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tv   Nevskii  NTV  August 7, 2024 8:00pm-11:36pm MSK

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stop, your mother!
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there will be a separate conversation, an attempt on the life of a policeman, declare an interception, raise everyone on alert, put this city on its ears, well, find it, i hear you, colonel, andryukha, i'm going to the department, write a report, how everything was with you, and what happened to me, get out of my sight, i don't want to see you. pash, hi, very
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busy, listen, we have a force majeure here, denis somov, resuscitation, why are you, can you come over, thank you, i'm waiting, sasha, semyonov, i don't know you, but i know you very well, your mother told me a lot about you. and i have your photos i saw, but mom isn't home, i know, she's in prison, we were there together, my name is olya, hi, hello, have you seen mom lately? no, literally a day ago, they just let me out, and mom asked me to say hi to you, i'm calling your dad, but his phone is turned off, at work, probably, okay, then i'll call again later, it's a pity, of course, i 'm leaving tonight, i was thinking about yulia with you and dad.
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to tell you, okay, later, well, bye, wait, let's go see us, dad, wait, didn't dad tell you that you can't let strangers into the house, he said, right, you can't do that, but i'm not a stranger, i saw, and what should i have seen, again, look carefully. look, he lowered the gun, why? because he recognized the one who was in the car. denis knows the extortionist. would you like some tea or coffee? thank you, i'll have some tea. and should i make a sandwich? thank you. i imagined you exactly like this, from what your mother said, so serious, so grown up. "mom
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loves you very much, she misses you very much, i miss her too, i didn't want to talk about it without dad, but i think you'll be happy, "mom is coming home soon, is that true?". yes, she will be given 3 days of vacation for good behavior. great, i have to call dad, now, okay, i'll find the phone, i'll come now, yeah, i don't know, i can't find it, i'll find it, you tell me. well
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, you 'll hang it on someone else, listen to the jokes, i don't understand what you want from me, well, i wrote everything to you in the application, you could have money from me, you ran out of this noodles. who do you owe a name to, i don't owe anyone anything, you obviously don't realize the seriousness of the situation, since you came to us with a statement, something has changed, a policeman was wounded, one of us, now everything will be different, and either you testify or you will go as an accomplice, do you understand that you are facing a real term and a penal colony for attacking a policeman, but... fortuna, what fortuna? it's a club, like a casino. is there a fortuna casino on nevsky? no, what does your nevsky have to do with it? thank you, sasha, it was very tasty. yes,
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you're welcome. i'll have to leave soon. did you find your phone, did you get through to dad? no, i don't know where i put it. let's go, maybe, with my? what should we do, i really needed to talk to your dad, when should he come, dad comes late, i see, it's just about mom's vacation, if i... with dad, then mom won't be able to come, maybe i can help with something, i 'm an adult already, sasha, i don't know , probably not, only adults can decide, i'll do anything for mom, sasha, we need money, a lot of money, only
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dad can help here, and if i don't give this money today, mom won't be able to come, how much money, 100,000, wow? "that's exactly it, i'm like since that's what i wanted to talk to your dad about, well, since it didn't work out, then it didn't work out, well, ok, bye, it's definitely time for you to go, maybe you should wait a little longer, no, sasha, i can't, i'm sorry that everything is turning out this way, but it's okay, you'll see mom in a year, it won't be long, wait, no, wait, right now!" that's all we have, 90. i can call uncle lesha again, he'll give me another 10,000, but
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he doesn't have a phone, really, and he has a cafe nearby, three boars, you know, let's go to him, yeah, come on, you get ready, and i 'll wait for you on the bench, outside, we agreed. yeah, i'm quick, the premiere of the series about the 1980 olympics . to raise the olympic games is not a joke, it needs to be cancelled, the olympics will be, the games, watch with the whole country right now on kinopoisk, every day, a feat. i did everything i need, stop, i'll shoot, who are you, quiet, i'm a doctor, you need urgent medical care, give me your hand, try to make sure he doesn't go anywhere, i'll be there now, i 'll find evidence, i work until
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i get results, i'm not going to live by your rules, i don't harm innocent people, do what you have to and come what may, act, will have to exhibit and does not perform a feat, but also the season.
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8:11 pm
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8:12 pm
happy, oh, i've been up all night again today, how i got to the gym, i don't remember, i thought i wouldn't get out of bed at all, listen, i don't understand how you do it, i've already started to forget how it happens, well, what should i buy, what's there, what 's it called? tatricum, i remembered, and remember, it's better to try once than to hear 100 times that you think it works, what are you talking about, i don't think, i know, it's dark, of course, i now your wife, you know how, and what is there, how to take it, call, everything is simple, when you order they will explain everything to you in detail, a second, wife, yes, darling, i understand, that's it, i'm off, keep it for yourself, try it, then
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august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. well, in general, our client floated, testified that he lost a large sum of money in one of the night clubs in yegorny, underground, of course, how much? according to him , 50,000 dollars. did he give the address of the club? he did, but there is a small problem. not our land, a neighboring area. so what? what does it change, yes, it all changes, they probably have our roof, the cops, not a fact, oh well, without our suit in the city now not a single topic goes through, i wanted to say something else, somov recognized the driver, so he lowered the gun, and i think that this driver was a policeman, there is news from the hospital, danisa operated, removed. the doctors say we can talk tomorrow.
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san, are you okay? what are you doing here? i haven't been able to reach you for several hours. i'm waiting for the calf. who are you waiting for? we agreed to meet here, go ahead and tell me. dad, i wanted to help mom. san, tell me, everything in order, don't be afraid.
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so, sasha. look, she, yeah, got it, write a statement, we'll look, uncle yur, and she's a criminal, well, something like that, a fraud, and she really was in prison with my mom, no, with your mom, she wasn't in prison, she was in served time in another colony, recently got out and started up again, and how did she find out about my mother? well, you know, scammers have a million options, but i believed her, you're not the only one, san, don't worry, we'll find him,
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yura makhov, the operative, we're here with him. we started out together on earth, then he transferred to a neighboring district, there were some problems, you didn't shoot because you recognized him? yes, i see, i won't beat around the bush, your man sent my operative to the hospital, you know me, i won't leave it like that, and i have a lot of people, who do you mean, makhov, yuri, like that, senior operative, only now he's on vacation, well, you should have contact with him, so tell him, it will be better for him if he shows up himself and gives a confession, seryozha, and if you think about what you have on him, the testimony of your employee, so they fixed his head in the hospital, you never know what he imagined there, i see that you
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have everything in order with the information, and i always have everything in order, so...
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they found him, i don't care where he's hiding, find him and report, other hunters have already gone after him, we must find him first, so, pavel
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andreevich, from your testimony it follows that during the pursuit. they began to threaten us, to use physical force, we got scared and were forced to defend ourselves . i found out that these men serve in the police only a few hours later, when the investigator... asked me, excellent testimony, they dictated it themselves, how can you comment on this, somov introduced himself and showed his id, and in general it's funny, my word against the words of this
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burova, yes, this is clear, paval andreevich, everything is clear, but there is also the driver of the car under whose wheels the girl died, well, put yourself in his place, a man is driving, he hasn’t done anything bad to anyone, suddenly bam, he’s a murderer, but he didn’t want this at all, he has a wife and children at home, and now he’s facing a real term in a penal colony, what are you getting at, just for a second, imagine that suddenly this driver gives evidence that you deliberately threw the girl under the wheels of his car, what then, the examination will confirm my words, and not his, and if? it doesn’t confirm, and then my
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the lawyer will get another expert opinion, an independent one, you see, you remembered that you might need a lawyer, which means you are indirectly prepared for what might happen, andreevich fell, it will happen, it will definitely happen. pasha, we shouldn't do this, it's wrong, you can't do that, denis is in the hospital, and we're not talking about the rules now, but about the fact that he is one of us, and how are we different from them then, nothing, except that we are for the truth, arsenyev also once said the same. i found someone to remember. pasha arsenyev was also once taken away? of course. and then i didn't even notice how i crossed the line. believe me, pasha, i know what i'm talking about. but
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there must be some other way. suggest one. andryukh, i don't know about you, i'm just really fed up with everything. yulka is sitting with me, and sanya himself doesn't understand what he's doing. the guys and denis are now in the hospital, and we, instead of doing anything, we're always negotiating with someone, deciding something, there she is, irina petrovna makhova, what's the matter, the police, you'll have to go with us, i'm not going anywhere with you, why on earth, i know the laws, my husband is a policeman, yes, we're in course, you'll have to come with us, don't make me use force, what are you... allowing yourself, i'll call my husband now, any minute now, we'll go to our department and you call your husband, i hope he loves you, because otherwise, what otherwise, it's better for you not to know, guys,
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what are you doing, leave her alone, she has nothing to do with it, it's too late, yura, when such a war is going on, shells don't choose who to mow down, either you surrender or i'll lock up your wife, resistance to the police, drugs, prostitution, you can choose the article yourself, you're a freak, this is lawlessness, i, i'll find you, don't force me, this doesn't work, just make the decision yourself. where's my wife? yura, are you okay?
