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tv   Glavnaya doroga  NTV  August 17, 2024 10:20am-11:01am MSK

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there will be no temperature there, and light rains will reach the east of tatarstan, well, and for everyone who is to the west, there are quite good prospects in the center, the weather without precipitation will return to the northwest, the temperature will rise to 20-25 °, south of smolensk and tula during the day 24-29. in voronezh tomorrow 31, and then 33, 34, it does not look like summer at last, in the south it does not look like, the temperature is again preparing to show a five-degree anomaly already tomorrow in some places up to 35, in st. petersburg. tomorrow 22, rain is possible again in the evening, in moscow, on sunday there is probability of short rain and during the day as much as 25-27. all about the weather. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take revmoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. in summer weather, swelling may occur. lymphatic transit helps. reduce swelling by
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accelerating the movement of lymph. take lymphatic transit from valar. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling by acceleration of lymph movement. lymphatic transit evalar - summer without swelling. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? revmoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex. movement without pain.
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how to dry a car with rice? or cat litter? this is the main road on ntv, i am andrey fedorcov, i am denis yuchenkov, hello, watch the program, unpunished nonsense, drug intoxication was established. accident are there any guilty parties? no. road to disassembly. you don't have any brakes here. bmw x3 or mercedes glk. we change the brake fluid. for your attention, a garage cocktail, the last one. cars of easy virtue. cars change owners like gloves. check, maybe.
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the police were pleased that he had owned a skyline for 5 years, passport data, address, name, everything is real, they sent me a copy of the purchase and sale agreement, i looked at it, everything was filled in there, in court it turned out that a certain remnev exchanged that very skyline for a focus of a certain rustam, six months later remnev found out that rustam had not deregistered the car and sold it to sergey rusalimov. remnev's name,
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rustam sent the purchase and sale agreement to remnev, then wrote down his details and took the document to the state inspectorate. the expert organization admitted that the handwriting was not mine, and the signature was not mine. the court recognized the document as a forgery and terminated the agreement, but sergey cannot deregister the car, there is a ban on registration. and natalia from krasnodar has the opposite, someone stole and sold the car. my boyfriend, alexander, and i came to buy a car in the city of sochi, from his friend, alexander popozyan. on the same day, they took the sales contract to gi, the car was registered. we go out the next morning, the car is gone, we call the police, write a statement about the car theft, they wrote to papazyan, he did not answer the calls. the statement about the theft was written, but a week later the car somehow changes owner under the sales contract in the name of natalia with her passport data. aleksandryan himself does not ...
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deny that he took the car, when he saw that the car was re-registered, it was i who should have written the statement, so i took it for me, sasha gave gave the keys, i took it, yes my car, any questions come. i am in sochi, since they are calling, i need to go, we are flying to sochi, but the host country changed its mind at the last moment, what do you want from me, find out where the car is, what difference does it make to you where the car is, it is not there, the police were unable to explain to us why the car was not declared wanted, we wrote a statement, yes it should be immediately put on the wanted list, no, well , now you will come, write an additional statement, my car was stolen, ours was actually stolen there, well, they could have simply put it in the wanted list somehow and... at least abandon the car. in response to our official request, the police responded that it turns out that no one stole the car. the initiation of a criminal case on the theft of a vehicle was refused due to the absence of a criminal event. at the time the citizen filed the application, the car was in the owner's possession. it turns out that natalya
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wrote a false statement about the theft, but the refusal to initiate a case does not say anything about it. it turns out that having received passport data from hacked databases, anyone can buy or sell a car on behalf of the owner handwritten. at the present moment, a ban on the alienation of his vehicle without his personal presence cannot be formally established as a pledge, you can transfer the car as collateral to a close relative, the pledgee has the right to demand the car from any owner, but in the event of his death , all heirs can claim the car, or together with the pledge it is necessary.
