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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-7  NTV  August 16, 2024 5:30am-6:31am MSK

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kurbsky then asked you why it was necessary, but instead of answering you offered him to double the reward, and the lawyer gave in, he agreed to participate in this performance, so it was you who pushed nikolai titov to commit murder, what nonsense, if korpsky lied to kolya tyatov, then on his own initiative, but why did he need it, and why did i need it? shut up, shut up, because this is complete nonsense. i loved faith, to kill it, even if by someone else's hands i did not have, and there could be no motive. and vera vlasova is here absolutely nothing to do with it. you simply sacrificed her, playing out your combination. nikolai titov, that's who exactly you wanted to eliminate. knowing how nikolai treats his father's mistress, you deliberately came up with a situation with the will, hoping that
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nikolai, trying to save his money, would decide on illegal actions, and not having experience in such matters, would definitely get caught, you know, complete nonsense, well, think about it yourself, why would i set up the son of my best friend, well, there must be some motive, a motive, if, tell me, in purely financial interests are involved in this case, titov was the owner of large breweries in...
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reliability comes first, the conveyor, well , no joke, the enterprise produces half a million dokaliters a year, beer, soft drinks, well, and the slightest disruption in supplies, the losses are enormous, so let it be a little more expensive, but, yes, you know, not everyone thinks so, so, well, well, from this point in more detail. soon the son of the late mr. titov will take over the rights of succession, well , you know, a new broom sweeps in a new way, yes-yes, so they can change the supplier. so, nikolai, titov's son, was eager to take over his father's business and for this purpose he started a complete reorganization. he began to look for new suppliers, since alex's raw material prices were very high, but for the supplier company such things would mean complete. financial
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collapse. in this business, connections are built up over the years, and alex had practically no chance of finding a partner of titov's caliber. well, why don't you ask what your connection is? here is a copy of alex's constituent documents, sent at the request of registration chamber. 90% of the shares of the alex company belong to you. so if titov's son had carried out his transformations, you would have lost a lot of money, maybe even developed, so your motives, semenovich, are the most prosaic, and fatal love has absolutely nothing to do with it, and if i write it with my own hand, the court always takes into account active cooperation with the investigation, if, kirill,
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i pay tribute to your professionalism. you know, i have been at this job for several years now and when you spoke so pompously about your love, i began to doubt your sincerity. i asked our employees to find out about your financial activities. i really loved faith. no. why? yes, because people like you, of course, write, write, ladlin semenovich, you don't have much time, well, what, you lost the bet, maybe, write, but wait, nadezhda ivanovna, please explain to me why a little girl should suffer, why should she suffer, why should she suffer, well, maybe i didn't express myself correctly, but you yourself said that you wanted to give her to an orphanage, that you have nothing to feed her with, about oh my god, what can you not blurt out in your hearts, yes, i found a wonderful private kindergarten, there
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are good teachers, wonderful conditions, and the girls were very good there, and i am ready to transfer money there, but wait, why did you refuse at the last moment, i do not understand. don't you understand, the child needs a mother, but you are not a mother, well, i will try somehow, why do you need to leave st. petersburg, i can buy you an apartment, not a mansion, but a very decent apartment, i can get you a job, thank you very much, only we somehow ourselves, yes darling, that 's right, this peter of yours, hope, but you, you are somehow such... what, like this, what you are, like this, if you are angry with me, but if i offended you, excuse me, please, you, girl, you are getting ready to go, pass the carriage, that's it, let's go, let's go, darling, come on,
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kostya, yes, yes, of course, your ticket, here, oh, come on, guys, thank you, be careful, only the child, be careful, look, thank you. thank you, thank you very much! thank you.
