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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara-2  NTV  August 2, 2024 8:25am-10:01am MSK

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sale, where you bought it from the megamarket, school style, choose buy with convenient delivery by clicking on the megamarket. megamarket - school style. good morning, in the studio of evgenia neronskaya, and i will tell you about the weather for today. in the far east, the chinese cyclone is gradually giving way to a new, active mongolian vortex. which has already brought rain to buryatia, dropped the temperature in ulan-d to 22°. cooler weather will arrive in chita a little later. and the southern regions of the khabarovsk territory, the amur region are in ideal summer weather, there is +25 and bright sun. about the same in vladivostok. in siberia, summer has long staked its claim on polar territory. on rilsk - excellent +23. in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory the air warms up to +30. in novosibirsk and barnaul it’s even above thirty. well, there is cheese in the urals. gloomy and cool, in
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yekaterinburg only 20. on european territory, a huge clumsy cyclone does not want to move, in the north it is warm, but rainy in arkhangelsk +22. by the way, the clouds don’t reach varkuta, it’s sunny there and + 23-24. the weather is the same comfortable on the baltic coast in kaliningrad +24, but the rest of the northwest is barely above twenty. and in the center it’s about the same, here it’s 20-22 with short rains, but on the weekend the weather will start to improve. and voronezh today there is no precipitation, quite like summer. in the sunny south it is moderately hot, above thirty only in astrakhan, alest in krasnodar. in the lower reaches of the don on the black sea coast it is much more modest. in st. petersburg it’s +22 and short rains, in moscow it’s also rainy and +21. miracle, premiere, august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. moscow. coffee shop on the waist, combination
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traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure, i love it, i recommend it. there are many reasons to choose osaga on a comparison website or app, but one is the most important. we have already checked the price with insurance companies, which means we know where to find a policy cheaper. nine out of ten customers stay with us after their purchase. try it and compare, osaka is cheaper. nevsky today at 16:45 on ntv.
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what's hatched, give me the money, what's wrong, uncle, there's a fee, empty your pockets, shame on you, what do you need money for ice cream? it’s not enough, we have to work, we’re working, like controller, come on, what are you doing, what are you doing, that’s it, mikha, leave him, help,
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someone, yes, shut him up, help, help, fuck!
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fly, don't lag behind! who the fuck, shut him up, help him, shut him up, mikha, mikha, nix!
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take it, but run, don’t rock the boat, man, what do you need most, go where you were going, boy, you were taught at school to be an elder, it’s not good to be rude, sit rocking, i understand, but this one had a knife, i saw us too, fly , well done, thank you, run, don’t rock the boat, hands,
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mukha, look, look, well, lie down, strong man two for one, guys too, hello, borya, yes, kolosov, no, listen, send pokrovsko-streshny’s car, no, no, where the hospital is, yes, stand by , yeah, armed robbery, two gavriks, yeah, i'm waiting.
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the killer is very calm, he knows what he is doing, this is the work of an architect, who is in charge, yes, i heard the dps man was shot, and you know who, krovtsov, a former security officer, the architect must be taken alive, otherwise this all makes no sense, you will surrender to me personally , you don't have another chance, you won't even say anything to your successor, you’ll get around everything, you’ll get hurt, people like you shouldn’t leave the police, people like you should remain in the police, nevsky today. at 16:45 on ntv. miracle, premiere. august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. buy a big combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions. to a tasty point. every master wants to know what kind of grout to use? tsirizit grouts, wide
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palette of colors, protection against moisture and mold. the ideal solution for any tile. cerisit grout glue. oh great. and what changed to begin with the name kuoper - your shopping man! oh, misha, have you forgotten here? and i didn’t forget anything here, i didn’t forget to show the x5 club card at the crossroads or pyaterochka, i didn’t forget to get cashback discounts of up to 50% in the service package, use it. x5 club get even more benefits with every purchase. moscow coffee shop on the ground, a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. where can i find one? some people just need something reliable. it is important for me that
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a unique culture, unique people, original and full of mysteries, with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that... surprise. discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel. yes, you called, nikolai nikolaevich? come on in. and why are you alone? did i call the voice too? so did he sleep on this? no, he... come on, well, that’s not the point, sit down, do you know what it
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is? no, i don’t know, this is a series of apartment crashes, your colleagues were involved in this, and not a single one of them was revealed, well, of course, burglars are always caught with difficulty, so brusnikina looked through it all and found something in common, she wrote here, look, lenka actually has a bright head, yes, the vars’ handwriting is the same... the same, uh-huh, all the thefts happened last winter, understandable, but the area is the same? no, the regions are different, so different ideas were involved in this, we didn’t notice anything in common, well, in general, read and figure it out, nikolaich, why should we, we already have our own, but i say that you will be interested in this, questions, no, no questions, sort it out, report by the end of the week, report by the end of the week, let me go, go, thank you, lenochka, go ahead, go ahead,
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gavriki, please have a seat, hello, hello, bring the attackers, the victims, the waterboy, i didn’t have time to come to work, i’ve already caught someone, not a day without a feat, so that’s the kind of work we have, it’s good, victims, let’s... yes, excuse me, please, please, i’ll see him off, okay, dress him up, a nice suit, and especially for hru-hru, to please him, wait here, flies...
