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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-7  NTV  August 12, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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i keep repeating that after classes fly home, she has already worn out masha with her tricks, that's exactly it, lara, you should be more careful, well, okay, okay, eternal conflict, eternal conflict, i sometimes sit behind the wheel for days, i come home, there is a war of generations, and where do you study at the institute of culture,
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i already know, i slept for 8 hours, i heard nothing, talk to people, maybe someone saw something, yeah, yeah, tell me what time it was, my child was returning home from school, yeah, yeah, that's the parade for, yeah, what an apartment, great, hi. well
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and what, craniocerebral, the same handwriting as in the case of lyudmila perushina, here is her address, yeah, got it, thank you, confirm, details after the autopsy, yeah, well, as usual, no one saw anyone, they called her anaravi, she lived in that entrance.
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that she already left the metro and what? she will be there in 20 minutes, i wanted to meet her, she said that she was very close, with whom she usually went, with her girlfriends, with her own, in the same department, excuse me, in graduate school. where did she study? at
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the institute of culture. the names of her girlfriends are not remember? i think her name is ira elena. you'd better ask at the department. did she date anyone, did she have a boyfriend? no, nothing serious. excuse me. viktor petrovich, may i have a look around the room? yes, of course.
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do you know him? no, this is my first time. i see, although you know, some guy has been calling her lately, yeah, uh, she didn't know how to get rid of him, maybe he does exist, and what's his name? he introduced himself to me, i think, as andrey, yeah, and how can i find him? i don't know, i have no idea. can i take this photo? yes, of course. thank you.
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lara, go to bed, it's already one o'clock in the morning, lara, what's happening to you, nothing. into the soul. lara. a unique country with a unique destiny,
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a unique culture, unique people. original. and full of mysteries, with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel. i'm listening to you, gentlemen detectives. the murdered anna ryvina. 27 years old, a graduate student at the institute of culture, the style of the murder is completely consistent with the murder of lyudmila perushina. by the way, both the girls were engaged in scientific activities and both had striking appearances, both were blondes. do you mean to say that a series is emerging? that's exactly what i want to say. yes, according to the examination, the girl was struck twice,
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the second one was fatal in the back of the head. the murder weapon was not found at the crime scene. presumably it was a knuckle duster. what else did you find out? the first victim, lyudmila. so, the girl was very withdrawn, rarely communicated with anyone, rented an apartment, the only thread that connects her with her is a friend from whom she was returning on the night of the murder, yeah, the second victim is anya, so on the night of the murder, she was returning from a nightclub, and she was also being pestered by a young man, his name is andrey, and she had an admirer, about whom her father knows nothing, i found a photo in her room. where is she with the young man? these girls must have something else in common that attracts the killer. thank you very much.
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let's go to the club today? not in the mood? oh well, let's go, let's go, why are you acting like a little girl? let's go, i don't want to. no, anya, we haven't had any fun lately, we've all your coffee. thank you, if we look at this from the other side, oh, what an unexpected meeting, it's free here, yes, thank you, larisa, i'm very glad to see you, we are also very glad to see you, and you seem to be from the police, i just saw you as spirants.
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opened up, yes, look, maybe it 's him, yes, he is. it's definitely him, definitely, i 'm sure it's him, i recognized him right away. thank you, you helped us a lot. okay, i 'll go to the lecture. larisa, you look kind of sad, maybe something happened? no, everything 's fine. yes, i see. let's meet tonight. let's do it tomorrow, so
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what's the news? none, i decided to raise the previous case again, to see if we missed anything, this lyudmila is strange, i don't understand, they don't say anything about her at the university, there's not much information, but there's one clue, do you know where she went? oh, how, maybe our maniac was looking for a victim in this club? what a strange maniac. why? because i spent the whole day with psychologists. so what, nothing but inconsistencies? you see, he's afraid, and at the same time he hates women so much that he cuts their clothes, tears their hair, but doesn't rape them, well maybe he's impotent, and this type of women is just unpleasant to him, until we understand his logic, we... won't catch him, glory, psychology is important of course, but maybe we should go to a club first? hello,
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great, great, i have the most pleasant news for you, well, a bartender from the tempo club was courting anya, who was killed, and his name is andrey, the girls identified him from a photograph, i talked to them, that's how it is, you find it tender here. tell me, have you seen this girl here? and who are you? my cousin, i arrived and my sister is not here, okay, well i remember, she was hanging
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around here at a dance once, haven't seen you for two weeks now, and have you noticed who she was talking to here, i have enough work without that, and people said, you were courting her, well that was the case, but not on an urgent basis, will you order something, no, no, later.
