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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  August 7, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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on ntv, the program "emergency incident" in the studio of valery gavrilovskaya, we are live. hello! we begin the program with wedding events in blagoveshchensk. the council came straight to the legislative assembly, but not to congratulate the new unit of society, but to detain it. the reason was a criminal episode from the past of the newlyweds. once, during a walk, they became participants in a street conflict, and now the groom is accused of causing serious bodily harm. his opponent was seriously injured in the fight. a report on how to get immediately in the legislative assembly in one day two statuses "not free", prepared by aleftina marchenko. the usual wedding bustle. the bride in a white dress in the banquet hall holds her skirt by the flaps, next to her is a smartly dressed groom with a folder in his hands, ready to make a speech, relatives take their places, bridesmaids at the entrance, holding bags of rice and petals at the ready, then these uninvited guests appear. help! the detachment of the assembled, under
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the cries of deserials, immobilizes the groom, with difficulty the five of them put handcuffs on his wrist, they try to take the bride aside to calm her down, but she only swore to be there and in joy in sorrow. i will not go anywhere. in general, ekaterina was so upset only because the wedding was unexpected, it was clearly not that. the day when you expect a trick, why they detain the betrothed knew perfectly well, because she witnessed an incident with his participation. eduard vasiliskyn got into an unpleasant story shortly before the ceremony. the future spouses were walking in the park and had a fight with an unfamiliar company. things were heading towards a fight. eduard took out a knife from somewhere, stabbed his opponent, and then grabbed his beloved by the hand and ran away. according to the investigation, on the evening of may 28 the accused was passing by one of the houses in the second microdistrict of the city of blagoveshchensk.
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in the room located on the first floor, he saw previously unknown to him men who were drinking alcoholic beverages. the accused insulted these citizens, provoked a conflict, after which, without any significant reason, with the knife he had with him, he stabbed the fifty-seven-year-old man in the chest. an ambulance was called for the wounded comrade, when he came to, he gave an orientation on the attacker, but is this a reason to cancel unity of hearts and destinies. without waiting for the police, in the first few days after the incident, the bride and groom calmly went to the registry office with all their relatives and friends. the new husband spends the troubled month under house arrest, the faithful wife promises to wait as long as necessary, writes corresponding posts on her social networks under the criminal article, causing grievous bodily harm. eduard
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faces up to 10 years in prison. aleftina marchenko, dayana shlyubkina, radu gurdis, ntv television company. take advantage of the unique a chance to watch a video from someone else's wedding. the full version of the odious events filmed by the wedding operator is posted in our telegram channel chpntv. if you have not yet subscribed to us for some reason, do it right now. point your phone at the qr code that you see on the screen or in the messenger itself to ... dial chpntv follow our news. in primorye , they are investigating the circumstances of the plane crash, which killed the pilots and a passenger of a private light aircraft. today, specialists discovered the place crash. an experienced pilot, sergei fedorov, was at the controls. the passenger was alena kalagurova, a successful businesswoman. they flew from omsk to kamchatka, then crossed over to sakhalin. the next stop was supposed to be primorsky.
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and what went wrong, denis zadokhin found out. these are the first shots taken in the area where the light aircraft crashed in primorye. due to thick fog, it was impossible to get to the scene by air. the rescue operation was carried out on the ground as soon as the emergencies ministry employees could approach, it became clear to them that there was no one to save. the two people on board, the pilot, sergei fedorov and the passenger, his friend alena kolagurova, died. their close friend, dmitry trityakov, was the last person to see them before the fatal flight. literally.
