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tv   Rossiiskaya diplomatiya  NTV  August 11, 2024 7:00am-8:01am MSK

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out of the blue, the ussr introduces troops into afghanistan. but the troops into afghanistan, the soviet ones, in 1979, well, as is known, it was caused by internal, yes, afghan reasons, that is , it was the april revolution, 1978, the struggle between groups within the victorious marxist people's democratic party of afghanistan, the course of president amin on a forced transition to socialism, which caused, accordingly. the same rejection, reaction from right-wing circles, the clergy and so on, well, actually, amin himself asked for the introduction of soviet troops, while he was suspected of simultaneously negotiating with the americans, well, soviet troops entered, but not the way he wanted, in parallel with his overthrow and murder, in 1979, and this caused a corresponding propaganda storm in america, the decision on the participation of the soviet union in military operations in afghanistan coincided with
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the beginning of the election campaign of us presidential candidate ronald reagan. brezhnev and incumbent president carter signed the salt ii treaty in july 1979, but republican ronald reagan had already entered into a political struggle with democrat carter and largely built his election strategy on anti-soviet rhetoric. former hollywood actor reagan understood well how to win the sympathies of the zariteli.
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to reduce, of course, in addition to neoliberalism, yes, monetarist methods, but in financial policy, of course, it was also militarization, that is, the success of the neoliberals, probably, was not only and not so much in the fact, that they were promoting monetarist and neoliberal methods, but the fact that they launched large military programs in the early eighties, reagan's aggressive rhetoric, it was largely connected with the fact that he needed to push through... congress these military programs, which, well , it is clear that this is pouring government money into the economy, yes, and accordingly, this is a general recovery, that is, because the military industry pulls everything else along with it, this is rather the secret in all, the rise of the western economy, in the eighties, after the crisis it found itself in the seventies. after ronald reagan came to power, his economic policy would be called re-economy, in other words, the militarization of the country's economy as a whole.
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clearly saw that the united states was luring the ussr into clashes not only with pro-american forces in asia, but with icelandic forces. in addition to pakistan, which was actually an outpost of the cia in asia, there was a very strong islamic factor from iran. anti-american iran. at the same time
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, tactically, it was on the side of the usa if soviet troops entered afghanistan . brezhnev was informed that many afghan officers who had studied in the ussr were nevertheless committed to the ideas of the iranian islamic revolution. it turned out that by introducing troops, brezhnev was saying that if we introduce troops, we risk joining.
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and before that, the ussr suffered a terrible defeat in egypt, when egypt not only signed peace with israel, but began to receive american aid. at the same time , soviet-chinese relations worsened, standing in some places literally on the brink of war. it was no longer just a question of providing assistance to the southern neighbor, who was supposedly trying to take the path of non-capitalist development. it was a question of ideological confrontation. if not us, then they. today , american political scientists do not even deny that they, that is, the united states, provided military and financial assistance to majah. to drag the soviet union into a protracted military conflict abroad, thereby planting a bomb under the already fragile rails of the soviet economy, and at the same time, undermining the confidence of the citizens of the ussr in their own government was an ideal plan for the usa. and then there was the moscow olympics on
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the horizon. the introduction of troops into afghanistan was connected with the boycott of the moscow olympics by the americans by a number of countries. it must be said that among the europeans , yes, completely. the olympics in moscow were boycotted, and accordingly, yes, there were economic sanctions. in response, the soviet union boycotted the summer olympics in los angeles in eighty-four. in general, both countries clearly demonstrated unsportsmanlike behavior in the sports issue. but by the time the troops were brought into afghanistan, the ussr had already...
