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tv   Sekret na million  NTV  August 17, 2024 9:50pm-11:56pm MSK

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what a tragedy confined her to bed, i couldn't turn over in bed for months and deprived her of the joy of motherhood, i was in shock, of course, she says, what are you worried about, others only dream, you don't need to have abortions, look right now, lena, i'm incredibly happy to see you, mutually, mutually, you look great, well, take the player's chair, right? let me show you the topics we have prepared for you, so competitor, fatal diagnosis, love from the highway, lost shape, like a daughter, sex symbol, very i don't like it. press the button and the computer
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will select a topic, okay, let's go, here's the very topic that, as i understand it, you didn't want, well, what happened was, elena, well, in the soviet years you were considered a sex symbol, there 's no getting away from it, but was it really that unpleasant for you, i just don't like the technical name, like that, and so, well, i was pretty, young, so what? it will be much nicer, how old were you when you played your first role in the film doesn't diathlo have a headache? i was 14, and the film the first one came out, diathla doesn't have a headache 50 years ago, i have an anniversary, i congratulate you on this, yes, i absolutely never dreamed of cinema or anything, just my husband, a director, he is
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also an industrial scheduler, like my parents, yeah, and nikolai came with dinara to our house, i come home from school, my father smiles so sarcastically and says: well, let's go, there is interesting news here now, and dinara says, i'm launching my first film, diathla doesn't have a headache, she says, do you want to try acting, i say, and what's interesting, did it come easy to you filming, i had the only problem, i grew up among boys, i didn't know how to cry. and i had a scene where i needed a tear to appear in my eyes, and how did they bring you to it? oh, what they didn't do to me, they smoked me with cigarette smoke, they did something else, i just couldn't do it, i had to run out from around the corner, run up, squat down, take my - a stone from the hero with tears in his eyes, i'm standing there, the second director comes up, stands next to me and i think, now he's going to... give me a slap in the face to offend me, they shout
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motor, he slaps me, i find it funny, in general, barely, yes, barely i squeezed out some little tear , we stopped there, you are the woman who knocked all the men down, even in the episodes, after the musketeers, half the men were in love with constance. and half with katie, let's see, i prayed so much, i dreamed about this so much, and you didn't even recognize me, oh my god, melady's maid, katie, savior, i finally found you, lena, how pretty, no, just lovely, i can't take my eyes off you, how are you, by the way, i worked together with boyarsky, i had a very small role, i had practically two...
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scenes, there were only three scenes, well, mikhail is a wonderful partner, he is a wonderful actor, i went to the theater, i saw him on stage, but there was a difficulty during filming, he stepped on my skirt, and i had a very complexly composed costume, there were two dresses and a skirt at the bottom, and the top one came off, then i was very upset, because it was the first such characteristic one with humor, i...
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watched 17 million viewers, gave you both the love of the public and the recognition of world critics and good friends, one of them is alexander pankratov black, you have been with him more than once. reveal the secret, what life-threatening object almost destroyed your strong friendship with the people's artist, he is in a black box, some kind of razor, what, i starred in sasha's... in the first film in the episode where i shaved my head, he simply persuaded me to shave for a long time. it turned out that after the school waltz he offered me another, lonely, pregnant, young girl, i think, i don't need this, i refused, but we became friends, and
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then the actress played a minor role and had to shave her head, the point is that she said: i want to be loved not for my appearance, but for my soul. and shaves her head and walks around the dorm rooms, but she got married by the time of filming, when she had to shave, and her husband forbade it, sasha calls me, already at night, says: lena, save me, let's put on a wig - shaved, well, it's a pity, an interesting story, a girl who positions herself like this, yeah, i'm coming, i have such hair longer than yours, let's dress like this wig, i remember your hair is long, it's bad, i say, you need to shave. because it's badly visible, that there's hair there and so on, he says: you need to shave, i say, i can't , i have a graduation year, i'm rehearsing ophelie, he says: so what will happen to a shaved ophelie? anyway, we walked around the studio, came to the buffet, nikita mikhalkov was there, he says: why don't you shave, it was a pity to part, no, i'm a hooligan, a hooligan, yes, and i liked
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it, lena, i accept your answer, let's continue our conversation with your friend, with the people's artist of russia, alexander pankratov, black, came to see you...