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they took off from their native omsk. the final destination was to be primorsky krai. during the route, they managed to stop in irkutsk, kamchatka, and sakhalin. and it was from the pushisty airfield that the last takeoff was made. in the air of the planets. the air force, with hundreds of hours spent behind him under the clouds, in recent years he taught private piloting, alena has been involved in the small aviation business not so long ago, a year
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ago she graduated from the omsk aviation training center, in march of this year she made her first solo flight she realized what she wanted to devote her whole life to. i had my first. solo flight into the sky, i flew, three conveyors, two conveyors and one landing, my god, myself, i controlled the plane in the sky, without an instructor. in aviation, it is considered bad form to talk about the causes of a tragedy before end of the investigation. according to some information, there was bad weather and fog on the day of the flight, and sergey allegedly knew about it, but did not postpone the trip. what exactly caused the crash, investigators will soon say, while they have opened a criminal case. on the fact of violation of traffic safety rules and operation of air transport. among the possible causes of the aircraft crash, the investigation is considering the following versions of what happened: pilot error and technical malfunction. investigators, forensic researchers investigative committee, the scene
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of the incident was inspected, during which a gps tracker, navigator, documents for the aircraft and personal belongings of the victims were seized. according to relatives of sergey and alyona, he loves the sky as much as... not everyone is given this gift, they not only gave private piloting lessons, but also devoted a lot of time to the development of small aviation. the issue of transporting the bodies of the victims to their homeland should be resolved in the near future. denis odohin, natalia popova, tamara simonova, oksana goncherenko and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. and then the assessment the behavior of the man who stood up for his daughter and beat up someone else's child will now be given by investigators, and the parents of the injured boy intend to take the case to court. what injuries the schoolboy received, we'll tell you after the commercial, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, let's understand what 's going on, this is a conspiracy, of course it is a conspiracy, we have an expert on cats, you are some kind of damn wrong, we
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are in trouble, that's it, guys, back off, this is how relations with the west are developing, really the west is rotten, what happened in the world? all these people stopped being shy. meeting place, new season. every time kamela haris shakes hands with joe biden, she actually checks his pulse to be surprised to be upset that he is still alive. from monday at 14:00 on ntv. there are two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, the legendary beat, it's a big hit, big hit, only in delicious point, art begins with a blank canvas, then the idea finds its embodiment on it, implement everything
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this summer is with us. will it sparkle with new colors? buy a large combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions. only in tasty point. this is the summer of sleep. free to protect subscribers from spam - this is normal, so we protect sbermobile guests are different. and the benefit for everyone, pay through sbp in pyaterochka, get 5% cashback in points, buying for a total of 650 rubles with an x5 card club, cashback for everyone, helps out, nevsky, today at 16:45 on ntv, hi, great, why are you so happy? oh, yeah, i've been up all night again today, how i got to the gym, i don't
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the broadcast. in chelyabinsk, they intend to bring to court a case of beating a child, his parents, nine-year-old nikita, decided to punish the father, his friend, the girl complained that she was doused with water, considering the boy's behavior drunk, the aggressive man, without realizing it, demonstrated what an ugly act really looks like, he hit the schoolboy when he realized what he had done, as happens in ... parental squabbles , he lowered his arrogance and began to apologize furiously, but remorse is unlikely to help in his case. at what point did sergei ryub, here he is, in the surveillance camera footage, decide that he could teach someone else's child to good behavior, when he yelled at him in the middle of the street or when he hit his head with all his might, is not clear. nine-year-old nikita himself did not understand this, who began to have hysterics from pain and fear. he sat crying on the asphalt for a long time, trying to understand what had happened, because he did not even know the man who hit him. the same. having splashed out all his anger on the schoolboy, calmly went home, here he has a very pronounced bump, it
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still bothers him. nikita hugs his mother tightly and tries not to let her go for a long time, very worries if she is not around, anastasia believes that it will take a long time before her son stops avoiding unfamiliar men, the child could not calm down even after he returned home from the hospital, where he was diagnosed with a head injury concussion, he is very afraid, he is very worried - to go out somewhere alone from the house ... he does not want to, because he does not feel safe, naturally, his sleep is disturbed, he is dizzy when he gets up, he has a headache, he takes painkillers, nikita told his parents that sergei ryub approached him in the park near the house and immediately started shouting, demanding that the boy apologize to his daughter for pouring water from a bottle on her, without even trying to get any explanation, ryub attacked the child with his fists, all this happened in front of the girl herself and her younger sister, that adults should not behave like that,
