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tv   Plyazh  NTV  August 12, 2024 3:00am-3:46am MSK

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it's stupid to deny it, citizen bugrov, in the trunk of your car we found blood, hair of citizen briefly, in the tow truck in which you were hiding, we found a painting stolen by starkov, a keychain from komlev's hotel room key, on the painting, on the keychain, bugrov, your fingerprints are everywhere , so what do you want from me, if you know everything, well, what, sincerely? a confession, you won't get it, then i'll start for you. so, it all started with the fact that citizen komlev offered you to steal a painting from citizen starkov for 3 million rubles. for in order to get into the actor's house, you used the help of lika, who first got a job as a waitress in a cafe, well, where starkov often went. there she charmed him, and
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then moved in with him. at that moment , you learned from lika the true value of this painting and realized that you had sold yourself very cheap. you tell a good story, boss, but what do i have to do with this? directly. at night, you drove up to starkov's house. your accomplice turned off the alarm and let you into the house. you took the painting, but at that moment you did not... went to the sea, then tied her to the girl's feet to a rock and drowned her, you thought that she would be the main suspect in the case, and we, not finding her body, would get a cold case, but you were wrong, what kind of nonsense are you talking, boss, when... ended up at your place, you
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called komlem and made an appointment with him, in a deserted place, at this meeting you began to blackmail him and demand more money, but komliv refused you, a fight broke out between you during which you killed him with a rock, pulled the key to the room out of your pocket and went to his hotel. where are you and me met? i remember you, bugrov, by the scar on your right hand. when you failed with komlivy, you decided to call bril. you already knew from lika that bril offered to buy the old man a painting, but he refused. but before meeting with bril, you decided to check whether bril had informed the ministry of tourism about your call and sent a courier in his place. all this is very interesting. only i need
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to prove whether i have anything to do with this?
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is it true that you are the strongest girl in russia, is it true that i have 20 records, incredible talents await us, you are the best voice of the earth, yes, we are two-time champion of russia in dance sport, i was filming at -20, yes, at -20, this is not a competition, there are no prizes or judges, we have a cancellation, only amazing children. i won the moscow cup, and what is it called samokatman, well, samokateras, you can play the accordion for 5 hours, well, yes, we found the coolest, besides knives, do you do anything else, oh, i have so much work, i drive, mom, potatoes povagan lozit, who do you want to be when you grow up, the president of the republic of belarus, or the class of the russian federation, each of them is little, big miracle, ever use such a phrase, we have a crime, maybe a felony, right? great talents are sometimes
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smaller than you think, i want to present you with a medal from the russian book of records, a miracle with arseny popov, premiere. august 17 at 20:00 on ntv, cleverly, not you, taught to his own detriment, come on now you, by, okay, do n't be upset, i'll teach you too, you'll be like dad, guru, checkers, hi everyone, mom, missed you, very much, yes, let's go home, hi, al, hi, let's talk, well, let's talk, tomorrow i'm filing for divorce, and also, maybe the girls and i will move to live in moscow, but why to moscow, and did you think, gashko, that i will always watch you
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running after other people's skirts, no, i'm tired, i want simple female happiness, don't i? girls, let's go home, bye, bye.
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hello, hello, and kashu is not home, and we are not going to him, we are going to you, captain fisenko, to me, and what happened? read the resolution. resolution, production of buskak. and what do you want to find at my place? drugs? may i pass? come in. so, serdyuk, inspect the dressing room, places common areas, and then the kitchen. nikolai into the bedroom. citizens, witnesses. you will be invited, what is going on, what drugs? a complaint has been filed against you that you are selling narcotic drugs? yes, sit down, sit down.
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citizens, witnesses, please come here, you, citizen gashko. everyone can see, yes, i ask you to explain how these drugs
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ended up in your apartment, i don’t know, did you plant them on me? so, citizens, witnesses, i ask you to confirm that these drugs were found in the closet and were not planted by our employees, it's true, he found it, oh my god, this is some kind of nonsense, what will happen now, well, you'll have to come with us, i can't, i have children alone at home, and my husband? is he at work? can i call him? of course i can, what are we, animals or what? and change your clothes, okay? in the meantime, we'll draw up a report. let's go.