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how he got on my nerves, yes, fuck him, yes, i sent him away to no avail, i even started to be afraid of him, and who are they, about andrey, he's probably crazy about bright blondes, he doesn't give them a break, it's good that i'm not his,
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excuse me, please sit down, okay, i 'll be right there. i was looking for a toilet, can you tell me, around the corner, thank you, how can i help you, we are investigating the murder of two girls, anna ryvina and lyudmila perushina, they often visited your club,
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tell me, maybe someone showed a special interest in them? i don't even know how to help you, there are so many visitors that i, no, i can't remember, tell me, do you somehow record when your employees leave work, yes, of course, in your diary, it's a question of payment, you understand, me i'm interested in the twentieth and twenty -seventh, your bartender andrey, when he left, just a second. on those days he would come at 10 p.m., he leaves work that early, of course not, on those days andryusha would ask me for time off, he would feel unwell, or his relatives would come to visit him, and i would ask the guys to cover for him, do you have his address, yes, of course. yes, i
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'm telling you, it was him, i saw him pestering girls myself, why? what do you mean what? psychologists said the killer was a femdom, and he unsuccessfully tried to hit on both girls, but that's is not a reason to kill them, who are you talking about? about andrey, barman from the club. well, well, yes, it is possible. especially since he asked for time off from work on the nights of the murders. i 'm telling you. let's get him to us. come on, let me get him myself. then here's the address. you can handle it alone. i can handle it.
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well, this is where i live, my parents moved here, yes, now i want to invite you
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for a cup of tea, let's go, yes. i don't understand something, some kind of enchanted place, yes, we'll definitely keep driving in circles, where is this house, maybe here, just slow down. no, well where is this apartment, i don't understand, excuse me, can you tell me, we 've been circling here for 2 hours, where is apartment 48, and what can't i hear, apartment, oh, i need you, come here
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, uh, come on, wait, uh, come on, wait, they tell you, let's go to the car, we'll catch up now, faster, come on, hello, mash, i'm at kolya dymov's, i'll probably stay the night with him, yeah, bye, so, please, how wonderful! yes, kolya, i'm sorry, it's already late, i 'm going, wait, ah, well, yes, i understand, let me walk you, no need, i'll take a car. it's dangerous for you, yes, i'm not a private person, but a taxi with checkered like that, okay, call me.
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vitya, come on faster, vitya, well your sharmai can go faster, no, he won't go anywhere in these yards.
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3:00 i don't remember, i think at home, can anyone confirm this, but you asked for time off from work, said that you were meeting relatives, in fact, no one came to see me, i just, i just had a really bad headache, that's why i asked for time off from work, and on the twenty-seventh too, yes, severe headaches especially on the evenings of murders, did you like these girls? but they didn't answer you reciprocity, not all of them liked me, not everyone liked me, i didn't kill anyone, i didn't kill anyone, well, explain how the photos
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of these girls were found in your house, i took their photos as a keepsake, as a keepsake, i didn't kill anyone, i didn't kill anyone, anyone, anyone, i didn't kill, i... i'll bet a ruble for 100 that this isn't our maniac anymore, and did he confess? no, everything seems to fit, but i don't believe that he killed them, he's too weak, our psychologists need to work with him, and all the evidence is circumstantial, the photos of the girls don't prove anything yet, damn, all morning i call. she doesn't come,
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the third victim. one boy was offered to go through the casting for the role of the host. he went, and they forgot to pay for the taxi. arseniy popov improvised, my mother told me that you
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are funny, improvised, i like to improvise to music, do you want me to teach you how to improvise, and improvised, i came here to moscow to undercut you, and you sit comfortably, now only a miracle can save him, first you are a small actor of this size, and then ... you will become like gary kharlam, it seems to me that this is a child, i see for this cocktail and you know, i'm no longer thirsty, i feel a bit sick now, maybe it's poisonous, i thought you were going to throw knives at me, don't be naughty, leather, blah-blah-blah-blah, i've gone crazy, well done, a miracle with arseny. premiere on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. short summer nights don't let
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you get enough sleep. glycine plus. melatonin and valar help you get enough sleep in a shorter time. a tablet under the tongue right before bed. short summer nights don't let you get enough sleep? try glycine plus melatonin in one double-action tablet. it relieves everything anxiety of the day allows you to get enough sleep in a short time. glycine plus melatonin. evalar. and now about the weather for today, good morning, in the studio evgeniya neronskaya. in the far east , a chinese cyclone is rushing at full speed to the sea of ​​okhotsk. heavy rains in the north of the amur region, in the center of the khabarovsk territory, in khabarovsk itself there is little rain, during the day up to 25, in vladivostok +22 and a maximum of frost, and near baikal the heat is up to 33 °. in siberia, the remnants of heat are only in tyveya in the south, the irkutsk region, and from krasnoyarsk to kurgan there is little rain, but cool, no higher than 22. the urals are covered by a european cyclone, but the epicenter of the bad weather today is in the volga region, there are downpours, thunderstorms, squally winds and also only +15-18. in
