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tv   Segodnya  NTV  August 3, 2024 7:00pm-7:36pm MSK

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an artillery school is being restored in saratov, and alexander tankikh met with the first intake of cadets. 20 years since the canonization of admiral fyodor ushakov, a bell was unloaded in moscow today. church in honor of the saint and held a rally. details in the report by nahid babayev. there are many graduates, but not enough workers in the field. russian agricultural universities are changing their approach to training highly qualified personnel for the agricultural sector. alexander kanevich will tell you how this will help agricultural producers. postal medicine about how postmen work in the villages of the ulyanovsk region help the felchers. mikhail chernov.
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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today in the vladimir chernyshov studio. president vladimir putin discussed the liquidation with the governor of the sverdlovsk region, evgei kuevyshi, by telephone. there was an emergency in nizhny tagel, where the entrance to a residential building collapsed as a result of a gas explosion. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov announced this today. the head of the region reported that by the end of the week the examination would be completed, based on the results of which a decision would be made on the fate of the building. except in addition, the sverdlovsk governor spoke about helping the victims and those who lost their homes. kuyvashev together with the presidential plenipotentiary representative in the ural federal district. today we met with the residents of a dilapidated house, they were accompanied.
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began to overflow over it , and heavy equipment was sent there to increase the height of the embankment. a powerful cyclone brought rainfall to the republic, several bridges were washed away, part of the federal highway was washed away, the railway infrastructure was under threat, but a special train strengthened the embankment slopes dangerous areas. the ministry of emergency situations reports that the weather is not expected to improve yet. the russian military stopped attempts by the kiev regime to attack russian regions with drones at night. according to the ministry of defense, air defense systems were intercepted and 75 aircraft-type drones were destroyed in seven regions, of which 36 were over the rostov region. several devices fell in residential areas. a state of emergency has been introduced in the morozovsky district . according to the regional governor , damage to glazing was recorded in several buildings, including schools and kindergartens. a fire started in a fuel warehouse in the kamyansky district. the fire has now been extinguished. another 17 drones were shot down over
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the oryol region, two of them hit a residential building. emergency services are on the scene; no one was injured as a result of the strike. in addition, drones were shot down over kursk, over ryazan, and were also shot down one at a time over the voronezh region and the sea of ​​azov in the krasnodar region. early in the morning, ukrainian militants again tried to attack belgorod. found in the skies over the region two aircraft were destroyed. in the special operation zone, kiev over the past 24 hours, as a result of successful actions by the russian military, lost almost 2.0 militants, a large amount of equipment was destroyed, including western -made armored vehicle guns. fierce fighting is currently taking place in the areas of kramatorsk and chasovaya yar in the donetsk people's republic. in this sector , units of the southern group of forces repelled five enemy counterattacks. the center group is also making good progress. three reflected. attacks by assault groups, hundredth 110
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mechanized brigades and assault brigade people. enemy losses amounted to up to 400 troops. three infantry fighting vehicles, two of them. bradley and marder, two m-113 armored personnel carriers, a hamv armored fighting vehicle, a 152 mm d-20 gun, a 22 mm d-30 howitzer, a 100 mm rapira anti-tank gun and an ntpq-36 counter-battery counter station. in addition, our aviation drones and artillery strikes hit fuel depots of the ukrainian armed forces, a temporary deployment point for... separation of foreign mercenaries, accumulation of manpower, enemy military equipment in 138 areas. in the zaporozhye region, sappers of the dnepr group of troops are clearing the way for assault units. a military engineer examines every square meter of the area and neutralizes traps. most often, they are blown up
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on the spot with an overhead charge, but if it is impossible to get close to the mine, they resort to tricks. snake rostov discovered an anti-tank pancake.
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art, but in particular among the priority disciplines that cadets master is countering drones, alexander tankikh reports from saratov. branch blow, hit! the competition is two people per place, only in june they passed the last exams, passed the selection, and are now already training at the training ground with weapons to their advantage. this is what the tank running-in exercise looks like. here they also learn how to evacuate the wounded, place them on stretchers, apply a tourniquet and make bindings. press, press tightly. until this year , only one school in russia trained artillery officers, in st. petersburg. it became clear that this was not enough; now in saratov, after a twenty-year break , the military are again receiving higher education. on the first class consisted of school graduates, conscripts and contract military personnel. future officers came from different regions of the country, many continue the military dynasty.
