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tv   Nevskii  NTV  August 5, 2024 8:00pm-11:35pm MSK

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pash, forgive me, but now it's either you or me, i can't get a life sentence now, i 'm going to have a girl, he killed my wife. seryoga, no, no, okay, that you said it so directly, yes, now they themselves sort it out as they want, please, an order, thank you for agreeing to meet, and a little later. talk about a lot,
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was i not in my right mind yesterday? everything is fine, i understand, but what do you understand? i have a son, my only one, my beloved, but he lived with his mother, i'm divorced from her. yes, i am everything you want for him, money there, clothes, abroad, i wanted it send them to europe to study, and my wife said, no, let them study in russia. okay, so be it,
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find me the one who did it, we are working, i have a few questions for you, wait with your questions, what is too little, is this an advance? of course, i don't have any more with me, tell me how much you need, people will bring it, take it away, tell me how much you need, i don't need it at all, you want them to be swept up here.
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we will do everything possible to find your son's killer, but we don't need money. sanych, let's get dressed right away, lend me some money, thirty euros, i really need it, i understand, that i am to blame, but if it weren't for me, of course, they would have served, i don't know what happened, it seems that i really hit my head hard then, that's an understatement, sanych, help me out, and why did i suddenly become poor, or what, it seems like it's not sour every month for... well, it's not sour or not,
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i don't know where that money went sanych, i swear i don't know, well i bought a car, i bought an apartment, yes , girls, everything, yes, vodka, i went for a few times, but don't ask where it went, and why didn't i invest anywhere, or what? well, why did i invest, i bought myself a plot of 30 acres in a good place, i was going to build, yes, what now money for construction, i see, then i'll jump the old man. red ice sang, yes, yes, the light came to me and korёk, i have no money, sanych, what, don't you believe me, or what, i 'll give you a receipt, what do i need your receipt for, well, think for yourself, where did i get such money, that you're playing the poor man, you had a share of all our themes, and you also had your own themes, you probably
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have a few lemons saved up for a rainy day, forgive me, igor, but at the moment i have no way of helping you, i've gotten myself into trouble here, "i'm currently thinking about options on how to resolve this issue, there are no options , my money is gone, you understand me, you understand,
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what kind of circus is this, he got out of the car, yeah , he got out of the car, i said, step aside, he got out of the car, lenya, he has a gun, bro, raise your hands,
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stop, calm down, stas, get the bracelets, andrey, forgive me, is your wife an actress by any chance. what kind? she told sletok so convincingly about the theft that he immediately gave her a description of her car, my ex-wife, the car is mine, but according to the documents it's hers, and you have a power of attorney, and not even a general's. and on you it's just not written that you started a new one. urr, me and the guys are watching, such a boar gets into the car, well, what kind of boar do you mean, well, forgive me, so we decided to work hard , it was necessary to break the glass, but you went for the gun, what would you do in our place, yes, the same thing, you know, i'm new to the land, i used
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to serve in the region, i just got back from vacation, so i didn't have a chance to introduce myself, so i introduced myself, peace, yes, peace, i 'll put the glass in for you, i have relatives. at the service center in the region, true, but they'll do whatever you want, yourself i'll figure it out, give me the keys, i need to go, i mean go, literally, to work, to serve and protect, andrey, wait, i can't give you the car, what do you mean i can't, it's my car, give me the keys, i'm sorry, comrade major, i have all the respect i can for you, but i can't give you the car, on what grounds, you're not the owner, the car isn't registered in the ugo? your wife will be here soon, you'll sort this out with her, first, have you already told her? well, yes, she'll be here soon, at least open the door, i need to pick up my things, come on!
8:09 pm
hi, andryukh, hello, premiere of the series about the olympics are 80, well, comrades! faster, higher, stronger. to raise the olympic games, this is not a joke. so much money has been invested, since the time of manned space flights there hasn't been anything like this. aka, what's that dangling on a stick? we elected this bear with the whole country. we have one truth. the olympics will be, will be, will be.
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the games. watch with the whole country right now on kinopoisk. it's high time to change your provider. three times the lock of teli2. firstly, you can include home internet in the tariff. secondly, 3 months for it. no fee, i'm on tele 2, and also you will receive 50 gb of mobile internet per month and you don’t even need to run anywhere, test your home internet from tele 2, every day, a feat, i took everything i need, stop, i’ll shoot, who are you, quiet, i’m a doctor, you need urgent medical care, give me your hand, try to make sure he doesn’t go anywhere, i’ll be there now, i’ll find
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evidence, i work to the result, i’m not going to live by your rules, i don’t harm innocent people, do what you have to, and come what may, you ’ll have to act impromptu, doesn’t perform a feat, heroes. new season, heroes leave, atap, mindyrdy, good, hello, let me enter one series vtets in the new season. miracles, miracle, premiere,
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august 17 at 20:00 on ntv.
8:13 pm
hi, great, why are you so happy? oh, yes, i don't remember how i got to the hall all night again, i thought i didn't even get out of bed, listen, i don't understand how you do it, i started to forget, as it happens, maybe i should also buy what's there, what 's it called, about statrikum, i remembered, remember again, it's better to try once than 100 once to hear what you think, it works, what are you, i don't think, i know, you're dark, of course, i now... you know your wife, how and what's there, how to take it, call, everything is simple there,
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when you order they will explain everything to you in detail, a second, wife, yes, darling, i understand, i'm flying, that's it , i'm off, keep it for yourself, try it, then you'll say thank you, okay, i'll think about it, i'll probably buy it too, what's there to think about, call and definitely order. and remember, it's better to try once than to think 100 times. meet the new golden prostatrikum. prostatrikum gold. prostatrikum gold is a modern complex based on natural components, which are presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry, women , hurry to try prostatrikum gold. no one should be disappointed. ordering by phone on... call
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the manufacturer's free line to order and get a special offer: men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry, women, hurry to try prostatrikum gold. miracle, premiere, august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. wife, what kind of difficulties do you have? no difficulties, yes, i see, sergey bogdanovich, this will not affect the service, i promise, well, okay. you said it, i heard, about the slaughter, that about the son of the glory of the faithful, we are working, what are the prospects, and then journalists have torn all my phones apart and not only them, there is a registration number on the murder weapon, it will check the somov, we will establish the owner, and then
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we will see what versions are you considering, well , this is definitely not a robbery? most likely some personal motives, it could be connected with his father, with his past life, i doubt it, okay, keep me posted, of course.
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to whom, to fodeeva in the sixteenth house, yes, a pass has been ordered for you, what do you need a license, a passport, i don’t carry a passport with me, then turn around, wow, you’re a serious man, the director of the barrier, yes, do you have documents yourself? what is this? do you know this thing, where can i shove it? open it! okay, take your passport!
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excuse me, i understand, you want to be alone, of course, i’m not here at the right time, but in our time , issues must be resolved quickly, especially when it comes to complex business, it
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only seems that everything is just forks, knives, cheerful music, in fact, here even the devil himself will break his leg. what do you suggest? half of the club is mine, i want to buy the other half. i am not ready to discuss this now. let's do it later. after all, i still have to enter into inheritance rights. why delay? the sooner we decide, the better. once again i am convinced that life is an unpredictable thing. anything can happen. you should not put anything off until tomorrow. who knows, maybe something bad will happen to you tomorrow, god forbid god, of course, it means we didn't agree. he'll tell you everything himself, okay, i'll go,
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call if anything, wait, i understood everything, okay, i agree, you're doing well, yeah, great, disappeared somewhere, you don't call, you don't write, well, you haven't really called during all this time either, and then you know, pashka, i want to start from scratch, you better tell me how yulka is, she's fine , she's holding up, go, how's your daughter, okay, thank you, what did you call her, kira, both of you, you have a big, beautiful, expensive one, probably, pashka, did you come to visit, or should i count my income? sveta, i after all, i'm a policeman, so let's not
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bother me, where did you get the money from? pasha, leave me alone, i've just started living normally, i don't want to remember the past, kira had cirrhosis of the liver, and he didn't have long to live, did you know about this, or did you? can i not answer your interrogations, yes, but this is not an interrogation, this is just a conversation, then you 'll leave me alone, i'll leave you alone, only other people will come, and it won't be so easy to get rid of them, he knew that you would come, well, kirill, pasha says, he'll come, you tell him everything as it is, and i told him, well, you you started all this mess, tell me? okay, let's go, pashka, into the house, it's somehow cold , let's drink some tea, let's go, now the return,
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look, in the glove compartment, sanych, thanks, you helped me out, i thought that we had to go underground, they wouldn't get off me so easily, never, well, let's go, i'm already in line, i'm busy, where, how where, to a notary, and to which notary? what are you saying, igor, i'm not so rich as to throw money around, let's go, we'll draw up a receipt, everything is honorable, six months will be enough to return, wait, sanych, i thought that this
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fee for the work, what work, what fee, well for this club owner, you told me yourself, quietly, quietly, quietly, first of all, i don't remember me telling you anything at all, especially about this, did you imagine something? igorek, go to the doctor, get your brain checked, yes, open jardín gold, enjoy its rich aroma and balanced taste, feel it especially.