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about some special operations of a limited contingent of troops. the afghans could not even bury a comrade in battle in a humane manner, only secretly. and it was even impossible to write that the soldier died in afghanistan on his monument. that is, from the atmosphere of military brotherhood in afghanistan, people returned to societies where they were kept silent or lied to. and such an attitude towards internationalist soldiers simply put the soviet government practically outside the law. in november 1982, leonid brezhnev, who led country for 18 years leaves life, the next
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eighty-third year goes down in history as the year of yuri andropov. it was quite a significant, but very short-lived rule, in just over a year. yuri andropov will be buried here, next to brezhnev, at the kremlin wall. the situation in the world in 1980 was tense. the introduction of soviet troops into afghanistan, the intensified arms race and the choice of former kgb chief yuri andropov as general secretary obviously did not contribute to mutual understanding between the soviet union and the united states. in march 1983, ronald reagan publicly calls the ussr, the evil empire in the modern world. unprecedented propaganda was launched against the evil empire on the pages of american newspapers. a counter-campaign was launched in soviet newspapers: the war was no longer cold, but hot, they were seriously afraid. and suddenly the main soviet newspaper
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pravda publishes a letter to the american schoolgirl samantha smith. it became the very détente that the world community needed. later, the girl will be called in the press an angel of peace, the youngest diplomat who melted the ice between the two countries. dear mr. andropov, my name is samantha smith and i am 10 years old. congratulations on your new job. i am very worried that a nuclear war will break out between the ussr and the united states. are you going to vote for the war or not? this is how the letter to the general secretary began, from an american schoolgirl. yuri andropov received this letter literally in the first days of his rule. in response, the general secretary wrote that there would be no war, all nuclear weapons stockpiles on the planet must be destroyed. andropov's letter ended with an invitation to samantha to the ussr. the visit american schoolgirl's trip to moscow was widely covered in the ussr and us press. the program was packed: press conferences, meetings with
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writers and actors, gift exchanges. samantha even visited the artek pioneer camp. the girl was unable to meet andropov, but she gave him a book by mark twain as a gift. they were convinced that there were no tanks or bears on the streets of moscow, she was pleased with her trip and said at parting: "we will live." for the soviet country, this was a winning move, it demonstrated that the ussr was an open country with exclusively with good intentions. andropov seemed to be saying to reagan: "well, mr. president, look at the evil empire through the eyes of a child. alas, the fate of the angel of peace turned tragic two years after her trip to the ussr, samantha. smith and her father died in a plane crash, and although the cause was bad weather conditions, many believed that everything was
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set up by american intelligence services. in 1986, already under mikhail gorbachev, a return trip of the soviet schoolgirl to the usa was prepared. goodwill ambassador, katya lycheva was chosen from several thousand children. her photo with ronald reagan will fly around the world. this will happen later. and other summits, and reagan and gorbachev publicly admit that there can be no winners in a nuclear war, but the first to tread the road to peace and disarmament were children. in the morning we will wake up not in moscow, it is love,
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easier to buy a military mortgage, a participant in his contract, we are russian, we must help russians, tensions it was in the eighty-third year that the peak came relations between the soviet union and the united states. that same year, nato launched nuclear exercises. quite provocative, because they were very extensive in different territories, the ussr was very afraid that under the cover of the exercises there would be a real, not a training, but a real launch, yes, missiles, a strike on the soviet union, by the way , there was, well, in the ussr, as is known, there was an automated system, yes, warning of a missile attack, there was a failure, yes, when only thanks to
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human intervention, yes, there was an officer soviet, petrov, he ignored the system's instructions that...