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my whole family is military, my grandfather was a military man, my father was already a retired military man, my brother is now on a special military operation, so i’m also an artilleryman, i also wanted to become an artilleryman. i have more. to skillfully and correctly perform assigned tasks. the school installed special simulators so that cadets could master artillery mathematics. when we have the outermost group of infantry moved onto the route, yes, officers, as a rule, calculate in advance the meeting point with
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the enemy and open fire, while they take into account the average speed of the projectile, the entire structure of artillery consists of geometry higher than mathematics. they are trained to take into account new realities, even to set up a shelter, for example, the entrance to the dugout should be shaped like the letter g so that an incoming drone cannot get inside. first, a reconnaissance drone appears in the sky, followed by drones with chemical weapons. another exercise, maximum conditions close to real. our main task is to attack and defend against the drone that is attacking from above, a defensive attack. our main goal is a two-story house. ahead of the cadets is a solemn oath. military and civil disciplines. 5 years of training and the rank of lieutenant. alexander tankikh, igor akimov, vladimir khazov, ekaterina kostyukevich, ntv, saratov region. an unusual motor rally started today in moscow.
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only executive class cars, but from different eras, participate in it. one of the cars a white aurus is carrying a piece of the relics of fyodor ushakov in the yaroslavl region. the relic will be transferred to the temple where he was baptized.
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elements characteristic of russian churches were also added to the project, for example, a pitched roof. there will be a school here, a full-fledged orthodox school, there will be a congress and exhibition space, a refectory, it is large, so it can hold conferences, various round tables, that is, and naturally, of course, part of this complex is a museum in honor of the holy and righteous ushakov. today before the car rally illuminated and hoisted a bell with the image of fyodor ushakhov onto the building. admiral fyodor ushakov is a prominent naval commander in the history of russia; he won victories in five major naval battles and did not suffer a single defeat during his years of service. he was able to be good, kind, a patriot of his earthly fatherland. and at the same time he was, became a good saint.
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maleben will take place, and a particle of the relics of saint
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gne khopylev will be held in the yaroslavl region, where they will be given to the local church of the epiphany on the island, where the future was baptized 279 years ago admiral of the russian fleet. nakhit babaev, pavel kacher, ilya poleychuk, ntv. in the ulyanovsk region, first medical aid to residents of remote villages is now provided by the postman; well, they can’t do an x-ray or an ultrasound, of course, but they can measure blood pressure or conduct it. initial inspection is possible. mikhail chernov looked at how all this was organized and learned how doctors actually feel about such an initiative. she herself will soon need the help of doctors, she is in her seventh month of pregnancy, but for now the postman danilova is visiting the post office and medicine 15 km a day one person, a volunteer of the postman health program. doctors are different, some, well , people don’t know them, they see their admirers every day, communicate and somehow... how does a family turn out, or what? some even call me daughter. buikovka village, only five
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residential buildings, almost 60 km to the district hospital. doctors don’t come here often, but postmen come here every other day. oh yes, here is the paper, the woman is 91, but she still goes after the cattle, it doesn’t hurt anything for the rest of her, she tells her dear vera about all the diseases, as if in spirit. 176 by 92, something there are a lot of these in a special questionnaire.
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in need of intensive care, all the ceilings are cracked, everything is in disrepair, it’s scary, it could fall on people’s heads, the post office building is more than half a century old, the rural medical and obstetric center is here, but the entrance is on the other side, now the doors are locked, the felsha itself is on hospital, the former estates of the arbuzov estates are now in decline, the board of the local collective farm, which has been for sale for a year, a bus stop in the rural outskirts, a local bar at night, buses in arbuzovka, infrequent guests, until the district hospital...
