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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  August 8, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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on ntv, the program "emergency incident" in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live. hello. we begin the program with a drunken story from dagestan, where one chess player tried to poison another with mercury. amina bakarova immediately confessed to everything and stated that she had never seen her competitor, mayganat osmanova. and her actions have nothing to do with the chess fight. she took such a step to avenge osmanova's alleged spreading rumors. now the police have taken over the lead in this women's fight, they have begun an investigation. and an interview with the victim in report by ilya ushenin. the well-known chess term tsuk tsvank is exactly about the situation with the champion of dagestan amina abakarova. each of her actions only brought her closer to a resounding failure, say experts. first of all, of course, the decision to try to disable her opponent
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in this way, then the poisoning itself, these shots show how the girl , completely confident that there are no cameras in the hall, carefully smears something on the chessboard somewhere in the area of ​​​​the opponent's queen, later it turned out that it was mercury, with the help of which amina was counting on putting her opponent out of action, when we stopped the clock and lifted the chessboard, there was already a much, well, large amount of mercury under the chessboard, that is, if we had not immediately discovered it, to play for this...
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she just wanted, well, how to say, to poison, yes, to kill, well, if, well, not to describe the emotions when you have done nothing to a person, it is clear, there would have been some motive, experienced biochemist ilya rybalchenko assures that with her unsportsmanlike actions, abakarova harmed not only her opponent, but the other participants, including including herself. the mercury vapors did not act specifically on her opponent, but spread throughout the entire room. the first suffers the respiratory system, the person begins to cough, the second suffers his cognitive system, that is, it is difficult to concentrate, memory suffers greatly, other cognitive functions are impaired, this means that when inhaling mercury vapors, it is almost impossible to play a chess game at a high level, this is precisely what speaks in favor of the fact that in this case there was... the famous chess player sergei koryakin,
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who was included in the guinness book of records, as the youngest grandmaster in history, was not only surprised by the duel that never took place, he said that there is definitely no place for such people in sports. well, of course, this is an absolutely outrageous situation, in my almost thirty-year chess career i have never seen anything like this, let alone heard of anything like this, and in general everything is usually decided at the chessboard, whoever is the strongest wins, but here, apparently, some personal grievances, personal... ambitions played a very strong role, such things are unacceptable in sports, as far as i heard, the russian chess federation wants to disqualify her for life, this is probably the right decision, amina abakarova has indeed been suspended, temporarily until the final conclusion of the examination, so since she failed to achieve heights in sports, she will definitely go down in history, for example, as a chess poisoner. ilya usheninin, arika avag, nikita zbrodin ntv television company. completely abnormal. even an inadequate
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approach to getting dogs is demonstrated by a family from the chelyabinsk region, they live in an apartment with three fighting dogs and the dogs walk by themselves, while they are distinguished by aggressive behavior, there are so many cases of attacks that the neighbors decided to file a class action lawsuit against the family, demanding that the dogs be confiscated, the screams of people, the squeals and barking of dogs, it is difficult to understand from the first seconds what is happening in these shots, filmed late in the evening, however, the closer the cameraman gets, the... the picture becomes: the entire perimeter was caused by three white pit bulls who attacked a black spaniel, he was barely torn from the encirclement of an aggressive pack, here are the shots from another angle: the owner of one of the pit bulls is dragging it by the paw into the entrance, at the same time the owner of the artificial spaniel, surrounded by friends, is carrying her pet away in her arms, when suddenly the fighting dog runs up to them again and tortures them again...