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the center there is less rain, but the temperature is also mostly no higher than twenty. in the south , the beginning of the week will be comfortable, the heat will drop to 27-30 °. thunderstorms will only reach the caucasus. in st. petersburg about 20, short-term rains, in moscow daytime rains +19. if your joints are bothered by a change in weather, take revmoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, as well as normalize uric acid levels. revmaflex evalar. pain-free movement in any weather. swelling may occur in summer weather. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating lymph flow. take lymphatic transit from evalar. lymphatic stagnation can cause swelling. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating lymph flow. lymphatic transit evalar - summer without swelling. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? revmaflex helps reduce
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joint pain. damaging the stomach, as well as normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. so, gentlemen detectives, our case has been taken under control at the headquarters. but that's not all. take a look. our press is not asleep, it only writes about these murders. already the third victim. and we have nothing concrete, except guesses, assumptions. andrey, here. has nothing to do with it, and this means that we need to start all over again. so, what about the last murder? well, as in the previous cases, the victim's hair was cut off, clothes were torn, but the picture has changed. the killer was waiting for the girl not near the house, as usual, but in the park. yeah, have they identified her? larisa marsheva, 19, a student at the institute of culture, uh, came from pskov, lived in st. petersburg
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with her cousin, by the way, my sister's husband is coming any minute now to identify the body, fill out the paperwork, yeah. and the girl was in her second pregnancy, what pregnancy, what are you talking about, did you know larisa, i met her, i didn't get it, her relatives are my childhood friends, when did you last see her, yesterday, she was at my house, she left me around 10:00 evening, so, besides the killer, i was the last one who saw her alive, well, that's still unknown, maybe she could have arranged a meeting with someone, and her relatives know about it, so find out slava, who larisa could have met, kolya, take care of the tick for now, prepare the papers, but you understand that you can't
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handle this case. semyon nashev has come to see you. hello. yeah. hello, kolya. hello, senya, my condolences. well, sit down. thank you. tell me, do you know who larisa met with yesterday? i know, with kolya dymov, she sent me a message, she called masha, my wife, mm, said that everything was fine, she would stay the night at kolya's, senya, she left me around 10:00 pm, kolya, i don't know, she said so, sorry, i can go, yes, yes, of course, my wife doesn't feel well, so much has piled up, yes, sorry,
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just one more question, yes, of course, who else could larisa have been dating, i don't know, she didn't share with us, yes, but experts say she was pregnant, do you know who could have been the father of the child? i don't know, i honestly don't know, oh my god, what a horror, what a nightmare, i just didn't...
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i went to him, of course, maybe she told me something about him, it's okay, if i remember something, i'll definitely call you, what did they tell the neighbor of this barman of ours, yes , they said, the neighbor in the evening, at about 11:00 pm, came to call him, just the evening when anya was killed, well, this guy andrey, we still have to prove his albi, he's an idiot. slav, what do i think, maybe the killer - we don't suspect at all? so, wait, we have three irrefutable facts in this case. firstly, all
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the murdered girls went to this club, secondly, all the girls, including larisa, were liked by andrey, thirdly, they all had a similar appearance. and fourthly, the killer leaves no traces, we won't catch him that way. what do you mean? i think we need bait. varya is the type he likes, she's the perfect bait. we need to talk to georgyevich. hello, masha, yes, it's me, accept my concerns. yes, yes, the car, such a grief, you know, but i need to talk to you, do you even realize what you're proposing? yes, but we have no other choice, otherwise we won't take him, and if something goes wrong, well, nothing will go wrong, georgyevich,
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we've thought everything through to the smallest detail, i assure you, there's no danger, georgyevich, we're dealing with a madman, he hasn't made a single mistake, you know, who knows how many more he'll be able to kill. so the entire operation plan must be thought out to the smallest detail, okay, wait, the accident agrees, we haven't talked to it, but i'm sure it will, you and i decided first, but thank you, you reassured me.
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kolya, i asked you not to do this business, asked like a human being, did something happen, georgievich? yes, read, i highlighted the most interesting part. according to the relatives of the murdered woman, yeah, larisa spent the last night of her life with captain nikolai dymov. i wonder to what extent corruption in law enforcement agencies can reach, if suspect number one is investigating a murder. they ordered not only to fire you, but also... anyway, kol, hand over your weapon and go home, i think everything will be sorted out soon.