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okay, wait here, yeah, okay, well what there you have, yeah, well, kuzovkov, you've jumped too much, this time you'll sit for a long time. and where did you get this? let's say it was left by his wife, so what? maybe he'll ring a murder weapon? come on, blurt it out, blurt it out, such things are never clean. so,
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comrade colonel, here's the olenichev case, as you asked, in a nutshell, remind me, what's the gist of it? well, somewhere around a year ago, the people's artist of russia, skripach nikolai sergeyevich olenichev, was stabbed to death in his apartment at the car wash , they robbed him badly, but the old man was not poor, his house was full of rarities, paintings, books unique, killed olenichev slesarev vasiliev ivan ivanovich, russian born in 1940, lived on ligovka, unmarried, no children, but vasiliev acted ineptly, left traces, therefore. quickly figured out, maybe it was a setup, well, there was such an assumption, but they did not have time to check, the scoundrel vasiliev gave up his soul to god in an accelerated manner, also killed, but no, he died of cancer, did not last until the end of the investigation, if i'm not mistaken, they did not find the stolen goods on him, no, comrade
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colonel, they did not find them, either he managed to sell them, or hid them somewhere, only jewelry he took a million dollars worth of scrapers, okay, and... this ring doesn't remind you of anything, oleg georgievich, no, i'm seeing it for the first time, what is it? some kind of costume jewelry, this is costume jewelry, by the way, it costs 3000 dollars, according to legend, it belongs to... wait, there was such a ring in the inventory of what was stolen from olenichev, and where did you find it? they confiscated it from a drug courier, the guys from
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the drug enforcement department tried hard, but according to the description, it turned out that it was related to our department. they contacted us, yeah, i see, but how did it end up with drug courier? and that's for you to figure out.
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why don't you say hello, why didn't i recognize you? hello, comrade colonel,
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hello, you're barely recognizable, lieutenant, and it suits you, thank you, comrade colonel, yeah, okay, go to work, and yes, comrade colonel, actually, of course. through what? well, everything is clear with the museum in principle. slav, don't forget to take the books to the library? i'll return them, don't worry. ah, at least we got rid of one department, there will be something to teach in front of the grandfather. great, guys. yeah, damn, royal. yeah, sit down, please. yes , i'll stand. yes, stand still. maybe some tea? can i have it with sugar or cream? and if i have both, your mug won't
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crack, great, hello everyone, great, georgievich, why are you dressed up like you're on a catwalk, you're being offensive, georgievich, i 'm taking nelka to the theater today, by the way, to see evgeny negin or ivan susanin or lennikravets, well, that's enough, we've got pipes in the trash, the homeless people are fighting over something again, let's go out. to the trash, or what, and how are you better than the others, well, georgievich, in general, of course, considering the appearance, the lieutenant parakhni, let's ask him to take the books to the library, the ladies there are too nervous, come on, fine, let him go, georgievich, we can ask for a car, i 'll overstrain myself, you're such a cheeky fellow, lieutenant, listen , that's it, let's go. nel, well, i'm not refusing,
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why are you getting worked up right away, let's postpone your anegin, but susani another time, what's the difference, we'll go to a club or a cafe, a good program, for sure, hello, hello, nelya. "hello, guys, whose horse is this, what 's the matter? and nobody's, get lost, why are you being rude,
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son, why so rude, whose horse is it, i say, no, aren't you passing out, they're telling you in russian, get lost, hey, tera, come here, there's a moose here interested in your horse." what, are you, tera, well, i, tera, what do you need. "your wife didn't recognize the finger boxes, so i'm waiting for new explanations, but what is there to explain, i'm not going to explain anything to you, you won't do anything, exactly, exactly, okay, well, as you know, i
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basically don't care who i hang a stolen ring worth 300 grand on"? how many grand? 300? as if you didn't know? you didn't know, right? and that it's going on a wet case, you didn't know either, how wet? and so wet? did they grab it from the murdered collector? didn't they find the customer? how did you turn up on me? it's just thank god! are you going to go after the customer? boss, what are you talking about? we need to figure it out? we wo n't figure it out, that's enough! well, well, where did you get this dust? why did someone here exchange it for a dose, isn't it a bit much, 300 grand for one dose, but i didn't know how much it cost, and anyway, he gave me a lot of money on bail, yeah, who is he, there's someone here with experience, nikita
