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tv   Desant yest desant  NTV  August 5, 2024 4:05am-4:49am MSK

4:05 am
well, of course, transportation with weapons in hand and in full combat readiness, well, i knew what i was doing, i served in the army, no, i studied at the institute, yes, institute is good, but i ’ve been in the army all my life and now, no, now i have my own security agency, well, or rather it belongs to mokhov, and i manage personnel, training. the same army, only from the side, oleg vitalievich said that you have the best agency in the city, if not in the country, well, maybe so, you know, i’m just confident in my guys, they each have combat experience, well, when we go, well, as soon as they call, we’ll get going, married, yes, we’ve been married for a year, children, but no, somehow not... what’s so?
4:06 am
do you want one? certainly. yes. children are the most important thing we have in life. children are the most important thing. well, for me the most important thing is work. what, is something wrong? not really. it seemed. well, what are you up to, guy, and there the security will tie you up once or twice, let’s go our separate ways, but you won’t get through, and i’ll say that i didn’t see you, you couldn’t see me, you shot me, remember , so service, guy, what can i do, you? the military man must
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understand, there is an order, there is an order, look at the road, seryozha, yes, are you leaving? yes, what happened? everything is very simple. you're
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a grown girl, i don't love you, i have a wife, i have a son, that's the thing, well, i knew it. and i, i, what was it like, a girl for fun while the family is on vacation, right? no, i agree, i behaved like everyone else, that’s it, i went so that i could be in the office tomorrow at 9:00. you don’t understand, i won’t
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come, i mean, i won’t work for you, yes, well then get lost, seryozha, yes, bird, where are you? we need to meet, okay, yes, i will, yeah, come on, i can't live like this, goodbye.
4:10 am
crap! damn,
4:11 am
it's time, the group is working, i understand. let's move out, well, let's go? go-go!
4:12 am
great, i know these guys. well, slavin, call the investigation team? yes, yes, yes, and don’t forget to call the press center, let them inform the newspapers that a special task force has eliminated the gang of akhmet, who was involved in drug trafficking on an industrial scale, and on the side of the gang. a group from mr. mokhov’s personal security acted, and mr. mokhov’s involvement in the drug business is being established by the investigation, akhmet is not there, akhmeta, where will he go, yes, the trucks are there, let them drive them to our parking lot, the drugs
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must be there, act. this is with me, and who is this? with me, damn it, damn it, it was a good plan, they were going to go together. and this is a reptile, he knocked me out in the bear of the table and went on his own, calm down, he just saved you, spring said everything correctly, i see you are at the same time with him, in short, i managed to open their files, i copied the flash drive, when, when spring came i was approached by,
4:14 am
wait, the same flash drive that masha had. yes, now i know everything about them, i know where are their bases, i know their traffic, bird, there are such names, dear mother, in short, i have a bomb on my computer, we can come to all of them, wow, from these specialists and mokhov, all of them, we should find it in the spring, i agree.
4:15 am
naked to me. where is he, stop, let's go, lock the door!
4:16 am
well, that's it, there's no escape, that's it, that's it, let's go, let's go, come out, quietly, quietly, get up, come on, hold on, hold on, hold on, quietly, quietly, watch your ass don't freeze, let's go, let's go,
4:17 am
let's go, oh, we've come to our senses, let's go to the exit, we'll leave quickly. nothing, nothing, let's break through that's all, everyone we managed to gather, to be honest, golperin, i'm surprised, why? “i thought you were an accountant, a quiet, cowardly accountant, i am like that,
4:18 am
it’s just impossible in our business without good assistants, what do you want, mongolian, yes, we want to go, asked me for one favor, and i can know what kind of service, i need to help him, we’ll come back later, i owe him, this is my friend, okay, be in touch, do you want to say something? there’s nothing,
4:19 am
so there must be another way out, calmly, calmly, what’s another statement? the paratrooper knocked me out and did you bring it? here, what could i do, he would kill me, but it would be better if he killed you, idiot,
4:20 am
why are you here and not there, yes, who, now we have to go, you understand that this is the last chance for you, i understand, act, what happened, stay with him, let's go, i hope you made it through! i do n’t think i’ve let you down yet, but are you sure they’re there? no, i’m not sure, but i think we can start with this, listen, why do you need all this, money, money, money is a blast, i had it, revenge is another thing, revenge is a feeling
4:21 am
irrational, so what? forward, yeah, come on, come on, let's go, get up, let's go, come on. where are they, they are there, you’re standing there, let’s unpack, you can’t get in. now,
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now, your hand is already numb, maybe you can be patient, uh, what are you doing, oh, you still have a gun, no, that’s bad.