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names, surnames, addresses, phone numbers and quickly. calm down, calm down, the boss has gone, i ’m listening carefully, young man. i'm alexander yurievich sheikin, great. alexander yuryevich, how? sheikin, sheikin, further. oh hi be healthy, how are you? it’s normal, it’s clear, you see, and we’re working here. while you are resting there, which i don’t like, yes, well, neither do i, but there’s nothing you can do, work comes first, where is your boss, hello to the soldiers of the invisible front,
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hello, yes, your suit is just what you need. i like it, well, basically yes, now you ’ll come to work like this every day , yes, if you want, okay, tell me, and you’re already here at work, shouldn’t you still be amusing yourself in bed, no, in bed, in bed , yes, you know, the working day has actually already begun half an hour ago, what are you saying, yes, if you overslept, then tell me honestly, you overslept, who overslept, you overslept, i overslept, who am i , yes, i’ve been working since the morning, what are you saying, we know your work . come on, come on , what about another friend, yes, no, wrong, this is not a friend, these are two friends, honestly, a bully, i detained them, yes, you haven’t detained three rapists yet, no, look, even buktar will mature, darling, fly, sorry, we detained, the two of us, it’s clear, well, you see, while we
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were performing feats, yeah, some... opera asks himself, you know, you too will soon sit down, there’s your half, sit down, divided like brothers, wow, uh-huh, times 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, a bit, fair, yes, and what is this , these are cases of unsolved burglaries, yes, yes, a gift to us from helen, and this is a summary of all this disgrace, by the way, you know, as i managed to notice, it is not without logic,
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hello, can i see sanka? i don’t understand, what about the police? when, for what? clear. seryozha, what happened? nothing, grandma. i heard that sanya was detained. this is about sheken, right? yes. i thought so. poor parents. i don't want to, grandma. sit down. bite, come on, lord, what did he do there, i have no idea, my mother says, he left in the morning, and an hour ago they called, so he called, his father went, what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong, sasha
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was detained, but you you don’t know what happened, you’re so nervous, or maybe, “anatoly, uh-huh, in 15 minutes the broadcast of the best fight of this year will begin, and
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you and i are doing paperwork, yes, dream, dream, by the way, i’m sure that we are your english the borax will tear, but the children still won’t because he’ll put it in the round, as we bet, i don’t know, wait”? what? listen, and lena is right, lena is right, all the cases are very similar. uh-huh, winter, the owners are on vacation, uh-huh, oh, my god, not only this , it’s very similar that the same group of comrades worked, uh-huh, hello, detectives, oh, what’s this supposed to be a holiday, yes, lenochka, you know, until you arrange a holiday for yourself, no one will move, the thing is, that you, lenochka, are our holiday, you give us
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work, and work for us, in turn, is also a holiday, yeah, but i want to make you happy, this the holiday will always be with you now, because khrulev sent me to help you, a strict but fair boss, you know, he probably loves us very much, yeah, okay, let me explain, we found something interesting, you know, we tried, there are some facts, of course, but we need to confirm them, the fact is that it’s almost impossible to have an empty stomach, uh-huh, uh-huh, we should go for lunch, but no, we’re working on the sea, khrulev said urgently, so let’s go have lunch, no , so we then with redoubled force, well, look at the anal, he’s actually i can’t think anymore, i’m already starting to see eye to eye, well, yeah, i see from cheek to cheek, yeah, well, 25 minutes, 15 minutes, what 25, well, we won’t make it in time, well, we ’ll bring you lunch right to workplace, are you not taking care of you, or what? we will take care of you, really, yes, fly, fly, fly, rise, cover, run, lenochka, thank you, overflow, and the workers, seryozha, seryozha,
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open, please, i’m telling you, open it immediately, what are you doing there? can you explain it to me? seryozhenka, well, you can’t take it everything is so close to my heart, i don’t understand where you ’re going, nowhere, are these things for sheikin? do you think his parents won't take care of him? bah, i, in general, i need to leave, where, why? ah...