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yablokov. yes, nikita, no, this is captain dymov, i'm listening, comrade colonel, yes, i'll be right there, well done, strawberries from the garden, i'm not sure, mitya, that pavel will understand you correctly, he has a woman, maybe he loves her, good for you. only he should marry marina boretskaya, then we will have a real chance to enter the holding, understand, verochka, well , such is life, money should marry money, i understand everything, but pavel may not agree,
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verochka, don't confuse pavel with tatyana, it is our daughter who does not think about where the money comes from. lives as her left leg wants, how unfair you are to the poor girl, poor girl, oh my god, this poor girl, by the way, costs me a lot of money, hi mom, hello, darling, where are you going yes. it is clear, we have not reached a consensus, your mother behaves, thank you, like a young lady from smolny, makes scandals out of any trifle and brings herself to fainting, you with her, please, be more careful, otherwise you will have to take her to a psychiatrist again, yes, i
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am already taking her, we have agreed. hmm, thank you. i talked to boretsky. in principle, he does not objects to marriage, but will not persuade his daughter. and no need, she climbed into my bed without persuasion. did you sleep with boretsky's daughter? she's attractive. i 'm damn attractive. why waste time? and i thought you? you won't soon forget that one of yours, don't remind me, it's all over there, yes, this ring is from my father's collection, yes, solomon's stone, mercury's wing, according to legend,
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the owner of this ring attracts gold to himself, mm, did his dad... value it very much because of the legend? no, the legend has nothing to do with it, he doesn't was greedy, and who was the collection bequeathed to? dad wrote a will, i was the only heir. as far as i understand, you found the person who ordered the murder? unfortunately, we haven't found him yet. it's a pity, in any case, i am very grateful to you that you continue to search, it gives me hope. will i be able to take the ring? you can, but only after the investigation, write a statement,
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take it. didn't you understand me? this is not about money, this is a memory of my father. he raised me alone, i loved him very much. lena, dmitry ivanovich, are you home? but he was with the germans just yesterday he went to kizhi. and i wonder why his mobile isn't answering. i have such good news for him. who's home? i'm alone. tanya, you were still asleep, you went to the city for a short while. pavel is in the office. in the evening, she wanted to talk to you about something, it seems, about pavel, about pavel, dina
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urbach, bought this apartment last year, lived alone, behaved quietly, the neighbors never complained, she recently did some renovations, and she's not poor, the lady lived, yura, right here with him.
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come in, did you call the police? yes, you know, i'm a neighbor, i have an apartment across the street, you see, my little charlie, well, he's a dachshund, he 's been acting up the last few days, we're walking past dinka's apartment, he kicks, rolls his eyes , drives, i don't understand anything, i ring dinka's doorbell, no one, i sniff, and there's such an unpleasant smell coming from under the door, i'm on the phone.
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well, i'm putting all this together, then suddenly i look, there's some guy on the left, all in dark, in a baseball cap, tense, well, and i'm sitting here, he spilled paint on me, well, basically, that's it, you say, she drove up to the entrance in a taxi, yes, she drove up earlier in a taxi, well, and i somehow i haven't seen it before. no, if i knew, i would of course remember the number, it was on a cherry eight, five, yeah, and if you'll be able to recognize it, well, of course i'm not sure, he
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was a bit nervous, like he spilled the paint, i was a bit nervous, but the voice, i would have recognized the voice, i remembered the voice, by one word, slavochka, well, i was listed as a "nder" in childhood, i have perfect pitch, you know how i played the harp, huh? i took up places, that's later in my life, sit, sit, i'll just be there for a minute, what's new in the case of the murdered urbach, have we found out where she came from, home at 6:00 in the morning, she arrived from the airport, was in simferopol for her cousin's wedding, yeah, well, we also found out that besides this... she has no relatives, her mother died 2 years ago, she had no father, she was never married, she had no children, the neighbors say that some men sometimes dropped by to see her, but who