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sasha, this actress has a great future, but unfortunately, dinara said, she is very kind and trusting, this will be used and she will be upset, it happened, by the way, who upset, i will not name, now one of the underworld, now a famous person, so i do not want to name. sasha, i know that you very often add to all sorts of stories, so you are more careful, and how was it for you to work on the set of we are from jazz? we are from jazz, well, great, yes, there was a generally wonderful atmosphere, great, but you know, there i paid little attention
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i paid attention not only to lena, but to the whole group in general, i paid attention only to my shortcomings, because i had to, well, because i had to play a musician, dance, play the banjo, then the trumpet, but i had no ear for music, no rhythm, nothing, i had to learn it, i had my first micro-heart attack on my jazz, yes, that's why i was only concerned with myself, i didn't pay attention to anyone, well, okay, we had good scenes with you, that's it, but out of grief, out of grief, of course, i relaxed, that's it, but koren even jerked his head like that the set, because i didn't know if i would get into the soundtrack or not? very clearly, how was it given? well, we rehearsed, we worked for almost 2 months before filming. yes, did you suspect that the film would be a resounding success? well, there was a feeling that it would really be liked, why? this is the first film from jazz, but the most amazing thing, in my opinion, is that 100-odd countries
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bought this film, the film received an award for the centenary of jazz, it was. what impressed me then in mologascar personally amazed me the marble palaces of the rich people and next to it some kind of cardboard housing like a dog kennel, where a poor family lives, at this stone market lenochka and i took us, he was a very nice person, an embassy employee, he took us, where they sell precious stones in madagascar, well yes, and we were surprised that ... velvet, on the velvet emeralds, rubies, and the seller, and
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the seller sits in torn pants, we flew in at night and went swimming in the ocean so that we could see something, the car stopped with its headlights on the ocean, we swam, the next morning we came to ours, he says, well, you didn't do that in vain, he says, we don't have sharks, it worked out, what did they spend their travel expenses on back then, remember? i think i brought some butterfly from there, when i was in india, i was bringing tea, well, naturally, and i sometimes brought dishes from somewhere, because we didn't have such, some kind of luxury, well, of course, then after this film karen shakhnazarov received an award. experienced what
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popularity is, in america in los angeles we are walking down the street with lev durov, a taxi driver stops, a black man, opens the window and shouts, alexander, blake, blake, durov says, i people's artist of the soviet union, not a single dog in america recognizes me, and what about you , what about one role? even taxi drivers recognize me on the street, well, because many countries bought it, bought this film, and lena, my god, they recognized lena and afterwards the diathla doesn't have a headache, alexander vasilyevich, so, what is the object in the black box, well, a razor, well, of course, i said the same thing, because here is a razor, i say, you revealed your secret and the money in your bank, yes, a razor. let's see what good purposes you spent your earnings on
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money other guests of our program? this three-room apartment in the south of moscow, not far from the oncology center, has become a saving island for a dozen families who come here to treat their children for cancer. well, this is where we live, but you can't go into this room yet, here is a girl after a bone marrow transplant . they have a completely different pin. sixteen-year-old sasha baibara came to moscow for a routine checkup. two years ago, he jumped down the stairs and broke his leg. when the cast was removed, it turned out that there was practically nothing left of the bone. they did a ct scan, showed me the picture, i saw that there was, well, the size of a chicken skin, there was a bone left, on which it was held. i immediately understood that it was a tumor, i didn’t show it on purpose, so as not to upset mom and dad. it turned out that sasha had stage four osteosarcoma, a malignant bone tumor,
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the boy underwent six blocks of chemotherapy , an operation during which sasha was given an endoprosthesis, since then the disease has receded, but it needs to be monitored, and the leg needs to be developed, we straighten it, like this, we unscrew it like this, in the next room, at the same time, five-year-old artemy is enthusiastically drawing, he came to moscow with his mother and sister for a couple of days to make sure that everything was fine with his... health, at the age of one and a half he was diagnosed with a tumor in the bladder, after nine courses of chemotherapy and 28 courses of radiation, it was possible to defeat it, but once every six months the boy must undergo an examination in the capital, here we sleep, well, accordingly, the closets, here our things are stored while we are here, and there are always attributes in each room - this is... another apartment, where they also live families who are fighting for the lives of their children
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are in the neighboring house, for a comfortable life, there is everything here too, cozy bedrooms, a kitchen with a stove, a washing machine, a tv and even a jacuzzi, jacuzzi, where the kids can swim, each of these apartments is provided to families by a charitable foundation, the parents do not have the means to rent housing in moscow for the entire period of treatment, we came here at ...