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they scared their own dog, driving the whole pack back home turned out to be a very difficult task for the couple: the dogs were constantly breaking out of their hands and even ran away from the entrance several times, it seems that these dogs have no concept of an owner, come here, quickly go home, come here, what are you doing, at the same time the neighboring one... the girl holding the spaniel with a shaking hand tried to cover the wound on her dog's neck. the vet from paneel saved him, but while
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he doesn't go for a walk, the owner is afraid for him, for herself. and they told us that literally there 15 minutes, if you had brought her later, we simply would not have saved her, that is, the bites were very strong, that is, there were just torn wounds on the neck, we nursed our dog for a very long time, that is, my husband and i simply did not sleep for three days, maria tamilova also experienced a sleepless night after the pit bull attack, she has the story is even more terrible, pit bulls attacked a little daughter, they collided with a pack on the landing, one of the dogs cornered a five-year-old child, bit the baby on the hand and injured her cheek, my child still has, mom, look at the camera, when we leave the apartment, she looks at the camera, there are no dogs there, when we enter, she's mom, get them out, this incident was the last straw, the residents united against the owners of the pit bull and filed a class action lawsuit, hoping to achieve through the court either the seizure of the dogs or at least forced wearing muzzles, since it is impossible to come to an agreement with the owners of dogs, they consider dogs to be harmless, playful. he wanted
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to play, stood on his hind legs and scratched with his koktem, but if an adult pit bull had bitten the face of a five-year-old child, that child's face would have been gone. and the story of the spaniel attack is an unfortunate coincidence for them. a full selection of the terrible appearance of pit bulls in the most unexpected places and the unconvincing excuses of their owners is in our telegram channel chpntv, subscribe to us, point your phone at the qr code, it is on screen, or in the messenger, enter the name
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of the channel чpntv follow our news. and then on the cleanliness in the conflict between the courier and the janitor over the garbage, now the police will restore order. and we will show the footage of the brawl after the commercial, do not switch, calm down everyone, what an evil uncle, how i am afraid of him, this is my land, you can not do this to people, you can always agree humanely, humanely, yes, pasha, how did you get to the boss, so boring became, maybe we will come up with something new, why, if the old one works, huh? cool, vikha, well, how, this is not the outskirts, nevsky, nevsky, today at 16:45 on ntv. in what business is reliability the most
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hurry up, women, hurry up to try pro statrikum gold, a miracle, premiere on august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. live again an emergency, we continue the release. alexander muskalenko appeared before the court, who is accused of murdering his wife and extorting money from her adult children. the woman went missing in 2018, her body was found in the volga, tied to homemade yakar. the husband, he, the first one to fall under suspicion, came up with a legend. at first they believed him, but then the investigators' opinion changed dramatically and the long study of the evidence finally ended. yulia blitsova will tell how they found the criminal. they found the body. victoria krymskaya tried to do everything so that nothing would connect her with her biological father anymore, she even changed her last name, but she still can't escape the past. she still feels pain from the thought of how painfully her mother died.
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the woman disappeared without a trace and for a long time she searched, but it was even more painful to realize that the terrible massacre was carried out by the father, who managed to hide the crime for a long time. they think that it is normal to kill and not go to jail. for a whole year after her mother's disappearance, vika hoped and believed that she was alive and would return home. these hopes were fueled by her father, alexander moskalenko. it is amazing how he managed to deftly fool everyone. the closest people. olga moskalenko disappeared in november 2018, she went by train to moscow for work. the woman got off at the sinai station, so and before reaching the capital, she has not been in touch since. at first, alexander moskalenko pretended to be looking for his wife, convinced that he had contacted law enforcement and even hired a private detective, so no one had any suspicions. in reality, no one was looking for the missing person. i found out that there was no missing person report for my mother. and then questions began to arise, like why no one can be told about this, that she had disappeared, why
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the investigators weren’t calling me in for questioning, i was at at that moment 17 years ago, as the investigators managed to establish, moskalenko tried not to arouse suspicion, sent sms messages from the dead phone to relatives and friends asking them not to worry, all this time olga's body was at the bottom of the river with metal anchors tied to it, he, therefore, threw us new versions of what could have happened, and lovers and sects and... and she simply ran away and somewhere lay on the bottom from some serious people from whom she borrowed money, i well could not even think at that moment that he could have done it. probably moskalenko could have continued to mislead everyone if his wife's body had not been accidentally discovered by fishermen, but further along the chain evidence was collected, first traces near the shore leading to moskalenko's dacha, but this did not allow to prove his involvement, and they were able to bring charges against him only several years later, when they managed to find a boat with a broken bottom, which, as it turned out, was
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stolen from neighbors, on the bank of the volga traces of dragging were found, with the purpose of concealment... and the boat was sunk, having made a hole in the bottom of the criminal. hole. another piece of evidence of guilt by human footprints found on the shore forensic experts determined probable lameness moskalenko limped since his youth. experts counted 20 penetrating wounds on the body of the deceased, presumably plucked, the legs and arms of the unfortunate were tied with ropes. to fully assess.