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scary, yeah, masha, who
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do you think could be the father of the child, no i know, but it was because of him that she changed so much, that's for sure, when did you notice it, yes, for about six months, probably, yeah, i just... went to the hospital for 2 weeks for my female ailments, she already came to me as a stranger, yeah, and then, you know, her constant night absences, well, you can't imagine how worried i was, i was sitting at home alone, couldn't find a place for myself, well, wait, why alone, well, senya was at work, you know yourself. like taxi drivers , they have to toil, even when it gets
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hard, life goes on, everyone has their own mission, ours is to help, we are where people need care, so that they are not so scared, so that hope and love live in the heart, so that life goes on, it is so important to help someone in trouble. whose side are you on? nevsky, you and i are expected
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in serious matters, today at 20:00 on ntv.
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how could i have missed it? yes, it was i who killed them, i killed one, the second, and i would have killed another and another, yes, it was me, their fucking star. i thought smarter than everyone else, i pushed her myself, bang, purse, bang, on the floor, documents, looked at the address, why did you kill them, i am the same as them, i no worse, you see, no worse, i can't dye my hair white, you see, i have an allergy, you see, yes, my boyfriend was taken away by a blonde, these creatures
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have crippled me my whole life, and i wanted to be like them, like them, i wanted to be bright, beautiful, successful, so that everyone would turn around, you see? why did you cut their hair, i dealt with enemies, with those who, with those who ruined my life, i hated them, i hated them, these creatures , i hated them, i hated them, i hated them, i hated them, i hated them, quietly, quickly, you see she's having an attack, hello, excuse me, this is captain dymov, homicide department calling you, dictate to me, please, the work schedule of your employee, car number y347 en, yes, okay, i'm writing it down, so, monday, morning, yeah, evening shift, when, yeah, olga claims that she didn't kill larisa, well , who, if not her, you saw, she's completely
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lost her mind, captain volkov is listening, glory, it's me, i've figured out larisa's killer, come, if, so we took it, it's a girl. discos, it wasn't her, i'm telling you it wasn't her, why not she, do you remember, how lara's hair was cut, with a knife, yes, with a knife, yes, come on, i'm coming, yes, come on, come on, hi, kol, where are you going, to the police department? yes, my dear,
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i'm going to the police department, but we'll go in another car. semyon nashev, you've been arrested for the murder of larisa marusheva, that is, nonsense, nonsense. olya, the girl from the club testified that larisa often left the club by taxi, so what? in your car, well yes, that's true, i was just worried about her, so i picked her up from the club. you met on the night of the murder.
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larisa called you, we have a printout of her calls. kolya, yes, i have a call, but i didn't hear it, she left me a message, you screwed up your hair, you screwed up, you didn't know that a maniac was cutting it off with scissors at the root, tell me what happened in the park, why did you bring me here? wait a minute, we need to talk,
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this can't go on any longer, you have to move out, it's impossible, you don't understand what you're talking about, i understand everything perfectly, but understand, i can't lose mashka, i can't lose yegor. do you want me to rent you an apartment? it's too late, honey, i should have rented an apartment earlier, i went to the doctor today, i'm going to have a baby, your baby, are you crazy, listen, listen, i'll pay for everything, i'll just have to give you an injection, don't even think about it, i'm going to give birth. and i'll tell masha everything, and after that we'll get married, this is absurd, this is absurd, i won't leave the family, you have to leave, maybe you won't leave, so masha will throw you out herself, i've already studied her during this time, and...
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and then i remembered about this maniac, lariska hit her head, i decided to imagine
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this case is as if it was he who killed her, cut off her hair, tore her clothes. col, sir.
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we wish you the best morning, next in the program. we clarify the details of the emergency. we analyze controversial cases from the first program. on ntv, the program emergency in the studio valeria gavrilovskaya. our compatriots extended their vacation in turkey for 2 months, but not of their own free will, although, of course, they put a lot of effort into it. tourists for... at the airport, cheerful and brave, they argued with the police, and then accused law enforcement officers for abuse of power. this trip
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was definitely the most unforgettable for best friends svetlana and yulia. the women have worked together in sales for many years and had been saving up for a trip to antalya for a long time. there, at the airport, a border guard decided to check one of the friends more thoroughly and invited her into a separate room. the second, who initially had no questions, followed and expressed dissatisfaction with the bureaucracy and the fact that they could not see. a policeman ran up to me, took the phone, snatched the phone from me with such by force, that he tore out my nails. but the turkish adventures of the russian tourists did not end there, a few minutes later they were detained and taken to different cells, after which the interrogations were continued by another law enforcement officer. and she beat us, one by one, on the head and on the face. very severe beatings were here on the arms. here, to this day, there are traces of the handcuff. the next day, the tourists became defendants in a criminal case on the fact of ...


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