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yes, he clearly works with series, by the way, about series, about periods, did you notice that all the thefts ended in march-april and did not happen again, turned it over, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly , okay, well , you must admit that these are amateurs, really, amateurs, why, well, why, the doors were broken open rudely, and you in this sense, yes, i would he even said, ineptly, that’s right, by the way, they only took valuables that were in plain sight, well, calmly, calmly, a little, a little, a little, that’s it, that’s it. everything, everything, everything, okay, okay, well done, fly, and then an experienced burglar won’t steal bellis and chocolate from the bar, why chocolate, no, of course
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there won’t be chocolate, well, maybe these are children, well, not children, but these in general modern ones can, teenagers, yeah, why didn’t our colleagues catch these teenagers in hot pursuit, but don’t worry, they’re not going anywhere, they’ll catch them, fifth it's starting, now we're breaking up, look, look. if sheikin did something, you have nothing to be afraid of, friendship with a bully is not a crime, grandma, you don’t understand, but you don’t understand this, and he doesn’t care at all. it won’t, because he doesn’t even have a passport, so what if he doesn’t have a passport, but it’s clear that he’s not an adult? you’re a genius, oh,
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nothing like that, but i have a counter-offer to you, that you will again forbid communication with sheikin? no, but from now on we will live according to the schedule, now it’s lunch, we’ll study, at four we’ll have a walk, then at six we’ll have dinner and rest, sleep at 10:00 and no nerves, understand, right?
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well, yes, a tutor, what and what? so, yeah, listen, what do you think is beer to freshen your brain or boxing? you know, the main thing is willpower , the ability to concentrate in time, that’s it, yeah, i think that we need to interview the victims again, i agree with you, well, let’s go and please lenka, let’s go, let’s go, fly, and who are you taking, lenka, let’s go, she has a figure, well then i’ll eat it myself, but what about willpower? well, not always, okay, i’ll buy a salad on lenka, yes, let’s go, let’s go, fly, next, next, nevsky, today at 16:45 on ntv. oh, misha, have you forgotten here? and i didn’t forget anything here, i didn’t forget to show the x5 club card at the crossroads or pyaterochka, i didn’t forget to get cashback discounts of up to
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50% in the service package. use the x5 club card and get even more benefits with every purchase. moscow coffee shop on the ground, a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, taste is a pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. on avito services you can easily find a master with examples of work and real reviews, you definitely won’t go wrong with the price. living services: trust the cleaning professionals. start your business journey with sber support. they will open an account at sber business and help with accounting. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. the new dosherak broth is prepared using the traditional fermentation method, which lasts more than 100 days. and it is based on fresh vegetables. doshirak broth. everything we need for beauty and health is given to us by nature itself. so i lovingly preserved all the benefits of 37 healing herbs and oils. my black
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soap from grandma agafya, and also try my thick shampoo, it’s good for you, dear ones, when it’s unexpected, and this makes it even more pleasant, when you’re alone, but in delicious company, when you want something juicier, it couldn’t be juicier, any moment can become even tastier.
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for purchases of 600 rubles or more in the receipt, he receives two gifts from a scratch card, an amazing card, he is amazing, a chance to fly to turkey to the filming locations of his favorite tv series for registering a receipt, an amazing check, buy with fives, relax in turkey, five helps out, moscow coffee shop on the waist, taste, pleasure, love, recommend, oh, the bathhouse in the old courtyard is good, sausage ours is also good, old-fashioned, my favorite. i love our old farmstead, old farmstead, it’s truly delicious. the world i watch. kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. it's time to take care of your health.