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here i was teaching and i go out, and the car once again does not start, and i went out at the end, yeah, and i do not understand why i do not have the battery starts because it 's going down, i went outside, raised my hand trying to stop a taxi, and not a single car stops, i prayed, i said, lord, let at least someone stop, a car stops and says, where should i take you? and i tell him the address, he says: are you lena, he says, are you tseplakova? i say, yes, i recognized you, i recognized you, yes, and i say, and you, he says, and i'm pavel, i was born on peter and paul, so, he says, what's the problem, i say, my car won't start, the battery is dead, i say, and what are you you are studying, and he says, and i am dismantling batteries, i give him money, yes, i give him
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money for this new battery, i go, study with students, he meets me, brings me home with a new battery, puts it in my car, comes up to me to have some tea, my mother was visiting, that's how we met pasha, how did your relationship develop further, we became friends, because pasha lived on our street, a few houses away, he sometimes had time in the car to help me go somewhere, i at that at the time i was conducting spiritual concerts, i went with girls, you liked him right away, he liked me, but one day he said: "lena, why do you treat me so distantly, as if i really like you, i say: pasha, you see, and i saw his passport, and there was a marriage stamp, and i divorced my previous husband, i was
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in such a mood, i was almost going to give a celibacy dinner, i think..." well, i'm many years old, i'm 46 years old, i don't have children, i think that i, why do i need all this, as if i saw his passport, he says: well, i like you, and i say, you see, pasha, for me married men don't exist, only brothers, so he says, yes , i got divorced a long time ago, he says, i just don't have a stamp, that changes things, that changed things, yes, we communicated a little. but i told him, you see, pasha, i made a vow to god that if i have any kind of relationship with a man, then only after the wedding, and he, he agreed, moreover, i invited him to live with me, because he lived with his ex-mother-in-law in the same apartment, so he came to me, but we are like brother and sister, before, like, really, at 46, like
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brother and sister, before marriage, well, i'm stubborn, you know, seriously, right? well, from the time we met on the road to the marriage, how much time passed? half a year, maybe even a little more, i don't remember exactly, well, that is, during those six months you somehow, well, at least went to the movies, were there any dates or not, just friendship, yes, we were friends, he just helped us, girls came, we performed, i hosted spiritual concerts, everything was serious, so attention. question: yes, during your school years in you, a slender brunette with radiant eyes and a piquant mole above her lip, all the boys were in love, but you did not pay attention to the courtship of your peers, you held on like an impregnable rock only once agreed to go on a date with tolya from 8b.
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remember tolya, well, a date, no, well , it's just some kind of. walks, and he, even after 40 years, cannot forget a minute of shame during your rendezvous, reveal the secret, what are you talking about, and i don't remember, a minute of shame, well for him it is yes, i think that probably, maybe, he thought it was a date, maybe, yes, and i just and you didn't think, and i generally have a lot of friends, boys, i always have, i even have a clique. there was tamantsipa, i think, he, there was no money for anything, for some ice cream or something else, i accept your answer. do men often do some beautiful, maybe crazy things for you? i once had one crazy pass, very funny, i like this, i
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lived in the dormitory of the maly theater, i was already working there, we had four rooms, in each lived and i already, and i had a room with a balcony, it's the fourth floor, the last one in the house, there was no roof over the balcony, i come from filming, i go into the room. and we don't lock anything, but that's it, i had an open window, suddenly from this window such a male voice, lena, hello, i look, there's such a face, i say, who are you? and he says: i'm your fan, i say, how did you get there? it turns out he bought a children's hammock, hooked it onto some. antenna on the roof, climbed down it to my balcony and waited for me, wow, i went, good, the neighbors were there, i say, volodka, at i have a guy on the balcony, he came in, says, so
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who are you, come on, so they opened the door and showed him out, it turns out he is a builder, from somewhere in siberia, let's invite your husband to our studio, pavel shchebakov, he is our guest, pavel, hello! we already saw each other today, yes, at breakfast pavel, sit down, remember that moment when lena was standing on the road, waving her hand, and we left, it turned out like, a day off, as it turns out, i had nothing to do, i was sitting at home, i thought, well, i'll go, i wanted to, i was thinking, to go to rizhsky the station there, well, friday to visit my dad there, well, well, you're still... i went there, stood in the car for a bit, i thought, well, okay, i'll go, something struck me, i have to go, i'm driving , there are 5-6 cars in front of me, i see women standing, no one stops with their hand outstretched, i drive up, take a closer look,
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tsyplakova, damn, well, we fell in love with her at first sight and how, well, we're adults, well, you understand, we still somehow understand what's what, well, pavel, and it was a bit scary, yes, we have to make an impression, somehow it was? you know, i think that there should be some kind of internal feeling, like responsibility, mutual understanding, once again , like you understand, we are adults, i think, the children joked, laughed somehow, here it’s all the same, and i always judge by deeds, pavel, and how did you propose to lena, here we took vitali kalavich to reutov, we can’t get far, i realized that it’s already necessary to ask to understand that i just move on to actions, move on to actions, yes right in car, lenya says len, marry me . and lena, what well lena so, she agreed to nod, i think, she didn’t say that, but she nodded, as i understood, that she agreed, as if, i never, to be honest, never in my life thought that i
