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tv   Segodnya  NTV  August 7, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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the situation is tense, there is fighting on the border. the latest news from the kursk region. who 's next? niger, following mali, is breaking off diplomatic relations with. kamchatka thermal springs are once again the focus of scientists and tourists. this is the program today in the studio dmitry zaboisky. hello. this night in the kursk region, russian air defense crews shot down two missiles and three drones launched by kiev militants. the remnants
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of ukrainian sabotage groups that tried to break through the border the day before. according to the latest data, six tanks and 16 armored vehicles of nationalists. in the sumy region , two buk m1 installations were eliminated using iskander missiles, from which the enemy was shelling the city of sudzha, trying to cover up an attempt to break through. the attacks on the border areas were accompanied by a massive.
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it was this fragment of the official statement of the riogovernor that the attackers remade using deep fake technology. in the fake version, the head of the region allegedly called on residents to come to military registration and enlistment offices. the fake was actively promoted in the ukrainian segment of the internet. in this regard, i call on all men over 18 years to appear at the military registration and enlistment offices of kursk to receive weapons of participation. in the defense of our homeland,
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no such appeals were actually published, among the official statements, emergency services have been transferred to an enhanced operating mode, medical institutions are replenishing their supply of donor blood for preventive purposes. a mobile donor point was deployed on the main square of kursk, assistance in eliminating the consequences of the attack by ukrainian sabotage groups was offered by the heads of the belgorod, lipetsk, smolensk and tula regions. according to the latest data, when trying. ukrainian saboteurs penetrate into russian territory, 18 civilians were injured the day before, six minors were injured, specified the presidential commissioner for children's rights maria lvova belova. directly in the areas of the special operation, the russian military improved the tactical situation, an important role in the advancement of the infantry assault units is played by the fire support of armored vehicles. in the southern donetsk direction, the crew of one of the tanks is literally a family on the front line. rastislav skidan spoke with them.
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our military often say: in battles and in the everyday life of the special operation, we managed to become related. these tankers from transbaikalia became a family long before the conflict began. two brothers and their uncle. the older ones command the vehicle, the younger ones shoot and maneuver. all three volunteered for the front in september of 1922. they decided, since my great-grandfather fought in a tank, to join a tank company. well, they studied, well , signed a contract, studied, and came here, after a short time, uncle.
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uncle is in the infantry, all three took part in the storming of nikolskoye in the winter of 1922, that's suburb of ugledar, after the liberation of the village of tokyo, he went to study to become a tanker. the crew went on their first mission, well, when they went to work for the first time, that's when it was scary, not for themselves, but for the younger ones, the fact that i, as the eldest of the family, came here, i am responsible for them, well then, if god forbid, of course, if something happened to them, i would not be able to look my relatives in the eyes after that, my uncle's fears were not in vain, during the assault the tank ran over a mine, our first combat mission, a head-on offensive, let's go, here... worked well, only the equipment remained, but they themselves survived, the main thing is that they left, the burnt armor is the only loss of the crew in a year and a half of joint service. now the tankers of the eastern group of forces are working remotely, firing from closed positions at the fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces in the area
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of ​​ugledar. the enemy is not really resisting, more hiding, since the infantry has very good artillery cover for the tanks, we work day and night, the artillery is exactly the same. and the enemy little by little surrenders, steps back. vysu compensates for the lack of troops on the ground with striking power in the air. in the southern donetsk direction, the enemy has concentrated dozens of unmanned units. our tank crews have to hide the forty-five-ton machine deep in the forest, camouflaging the turret from the eyes in the sky. camouflage nets protect the tank crew not only from the attention of enemy reconnaissance drones, but it turns out they also save them from attack drones. small shells for underbarrel grenades get stuck in these honeycombs or...