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we checked the price of insurance, which means we know where to find a cheaper policy. nine out of ten customers stay with us after purchasing, try it too, compare, asaga is cheaper, miracle, premiere on august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. even when the going gets tough, life goes on. everyone has their own mission, ours is to help. we are where. people need care so that there is no it’s so scary for hope and love to live in your heart, for life to go on, it’s so important to help someone in trouble, join a good deed on the website helpbede.rf,
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your grief, yeah, fight, hooligan, you ’re asking to go home, you’re already home , parents arrived. the fine was paid, now the guys can do the gopstop again, it’s dashing, yes, there is no justice in life, and artyom, the uniform suits you very well, you don’t wear it, shchepkin, you too, yes, thank you, thank you, seryoga rushed off like that just yesterday, just think, he i thought we were following them there, absolutely...
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they probably came here for everything, it’s hot, yeah, yeah, how do you like it, oh.
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whoever has me in uniform, decide to perform it, do it, well, fly, while shchepkin is working, and we are covering him, let’s take a walk, come to
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me, cover operation. who's there? open the police. good afternoon. kind. senior lieutenant shepkin. who do you want? excuse me, smernova, does anna petrovna live here? i, anna petrovna. very nice. you can go? please. thank you. ay, just like in the movies, yes, that’s it, oh, for now we ’ll take advantage of the time we got comrade shchepkin and sent a couple of sms to charming girls, really, well, voice,
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voice, how many sms will we have? four how many oh my face. why are you standing here, sit here, please, thank you, so, i ’m listening to you, or maybe chiku, anna petrovna , thank you, no need, forgive me, i’m not so clean, well, i beg you, i ask you not to make noise, but what- that is, my grandson, seryozha, we are preparing for exams, we are moving to a special english school,
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but what is he? i'm sorry, seryoga, don't be stupid, you'll kill me, lady, what are you doing, stop, boy, calm down, well, fufu, sit down,
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locally, i stole, it’s not my fault, it’s not my fault, ugh, fly, i didn’t steal, ugh, it’s not my fault, i didn’t steal, but if i didn’t steal, why did i run, quietly, i was scared, that’s how many of you there are? also a dog, by the way, that you didn’t steal there, um, i won’t say anything, well, we don’t need to, you should talk to a sadistic beast, i won’t say, he’ll pull out your guts, everyone will find out who it is, that grandson anna petrovna, didn’t let grandma and i talk, he was scared, something was going to explode, well, if he was scared, that means there’s something they’re afraid of, that’s right, of taking him to department, and i'll go with grandma and finish, forward, forward, mom, forward, look here,
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head, fly, forward, place, place, up, well done, guard, well, let's go for a ride, innocent. my father said, if anything happens, he’ll turn me in to the cops, he’ll catch up with everything, he ’ll never turn you in, listen, let’s go to sergei’s, it’s getting boring, but well, somehow we don’t feel like it, let’s go to my place and hang out on the computer, yes , forget about that computer, let's go to serega, it breaks, well, as you know, and i'll come in, come on.
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well, why are you still afraid of the police? i’m not afraid of anything, what should i be afraid of? well and ran, why? i’m telling you, i was late for a meeting with, uh, who? yes there it is. i was in such a hurry that i didn’t even change my shoes, uh-huh, and a minute ago you said that you urgently needed to go to the store, well, seryozha, you completely lied, yes, you know what the fly is telling you, he doesn’t say anything, he, he barks. no, he ’s warning you, i don’t like those who lie,
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with those who tell the truth, he’s friends, where is seryozha, why did he run around, i don’t understand what ’s happening, in the department, why he ran, we’ll find out soon, but for now, let's talk about you, okay, but what about me, i assure you you, i’m not guilty of anything, i give you my word, so you and i settled on the fact that you give a private one. english language yes oh, well, what does this have to do with it, well, i’ll give it, what do you want me to do, after all, seryozha and i live on my pension, but what about the parents, seryozha, seryozha is an orphan, oh, take me to... yes, he is very smart boy, now he is transferred to a special school with in-depth study of the english language, not everyone is even accepted there for paid education, and seryozha takes exams so that he can be enrolled for free, we, you know, need to prepare, i
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i understand, anna petrovna, but we have information that you came to your students in winter with seryozha, but why? in winter, yeah, you love dogs, of course, especially like this, well, why don’t you get one, grandma won’t allow it, and if you behave badly, no, she says, it will just distract you from your studies, the wrong premise, the dog disciplines. so i’m talking about the same thing to her, but you don’t know my grandmother, she’s just a dandelion, by god, in fact, a terminator, last winter she was walking down the street, there was a holo, she slipped, fell with her back on the curb, and that there was nothing, there was no fracture, the doctors said,
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the bruise was severe, she had to lie down, and she worked, worked, well, and you, and i helped her as much as i could, how can you convince her, right? you went with her to the students, so, so, you see, the diagnosis was written, yeah, the pain was wild, let it still ache now, well, as far as i know, with such an injury, bed rest is generally required, i...