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they were from is unknown. so they made three verbal portraits, yes, we have a whole board of these portraits hanging in the hallway, well, as they say, what are the rich, well, in general , there was money, she had several accounts in bank, well, somewhere around 30 thousand dollars, it turns out 2.0 dollars we found at home, so it doesn't look like a robbery, are you a major again? you're smoking up the sky, you should quit this hopeless business, i can't, i'm losing my shape, you're the cop, you run around the city all day and burn calories, and i stand at my post all day, and you don't stand, you jump, i 'll give you a jump rope for police day, you'll burn calories without leaving your place, no, i'll definitely give you a gift, a gift, we weren't particularly close anyway, and how our
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mothers... died almost one after another, so we stopped seeing each other completely, i was even surprised that she came to my wedding, well, how she behaved, she was telling me something, but we practically didn’t communicate, there was no time for that , the wedding, you understand, but to be honest, i never liked dinka, she was kind of envious from childhood, or something, i won’t say the deceased, well, all her life she was rushing from rags to princes, she was always looking for a rich husband for herself,
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dina called him dima, dima, dima, hello, hello, yes, tell me, does nikita yablokov live here, yes, he lives here, can you please come in, sons, come here, oh, when are you going to get him away from us, this is just awful, we're sick and tired of him, he brings such rabble into the apartment, it's just terrible, we'll get rid of him, grandma, we'll get rid of him, oh, he's quiet today, and davich was so rowdy. "we didn't know where to hide, here's his room, and you're armed, armed, okay,
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master, get up, guests!" hello, he's passed out, i think, listen, wow, he's cold, hello, damn it, and if you don't want to sound emotional, i was in contact with him a few days ago, yeah, so here's the conclusion on your yablokov, well what, a common overdose, of a drug, by the way, from the same batch as kuzovkov, well, the one we found the ring on, so kuzovkov didn't lie about yablokov, kuzovkov? maybe he didn't lie, that's where the apple got this ring, we'll never know, that's the problem, yes, olenichev's daughter won't see her daddy's ring for a long time, soloviev listens to antonova, like she's dead, he realized that, well,
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now she'll never see it, vera nikolaevna didn't allow herself to be woken up in the morning, she always got up herself, here at 9, 10, 11, and she still didn't it turns out that dmitry ivanovich just returned from kizhe, asked to call her, i got up, and she had already finished, a long time ago. it started after the murder of her father, yeah, and what did you think, after all, it was she who found him murdered, he was stabbed with a knife, there was blood all around, everything was turned upside down, she was registered, what are you talking about, and what report, no, i
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have no guesses. well, okay , maybe you will remember what happened in the last few days. but what is there to remember, i remember everything anyway, and there was nothing that could have shaken her so much, but the only thing that before father's departure, we had a little chat, maybe mother heard it, all about what, this unfortunate misunderstanding, father forgot to close his home safe, something was missing from it, and he decided that i was rummaging around there. and i didn't even go up to him, no, i didn't notice anything, she happily returned home, so she said: i have good news, and was your daughter spending the night at home at that moment? yes, she and pavel had breakfast, and
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then she went for a ride on her motorcycle. i didn't know that you called my wife, we found the ring stolen from her father, the wing of mercury. mercury's wing, yeah, well, is something becoming clearer, and some kind of nonsense is turning out, in general, to be honest, in a good way, i just don't understand, the maid said that she came in a good mood, and pavel is also a very strange person. so what do you have? what do we have? yes , suicide, it seems. it's none of our business. yeah. well, yes, than rich, nothing to start. what do you mean? so, i'll be a minute. where are you going? excuse me.
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tera, what are you doing here? i, i live here, and what are you doing here? how did you get here, tracked her down? dad, what's going on? hello, what?