4:23 am
mongol, you outdid yourself, it was them, you know, they wanted me to work for them. are you sorry, i just killed you, why, well, because you are yesterday, and today is the time for fast people, otherwise you will fall out of both,
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my own mind, i want to be alone, you know, or late, someone will give you anyway, and you know, for your sake i have become much better, because i used to envy you, because i was more successful than me, now it turns out there is no one to envy, then look, today i did two good deeds, i saved the world from a terrible criminal, made a stupid... servant, heroes, but you don’t want to listen to me, don’t, i have so much to do today, i’ll go, well, in general, you never wanted to listen to me to the end, come on,
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i'm here now, let's go quickly, come on, come on, come on! don't look close your eyes, like this, quietly, quietly,
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look at me. who are you, the new manager, but they didn’t tell me anything about you, here’s the company, but listen,
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no one knows anything, where, what, before , you believe, no, but i came to work at 8:00 in the morning, and left after midnight , and now, by the way, how did they let you through, the pass showed, oh, documents? where are the documents in my locker ? i don’t like you, what the hell are you doing here,
4:28 am
god, thank god it’s all over, i wouldn’t have forgiven myself if i hadn’t... slept, the problem is more serious than you thought, i managed to open their files, there is something like, well, should this follower go, but are you sure about him? what is there to do? yes, no choice, let's go. him, everything is going according to plan, tonight your guys will take the cargo, listen, everything is fine with you, why are you so gloomy, yes, you are thinking about life,
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about life, life is just beginning, the families of your athletes have already been sent, yes, thank you , oleg, who is abroad, who is still in the air, well, that’s good, i told you, this will be our last operation, and you are yours... the guys will be provided for until the end of their days, your guys will do their job and fly out of this sad country to your families, where you have them, you know better, you bought them houses, some in spain, some in france, in bavaria, well, you know, i don’t leave my own, oleg, i can’t help but ask you, what’s wrong with yours? security? it’s clear,
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you’re defending yourself at the end, which surprises you, you know what kind of business this is? yes, i know, that's just all i just can’t get used to it when my own people get set up, i already said, i don’t set up my own people and don’t abandon them, but these people. who accompanied the trucks, they are not my own, they are dogs who will tear you and me apart for money if there is someone who pays more, and in general they had the task of protecting the cargo with weapons in their hands, they failed, what’s the problem, i’ll drink vodka, this is the first time i’ve seen you drink vodka at work, and this is the first time i’ve done this. is something bothering you? come on, everything is going according to plan. come on, little by little.
4:31 am
oh wow, our russian is simple, as in youth, but for good luck. bad feelings, premonitions, has anyone seen this? no, that's good,
4:32 am
the next question arises: where did you get it from? and this is no longer for us, this is from my father, yeah, so maybe you can still tell me what your father did, where did he get that kind of money? because the question is very serious, and you can’t even imagine how serious it is? i ’ll tell you everything, i woke up, listen, friend, where is your who, an ex-man or something in the military, he’s a good shooter, by the way, thank you both, now there’s no need to share, thank god, that’s it whole, just peeled off a little, that’s okay,
4:33 am
let’s dry it. don't be afraid, i'm not here for long, quietly, quietly, quietly, now we'll play a little, and then i'll kill you, and who is this, your dad, also a former military man, quietly, i said, well, let's take off our panties, a?
4:34 am
i know this story about a gangster community that supposedly disappeared. although was there a common fund at all? there was, i took it and hid it, then i gave it all to my father, and with this money he did everything, then we decided that the thieves’ money should be used for good, for what good? society, yeah, my father was still at war he said that he had found a trace of drug trafficking, but
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information about this was somehow kept silent. yeah, and he tried to reach certain people, structures, but no one heard him, yeah, and then there were two attempts on his life, and he decided to use this money to conduct his own investigation, of course, he bribed someone, somewhere good equipment was needed, well, you understand, well, yes, yes, investigating a case is not cheap, only that your father, colonel kalinin , was investigating... this case is too good, and this material is very dangerous for people who they saw him, because very strong people were involved in this matter, and that everything should be left as it is, why, let’s use what we have, can’t we go into more detail, can we go into more detail.
