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tv   Segodnya  NTV  August 16, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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combined strike by artillery and drones of the ukrainian armed forces in the petrovsky district of donetsk, the galaktika shopping center caught fire. details of what happened in the report by maxim berezin. the evacuation of residents of the border areas of the kursk region continues. at the same time , thousands of volunteers have gone to help the victims, and the regions are accepting refugees and sending hundreds of tons of absolutely necessary cargo. nikita korabenkov was convinced that for russians there is no such thing as someone else's misfortune. all for her sake. a resident of the kursk region walked 60 km under shelling, to get his mother out of sudzha. stanislav kostikov will tell the story of a miraculous rescue. run, shoot, hide. in
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the most difficult situation in the serebrya forestry, the special forces akhmat successfully perform combat missions. alexey chmadorev also took part in this military anti-drone triathlon. scooters are evil in russia tightens the rules for using two-wheeled electric transport, how to achieve safety on the roads and pedestrian areas, and what rental companies are doing for this. nahid babayev delved into the topic. hello, you are welcomed by the information ntv television company service, this is the program today in the studio vladimir chernyshov. the special military operation became the main topic of today's meeting of the security council of russia, it was held in novagaryovo in the reporting format. good afternoon, dear
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colleagues, we will talk today about new technical solutions used during the special military operation, the minister of defense, andreyevich belosov is at one of the control points, he will work via videoconference. all permanent members of the security council of russia. today, the armed forces of ukraine launched a series of missile strikes on donetsk. the most powerful one hit the galaktika shopping center. at that moment, there were a lot of people there, a fire started, at least 11 people were injured, including one teenager, he is in intensive care, houses and hospitals located nearby were damaged, it is noteworthy that when the hypermarket was already burning, ukrainian drones were circling above it to complicate the rescue operation, the investigative committee classified the incident as a terrorist attack, a criminal case was opened, from the scene events, reports maxim berezina, we are standing under a tree, since there are many fvidrons in the sky, that is, it was a coordinated attack. series
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and droneskadze the ukrainian armed forces specially carried out such a combined attack, the threat of shelling continues, firefighters cannot drive up to the burning building, the galaxy is ablaze, people's screams are periodically heard from there, they continue to work with cluster munitions on petrovka, you can hear explosions, it is dangerous to approach the galaxy now, the fact is that there is a fire going on there and even an ambulance is approaching with a great, with a huge... risk to life, the exact number of casualties on the spot is unknown, the first blow to the air was delivered by artillery, shells hit the roof of the galaktika shopping center, this is the largest store in the petrovsky district, there are always a lot of people in it, the doors at the entrance caught fire, shrapnel damaged gas pipes, people standing on the street ran to hide in the entrances under the canopies of kiosks, where they were caught in the shelling, they got here now.
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an apartment on the sixth floor was directly hit by a shell. at that moment the house was a thirteen-year-old girl, when the shelling began , she hid in the doorway. all residents of the petrovsky district know that this is what you need to do during artillery attacks by the ukrainian armed forces . the attacks began on the quiet one first, i went, it turns out, to the partition, and the last attack was right in our apartment, everything fell down, the door fell on me, well, and then we went to the neighbors, there, on the fifth floor, everything fell out, on our ninth, too. on that
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side, the shelling seemed to have died down, the firefighters were allowed to get close to the galaxy, there's a car, the main flames have already been extinguished, the first to... have repelled four counterattacks by ukrainian nationalists. this was reported today by the ministry of defense. in just one day
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, the ssu lost up to 220 servicemen and 19 armored vehicles. in the areas of the ukrainian settlements of yunakovka and miropolgi, high-precision missile strikes at... destroyed three launchers of the us-made hai multiple launch rocket system, two transport and loading vehicles, two escort vehicles and additional packages of shells. these were the weapons that inflicted strikes on peaceful villages of kursk region. army aviation crews on k-52 helicopters destroyed a concentration of militants and armored vehicles in the border area of ​​kursk region with vikhr missiles. according to intelligence reports, all specified targets were successfully destroyed. our military hit a camouflaged ukrainian armed forces tank with lancet ammunition. the enemy positions were detected using aerial reconnaissance. the target coordinates were transmitted to precision projectile operators, who recorded the tank's destruction in real time. in addition, the fighters of the northern group of forces
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carried out remote mining of territories using the engineering system of agriculture. we simply arrive at the point where we are working, plus or minus about five minutes, we shoot, the machine aims itself, shoots itself, as if we are no longer taking part here, we just work from the cabin, again i will say that everything is computerized, the machine itself calculates, coordinates, points, mining of the area is carried out in areas where reserves are concentrated in the ssu, this method helps to close the passages to the militants border areas. a fire train has arrived in kursk oblast to reinforce the emergencies ministry group . evacuation is currently ongoing in the region. volunteer rescuers are helping elderly people leave their homes; they are being sent to safe areas and sanatoriums throughout russia.