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"you don't want to discuss issues that concern the fate of the entire world, you don't want to, so say so." to this, shuls replied, "we want to." and ultimately agreed with the agenda proposed by the soviet vezovi. later, andrei andreevich gromyka recalled that this conversation was the most heated of those that he had to conduct in his career. as a result, the fire of the international... limit, a military aircraft as if by chance in the air defense, when this patience was heated to the point of being replaced by a civilian one. gromyka's speech sobered up his foreign colleagues, the meeting
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could not be disrupted. in the same year of eighty-three, in the third year of his rule, the american president ronald reagan announced a new military concept, which became a logical continuation of regonomics. the program was called "strategic defense initiative. sii for short. work was carried out, they seriously even worried the soviet union, because, well, it is known that the beginning of the eighties, the end of the seventies, the beginning of the eighties, this is the so -called euro-missile crisis, associated with the deployment of soviet american medium-range missiles in europe, well, respectively , in the east and west, when, well , under andropov, under chernenko, there were negotiations about returning to the so-called zero option, yes, to remove both this and that, and soviet, american missiles. and from europe, the soviet union tried to link this with the cessation of work on this very soya, the star wars program of the strategic defense initiative. another thing is that at that time, the americans,
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apparently, did not have the technology for to do what they threatened the soviet union with. reagan's famous words about the soviet union as an evil empire quickly flew around the world, became winged and left their mark on history. associations with the star trilogy. wars arose almost immediately. reagan was clearly inspired by this then fashionable film by george lucas. in march 1985 , mikhail gorbachev took over as general secretary of the central asian cooperation council of the pss. at this time, the rhetoric in the soviet press began to gradually change intonation. if earlier the american program star wars was unequivocally condemned and ridiculed. with caustic caricatures, but now newspaper editorials are increasingly beginning to express concerns: what will happen if the ussr is drawn into a new, space-based
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, round of the arms race, and will this lead to world war iii? already in the first year of his rule, gorbachev declares a moratorium on nuclear tests, thereby letting the west know that the ussr is ready for dialogue, and shortly before this, veteran soviet diplomat andrei gromyk was replaced as minister of foreign affairs by the leader of the georgian komtii, eduard shvarnadze. andrei andreevich gromyko was not just the minister of foreign affairs of the soviet union. he was a seasoned diplomat who had grown up under stalin, and the titan who, after stalin , created the ministry of foreign affairs of the ussr as the leading world power. he would never have agreed to any decision to the detriment of the interests of the soviet union as the leading world power. gorbachev managed to remove him,
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moving him to the post of head of the, so to speak, soviet state, chairman of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr. appointment shavardnadze seemed unexpected and strange to many in the kremlin. there is no unanimity regarding the historical role of eduard shvardnadze in this post. unlike gromyk, eduard shevardnadze was considered democratic, that is , flexible and accommodating in everything that concerned the fundamental interests of the soviet union. was a traitor, but his past as a party functionary explains his moral flexibility and ability to adapt to any
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wishes of his superiors. gorbachev himself, even before assuming the post of general secretary, had already taken his first steps in the international arena, and the steps are quite confident, but ambiguous. in 1984, while the head of the soviet state konstantin chernenko is in hospital, mikhail gorbachev makes his first visit to great britain as the head of the official soviet delegation. on december 15, a government plane with gorbachev landed at heathrow airport. the next day, gorbachev and his wife raisa maksimovna arrived at the country house of british prime minister margaret thatcher in chequers. after a cocktail party, the guests joined the dinner, and gorbachev and thatcher began to talk so animatedly that they barely touched their food. then. gorbachev and thatcher went into the main living room. when the conversation turned to the arms race, gorbachev, according to the recollections of a diplomat present there, took out of his pocket and unfolded a chart the size of a newspaper sheet. gorbachev
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showed. thatcher a secret map of the soviet union to english cities, summing up madam prime minister, it's time to put an end to all this and the general staff with an indication of nuclear strikes as soon as possible, after which the head of the british government margaret thatcher will write in a letter to us president ronald reagan, gorbachev can be dealt with, it was a very interesting visit, it is believed that it was a kind of viewing, yes, because techer later said that gorbachev can be dealt with, she went to andropov's funeral, yes in the eighty-fourth year she.
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many people have doubts, one fact remains indisputable: gorbachev decisively declared his interest in international politics and his desire to deal with it personally. unlike moscow , there were no noticeable personnel shocks in washington. in 1984, ronald reagan confidently won the election again and retained his post as head of state. the united states was in no hurry to join the soviet moratorium on nuclear testing. how they were in no hurry. they were winding down their widely publicized star wars program. the kremlin could not ignore this global challenge. gorbachev even asked scientists to assess the feasibility of the strategic defense initiative. the answer was as follows: the united states could create such a weapon in 10-12 years, but the soviet union would need at least 20-25 years. and then gorbachev makes a decision to improve relations with the united states at any cost.