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he lives, as it turned out, in the neighborhood, in fact, in the same yard, the children play on the same playground and often go to that very square, where everything happened, however, before that he never contacted them at all, although it seemed inappropriate to the attacker... many fears that he experienced, but i experience the mother. he was very, of course, scared of the schoolboy no one complained, says him to feel, how to communicate, how it will affect health, that is, it was very about what the consequences could be in the future, that is, how he will intend to punish the offender of his son, but unlike him, they will do it to others, legally way, through the court. the police officers
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still. and therefore nikita's parents nevertheless established, detained the man who hit the teenager. in relation to the offender 1983 a pensioner from moscow took it hard, her beloved yorkshire terrier, right before her eyes, was mauled by an american bull, the small dog had no chance the dog, which was five times bigger, needed only a few seconds. these shots are further proof of how much the reaction of a fighting dog exceeds that of a human, the pensioner came out of the entrance with yorkshire terrier, a second and he was in
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the mouth of an american bully, his owner pulled the leash, it didn't help, tried to unclench his jaws, to no avail her... the resident also couldn't loosen his grip, the sight was not for the faint of heart, everything was covered in blood, until he killed, he didn't let him go, and they couldn't do anything, no matter how they tore him out, they beat this dog, it was useless, people ran, they carried children in their arms, they grabbed dogs, too, and everyone ran faster into the entrances. when the eighty-year-old pensioner realized that there is no one left to save, she started having hysterics, because of the increased pressure she felt bad, olga ivanovna still can't come to her senses, i am very... i can't, i cry all day long, i don't know when i will come to my senses, let her die a natural death like that, it wouldn't be such a pity, it's easy to eat, just like they threw a piece of meat and a murrot and he ate it, all the toys, bowls and beds of the yorkshire, olga ivanovna's relatives tried to put away from sight, so that nothing would remind them of the loss of a friend, daisy was the name of the terrier, she was 14 years old,
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she appeared in the pensioner's apartment when her husband died, the pet was supposed to distract her from the bitterness of loss and eventually became a full-fledged member of the family, as a person she was, she understood, more than a person, probably, you tell her, lie down , she lies, you tell her let's go, she gets up, goes, say, dezy, i come from the street, dezy, let's go, my legs are moving, she goes to the bathroom, you understand, that's it, well, consider it my granddaughter, that's what i called her, my granddaughter, well now a pensioner, tolly scolding, or calming herself, builds a theory on how it would be possible to avoid tragedy, to go out 5 minutes earlier or later, or was it necessary to hold the dog in your arms? however, what all the residents of the house agree on is that the owners of the fighting dog should have racked their brains and got a muzzle. an accessory for american bullies, like the mitis amstaff american bulldog, is mandatory, but the owner, apparently, has a different view on this. why, why is the dog without a muzzle? why do you say that you will stuff muzzles on others? true, after what happened
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, the owners of ambully revised their principles, at least they promised that they would improve. they came. apologized, offered their condolences, said that they ordered a muzzle, are waiting for it to arrive, but this belated decision will not return the dog, olga ivanovna believes, she has already filed a statement with the police. while the police are sorting things out, local residents can only hope for a little, that the dog's owners will still keep their promise and will only walk him in a muzzle from now on, all the worries are not unfounded, there is a private kindergarten and a playground near the entrance, and no one knows how a dog will behave. which once could not be stopped if a child appears in front of it. ivan gubin, valentin losev and larisa kopinskaya, ntv television company. that's not all, watch further. at the evil record at the paris olympics , instead of athletes' achievements , organizational problems and crimes are recorded. the top
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scandals of the main sporting event of this year. watch after the commercials on ntv. today i am retiring, and you, son, will begin to rule the karhan family. yeah, i finished with arkhan, you are not got it, i decided to move to london, we decided, i love you, an eye for an eye, khalis karhan, for the lifeless body of a son, you will pay with the body of someone close, you take the daughters, and i... mom, you and your brother will become my sons-in-law. kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. pain can be different, it doesn't matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy for different types of pain. pentalgin,
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all in father and mother. it's not about heredity, it's about what you can pass on to your child. become kindred spirits usanoviti. rрf. national project demography. live on ntv, another emergency, we continue the broadcast. a new series of scandals occurred at the olympic games, participants, spectators, and even those who are not involved in either a sporting or criminal event are suffering. it became known about another attack on participants in the games, additional health problems for athletes due to too dirty hay , the scandal in women's boxing continues. it is obvious... he ended up on the bench for a reason
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, to rest like this between competitions, athletes are forced, already many times teams from all over the world complained about the too narrow cardboard beds, bedbugs in the mattresses, the lack of air conditioning in the rooms, the heat outside, the european media are constantly saying that this is an organizational failure of france. it seems that athletes in paris are tested more often outside of competition than on the sports grounds themselves, but wait until you hear this, the latest news about an athlete who became.