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listen, get behind the wheel, drive home, and you? i'll figure it out! come on, come on, come on! guys, so you... know, i didn't want this, denis jumped under the wheels himself, i didn't have time to brake, do you believe in this yourself, i believe, put it on, and do you often knock out debts like this? sometimes such work, well, in general, people themselves try to pay quickly, well, it happens on stubborn you're in trouble, you're a cop! and what does he mean,
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that you took an oath? and what, you didn't take it? an oath, they took my wife hostage, is that according to the oath? guys, in our life there is no only black or only white, in life everything is mixed up, tell this to somov, did you know that they drilled into his head so that he wouldn't die, i didn't want it, that's what everyone says. listen, believe it or not, i don't give a damn. open jardin gold, enjoy its rich aroma and balanced taste. feel the specialness of every moment with jardín gold. jardín gold - a pleasure to feel special. what is a miracle? it is something bright,
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8:30 pm
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8:31 pm
i need to buy so much for school, and for me, ideally for a parent-teacher meeting, a school sale on ozone, i'm an artist paint set for 269, here's a steel rack for 2,499, get ready for school with installments without overpayments, summer is not only a time for vacations, but also an opportunity to catch luck in summer editions, country houses, apartments by the sea, cars,
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no, i don't recognize you. sasha, look carefully, don't rush. san, don't be afraid, tell me as it is, i 'm not afraid, i don't recognize anyone. dad, i felt sorry for her, sorry, now they'll let her go, she'll continue to deceive people, well done, san, that's just cool, by the way, money doesn't lie on the road, these 90,000 were you have been postponed to prague, dad, forgive me, but i felt sorry for her, it would be more correct,
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if i had said that it was her, she would have been put in jail, what if she has a son or daughter, they will be bad without their mother, well then i won’t go to prague, well dad, well forgive me, you are still stupid, but you seem like a good person, let’s go, you have to go to school, and already skipped two lessons, for a good reason, i have a certificate from the police,
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i don’t like it, well, you yourself said that we should finish this case, and what did we work in vain, we almost failed there, if not for semyonov, i just don't understand, if it continues like this, you tell me, i have 5 minutes to write a report, i've said it all, that's it, i'm not going to count it off in front of you. i think i did the right thing, and as for the report, if you want to leave, i won't hold you back,
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let me go, i'm free. mikhailov, andrey yuryevich, this is golovanov, from the personnel inspection, i want to inform you that we have completed the investigation into major semenov, the conclusion will be sent to you today, semenov can start serving on monday. i understand, yes, by the way, in committee, as i understand it, the case was refused, my congratulations, thank you, comrade major, all the best.
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thank you for sorting everything out, zhenya, i am grateful, they said in my youth, thank you, not a glug, so look, everything is already on the table. i can buy myself some vodka, i won’t go broke, and i don’t go back on my words, your share from this point is 20% every month. so what was that about vodka? come on, it’s a sin not to drink with a good person. well, can i congratulate you, you jumped off again, what’s next? what? yes, i’m still waiting for you to get tired of it. yes, i’m tired of it , foma, and for a long time already, the mice cried, pricked themselves, but continued to eat the cactus. funny,
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sooner or later they will eat you, choke fama, choke, well, as you know, your decision, your life, lyokha, do you have anyone in the colony? i really need to talk to yulka. think about what can be done. thank you. i'm downstairs. let go.
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but you understand that you were wrong, do you know what happens for this?
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well, let's move away while no one sees. well, has it become easier? no, hello!
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they said not to take things, have you heard anything about seasonal crime, that's right, in what's the problem then, that the white nights have suddenly arrived. off schedule, there are three times as many tourists in the center, pickpockets have become more active, this is also news to you, it wasn't like this last year, the year before that too.
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there are no developments on this issue, but the specifics are too narrow, you know what i don't like most, mikhailov, i know, excuses, right, then remember, you can explain for a long time why you didn't do something, instead of going to do it, this evening you'll report on the work done, that's right, and where on earth is semenov? yes, of course, he treated your wife like a brute. did you raise her case? how could it be otherwise? i need to know my contingent not only by sight, so my condolences. the investigator is coming, and this is also a company
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against traumatic weapons. of course, your wife would have gotten off suspended at worst. how can i help? tell me as it is. everything was fine with my predecessor. vadim understood the situation and provided all kinds of assistance. he arranged for us to meet with yulia in his office once a week. and some other small things, he himself you know, parcels, phone. i 'll arrange a date for you. no questions. just not before friday. and better in the morning from 11 to 12. is that okay? you ask? thanks, but that's nothing, if you have any questions, contact me, we'll sort it out, thanks, three, i mean, you know, i can't do anything else, i need to share with people so they don't rat me out, like raketina, you're joking now, and you're like... for free, i wanted
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to slip through, what the hell, who are you to me, brother, matchmaker, in this life you have to pay for everything, wait, excuse me, be quiet, there are people around here, i'm not forcing you, do you want a wife see, write a statement, we'll consider it within the set time, otryha. this is godly, consider it, i'll take it from you as from one of my own, and add a couple more, i 'll be blowing dust off my face from july, personally i won't leave my bed at night, listen you, that's right,
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well done, because you're here and she's there. what are you standing there for, are you lost or something? hello, i'm here to see mikhail andreevich andreev, does he live here? i'll go to him, turn left along the corridor, turn left again, you won't get lost, there's one door, thank you, a bell. he doesn't have one, why, no one comes to him anyway, thank you, hello, hello,
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hello, hello, hello, mikhail andreevich, this is andrei mikhailov, mikhail andreevich, hands. mikhail andreevich and andrei mikhailov, you don't remember me, i can show you my id, it's here in my pocket, and do you know where to put it or show me the way? hello, what? you're going crazy, i didn't call you, i need your help, mikhail andreevich, is
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it customary for you now to ask for help empty-handed, and put something on the table, and then ask for help, my fault, i didn't think, maybe i'm in i'll run to the store, i'll quickly grab you something for a snack, but go away with your snack, the doctors forbade me from drinking, now my norm, have a drink with me, i'd be happy to, but i ca
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n't, i still have a hearing today, oh! that now no one is catching villains, everyone is only thinking about how to make easy money, ugh at you 20 times. great, well finally, that i have to clean everything up alone, it's not my rank, don't whine, let's get to the point, fourth floor, two-room apartment, people at the address, two people, exactly, 100%. and where is this information from? from my a man, also working on the street, said that pickpockets rent an apartment here. okay. let's go, a new team is working on nevsky , apparently, touring performers, visitors, we can't get through to them through our channels, so we will be grateful for any help, for any advice. when arsenyev was laying me off, i told him, zhenya, pickpockets have been, will be, and to catch a pickpocket in practice with evidence, experience is needed. yeah, all these masks-shmaski shows of yours lie amon works, it doesn't work, well
8:49 pm
yeah, i understand, you understand, you you know, and as for me, you could say, my legs were torn out, so excuse me, i've run my time, served, are you offended, honestly? at first yes, but then i thought about it, this is the cops, everything is all over the place here, well, what's the point of being offended by trucks, but what about the people whose wallets these freaks snatch, don't you feel sorry for them, they're not even in...