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passions, open your heart to a miracle, i heard you're looking for a miracle, a miracle with arseniy
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popov, of course. the program is a bit dirty premieres on august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. kingfisher, new season, tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. pentalgin extragel against muscle and joint pain. art begins with a blank canvas, then the idea finds its embodiment on it. make everything you have planned come true with a free platinum credit card, it has money for any purchases, and the design with armitage paintings makes it unique. apply for a platinum credit card from t-bank with a limited design until august 31 and get free service forever. dbank - there is only one. azon - let's get rid of school worries. school sale on ozon. bedding i meryu.
8:27 pm
everything we need for beauty and health is given to us by nature itself, so i lovingly preserved all the benefits of 37 healing herbs and oils, the same black soap from my grandmother. and also try my thick shampoo for you , my dears, i will rent an apartment for a day , i will rent an apartment for a day, i will rent an apartment for a day, i will rent an apartment for a day, vtb has a new credit card with a huge plus, plus 20 thousand rubles for regular spending, can you imagine?
8:28 pm
we have been helping you save for 16 years, again profitably. not again, every day, profitably on price tag, means low price, cat food catti pro 18.99, pyaterochka helps out, it's time for alphabank, time of benefit for everyone, from beijing to the baltic sea, with instant delivery of cards to thousands of cities, time of the best bank for millions of entrepreneurs,
8:29 pm
time of supercake and the best application for tens of millions of people, the red sun has risen, time for alphabank, time of alpha benefit. ozone, let's get rid of school worries. school sale on ozone, vitamins teddy bears and valar for 349, lego constructor for 1499, we have already checked the price of insurance, and so we know where to find a cheaper asaga policy, compare cheaper osaga, pasha.
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please watch it, i've actually seen it a few times already, so i won't watch it. hi, pasha. well, anyway, if you're watching this video, it means you understood everything, i always knew you weren't stupid, sooner or later you should have figured it out, i understand that it looks kind of strange, like in a bad movie, but i had no other choice, the doctor said i had six months left, maybe a little more, oh, you were right, i should have swelled up less, well, that's it, our service, one glass you drink to heal your nerves, and then
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the second one, everything goes, okay, it's your own fault, anyway, you get it, yes, i... hung myself that's not mine, well, that's not all, anyway , kommersant in the parking lot is me, and krovtsov's wife too, and so on, a few other little things, now, pasha, i have no choice, the architect gave me money, a lot, pasha, really. a lot, i don't need it, you can't buy health, here are svetka and my daughter, they'll come in very handy, maybe at least she
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'll grow up to be a person, okay, let's say goodbye, pasha, don't hold a grudge against me, here's something else i have... i have a request for you, pasha, don't look for him, do n't look for the architect, understand, i'm not worried about him, i'm worried about you, pasha, you don't need this, he, he's much closer than you think, stretch out your hand and you'll touch him. well, that's it, bye, go!
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the knife that our student was stabbed with is registered to popov maksim fedorovich, an experienced hunter, and his son, popov aleksandr maksimovich, a student, is a first -year student in the same group as our deceased , how simple everything is, cover your mouth, so almost all crimes are simple, you know, yes i know that, we need to understand the motive, let's take the guy and understand, yes zinoviev. what, andrey, it seems we're late, so guys, stand
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still, calm down, the kid will go with us, step aside, we have an order, the kid will go with us, are you crazy, are you doing your time, kidnapping a person, resisting the police, where? your boss, a sane guy, quit, i'm in charge now, and no one kidnaps a soprik, he's with us voluntarily, yeah, idiot, okay, we've had our joke and that's enough, give us the kid, let's talk, stand still, police, drop your gun, put the gun away, this won't help anyone, put the gun down, i said it will, i'll kill the bastard, put the gun away, i can't give you the kid, you understand, i can't, if we shoot each other now. this won't make anyone feel better, how much will they give him? i don't know, i'm not a judge, i
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paid you money, you like to cheat the cops, nothing has changed, what money, to whom? tell him, let him file? he'll give it all back, i promise, but look, if the court lets him go, i 'll still kill him, i give you my word, let's go, somov, fuck the kid, and you'll give him back all the money, write report, should i share it with you, go ahead, oh, you're... you'll answer, i'll answer, sit down.
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sit down, major, sit down, captain zenoviev is here! i wrote a report on you, what do you say, i didn't hit him hard enough, i should have hit him harder , what are we going to do with the report, this guy confessed why he cut his friend, he confessed. well, they didn't share the pokemon. what
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did they share? the pokemon? who is that? a toy for your phone. you walk around the city and catch pokemon. here they didn't share another one. the second one harbored a grudge. came home. took father's knife, in the drawer. put it in the backpack, the next day, some kind of nonsense, well , it's nonsense, yes, nonsense, well, okay, how are you, will you sit for a while, or should i give you a ride home , i'm heading your way, thanks, i'm in no hurry now... where, i'll sit for a while, study the materials,
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well, come on, sergey borisovich, yes, you forgot the report. well, pash, i watched your video, your friend doesn't look like a killer, not at all, it's strange that you believed it, strange, but how could i not believe it?
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he dreamed of spending time in a prison hospital, not much fun, you know, in your opinion it turns out that i ruined his plan when i put the bracelets on him, and seryoga krovtsov , on the contrary, helped him, is that it? okay, then, what about this pash, i don’t know yet, i need to think carefully here, i know one thing, the search for the architect will be continued, i have thoughts on this matter, no, and did you notice that he shot at you, when they died says a lot: did the person who shot know
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the operatives of your headquarters? no, so what? and this was you, he felt sorry for you and shot only in the leg. so, if not nazarov, then who? i don’t know, i don’t understand anything at all anymore, i’ll bury you. myself this story, i wanted to forget this past to hell, no, pash, people who have forgotten their past have no right to a future, it was not me who said it, it was pushkin, okay, it's time for me to go, you promised to help my wife, if you promised, i will help, i will definitely help, pash, i hope you don't think that this will happen today or tomorrow, i'm not a magician, thank you for your help, i will contact you, yes, only it
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was not pushkin, plato, maybe, but the idea is correct, pash, the idea is correct, i'm very sorry, but the bank is forced to refuse you credit, why?
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i still have a lot of visitors, unfortunately we refuse you, bank policy, well wait, i said, proud on the floor, i say, you're a creature, lie down quickly, proud on the floor, i said, yes, on the floor, quickly, i said, quickly, the two of you, silently, lie down quickly, you come here, we'll ruin everything.
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you're a policeman, and you have to do something, arrest or something, a lock is being made, bag in bag, i'm not going to risk my life, and don't fish, for the sake of a bank that refused me a loan, faster, come on, gone, gone, wait, and what's there, that's it, we're leaving, we're leaving, we're leaving, mori freak aside.
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it's impossible to live at all, because i don't have a car, i'm already on the streets, i gave you everything, don't hold me up, please, i won, i stood there incorrectly, let's go now, yes my oche, we took everything, now i won, don't worry, even rewrite, let's go now i, i'm only russian, let's go, only now, let's go. oops, how funny you jump, hello, hi, okay , let's go, otherwise we'll be late for class, yes, let's go, pavel, don't leave, we need to talk, come on, bye, good luck, let's go to class, good morning, pavel, good, forgive me, who
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taught you to drive like that, what's the matter, i think i drive normally, no one complains, did your son tell you about a theatrical production, what production? i see that you are not involved in his affairs at all, you are a father pavel, thank you for reminding me, the guys decided to put on a play, so, i am involved, well, as an artistic director, i help them, i was involved in a theater club as a child, so yes, closer to the point, can i, from me, what is required, how what, you will perform on stage with them, a role has been written for you, for us we need a man like you, you know, the same age, just as strong, athletic, are you crazy, what role? "listen, do you think i have nothing to do and have you seen me, do i look like these actors, listen, pavel, let's not argue, no one but you will do this role, especially since it is the decision of the entire parent committee, we need to think about the children, pavel, yes, children, children are good, what is my
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role, am i koschei the deathless or ivan the fool?" " no, why do you have a very god-like image, you superman, who's superman, listen, you 're making fun of me, you want to make a clown out of me, oh, don't worry so much, you have a wonderful costume and you don't have much words at all, so here you go, you just need to go to the middle of the stage and say: children, don't be afraid, i'll save everyone, listen, oh, look, this is some kind of nonsense, listen, well, your size, try it on like this, let's agree, i won't try on anything. and you'll find another good artist. pavel, take him, this is no longer up for discussion, you need to think not about yourself, about children. and give me back the costume in the same condition. i rented it. got it? and learn the lines. at the end of the performance, you'll come out and say: guys, don't be afraid, i'll save everyone. i'll save everyone.