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athletes were removed from the race due to suspicions of water poisoning. like a river where swimming has been banned for 100 years, so quickly could become crystal clear. despite france's investment of over a billion dollars, it is safe to say that you can't swim in the seine. gender scandals are also continuing, the tolerance of the blooming garden led to a transgender from algeria reaching the final in women's boxing. imen kheliv, born a man, defeated all his rivals, which is not surprising, the athletes tried. the testosterone test is not ideal, many women can have a testosterone level that can be called male and at the same time remain women, since it is written in the passport that the names of khiliyev are women, then that is true. in fact, the function of the people's
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olympic committee is also to ensure that the games are fair, clean, transparent and that each athlete can show themselves in all their glory, and for this each team must be comfortable, convenient and safe, this did not happen, so this is also another reputational blow helped, the birthplace of champagne and kurasans is suffering losses, european journalists are sure, the olympics should have been bring billions in revenue, but in reality it ’s the other way around, preliminary. the total budget of the games has already exceeded 8 billion euros, which is twice the figure that was initially announced, businesses are also unhappy, the central streets of the city are divided by fences, you can’t walk everywhere, so the revenue of shops, hotels and cafes does not live up to expectations. against the backdrop of unreasonably high prices for hotels, food, transport, tickets for sports and entertainment events, foreign tourists prefer alternative destinations, which leads to significant losses for the french tourism industry. two
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days before the opening ceremony of the olympics, the french minister of the interior assured that crime would be reduced, quote, practically to zero, but the figures tell a different story: the number of drug charges has sharply increased by 42%. and there is a new round of fraud, robberies and rapes, police reinforcements from forty countries of the world are clearly not coping. pavel kuzentsov, eric ayvagyan, diana kavando and vladimir tolyzin, ntv. the case of the disappearance without a trace. said in her defense why even a year later the search for the boys does not stop, yulia's report here are her colleagues made a statement that they oblecova year of fruitless searches, three
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pupils of the orphanage disappeared without a trace. last summer there is still no information about the teenagers, recently they were officially recognized as dead, but so far the bodies have not been found, detectives do not stop the search, the area is exploring the lands of the air, in complex reliefs, where it is impossible to reach on foot groups, drones are involved in the work. meanwhile, a thirty-two-year-old man has become a defendant in the criminal case an orphanage teacher, here she is in the courtroom sitting by the window. according to the investigation , tatyana vorobyova committed a careless negligence by going on a hiking... trip with a group of children, they were climbing the celestial peak, all plans were ruined by the rain that started. meteorologists warned about precipitation in advance, despite the fact that the situation in the mountains is complicated by fog, the walk through the taiga continued. in conditions of poor visibility, the detectives believe, the orphanage employee who led the detachment did not stop the route. the children were not lined up in an organized column descended in a chaotic manner. several children simply
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stopped and began to wait. the rest of the group, three children disappeared, in the rain, they, she generally had to make a decision, not to go out at all, not to go out at all, they should not have been there simply on this route, there... in the forests of taiga, thirteen-year-old alexei, fourteen-year-old vyacheslav , fifteen-year-old danil disappeared. the educators decided that the teenagers were probably waiting for someone or headed to the camp, but they were nowhere to be found. many initially believed that the friends simply ran away and did not return to the orphanage, but investigators quickly refuted this version, because there are mountains around and there is simply nowhere to run. in addition, the boys were lightly dressed and had no food, as it turned out, they took only a small bottle of water in their backpacks, it is extremely difficult to survive in the harsh conditions of the taiga, when at night the air temperature can... drop sharply under such circumstances, we really hope, but the fact that so much time has passed, naturally, hope is already fading, my brother he was exactly a led boy, a led boy, that is, he would never say, send me, on the contrary, if they told him, he would go, that is
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, for as long as they had been separated from their parents, it was not good, they walked, but it never happened that he went himself, left, spent the night somewhere, came home, there was no such thing, that is, he always spent the night at home, victoria yevseeva planned to formalize guardianship over her younger brother, she turned 18, but did not have time. by the way, she blames not only the teacher for what happened. why is there no director, where director, second teacher, why is she the only one speaking, does she even bear this responsibility. tatyana vorobyova herself does not communicate with the press, but her colleagues, many of whom took her side, talk about the working conditions in the orphanage, about how the hikes were organized. they never asked the children's wishes and many children simply should not be on hikes. because, well, they were also sent according to the health group, just before this hike we had an emergency, it was a rafting trip, everyone knows about it, it was forced, no one ever i didn't ask anyone about the hikes, it turns out that our girl tanya was the only one to blame
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, although the director made all the orders, she had only 2 years of experience as a teacher, to send a teacher without experience, well, i think it's incompetent, the employees of the orphanage believe that on such hikes in the taiga the children should have been accompanied, including by experienced instructors, and not just counselors, although none of them are absolving the teachers of tatyana vorobyova. yulia obletsova, oksana goncharenko and yana samburova, ntv television company. and that's all for now, thank you for your attention. kingfisher,
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if before my death, i was asked about my last wish. "i would like to see you, i don't regret that i fell into a trap, you know perfectly well that you deserve to die, but how about life, did i live. i didn't live, since i was pulled out of the lime pit into which khatuch threw me, i seem
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to be between life and death, it happened, but so many years have passed, you took revenge on an innocent girl, for what was done to you then, what do you see? the difference between what happened then and now, it makes no difference, i was innocent, i resisted, i prayed, someone helped, someone heard me, khalis? do what you want! let me meet death at your hand. if.


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