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would be able to have such a life to get involved with an artistic family, well, i wasn’t close, there were many great acquaintances of all sorts, but it was precisely that so closely with well, with this with the film environment pavel, and what were you by profession then, i then, as if to say, as with us here to do, which spare parts, well these here? we went to the film festival to the moscow film festival were late in short and then he shoots for some magazine came out we are there slenny standing this is at work people say to me with nothing pal nikolaevich says says well yes well then somewhere else we will work a little because i understood that the work is already starting, ulina, no, well, filming, a month there, 3 months there, something else somewhere, i say, we will not see each other, so i say, let's and what
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decision did you make, he left work, for everyone projects, he is with me, he is either my driver or administrator, well, in general, he is always with me in the group, and it turns out that lena pays you a salary or what, no, no, no, the producers pay us, both me and them, the producers pay you, yes, and you together with... how long has it been 19 19 years already , yes, we will take a break from independence , we will continue in a couple of minutes, hello rimce , today's festival day we dedicated to real legends of the stage.
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saturday. at 19:00 on ntv. this is a secret million, elena tsyplakova openly tells how she met her love. tell me, how. with the artist, i understand that you have to be a shoulder, well, how to say, well half the second, yes half, well, how are we one whole, only one half this and the other cannot be separated, well, at first there were some adjustments of difficulty or we didn’t have any special ones, you just understand that i have an absolutely irregular life, well, yes, and pasha, of course, after the job that he had, it was just quite stable. you understand, yes, and we have a 12-hour workday, 6 days a week, and not only that, expeditions, trips, everything else, the rest is preparation, he was surprised, he was tense, but he i had to take on a lot of housework, sometimes it’s just, well, it’s great that
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pasha cooks wonderfully, i do too, but the main thing is that he likes to do it, it happens that you quarrel over something, well, we didn’t have such quarrels in principle, no, we were... there sometimes he can just grumble for fun there, because i’m there, i say, we need to take out the trash there or something else, he says, i’m the main one for trash there and so on, well, such at the level of jokes more than any other, but no, no, we really love guests, we always have open doors, the most a good great holiday in our family, i think, birthday, well i love when friends get together, without which you can't have a birthday, without all sorts of delicious things, well , there is some kind of signature dish, yes, cutlets in sour cream sauce are delicious little yeah, well , different salads, i really like to cook vegetables, pashka cooks meat and fish wonderfully, he is a fisherman, wow, we go to the village, when
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we have fishing all the time, and where do you vacation, by the way, here we have a house in the novgorod region, the village of klychkova, i tell everyone, beloved abroad, it's like a dacha, yes it turns out. from there there was an old house still at my grandfather's, i spent all my childhood all the holidays there, on the river bank, everything is forest nearby, wonderful, we then built our own house, a new bathhouse, all this on the river bank, wonderful, we go there when there is an opportunity, well, let's find out the correct answer, lena, from your classmate anatoly, attention to the screen, the artist anatoly kudryavtsev will forever remember his first muse, elena. tseplakova, his classmate was the most beautiful girl in school and once agreed to go to the cinema with him, but the date turned into a moment of shame. i invited lena tseplakova to the cinema to see a film marked 16+. despite the fact that we were
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equals, lena looked a little older, so she was allowed into the session, but i was not, but lena was not at all embarrassed, she went to the movie in the hill. alone, i could only watch her enter the bright hall. elena, you did not reveal your secret, the money remains in our bank, and this is your classmate, yes, who was not allowed into cinema, you were let in. pavel, thank you very much for coming to us, we are seeing you off, all the best, have you ever been dumped, men, yes, and you know, many men, they don’t think about children and so on, and i had an operation very early, at an early age, after which i can’t give birth, and this was also, in general, one of the reasons when such a situation developed for me, but what saves me is that i
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always seem to perceive what is happening, i understand, you know, ler, when you understand why a person acts this way, it’s easier to forgive, that is, they forgave them, yes, of course. let's see who the other heroes of our program helped. actor sergei prokhanov decided to help a private orphanage in the moscow region with his winnings of 2,000 rubles. this is not the first time the people's artist has been within the walls of this castle, before that he performed here with a play. well , hello, hello. social orphans live in the orphanage, children who were left alone with living parents. but my parents drink. often on the news constantly nastya, 17 , was taken to the orphanage when her mother went away to earn money left her daughter with a drinking stepfather, the girl wandered around the city at night, just to avoid returning home, the guardianship of the juvenile affairs department came
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and said something like, you are an unlawful representative, because my mother was already working in a warehouse, my father is a nobody according to the documents, i have a very... in the shelter with the same girls, this is my bed, she, like all the pupils, always has hot food, clean clothes, all these are gifts from benefactors, and so that the children live?