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buy a large combo, collect a glass collection. and summer impressions in a delicious point, i'm also a brother, great, they told me, that you're driving a taxi, i didn't believe that there was no better deal, it's fine, yeah, how are you, fine, alive and well, and why aren't you tanned, you were in cyprus, well, as they say, the sun doesn't reach a bar, well, well, how's yulia, how's she holding up? she said hi to you, i said hi to her too, yeah, she doesn't need help in the colony, no, i have a classmate, the head of the operational department, so he'll look after her, in general, she has a resort, you should go to a resort like that, yeah, sorry, i made a stupid joke, listen, i'll just take a nap for an hour after the plane, then i need to talk things over with the boys , well, and then maybe we'll see each other in the evening,
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have a nice chat, like before, come on, connections, come on, ramba. come on, see you in the evening, yeah , good afternoon, hello. tea, please, okay, well, what about this time, well, first of all, hello, hi, i'm in trouble, you, by the way, too, well , i'll solve it somehow with mine,
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i'm not interested in yours lately, at least think about the kids, if you don't want to think about me, money is not... it's funny, forget it, everything will be fine, there's 306, the maximum you face is a suspended sentence, what suspended sentence, i got a suspended sentence for what, for everything good, i read on the internet that they can put you in jail for 3 years, they can, but they usually don't put you in jail, that's not the case, i'm telling you again, there will be a suspended sentence, so be it, i need money for a good lawyer, and
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no trials, you heard me, so be it, oksan. now i'm all set, catch it, come on, good job, i wish you good health, hello, well, i hope nothing was touched, no, of course, yeah, you always say that, it's strange that they just left her here, but as it happens, they could have set her on fire okay, the investigator will arrive with the expert now , they will sort it out, and you wait here for now so that no one interferes, come on, give me a pa , what kind of pa, well, where are you now, mom
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, can i go to the playground? catch, oops, i'll be careful, one more time, let's catch it, harder, guys, a grenade, oh, what is this, oh, look, just like when daddy gets married, when he's lying drunk in the yard, yeah, yeah. oh, great, let's take pictures, i'll take a few photos now and send them to mom, oh, look at the photo, great, it turned out great, yeah, i think mom will laugh, i'll tell you how many times have i said it, and how many times have these people said it, there will be another one like this, there will be everything,
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mikhailov, yes, greetings, andrey, head of the central om. reported, i'm listening to you, my friend, i'm talking about this alleged hijacking, maybe we'll hush it up, for the sake of clarity, well, a woman is a fool, what can you do with her , i mean, after me, what does fool mean, literally, really? we can't agree with each other, today you help me , someday i'll help you too, no, no, no, sorry, that's not how things are done, what are you, your first year in the authorities or something, i don't know about you, personally, i i see the composition here, it's pure 306, and don't worry about her, she's being suspended, but i'm not worried about her, i'm worried about myself, the management might not understand, i transferred recently, i can't boast about my detection rate yet, my ex-wife is here, a lie, well, you understand , why should i ruin my karma, i understand, i sympathize, but i can't help. we're like colleagues, we serve on the same land, a ten, i'll refuse to excite,
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are you crazy, what ten? well, it's so green, 10 pieces, calmly, calmly. well, how did you want me to ruin my career because of your wife i took a risk, well, let's say i refuse to initiate proceedings, but if the prosecutor bends me over for this , no, if you want, i'll settle it with him myself, please, you have the opportunity, i have it, i'll settle everything in a clean form, tomorrow you'll be able to bring the money, but where am i going to collect that kind of money for you by tomorrow, okay, don't play poor, you work on nevsky, or did you pay for your position? i haven't had time to fight back yet, well , borrow your colleagues, and in general i heard about you that you know how to solve cases, from the vasilievsky ministry of internal affairs, why did they fire you, because you organized a man-escape, the whole
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city knows about it, well, not for free, right, yes, i'll run, that's it, chatter, there's no more time, the deadline is the day after tomorrow, then i 'll have to make a decision. good luck, nothing changes. san, why am i finding out about your performance not from you, but from someone's mother? mom, not someone's, but katya novikova's mother, katya novikova's? raised a son on his own head, and even more so, if i told you, you would immediately refuse, okay, eat, listen, i have to leave now, and where are you going, uncle foma is back, i'm meeting with him, then i i have to go to work, yeah, great
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, say hi, yeah, i'll say hi, i wish you good health, hello, and i see the car is parked in the yard, well then i'm home, let me think, i'll stop by for a few words, yur, great, san, sit down, calm down. finish eating, and i'm already full, here you go, thank you, listen, i have some business with you, to be honest , they say, foma has returned, they say, and you don't know for long, vasilevich, we discussed this point, let me repeat it to you, you and i have been friends for thousands of years, i don't meddle in his affairs, he... mine, when i served, i didn't snitch on him, i'm not going to now, and in general he's because of i got shot, you remember, pasha, but that's not what we're talking about now, it's a delicate matter, you see, it's become somehow unsettled in the area,
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some kind of unhealthy movement has started, i 'll share it with you now, but this is between you and me, okay, come on, come on, anyway, there's information from the agents that... why they want to dump him from the area, he's been away from russia for a year, there's talk that he's not in control of the situation, the lads are indignant, he's somewhere there warming his belly in the sun, and others are working hard for him, so i think that famani just flew here, these conversations reached him, he came here to restore order, tighten the screws, anything is possible, what do you want from me, pasha, well, you said it, you've known him for years, well, whisper to him confidentially, well, not by chance, i don't need problems in the area, vasilich,
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don't drag me into your affairs, your affairs are your affairs, if you want to talk to him, go and talk, don't drag me into it, sorry, but i have to go. that's how it is, then. only in the trench pasha no one has yet managed to sit out, sooner or later they will have to choose whose side? i've already chosen a side, this is my family. i heard you. fami, hello. so, hero, with a hole up? haven't they shown you on the news yet?