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accepted one country another country has announced the severance of such a decision following neighboring mali. niger has announced another diplomatic relationship with ukraine. niger authorities accuse kiev of involvement in the attack on mali military in late july. a column of malian military and russian instructors who were conducting an anti-terrorist operation was hit, ukrainian military intelligence announced its involvement in the attack. one of the ukrainian ambassadors to africa confirmed kiev's involvement. nigerian and malian authorities are confident that ukrainian military personnel are conducting subversive activities,
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terrorists are being trained in the territory of mauritania throughout the region. according to nigerian journalists, ukrainians have been cooperating with the islamist movement azawat since january of this year, hiding behind public organizations and their own. mauritania, such activities threaten the security of all of west africa. now the authorities of niger intend to demand that the un security council make a decision regarding ukrainian aggression and its sponsors. the severance of relations with kiev was announced the day after the ukrainians left the country. african soldiers. the long-term presence of the us military in the country has finally ended. a protester in bangladesh is actively clearing the political field. according to local media, at least 29 members of the party of former prime minister sheikh hasina were found dead in different cities of the country in the last 24 hours. the houses of the deceased were looted or vandalized. in addition , the former minister of foreign affairs was detained at the international airport in dhaka while trying to leave the republic. according to
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journalists, he and two of his assistants handed over to the military. now the situation in the country is gradually calming down, but is still far from peaceful. the agenda includes the creation of a provisional government. alexey prokin has collected all the latest information. the provisional government in bangladesh was agreed to be headed by nobel peace prize laureate dr. muhammad yunus, a banker for the poor, as the press nicknamed him, the eighty-four-year-old yunus was persecuted under the now previous government for violating labor laws and was accused of illegal enrichment. the indictment included 200 points. he was convicted in january this year, but was released on bail after an appeal. everyone is trying to figure out why sheikh hasina is so against me. first, envy, she is unpopular, and i am popular. second, it is politics. she perceives me as a threat. now yunus is in france for treatment and watching the olympic games. the military remains the main force in bangladesh and
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experts predict that it will be the generals who will oversee the formation of the government, which will most likely be technical work until the parliamentary elections are over. so... i ask you all to be patient, give us some time, together we can solve all the problems. please do not return to the path of violence, return to peaceful methods. we want them to make plans for the future, keeping the country in mind. after the rioters destroyed
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the prime minister's residence and put a noose around the neck of the president's statue, sheikh hasina resigned and urgently flew to india. sources of the india today newspaper claim that the regime change was being prepared by pakistani intelligence, the plan itself was being developed in london. we are monitoring the situation with regard to minorities. we are receiving reports of initiatives by various groups and organizations aimed at ensuring their protection and well-being, we welcome this, but naturally we will remain concerned until law and order are fully restored. our border troops have also been instructed to be extremely vigilant in connection with this difficult situation. the us state department is also monitoring the situation in this regard. stand for the people of bangladesh. we urge all parties to refrain from further violence. too many people have died in recent days. we welcome the announcement of an interim government and urge that any
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transition be carried out in accordance with the laws of bangladesh. bangladesh has too many internal problems in the economic sphere, poverty, in the political and two-party system, where one party has been in power for too long. authorities. back in 1972 , quotas for government jobs were introduced for families who fought for independence from pakistan. they were abolished years ago, but this year they were reinstated, which students were unhappy about. for young people in bangladesh, government service is the most attractive career. at least 300 people died during the unrest in the country. i heard that students have taken on this responsibility today, like people's militias, that is, they watch over traffic, they watch over order, they have taken under protection some. religious temples. russia is building the rupur nuclear power plant in bangladesh. about 5,000
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people are working on the project, specialists from our country, belarus and kazakhstan. bangladesh is in dire need of energy, so the political situation, according to experts, is unlikely to affect the construction, as well as the relationship between bangladesh and russia, no matter who comes to power. the russian foreign ministry called the change of political forces in dhaka an internal matter and hopes for the return of processes to a friendly channel - reports. but rather to eliminate the new head of the politburo hamas. meanwhile, the general tension
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in the middle east continues to rise. canada is evacuating the family of its diplomats from israel to jordan, fearing a retaliatory strike from iran. according to the american press, the islamic republic has begun moving missile launchers closer to the border. us secretary of state antony blinken said that he had sent a signal to israel and iran that they should not further escalate the conflict, while reducing tensions. washington chose a rather strange method, as it stated following the us-australian negotiations, pentagon chief lloyd austen, the united states is strengthening its military presence in the region by deploying cruisers and destroyers there. according to him, in the event of unforeseen situations, they are ready to provide support to israel. and as the associated press reported, about a dozen american airborne early warning fighters have already been deployed to a military base in the middle east from an aircraft carrier. theodore roosevelt: unlike the united states, russia is in favor of peace in the middle east, the agency wrote
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rators, citing two high-ranking sources in tehran, vladimir putin called on the iranian authorities to respond with restraint to the murder of ismail haniyeh. the words of our president were allegedly conveyed by the secretary of the security council sergei shaigu. the day before, he met with the head of the islamic republic masoud pesishkian. in israel itself, anti-war demonstrations continue, one of the protests near the military base. was organized by ultra-todox jews, but after they tried to penetrate the protected territory, mounted police intervened, now...