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i live in st. petersburg, my relationship with the owners is good, i work, they pay, in general, i'm happy, everything is clear with them, as per the labor code, vacation, time off, weekends, and what are the time off for? well, sometimes here at the owner's, guests make a fuss, and i have to clean up, last weekend the owners didn't have any guests, last, last weekend, no, no, i don't know,
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groups from a tank regiment, under my command, two cities and five other settlements were liberated, for this i was awarded the star of the hero of russia, hero of russia - it's something like that, you know, cosmic, after all, this gold star is not mine personally, but the entire unit that carried out the tasks assigned to us by our command, join yours, serve under contract, you know? me, what do you need, and we need data on fama, go, you're gone, they put me to bed, foma is alone now, i don't work for pomu anymore, let him solve his own problems, that's where foma keeps the common fund, and
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how much money is there now, 20 billion, can you explain what's going on if arsenyev will find a hostel, will put mom on knives to the bandits, nevsky today 20:00 on ntv. short. and the nights do not allow you to get enough sleep, glycine plus melatonin and volar help you get enough sleep in a shorter time, a tablet under the tongue right before bed. short summer nights do not allow you to get enough sleep, try glycine plus melatonin in one double-action tablet, it removes all the worries of the day allows you to get enough sleep in a short time. glycine plus melaton (evolar). good morning, evgeniya neronskaya weather for today. in the south of the far east today. all weekend calm weather, in khabarovsk the ideal 26,
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but on monday it will start raining. yakutia has set a course for warming, even on the harsh arctic coast in tiks rare +18 and bright sun. in the south of eastern siberia it is sunny and above 30. kazil holds the title of the hottest place in the country. but the cold front is already nearby. today it will pass through tomsk and novosibirsk with rain and thunderstorms. in the urals it is also rainy and +18:20. in the volga region it is even colder. at the same time cloudy and damp, but the center is preparing for a warm weekend. in the south it is hot, sunny, the temperature is balancing around 30°. no changes in the weather are expected here yet. but a cold atmospheric front is approaching the northwest. it will be marked by rain in the evening in st. petersburg, while it is warm 26, in moscow it is still 23, no precipitation. if your joints are bothered by the change in weather, take revmoflex. it helps to reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalize. uric acid levels. revmoflex evalar - painless movement in any
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the prosecutor's office that we allegedly invited his wife to identify the ring without his knowledge, and his wife allegedly got upset and didn't wrap the candy, just like that, wait a second, the upset woman said that she returned it in a good mood, what kind of nonsense is this? tanya, where are you going, we'll meet at home, we need to go to the wake, your vip restaurant, you should also invite the gypsies, tera, kirill, what are you doing here? i thought you might need me, you have
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a car, i have a motorcycle, let's get out of here, would you? plastic, i would have blown up the freak, they all went off like to a banquet, got all dressed up, freak . well, what do you think, i'm driving, yeah, i'm a good boy, well, as you wish, you're not picking things up, listen, you're a detective, what didn't you understand the first time, i told you, you can't command me, anywhere or to anyone, but don't be angry, okay, don't be angry. "i can't stand coercion, i get it, that's why i quit drama
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school, my dad graduated, my mom wanted me to become an actress, she couldn't do it herself, she forced you to study, my mom didn't force you, it was my dad who started pressuring me from 3 years, proved all his power. but nothing came of it, i'm not pashka to peck from the palm of his hand, did you see me at the cemetery? dildu, that's pashka's father, he found a wife for him, ugly as a hundred chinese, but with some shares, now he's looking for the same asshole for me, well, he's a parent, and you care, maybe
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you'll thank him, yeah, and i thank him, it won't seem like a little, listen, is pashka arguing with his father, pashka? oh my god, i just recently heard before leaving for kizhi, they got into trouble, like pashka stole something from his father and sef, his father left in a rage, and pashka immediately went limp, only it wasn't pashka, it was me who climbed into the safe, my father didn't lock it, and i needed money, i promised one guy a loan about... because of my father, he didn't give me, there was no money there, documents and some kind of ring with a green glass bead, well, it turns out that this terra killed
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her mother, well, technically yes, having realized from her daughter's chatter that her own... husband, vera pavlovna, was somehow involved in her father's death, when her mother couldn't cope with the situation with the diagnosis, why? why did the daughter tell her mother about the ring? i think she wanted to, so that she could tell her father if the opportunity arose that it wasn't pavel, but she who was rummaging through the safe, he wanted to get his brother to pay for it, that's how it is, but it's a pity that our prosecutor's office is not a lady with a diagnosis, conclusions alone are not enough for it, so it is necessary to prove that the elder antonov ordered the deer, what nonsense, why the hell does he need this, he's great. i don't know, wait, and if we assume that antonov's business had some kind of hard turn a year ago, and he needed an urgent, large cash
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injection, it is quite possible, that's what, take care of this company, so that we know from and to, okay, yeah, i get it, let me deal with the other one, i... what we need is for her to identify the ring, otherwise we won't be able to catch this antonov and prove that she was there, so as for you, lenicheva's department, i'm suspending you, i understand, how are you suspending you, but imagine, if it becomes known about your lemur with this antonova, it will reach the authorities, what will happen, what lemur georgievich, from today you are closely involved, yes. well, what kind of story is this? and why shouldn't i fall in love with a cop? i 'll take another one and marry him. but you you give. so what? we'll have our paw in the cops. if he happens to bail us out in a family way. who's the lieutenant? well, he won't always
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be a lieutenant? not always. and the more.