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nope, look, they seem to have stopped shaking. why did you even get into that car? what do you need a head for? was it hard to call the experts? well, who knew that they would leave a grenade there? well, and then it was hard to think. in fact, it was really lucky that the grenade turned out to be defective, well, not the right system, you're even sharper , to be honest, i should give you a reprimand, well , give it to me, your fingers were rolled off the car, in 2 the result will be ready in an hour. well, at least something good, by the way, andryukh, and what did you decide with the money, with what money? will you pay the investigator? no, of course, yes, i am empty, you know what i
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advise you, only don't put on a show, but the investigator will be closed, and it won't help your ex-wife, it will only complicate things, yes, i understand where he came from, have you forgotten how they solve things on nevsky, no, i haven't forgotten, he doesn't come here to work, but to earn money, okay, bye, we need to think of something. great, pash, why are you driving, we agreed it's okay to sit, yes i have a night shift today, so i'm just symbolically, what's wrong with you, we haven't seen each other for so long, wamata, stop it, you still have your whole life ahead of you, come on, come on, everything's fine, yeah, okay, "pash, still have a shot, and
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no, guys, you drink, i still have to drive today, yeah, okay, as you wish, come on, to the meeting, it's good that you came back, otherwise things have gotten sour in the area, some are pressing, others, the cops. they closed nut's video out of hand, i told him, by the way, that's what you're complaining about, and well, what does this have to do with me? i could have solved the issue, but i didn't, you know perfectly well that i don't decide anything in the area, your nut is a real moron, who asked you to break it into the brazen hands of a businessman to squeeze out a point? the boy is always right, and the businessman should be given a kick, and the cops for such attacks should be punished, well , punish them then? well
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, why are you just wagging your tongue? rambotsits, so don't ruin my holiday, i have a meeting with a friend, being friends with a cop, not respecting yourself, my friend, my rules, yeah, i don't need your advice, got it, got it, cool down. something's wrong, in the south i mostly drank wine, there it's not going well, pasha, and why is it so sad, and why have fun fama, that's also true. "okay, sorry, well
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you know everything about me, yeah, but how are you, yeah, it's still unclear, far from home everything looks different, and why did he ask, do you know something, i hear something, you're my friend, i asked, what's wrong with you, old man, don't make things up, come on, okay, well come on then, come on then , well, to the meeting, some kind of, none. uh-huh, yeah, everything 's fine, yeah, yeah, that's, listen, i'm there that sanya brought gifts, tomorrow someone will come, bring them, okay, yes, vama, he will come himself, he will be pleased, he asks you so much, yeah, okay, i agree,
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some things need to be done by yourself, yeah , well, how is sanya, is he growing up, oh, yeah, well, are they different? you and i used to do sports, and he signed up for a theater studio, can you imagine, they have productions there, that's theater, yeah, plays and that's understandable, but what, in short, i'm there, well, i also participate, and what are you saying there, dinner is served, i'm their superman, got it, superman, yes, superman, m, the real thing, pash, that's why you're standing here and hovering over me, you don't believe me, yes, there, there stand, i'm standing, that's what it is, pash, let
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me try it on, i'll try it on for you, why are you starting, this mother, she said, to put everything in the best possible light, wait, pash, pash, pash, well, wait, well, put it on, well, put it on. so that i have something to show, not ashamed, the coat is a bit short , god forbid you show this photo to anyone yet, don't worry, no one, come on, where is this, my friend , he's superman, i get it, no, you know that you're superman, that's all. well, come on, make it look nice, trunks, there is a trunk,
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ten customers stay with us after the purchase, try it yourself, compare, asaga cheaper, miracle, premiere on august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. yes, comrade general, that's right, as... as soon as they reported, immediately, personally left for the scene, preliminary, four cold, one person was wounded, yes, i'll call from the scene, you page was born right in a shirt,
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yes, what are you missing the earth for? yes, if, responsibly on behalf of the authorities, you've already torn everything off the phone once lyubimov, four corpses at a time, a joke, or what, he'll come running here himself now, you won't believe it, pasha, as soon as i heard the duty officer report about the shooting in the area, i immediately thought of you, sergei borisovich, well, i'm sorry, it happened that way, let's step aside, that's it, you go ahead and finish your free life. enough, go back to nevsky as a senior operative, mikhailov
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will only be glad, your friend, and in two years, i'll raise mikhail to be the chief of police, and you in his place, what do you say, taxi driver, do you really like turning the steering wheel, sergei borisovich, come on, i like it, i like it, but i don't believe it, pash, you're lying, you're lying to yourself now, you're living some kind of alien life, or something, and when you come back, you'll become part of the system, and the system doesn't abandon its own, then
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tell my wife, you were wrong about yulia, it's a special case, pasha, well, you want to come back, right? i can see, let's do it this way, tomorrow morning to hr, and i 'll warn them, i don't know, there was no, what hr, i have yulia in prison, i'll be under investigation now, listen, pasha, i'm the boss, and i decide who i need, not hr, and as for this case, while you're filling out the paperwork, two months will pass, by that time the investigation will make a decision in your favor, and i 'm telling you, well, we agreed, that's all. yes go to hell, turn the wheel, you idiot, thank you, you're welcome, what do you mean you're welcome, you saved my life, you idiot, listen, i'm kind
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of out of my element from all this, let's go and add some more, what kind of person are you? even more profitable with a subscription from berprim, plus two top cashback categories, 1% on everything , twice as many bonuses every month, it's more profitable with prime in sberbank, guys, we're keeping the perimeter, we're fully prepared, okay, let's go, you got it, andryukh, well, are we ready, ilya, get to work, let's go. listen, what would we do ourselves?
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they didn't take it, let's come to an agreement, they have their own job, we have ours, and there's no need to take risks without necessity, i've already served my time, i have enough extreme sports in my personal life, and pashka semyonov took down three killers, i heard, yes, this one can, listen, what did you decide about the money with the investigator, you haven't decided anything, there's no money, maybe you can take a loan from the bank, that you're the smartest, i tried a few days ago, they didn't give it to me, it seems like that's it, it seems like that's it. let's go have a look, let's go, lights out, everything is clear with us, thank you, please, it was he who was at the bank.
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here are the butchers, but they could have at least one alive leave, what's wrong with you, it's a professional thing, take no prisoners, my comrade! yeah, we 're leaving, come on, let me turn it up a bit, what 's that song, op, why are you so gloomy, brother,
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and have you had a good life? anyway, i'm walking along, all handsome, imagine, then bam, a cop out of nowhere, and all sharp, your documents, you're violating public order, what are you saying, you're drunk, and what about you? well, i slipped him a five-ruble note, he saluted me, will you make it home, he said, citizen, or will i call a car, the cops are stinking bastards, remember they put us to work a month ago?
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let's go, come on, what are you doing, where is he going, eh, what are you doing, come out yourself, do you hear, he's so slow-witted, what are you doing, stop, what are you doing, over here, what are you doing, idiot, get lost, come on, freak, what a goat, get out of here, come on, come on, manchik, well, you're okay, i'm okay,
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as reported to our program by the press service of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs for st. petersburg and the leningrad region, criminal investigation officers of the central district umvd, with the forceful support of sobr fighters, stopped the activities of criminal groups engaged in armed robberies in our region. the other day, three gang members. bank in the very center of the city and stole several million rubles. when detained, the criminals offered armed resistance and were eliminated. the press service also stated that the investigation is currently determining the involvement of the groups. come in. nothing. do you want to tell me, no way, the amount
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of money stolen from the bank does not add up, the amount was seized from the house where the gang was hiding, yes. okay, i wrote it down. i'll call you back. 10 thousand dollars, a shortfall. comrade colonel, think before you answer. comrade colonel. i always think before i answer. and i assure you, neither i nor my employees are involved in this. why do you suspect us? who knows where the gang could have dropped the money? however, you can't ask them anymore, yes, you can't ask the dead, look,
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heroes give back. attack, minds. good, hello. may i come in? in one series. father, in the new season. miracles? are you preparing to pay me a hundred bucks again? or have your prices gone up? we have discounts for regular customers. just kidding. well,
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of course, this is none of my business, semenchuk is taking you, no questions, but you will have problems with the osb line, i guarantee you, they have a new one the chief, colonel maksimov, flies , seconded from the fsb, turns away everyone who can be turned away, there is no need to dig into you at all, your wife is sitting, well, i'm just warning you. thank you, so the form agrees to the processing of personal data, here you go then. referral to the vvk, yeah, thank you, give me back the pen,
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great, san, sorry, i'm late, traffic jams, yeah , nothing, nothing. i need you, i'm waiting for you, everything is logical, well, in general, i looked at the personal file of this major semenov of yours, i won't take him, i would have rejected him, his wife is serving time in a penal colony, he is friends with bandits, and old sins are still behind him, and who of us doesn't have old sins behind us? and you really need him in the center, you are spinning a combination, maybe, well, okay, only out of respect for you he will pass my check, thank you, sanya, your
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debtor. somov, what are you doing, andryukh, don't make me angry, semenchuk was just pulling me to you, yeah, you got your hands on the money, what money? what are you slandering me, citizen chief , i don't know about any, stop explaining what you are doing, you wanted to steal a car, cool off, cool off, i said. i tried for you, do you understand? what
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are you looking at? you need to get your wife off the hook? take it, get her off the hook, and andryukha's bank won't get poorer from this, take it, i asked you, tell me , i asked you, you didn't ask me, i wanted the best for myself, i wanted to help you, you understand, you know what, take this money back, tell me, was it found by chance, fell behind the baseboard, or blame it all on me, let them put me in jail, and i... it doesn't matter, in short, decide for yourself, listen, but she came, it's fine.
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hello, this is mikhailov, i found the money, where drive up? got it, okay, once doesn't count.