4:36 am
this is, yes, yes, glorious, this is a mongol, i am now and vlasov, and what do you have, i understand,
4:37 am
let’s meet, no, on the street, okay, let’s go. listen, pop, and if there’s not a damn thing there, but it’s not for me, we’re going into the dark, yes, that’s understandable, yeah, guys, my dad couldn’t be mistaken. now we’ll see, the soldier is sleeping, the service is going on, in general, they killed a mongol, but i managed to get the documents
4:38 am
get it, mongolian, who, like knitting needles, they are connected with mokhov, and in general borisov runs everything there, i’ve heard about such a thing. isn’t this the same borisov, whom you warmed up at one time, the same one, uh-huh, well, the goods must be taken today, because tomorrow they may no longer be there, i assume, they can be taken, you just assume, man assumes, god disposes, and i’m not a god yet, i decided we’ll go. but if there is nothing there, or there is a set-up, like last night, i am responsible for my words, okay,
4:39 am
your tea is delicious, come on, gather yours of people. well, what kind of urgent investigator? i have the address of the warehouse where mokhov actually stores drugs, there is also a laboratory with all the equipment, where is the information from, what is the source, well, i’m an investigator, so i was investigating, you heard, he’s an investigator, we’ll go to mokhov, in his car, where, to mokhov, on the way you’ll tell everything.
4:40 am
come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, let 's move! let's quickly, come on, hold on, listen, has anyone seen the security?
4:41 am
no, where did they go? special department, oleg vitalievich is at home, no one is there, go ahead, come on, i have no right. what do you need, how did the security let you through, your security is sticky, a disabled person, maybe he won’t get through. so, did they kill them? for what? we're not
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a murderer. maybe we can settle things, oleg vitalievich. i don't owe you anything. as far as i know, you are removed from the case, and it is you who must compensate me for the damages for the destroyed goods. great, so, now we are waiting for the couriers and home, home, home, home, oh, here they are, great, great.
4:43 am
well, we’ll go to your laboratory now, and you’ll give us everything, where? which laboratory, the laboratory where you produce the latest synthetic drug, which you started making together with serge. i have nothing to do with serge's affairs. serge is in prison on merit. okay, that's it, let's end the discussion, i'm tired of this. “i’m not going anywhere, and if we really ask you, all together, this is just ridiculous, gentlemen, however, take me to my laboratory, although i have no idea what we’re talking about, but you must understand that if with me something happens, then mokhov, we are in command, please, well,
4:44 am
well, are you the eldest, or what? security? i myself would like to know, so are you without security, or what? yes, we were loading, i didn’t even see it. oh, kolya, let's get into the car,
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well, it's locked, the door can't be opened, so, don't open anything, hands, hands, i said. well, you see, gentlemen, i told you, we ’ll be on time, what we’re bringing, you can take a look, yes, please, go ahead,
4:46 am
yes, open up, you fell asleep or something, open up, it’s all over there, i have news from mokhov, open up, come on, well, serge, it’s you, me, me, what did i let out, let out, open up, come on, come on, what?
4:47 am
well, let’s wait until everything calms down up there, or better yet, don’t, well, they ’ll take the trucks, to hell with the trucks, we have all the components for the newest drug here, you know? not a single device can determine, you understand, but acts like a log to the head, instantly, i’m right, i say,
4:48 am
weapon to the ground, weapon to the ground, quickly, threw it, drop the weapon, move away, move away, i said, here, come here, quickly, closer, what happened, oleg? what are you doing, coach, got involved with crime, who are you, captain, captain is glorious, weapons on the ground, what’s fast, what are you doing, sprindel, no, come on, put the clown toy on the ground, sharply, put the toy on the ground, he said.
4:49 am
no need to smoke, no need to smoke, evaporation, explosive, may explode, well, ahmed, i did everything as promised, production costs. cheap, the output costs more than any drug, it acts instantly, i’m right, right?


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