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in kamchatka, after a long break, scientists have resumed a large-scale program to study thermal springs. the data obtained will be used in the interests of hospital science, studying the healing properties of water. about how science paves the way for tourism, sergey antsigin. what many tourists call kamchatka in miniature. on an area of ​​about three hundred thousand hectares there is everything that the peninsula is famous for, a tundra landscape with a river valley, active and extinct volcanoes, their eternal companions, hot sources. scientists brought special electronic devices from moscow, which in academic slang are called loggers.
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with their help, they measure the parameters of any environment, but these devices, developed by employees of the institute of ecological problems.
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experts classify them as a valuable hydrochemical type in the world: these are low-carbon waters that contain fluorine, bromine, iodine, lithium, rubidium, even arsenic in useful mini-concentrations and many other rare elements. spa treatments are especially recommended for the preventive treatment of cardiovascular and the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system and a whole list of occupational diseases. it would seem, why study what is already known. employees of kamchatka. park clarify that in nature everything is subject to change and hot springs are no exception. medicine has learned to use the healing properties of hot springs. an open-air swimming pool has been built in the paratunka river valley. the hospital potential of kamchatka was carefully studied during the soviet era. it was then that the peninsula was resorts of all-union significance are open.
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the mineral waters were studied here in the nineties and noughties, then the work stopped for almost 10 years. molecular biological methods, we are going to identify them , look at their composition, it is possible to supplement the health improvement method with scientific work in the nalychevo nature park, where the temperature range of hot springs is measured, students, postgraduates and teachers of the kamchatka state university will join next year, they will be joined by
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employees of the vladivostok institute rehabilitation treatment of climatology, natural parks of kamchatka, all this... not classic resorts with permanent medical staff, therefore for tourists who bathe in wild springs without a sanatorium book, specialists will prepare recommendations on what water composition is most effective in treating certain chronic diseases . sergey antsidin, maxim mintsev, ekaterina zenina and anton zaitsev, far eastern bureau of ntv. this concludes the program for viewers of the central part of russia, thank you for being with us. what were you doing 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, napept can help. it helps restore memory and attention. so that the head works, attack credit card debts, i will show you a couple of techniques, we collect all credit card debts on one kholva conveniently repay 24 months, and also
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rains in buryatia, then take a break, to burst with new force at the end of the week. thunderstorms are not going to leave the rest of the southern regions. on sakhalin, there is no precipitation yet. with the temperature here, everything is simple: chita to yuzhnosalinskaya plus 25-30, in chukotka, in kolyma, it is cold around ten. but in anadra, at least. in famogadan, rain. the north of siberia has been given to an anticyclone and it is trying its best to give everyone a full-fledged summer. in rilsk, the sun has reached +20. however, in the south of the region and in the urals, everything is also like summer during the day, up to +27. in some places, rain with thunderstorms. but tomorrow , very heavy rains will fall again on the south of the urals, which is still not dry after the recent flood. in the central zone of russia, there are still the same local rains and thunderstorms. with a note that in the west of chernozem and the central region , they are longer and si. the temperature is normal, slightly lower or around 25°, very similar in the northwest, the north sticks to the sunny side and there is a lot of heat there, in the south.


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