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alka calls. the phone, hi, andrey, come home urgently, me... got up, the children are home alone, well, alka was arrested, fixenko, what's going on? i have a search warrant, narcotic drugs were found in your wife's things at home. they planted it, the kids with whom, with the neighbor, we're passing by,
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fisenko, alesitsa is aware of your actions, naturally, the general is aware, right away, alla, allochka, listen to me, don't say anything and don't sign anything, this, this is a misunderstanding, i'll get you out, poromonov called, said, drop everything, go cat, i myself don't understand what's going on, drugs were planted in ale's apartment, how is that possible, how is that possible, somehow like that, otherwise you yourself don't know how it's done, what kind of mole, listen, and these. you don't care, but i know a little white girl, she lives in a five-story building, well where seryoga lived with his parents
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until he was killed, well, let's hit on him, hi, girls, what's your name, beauty, what difference does it make to you, and we're eager to chat with you, we want to, but we're not, oh well, girls, why are you being so pushy, come with us to the house, some champagne, i'm an idiot, you're getting all cocky here, listen, what did you say, watch the bazaar, so, what's the matter, everything 's fine, everything's okay, boss, everything 's fine, let's get going guys, we're at a cultural institution, girls, let's not say goodbye, everything's fine, we're leaving, we're leaving, but i still don't care about you i'll get it, i know where you live, come on, let's go out, what a moron, the whole evening w... maybe we'll go home, i don't want to dance at all, yeah, i'll call a taxi now, well, everything
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's fine, the girls are asleep, thank god, the neighbor put them to bed, come on pour, oksana mikhailovna, andrey is bothering me, could you come and help sit with the kids, what happened? yeah, we're completely drowning in alcohol, anyway, we need your help. you can't do it without me, but if necessary, i'll come. thank you, dear mom. i don't understand why anyone needed it to set up al, i'm thinking the same thing. was ala really right and all this because of these expired drugs? call suren. come on, pour some more.
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suren, listen, and gazha is bothering you. tell me, did you by any chance save the expert report on the drugs that alka brought you from the hospital? of course, i saved it. great. come on, bring it to me tomorrow morning. good. come on, bye. he wouldn't have started this drug crap just
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like that, they probably paid him and paid him well, i wonder who, or maybe zavya himself made the arrangement, or maybe someone else suggested it, the city is small, everyone knows each other, you tell me, i tell you, well, yes, we have that, i can help with something, yes maybe... he said to go meet her, well, i don't want to leave the girls alone, no problem, of course, i'll meet her, you're driving, i'll call the duty car. that's also true, so what then, there they are, yeah, they're with the security guard, yeah, let's go,
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why are you shaking? i'm already shaking from nerves. on my jacket. thank you. listen, can i stay the night at your place, i don't feel like going out of town alone. and you? i need to see my grandma, i promised to see her today to come. wait, how do i return the keys? the keys? yeah. leave them with the neighbor in the sixth apartment. move podlezda 765 yeah and this is anfis, the bed linen is in the closet, you can eat everything you find in the refrigerator, okay, come on, ciao, come on, bye.
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mom, why do we need these letters, for a fairy tale, in the three ninth kingdom, the three tenth state.
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so, here you go, when will mom come? soon, well , when at lunchtime or in the evening? i don’t know, i’ll be there when, so go ahead and eat some cheesecakes, your grandma will be arriving soon, here she is already here.
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i’m doing everything without you so that alla released. i would like to believe. i have a favor to ask of you. i don't want the girls to know anything about ala's arrest. let them think she's at work. yeah, how can you hide anything from them? dad, mom will be released soon. soon, soon. who's there, it's me, baba klav, anfisa left you the keys to my apartment this morning, no, no one left me anything, thank you, it's strange, okay.
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well, tell me where, to whom, when, for what price you... tried to bring her into your criminal
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business, that's what elvira said, moreover, she wrote a statement against you, that's all it's not true, well, what's not true? "if numbered drugs were found in your apartment, for which, by the way, you signed when you received them at the hospital, can i call my husband, no, but at least i have the right to a lawyer, yes. yes, i'm listening, listen carefully, major, i'm listening, i'm giving you 24 hours, if my brother gets out, the drugs found on
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your wife turn out to be ordinary analgin, i 'll think about it, think about it, if my brother doesn't get out, your wife will go to jail, the creature, who, kushalev, and what else does this one need, hello. alla doesn't have a phone answers, at the hospital they told me that she was arrested, that's none of your business, your wife needs to be pulled out, i suggest we join forces, i'll get information, and you 'll do the operational development, when alla gets out, then we'll figure out what we 'll do next, i solve all my problems myself and i'll solve the issues with my wife myself too, i 've already called moscow and arranged for them to provide me with the material.