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mikhail gorbachev's guiding idea was his awareness of the ussr's defeat in the cold war. of course, he never spoke about it, but all his actions show recognition of the west's rightness in the entire historical confrontation with the soviet union. gorbachev chose to forget that the warsaw pact existed. after the united states, britain and france divided germany into two parts, there were no changes in the country's foreign policy alone. clearly not enough, it was necessary to eliminate the lag in the economy as soon as possible, in the first year of mikhail gorbachev
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's rule, brezhneva the party-bureaucratic system of governance turned out to be so ineffective that in the richest country in the world the population was literally starving, that is, there was not enough even basic clothing, it's funny to say, but russia bought grain abroad, to fight this by changing the system of governance,
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the party-bureaucratic one. gorbachev could not, because he himself was the fruit of this party-bureaucratic system, he all that was left was to put forward, put forward completely meaningless slogans, such as acceleration of what is not going anywhere, perestroika of who knows what and glasnost in the conditions of total control over information, when even about the disaster at the chernobyl nuclear power plant and that... the population of the country learned more than a week later. for the first time, perestroika was spoken about in full voice from the rostrum of the twenty-seventh congress of the cpsu, in february-march of eighty-six. at that time, another word was added to the main program slogan of the party. glasnost. a real boom of journalism began in the soviet union, but perhaps the main sensation was mikhail gorbachev's statement about the need to withdraw soviet
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troops from afghanistan. the withdrawal of troops from afghanistan by the soviet union was perceived as a kind of victory by the west, of course, as far as the soviet union is concerned. and the withdrawal of afghan troops, from afghanistan, and of course, the public was already seething by that time, this was primarily due to the policy of glasnost and perestroika, the council of people's deputies in eighty-ninth year, to one degree or another condemned the introduction
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of troops into afghanistan, and this reflected, among other things, the opinion of the general public. welcome to the new entertainment show for the whole family, miracle. emelya, do you have a cool name? did you choose it yourself? no, mom. where did you come to us from? from kazakhstan. are you looking for a groom. yes. yeah, i already have a lot of grooms. this is not enough, and you came to conquer grooms in russia. our show is a place where every kid can show off their skills and talents to the whole country. i really crazy tomboy. let's go, let's go, let's go to the deal. i know that you understand... yes, we will do it, like a rocket flies in, let's go, and we called this incomprehensible creature with our experiments, a miracle with arseny popov, august 17
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gorbachev and ronald reagan took place on november 19 eighty-five at the nuclear disarmament summit in geneva. it ended with the signing of a non- binding declaration on the inadmissibility of nuclear war. nevertheless, the leaders of the two countries for the first time established personal contact. on september 15, 1986, mikhail gorbachev proposes to ronald reagan to meet for... a second time to discuss nuclear disarmament issues, the us president supports gorbachev's initiative, the city of reik javik, halfway between moscow and washington, is chosen as the meeting place. preparations for the summit will take place in record time, less than a month. america is clearly interested in dialogue no less than the soviet union. nuclear disarmament negotiations took place on october 11-12, 1986. range, but with a stone reagan categorically refuses any
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became the program of star wars, soybeans. ronald stumbling on the way to further negotiations of concessions in the field of soybeans and firmly stands his ground. moreover, when gorbachev's insistence on this issue increased, reagan responded to this in a way that a foreign policy expert would never have advised. the us president simply stood up and left the office. gorbachev is in despair. and also wants to leave the meeting, here is where foreign minister eduard shevardnadze and the first ladies of the ussr raisa gorbacheva show political foresight, they persuade gorbachev to stay, otherwise there will be a fuss that the soviet delegation has disrupted the meeting. in the end, no agreements were reached during the meeting, so not everyone in the world assessed it as a success. at the end, reagan said: "it's a shame that we part in this way." however, gorbachev maintained: rick yavik is not... a failure, but a breakthrough. we have looked beyond