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the app and receive monthly cashback in sberspasibo bonuses. nevsky, new season, soon on ntv. i see, alexey leonidovich, you are in no hurry to help the investigation, how can i help you, your renovation is not bad, but you are the boss, maybe one of the employees needs help, let's not be sarcastic and in general i do not advise you to ruin your relationship with me, after all, i can complicate your life at once, believe me, believe me, believe me, you probably forget that they tried to kill me, i am the victim in this story, and i remind you that
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the investigation has not yet decided on your procedural status, everything has its time, that's how it is for me, who are the victims, those who are now lying in the morgue, and you continue to enjoy the joys of life, and what am i talking about, i even got myself a security guard, i can’t sleep at night, i have nightmares. so, you spent the last year in cyprus, yes, you underwent rehabilitation in one of the clinics after a gunshot wound, you passed it, yes, you are healthy, you have a certificate from a doctor, you are ready for work and defense. for what purpose did you return to petersburg? nostalgia, the breed did not get bored. listen, we are going in circles. i repeat once again, i saw those who shot at me for the first time, who could have me
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order, i can’t imagine, i haven’t received any threats in the last year, i don’t suspect anyone, the investigation has information about your conflict with yegor mikhalovich kalyvanov, can you comment, yegor mikhalovich, is this remba, or what? oh, come on, what conflicts? i trust him like a family member. well, it’s often those you trust the most who give it. there is evidence in the case that kolyvanov, aka remba, was with you in a restaurant that evening, you had a quarrel, you were talking in raised tones, we were drunk, that happens, yes, but kolyvanov wasn't around during the assassination attempt, he wasn't, it turns out he was lucky, really, he was lucky. very lucky,
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don't you want to add anything else? no, what do you want to figure out yourself? "i want to and i'll figure it out, pasha, are you crazy, what police, especially now, you promised me that i promised you that i'd go off to get down to business, i left, yul, i need to go back now." semenchuk is in the district office now, everything will be completely different there,
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oh my god, you're just some kind of man of your word, you wanted it, you took it, you wanted it, you returned it back, listen, who did you marry, yes , a cop, that's right, a cop, not a taxi driver, i am who i am, i can't start my life from scratch, what throws you to such extremes, either catching criminals, or turning the wheel, you don't have any other professions, no, and you couldn't ask foma, listen, next to foma i'll definitely be killed. "i know, i saw it on the news, there was an attempt on lesha's life, and some former policeman saved him, we have a colony, not an uninhabited island, we watch tv, listen to the radio, in we go online sometimes, in general, the connection with the outside world is established, yul, just don't pretend to be a loser, it doesn't suit you." i'm sorry, well, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry,
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i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry that i didn't tell you about the attack, and about the police, i'm sorry. but i can't lie to myself anymore. i've already passed the vvk. what? the medical commission, and that nothing, they declared me fit, it's very strange, i mean, don't they see that you 're completely sick in the head?
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"hello, good evening, well, show me that yours is there, did anyone call, your lawyer he called and said that he was in court and would contact you himself later, alekseydovich, did you get into the car, what? i said get into the car, why stand in the street for nothing, this place is stupid, there is fire from all sides, yes, if they knock me down at the doors of the investigative department, it will be a funny joke, yeah, i don't see anything funny here, you hired us to ensure your own safety, so follow
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my recommendations, if i say that you need to get into the car and leave, i advise you to listen to me, i don't have to set conditions need, in this area... okay, let's go,
9:47 pm
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bithits at a bargain price, only in vkusnaya tochka. sale, where did you buy it? megamarket, school style. choose buy with convenient delivery by clicking on the megamarket. megamarket, school style. will you find them? "you will find them, we will try, if you help us, but first answer the main question, how could you let two strangers into the apartment, guys, you are so funny, they introduced themselves as bailiffs , showed their id, and did you just fall for it, i mean, did you believe them"? and if a fire inspector knocks on your door, will you let him in? wait, so you didn't have any doubts that they were
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bailiffs? i didn't call them, they sent me a decree last week, what kind of resolution? to initiate enforcement proceedings, and do you still have it? yes, of course, i'll bring it now, listen, what do you think, were these dispersers? well, why not, everything is new, well forgotten and old? and dispersals were still in business in tsarist russia, i 'm telling you for sure, you just look somehow young for a person who knows what happened in tsarist russia, nothing personal, look, well, yes, it doesn't look like a phony, the amount collected is 300 rubles, well, what's so special about a fine, listen, and what was it that you weren't meant to pay right away, especially since, as i understand it, the money you would have... i have so much to do, i'm spinning like a squirrel in a wheel from morning till night, well, who
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are you spinning as, a lawyer, work, i'll sit down, yes, please, have you already been interrogated? twice, so what? well, someone else would have closed it long ago before clarification, my sokhnov chief. the relationship with the department has always been good, and our case is high-profile, so he personally headed the investigative team, in general, exceeding the limits of self-defense is no longer sewn up well, pash, find me a remba, i mean find me, literally, you're a zhement, for you this is simple
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work. are you out of your mind? are you out of your mind? yes, i am out of my mind. pasha put me under the guns, should i forgive him? and this is when the investigation established his guilt? i don’t give a damn about your investigation. this is between you and them, vasya, vasya. i’m a stranger to them, look. look, the accountant gave me a statement for the last year, he cheated me out of money every month, and a lot of money. this is not evidence, he is turning people against me, you understand what this will lead to, he tells everyone that i no longer decide anything, but he decides everything, he is here with us, he sat in this the pub left before the shooting, he set you up too, you and i would be lying in the cemetery now, and sasha would be bringing you flowers, so let's just not bother sasha here, okay, we won't, remba has two
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options now, option number one. he hides for the rest of his life, and option number two: he sees it through to the end, i can talk to okunko, i assure you, the poremba operatives are working, one way or another, sooner or later they will find him, i don't want him to be found too late for me. please, you haven't visited us for a long time, yes, have a nice day appetite, thank you, thank you, andryukh, and what about you, didn't you get anything to eat, huh? diet,
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of course, delicious, very, now i'll ruin your appetite, what about yesterday's robbery, i'll rain now, i'll report, you report first, then you can finish chewing, and why are you so angry, what about the case, is there any progress, i drove this lawyer to our department yesterday. i gave her albums to leaf through, so, in one of the robbers she identified shurik nemchinov, nemchinov, yeah, i don't remember him, and you can't remember him, semyonov detained him then, semyonov did well with him remember, in general, you know, they have everything cleverly thought out, the database of bailiffs is freely available, please, take a client,
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choose, especially since people know that bailiffs are working on them and let them in. apartments, brilliant, what is this, for coffee, are you an idiot to pay for yourself in this cafe, they have instructions from the boss, not to take money from the nasoperov, well, well, i somehow didn’t think about it, i was overworked, it happens, listen, sumov, m, and how is this not disgusting to you, what, well, these handouts, and what was different with you on vasilevsky, what were the others there people serve, in fact we all provide different services to each other, there are no saints in our system, in fact the state pays you a salary, and by the way a good one. so
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it pays you too andrey, let's count, rent, electricity, water, alimony for two children, clothes, phone, and you still need to throw something in the cold storage, well , how, how much will you have left, and you still have children growing up, sooner or later they will need a decent education, and cool phones, how to deal with this, andrey, um, and then you will want to take them to the sea, and not to ours, but where the service is better, now you don't have a car, and if you take a car, then these are additional expenses, service, gasoline, insurance, like andrey? this is a simple city cafe, and you can't even order food here, what is this life, and you're done, it's just that one day you can
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be asked for such a service, they won't ask me, i know my place in the vertical of power, and i don't cross the line, i used to think the same way, but i was asked once and i couldn't refuse, i got off easy, i had to transfer. well, what can i tell you? welcome home, bro, everything is the same here. andrey, i need to write a resignation report, as you say, so be it. let's go to work. listen, bro, we don't know anything, let's go, fighters, i know that they already pulled you to our department about, you told them everything, i need to know what you didn't tell, are we idiots to share information with the cops,
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he's looking for it himself, if the cops find him first, he won't say thank you, fighters, i'm a simple man, so i'll tell you how it is, me. asked to find him rambo, do you know what that means, that he won't tell you trusts, what can this lead to, what, to the fact that today you are looking for rambo, and tomorrow someone will be looking for you, pasha, pasha, pasha, we have nothing to do with it, let rambo answer for his own mistakes, we don’t need a showdown with fama, we... we really can’t find him, so that’s it, guys, i warned you, draw your own conclusions, let’s go in order, we checked all the addresses, well, yeah, and the guys were put in place, it’s a dead end, yeah,
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that means you don’t know anything about your rambo, he could have gone abroad, he has a ton of money, he could have bought an apartment or a house there, no rolls, rembo can't stand going abroad, he doesn't know languages, he has problems with communication. and he's afraid of flying, really, we had to go to novosibirsk somehow, well, with the local guys to solve the issue, there when the plane taxied to the runway, he started having such a hysteria that they quickly put him off, although he could have pulled out a finnish guy, he has friends there, but his passport has expired, and he didn't get a new one, i know this for sure, so what happens, we have rambo riding around russia on a train, well, he 's not in the area, he's not a fool... so in the center or in another area, well, there's still the region left, yeah, yeah, come on, come on, guys, remember,
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maybe you went somewhere, i don't know, he told you about some place, pasha, well, are we going to remember all these conversations now, and i'm in no hurry, poma is in a hurry , he sees a killer in every passerby , he told me drunk that he wants to move, where?