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thank you, come on, all the connections, raman, why did you take his business card, he could be useful to us, you know, i'll figure it out without him, tell me why you're always such a pain in the ass, and comrade general, the case against my wife is fabricated, when you prove it, then we'll talk, but for now don't
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interfere. decide to go, go, major, yes, wait, about this paramonov, i'm just saying, he's a pro of course and it's good that he helps you, as for fesenok, if he had attacked you, i could have intervened, you're my subordinate and all that, and as for my wife, i'm sorry. i can't help, firstly, it's a different department, secondly, such a large amount of money has been collected against her evidence base, that there is nothing to object to, yes, that's it, i understand, comrade general, sew up,
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go, major, there is, as i understand it, the charge against fashko is based on the fact that numbered drugs were found in her home statement. you understand that just because drugs were found in his apartment, she faces a prison term. and you did not consider the version that she well, what do you think is not enough? did you plant these drugs, put pressure on nakatova or bribe her? no, i do not consider it, and in vain. tell me why you are interested in this business, gashkov? that a relative, an acquaintance, i sympathize, but i can’t help you in any way. you
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understand, the charges brought against her are serious, very serious, yes, i understand that, yes, you have more questions for me, no, yes, i apologize, i have too much to do, i’m saying goodbye to you, for a short while. “enough, what can you say, well, the girl was strangled with something thin, or a lace or a thin rope, you see here, there are characteristic marks, death occurred somewhere 5-6 hours ago, that ’s all for now, okay, get to work, if, who is the victim, this is anfisa tsvetkova, the friend
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of the apartment owner, who called in..." the police in ukhov are interrogating her, where? yeah, they killed her, i'm telling you for sure, they threatened us, one of these scumbags said he knew where i lived, and do you know these guys? no, okay, but can you describe them? yeah, sure, one of them had a white fixa on his front tooth and... that's a tattoo on the finger of his right hand, yeah, and what was tattooed on her finger? a ring with a cross, or something? a gangster, that's clear, the second one? yeah, he was an inconspicuous, average height guy, the one which sata from fix called him fidot. so, what happened to you? yes, they started pestering us in the club, well then the security guard took them outside and we asked him to put
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us in a taxi. and... did you call a taxi by phone? yes, give me your number, please. right now. tell me, what do you do for a living? librarian. and your girlfriend? she's a waitress in a cafe. did anything valuable go missing from the apartment? yes, yes, i don't know, me, and what about your girlfriend? she had earrings and rings. yeah, i get it. sorry, literally. can i go on for a minute, well what do you have? look, what is there to look at, a photograph, just a photograph, two friends, you don't see anything, the jacket in this photograph is on eva, now it's on the dead woman, asomov, well done, eva, eva, can i have a second,
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yeah, look at the photograph, whose jacket is this? mine, and why is it on the dead woman now? well, i gave her some onfisa in a taxi when she was frozen, so what? that is, when your friend entered the entrance, did she enter wearing your jacket? well, yeah. the assassination attempt wasn't planned on the office. wait, on whom? on you. most likely yours a friend was killed by mistake. tell me, why did she go to your house alone? well, i promised to go to my grandmother's, we agreed on this in advance. and where does grandma live? not far from here, on sadovaya, house number fifteen. tell me, besides these guys from the club, has anyone else threatened you lately, well, did you have enemies, a boyfriend who turned away, something like that, no, i don't have any boyfriends who turned away, and you live at home alone, yes, my mother died a year ago, and my father is gone, i understand, vasya, so now, wait,
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drove, well, suddenly he knows something, remembers, yes, now, seryoga, listen, zhurbina just called me, good, it's a pity, this girl was beautiful, she was, well, i said so. here's
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shalayev's car, igor, a man from the police , talk to him, good afternoon, captain sumar, i'm listening to you. i didn't order me so quickly, yes, of course, yesterday you were driving two girls from the vykhukhal club, yes, it happened, don't you remember, no one was following you, as soon as we drove away, a gray opel followed us, number, no, i didn't pay attention, but it followed us for a long time, almost to the house itself, and then disappeared, and he could have arrived at the final destination before you, of course he could, i'm a taxi driver, not a racer, yeah, when... the girl entered the entrance, we didn't see any suspicious people near the house, no, there was no one, i was taking pictures of the beautiful views there and accidentally took this picture, this is the head of the hospital
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where alka works, they put it there, yes, we want to put koshalev under surveillance, but we can't get into his hotel unnoticed, so... do you have a chance, tell me what kind of premises are there? well, this is his office in the open air, he receives guests there, conducts negotiations, negotiations, it would be nice to install a bug there, unnoticed, andrey, it's dangerous, sergey, can i decide this myself, i will do it if it somehow helps save alla, especially since, as far as i understand, she is not guilty of anything and suffered because of you, andrey, and then there is this disgusting story with ksenia, so, well, okay, that's it. i'm going, don't freak out, let 's not freak out, let's start acting, what should i do, forest fires are dangerous and formidable elements, stop defeat fire calling of the strong, pilots, observers,
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parachutists, firefighters, paratroopers, firefighters, air forest protection, forestry department, reliable shield of the russian forest, they found out on bass, yes, good... well, somewhere in the morning she arrived, if i had returned home at her age at such a time, my father would have thrashed me like a gray goat or even killed me, and where are her parents? her mother died a year ago, she raised her alone, so the children grew up without a father.