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food, hygiene products, and clothing for all those in need are also being brought to kursk oblast. nikita korabenkov on the work of volunteers. i didn't expect that we would be in this, we would be in general. accommodation, tents, something like that, my son said where we would end up, it's beautiful, everything is fine, every day there are more and more temporary accommodation points for kursk refugees all over the country, one of them is in a boarding house in the village of pyshma in the sverdlovsk region, it will soon become home to galina and her eldest son, new residents are already in charge in the native hut, yesterday they called, i say, these ukrainians, they already said, we have moved in, they found out the phone number, because...
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volunteers are helping our soldiers, volunteers from all over the country are now coming to the region and bringing the military the most necessary things. mavic 3t will help us identify the enemy from a distance with a night vision device, even if the enemy moves, the night is not visible, he will be well detected by him. wounded soldiers are taken to kursk hospitals, with some of them, the acting governor of the region met personally right in the ward. thank you again, and so do i. the fighters will obviously be quickly put back on their feet, there is no shortage of medicines, they are brought here along with everything else necessary from all over the country. to date, more than 360 tons of such cargo have already been delivered, including building materials
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to restore housing and social facilities. not only individual regions are joining this work, but also parties, such as united russia volunteers of the young guard. as for our infrastructure, everyone who works. ours have already evacuated about 140 people, well, yesterday we literally
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evacuated another 20 people, we have to persuade, it does not always work, but those who want, we of course take and evacuate from the frontline from dangerous zones. among the evacuated are pregnant women - this is a category of refugees under the control of kursk ministry of health, some need prompt distribution to a suitable maternity hospital. already tomorrow, yes, we will probably go to bed tomorrow and give birth, we call each one. bars system, we find each one's phone number, find out where they are, what antenatal clinic, what antenatal clinic they contacted, if they did not contact the antenatal clinic, then we carry out a fully coordinating function, provide a green corridor, an unscheduled visit to the antenatal clinic and attachment closer to the place of stay of the pregnant woman. according to reports emercom, most of the residents of border areas have been evacuated and are in temporary accommodation points. including in the kursk region, but the evacuation is still ongoing, over the past
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24 hours alone , more than 700 people have left their homes on their own or in organized columns. nikita korabenkov, anna kiseleva, ntv. volunteers are working in the kursk region, literally risking their lives. today , sad news came that two volunteers of the people's front were killed as a result of a direct hit by a shell, a medic humanitarian mission of the youth wing nikolay kovalev and media coordinator david sokolov. thank you, the heroes of our next report are already safe, although their lives
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were also in great danger and here is ivan kovalev from kursk, he covered 60 km on foot under drone fire and exploding shells to save his mother, who did not have time to evacuate from sudzha. on the way , ivan saw a terrible picture: destroyed houses, craters from missiles, drone debris, shot-up cars. everything that happened he filmed on a phone camera. stanislav kostikov followed this heart-wrenching story. in order to hug his dearest loved one again, ivan kovalev had to walk 60 km under fire and drones hovering overhead. his mother refused to evacuate from the border town of sudzha, where fighting was going on, until the very end, she did not want to abandon her farm and her beloved cat murenka. when the woman stopped communicating, her son went to save her. the traveler, who had traveled half the world, could not even imagine that the most memorable adventure will await him on his native land.