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seryozha is a charming boy , honey, i don’t know, no one, but what was he doing when you were studying? what did you do, nothing, wait, and where did you wait? well, where i was waiting, in the next room, naturally, or in the kitchen. i don't understand why you are interested in this. oh, seryozha, yeah. grandma was studying, and i... looked at what was where, listened to what the owners were talking about, waited until there were no tenants, go ahead, you’re already on your own, alone, yeah, okay, okay, well, we’re probably tired of something , a little bit, let's
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drink some tea, put the kettle on, we have candy too, you love sweets, i can't stand sweets since childhood, what do you mean, everyone loves candy, help yourself, my friend, come on, dare, i don't like it, you don't like it , why then from bars chocolate, candy disappeared, what am i doing, a sucker, i took the equipment, fur coats, gold, all that, but no chocolate, strange, but no one reported the missing equipment, they didn’t take the equipment, seryozha, my friend, they didn’t even have the money they always found it, i understood, here’s chocolate with liqueur, they often swept it away, maybe you wanted to treat your grandmother, so don’t touch your grandmother, she’s here for... what idiots, what idiots, so stop playing hero, who are you going to the garage, friends my own, but not friends, they told me, well, i once told them about a rich student, and they, and they came and said that you are a gunner,
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let’s warm up together, you won’t get away with it, uh-huh, so you told your friends about your grandmother’s student, a rich guy? so what do you say their names are? seryozha, think carefully, are you ready to be responsible for other people’s affairs? be careful with your grandmother, these guys are not your friends, they wouldn’t protect you, they blackmailed you, threatened you, well
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, be brave, okay, write it down, every day. feat, i took everything i need, stop, i’ll shoot, who are you, quietly, i’m a doctor, you need urgent medical attention help, give me your hand, try to keep him from going anywhere, i’ll be right there, i’ll find evidence, i work until the result is achieved, i’m not going to live by your rules, i don’t harm innocent people, do what you have to? and come what may, the new season will have to proceed.
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heroes remain. come on, cops. dear, hello, may i come in? in one series. father, in the new season. miracles! kingfisher, new season. today at 14:00 on ntv. i'll rent an apartment. start your business journey with sber support. sber business will open account, help with accounting, legal
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yes. well, it’s right here, in principle, yes, okay, so then i go there and wait for the car, this is for seryozha, keep your disks, what kind of guy are you, why don’t you say hello, and what is it, and why are you scared, i don’t bite, and i’m not scared, okay, what’s your name, well, my name is sasha, this is sasha sheikin, he came to seryozha, and he, i don’t know when he’ll come, did they sweep him away too? covered, covered, not swept away, but detained, you choose an expression, okay, detained, i’ll probably go then, but wait, what’s the rush, let’s talk, sasha shaykin, no, thank you, it’s time for me, it’s time, well, you know, sasha, what it’s all of you who are so timid, yes, lord, your forms were scared, both sasha and sergei, grow up.