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the horizon. this meeting in the avik river was much tougher than expected and became a cold shower for both gorbachev and reagan. the failure of the meeting in the rivers of yavik was precisely that the ussr's proposal was there the problem of medium-range missiles was connected with the soya program. but reagan voiced it publicly, he said that it was a guarantee for the western world, because the soviet union would agree now, and then change its mind, that's the presence. soviet union, although well, history shows that it was the americans who more often violated the agreements reached. may 28, 1987, on the day of the border troops of the ussr, an eighteen-year-old amateur pilot from the frg, matyasrust. which illegally crosses the ussr border and
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lands safely on moscow's red square, having flown from hamburg via rick javik. according to him, the main motive for this adventure was disappointment at the failure of the summit. matyas rust tried to land on red square, but there were too many people there. then the pilot, having performed a difficult maneuver, landed the plane on the moskvaretsky bridge and taxied to the cathedral of st. basil the blessed. at 19:10, rust got off the plane and started signing autographs. some sixteen-year-old soviet guy, as it turned out, he knew english well. he acted as a translator for the matio. public, but the german pilot's hopes for a rapprochement between the ussr and the west were not fulfilled. instead of a press conference, he was arrested. about an hour after landing, he was detained by security forces. his trial took place three months later. matyos was accused of hooliganism and sentenced to four years in prison.
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in the end, he spent just over a year behind bars. andrei gromyka, then chairman of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr. perhaps gorbachev, or it was deliberately, or he had already used this phenomenon politically as a fact in order to begin his reforms in the army. although no international agreements were signed in reikke, the topic of nuclear disarmament was
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developed at the next summit in washington in 87. this was followed by a series of high -level meetings in the united states and the soviet union, at which the details of treaties on the destruction of strategic intermediate- and shorter-range missiles were agreed upon and documents were already signed. on december 8, 1987, gorbachev and reagan signed an indefinite treaty on the elimination of medium- range missiles. the negotiations were conducted by shivarnadze, who gave in to the americans in everything they wanted. the classes of missiles in which the ussr had an advantage over the americans were reduced, only land-based missiles were reduced, although the americans already had some of these missiles on their warships. political opponents still cannot forgive gorbachev and his agreements on missiles. it seemed like the americans got rid
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of the outdated junk, and we put the most modern new missile systems under the knife. ronald reagan seemed to have outplayed the soviet general secretary. he agreed to remove nuclear warheads from europe, but did not abandon his intention to launch them into space. it was the agreement on reducing nuclear weapons that would drive the first nail into the coffin of the seriously ill soviet economy. soon mikhail gorbachev would announce the so-called conversion, the transfer of the military-oriented industry of the soviet union to peaceful rails. the freed-up production capacity was supposed to be loaded with the production of consumer goods televisions, refrigerators, washing and sewing machines, in a word, what was so lacking in the country's stores. institutes were created, some aggregators were created that methodically developed this process, but, as sources and literature note, there were
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only enough funds to finance the salaries of these people who thought out these concepts and this strategy to ensure the financial side of the conversion issue. the transition of the military-industrial complex to the civilian sector of certain objects, they simply did not have this money, this was due to the fact that, of course, by that time the country was already in the throes of a crisis, including a financial one, the approach in the soviet union to defense enterprises was quite unique throughout the entire period of the soviet union's existence, tailored exclusively for military-industrial purposes, frankly speaking, how the soviet leadership saw the transition of military enterprises to the production of civilian objects from the point of view of the technology and mechanics of these processes, i find it difficult to answer, because, probably, these ideas did not exist and the developers did not have these objective ideas those concepts back in the perestroika period.