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that this journey could be his last, ivan decided to keep a video diary, filmed everything that was happening around him on his phone camera, at first he got there by hitchhiking, but closer to sudzha there was no transport, so he overcame the most dangerous sections on foot, i got all the adrenaline, i felt, i felt better, having reached the surzhansky district, ivan saw a terrible... picture: the houses of local residents were destroyed by bombs of the ukrainian armed forces, everywhere there were craters from missile hits and debris from the deadly metal, sabotage groups are operating in the suburbs, it's a shootout, i heard them, they said, leave him, he didn't stop anymore, he ran, hoping that the house was intact and his mother was alive, lyudmila fyodorovna, meanwhile , was experiencing the shelling together with murenka, without electricity, communication and water, very close, i went, lay down on the bed, covered myself with a blanket, i thought, well, that's it, well, that's the state
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of doom, then suddenly vanya flies in, says: mom, get ready in 10 minutes, we need to get out by any means necessary, in a matter of minutes we collected essential things took the cat with them, ivan found transport for evacuation, the cabin was overcrowded, so the young man put his mother on the bus, he himself decided to get out on foot again, the return became no less dangerous, the drone just... flew right over me, it flew right over me, it flew right over me from here, i froze, i pretended that i didn’t see it, on the way ivan met a stray black dog frightened by the explosions, who was also leaving the city, together they... ran across open areas, ate muffins in during the breaks, they hid from the drones. i'm sitting in the pipe, hiding from the drones, i rested a little, because i was already very tired, the dog is still with me, these shots of ivan, more evidence of crimes in the ssu, the shot cars of civilians who were trying to leave sudzha, one after another, appear on the way. there is no key, judging
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by these...
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because just walking such a distance with breaks is normal, but constantly running, still looking around, that was difficult, well, it probably took three days for my legs to recover, yeah at first i couldn't even walk around the area in pants. ivan continued to keep his video diary, but now he shows life in the pvr, where not only his mother but also her favorite moor cat were warmly received. the family members said that after the victory they would definitely return to the small one. people's artist of russia grigory leps will donate funds from the upcoming concert to help victims of the ukrainian attacks in the kursk and belgorod regions. the beer singer announced this on social networks. my team and i made a decision, all the money we earned
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we will receive for the performance in the city of rostov-on -don. trade union, leningrad, tver, murmansk regions, st. petersburg, khabarovsk krai, well, you can't list them all. today the russian ministry of defense reported that last night air defense systems repelled a group attack on the crimean bridge. vysu carried it out with twelve american operational-tactical missiles, and in tacomas, all the missiles were destroyed. and the forces of the black sea fleet and the russian aerospace forces destroyed
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three unmanned boats of ukrainian nationalists, and damaged another one. the ministry of defense also provided data on the successes of russian forces. in the special operation zone this week, thanks to the active actions of units of the group of troops-center , the settlements of lisichnaya, ivanovka and sergeyevka in the donetsk people 's republic were liberated. in addition, the russian armed forces carried out 17 group strikes with high-precision weapons and attack drones on enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, an airfield, and places for the assembly and storage of attack drones. several american tanks with installations were destroyed in the special operation zone patriot. and hymers, in the west of the luhansk people's republic in the serebryansky forest , the soldiers of the special forces regiment akhmat are fighting. behind the dense forest, a path opens to one of the key cities of donbass, kramatorsk. russian fighters are consistently squeezing the enemy out of the strongholds of dugouts, mortarmen, drone operators are working. report
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by alekseevich botarev. although we are going to our positions by local standards. not even the front lines, we are accompanied by an experienced scout, a fighter with the call sign pirate, here any way out of dugout, a real raid, unless absolutely necessary, a pirate does not wear a helmet, so there is a greater chance of hearing an enemy drone before it sees you, it is the most difficult thing in such exits, that you have to simultaneously look under your feet. in this forest there are a lot of unexploded foreign submunitions, and you also have to look at the sky, that is , at the same time and up and down, listen again. it is desirable that etomika fell, shot down, in short, did not explode, yes, most likely a lighter, to
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the position of an eighty-two-millimeter we get to the mortar, one might say, without incident, we are surprised only by the calm of the crew, working steadily to the buzz of the drone in the distance, the fighters of this unit of the akhmat regiment are perfectly oriented by sound , when the drone is close, when it leaves and you can strike. a second and the mortar is again invisible to enemy birds, and the infantry of the armed forces of ukraine on the front line was vaccinated against the intention to advance to the russian stronghold, we constantly run and camouflage ourselves well, you start the essence, the bird finds you and kills you, you yourself are not stupid, if everything is fine with you, you can go, at this time someone is above you, he got up to the tree, basically that's it, it's easy to say, but it's hard to do if you're not used to it, without going into... panic, literally in a few minutes we find ourselves in just such a situation, when you meet a bird, there are several options, or you hide, i have nowhere to run with you,
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so we're running. our drone operators are keeping up with their opponents from the ukrainian armed forces, a volunteer with the call sign benji is assembling another deadly package, which will soon be sent to the other side by air, he's stuffing it with plastic explosives a soda can, such a greeting, if benja manages to successfully transmit it, drop it on the position, even a strong one will be taken apart for firewood. even if they hear the birds, they try to hide, there is also electronic warfare that jams the birds, this really bothers us, but we work, we still work, after this we still work, from the uav operator, walking through the serebryansky forest becomes even more uncomfortable, the drone buzzes right over your head, and yet the ukrainian operators are also working better every day, constant practice brings skills to perfection and it is not known whether it is so impenetrable.