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girl, excuse me, please, but what country is house 30 in, please tell me? 30, it’s over there in the neighboring yard, it’s white, yeah, thank you very much, so, well, everything’s fine. then
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the fly and i go to the shaken, the fly, next to, beside, only be careful there, okay, children, after all, children, you say, hello. hello, tyoma, hi, it’s me, hear, well, everything is fine with me, yes, i pulled him out right from behind the computer, yeah, how are you, you’re already approaching, hear, tyom, but you didn’t tell me the last name of this second guy , yes, sheikin, i know where sheikin is, this is my friend, show me that maybe he can insure you, and uh, boss,
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draw up a heart and assistance with the investigation, come on, come on, now. let's see how you get on the path to correction, let's go. look, the fish itself swims into the net, well hello, minor, where are you going, to the dacha, and as for the dacha, it’s unlikely that you’ll get to the dacha, but to the colony, you’ll end up exactly where, first to the department, and then to the colony, i heard about such a place, you have no right, me released under the responsibility of the parents, i’m sure, i hasten to upset you, the responsibility of parents does not extend to burglars. yes, your winter sins have surfaced, yes, but you can prove it, easily, just first answer me why you were doing this, there weren’t enough thrills, there weren’t enough, now there will be enough, give it here
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backpack, go downstairs, be bold, hands on the hood, legs, lie down, so what, a thrill. i couldn’t even think that this could happen to my grandson, because seryozhenka is such a reasonable boy, yes, you know, you have a wonderful grandson, but only a very weak character, yes, so his friends and friends brought him to the point of complicity. thank you for the complicity, yes, nikolavich, kolosov, i, how you dressed, and look at shchepkin, sometimes you can put on a uniform, and sit down,
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there is, we’re talking about seryozha, yes, there was complicity, there was, but the question is why he is i think he did it out of fear, he got scared, yes, he was scared, but when we... we explained something, he immediately began to actively help the investigation, well, how he helped, without him these gavriks would have run away, look for them later during the day with fire, yeah, or with a dog, yes, yes, he is a witness to the victim, but seryozha is not guilty, i assure you, he is guilty, he is guilty, but we need to educate the guy, strengthen his character, i don’t know, send him to a sports school, or something, absolutely right, and you know, he dreamed of it since childhood. about a dog, a shepherd, but i forbade him, by the way, this is in vain, right, i myself understand that it was in vain, everything could have been completely different, well, nothing, in my opinion, it’s not too late to fix this, you think so, ugh, i,
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nikolai nikolaevich and i are absolutely in we are sure of this, here is a fly, and anatoly also agrees, yes. day and night hurts the gentleman's caress, day and night , dizzy day and night, knocked down . i hear your words,
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excuse me, sergei iyuvich is in aristakh’s room, thanks for the honor of kriz,
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leave in the morning without saying goodbye, what’s the point?
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there is a spoon, i apologize, yuryevna, let's go back to our sheep, so it happened to you, i was robbed, clearly. what was stolen from you, a painting, a valuable one, art, you can’t change it with money, but can you be more specific about what kind of painting it is, the work of my late husband, the arrested samsonov, yeah, i understand, yulizata, that you can’t measure art with money, but what do you think, maybe maybe it was stolen in order to sell it, it may very well be that the fact is that the work...
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sweet life, and what do you ask, sweet life, the painting is called that, it’s one of the best recent works of my husband, you know, no need i had to endure the salt of the hut, but i wouldn’t have it any other way i can, if they stole money, jewelry, i would be upset, but i wouldn’t go...
9:30 am
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9:37 am
tv, mom, what i will do to you will hurt the karkhanov, what vile and unscrupulous people you are, and to my mother... why don’t you think, bastard, we pay for your sins. kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. and your grandmother thinks that you are a scientist, a chemist, working in an institute laboratory, but what’s wrong? the bar is located in the building of the institute, institute, mixing different cocktails, isn’t this chemistry, chemistry, so the old lady can be calm. you have everything in ok, apparently you don’t really love grandma, love, don’t love, that’s not the point, the old woman is out of her mind, love her. it became heavy, yeah, by the way, would you like a cocktail? what a unique recipe, especially for you,
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called red pathfinder, so, take 300 red wine, 200 g of vodka, well, the content is amazing, interesting, what is the result? you drink, and then look for where you live, no, okay, a fly on four legs, but if the two of us on all fours return to the department, you know, the boss won’t understand, so in next time. i’ll tell you this, if work interferes with drinking, you need to quit work, and you’re also a philosopher, our profession, there’s no other way, it’s clear, but what happened? yes, you see, one problem arose, your grandmother was robbed, how was she robbed, for what, they reported me or something... well, not yet, but what was stolen at least? oh, a painting, what other