8:50 pm
so no, without me, well, it's clear, they say that cops drink themselves to death in retirement because they sit around doing nothing, i guess that's about you. yes, nonsense, all this, beautiful words, i haven't believed in this for 100 years, goodbye, translate credit card debts on kholva conveniently repay in installments for 24 months, the most popular tv show in the country, smear show, girl dance,
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8:56 pm
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how many of you are there, huh? three of us, well , three, shut up, okay, what's with the light? damn it, kira, what was that, he
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attacked me like that, i didn't have time, these aren't pickpockets, these are complete drug addicts, one doesn't exclude the other, where are you talking from, do you have information, my agent, who is he in life, he hangs out on the street, he has his own people in the pawn shop, you're carrying this phone around. yesterday they brought a tablet, okay, i'm a fool for believing you, but you've never tried to think with your own head, the team we're looking for never took phones, only cash, well, you never know, you're a lousy analyst, come on, call the team, cream in the wheel.
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police on duty vorostov, i'm listening, hello, you know, there are some suspicious people unloading bags near our house, their car is also very suspicious, well, a girl, well... they're loading, what's suspicious? well, you see, they newcomers, well, migrants, and by the way, they carry the teddy bear to the basement. okay, we'll send a squad now, we'll check, dictate the address, malaya sergeevskaya street, yeah, building 16. okay, i wrote it down, wait, thank you very much, we're really waiting for you, yeah. done, comrade colonel,
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okay, we're waiting, the fifteenth, the duty officer of communications, the duty officer, do you hear me, who did you bring, and they're totally drunk, they started a fight in the street, when already... the guys are in no hurry.
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well, they're already out of compliance with the standard, and to be honest , it's a nightmare? these people are responsible for our safety, it's terrible that i did something wrong she said, you don't agree with me, our whole life is a norm, you don't know how everything will be, well, excuse me, this is already poetry, in our work it is an unacceptable thing, you are a good boy, a beauty , is it your fault, comrade polkov? come on, so that the report is on my desk in half an hour, that's right, oh damn, you also lost a piece of paper, you also lost a piece of paper, what kind of paper, well, they called,
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they said, they saw some suspicious migrants, they were loading something into the basement there, i wanted to send a detail to check, here, when they called, when, well, about half an hour ago, and that the call went through 112 or through the dispatcher? so why did you call the duty room here, tell me how often do applicants bother you through a direct number, well, not often, that is... this is a check, so they have already exceeded the standard, let's send all the outfits there, there are bullets, i'm listening, the ratekeeper, they found a piece of paper, here is the fifteenth, the fifteenth, do you hear me, so how much is this weirdo? they are asking you for
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three for a visit, maybe i should turn him in? who to the security officers? well, this is outrageous, well, i mean to take such money from your own people, the times when we were one of each other are long gone, now everyone earns as much as he can, showed up, less than half a year has passed.
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situation, well, you're not going to pay him any money, pasha, i don't know, andrey, i really don't know what to do, well done, nothing to say, a disgrace to the whole city, 50 minutes to go to what, 40, and what's your fault, comrade general? your excuse is nothing to say, nothing, your luck is that general myasnitsky would have been here at the board meeting in moscow, the scraps would have gone to the back streets, that is , they haven't reported to him yet, don't worry, they will report, if not today then tomorrow, here seryozhenka a day or two won't play a role they play, i understand, he understands, with pickpockets, what do you have, zero results, why are you waiting for foreigners to start filing applications again, you are trying to create an international scandal, they don’t touch foreigners, they are smart, and what about you, fools serve, old personnel, who? i worked on this topic, they all
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got fired, new ones need to be trained, there is no time for this, your only skill is twisting arms, you trained eagles, no way, comrade general, i inherited them from my predecessor, yes, you are right, we don’t value old personnel, then we grab our heads, okay, what as for the cheka check, i won't be able to cover for you in front of myasnitsky, i'm sorry he 'll give you a hard time, everything will be yours, yes sir, comrade general, let me go, wait, with the pickpockets, i'll consider my options, i think i can help you, go, i have it. valera,
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hi, not on duty, just as a friend, check me out on the records of one passenger, nickname varchun, varchunov, pavel fyodorovich. so, is that cool? yeah, and where are your security guards? they've left me alone, weaklings. i told them, the season has started, i've been racing, i'm racing, i'll keep racing, if you want, switch to motorcycles. pash, what are you talking about i wanted to talk to you, there in the central district they are putting pressure on one of my people. i don’t remember the article about it, now
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there is a threat of murder under 119, well yeah, you can talk to your people there, he’s a normal guy, i’m responsible for him as for myself, calm, they wouldn’t hurt a fly, well if he’s so calm, where did the case come from, yeah, some stupidity, he got into a fight with two people on the road, not a bullfight, he took a bat, something like that, lyokh, i really understand everything, i sympathize, but i can’t help, well maybe then tell me who to talk to, he’s not an empty person, how much it is necessary, pash pays, well if i got into such trouble, why didn't you help me, i've known you for 100 years, you would never get into trouble for such stupidity, i really don't know how to help, oh well, as they say... we'll think about you, how yulka is, so, average lousy, i remember your request, but there really is no one to talk to yet, so, listen, slow down, nothing needs to be done, otherwise we 'll make things even worse for yulka, wow, everything is so serious,
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why tell me, let's do it some other time, okay, i 'll go then, yeah, that's it, oh, listen, we'll have a race tonight, there's a prize fund, so you can not only grab some adrenaline, but also earn some money. yes, it's all fair, and how much do you need to contribute? 100,000, the winner takes it all, i'll think about it, come on, think about it, come on. "it's boring to retire, so i'm having fun as best i can , actually, if you think about it, people
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only benefit from me, yes, of course, after my lessons they pay more attention to their things, maybe i should hang a medal or a gram"? what should i give? i won't refuse, just like that, or on business, on business, on business, i won't take it, there's a brigade on nevsky, touring performers, yeah, and my guys can't handle them at all, they fired the old guys and didn't raise the new ones, and what do i have to do with it? no, we did it ourselves, so take it all in stride, but what if we just help each other like a human being, huh? you're kidding, petrovich, since when do people like me help people like you, they shouldn't even see you and me together, and if they do, you'll be in for a disgrace, oh well, sit down, sit down, that was before, now
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you won't surprise anyone with the fact that a cop and a criminal meet, you're right, petrovich, the world has long been lives by other concepts, nobody listens to our opinion now, gulya gulya. my neighbor, one of your local police officers, is a greyhound for his age, apparently he has set his sights on my room, he won't let me in, he cut the lock on the toilet, the bastard won't let me in, i have to run to my neighbors in the rain, shame on you, and why didn't you come to the department, didn't file a statement
9:11 pm
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neighbor, i'll personally put you up against the wall here in the office, got it, got it, comrade colonel, although this is not a punishment for you, look here, i'll transfer you from your grain section to another, to the industrial zone, you won't be robbing anyone there, you heard me well, soldier, that's right, that colonel. you'll remove the lock from the toilet and whatever else you need for grandpa there kefir run for salt run ahead of your own squeal understood heard me soldier heard comrade colonel can i well and to consolidate the result let's do another 30 push-ups say thank you that you are not in a gas mask and not in full combat gear come on fell fell more fun once
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uh where can you find the railway station on the rail station yeah on prospect you go direct? you to me, maybe i'll better another time,
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comrade colonel, no, no, come in, come on, soldier, i'm in a good mood today, come in. pardon me.