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they are watching where the landing will be, they will give an adjustment, however, the first mine landed well, the second one has already completely destroyed the dugout of the ukrainian stronghold, in the end we had to hide again from the most dangerous inhabitant of the sky, the fpv drone kamikaze, however, most likely it was our drone, which went to finish off the enemy on the ukrainian positions battered by mortars. alexey chabatarev, pavel volosatov, ntv. serebryanskoye forestry. in the southern military district deputy minister of defense. anna tseveleva presented awards to doctors who are taking part in the special military operation. the ceremony was held at a military hospital in stavropol. the deputy minister thanked the doctors for their selfless work
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in the svo zone, where they save hundreds of lives every day. anna tsivileva also met with servicemen, their relatives, and discussed housing issues with them. she also inspected the renovated buildings of the military hospital and talked to the soldiers who are currently there for treatment. now short commercial and further in our issue: scooters are evil in russia tightens the rules for using two-wheeled electric transport, how to achieve safety on the roads and pedestrian zones, and what do rental companies do for this? nahit babayev delved into the topic. the mood is victorious, the congress of the moldovan opposition in moscow outlined the election strategy of the pobeda bloc with a single presidential candidate. from five parties, alexey prokin spoke. the time has come for alfa bank,
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cheaper policy. 9 out of ten. clients stay with us after the purchase, try it yourself, compare, osaga is cheaper. this is a program today, we continue our broadcast. the current governor of st. petersburg, alexander beglov, who decided to run for a second term, presented his election program today. it consists of ten development priorities, among which key attention is paid to the transport sector, including the opening of new metro stations, as well as in the social sphere. a separate item was the topic of the military special operation petersburg for victory. beglov, in particular, spoke about helping the participants of the svo and residents of mariupol. this city ​​in donbass is under the patronage of st. petersburg. alexey kripanov reports from the northern capital. the program for the development
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of st. petersburg for the next. years is not just a framework document, it is a comprehensive work plan for all city departments. the current mayor and candidate for governor alexander beglov named 10 priorities for the development of the northern capital. here they took into account everything from medicine, the social sphere to high technology and a comfortable urban environment. before the delegates of the united russia party conference, the mayor emphasized: it is important to build a 21st century metropolis, continue implementing major projects, primarily infrastructure ones. the first stage of construction of the shirotnaya magistral has already begun. high-speed traffic, it will relieve traffic in the south and east of st. petersburg, by 2030 a second ring road will appear around the city, and a high-speed train will connect the northern capital with moscow. travel time from st. petersburg to moscow is 2:15, to veliky novgorod - 29 minutes. on the city side, all issues have been completely resolved. freight trains will be sent around the city, intracity railways will be given over
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for passenger. electric trains, it is important to systematically update the rolling stock of public transport, the mayor emphasized, high-speed trams, electric buses and, of course, the development of the metro, in the near future , a dozen and a half new stations. mining institute, kazakovskaya, putilovskaya, bogatyrskaya, kamyanko, teatralnaya, bronevaya , zastavskaya, borovaya, karetnaya. among the priorities, the head of the city noted, is the social sphere, for example, in the next 5 years , 75 medical institutions will be built, the same number will be modernized, schools, kindergartens should appear in the districts ahead of schedule. our goal is to create the best conditions for development for the children of st. petersburg. we continue to build new schools and kindergartens. from the first.