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i think it's in collusion. listen, maybe you should run to volkov, find out on the spot what's going on? oh, and let kirill show dina urbykh's neighbors not only a photo of burakov, but both antonovs. what the hell is he doing? opera commissioner dymov, is that you? yes, i beg you, sit down. versailles. "miss antonova, you've been invited in connection with the murder of your grandfather, olenichev, nikolai sergeevich, but i don't know anything, no one has brought me into this matter, yeah, here's a ring from your grandfather's collection, tell me under what circumstances you gave it to yablokov,
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yes, i didn't give anything to yablokov, i'm seeing this ring for the first time, excuse me, what does that mean for the first time, you took it from your father's safe and gave it to yablokov. so what, do you want to say that i robbed my own daddy? no, no, no, well , let's say they didn't rob him, they took it for a while to help out their friend, you wouldn't i won't deny my acquaintance with yablokov, but i'm telling you, i didn't give yablokov anything, wait, the day before you told kirill parakhna, kirill parakhna? who is this? guys, what kind of amateur performance is this? and you
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haven't received any speeches for a long time, so i'll give you a show. i don't understand why tera was so happy to disown me? it looks like someone really screwed her over before coming here. it's okay, i 'll meet her, i won't meet her. you got the assignment on dina urbokh's case, so do it. we're in deep trouble, now antonova will start a circular defense that's it. and that's it. collectorchev, beloved father, mrs. antonova, can be buried, dad, i want to know how grandfather's ring ended up in your safe, so it was you who took it? well, so what? i told the police everything right away. i didn't tell the police anything. first i want
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to hear what you tell me about it, and then i'll decide for myself what and to whom to tell. i 'm waiting. you did the right thing the first time, tanya. sit down, i'll tell you everything. i bought the mercury wing a month ago in moscow at an auction, that's it, bokova was the first to identify it, well, she, uh which the dog smelled the corpse, then the granny from the first floor, she doesn't come out, she hangs out by the window all the time, and the teenagers, they all do it in bad weather.
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we got to talking, i took the phone, that's it, how long were you lovers with her, well , yes, about two months, though, a couple of weeks ago you broke up, her demands, you know, grew too much, after that you didn't meet anymore, no, where did you put the keys to the apartment, the keys, yes, i don't remember, i think you threw them away? i hope she wasn't robbed. on the fifteenth, dina urbach was found dead in her home, she was killed with a pistol shot. wait, so you
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suspect me? i didn't kill her. yeah. and what were you doing on the 12th at around 6 a.m.? the 12th, i think, was saturday. well, yeah, on the 12th, at 6 a.m. i was returning to st. petersburg to nikolaevskoe.