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escape from a water hammer, now we will give you a tsunami, wait, wait, what are you doing, have you found that line when a car can become a drowned person, oh-oh, there is water under the rug, now it remains to find out how to dry our car, it's so simple, give me your phone! look, oops, what are you doing? every year, natural disasters sink thousands of cars around the world,
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they pop up on the secondary market at attractive prices. in fact, we saw what we bought only when we parked the car on the road from which it drove off. catch a big fish, a small one, catch a big fish, a small one, what are you, yes, i'm a fisherman, well done, well, let's dry your phone, sometimes new owners have no idea about the dark and wet past of their cars. problems may surface months later, but even the most cunning reseller will not be able to hide all traces. the easiest way, yes, take a mirror, look at the seats from the bottom, how they look, yes, if the seats were in water for a long time, say, the foam rubber of these seats, which is visible,
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actually from the bottom, it will change its appearance, it will delaminate. if the phone accidentally fell into the water, if someone deliberately threw it into the water, there is a popular sign, immediately put it in rice, yeah, a car like gadget, so it all makes sense, yeah, so you 're suggesting drying it with your rice, well, you can use dry noodles, they also absorb water, are you suggesting ruining so many products? that's not good, you know what's good and what's bad, let's go, i 'll show you, that's what's good, both for the cat and for the car, and you're suggesting drying it with this, yeah,
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let's pour it into the car, and how many of these bags will you need, is that enough? the rollers, which often end up in water up to the roof, have consumable seats, in the bottom of the body. they just drill drainage holes, but even such a car has to be dried after the race, paradoxically, we first pour water on it, that is, wash it, after washing it is driven into a warm workshop to dry, after drying the car , the electronics units are checked, so as not to buy a drowned car, find out where the car is from, in russia the main risk zones are considered: the volga region and the amur region this year flooded the urals, yakutia, altai. among
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our neighbors, poland, romania and japan are most often flooded. alexander's crossover started and drove, but some body parts and the whole interior had to be thrown out. the whole car down to the iron and they let it sit, so much filler and it's not down the drain, well why down the drain, the car is a litter box, take it away, we need to absorb moisture, not add, well wait, now he'll finish cleaning it, oh my god, i've finished everything, while the cat litter will be with you with... in the car, what will you drive? well, it's good that you have friends, you don't have
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friends, will you take the metro? the metro? you don't have friends either. two weeks, you say? yes, give me the cat. but you have enough time, to find my phone, so how do you like the result? smells good, oh, there is no humidity, there never was, how could it not be, right after you and i bathed her, i... took her to a warm garage, because it had to be done right away, and there they dried her according to
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all the rules, look, they pulled out the entire interior, removed the trim, dried everything with a heat gun, checked all the contacts, the electronics and treated them with alcohol, this is the most reliable and only way to dry a car, why didn't you stop me then, i poured more than half a ton in here, someone threw out my phone here in this... now i have a new one, let me see, no, at least you have a shovel, dig, just don't sweat, your friend will help you, just don't open the door. you were not asked,
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finish, that's it, ugh, lord, oh, sago, you don't have to be flexible, unlike yours, oh, sago, bend the osago to suit yourself on arrange it for as long as you want, at least for a year, at least for a month in just 3 minutes. flexible osago, from renaissance insurance, this is no longer just osago. a dog does not dream of becoming a mukhtar. ntv announces casting for the main page role in the series about the famous mukhtar. we are waiting for the four-legged actors on august 27 at the moscow international film week. to find out more, scan the qr code or go to the website miracle. premiere. today at 20. 00 on ntv motor frame 1 34 3 =
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well, i don’t believe it, look, you need 3 = 1, quo, i believe it, three equals one in beeline, tek namon 30, accessories communication included at the price of a smartphone, excellent picture, belain is the safest operator one day, i realized that i was ready for more, so my new story began, now i know exactly where my the path, following it, i dissolve in the moment, everything is felt. exit connect welcome to the world of exit technologies, it is so pure that it is invisible, but gives incredible power, gas, ultra-clean base of rolf ultra motor oil, synthesized from gas using two innovative technologies gtl and pao, provides