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nikolay datsun, ntv, ulyanovsk region. housing, company car and decent salary. they decided to use these measures to stimulate graduates of agricultural universities, and this is only at the initial stage. the regions are developing a special program to attract young farmers. the shortage of personnel is significant, but it is necessary to fight it with the help of professionals who will boost the industry with the latest nata technologies. universities themselves take an active part in this. alexander. kanevich talked with those who have already chosen to work in the field. yes, y bogdan, the chief agronomist of one of the leading farms in the novosibirsk region, the time is now such that there is no time for filming at all, every day is scheduled from dawn to dusk, you need to go around the sown fields, check if everything is in order, find out how the machine operators are doing. pyotr petrovich, hello,
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hello, well, as the work is going, everything is fine, and then enter the current data into the condition monitoring program. and yield forecasting and much more to do. a modern agronomist must be able to work, including with various digital platforms. universities teach this, but in order for graduates, having received a diploma, to strive to find a job in their specialty, it is necessary to create comfortable living conditions. we are guaranteed a stable salary, and a decent salary, we were given official transport, we have now been provided with housing in a hostel for the first time, a house is currently being built, we are living. we work, we work, everyone is in the black, we are comfortable, the farm has a head and hands. bogdan arrived in the village with his fiancee, also a graduate of the novosibirsk agrarian university university, they graduated this year, and decided to work in agriculture while still in school. i think that the village is very good, there is life in the village, it has not gone anywhere,
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especially now we have the internet, we have everything we need, but at the same time we are here, we are close to the earth, close. novosibirsk agrarian university has long been cooperating with leading agricultural producers in the region, opens enrollment for new specialties that are in demand today in the military-industrial complex, and, as best it can, helps students find work in the industry. specialists are needed who own innovative technologies, and digitalization, who can perform several tasks simultaneously. there is a very high demand for veterinarians, agricultural engineering, and agronomists, of course. 90% of graduates of the oryol agrarian university get jobs in specialized enterprises; last year, the university opened a career competence center that helps students find jobs; many educational programs are developed together with future employers, so as not to retrain young specialists later production. we help almost every student during their studies, regardless of the form of
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study. even our schoolchildren all graduate with a working specialty. agricultural profile, and of course, the company will hire a specialist who has several diplomas, and it’s great if one of them is a working specialty. in the oryol branch of a large domestic agricultural holding , roman is engaged in the selection of soybeans and wheat peas. he experienced first-hand the close interaction between the university and agribusiness . i took my third year here industrial practice, then pre-graduation, and after graduation straight into the field. university. i think, again, that i did the most that i could, precisely due to the fact that i didn’t have to constantly ask something, run around, find out, besides, i’m sure that there was a big competition here, if the university, there would be much more difficult. actually, dmitry is the executive director of a peasant farm, but there is so much work that there is no time to sit in the director’s chair. as a child, he spent every summer in
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the fields with his grandfather, a farmer, and even then he realized that he wants to take care of the family business. i entered the state university of northern zaoral to study. i studied there for 4 years, entered the master's program, then took the academy, joined the army, and served in moscow. i came and continued studying for a master’s degree, graduated and now i’m here, working with my family, most likely i ’ll stay here, i’ll continue what my grandfather started, we’ll also sow, harvest, mow, dima’s father is also in the fields from morning to evening, according to the first he is trained as a cabinet maker and worked in tyumen, but after several years of living in the city he returned to his native village, studied in absentia at an agricultural university for... mechanics, i think we need to continue the work of our parents, we also have a younger son, the same thing, then as they say, you can’t kick a stick out of villages, also a third-year student, graduated
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from the institute too, now at the moment he is engaged in chemical weeding, essentially everything has to be done, there is not enough working staff, there is no one to work, so we go out ourselves, well, we are looking for ways, looking for ways to solve the problem with personnel for the agro-industrial complex at the agricultural university northern. behind in the urals, the university plans to introduce new educational programs and specialties that meet the needs of the time, more practice for students and close contact with representatives of agribusiness who know what specific specialists are needed. we are now creating a model of practical training at an agricultural university together with government, business, the university, and, by the way, science. we will increase the amount of practice to the maximum that the standard allows us to...