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painting, not my grandfather’s, the painting was stolen, uh-huh, what’s so funny, you tell me, better yet, share your salaries, i’ll take a shower with you, you haven’t seen these paintings, this is already i need some crazy person even worse than my granny, samsunov's painting was stolen... it's crazy, well, there are a lot of crazy people in this world, yes, don't say, there are a lot of crazy people, what kind of jokes, let's go, fly, let's look at this, that's it, strong guy with absolute pitch, the second cylinder with rings of something. truly absolutely to the ears of a paper stapler. as i understand it, sergei yuryevich is the one. again the competitors
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snitched. we don’t deal with stolen cars, there’s plenty of work to do without them. enough money. i'm happy for you, even somewhat envious. actually, i'm on a completely different issue. today citizen samsonova, your sister. i filed a police report regarding the theft, lord, i just left this morning, so what was stolen? they stole a painting of her late husband, life is sweet, one thing, don’t listen to her, who needs this painting, is the fox thinking about me, about you, also about edward, because you both spent the night with her today, isn’t that right, well, i i don’t know what to say, she’s sick, to be honest, she has problems with her head, like the deceased uristarch, sorry for the peace... it’s so strange, you’re the second person who blames the whole world
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in madness, uh-huh, laughing, listen, liskin’s husband, aristarchus samsonov in soviet times was a very respected artist, not without talent, even, you know, the party trusted aristarchus to draw all sorts of things, like lenin on an armored car, brezhnev on the virgin lands, he was always at the feeding trough, yes, he got good money, good work, so... you know, they lived with lizaveta until the eighties, then, you know, then perestroika, and now, no one needs lenin, so no one else needs him for nothing wasn't needed, that's why he's crazy i went, began to look for a niche for myself, decided to go into the avant-garde, on this basis i finally moved, i painted something that can’t even be called a drawing, you know, it’s clear that no one was interested in this, from this in general... i went off the rails and the poor the leaf had a terrible time drinking, he started drinking two
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bottles a day terribly, then when van gogh tried to cut off his ear, they took him to a psychiatric hospital, there he died in the kingdom of heaven, yes, but it helped van gogh, after his death he became a recognized artist, so maybe the aristart paintings didn’t rise, listen, dear, these are not even paintings, you know, you need to see them, their place is a garbage dump, iska went crazy because of all this, you know, she imagined her husband to be a genius, when he started drinking, she began to hide behind the mask of some aristocrat, in general she was ashamed of his alcoholism, and i’m not an expert, but liza is very much out of order, so you think that no one could have thought of decorating these paintings, like edik, or maybe someone else, no, well, edik, edik , thank god, normal, but no, i think that she herself is everything i made this up and... if i were you, i would look at these pictures, a lot would become clear. now, my dear, look here. this picture
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is called the heart of the creator. and what is this blood? definitely blood, but how could it be otherwise? a real creator writes with the blood of his heart, this is the olympic tea party, uh-huh, the arrests finished it very quickly, why in art time is a relative concept, the main thing
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is that in such painting i understand, in order to understand this, you need to be a genius, what kind of samsonov ? tell me, is this a pencil or mascara, what is this? done? this is the scaffold of the earth, the sweat of a genius, and i spent half a day working naked in the dacha in order to mix it on myself.
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are you sure that there was no one here except your grandson and brother? i told you, i got up in the morning, the doors were locked, they left without saying goodbye, and the painting “dolce vita” disappeared, i immediately went to the police to see you, but why go to the police immediately, i should have called my grandson, my brother, maybe they took the painting , show someone and eduard. and sergei yuryevich knew perfectly well that while i was alive, the paintings would be with me, when i died, i bequeathed them museum, i was robbed, mr. vadik, don’t worry, i promise you, we will do everything to find your painting, believe me,
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now it’s just time for me to go, no, no, don’t rush, don’t rush. please, mr. vadik, i want to treat you to tea, please drink tea with me, thank you, well then let me look after you, thank you from here, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, maybe some sugar, no, i can’t, i can’t, and with your permission, yes, i love sweets very much, you know, somehow, tell me, your husband is in creativity long ago, all his life, at first he painted half a third of the leaders, but then he developed his own theory in art, what a theory, well, in short
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it can be expressed like this: a new art. should cover the old bygone, i'll treat myself to a pie, excuse me, habit, hello, hello, amazing creatures, children. they bring us so much joy, so much tenderness, but at the same time, if you leave them alone without supervision, they will definitely get into trouble somewhere and do something to themselves, student, what’s wrong with your hand, everything’s fine with my hand , with with the other hand, with the other everything is fine too, but it’s not good to deceive, well, some woman on