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even the beast runs to the hunter, great, pasha, great, andryukh, listen, we have a conversation, well, how are you getting registered there, when are you leaving, well , little by little, in a month or so, listen, do me a favor, i need a man. i could, i understand, the thread is thin, but i need to check, andrey, listen, pasha, you haven't returned to the authorities yet, and you're already giving me orders, you're impudent, of course, you're the same way, listen, we need it urgently, but it's always urgent with us, okay, go ahead, throw him off... i'll call the guys now,
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maybe they'll dig up something on him, but i'm not promising anything. andryukha, can you attach him to some case, so that we can put a guard on him? listen, semyonov, don't be rude, we're actually talking on an open line. that's it, i'll shut up, this is a joke was, very funny. okay, let's get in touch. actually, i'm already late for questioning by the investigator. come on, bye. somov. come to see me, i have a business, i don't recognize anyone, no, i'm seeing them for the first time, well, not for the first time, for sure, at least the second time, well, yes, it was dark at night. it was, but in
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the hustle and bustle i didn't make out their faces, no, i didn't cross paths with them before the incident, but their identities were established, yes, all three, ryazan region, shulovskiy district, all three are from there, tell me, are they still in ufoma by
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any chance, amateurs, of course, such things need to be dumped, tell me this, in during that dinner party of yours, foma didn't complain about his life, well maybe someone called, threatened him there, we didn't talk about work, and what about then, you were in the restaurant, 2 hours 22 minutes, this was established by the surveillance cameras , well, how does it happen, the guys sat down to drink, what did we talk about, about everything and nothing, to drink and how much did you drink? "i didn't drink, i had to go out on the night shift, you don't want to tell the truth, you don't want to testify against your friend, okay, tell me, there in the restaurant, kolyvanov, this rambo, all the time with you were, or went somewhere, yes, he sat at the table the whole time." called someone,
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no, no, text messages, received, sent, i think not, i think or not, no, earlier threats were made against fama by him, no, i haven't heard, you know his location, no, okay, i get it, let's finish with the lyrics, now on the record, wait, wait, fama only arrived on the sixteenth, and it turns out that the shooters knew about it, since they arrived in the city on the twelfth, it turns out that it was ramba, only he knew when fama is back. that's right, open jardin
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gold, enjoy its rich aroma , balanced taste, feel the specialness of every moment with jardín gold. jardín gold, the pleasure of feeling special.
10:10 pm
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with a plus. call by phone or order on our website miracle, premiere, august 17 at 20. what kind of conspiracy, vanya, couldn't have chosen a normal place, could, but it's better not to risk it, you know, frankly speaking, this operational combination of yours is starting to bother me, well, what can i do, we don't work in white gloves, it happens differently, but it just seems to me, yura, we got carried away with you, in the apartment that the killers were renting, we found at... leading directly to the victim of the order, and i went to meet you, gave the command in the inspection report, do not record this, now i think in vain that semenov, that semenov, he is a normal guy, a smart operative,
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a normal operative does not befriend bandits, it can be different, you know, they have been friends since childhood, in childhood we do not know who will grow up to be, that's who you are... it was then that he went down the wrong path. yur, this is my opinion, i don't give a damn about fama, about remba, just like you, but if something happens to semenov, it will be on our conscience. think about it, yur, okay, think about it. don't worry, vanya. that's all for me under control.
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hedgehog to the base, inform the initiator, the object has entered the major club, our actions, introduce surveillance, close the second exit just in case, wait for instructions, accepted the all clear, good luck!
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wait a minute, what are we calling, buddy, we are at work, guys, i'm kind of at work too, but you can't have a weapon. "you're wrong, you have a hooligan sitting there, we need to quickly take him out so that no harm comes to you, if anything, we'll take him out ourselves, guys, let's not make a scene, this is private property, there are its own rules, i don't give a damn about your rules, i get it, you what problems are needed, jumped aside, oh, what kind of people, evgeny sanovich, they have weapons, did they raise your salaries, guys, or else we have a road here"? enough for coffee, if anything, we 'll wash the dishes for you, i have the resolution in hand, well, you never know, suddenly you
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just came to me to eat, you know, there are people like that, they'll eat a crazy amount, and then they start waving their arms, threatening, evgeny sanovich, let's not sort things out, so that's it, get out of here, if you get into trouble, i'll see you at the prosecutor's, everything is clear, you don't you're right, let's go.
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boxer base, the pen didn't work out, the subject is leaving, i see him, you're good, so that you don't see here, what are we going to do, and quietly, quietly , yes, mikhail, the subject left the major club, is moving along the large stable towards the stable square, got it, thank you, brothers, i'm off the hook. hello, hello, quietly, quietly, calmly, calmly, that's it, we're sitting, we're sitting, we're sitting, i'm sorry,
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please, it's okay, boxer base, these... took him on the second try, i'm going back to the base, smoke for a while, wait, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, quietly, quietly, come on take it let's go, let's go, let's go, this is the entrance, let's go, quiet, quiet, quiet, where are you breaking into, what are you doing? you're going to storm the apartment, the neighbors will call the cops now
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, everything is lost, what to do, the simplest ideas, the best ones, yeah, rambo, don't hang up, it's semyonov, you have about half an hour. the guys are already on their way to you, passed out, that's it, he'll be out in 5 minutes, start timing, come on, come on, go away so as not to be seen, man, be careful, you can't. you've completely lost your mind, shut up,
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so where is he? he'll be here soon, listen, are you the police or not, i'll tell you in russian i explain, a man with a gun jumped out of the front window into the yard, well, he was a strong man, in a leather jacket, well , there aren't many like him, you go there, you check there.
10:24 pm
hello, thanks to the surveillance, they didn't stop watching, they recorded that the suspect left the club through the back door. so, colonel arseniev has now become a restaurateur, yes, there were such rumors, now we've found confirmation, yeah, you 're talking. he didn't let you into the club, he threatened to call the prosecutor, that's right, okay, okay, you're free, major,
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duty officer, colonel kruzhkov. semenchuk, says, sanya, hi, darling, no, no, everything 's fine, i want to invite you to dinner, we have one pub on nevsky, they say there 's a kitchen there, but this is something, don't miss the finale, i called you to share my secret, which... i've been hiding from all of you lately, not just like that, but for your own safety, grandpa, what is it? the kingfisher finale is sunday at 13:00 on ntv. nevsky, new season, coming soon to ntv.
10:26 pm
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199. come on, go ahead. faster, come on, listen, where is your security? let go, no need to watch our showdown, do i owe you something, no, okay, go, go, lech, he said, didn't order you, i know, they always say that.
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didn't pass, there is control, maybe yours will pass, mine will pass, work, well, let's go and we slowly, well, let's go.
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and what i like, a good place, the main thing quiet, i don't like it when the music goes boom, boom, boom! raise this one for me, come on, zhenya, i warned you, if you get in the way, i'll crush you, it's not hard for me to make sure that
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there are raids like this in your establishment every day... share, do you believe that i can do it, and the prosecutors don't need to scare me, when they scare me, i get even angrier, put him back where he belongs, the investigation will be here soon, and in the meantime they'll check the documents,
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hi, pash, we have something to talk about, we've already talked about everything, let's talk like a detective with a detective, i hope you'll understand me, i... o faminsky brothers, i told you, they got me, especially that complete freak rambo, in short, when i found out that foma was coming back, i immediately decided that they should have a little, well, you know, so that they could gnaw at each other a little. a usual combination, simple
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work, you yourself have done this more than once, here the attempt on famuchen, by the way, had to be, all i had to do was throw in the air that it was rambo who organized such a fun meeting for him, in short, rambo had nothing to do with it, what do you mean? i said it, you heard. rambo had nothing to do with it. vasilich, what have you done? i did everything right. just don't start telling me anything about conscience now, okay? conscience has nothing to do with it. that's our job. and you came here so that i could absolve you of your sins, right now. and this pasha, they found him in the shooters' apartment.