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maximum engine performance. rolf ultra is a new era of motor oils. helps to combat the symptoms of varicose veins, swelling, heaviness, pain and acts on their cause at any stage. detrolex is proven experts, the choice of millions. pasha, look, what magic. yes, 35% cashback for everyone . how did you find out? the most important thing - will not pass me by. apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything important. gazprombank. well. what 's interesting there? look, dad, we 're actually studying here, we've got a good deal, you haven't seen the library yet, oh, my darling, and also movies and cartoons, dad, stop it, you have your own subscriptions, well, what's there, cool, cool and safe, restriction
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of unwanted content, educational platform, gps tracker and other services in children's subscription mix together, grew telecom. resolved issues with a difficult transaction, helped with the sale of secondary housing, here with the purchase of a new building, order a call back on samolet, 7.2, installments + 24%. smartphone xiaomi redmi note 13 with a gift for 16,499. video eldor - the main expert on technology. what is the dream car? the answer is very simple. it should have everything. style, dynamics and first -class comfort. on any road and for my whole family. cherry tigo 8 pro max. dream bigger. cherry. heaviness, pain and swelling - these may be symptoms of varicose veins. 600 helps treat varicose veins. plyubodie 600 for the freedom of your legs. formula adaptek motor oil takayama protects the engine
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instantly adapting to any mode of its operation. takayama - adaptive engine protection. represents, i have heard a lot about your exchange, tele2, but i will show you what i will get first, discounts smartphones, smart speakers tv set-top box wink, all this for a regular minute from the package, yes, subscribers have minutes, this is currency, and i told you that you can use the minutes in different ways, for which you paid, change minutes smartphones and gadgets. what is a miracle? it is something bright, unusual, joyful, there is a small miracle, and there is
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a big miracle. and we want to surprise them to show the best on new year's eve. miracle with arseny popov, premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv. unpunished dope. is there red tape that is profitable for drug addicts, yes, in volgograd a reckless driver without a license and under doping rammed an oncoming car with three children, the investigation was delayed, tomorrow a dangerous
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dope lover will be able to legally get a license to get behind the wheel to crash into someone again. his condition was really a bit insane, he drove into oncoming traffic across a solid line, couldn't brake, classic, the case materials don't say a word about the driver being under the influence of drugs, i learned this directly from inquiries, the case doesn't say a word about three children in the crossover, and natalya's husband wasn't recognized as a victim because the examination was scheduled 2 weeks later, when the bruises had gone , no one could or would punish him for the head of the family's injuries. these materials were closed in due to the expiration of the statute of limitations for administrative liability. natalya realized that the case was dragging on like chewing gum, the materials of toti.
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due to the absence of an administrative offense in his actions. natalya cheslova did not violate the rules either. for the first time, a mutual decision was made. yes, after they were told that filming would be carried out, the documents were quickly redone to show that we were not guilty of this incident. the vaz driver ended up sitting in a special detention center for 10 days after the case was reclassified and now the pilot is doped, everything is fine, they didn’t even register him, he doesn’t have a license, they can’t take it away, he doesn’t have insurance,
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you can’t collect the civil liability insurance for the repairs, only through the court, but the young man gets by with frivolous part-time jobs. by the way, a breathing tube, a snorkel, is a device for running an engine underwater. in the form of a pipe with an air intake extended to the top, it is translated from german as a breathing tube. snorkels are installed on suvs and military equipment to overcome fords. such tubes were first used in russia, but they became serially install in germany. on submarines, so that the diesel engine could work without the vessel surfacing and at the same time charge the electric motors that were used when moving deep underwater. road to dismantling! can premium german crossovers be supported, be an alternative to the new chinese? here is
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a parody of the grentvagen called glk. and bmw x3. x3 does not copy anyone. they constantly go to the dismantling for spare parts, the extremely reliable glk is competent, laconic, beautiful, well, of course, not so beautiful, i agree, denis, hello, what's your name, rashid, rashid, nice to meet you, and before we continue, the main thing is safety, mercedes glk was produced. eighth to 2015, and the second generation bmw x3 from 2010 to 2017. well, what do you think, andreevich, how much does this car cost? 3 million. i think a maximum of two.