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yes, mikhail andreevich, we're back, everything is clear, mikhail andreevich, come in, i've said everything, how did you... well, of course you'd say, oh, and how well it all started, and you thought we'd let it all
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slide? "i admit, we washed the old man, but i sense not without outside help, so what does it matter now, victors are not judged, well, andreev mikhail andreevich, let's go, i'm too old for such trips, well, if you order me to use force against you, so what? the old man's hand will rise, they always cite the old guard as an example to us, but there is no guard, and there is no one to take an example from, well, excuse me, i just
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i don't understand, but why couldn't you live normally, adrenaline? or is it that you lack in your old age, in old age you lack a lot of things, health, respect, money, pass me a bottle, well, as for health, you need to drink less, then there will be more respect, and money, there is a pension, and you first live on this pension, and then you will be ashamed. i see, then, stupidly because of money, no, at first i decided, well, to gather the guys, teach them what i know, how not to get caught, when to work, who to work for, and then, look, and you would
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come running with apologies, like forgive me, demon confused, welcome back, but i came, and it's late, son, it's late, your words were no use to me then, no, we're not looking for money, he's in the nightstand, my share, i spent almost nothing, there was a feeling that i was kind of working at the limit, understandable. but it won't work out, you have to pay for everything, let's go, sit down, yes, sit down, i said, we'll come to an agreement, i have something to offer you, i doubt you'll still say thank you, sit down, sit down, right?
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came out of the underpass and i was leading him, i had to. take him at the address right away, so that there is no risk that on we risk it in the building, the experts wouldn't have given you any guarantees either, okay, we're working, let's just say i need to call, andryukh, he's at the bus stop, do you see him, pasha, i see him, okay, okay, okay, okay,
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okay, don't rush, we need to knock him out right away , to be sure, i'll even do it right away. don't doubt it. andryukh, he rushed into the arch, you after him, i 'll cut him off.
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yuri andreevich, can i? yes, yes. and, in my opinion, you should watch today's news. today, employees of the central district department of internal affairs, risking their lives, carried out an operation, during which a particularly dangerous criminal was detained, on whom an explosion was discovered.
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the hot rooster pecked. what, guys, back off, this is how relations with the west are developing, has the west really rotted, what happened in
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was no spent, that there was no spent, i mean, look, some kind of nonsense, how did you get information about this detainee, if it's not a secret, of course, but what secret is there, gennady petrovich? a gang of pickpockets had noticed this komikatz on nevsky the day before, he was hanging around for hours, arousing suspicion, but they quietly checked his backpack, saw his checkers, started thinking what to do next, just in case they took him to the apartment he was renting in the center, here my eagles tried, with the help of your man they took the whole group, well, what else could they do, so they offered a deal, that's in general terms,
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well done, well done, of course. but nothing to say, gennady petrovich, something tells me that you are not very happy, what are you saying, seryozha, i am so happy that you can’t even imagine, look at me, can’t you see how i am dancing with joy, yes, sveta, who, let him come in. what is this? look me in the eyes, what is this? are you laughing? calm down! who are you, why without permission? major krymova, fsb department of the central district. here, have a look. i
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am taking your detainee. now i need to humanize you. i need to consult with the authorities. is the document not enough for you? sergey borisovich, mikhailov, the office is taking our detainee. and you already know, i understand, there is an execution, well , take him, take off the handcuffs, what's going on here anyway, take off the handcuffs, pash, take off the handcuffs. well done, now i'm calm for anevsky, what did you say, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, let's go, let's not provoke them, andrey, but i
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myself don't understand anything. listen, you're not rich in money, and how much do you need? three thousand bucks to visit yulka? no, no, not that much, of course, that's what i thought.
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thank you, as i said, three thousand, pash, you why did you change your mind, it has to be done, it has to be done for your man. what about the investigator who has his case, i'll sort it out, from now on, let him be more restrained, pash, i can see that something is wrong , something is wrong with yuli, everything is fine, check, and i... then like this, op, check, what are you going to do, you moved it out of nowhere, yeah, varchyun, get my pawn out of your pocket and put it in place, gennady, come on, come
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on, put it, put it, that's it, stalemate, that's why i love chess, everything is like in life. yes, like in life, come in! you have 40 minutes, pashka, pasha! where have you been for so long? sorry, yulia, now i
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i will come often, very often. kingfisher, the final, sunday at 13:00 on ntv. in georgia , tradition is unchanged on every table. borjome. we will open it, enjoy it, feel the lightness. on august 18, we are guaranteed to raffle off a super prize of 100 million, time to buy a dreamleon. you do not decide which option you will get, but you decide what your future will be. apply wherever you want, with an educational loan from sber with state support, calculate payments right now nevsky, new season, soon on ntv.
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sanya, go have breakfast, sanya, sanya, go eat, we'll be late. sasha, how many times do i have to repeat it, everything will get cold soon, come on, eat quickly, bon appetit, we don't have to go to school today. does that mean i don't have to go to work? why?
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well, the teacher said it was a day off, is it her day off or the school's? yeah, sasha, sasha, just don't lie to me, can i not go to school today, can i not go to work? today, come on, eat quickly.
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san, just understand, there should be discipline in everything, i understand perfectly well, it's the end of the year, i'm lazy to study, but i have to, everyone goes, not everyone, that's their problem, these are my problems, they don't go, and i'm the one who's responsible for them, my desks and all that, we, especially since they don't give us homework, only a stupid essay. what kind of essay, well, like, who do i want to be, well, who then, i don't know, you're like a machinist, you wanted to be a train driver, you still remember how i wanted to be a trainer in the circus, you don't want to anymore, no, so what are our options, i don't know, i haven't talked to you and mom about this yet, and what does mom have to do with it, well, how are you supposed to tell me what to study to be? it's your life, it's up to you to decide, mom and i, of course,
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we'll advise you, but it's up to you to decide? run, see you in the evening, i don't know what time you'll be there. i'll call you when you say that, it means you'll be there at night, not in the evening , okay, bye, uh-huh, oh, dad, dad, tomorrow they're collecting money for prague on the last day, irina viktorovna said that whoever doesn't hand it in won't go, dad, tell her, i 'll bring everything tomorrow, okay, bye.
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newbie, how are you doing there, pasha, we're not relaxing, we're working, working, five more cars for today, well, is it hard because you're not used to it? yeah, it's okay, you'll get used to it, but at least money is fine, you work one day, you rest one day, and they pay you cash right away, and in general it's useful, what's useful, what 's useful, exercise, no fitness needed,
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yeah, so, hello, you two, we'll talk about territory there, and here we work, yeah. money, whoever doesn't like what, get out, i'm not keeping anyone, sorry, my stomach's seized up, i'll be out for 5 minutes, quick, come on, fine, count navio in oil.