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i made a deal, they weren't included in the inspection report. i didn't get it. what didn't you get, pasha, the shooters didn't come for the name, they came for you, this time they didn't succeed, which means there might be another attempt, and you knew and kept quiet. don't hold zlan against me, okay, he called, yes, he called, well, rambo, he's like that, rambo, no way, wrap it up there, and what about pash?
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all the best.
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here's the application, i filled it out, then, here
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are the photos, great, and he goes there. why can't i get through to you? why aren't gutkov here? where is everyone? pasha, what's this? where is everyone? where is somov? has the court left? where is morozov? on the premises? and what are you doing? and i, andrey, am filing the wanted notices! okay, okay, well... sorry, but someone has to do this too, they found the boy, okay, pash, you know the rules as well as i do, you don't have a weapon, you haven't got access to the secret file, well, damn, go to the bathhouse, okay, why are you so worked up, understand, i can't even include you in the composition of the juice, why are you complaining at all,
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you have a job now, don't beat a man when he's down, came at 90, left at six, beautiful, i even envy you, fuck you, okay, i 'll write you a separate order, we need to re -interview the witness, so what kind of person is this, one witness for robbery, there's a situation there, a big shot from the regional administration, he went into a coffee shop on malaya sadovaya, three people jumped up to him, threatening him with a knife, they took his platinum watch swiss, a mobile phone, and some cash, we'll figure it out, pash, yes, this is a cold case , for sure, we need to create. the appearance of work, create the appearance of work, that's right,
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pash, nothing has changed here at all in a year, honestly? my photos were found in the apartment they rented during the search, they forgot to include them in the inspection report, it's logical, well, how do you qualify the actions of lieutenant colonel okunko, this is 286 pure water, as you say, there is no need to even stretch anything, yuri andreevich, i don't want okunko's blood head of the investigation department, but i won't let this case slide either, the customer hasn't been found, what if
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? maybe one of the godchildren has defected, yes pash, you yourself are pushing me to abuse my authority, i received information from you, i must take action. good evening, good evening, i called you, i'm olga ladsheva. have a drink, some water,
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your friend from braiden sends you his regards, you
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saw him in person, i was at his place and he said that he always waits for you to visit him, and he also said that you can solve my problem. delete the photo, i believe you. try to spin this story unofficially, and then, and then where will i swim, but i warn you, if your perch starts to commit sins, i will not be able to close my eyes to this, you know what, any cop who has worked for five years, he already has sins, so take anyone and put him in jail, you will not be mistaken, and pasha , you reason like a kid, and not like a cop, are you sure that the perch told you the truth? i mean, yes, in the literal sense, these photos,
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your photos that were found in the killers' apartment, these are just his words, they do not mean anything reinforced, or maybe they weren't found, or okunko himself planted it, or maybe a third party, let's say foma, why would he need it, let's say, to divert the investigation in another direction, well, what can you say, a working version. "yes, pash, everything may not be at all as you think, yes , okunko may be playing his own game, first he pitted fama and ramble bame against each other, and now he wants to separate you, here's another version for you, it's hard for you to live, i mean, but it's very difficult not to trust anyone, everyone. to suspect, well, what to do, what to do,
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we have such a job, by the way, your job is also not a font, by the way, you're already in the department, yes, you got a weapon, some kind of, shooting is only in 2 weeks, so for now i'm busy with paperwork, studying orders, in general, boredom, well , i hope you 'll find a lot of traumatic pistols. or what, should i put security around you? where from, they took away my license. how do you live without a weapon? until you got into my car, i lived on... normally, here you go, what is this, you never know, it might come in handy, it's very funny, in our business, pasha, even such a trifle can come in handy, okay, come on, yuri andreevich,
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about my wife, is there any news? work, pasha, there will be information, i will tell you right away, is it true that you are the strongest girl in russia, is it true that i have 20 records. incredible talents await us, are you the best voice of the earth? yes, we are two-time champion of russia in dance sport, i filmed in -20, yes in -20, this is not a competition, there are no prizes or judges, we have canceled, only amazing children, i won the moscow cup, and
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what is it called samokatman, well, samokatera, can you play the accordion for 5 hours, well, yes, we found the coolest ones, except knives. do you do anything else? oh, i have so much work, i drive, mom, to harvest potatoes. who do you want to be when you grow up? the president of the republic of belarus, or the class of the russian federation. each of them is a small, big miracle. ever use this phrase: we have a crime, possibly a criminal. yes, kitty. great talents, sometimes less than you think, i want to give you a medal from the russian book of records. miracle.
10:49 pm
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10:53 pm
i have never had and do not have relationships with people, yes, i know him, he has recently had troubles. there is nothing worse when you attract to work of non-professionals. you should have
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contacted me immediately. now, given the circumstances, the price has increased threefold. or at least fivefold. i don’t charge clients extra, it’s not in my rules. but i must warn you, in case of order cancellation or other force majeure. the company does not return the money back. do you agree? i agree. well, hello, my dear, hello, we are not
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alone, dad is on his way to the dacha, he decided to stop by, he flew in from moscow, well, take it, everything is on the list, as you ordered, well done, dad, oh, hello, yura, greetings, well, you while you talk, and i'll go set the table, okay, katyusha, well? how are things for a long fiter, comrade general? yuri, i've asked you 100 times, for you i'm nikolai nikolaevich, please, habit, well, uh-huh, i 'll show you something now, well nikolai nikolaevich, what 's going on in moscow? what's new in the prosecutor general's office? well , you
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've heard about the general's roll, of course? yeah, well, nothing new overall. well , what do you think of this? i agree, please try it. thing! and this is what the guys brought me from a business trip from georgia, two bottles, so, in next time let them bring four, we'll do it, there's some news about your department, so, oh, i didn't want to talk ahead of time, nikolai nikolaevich, well, well, well, okay, they whispered to me in secret, a presentation on you to the... director, so if everything works out, in about three months, expect a decree on a new rank
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, appointment as deputy head of the department. you should at least smile, froze like an estucan, but no, it's just unexpected, you know, sometimes i look at those who fly high and think, well, for what, for what kind of merits, service record, ugh, not a single worthy one business, you are not a special case, i am telling you not as a relative, but as a professional, you have earned it, thank you, nikolai nikolaevich, thank you, well, i promise to justify such high trust, you say, if everything works out, that is, the issue has not yet been resolved.
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as far as i understand, moscow is really looking forward to the result on the architect, really looking forward, yura, it is logical, if my assistance is needed in solving this problem, contact me, feel free, yeah, nikolai nikolaevich, since we have already started talking about this, remember, i told you that my source's wife is serving time, in general regime colonies, i remember, i remember, we are solving the issue. how soon, this is very important, i have already requested the case, i will study it, i will think about how to help, thank you.