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no force majeure, clean reputation, no criminal connections, so, oh, it's true, a year ago they had friction with competitors, but anton was in control, yeah, they wouldn't have exposed themselves to charges for something like that, yeah, that urbach must have really annoyed them if they decided to get rid of her, something today, the lieutenant is keeping quiet about us, am i collecting thoughts, comrade colonel? and i have collected a lot, there are some things, for example, i think that the younger antonov only found out from us that dina urbykh was killed, you should have seen his reaction, so what, so what, so what, the man was simply dumbfounded, yes, well, pavel antonov is an actor by education, he could play anything for you , and why did he keep the train ticket, there is some kind of intent in this, no, in any case, antonov
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himself was not killed, you understand, they can afford it hire a killer. but for some reason they didn't contact the killer, burakov, but there is an assumption that they hired their employee burakov , the quartermaster, but the owner of this cherry five, slava is now dealing with him albi, damn, hello, hello, from the criminal investigation department, don't worry, tell me, are any of these people unfamiliar to you, here they are called viktor, this one, he came with my sister, why did he come, getting acquainted, nothing,
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a man, with a head, with hands, apparently not a beggar. i was always afraid that lenka would find some kind of slob in the city, they will take a long time have you been here? let's figure it out, well, we arrived somewhere around 11 in the evening right to the table, it was my name day, and we left on monday morning, for work, so tell me, on the night from 11 to 12 , closer to the morning, he didn't go anywhere in his car, what are you saying, he was drunk, and to get drunk behind the wheel of such an expensive car. you have to be crazy, and what kind of car does he have? a jeep, a jeep? yes, a jeep, a bmw, and on which veranda did you paint the floors? on this one, what color, brown, brown, so, everyone is free, by the way, who can remind me which one
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patronymic? urbach, i think, ivanovna, well, yes, definitely ivanovna, why? no, nothing, i'm just surprised, dina urbach, suddenly ivanovna. yes, georgievich, why did you call? listen, the colonel gives the country coal. bald man, i found dina urbach's birth certificate. in the father column it says, vasiliev ivan ivanovich. this is. olenichy's killer, yeah, wait, and urbach has no father, she was raised by a single mother, so what, they wrote it down in the certificate based on her mother's words, single people often do that, so we're starting to dance out some things, listen, petrovich didn't recognize him, neither antonov sr., nor antonov jr., slava is preparing voice recognition now, maybe something will become clear, georgievich, let's go, i
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've already ordered a car, pack it up faster, let's go! i don't get it, why did you break up? come on, let's go, i asked the maid lena to check antonov's shoes, even before slava's trip to volkhov , i felt right in my liver that this burakov was just a setup, yes, lieutenant, your liver works better than your head, okay, don't sulk, if everything works out today, i'll write you a bonus, that's good. that's nice, by the way, how come antonov didn't see the paint on the shoe? well, why not, the shoe is black, the paint is black. so you're saying that the voice on tape number four belongs to the man who, on the twelfth, at just after six in the morning, left the entrance where the murdered dina urbakh lived. no, that's right, i never mix up voices. sign it. yes, yes, i recorded it, okay.
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he's in the office, wait a second. citizen antonovana, on what occasion? on suspicion of murdering dina ivanovna urbakh. that's it. well, how are you? that's it. antonov wasn't going to frame burakov. yeah. it's just that when he took his jeep for show, he took his lada 5. so as not to be seen, and as for olenichev's murder, everything is completely silent here, antonov completely denies knowing vasiliev, let's see what this handsome guy will tell us about this, what
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is this? and this is the testimony of vasiliev's former neighbors, it turns out that dmitry antonov, in his student youth, rented a room for 2 years in a communal apartment where vasiliev lived, that's already warmer, of course, and my friend vasilva told me that it turned out...
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it became dangerous for him, he removed it, well, yes, she simply dreamed of getting the younger antonov as a groom, well, yes, what a fool of a woman, she lit a barrel of gunpowder and sat down to wait for happiness, and the elder antonov transferred the company to the children and now tera is a rich bride, well, yes, only our kirk will not be able to bear her disappointment, oh, remember a good man, he will appear, yes, it looks like milord has a new milady on the horizon, no, nelka changed her anger to mercy, well, why is he leading me to onegin, maybe to susanin, not to onegin elib studied all night, i even reread pushkin, oh, good man, so men, come out build, quickly,
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two corpses were found in the basement of a burnt-out house, a car at the entrance, forward. who to kill two visiting men who started a fire in a ufa nightclub. ilizbek khadzhaev and azikhon yunusov were not allowed into the establishment because the comrades were very drunk and behaved.


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