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we often call our party's program, because it concerns every citizen, regardless of whether he works, is a pensioner, a student, or has come to the city as a tourist. the current leader and candidate for governor, alexander beglov, emphasized that the city is launching an active longevity program for older people, so called silver age. entrance to city museums will cost one. ruble, what i saw in this program, and it seems to me, one of the main points, that in the city there will not be - they are simply building, well , let's say, we call it human anthills, that is, any, any development of our city is petersburg, that is, in any area of ​​the city or microdistrict
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of the city, new or already existing, when you get there, it must be petersburg, and any social initiatives will require budgetary expenditures, therefore, the an ambitious task to double the city's income in 5 years. the governor emphasized in an exclusive interview with ntv. we plan to create 20 large industrial enterprises with about 50,000 workers of new heights of high-tech, high-paying jobs. this program gives us the opportunity to implement these plans to earn not one, but 2 trillion rubles by 2030. the party conference unanimously supported the candidate's proposal. at the same time , the delegates especially emphasized that priority areas will not necessarily be implemented in the order they are listed, the work will have to be carried out in parallel in all areas. alexey gripanov, ilya kondratev, sergey libertsev, ekaterina erokhova, irina fedoryuk and alexander zaretsky, ntv. st. petersburg. one of the major russian kick-sharing companies has introduced tests for
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the speed of cognitive reactions. well, to put it simply, before renting out an electric scooter, a person is tested to see how well and quickly he or she thinks. if the test is failed, the electric scooter will, of course, be given, but with speed limit to... a few seconds, the reason for the sudden change in mood was recorded by surveillance cameras. it turns out that i was walking, i was hit, i rode a little on a scooter, i remember, from what i clearly remember, it was a blow here, and how i was shuffled, then people
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started to gather, that's it. natalia did not feel the pain right away, only the next day, when she could not get out of bed, she had to call an ambulance, the result, an injury to the abdominal cavity, chest and hand. according to current laws, a scooter rider for causing minor or moderate harm health is threatened with a fine of one thousand to one and a half thousand for causing serious harm is already criminal liability, imprisonment for up to 2 years. currently, fines for scooter riders for violating traffic rules are minimal, but legislators have already adopted amendments in the first reading that will toughen the punishment. of the changes, i would highlight fines for violating the speed limit, fines for driving while intoxicated, as well as transporting people. the next step will be a separate register of personal mobility devices, that is, all scooters, gyro scooters, unicycles, electric bicycles, they will have to have numbers, so it will be possible to fine not only by stopping them in person,
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but also using surveillance cameras. kicksharing companies themselves, those who rent out scooters, also fine for traffic violations. according to statistics, their services were used last year... we have about the same, now they are quite high, for example, the largest fine we have is 100,000 - this is for driving while intoxicated, driving on a pedestrian crossing - 1.0 ruble for two people on a scooter - 5,000, transferring control to a child - 10,000, causing harm to health or property of third parties as a result of an accident due to the fault of the user from 30 to 150,000 rubles. this is exactly the case of natalia klimashina. in order to reduce accidents in large cities, the speed of the rental scooter is artificially reduced, in some areas it is completely prohibited
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to ride, for example, in st. petersburg, nevsky prospect and palace square have been in the red zone for more than 3 years. every day, moscow police issue several dozen violators, the city regularly conducts raids against reckless scooter riders, mostly delivery service couriers. a resident of st. petersburg , oleg sevaglo, was hit by a courier rushing to deliver dinner. the young man was riding a scooter himself, riding towards him. with his wife. oleg has a compression fracture of his left leg and a torn knee ligament. the courier called an ambulance, waited a couple of minutes and drove away. now the police are looking for him, his friends and couples are looking, but they can't find him. the courier service does not contact the investigation or us and, accordingly , simply writes off and does not provide any information. they say that we can't say for sure, we've had a lot of couriers drive through this place. oleg has been out of life for almost half a year, he can't even go to work. there 's at least one more operation and long
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, painful physical therapy ahead. in many major cities around the world, street rental of electric scooters is generally prohibited, say, in paris or barcelona. russia is following the south korean path. on the one hand , infrastructure is being created, let's take moscow for example. on the other hand, the rules are getting stricter , fines are increasing. at the moment, i i know that electric scooters can only be driven from the age of 16. with a driver. today
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, people gathered on poklonnaya gora in moscow for whom the common heroic past of the soviet peoples is not just words. moldovan oppositionists, due to oppression in their homeland, were forced to come to moscow to discuss the situation in moldova before the presidential elections and referendum on european integration. the politicians planned to participate in the election campaign in order to take a course towards improving relations with russia and other countries after their victory eurasian union. but the central election commission of moldova refused to register the victory bloc. alexey prokin talked to politicians and found out what they were going to do. now everything matters for the moldovan opposition, even the symbolism of the place, the congress of the victory bloc was decided to be held on poklonnaya gora. there was not even a second of delay. we realized that we should meet exactly.