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hello, andryukha, out of place, pasha, do you hear me, hello, andryukha, pasha, pasha, hello, connections no, this is an industrial zone, it doesn't work everywhere, i didn't know that, and why don't you use radios, and if it's not on the air i listen, but the level is not right. well, everything is clear, yeah, well, guys, let's not drag it out, if the product suits you, pay up and run away, lopuleki,
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everything is fine, anyway, as usual, come on, pasha, if you survive, that's it, yeah, he'll nominate you for an order, if you don't survive, they'll nominate you for an order posthumously. well, if you need anything else, call, we'll negotiate. okay, good luck. oh, and who's that guy? bro, they're unloading trucks over there. where is he going? hello, can you hear me, the foreman said, what foreman, what are you talking about? hey, guys, are you kidding me? what are you standing there for? get rid
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of this idiot. right now. the police can hit the floor. and run with your hands, but walk, walk, are you okay? pash, there's just a problem with the connection, i noticed, come on, come on, i was passing by, got lost, didn't see anything, don't know anything, put your hands down,
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we'll show you some places, you'll be blown away, we'll start with the detention center. so, you did buy the weapon, confirm, yeah, that's not an answer, bought it, for what purpose, hunter, me, free circulation of weapons is prohibited in our country. what amount did you give it to the seller? 500, 500 what? 500,000
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rubles. are you sure? absolutely. during the inspection , cash in the amount of 400,000 was seized. so how much did you give? sergey boris, allow me. you did a good job there, well done. i just heard that you had problems with the connection there. yes, it's my fault, i didn't foresee it. but i should have. andrey, i'm not going to lecture you, but don't forget. you were put in this position to foresee everything. the higher you rise, the more responsibility, i understand, for the future i'll take you, what do you have there? a report for a vacation,
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i need a week, come on, come on, i'm going far away, to paris, hitchhiking, joker, well this is not a joke, i really need to go to paris. something is wrong, colonel? they gave me 500, 500 pieces. during the inspection, 400 were confiscated from you. i personally counted the money. so where did the rest go then? how do i know that you're asking me, you should ask your own people. whose own people? well, who was spinning our fins there? just don't make such a face? what, is this the first time or something, when the cops are they putting other people's money in your pocket? it's strange that they didn't take everything. i'm afraid
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there will be complications with paris, you probably forgot, employees are prohibited from leaving the country, an order from the very top, i understand, but i have personal circumstances, what kind, my children are there, i want to visit my children, well, i don't know. i'll sign the report for you, only it will be reviewed by the main department commission, and they, as you understand, don't give a damn about your personal circumstances, yes, i understand, but you also try to understand my situation, i'm not going to have fun, i need to see my children, well i don't know what to tell her, it's impossible to come to an agreement with their mother to bring them here, and it's easier for me to come to an agreement with some ghoul to sign a confession, i understand. but i'll think about how to help you, but i'm not promising anything, as you understand,
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thank you, open jardin gold, enjoy its rich aroma and balanced taste, feel the specialness of every moment with jardin gold pleasure. special, leave to come back, why, there's so much new ahead, riding a star, rushing towards the wind, no a dream come true, spring, lada vesta sv cross, automatic at the price of mechanics, benefit. up to 300,000 rubles. new season of your favorite tv series. every cop has his own sins. you and i
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won't pass this polygraph. i wish you good health. they accept the truth virus test here. is your last name semyonov? mayor semyonov. main directorate. yes. have you ever killed people? this one is ready. no. have you ever heard of a killer p'? architect, architect, he was waiting for us here, no, anton vasiliev, you yourself are an architect. nevsky: new season! coming soon ntv! zimorodok - new season. tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. 10% discount on the refrigerator with the promo code cold. so from august 2 to 14 , the midea refrigerator with a total volume of 320 liters for only 37,791 rubles. rbt, we make comfort accessible.
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hi, great, great. andryukh, throw this money out of your head, there were so many people there, yes, zavyalovo may be wrong, pasha, i must know whether you are in business or not, andrey, oh, what people, great, well, how's your head, healthy, a headache for bad weather, and why are you so gloomy, what 's there to be happy about? and what happened? and they're changing my target group, to which one? yeah , it's not clear yet, maybe the third, maybe even the fourth, but that's good, on the contrary, where, point your finger. well, life will start to be quiet, calm, the length of service will remain, and there will be no nerves at all, and i didn't go to the cops to sit around in the office, sorry, oh well, denis, we all didn't
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go to the cops for that, but i can envy you, in the morning on work, home in the evening, not life, a fairy tale, you just can't forget, but i'm not in the office, in some sponsored pub, listen, guys, do you really not understand? listen, you don't want to put yourself in my place, you don't want to, no, well, that's right , everything is fine with you, your life goes on, but what should i do next, how can i feed my family, how can i buy a ticket to the sea for the kids, with what money, don't look at me, everyone here has left-wing incomes, you might think you went to the cops for a nice uniform, but why are you staring at me, you're an apartment no... life doesn't end there, you'll find yourself another job, what other, andryusha, what, who needs me,
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to raise a barrier in a parking lot or wash cars, or maybe someone will give me a loan to develop my business , or apply to be a lawyer, but you won't be able to push through there with your own people, i told you, slow down, really, that's enough, that's enough, that's enough, yes, yes, my life is over, and you... and i thought, i came to see my friends, but go to hell, yes, mash, yeah, i'll walk for a couple of minutes, pasha, and tell me, did you take 100,000, listen, yesterday's the detainee offers a deal, i'll go and talk it over, i asked you a question. and i answered you.
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sergey, you know perfectly well the rules for our employees traveling abroad. mikhailov is not going there on a business trip, no way, to visit his children, but because of his children, the question is, what are his children doing there? i reported, they live there with their mother, with whom mikhailov is officially divorced, divorced, that is, first they can't save the marriage, and then they run around with their reports. seryozha, you know, i didn't come up with this, the order was sent down from moscow, we'll give him permission to leave, and others will immediately follow suit. gennady petrovich, i 'm not interested in the problems of other employees. yes, and what then interests you? exclusively the situation within the unit entrusted to me. i believe that in case of refusal, mikhailov will not be able to fully perform his duties. so i 'll answer you this, we have a police force, not an institute for noble maidens, no one will keep a strong mikhailov in the organs, something doesn't suit him, a report on the table for civilian life,
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a simple matter, only, only what only, who will serve, with whom we will stay, we have no irreplaceable, heard, i heard you, comrade general, i ask you to forgive me for disturbing you, well, don’t get into a mess, you know how many such reports go through me... everyone has to be refused, but i can’t make an exception for mikhailov, i can’t, they will simply misunderstand me, they are serious, authoritative people, from the north , that says it all, everything they do, they do thoroughly, i worked with them one by one, well , in general it doesn’t matter. so they arrived a week ago, pulled me to the market to the hotel, so mo and so they say, they need a killer, for a serious case, the fee is appropriate, well, what
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next, oh well, i took some time to think, and so we parted, so maybe they've already found a killer, i don't think so, yesterday morning a man called, asked, what's the news? i never thought that it's so hard to find a performer in our city, they need a real pro to do the job and not get caught, that's okay, well , since we'll agree, i'll outline them to you, bring them together, present them in full, well, and then you'll do me a good turn for it, who's in their understanding professional killer, what water, architect, what? they need an architect. gen, tatyana and i have agreed on everything, they are waiting for us. what is it about crimea
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or sochi that doesn't suit you? no, let's start , we've discussed this 100 times. you know that we are prohibited from traveling abroad, right? but that doesn't concern you, does it? and am i some kind of special? you are the boss, aren't you? moreover, the boss should set an example for his subordinates. ginochka, you don't owe anyone anything except your family. go to misnitsky, and he will sign permission for you to exit, okay? well, how will i look people in the eye after this? you better think about how you 'll look me in the eye if myasnitsky doesn't let you go. just please. don't
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avoid the conversation, okay, after all, who's more important to you, us or yours ? who am i even talking to? the press was not informed about the architect's arrest, and then, as you remember, all the materials were transferred to the fsb department, and later, as far as i understand, it was classified, yes, and so...