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road, no one knows which car vik will go, i had no choice, so in addition to murder, he is now being changed to another article extortion, in the courtroom victoria now turns to her father exclusively by surnames and says, wants one thing, that for the murder of his mother he suffers the maximum possible punishment. yulia oblitsova, oksana goncharenko and anna samburova, ntv television company. the first time. they fought for cleanliness, but got into a very unpleasant story courier. and a utility worker from krasnoyarsk, their conflict began calmly could well have been limited to words, but for the janitor, for example, everything ended in hospitalization, alefsina marchenko learned about the fate of the courier. this is already the culmination of the fight of a short janitor with a shovel against a strong courier. the fight broke out in literally for cleanliness and order, the refrigerator delivery people took the packaging out of
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the client's apartment, but were too lazy to drag it to the trash, dumped huge boxes and polystyrene foam right at the entrance. janitor. such a responsible worker, and he is also responsive, never refused to help, it is enough to ask politely, and the couriers behaved rudely, i say, here is a container, throw the container, they started swearing, i say, why swear, no need to swear, and they got out of the car and started jumping, i am some kind of janitor will order me garbage
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take it with you there, and what if the janitor is not a human being or something, i don’t know, what did he hit him with? so that it was as if i had been hit with a metal batter, my forehead already has some kind of big crack, i must say, the janitor is not one of the timid ones, despite the fact that during the fight he got hit on the head more than once, he was not going to give up so easily, breaking free from the tenacious embrace, he ran into the entrance for another weapon, so in his hands there was either a stick or a broom, but it is obvious that the forces were unequal, the partner of the aggressive courier watched what was happening from the side, preferring not to interfere, from his words in everything...
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they stood up for the janitor, scaring off the couriers and they quickly drove away injured. they called an ambulance, on the way to the hospital he lost consciousness several times, the residents of the house are ready to testify in the criminal case on the side of the janitor, well, he is generally a good janitor, everything was always clean and in order, not conflictual, no, in the near future the police will question the victim, an event is being held to establish all the participants in the conflict, the residents entered into the janitor's position so much that when he refused write a statement against the offenders, they did it for him, the cleaner is still... restoring his health and preparing to return to his site in the near future, where he intends to work even better. aleftina marchenko, natalia popova, radu gurdis, ntv television company. that's not all, watch below. deep-seated problems. the neighbors of a pensioner who often ends up in a hole exposed her
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true goals. why does a woman like to be at the bottom so much and can she be punished for this? we'll tell you after the commercial. zarin wants me, now i love her. i'll bring down the roof of this house on your head, i'll bury you here, you killed my beloved, ifakat testified in defense, she was released, i'm very sick, let's help each other, what do you want from me, say, my wish is to destroy kalis karhan, i'll give you arkhan karhan, i'll bring him to you personally, tayar wants to kidnap sayran sunu their mother, kingfisher, new. season today at 14:00 on ntv. for headaches, there is ascafen p at
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the father? such is the fellow, just like two drops of water, all in father and mother, it is not about heredity, it is about what you can pass on to the child, become kindred spirits on usanoviti.rf, national project demography. live on ntv again through. criminal case on the death of the patient. while the court is considering the case of dismissal of a subordinate because she contradicted the management. on what issue their opinions did not agree, stanislav kostikov will tell. now
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the head doctor of the plastic surgery clinic maria burlova and her former subordinates are sworn enemies who meet only in court, they are employees of the legal department who believe that they suffered twice due to the fault of their boss, rude, despotic and intolerant of objections, both at work and apparently in other circumstances. don't touch the camera, do you hear? and the former subordinates also note the exorbitant greed of the ex-boss. the lawyers who worked in the clinic of the fighting blonde, due to her fault, were involved in a loud scandal with death. of patient anna fedorova. this story was widely covered. the head doctor, as investigators believe, imposed a whole range of dangerous operations on the client, which led to irreversible consequences, although it was this principle of reshaping a person in one approach to the surgical table that the owner of the clinic preached. we are the leaders of the russian market for combined plastic surgeries. our clinic team performs full objectification, rejuvenation of the entire body and face in one go, in
