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tv   Segodnya  NTV  August 4, 2024 10:00am-10:21am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of yulia bekhtareva. more than a hundred people were evacuated to buryat from flood zones. people were placed in temporary accommodation centers; due to the difficult flood situation and dam overflow , a state of emergency at the republican level is in force in the region. according to the authorities, the distance from the scene of the emergency to the nearest populated area is more than 5 km, and there are five villages in the flood zone. volunteers and equipment were brought in to help residents, and authorities began assessing the damage. traffic was blocked on sections of the baikal federal highway for a day, some places were completely washed away by water. also damaged several
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bridges. and regarding the situation in the middle east, our embassy in lebanon calls on russians to leave this country amid the escalation of the situation. that night, hezbollah launched rocket attacks on settlements in northern israel. air raid sirens went off in 15 settlements. according to hezbollah representatives, this was a response to the deaths of civilians in southern lebanon as a result of israeli raids and shelling. the force in turn attacked. the americans are preparing to defend their bases in the region in the event of a full-scale conflict and are evacuating their citizens. additional units of the british armed forces are being sent to the middle east; according to media reports, the pentagon ordered israel not to react to the menacing attacks of its neighbors and not to attack.
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forced mobilization in ukraine provokes more and more protests among the population, including in the western part of the country. the largest rally in recent times took place in the volyn region, people demanded to be released men who were caught by military commissars in broad daylight to be sent to a war zone. at first, women fought off the prisoners, then men, including front-line soldiers, joined them. the police, who realized that the angry residents were not going to disperse, gave up. a number of ukrainian telegram channels report that the detainees were released, but despite this, dissatisfied people continued their protest, they demanded an end to forced mobilization, which in ukraine is increasingly called mobilization. anti-aircraft missile system crew in the northern military district zone thor m2 eliminated the drone. with its help, the ukrainian armed forces tried to conduct reconnaissance of the location of russian troops. the target was detected by
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a 360-degree radar; it allows one to detect objects at a distance of over 30 km; the copter was destroyed with the first shot. and this is footage of the work of army aviation. the crew of the k-52 helicopter attacked the enemy’s location in the group’s area of ​​responsibility. north pilots operated at extremely low altitudes and used two types of missiles. air reconnaissance confirmed the liquidation of the stronghold. and in in the zone of responsibility of the west group , ammunition depots and enemy equipment were destroyed. the hail crew figured out their locations through reconnaissance, took up positions and opened fire. the artillerymen protected their equipment while working with the help of an electronic warfare station and anti-drone guns. today in russia they celebrate
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railway worker's day; vladimir putin has already congratulated industry workers on their professional holiday. i would like to sincerely congratulate all workers, railway transport veterans, young specialists who chose this vocation for themselves on their professional holiday. thank you for your work and dedication. each of you contributes to ensuring that... the industry, which is certainly of strategic importance for our huge country, works reliably, smoothly and uninterruptedly. among the achievements of railway workers, the head of state named the opening of global markets and the sustainable operation of enterprises, including defense. as the president noted, industry workers now face many large-scale tasks. the main projects will be high-speed highways, international logistics corridors. silent communication from the baltic and
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barin sea to the persian gulf of the indian ocean, as well as the development of the azov-black sea direction. britain is on the brink. civil war, this is how the media today characterizes the large-scale wave of protests that covered the entire kingdom; people are dissatisfied with the migration policy, which, in their opinion, is out of control. protesters smashed shop windows, blocked streets with garbage and set it on fire, and used pyrotechnics against the freedom fighters. as a result dozens of people were detained in clashes with police. as the media write in the north-west of england, due to the unrest, some clinics are forced to stop working. the kingdom's police were transferred to a reinforced regime and given the right to take the harshest measures against protesters. today , new demonstrations are expected in twenty cities. in connection with this
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situation in the country, representatives of the conservatives called for an immediate convening of a meeting of parliament, which is currently on recess. the catalyst for the protests was the murder of children, which happened in... olympic games in women's boxing, guaranteed himself at least bronze. this became possible after defeating the representative of hungary; out of three rounds, she lasted only two in the ring. the opponent dealt her more blows and moved faster, this once again outraged social network users who...
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ntv viewers need help from timur from rostov-on -don, he was diagnosed with a rare disease, congenital pseudarthrosis, he needs surgery to remove a pin that is installed finally, its ready carried out by doctors in warsaw, according to doctors, timur will also undergo rehabilitation for several months, all this costs 27 thousand dollars.
