that haris has no respect for either indians or african americans. now a short advertisement, here’s what we’ll talk about after it: the headaches of summer residents in moscow and the area of ​​​​the invasion of spanish slugs, how dangerous these creatures are and how to get rid of them, ksenia ignatova sorted out. poisoning, intestinal infections, this is where the powerful vengeance filter can come to the rescue. in which is reliability the most important thing in business? in air travel, in delivery, in construction,
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to make money on my savings, i open a deposit in t-bank with a rate of 18%. i can top it up from any bank using a phone number without commission. open a deposit in t-bank with a rate of 18%. te-bank is the only one. this is the program today. we continue our release. the moscow museum of cosmonautics today has become even closer to the stars; a planetarium has been opened there, where lectures on astronomy will be held. the new room has
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a large dome screen for showing 3d films. such technology is not yet available in any of the capital’s planetarium museums. well, so that visitors don’t get bored waiting for the spectacle, exhibitions have been opened for them. among the exhibits are things that belonged to the astronauts, part of the ships, descent capsules, and also, which is unusual for a scientific and technical museum in the planet. art exhibitions are held, the planetarium is combined with an exhibition space and we open exhibitions there dedicated to the work of cosmists, that is, artists who paint on space themes, most often fantastic themes, so when people are waiting for a session, they first immerse themselves in space, and then begin to watch the planetarium programs; in total , the museum now has eight exhibition halls. which contains more than 100,000 exhibits. the central and northern regions of russia are experiencing an invasion of terrestrial
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gastropods. well, that's the scientific name for slugs. for summer residents, this is a real disaster; they devour greens, berries, and vegetables. well, they can also be carriers of very dangerous infections. ksenia ignatova found out why the slugs became so active and how to fight them. fat slugs. there were no such things before, fat, red and ubiquitous, spanish or portuguese or lusitanian slugs, biologists gave them so many names based on their place of origin, this summer they became one of the main characters of the runet and the main pain of hundreds of thousands of moscow summer residents, such videos are posted on social networks by residents of different districts of the capital and region, as soon as it rains, they appear near ponds and rivers, in parks and in courtyards they do not hesitate to crawl.
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dill, please, cucumbers, they eat everything, love everything, and after them, of course, some kind of mucus remains on the plants, and it seems to me that they... they eat up the berries themselves, the fruits themselves, they love beets most of all and vegetables, they seem to gnaw the middle, crawl from the side and gnaw the middle, margarita from the neighboring plot is a supporter of radical measures, she collects slugs in a jar, pours vinegar, and then sends the contents to the sewer, someone suggests
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covering the shellfish with salt, someone pouring chemistry, metaldehyde or... your own tactics fighting shellfish, while the moscow region authorities do not see the spanish invaders as a threat to dacha lands, and offer their recommendations for particularly anxious gardeners. you can dig a hole in the ground in different parts of the area, place an insulated container, and pour kvass into it. beer, which attracts these slugs, or place rotten fish. slugs do not like to crawl on uneven surfaces and anything that sticks, that is, around the beds you can place broken egg shells, hall or ground mustard. spanish slugs are real conquistadors, they
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were brought into the country about 10 years ago, most likely along with plants from europe. nurseries, they took root and began to influence the ecosystem near moscow, zoologists note. these mollusks displace the smaller muscovite slugs. by the way, they are also carriers of infection and parasitic larvae; it is not recommended to touch them with bare hands. other aliens in the region, feral descendants of fugitives from the snail farms that are fashionable these days, are also dangerous to humans in this way. what is this? nothing yourself, listen to how big they are. snail hunting is a daily evening ritual of the seven gusakovs. they are not afraid to touch the salt, they look for the largest ones and take them home to observe the life of the mollusks. how curious, all 15 minutes in the forest near moscow, such a harvest, here there are very tiny ones and huge ones. in general, the habitat of these grape snails or helexes is the south of russia, but in recent years
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such beauties can be found in moscow, in parks in the moscow region, of course. slug snails aren't the only newcomers to the region, though more often, even in the center of the capital, city residents come across praying mantises, common, indigenous inhabitants of the south and caucasian part of russia, but zoologists are sure that they do not take root in the city and region. there are no climatic prerequisites for this. sinya ignatova, ivan ozerov, arthur gavrish, konstantin korgin and natalya levchenkova. tv component. and here is the news of the last minutes between russia and... western states, the largest exchange of prisoners in recent years took place, this was confirmed by the fsb. according to the fsb, russians who returned to their homeland were exchanged for a group of individuals who acted in the interests of foreign states to the detriment of the security of russia. and this return became possible thanks to the systematic work of competent government departments of foreign
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partners. according to the fsb, as a result of the exchange. in ankara, eight russian citizens who were imprisoned in a number of nato countries were returned to their homeland. chelyabinsk is being liquidated after a severe hurricane, bad weather brought the caspian cyclone, gusts of wind reached 25 m/s. all this was accompanied by rain, but in some places it was pouring. trees were uprooted by the wind throughout the city. internet, irkutsk also survived a powerful thunderstorm, without electricity, there are interruptions in communication and the storm sewer could not stand it and
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real seas spilled through the streets, flooded parking lots, and it fell overnight in the city. now, after seeing such shots, it’s time to find out the weather forecast in our studio evgenia neronskaya. we are not threatened by this weather apocalypse, and in general, the non-summer weather will soon end? yes, the rains are gradually stopping, and the temperature is gradually rising, so it’s summer continues, although august on european territory started in a restrained style, and from northern arkhangelsk to tula it is approximately the same + 20-23 with short rains, this is a huge cyclone, envy in one place and has aligned everyone with one brush, but now it is slowly shifting to the east, taking away here... its rains. it will rain quite heavily on the banks of the volga. in nizhny novgorod in cheboksary, it is cool, maximum +20. in the center there will still be short rains in places, and the black winter region will remain away from the rain clouds for now. and in voronezh +26. well and
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the southern regions are starting to heat up again. there is unrestrained sun, no rain. in the lower volga in kalmyk there are already up to thirty peters, and krasnodar is not far behind. on the black sea coast in sochi it is 29, in sevastopol - 30 and the sky is cloudy. sea water. it has already warmed up to +27 on the shores of the baltic, the water is not so warm, a maximum of 19, but the air temperature in kaliningrad is +24. in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be short rains and +21:23, in moscow it is also cool, 20:22 and rain is also possible, but over the weekend they will subside, the air will warm up to 24°. well, at least that way, thank you evgenia neronskaya with the weather forecast, these are the main news for this hour in findi.
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take a break for a second, this guy has been to your club, maybe he has been, you’d better ask the man who stands at the entrance, vasily sergeevich, he’s one of your guys, he’ll help you, thank you, yeah, yeah, a notable client, we
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even have he has a nickname, he’s a man of the week, literally, he has, as if on a schedule, one woman on wednesdays, another on thursdays, a third on fridays, and so on and so forth, when he was last here once, don’t remember, two weeks ago. can you describe any of the girls? so what to describe? excuse me generously, did the director ask me to remind you about the discount? take our favorite table, what do you need? can't you see i'm not alone? for a second, my love, look at the portrait! oh, igorok, igorok! the 4,000 euro infection has heated me up! well, how do you like it? i knew that he wouldn’t give it back, but if they knew, why did they give it away? his own, well, he bought a new car, it has exclusive tuning...


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