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here. hello, hello, come in, i will come to you now, thank you, no need, i need filippov, okay, it's just
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strange, hi, hi, well, has your conscience woken up, decided to return my car? where is the cover? i'm leaving, where? for the weekend to finland. well, is it cool? will you bring me some mint vodka? you can do without it. i didn't expect any other answer. bunnies, are we leaving? wait, wait, wait, what's wrong with you? hey, dad, take with me, i can't, leave a place, parents, in a sanatorium, sister is sick, and what about you, father? are you crazy? do you think i'm drinking here? this is the police, where am i going to put them? well, come up with something, you're a father, and i need to go urgently, i also have a job, so to speak. tell the children a fairy tale, they love it very much, wait, i can't even leave work, tomorrow is 24 hours, do you want to tell you that work is more important than children, no, well, you could have at least warned me, i would have agreed with my parents, but now they went to the country for a week, andrey, i'm bothering you with my problems negro, so, with mom , let's go to the papa, look that tim did not take off the hat, say
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, i’ll be back on sunday or monday, i’ll call it in short, and we’ll see where dad works, dad, let's go , eat, no, run, and good, good afternoon . i listen, i'm about the robbery, you will have a witness to us, you need to clarify a couple of details, well, you give, in
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the sense, i have already found these freaks, for almost 4 months have passed, well, until they found it, until they found it, until they found it, we are working, but is it possible to find someone after so much time, it happens differently, i think. my testimony is no longer needed by anyone, why not, it is very much needed, because why did n’t you ask right away, maybe i won’t remember anything now, wait, the investigator interrogated you, no, zenoviev is an operative from the wanted list, yes, there was no zenoviev, after everything happened, they wrote down my passport details , said that they would contact me later, that’s it, well that’s it, and you came 4 months later, oh, madhouse, but tell me what you remember? well , it was night, well, as always, i was closing the cafe, turned off the lights, checked everything, set the alarm, went out and locked the door, i hear a guy yelling, well , the victim, in short, two people were hanging over him,
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one had a knife in his hands, well, when the guy saw the knife, he immediately stopped yelling, yeah, then, well, what happened next, i was standing in the shadows, they didn't see me, i called the police, then the two ran there to nevsky. it turns out they were running past you, yeah, and i saw their faces, russian migrants, well, they look like russians, the one who was running closer to me, he has a face like that riboy in pockmarks or something, so what else yes everything, i understand, come on, yeah, and stop, wait, when they were running, one shouted to the other, something like, you say watch, don't lose it, can i give you some crumbs with... crumbs, well crumbs sounded something like this, thank you, happy
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, hello, good health to you, hello, andrey, vehicle with license plates 327 pull over to the side of the road, i surrender. oksanka went to finland, unexpectedly, say hello to your uncle. hello, hello, hello, what are you doing? andrey, do we have any normal ones left here? oh, excuse me, we have a children's garden, not the police, stop the car. every day, feat, i took everything i need, stop, i'll shoot, who are you,
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quiet, i'm a doctor, you need urgent medical care, give me your hand, try to make sure he doesn't go anywhere, i'll be there now, i'll find evidence, i work to the result, i 'm not going to live by your rules, i don't hurt innocent people, do what you have to and come what may, the exhibits will have to act, i'm not finishing the feat, heroes, new season. the heroes remain. otak, mindyr. good, hello. may i come in? in one
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series. father. in the new season. miracles. mask, today in full. don't buy anything until you see this. soluble monarch in large packages from 699 rubles on yandex market. now buy. okko online cinema, the world i watch. attacking credit card debts? i'll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts on one holva, conveniently pay off 24 months, and also don't forget about purchases in installments. holva - simple installment techniques.
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what everyone likes, on domclick everyone will find housing for themselves, look, this is called a return spring, zipper-zipper, then you put the bolt carrier on it, load the clip and you can safely shoot, bang, bang, bang, you're a normal person, give it here, come on dad, come on let me look, i left it for you for 5 minutes to watch the kids, you started to disassemble the gun, after all they just don't want to play with their toys for us, he started crying, and they saw this... they sparkled, right, bro, you like it, i'll give you a reprimand, for improper handling of personal weapons, fine, you asked to sit down yourself and the reprimand is flying, you're in the car, take us home, my car is in the service, okay, i'll ask the patrol, okay, bro, bye, bye, come on, come on, kids, let's get ready, give me a backpack, well, let's go, that means you're getting a promotion, yeah, everything is heading that way, huh... didn't you want
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to refuse, i did, you wanted it, and i just said i'd think about it, thought about it, yeah, and decided to stay, kotyush, i love my job, you know, you can help people, even if they don't realize it, financially you and i don't need anything, um, don't need
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anything? we'll think about how to close the case, yeah, comrade colonel, see you tomorrow, come on, bye, i somehow forgot where we left off, yeah, i'll have to start over.
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yes, sasha, hi, where are you? oh, i see. come on, tell grandma and grandpa thank you for dinner, i'm going home, i'm waiting for you.
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come on, stop me, okay, i won't be long, yeah, you are responsible for the children, got it, okay,
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don't make me angry, i'm on business, you, if my memory serves me right, work at our school, yes, elementary grades, well that's good, that means you know how to handle children, so tomorrow at 9:00 in the morning you will come to this address to my house and don't be late, you will have a job in
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your field, but i have lessons tomorrow, don't worry, i will give you a certificate that you were summoned to our department to participate in investigative actions, with a signature, with a seal, everything as it should be, right? and don't take up sunday, i'm waiting tomorrow, no be late, here i am, a loan with cashback from sberbank is even more opportunities, the amount is up to 30 million rubles. apply for it in 5 minutes in the application and receive monthly cashback in sberbank bonuses, thank you.
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olga borisovna, you will have to come with us, i myself. please, do not make a resku, thank you.
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pasha, can i have a minute? yes, come here, well, tell me what to start, how did you manage to spin it for six episodes, for seven, for another... and you would have easily gotten it yourself, if
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individual employees had simply done their work, they would write you these formal replies, the witness you sent me to, no one even interrogated him, you understand, well, yes, zenoviev is a bastard, i did the right thing by sending him to civilian life, well, yes, well, you better tell me. who gave you permission to take him andrey, don't you understand that if god forbid something happens to you, everyone in these offices will screw me, well, nothing happened, i did it quietly, olga borisovna, you understand where you... brought him, i understand, therefore, you understand that you and i will have a serious
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conversation, well, okay, let's not beat around the bush, we have information that you are involved in organizing the murder of police major pavel semenov, he returned to service, that's right, at the time when the killers you hired attempted to kill him, he was a civilian. but this will not affect your sentence in any way, you flew in from america, from there , for our sake, and you have an open -ended return ticket, yeah, i'm afraid you won't have to use it, a criminal case will be brought against you, then the sentence, finally, the term. "i said something funny, you know, your whole
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stern tone, this cheka entourage, doesn't make any impression on me at all, i studied well at the law faculty and i understand perfectly well that you won't be able to prove everything you're saying now, you can try, please, semenov, you're unlikely to help, you made a new order, to whom, who's the contractor? and you met him in person, you
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made an advance, paid the entire amount, answer, well... you understand perfectly well that i can get up and leave now? do you think i'm joking? no, what jokes are there? my father died from this son of a bitch. this son of a bitch, as you said, saved your life. so what? now i have to forgive him for his father's death, why do i need such a life now? without friends who will turn me away. without a father, i'm not bluffing, i will make sure that a criminal case is opened, the investigation has raised the issue of your arrest before the court, i am ready to go to court right now, let's go?
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yuliy andreevich, the girl is right, we are not acting officially, we have nothing on her except words, vitalik, no one will even listen to us in court, simenov he's walking around under the gun, you know, a live target, well, call him, warn him, and what, what will it give? well, yes, we can't tell him anything anyway, well, let him sit at home for now, and we'll sort everything out here, well, yes, we can put security, for how long? for a day, for a week, for a year, semenov won't have the patience for a year, there has to be a way out, there has to be some other way out, you're the boss, you know better.
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food frutanyanya. and why did you come here? olya,
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daughter, daddy, are you, are you, how are you here? olya, are you okay? did they make you? leave her alone. i beg you, don't involve her in this. leave her alone, i beg you, dad, don't dare touch her, listen, i beg you, don't involve her in this, i beg you, leave her, stand and listen to me, listen to me carefully, your father is alive, you understand that, he is helping us in one matter, he will soon be released from the country with a new passport, he will be able to start a new life, but he will never see you again, why yes because you will sit in my place. the organization of the murder, i promise you, you understand me, stop yelling, but there is a way out, you call immediately and cancel this
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order, then i will personally take you to the airport, yes, this is latasheva. i cancel the order. you remember, yes, that the money is not returned. yes, i know. now i can talk to my father. the called subscriber's device is switched off. is located in the university zone 90. well, it's not
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my fault. boss, i understand, well, you're giving it to me, pasha, how did you guess that he came for you, i
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have all the cars in my yard. with numbers, here you like it or not, you think about it, under my windows twice, but with different ones stop, stop, where are you going, okay, everything let me in, dad, hi, legal, what happened here, nothing happened, the car. oh , i understand, dad, let's go home, otherwise i 'm hungry, yeah, here you go, thank you, we'll go, stop by the department tomorrow, yeah, goodbye, bye, get the hardware done, yeah, comrade colonel, i got everything ready, okay, get to work, got it, major, so, how are things with
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the kids? my wife is back, my ex-wife is back, everything's fine, andrey, i 'll give you one phone number, just in case, her name is nadezhda mikhailovna, i've known her for many years, she worked a kindergarten teacher, now retired, lives on petrogradka, if there are problems with the children, call, say from me, you will have to pay, but not much, it won't ruin you, come on! thank you, comrade colonel, like tomorrow, goodbye, hello, hello!


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