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this car now costs 1,800. well, two for sure. two for sure. we'll find out about this at the end of the program. mercedes glk were offered with gasoline and diesel engines with a capacity of 143 to 306 horsepower. the bmw x3 also has a variety of engines, from 150 to 313 horses, the timing chain of gasoline glk stretches up to the first hundred thousand and quickly kills the teeth of the camshaft sprockets, then scuffs appear on the cylinders and pistons. expensive cab repairs are guaranteed. by the way, you are lucky that you do not have a gasoline engine, you are also lucky that you do not have a gasoline engine either. gasoline engines x3, like uglk, will easily ruin the owners, oil starvation due to high temperature and as a result. maria, what was the most expensive repair you had? well, the most expensive was
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the scheduled replacement of the damper, torsional vibrations. oh, yeah, say it again. torsional vibration damper. how much does it cost? 40,000. the most expensive repair, when tears welled up in the classes. it was a cow, it cost somewhere around 104,000 rubles. i like it, i would like it a little lower, well, sit down, enjoy the adjustments, but 6 minutes have already passed, and i'm still climbing up, it's comfortable, very comfortable, comfortable for two, for three, you zarashid, so, sorry, rashid refused, said that he doesn't ride in the back, well, mari, what's better, where to sit, there or here, well , mine is better. i know, yes, sausage test, checking the safety function of the electric window lift, come on.
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got it, got it, you see, it's tougher here, nothing would have happened to the finger, because there's still a bone inside the finger, mother-in-law asked to take spare parts with us, mother-in-law asked that we get to the sea for sure, and oil for mother-in-law too. but the spare parts didn't fit, but there's oil for mother-in-law, in reserve, and are you sure that she didn't ask for sunflower oil, well, look, everything is as you wanted, all the suitcases are spare parts with oil for mother-in-law, oh-oh-oh, but... it's falling a little,
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yes, there is, there is a feeling, here i am with you i agree, the handling is reliable, but not interesting, wow, what excellent handling, i want it to be calmer, we'll check with special rollers, which is better off-road, the permanent all-wheel drive of the mercedes, or the multi-plate clutch of the bmw. surprisingly, both cars easily rolled off the rollers even with one wheel on the asphalt, and the mercedes did it easily, and the bmw had to press the gas pedal. the mirrors are spotless, wow, and the glass is almost clean too. the thresholds are spotless,
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nothing, no, well, naturally too, the mirrors are almost clean, and the side windows, well, a little bit of snow, here's the non-cleanable... the driver's side area is much narrower than in his bmw, unfortunately, a little bit, a little bit, well, just a little bit, oh, everything, everything is dirty, now we'll do it more carefully, no matter how you look at it,
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everything will be dirty. original body parts are not cheap, but you can buy them at salvage yards. how much can you sell it for now? well, about three. how much does this car cost? 2,500. would you like to exchange your cars for new chinese cars? no way case, in which case, unfortunately, the owner of gelka will have to drive more often at the dismantling. although, would you have swapped for a bmw x3 without looking? yes, thank you very much, we were glad to talk, madam, well, about cars, you are not obliged to be flexible, unlike yours, bend to yourself on issue it
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for as long as you want, at least for a year, at least for ... kulez is it true or not, what does science know, phyllo dough, how to find the best, the thinnest dough that i have seen in my life, it shines through us, and also what is dangerous about homemade sausage, the further this process continues, the more and can be the impact on the brain. live food with sergey molodemov, today at 11:00 on ntv.
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beyond, new season. monday at 16:45 on ntv. it is so pure that it is invisible, but gives incredible power. gas. ultra-pure base of motor oil rolf ultra. synthesized from gas using two innovative technologies gtl and pao provides maximum engine performance. rolf ultra - a new era of motor oils. well, what's interesting there? look, dad, we are actually studying here. we have settled in well. you haven't seen the library yet? oh, my favorite. and also movies and cartoons. dad, stop it, you have your own lists, well, what's there? cool, cool and safe, restriction of unwanted content, educational platform, gps tracker and other services from children's subscription mix together, from rostelecom,
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pash, look what magic, yes, 35% cashback for everyone, as you found out, the most important thing won't work for them, apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything most important, a large sofa in a large new apartment, helped to buy it, and sold the old one profitably and helped reduce mortgage rate, order a call back on samolet, favorite brands on wildberries, lots, lots, lots of bed linen at low, low, very low prices, home is where you are and golлtex, take a look at sile with honors, this is the ecology of the city, this is an investment in health on...