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it depends on how you count, the current government is doing everything to be able to count in its favor. the election campaign in moldova officially starts on august 20, the elections the presidential elections will take place 2 months after its start. moldovans who live in russia will be able to vote only at the embassy. electronic registration is already underway, and
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moldovan voters from europe have been given the opportunity to send their votes by mail, which raises many questions for the opposition. in addition, it was decided to combine the presidential elections with a referendum on the european integration of the republic. the moldovan opposition is gathering in moscow for the third time, and they do not believe brussels' promises to ever take moldova under its wing, much less share the desire of the current head of the republic to strangle statehood in the arms of romania, which is now buying up moldovan infrastructure for next to nothing. the current government is not averse to selling even the only port in the republic to its neighbors, not paying attention to the loss of the russian and belarusian markets. and we understand that the evil for our country is the current government, this is president maiasandu, who has done everything to erase our historical past, to sever our real ties, ties that brought development to our land. political forces gathered under the banners of the pobeda bloc, intend to build friendly and trusting
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relations with moscow. if we take the appropriate steps towards each other, then by 2020. the exposition together with the interiors went on tour, without leaving the walls of the palace, how is it possible, andrey shamin saw, what
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tablet per day. and in abazol anxiety can and should be treated. what are the names of everyday products at low prices? products in great demand. buy on ozon. black tea bags princess nuri for 159 rubles. this is the program for today, we continue our release. you can now look at the main museum of st. petersburg, get acquainted with its exhibits without visiting the northern capital. the legendary hermitage has become digital, and even with the use of the most modern technologies. nizhny novgorod has already accepted a large-scale multimedia project, it has become the first city where the exhibition opened the magnificent hermitage. the immersion into the museum walls turned out to be so complete and realistic that even.
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an attempt to depict something the same, this is completely built in the spirit of the hermitage using the ideas of the hermitage, a new
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space that allows you to see in the hermitage what is usually not visible in it, to see, for example, only 20 of the most famous canvases in st. petersburg, you will need a day, or even more than one, in nizhny novgorod 34 minutes. here you have titian's danaë, right there is rembrant's danaë. here it is, the throne room, as if it flies at all six interiors of the hermitage are not just photographed or filmed, they are scanned. three types of scanning were used here: the same interiors, first filmed with a laser, 3d models were built, storyboards were made, and only then combined filming with panoramic cameras, quadcopters, and gyro scooters was used. you just want to grab the handle and open this door, but no, it's a screen.