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what a pioneer i found, a simple combination, sergey borisovich, how many times have we pulled off such tricks, yes, well, what, is it scary to take on someone else's sins, i'm not superstitious, well, fighter, prepare the operation plan for me to sign, that's right. tikhonov boris georgievich, 49 years old, a native of novosibirsk, also known as tikhan, was famous in the nineties, served 5 years for robbery and extortion, now he behaves quietly, talks, is friends with the cops in the region, well, if the local operatives are sitting on his back, there is no point in expecting objective information from them. his partner
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semyon mogilny, nickname mogila, was the target of an assassination attempt last year, he himself miraculously survived, lost his wife, they were riding in the same car, one of the bullets got to her, was the customer identified? no, there is no such information, but i believe that he needs an architect to... avenge her death, well, yes, that makes sense , but otherwise, they look like ordinary tourists, they walk around the city, take pictures, had a boat ride, went to petergov, of course, restaurants, drink moderately, yeah, girls, prostitutes, you mean, yeah, no, no contacts with them have been recorded, well, on the other hand on the other hand, it's all logical, people came to place an order, why would they need to... draw
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attention to themselves once again, how are you? ready? yeah, ah, something in this story confuses me? maybe we should bring another operative to them? what's the point? what difference does it make who we bring to them? well, let's say they know the architect by sight. i doubt it, well even if so, what difference does it make? when is your meeting scheduled? no-no, no meetings, just a phone conversation. i support the legend that the architect does not make direct contact with the client. don't miss the ending. i called you to share your secret, which i have been hiding from all of you lately. not just like that, but for your own safety. grandpa, what is it? kingfisher finale on sunday at 13:00
10:10 pm
on ntv. miracle, premiere on august 17 at 20:00. tired of looking for a loan that will approve, compare simplifies this task, get a loan on the website or in the compare mobile app, 10% discount on refrigerators with the promo code ho'.
10:11 pm
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and a small brush for cleaning it, only to those who have time to place an order from today we will send three devices clean ears at once, for only 999. rub leamax purchases with a plus call by phone or order on our website meeting place from monday at 14:00 on ntv. what is this? lieutenant colonel mikhailov, chief police at the ministry of internal affairs in the central district. he has children in paris, wants to visit. and why did you decide that i would sign this? he has a complicated
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relationship with his wife, with his ex. more serious grounds are needed to travel abroad. and i, no, that's not what i meant, that's exactly what i meant, we must think about people, they risk their lives, and we only tighten the screws on them, yana, let's not be pathetic, this is not pathos, comrade general, this is life, i remember you were also planning a vacation in july, to larnaca, i think, that 's right, then genna, let's be consistent. "i will not sign your report, but we give mikhailov the green light. why are you silent,
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make a decision, in general, it was not easy to find him, but i managed. and where is he, i don’t see him, but the architect never gets in touch with the customer , the number is in memory, he is there alone, only for one conversation, but i have a serious one. a personal meeting is necessary, i see no reason to change my
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rules, i am waiting for these objects to the address phone mail, in response they sent instructions for transferring the fee, in case of force majeure the money is not returned and this is not discussed either, yours the position is clear, but this is exactly the case when a personal meeting is necessary, i have nothing to add to what has been said, if something does not suit you, look for another performer, 500,000 us dollars, the size of your fee and who should i clean up for such money? the pope? i can say that this is a serious person who cares exclusively about his safety, which is why a personal meeting is necessary. there are nuances that need to be discussed face to face. in this case, the fee is doubled. i agree. i'm not in the city, i it will take time to get to st. petersburg, tomorrow my man will contact you, we agreed, they offered a million,
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i wonder who they want to kill, no, look, look, ask me today. you spend the night at grandma and grandpa's, okay, maybe i 'd better spend the night at home, i'm an adult already, yes
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dad, well everything will be fine, i won't let strangers into the house, are you going on a business trip or something, i understand, it's like last time, when mom visited you in the hospital, sanya, then it's really a special operation was, now it's a regular business trip, just don't worry about me, just call and let me know how you're doing. what bastards, guys, there's not enough road, fuck you, they're dead drunk.
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lyosha, great, pasha semyonov, listen, here at the park, two bastards, zero drunks, got out in line, huh? thanks, i'm waiting, san, what's wrong with you, san, did you have to beat them up, well, you saw it yourself, they were drunk, can you imagine what they could do while driving, well, what if they had beaten me up, what then? it's not scary, i don't
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recognize you. listen, it just happened that way, i have two life, in one i love you very much as your dad, and mom too, in the other i am a policeman, and my duty is to detain such assholes as these, you understand me, you understand, yes, but in what comprehension are you real? hello, yeah, i'm here about the exit report, last name mikhailov, a minute, thank you,
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goodbye. gennady petrovich, they called, asked when you would go to glakhle, they are waiting there, i have people there ready to receive you, here i need your signature, gennady petrovich, yes here, here you need to put your signature, please, a long time, a couple of minutes, what kind of place is this, quiet,
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i didn't choose it, the architect gave me the address himself, yeah. anyway, that's what we decided, colonel tovich, this is an industrial zone, there's no mobile signal here, anyway, it's an ideal place for such a meeting, i 'm sure if the architect were alive, he would have chosen something similar, don't get into the habit of deciding for others, you understand that semyonov is there alone without cover, i understand everything, colonel, and pasha understands everything too.
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so that's what kind of grandfather lenin you are. well, gentlemen, if you don't need me anymore, wait, take your time, take your time, i thought you'd be older, sorry i didn't live up to expectations, a living legend, yes, yes, alive, did you come here to chat, or are we going to discuss serious issues, a strange place to meet, normal, there's no cell phone reception here, which means no one can pill or eavesdrop on us, we can talk calmly, caution won't hurt, he's clean, the barrel slowly with two fingers, official
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dementia. what does that change? it's not about where i work, it's about what i do after her. who are you ready to fall for million, who do you need? the situation is under control, talk! it's accepted, if something goes wrong, semenov will only need to hold out for 2 minutes, not just 2 minutes, but a whole 2 minutes. well, yes, the client's name, that's what you call them, clients, my time is valuable,
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we either discuss the contract or part ways, funny guy, you know, i didn't believe until the last minute that everything would work out, dude, you don't understand anything, there is no target and no client, we need you, 3 years ago in moscow you executed a man by the last name... minus one, who is the middleman, we are working, capture,
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goliyeva and let's go eat, wait, we can come to an agreement, i am not coming to an agreement, i have arrived, i have arrived to execute you, you are an idiot, you are really an idiot, you think the architect will personally meet you halfway. i am just a middleman , good try, i do not believe, with your head, think about why the architect is still accepting orders, no one can take him because he does not trust anyone, okay, go ahead, only he will come for you. he will definitely come,
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i will call the architect now, tell him that we have agreed and take you to him, but... let him call, there's no connection here, shoot him, shoot him! why are you dragging your feet? shoot! if i were an architect,
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i'd shoot, don't even doubt it, but i'm not him, pash, what are you doing, huh! well, semyon, you're still playing the hero, i'll play it out, recognized as the best by independent experts again, a credit savings card, free forever. apply right now. miracle, premiere, august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. what were you doing 3 days
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conveniently repay 24 months, and do not forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment techniques. 10% discount on the refrigerator by promo code cold. so, from august 2 to 14 , a midea refrigerator with a total volume of 320 liters for only 37,791 rubles. rbt, we make comfort accessible. i need to buy so much for school. girls, that's not the right intonation. i need to buy so much for school. and it's perfect for a parent-teacher meeting for me, school sale on ozon, a set of pencils from melia for 349, loafers from ultimate shop for 759, get ready for school with installments without overpayments, secret heirs of the stars, very personal secrets of favorite artists, how zolotukhin secretly lived in two families at once, to me it's deeply disgusting, just so that,
10:34 pm
well, let's... who got the spanish inheritance, morally, maybe, maybe, but this word fits, what the illegitimate dorova kept silent about, there are people who behave inappropriately, the title of an artist, the title of a man, a father, a person, why did gaft first see his brazilian son only thanks to. do more, maybe that's enough for you, do more, okay,
10:35 pm
i said a lot of things there then, yeah, andryukh, forgive me, i don't even know what came over me, don't apologize, you're right said, we all went to work for the police at some point and didn't even notice how we started earning money. and can you? oh,
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you can't. what's the difference, call me on monday, i have one contact at the vvk, we'll try to resolve your issue, but you'll have to pay, andryukh, you, thank you, you , the main thing is, think, okay, how much do you need this, another chance to leave? you most likely won't have a beautiful one, andryukh, what are you talking about, think about it, denis, just think about it, okay, let it be, healthy,
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take it, coffee made me, an excellent choice.