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you, choose ecogas, refuel at be practical beneficial for nature and for gazprom stations, what is the dream car, the answer is very simple: it should have everything, style, dynamics and first-class comfort on any road and for my whole family. cherry tigo 8 pro max. dream bigger. cherry. on august 18, we are guaranteed to raffle off a super prize of 100 million. time to buy leon dreams. tele 2 presents. i've heard a lot about your exchange. tele-2. well, i'll show you what i 'll get first, discounts on smartphones, smart speakers and a wing tv set-top box. all this for a regular minute from the package? yes, for subscribers , minutes are currency. and i told you that you can use minutes in different ways. for
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which you paid. exchange minutes for smartphones and gadgets. what should a bank be like? a strong country. it should support culture. build a sports future and be in sports, help stretch to the stars. and be there in any, even the most remote point. psb is a bank of a strong country. oil rol fultra, created by innovative technologies gta lipao provides maximum engine performance. rolf ultra is a new eroto.
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that this is a completely different director, one day, it seems to me, the very time has come when a person should be happy in his family, because to hope for something else that passes you by, in no case you can't. today at 14:05 on ntv. we change the brake fluid, for your attention, a garage cocktail, the last one, about this right now, cottony brakes, no brakes, no brakes,
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something brakes poorly, it would be good to check, the car stopped stopping. every 40,000 km, if this is not done, it will boil or corrode the brake hoses, the result is the same in any case. lovers of emergency rooms may not protect their hands. it is toxic. first, let's pump out the fluid from the tank. you can use a syringe or a bulb. the old fluid is dark in color, fresh, golden and transparent. the most common types are dot-3 and dot-4. to the untrained eye, they look similar. here 's a garage cocktail, the last one, if you add
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the wrong type of fluid, the effect will be immediate, you'll have to flush the entire system. you need to use only one, the one specified in the instructions for your car. pour it in, don't spare it, if you don't mind the body, or you like to wash the engine. if you pour in more than the norm, the fluid will heat up on the road and will definitely leak out. you can start bleeding from any wheel, if you like break everything. i'll start with the right rear one to drain the old brake fluid, remember the laws of hydraulics and the great pascal: the new fluid will displace the old one, and at the same time the remaining air, only under pressure you will have to work with your feet. let's start bleeding, you won't be able to cope without an assistant. you need to start with the wheel farthest from the tank. open the nipple near the brake caliper, through which the old fluid will flow out. you don't need to start the engine. pump, i'm holding it,
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it's gone, one wouldn't have managed, if you want to miss the moment, drain it into an opaque jar, don't you will see when new fluid starts to flow, while you are pumping, watch the fluid level in the tank, if it drops below the minimum, the system will get into the air and the pedal will fail when braking, that's all, do it well, it will turn out badly on its own. in the next program: can a wife issue a license for an atv? about this in the next program, catching up, catching up, going around, going around you on the left, on the left, going around, come on!
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good morning, to everyone who is now having breakfast, just getting ready or already in the process of digestion. my name is sergey malozyomov, i reporter, a doctor by education, together with the best experts from around the world, looking for a way. how to make healthy tasty, here's what will happen today: the ancient elixir of the nomads, kumiss, well, so powerful, what is kumiss therapy used to treat, did it help anton chekhov? greek subtleties, what is the beauty of weightless phyllo dough? how much you stretch it, that's how long it will stretch. and is it good what they sell in our stores? we checked it in an unconventional way, homemade sausage poisons and even
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kills, a person actually suffocates, stands whether to do it with your own hands, and it is dangerous to even look at unhealthy food, products that prevent sleep are named , save from cancer, the latest news from the world of food science, and as always at the end of the program , the recipe of the week, something beautiful and original, which you will see very soon. the horse is an amazing, beautiful animal, which has recently expanded our range of fermented milk drinks. perhaps you have seen kumiss in the supermarket, this is a very specific thing, about which it fans believe that it has special healing powers and


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