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one operation. the patient just died from an overabundance of surgical interventions in one day, a forty-seven-year-old woman wanted to do only a facelift, at the clinic she was convinced of the need for more than thirty procedures, including liposuction, which was included in the cost of the so-called package offer, pressure was exerted, of course, well then for some reason they decided that this kind of thing passes without a trace for a person, i consider this murder, in fact, doctors would never take on this. that is , this is some kind of business that simply pumps money out of people, after anna's death strange events began to occur in the clinic, even before the searches , the surveillance camera recordings from the operating room disappeared, unexpected dismissals followed, in order to avoid punishment, the head doctor who supervised the operation decided to get rid of possible evidence by surgery, says lawyer ekaterina starikova, asked to take out medical records on other patients, to which i
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refused, firstly, it is not for... the same fate befell roman abdrazakov, the head of the legal department of the clinic, he also did not agree to deal with falsification of documents to provide an alibi for the head doctor lost his job under an article with a similar wording, refused to take out medical documentation, refused to forge medical documentation, only the revenge of the ceo, and such a stupid, absolutely incompetent place, now the interests of the head doctor are protected by another team of lawyers, they have a lot of work, in addition to
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criminal... prosecution in the case of the patient's death and lawsuits with former employees, it is necessary to deal with complaints from other clients. dozens of people have applied to the court, who only realized after anna fedorova's death that something similar could have happened to them and were simply lucky to survive. in the near future , the clinic, which has already been closed for the duration of the investigation, will be inspected by roszdravnadzor; if violations are found, its doors will be slammed shut forever. stanislav kostikov and anton lukyanov, ntv television company. you can't fall into the same hole twice, a pensioner from the nizhny novgorod region did and aroused the suspicion of her neighbors. residents of the small town of chkalovsk, who are familiar with the woman, believe that she falls to the bottom on purpose it has a specific purpose. how humane is it in relation to those who really need help at that moment. denis zadohin looked at this story from a legal perspective. night street dug pit,
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at a depth of 3 m waist-deep in mud and water sits an elderly woman, the words of the rescuers do not react at all, having installed a fire escape, the employees of the ministry of emergency situations rush to help. more, more, more, more, more, the whole house watched the rescue operation, which unfolded late at night, the pensioner got hypothermia, she was hospitalized, on the next day the investigation began, why such a deep hole in the yard, was there a fence, well, we are still curious, but oh, no need to say that, it was dug over there, we looked in, they are installing cold water, they had it fenced off there and it was fenced off there, based on the results of the inspection, the question for the utility workers...
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not much, not much, of course, but yes. the most absurd thing is that this is not the first time svetlana has fallen into this hole. the neighbors regularly have to pull the woman out of various failed stories. when she is in such a state, she does not can remember where she lives, and she is brought from different places in the city, where she lives, she does not remember. the neighbors are so tired of taking care of the pensioner that they suggested that the ministry of emergency situations employees punish her with a fine for regularly throwing them work.
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for a knowingly false call to the fire brigade, police or ambulance , not only administrative but also criminal liability is provided for under the article of the administrative code punishment fine -5 rubles, here is a whole range of possible measures under ... criminal, from a fine of 200,000 to imprisonment for 3 years, the dilemma is what is considered a false call? the ministry of emergency situations decided that they will not initiate a fine, they are ready to save everyone who got into trouble, regardless of whether it was due to stupidity or under the influence of alcohol, in all cases they act according to clear instructions. firefighters of the ministry of emergency situations of russia arrived at the scene, installed a ladder in the pit, pulled the woman to the surface and handed her over to doctors. the victim was hospitalized in a medical facility with... more news on our website in
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the telegram channel chpntv. that's all for today, thank you for your attention. kingfisher, i hope you die, don't pick up the phone, i hope allah has already taken your soul, don't answer, daughter gelgun, why are you calling at such a time, what happened? so you are still alive and don't hope, allah has given me a strong body, sometimes i am surprised at the situations in which i manage to survive, i think it's
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fate, and if you were hinting at khalis like that, then we agreed, what did you, what do you mean agreed, and what was left for me? after your betrayal, so what kind of agreement? he will give me the life he owes, or his own your own, or your wife's life, or your son's life, or maybe yours, can you ask him yourself?


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