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the street hit me with a bag and that’s it, we’re just parents, students sometimes... both say that grandma is a smartass and that she has a complete picture, well in general, it's lame, yeah, you know, mr. professor, i completely agree with my relatives, because i can draw such pictures, well, i don’t know, a thousand in a day, if someone pays, guys, what are you talking about, we have a statement, we have it, we have it, and the picture is gone, yes no, no, with that no one argues, we’ll look, i just agree with the student’s opinion, his eye is a diamond, so i think thieves are out of the question... it’s the grandmother herself, yes, but why does she need it, yeah, that is, theft without theft ,
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guys, you really want some candy, yeah, yes, i want it, i want it, zhaneta gave me some, and mukhtar, are you crazy, artyom, he ate all the candy, won’t you feel bad without talking? just don’t say to zhana, okay, otherwise you’ll be upset, guys, what to do with grandma, but she still won’t calm down, although honestly, i don’t understand much about modern art, but look for this nonsense, this is complete nonsense, well... you know that sometimes even the biggest nonsense is sold for very decent money, for sure, so let’s go to the experts and find out there that it’s true that you are the strongest girl in russia,
9:50 am
really, i have 20 records, incredible talents await us, you are the best voice of the earth, yes, we are a two-time champion of russia in dance sports, i filmed in minus 20, yes in -20, this is not a competition, there are no prizes or judges, we have a cancellation . only amazing children, i won the moscow cup, and what is it called, scooter, scooter, you can play harmonicas for 5 hours, well, yes, we found the coolest ones, besides knives, do you do anything else, oh, i have so much work, i drive, i help my mother carry potatoes, what do you want to become when you grow up, president the republic of belarus, or the class of the russian federation, each of them is a small, big miracle, ever use such a phrase, we have a crime for you... great talents are sometimes less than the premiere on august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. nevsky,
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enlighten me today and from all evil save, order a guardian angel medal, plated with pure silver, for only 499 rubles by toll-free number: 8 800 600 68 05 or on the website angelhrani.rf miracle, premiere on august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. tell me, mr. kolosa, this definitely needs to be photographed, will it somehow be useful for business? yes, you know, one of my acquaintances, one might say a colleague, he has been studying modern painting for a very long time and in detail, so maybe i should have invited him here, yes, i don’t mind at all showing the paintings of aristakh, yes, yes, you know, but unfortunately, he is very, very busy, so i think she will help us with photographs in investigating this story of the theft of a painting, tell me, do you already know whether this is eduard
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or sergei yuivich? no, we don’t know, but we ’ll definitely find out, yeah, and of course, we’ll punish the culprits, i’m not interested in that, it ’s important for me to return the painting, yes, there’s one small problem, to return the painting, you need to at least know what it looks like , it is the same format as these, written with condensed milk, which, excuse me, condensed milk, honey and melted sugar is called sweet life. “i see, excuse me, but what is shown in the picture? naturally, sweet life, really, how slow-witted i am, sweet life, well, i’m done, in principle, if you’re done, we can go, and forget about thinking, gentlemen , please come to the table, thank you, i already drank tea with you, we work here.
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“well-mannered people drink tea at least five times a day, yes, especially since you are my debtors, forgive me, i allowed you to take pictures, yes, yes, indeed. we are your debtors, and besides, i agree with you, intelligent people should meet more often at the same table, so that there is something to talk about, drink tea, this will help the student, okay, sit down, gentlemen, i’m here now, vadik, please, sir, will you go to the steel? thank you, in my opinion, a very wonderful, interesting woman, very intelligent, don’t rush to conclusions, artyom valerievich, drink some tea first, with pleasure, i hope i didn’t keep you waiting, well, we had a very good time talking , please help yourself, thank you, help yourself, artyom valeevich, it’s very tasty, yes, let’s try it now.
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on this side, thank you, that's enough, thank you, but could you help me too, yes, of course, it's always nice to help a good person, please, thank you, put it to you, no, thanks, thank you. mr. vadim, what is it or a napkin,
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artalich, what do you say that grandma is normal, look at my hands, please, but her brother warned her, good manners, that’s the point of difference. what a fad she has, why should i suffer over this, i don’t understand, you know what the most offensive thing is that you won’t get charged for being a hooligan, or for insulting a police officer and actions, the doctors will let you go, they will say that you are insane, you understand, but you haven’t tried to just behave civilly at the table, but i know how to behave civilly at the table, it’s just something like that it adds up, and i drink coffee on the run, and i eat on the run, student, the first time you don’t brush your teeth while running, this will be the beginning of your end, learn to pause and calm down. artyom valerievich, well, if life is like this, not life, continuous running, let’s go, yes, with obstacles, we saw with obstacles, i noticed a fly nearby.
10:00 am
russians convicted in the west were returned to their homeland, vladimir putin personally met them at the gangway, i want to thank you for your loyalty to the oath, your duty and the hands that did not forget about us for a minute, this is the biggest one. exchange of prisoners in recent history, ksenia ignatova went to meet them. how is this event commented on in the west? should we expect a change in relations between countries? in nizhny tagil, the analysis of the village continues.


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