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june 12, 1987, standing at the berlin wall in west berlin. ronald reagan delivers a speech that is widely disseminated by the world media: the us president will address the soviet leader in absentia. mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. there is a rather interesting work by the british historian geoffrey roberts, he believed that both stalin and beria and even.
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did semchev's secret son want to raise his hand against his father? what was pankratov cherny's illegitimate daughter silent about, what the secret heiress of the durov dynasty hid for many years, why gav saw his brazilian son for the first time only thanks to ntv. illegitimate children of celebrities, in continuation of the multi-part investigation based on real events. today at 20:00 on ntv. it is hardly possible to assume that the soviet union in 1987 had not yet negotiated with diplomats from the frg about the conditions. the opinion of the two germanys, but it is even more difficult to imagine that the head of the gdr eric honecker knew nothing about this. honecker and gorbachev began to diverge, in principle, from the beginning of gorbachev's perestroika policy, according to glasnost, democratization, and so on. honacker did not support this policy, he was a man of the old school, in principle, the germans themselves in the gdr, including condemned him, and
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subsequently there were multi-thousand demonstrations against honacker already on...
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that the gdr will most likely be united with the west, there will not be any transition period, and nevertheless, even at the beginning of the nineties, the soviet mit for negotiations with the americans, offers , in fact, a resuscitation of the proposals of the fifties , when there were soviet proposals for comprehensive security in europe, that a united germany would enter the political structures of both nato and
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the warsaw pact, but here the warsaw pact simply collapsed. they, france and britain, but the most influential western powers, they did not really want, let's say, the unification of germany for various reasons, in france mitterrand, because well, the french remembered, yes, after all , this german aggression, yes, a united germany, it is in any case stronger than france both economically and in all respects, in terms of human resources, and techer, too, well, practically until she was removed, just at the end of the eighties she leaves her post,
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in her person britain also resisted, because they were afraid that from... germany, here the usa, from some point the soviet union, they were the main protagonists of the unification of germany, in the form in which it happened. and also the usa from that time on seemed to forget about the star wars program altogether. soon it will be quietly curtailed as unprofitable, and later the soviet union will be called the greatest bluff in history. is understood as absolutely a scam, and therefore, as one of its creators, a physicist who actually promised to make this laser program to shoot down all possible ballistic missiles to destroy the soviet union, already in the mid- nineties in his letters there memoirs he noted that he would need about 10 more years and a huge amount of financial
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investment in order to just understand whether this is feasible or not. at the same time, he also noted that president reagan, in his opinion, was in the dark, that is, he was also they were driving a skid and passing off the desired for... the personnel were sent into retirement, all this without a single shot being fired. on february 15 , 1989, the last soviet soldier left afghanistan. mikhail gorbachev kept
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his promise, the decision to withdraw troops from afghanistan in the soviet union was already made with a sigh of relief. by the end of the eighties , the denouement of the drama called perestroika was coming. on december 8, 1991 , the president of russia. boris yeltsin, the chairman of the supreme council of the republic of belarus stanislav shushkevich and the president of ukraine leonid kravchuk, without waiting for a quorum in the form of representatives of other republics, signs the belavesh agreements. the signatories state: the soviet union, as a subject of international law, ceases to exist. no one asks the opinion of the president of the ussr anymore.
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the soviet union ends its existence, the president of the ussr resigns, the red soviet flag is lowered from the kremlin dome and the russian tricolor is raised, another era ends, the reasons for the end of which historians will argue about for a long time, history begins new russia, but that's another story.
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hello, this is the ntv news service greeting you, this is the program today in the studio dmitry zavoysty. our air defense was working in kurdsk last night, flashes were visible in the sky, explosions were heard, debris from one of the shot down ukrainian missiles fell on a residential nine-story building. no one died, but 13 people were injured, two in serious condition. all victims are receiving the necessary assistance. the authorities are now working together with the security forces. alina repina, more details. these shots were taken by residents of kursk last night, according to tas , at least 10 explosions occurred over the city of nema.


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