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of entrepreneurs. time for supercake and the best app for tens of millions of people, the red sun has risen, time for alpha bank, time for alpha benefit. this is the program today, we continue our release. the moscow hippodrome celebrates 190 years since its foundation. the building on the running track is now closed for reconstruction, but the meeting place for horse racing fans cannot be changed for almost 2 centuries. during this time, these stands have seen both crowned
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heads and the elite of the underworld. fashionable hats for ladies, the joy of winning, the bitterness of losing, what the hippodrome will look like after reconstruction, gleb dudkin found out. well, you ’ll just generally be an ntv star, so where to go? in fact, lucifer jay is already a star; at just 3 years old, the stallion managed to win several prestigious awards; now, together with his rider yulia, he is preparing to compete for another prize. we start with cleaning horses, a special brush, a comb, all the dust, you see, it comes out of the horse so that we have a horse. the beautiful, brilliant one went for big prizes. last year, the ramensky hippodrome, along with other testing grounds in the country, hosted the capital's riders and horses when the central moscow hippodrome was closed for reconstruction. it took time for the athletes to get used to the new places. of course, it was difficult to get used to, firstly, the surroundings, you find yourself in a new place, and secondly, a little other conditions, that is, i myself am a muscovite from moscow, i miss the city,
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the hippodrome, i miss it more anyway. the history of the central moscow hippodrome began in 1834, this is a chronicle of the tsarist period, in this form the main building ceased to exist in the middle of the last century, when there was a big fire, here are the shots from 1956, the moscow hippodrome hosts the all-union spartakiad shortly after reconstruction, the race is led by yakov chernyshov is from the moscow team, he is in a red canopy, followed by the rest of the participants. within 5 years completely rebuilt in the style of stalinist architecture and early classicism. since then , the hippodrome has not seen major renovations. today, specialists are faced with the task of restoring the roof, facades, floors, stucco moldings, painted ceilings and other elements. surprisingly, these frescoes have not been updated for 70 years. most likely, they were preserved in such good condition due to the fact that they were not exposed to direct sunlight . during the restoration, the colors will be refreshed and the missing fragments will be filled.
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the situation with engineering networks and communications is much worse have fallen into disrepair, the building must be brought into compliance with modern safety requirements, while preserving its unique flavor. it is planned to be held here. work on the reconstruction of the facility, its restoration and adaptation to modern conditions, all engineering systems will be completely replaced , new communications, ventilation systems, smoke removal systems, fire alarms will be laid. here is the casino, pawning with on one side there are window openings, apparently so that a person loses the sense of time, being... slot machines, and the historical columns are covered with colorful stickers, but during the reconstruction this place will be returned to the appearance conceived by the architect. the spectator stands will also be completely renovated, doubling the capacity. additional viewing areas will be installed in the center of the stadium. the horse
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yard with all communications is being built anew. new competitive zones will appear. a racing track, a trotting track and two working trotting tracks. in the center of the circles we are supposed to be accommodated. competition field, we are bringing the hippodrome to world standards, making it both convenient for testing and for people to be here, and safe, of course, for everyone. the veterinary block will be significantly expanded and will include a clinic, quarantine stables, an isolation ward, a doping control room and a rehabilitation center for horses. the veterinary clinic will be equipped with the most modern high-tech equipment, and there will be two operating rooms, one is clean, the other is dirty, this will be an mri for horses, this will be an x-ray, endoscopic equipment, unfortunately this was not the case before on the territory of the central moscow hippodrome. next to the construction site there is a small showroom where you can
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see what the future stables will look like. after completion of the work, athletes and horse owners will return to testing at their home racetrack under completely different conditions. we are in the construction headquarters, where perhaps the only item has been temporarily moved tsarist period. dudina and ekaterina kovalchuk, ntv. well, this is the news for this hour, i’m vladimir chernyshov, thank you for your attention, goodbye. the time has come for alfabank, the time for benefits for everyone, from beijing to
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the baltic sea, with instant delivery of cards to thousands of cities, the time for the best bank for millions of entrepreneurs. supercake time. and the best application for tens of millions of people, the red sun has set, alpha bank time, alpha benefit time, magnet, crackers, kireeshki, magnet - price, what you need, good, when it’s unexpected, and this makes it even more pleasant, when you’re alone, but in delicious company,
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when you want something juicier, it can’t get any juicier, any moment can become even tastier and brighter. come enjoy your favorite taste.


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