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it’s a rare case when families ask for help in treating children more than once, our viewers collected money for timur’s operation then, we told the boy’s story on air, now we need help again, even
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when the surgery was done, one day he arrived, left, then another period will begin, in general rehabilitation is needed, shoes are needed, styles are needed in general. horror, i'm already dreaming about this day, when this is all over, it will probably be some kind of new life, simply. there have already been five operations. they assembled timur's leg when he was a baby, removed the false joint, connected the tibia and fibula, put a plate on the ankle, installed a pin inside the bone, the child grew up, the leg grew, the telescopic pin became small, changed the plate, aligned the knee, removed the old pin . they put in a new one, the child is still grown, a new operation is needed, it’s like some kind of boundary between childhood and adolescence, but if it’s not done in time do it, it will already be a disaster. the metal structure helps timur, but his left leg is already 3 cm shorter than his right leg, and if the problem is not corrected, it may
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remain like this for life. the operation can be performed already in warsaw, the same dr. paley, he opened his representative office in europe, and long-term rehabilitation will also be carried out there, yana and timur are openly polish. we recommend correcting this deformity by performing lengthening surgery on the left side. the patient is scheduled for leg lengthening surgery at our institute so that his legs are the same size. length. we expect that we will help complete the process and give him a normal life. russian orthopedists advised yana not to change the doctor or treatment so as not to harm timur. for the next operation, we need to raise 27 thousand dollars, a huge amount for a mother who is raising her son alone. speaking of this, yana has a hard time holding back her tears, even when her son asks her not to cry. the operation needs to be done before next may, perhaps this will be the end of timur’s treatment, the doctors and the boy’s mother are very keen on this...
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some of them fought for a place on the podium the strongest runners in the country. the best athletes ran 10 km in less than half an hour. nikita korabenkov met them at the finish line. if it weren't for the numbers on the chest, the participants of the night race could be confused with party guests. there is such a relaxed atmosphere here and no competitive tension. among people in the running community, the desire to compete with others is rare. the participants arrived here one and a half to two hours before the start. have already managed to warm up, and more than once, anyway, look at the general warm-up, they don’t skip it, because the main thing is
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in any race, what’s before it and what ’s after it, or as the runners themselves say, the main thing is the movement, i had a friend, he was also older, you say the youth, run, and i say, like an old man, i’ll run and watch for beautiful girls, now i adopt his words, i run and enjoy it when the girls run. smiles beautifully, and some of them do it in such a way that families are formed right on the run, i can say that at one of the competitions i ran after her, it was cross-country running, she grabs a tree and the tree falls on me, i’m such a girl, did you want to beat me up a little, well, it turned out that how the acquaintance began, a few other nuances, and now we proposed to her on one of the runs, the next we signed and just recently we have been married for a year. this is also why the number of running enthusiasts is growing every year, and the organizers are just managing
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to set records for the number of registrations. in total , 7 days were spent on registration, for the entire registration quota, during these 7 1,000 people are registered in days, of which 5,000 people are running the night race for the first time. 3, 2, 1, all 10,000 of them are not running around like a crowd. participants were divided into such parties or, as they say, clusters, depending on the level of participants, from elite to beginners. running at night is a special atmosphere, the weather is pleasant, everyone runs with flashlights, the athletes themselves assure that the process brings special pleasure even to those who do not run, but cheer for their own people. it’s just awesome here, my husband is running, i always accompany him, there’s a festive atmosphere that sporting events, it has nothing to do with anything...
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image of a father. like your mother, these people have become family, and it’s not about heredity, it’s about what you can pass on to your child, become kindred spirits on уsanoviti.rf, national project demography. kingfisher - new season. today at 13:00 on ntv. check your credit rating on the compare website or in the app, and we will select a favorable loan based on your credit history. compare on your side. not getting drunk, a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, taste is a pleasure, i love it, i recommend it, i found out the credit rating, chose the right loan, check your credit rating on the comparison website or in the application, it’s free, and we will select the most profitable loan taking into account your current payments credit history,
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the temperature will drop to 20-25°. but in the south, including in the primorye region, it will bypass for now. no precipitation and during the day in some places it was again below 30. in siberia, a web of atmospheric fronts envelops the southern regions of the krasnoyarsk territory, almost the entire western half. anticyclones are rushing to disperse the clouds. one of them settled in the polar regions, the second - in the south of the urals. through his efforts, the weather will improve in bashkiria and the orenburg region. but european territory will have to put up with rain for now. an extensive cyclone controls the northwest, north of the middle zone and the volga region. and the further south. the less precipitation there is, the weather in the black earth region will clear up and become a little warmer. the south remained aloof from the bad weather, but frontal sections still caught up with rain clouds and adjusted the temperature in crimea in krasnodar. region and about the weather in the capitals in st. petersburg, tomorrow it will rain again and during the day it will be about 23°, in moscow it will be a little warmer +2325 without precipitation.


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