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wants to meet, he has information on your wife's case, listen, paramon, could you , well, talk to him yourself, otherwise something, and you are actually going to pull your wife out, or are you already so consumed by jealousy that you can't meet the right person for the sake of saving your wife, but come on paramon, you won't teach me what and how to do, okay, and what are you standing there for, come on, go, you'll be needed. he doesn't give advice here, one of the guys in the club igor vireika , nicknamed fix, born in 1985, was in prison for robbery, released by force, lives on proletarskaya 56, i found him in
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base, according to the second one, the second one nicknamed fedot is not in the database, and what about the taxi driver? he claims that when he and the girls left the club, they were followed by some car. kolya, what does some brand mean? state registration plate, at least the color, comrade major, comrade major, i also have an investigator, come on, vasya, you report, the neighbors didn't see anything, the security guard did n't say anything new, yumna doesn't know these guys, he saw them for the first time, i talked to grandma eva, she confirmed that she spent the night at her house, but unfortunately she doesn't have a version of what happened, guys, the head of the pre-trial detention center is a normal person, nikolai vasilyevich, a sincere guy, and why didn’t he refuse a date with an alcoholic, under any circumstances?
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he’ll do it, i’ll call him now, i’ll fill him in on the matter, okay, straight back to the office, i’m waiting for you, but with a stamp, okay, if, and you give this kvereika a go, yes, that’s it, that’s it, fulfill it. “maybe we’ll arrest akatova, force me
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to withdraw the statement, but it’s all useless, we ’ll put pressure on her, she’ll complain, and they’ll accuse us of putting pressure on a witness, you know what, let’s go to my office and talk.”
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and what are you doing here, i'm taking pictures, and can't you see, strangers are not allowed here. and you probably don't know, artyom told me that i can take pictures wherever i want, he allowed it, well, if he allowed it, take pictures, i won't bother you, thank you.
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come in, hello, nikolai vasilievich, and hello, well, i already told you, andrei sanovich, well, i can't allow you to meet with your wife, well, i have nothing left until retirement, well, i don't want to risk it, they told me, you seem to... do you collect stamps? sonov said? well, never mind, i suddenly thought that you might be interested. where did you get it from? it's a stamp from the chelyuski series, it was issued in 1935. i offered ukhov so much money for it, but he wouldn't sell it to me under the forest. well, he didn't sell it, but i can give it to you as a gift. oh, you're so cunning,
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gashko, you found something to hook me with, but i just wanted to maintain my collection, well, i do n't know, i don't know, well, as he says, okay, okay, i'll allow you to meet with my wife, at your own risk. sergey, you ate with a client, went to the hotel, dasha, be careful, make sure that you don't found, yeah, i'll try, come on, well, are we waiting?
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can you recount, everything is correct, 100 grand. what's the news? yes, everything is going according to plan, only the circumstances have changed, and the price. has increased, what kind of circumstances? yes , a colonel from moscow showed up, he's interested in the gashko case, the risks have increased, well, and the price, accordingly, how much more, 50,
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okay, will you get after the case is completed, years? andryukha, where did you get out of the pre-trial detention center, agreed on a date with alka. okay, come to the koshelevo hotel urgently, we have a killer material on fisenko. guys, what?
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there are more beautiful places, i would advise you to take pictures there, okay, i will definitely take your advice, i dare not detain you any longer, all the best, all the best, lomov, i forbade you
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to let anyone onto this terrace, she said that you allowed her to take pictures there? put her under surveillance, how did it happen, super, koshelev didn't notice anything, i don't know, it seems to me that he suspected that she was filming their meeting, she was so scared, sit down, so, move in with me, is it really that serious, if koshalev suspected something, you have reason to be afraid, i know these people well, and what about our things, don't worry, i 'll sort it out, well, let's show
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what you filmed there, well... recount, what news, yes, everything is going according to plan, only the circumstances have changed, what other circumstances, and then a colonel from moscow showed up, how much more 50, okay, you'll get it after the case is completed, what a bastard, so we urgently need to show the fox to us, come here, take evgeny with you, and without evgeny? no, no, it would be better if the evidence of a criminal conspiracy against ala will be presented not by her husband, but by a stranger, and dasha needs to be transferred to my hotel, i will move myself, no, you yourself do not need to do anything, you must have security with you, right now.


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