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in russia, this is the first such experience, and nizhny novgorod is the only city that has welcomed the tour of such a hermitage. however, to evaluate the exhibition. today, not only nizhny novgorod residents came. this trend came from south korea in south korea there are many such shows, but little
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content. you can look at impressionists like monet, but... we do not have such a variety of sculpture paintings that are presented here, it is simply amazing. neural networks were engaged in painting here, who would have thought that a scientist rembrandt's brushes, who thought about the original, here like this, no-no, but continue his work, and also a woman holding a fruit paul gauguin, at some point will take, and will look at the bitch. polgagen did not even suspect, polgagen would be in shock, yes, when she would look at him, his. heroine, yes. today in a slight cultural shock, mikhail petrovsky. scandinsky moves, scandinsky moves. people belong to different generations, all sorts of z, yot and so on. and everyone has their own language. and so, technology allows to be, it becomes such a mediator, a translator between different people and what is eternal art. in
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nizhny novgorod, a multimedia exhibition will work for 2 months, there are plans and other cities in russia, but negotiations are currently underway on similar tours of the virtual hermitage in the united arab emirates. andrey shamin, alexander stefanyuk and sofia lesovets, ntv, nizhny novgorod. well, now it's time for a weather forecast. irina polikova is in our weather studio. irina, what kind of weather can we expect this weekend? the weather plans are very encouraging for those who like to warm up and don't mind even overheating. a new surge of heat for the central regions and for everyone further south, in the center even the nights, which are getting longer and longer in august, will stop getting longer colder and colder, on the contrary, they will start to warm up, well, and tomorrow afternoon 21:26, black earth at 30, this is only for the beginning, and already in the volga region everything will come out of the cold pause, well, on the kola peninsula the northern heat will still retreat, there will be rain in murmansk no longer +25, but 18, rain and
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a slight decrease for the northwest, and also these ... rain clouds can fly to the capital region, well, in the south only the sun , everything for a new round of heat. tomorrow the temperature is mainly from 28 to 32, then hotter in krasnodar in the future and 36 and 37, and capitals after a break. in summer weather , swelling may occur. lymph transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. take lymph transit from valar. short summer. do not allow you to get enough sleep, try glycine plus melatonin in one double-action tablet, it removes all the worries of the day allows you to get enough sleep in a short time, glycine plus melatonin evalar. short summer nights do not allow you to get enough sleep. glycine plus melatonin and volar help you get enough sleep in a shorter time. a tablet under the tongue right before bed. stagnation
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lymph can cause swelling. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling due to. acceleration of lymphatic movement. lymphatic transit evalar - summer without swelling. in st. petersburg tomorrow +23 with rain. there is a chance of rain in moscow, +25, on sunday, monday even warmer and such warm nights. this is still an average indicator. and the megapolis is a concrete jungle, an island of heat, a greedy island. at night it does not part well with the solar energy accumulated during the day. in general, in the city center at night it can be + 20. such a warm end to our. generally hot summer, well well, not bad, thank you irina polikova with the weather forecast, that's the main news at this hour, i'm vladimir chernyshov, i wish you all the best, goodbye.
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san, you're a grown man, you should understand, our mother wasn't in a sanatorium, and people have a very hard time returning to normal life after a prison colony, so we should help her now so that she doesn't do any more stupid things, in my opinion, the fact that you 're living separately is already a big stupidity, well, it's temporary, you think, i think, a month or two and we 'll live as a happy family, good if so. mom was just talking about divorce, sanya, well , she was just in the heat of the moment, okay, bye, come on, just make sure you call me, okay, okay, dad, i have money, yeah, mom gave me a little bit this morning, here's some more for you, thanks, dad, come on.
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guys, you have no other place to stand, get in the car, who are you clowns, you? help, we have orders to get you to the place, and orders, there are orders,
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i'll find you anyway, guys, funny, yeah, you fool, you just leave here feet first, "you know me, yeah, we seem to have crossed paths, that's good, these are guys mine, you know, the other day he invited one to chat, and they beat his brains out, there was no conversation, what do you need, listen, no, don't give me a drink, it was fama who used to hold the mazu for you"? and now you're on your own, i can do anything with you, no one will stand up for you. well, in short, i need some information, now you'll quickly tell me and go home, and if you resist, i
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'll personally make a fricasse out of you, and do you even know what fricasses are, and what's the difference, the word is good, okay, i need data on foma, yeah? and where is his apartment in the city that no one knows about, that's one, he must have some fake ids in his stash, well, licenses, different passports, i must know whose names they are issued under, that's two three, how is he going to leave the country when they grab him by the scruff of the neck, where are his channels on the border, on the railway? in polkovo, or will he break through by car, well , why are you staring, but i know that he personally resolved all these issues with you.


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