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i thought i didn't want to be a policeman, are you offended? yeah, why should i be offended? "you know, i'm even glad in a way that you decided so, it's not the best job, you drew, yeah, i decided that i'll still be a builder, yeah, a foreman, no, why, a designer or an architect?" what kind of architect, go to bed, san, it's late, good night, chastyakov
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boris petrovich, 30 years old, worked as a security guard at a bank. nevsky plus. wanted for robbery for a couple of months already, if i'm not lying. yes, i remember, i broke into bank safes. yes. andryukh, i have 15 people wanted, including for murder. and there are no approaches or information about this cake. already have. just now i received information from another bank that the kid exposed his card. a couple of hours ago, he withdrew money from an atm, somewhere in the region. i don’t understand. by now, thanks to the zombie box, everyone should know what you can do on the run and what you can’t, they get caught on some little things. you have sasha in prague now, right? yes, write a report on the business trip, i ’ll sign it. with your talents , you’ll turn around quickly, it’s only 300 km. i have a car in
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repairs, i can't go. pasha, well, take the service one from the garage, pasha, well, no one will do it faster than you anyway. andryu, pasha.
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hello, unwashed russia. excuse me!
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well, what's wrong with you, good morning, please look, have you seen this man? oh, my god, what's wrong with you this morning, just dozing off, dreaming, sick , i'm doing the work for two, excuse me, please, but i have such a job, oh, so i was yesterday, bought a ticket on the traincard, and the train has already left, no, the train is in 3 hours today, great, and which ones?
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thank you, andryukh, everything is fine, he bought a ticket on the train, departure in 3 hours, 2 minute stop, i'll wait for him right here and then hand him over to the local department, no, the details are different, he was probably hiding somewhere here while they were making his documents. well, what 's the difference, he'll tell you later himself, bye.
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what a good guy, i like punctual people, yes, i'm his police, slow down, do you hear, we 're cops too, i have to take your word for it, and do you have that written on your forehead or something? and another thing, dedulov alexander, senior operative? what, you don't believe me? well, look, are you convinced? put the floor away,
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they have no business getting wet here, get in, come on! it's your own fault, they swooped down like vultures. we have the right, this is our land, and you're a stranger here, so relax. okay, guys, i'm wrong, i came for him as a special agent from st. petersburg. yes, we understood that it was from st. petersburg, but you, major, flew by. this is our detention, so get out of the way and don't interfere. i don't care who put the bracelets on him, me or you? i've already grown out of the age when getting into the report is a joyous experience, a report or not, a reward is a reward, for you there in st. petersburg, it may be a small amount of money, but for us in the provinces, this is really unreal money, you flew by, what money, don't you know, major, what did i think you were fighting for money? show him the newspaper, now, if you move, i'll rip your head off,
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a million rubles, okay, guys, let's decide this way, the money is yours, i'm not making any claims, but you understand me too, i have my own management, i'm... on a business trip, so we'll go to the department together, nothing to talk about. come on, get out, how did you get in touch with him, if it's not a secret, you got operational information, yeah,
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tell me, he's not here for the first day 100%, where were you before, aunt tanya the signal light, who is the cashier at the station. and i have already met, i understand, okay, let's go formalize, legal, find us some witnesses, got it, we'll make two or three, let's go, chistikov, you are really an idiot, who is it? he is on the run, what did he do, didn't you see the wanted poster? i saw it, the article is only listed there, and as i understood it, he stole something from the bank, yeah, is he this one or something, a hacker, what kind of hacker is he, look, an ordinary security guard, he opened safe deposit boxes, and he stole a lot, listen,
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100.00 euros in rubles million were declared one and a half, i don't remember exactly, 100 pieces? guys, come on, chistyakov, do you hear me, are you really that stupid? why did you go to the atm, you have a bag full of cash, what, yeah, there was no change at the cash desk, what, what change, from 5,000, the ticket costs a little over a piece, i had to withdraw, yeah, that's how it happens, yeah, we rarely have long-distance trains, so it's quite possible, you can't make this up, understand, pay attention, we'll recount everything in your presence so there won't be any questions later, okay, let's go and mark it on the travel sheet, yeah, oops, traumatist, well, they gave me a telephone message, tomorrow your people will arrive by train, by car, by car,
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i think they'll be here by morning, well, okay, listen, forgive me, i have so many things to do, i recently took up my post, our lieutenant colonel left, so now i'm in charge here, i won't be able to give you a tour of the village, let's talk in words, over there we have a cafe a couple of kilometers away, well, the food is so-so, but if you tell me, my stomach won't hurt, over there is our hotel, the convenience on the floor is not guaranteed, but at least the rooms are free there's always one, yes, take the deluxe one, because they have mosquito nets, thank you, everything by the morning, will you hand it over to the gunsmith with the floor ? no, i won't, okay, let's give us less hassle?
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san, i'm done, let's go, oh, hammer, well, get ready, we'll go to st. petersburg for the award, always ready, like a young pioneer, how are we going to divide it, well , how is it fair for you, me, aunt tanya, and what's it for her? listen, without being greedy, yeah, if she hadn't scared us, we would have missed out on the money altogether, well, that's true, it's a shame, damn it, listen, stop being greedy, ah, yeah, san, yeah, wait, how much will they give us for it? he has a million in his bag, 10 times more, he thought, no, not an option, if it weren’t for that st. petersburg cop, maybe we could have done something, but no, we’ll be content with what we have, i agree, listen, next time?
10:51 pm
that’s it, what is a miracle, is it something bright? unusual, joyful! there is a small miracle, and there is a big miracle,
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10:56 pm
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10:57 pm
10:58 pm
yes, andryukh, hi! yes, everything is fine, i'm on my way home, the convoy is trudging along behind, what , hello, wait, i can't hear, right now, what, what duty, well, i need to swap, we'll decide, i say, damn, wait a second.
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pack your bag! damn, cover me!
11:00 pm
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tell me nicely, where, it would be better for everyone, and for you, first of all, and dude, i'm talking to you, dude, look at me, you understand that i bit off too big a piece, and i haven't even started chewing it, and already choked, further will only... and then for the loss of a reprimand is due, funny, i joked, but what jokes are there, i give you an hour
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. i'll come in an hour, if you don't tell me, then i'll break all your bones. what do they want? listen, idiot, they killed three employees on the road, they are facing life in prison, got it, they have nothing to lose, they will go to the end, what do they want from you. "we are not there, they do not hide their faces, they call each other by name, we are cold to them, what,
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we are dead to them, of course, stones, i took stones from the cell, what stones, i don't know, i don't understand in them, a lot, a decent sack, one and a half times bigger than my fist, some kind of vu, if i survive, i won't set foot in the region again, only nevsky. what business trips, let them fire me, come on, georgievich, decide, we can't get the bullet out ourselves, we need to go to the hospital, otherwise
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it's all over, you heard what i said, we need to go to the hospital, he'll kick the bucket, i heard you, son. everything will be fine, i'll help you, hey, georgievich, what are you doing, where are you standing, what are you doing, he knew what he was getting into. you could have done the same to me, if anything, if anything, then yes, and why did you bring the st. petersburg operative with you? you should have brought him there too leave him with everyone, there is one thought,
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we don’t need him at all, who knows, zhenya, who knows, i worked a day on and off at the bank, and at night... there’s nothing special to do at the bank, you’ll walk around the perimeter again for 2 hours to get bored, at first i read books, then watched films, then solved crossword puzzles, it’s still boring, then one day i became interested in what it is that people hide in their boxes, and that it turns out that any bank safe can be opened, of course, not every one, first i picked up the key to one... then to another, i say it's boring, but now it's fun, where are the stones,
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you fool, are you still hoping for something? "i'll tell you again, they'll bury us right here, whether you give them the stones or not, i want to help, who should i, i don't give a damn about you, i want to help myself, as if telling you where the stones are will change anything." you said it yourself, they'll bury us both here, you and me. yes, you're right, i'm just looking for options. yes, what options? i don't know, but there must be
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a way out, there must be. hi, sanyok, hello, how are you? the employees were all killed, the st. petersburg ones the escort platoon and our dpe officer, too . wow, where did they come from in our wilderness, these guys from st. petersburg? they were escorting a detainee. we picked him up at the station yesterday. baris georgievich, i 'll be glad to get any advice from you. you know our land like the back of your hand. tell me where to start digging. sorry, sanek, i'm not inviting you into the house, my wife just fell asleep. yes.
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he's not the main organizer, why all the complications, they could have done it quieter, he 'll raise such a ruckus for the whole area, no joke, but you said yourself that this cop came to pick up a passenger, yes, and you beat him to it, he's fighting for cash, and you 've shoveled all his plans up, he had the whole night to prepare, what a bastard, but he's fine with me. okay, boris georgievich, thank you,
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i'll go, we'll work, work, boris georgievich, and how's your wife, what do the doctors say? what do they say? they say look for a sponsor, kind people, but where will you find one, a kind one? now is the time of the cruel. everything is fine, now is kingfisher, the finale is on sunday at 13:00 on ntv, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, but you girl, it's not a woman's business, but you didn't listen, because you're doing everything wrong. we give
11:10 pm
businesses 3 months of free acquiring, and also a terminal and a cash register, open a free account for business in august, alfa-bank is the best bank for business. ozone, let's get rid of school worries, school sale on ozone. comfortable sleep with byson sofas for 16990, discounts up to 60% on wi-fi equipment. and a chance to win a million. details on the new deshirak broth is prepared using the traditional fermentation method, which lasts more than 100 days. and it is based on fresh vegetables. doshirak broth. vtb new credit card with a huge plus. plus 20. rubles for regular spending. can you imagine? you can do everything with it.
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film with svetlokov. excellent choice. alice, a hint about investments. although who am i kidding. alice, turn on the match taganrok astrakhal. i'm turning it on. i've been waiting for 20 years for this to happen. and don't wait. well, g5 is amazing. yandex tv station with alice. you can find everything. still thinking about
11:13 pm
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11:14 pm
let's meet at the main lottery show of the country, we have a winner, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv. well, have you thought about it? oh, i prepared it for you, i'll bite off your fingers one by one until you tell me where you hid the stones, i'll tell you everything, i buried them in the forest, in the forest, well of course, what, of course, not paper won't rot, more details, where in which forest. i can only show you this myself on the spot, the forest is far away, but i don't know, how can i explain, i'm not a local, not a local, and how did you end up with us, by chance or something, i have a friend here, he lived, lyokha
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yagizaryan, we served in the army together, well so i came to him, and he died, yagizoryan, something familiar, and this is the one that... drunk in a car overturned and flew into the river, i remember from the reports, come on, go, go, trunk, get in, come on, come on, come on , pack up like this, here i am on a country road. i'll drive by, yeah, and you in 2 hours, give galya a pill, she'll fall asleep for two, three hours, and you, during this time, while she's sleeping, take these two to the river, got it, and what is this, the police too, and what, do you
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want to let him go, no, but he seems to have nothing to do with it, everyone on the road, has nothing to do with it. were, well, yeah, well, that's it, fighter, you can shove your version up your ass, i 've known semenovo for 100 years, yes, he's a complex person, but what you're hanging on him is complete nonsense, he 'll never go for that, everyone says so, me, not everyone, i'm telling you, such money, who? do you want them to blow your mind, listen to me, son, he's not just a cop, he's a cop from nevsky, and there's temptation at every step, that is, i understand correctly, he didn't show up for work one day , he missed out on a million, yes, that's not quite true, but the possibilities, once again i emphasize, he had such, i
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understand you, you will stand up for your guy, because if he is in the know, then he will ask you, right, yes, you do not want to understand me, and i have no time to understand you, i need a murder. open, comrade colonel, with all due respect to you, do not get under my feet, i have a suspect, the committee approves my version, if your semenov resists arrest, no one will stand on ceremony with him, well, sit down, sit down, i said, and now listen to me carefully, you are young, you do not know the situation to the end you see, in an hour, an hour and a half at most, a team of the main department's guards and the committee's leaders will be here, they 'll tear your district apart log by log. they'll examine every blade of grass with a microscope, you're hoping to save your shoulder straps, in vain, you'll be the first
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to go under the knife, because this is your land, you're the first to answer for everything that happened here, so fighter, we shouldn't squabble, but think about how to turn the situation to our advantage, i wonder how we should be the first to solve the case, got it, the first? before the team arrives, that's it, here's what else i'll tell you, while they haven't found my guy, he's alive, and it works, he just doesn't know how to do it any other way, i can tell you that for sure.
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talk, and of course, open the trunk, no, go ahead, come on, five, be vigilant, i'll be back in 2 hours, yeah, what right here? it's not my brother, that's how
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it happened, it's a pity, you, you 'll lift me up, my belly button won't come undone, and what's true too? don't be a fool, get up, zip it up, come on, come on, come on, i'm waiting, now let's go, you first, what do you say? come on,
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what are you doing, get up, that's tough. when you want to live, everyone will be tough, i know where they went, i know too, yeah, what do you think, we while we were sitting here, we didn't agree on anything, this kid spent his whole childhood here, he knows everything around him very well, where is my gun, upstairs, in the kitchen,
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it's your turn, you, wait, there's a woman up there, she needs to be given medicine, what kind of woman is this, georgyevich's wife, and what's wrong with her, with her, yeah , that's it, the doctors have refused, here georgyevich, like a madman, believes to the last, and that he arranged all this meat grinder because of her, who is he? some kind of cop, a former department head, and i thought he wouldn't get a reprimand.
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and who are you, me, your husband's friend? "i used to tell you i haven't seen it, we just met, and where 's borya, i don't know where you went, and he 'll be back soon, i don't know, i just need
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11:30 pm
but still far away, no, they've arrived already, you shone the light under my feet, otherwise i can't see anything. it seems to be here, give me the shovel,
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down, shine the light, well, it's still a long time, damn, i made a mistake, it looks like it's not here, what are you thinking, creature, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, no-no, really. it was really here, well, it's dark, i just can't see anything, it's night, i'm here now, right now, and here, here, from here shine the light, i can't see it, it seems, yeah, come on, come on closer, shine the light, and like this, like this,
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"we agreed with you, you yourself told me told where to look for you, yeah, and if they had buried you in the house, then what? hands, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, quiet, you, don't hurry, look, look, there are stones here for several million, take it, take it all for yourself, give me a couple of stones, everything, and we parted ways"! you didn't see me, i you, it won't work, why, why won't it work , you'll say that you didn't find me everything, everything, enough,
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put it on, go away, all of you, raise your hands, pasha! how are you, well, if they don't
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shoot you now, then fine, put the gun away, put it away, got it, oh, listen, thank you for a hotel, with a mosquito net, a normal hotel, yes, actually the best in our area, yes, well, well, pavel. andreevich, let's go back to the moment when chastyakov threw the bag of diamonds into the water. i 've been telling you nothing else for two weeks. is there really nothing else that worries you? until we find the diamonds, we 'll keep coming back to this issue. i even showed you the approximate location. we showed it, but we didn't find the diamonds. where did they go? they floated away. he did it right before my eyes,
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you need to search better, and there were such experts searching there, what are you, well, you 're asking your experts, and i have nothing more to say on this issue, it's a pity, a great pity, pavel andreevich, that you don't want to cooperate with the investigation, although i've heard from colleagues about your reputation, oh, what are you saying, i'm white and fluffy. well, tell me honestly, not on the record, did you take the stones, yes, you got all worked up, did i tell you so directly? by the way, what stones are we talking about? how is that possible? well , the bank didn't officially file a report of the loss? by the way, why?


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