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in fact, but i understand perfectly well that she is very kind, yulechka helps me a lot, an adult, and somehow impose yourself as a mother or some other relationship, they are simply not needed, we are adults, she is a very serious girl, she is an auditor, very serious, so she really helps me out, because let 's get to know her, let's, yulia, hello, hello, glad to see you, sit down, yulechka saves us , because we are leaving, sometimes we are in st. petersburg, sometimes somewhere else, and i have a sea of ​​flowers at home, watering them, yes, of course, yul, remember, here is the first meeting with elena, yes, of course, i remember, and it is enough exciting, joyful, well did you know that she was a star? screen, well of course, no, of course, i was aware, but i can’t say that i just
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watched the entire filmography, famous things, you understand, i saw, that is, of course, you watched, but not everything. and how old were you when your dad started dating elena? so, this is 2005, so 21, yes, but were basically already an adult girl, well, that is , not a child, not a child, no, that is, there was no jealousy towards dad anymore. there was no jealousy, because i was glad that dad met lena, he settled in, settled in, well done, and how dad changed with the appearance of lena, became calmer, more joyful, in love, i haven't seen him in love for a long time, at that moment when he came and said: "i met you", there was just such, such joy in the person, well , that is, joy appeared in life, you visit dad and elena, yes, of course, constantly, as soon as there is ... she is not visiting, she comes home to us, yes, these are not
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guests, these are not guests, this is home, yes, a second home, weekends to have breakfast, dinner, everything, that there is this family tradition, definitely, yul, together with lena you can go somewhere to the cinema, well we walk periodically we walk, we walk, if only we sometimes have moments we can go shopping, this is this is this we can do this pasha takes us out, and we help, and we go, yes we have such a prerogative. for shopping, what was the last thing you bought? oh, the last thing we had - summer, summer, yes, yes, yes, ah, we even put on, i think, the same, that is, we even, even chose, that is, the taste matched, and i i try on a dress, a really beautiful dark emerald color, as far as i remember, and we just tried it on right away, we both tried it on, i also take her to my little shop, which i really like, yes, so who dresses there, yes, so in this sense our tastes coincide, especially. now with age , like, and you give each other gifts
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, you say what you need or is it all a surprise, i usually, as i have such a practice , i notice, that is, i look, for example , i liked it there, roughly speaking, this one dishes yes, that's it, that's it, you can present this, that's it, you catch it, you catch it, i'll look at her dresses , something like that, sometimes i'll give her some jewelry yulia, what do you do, finances , that's it, the topic is husband, children, well, i'm not married, but i have a person, and i don't have children yet, but i think the best ones will be grandparents, of course, i have no doubt about that in terms of lena and... dads, that's right, that's for sure, yes , they don't demand it yet, come on, come on, periodically they ask me such questions, we asked questions, but yulka pushed us away, so we waited silently, yulya, okay, thank you very much, it was nice to meet you, we're seeing you off, so, attention, question, yes,
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when you were filming the movie school waltz, you were only 19, then you hadn't thought about children yet, but you played the role of a mother brilliantly. your heroine wasn't afraid of talk behind her back and gave birth for herself. in one of the scenes , she accepts gifts for her newborn son. reveal the secret, what is the first transport of your movie son to this day is stored in the props department of the gorky film studio? i remember there was some kind of difficult situation, that is, my heroine's reaction , that i was very surprised. a gift, i'll try to remember now, let's go, some kind of toy, but obviously large in size, well, that is, for a small child, who is still very tiny, a horse, i remember that there was some kind
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of absurdity, a gift and a very small child, i had a funny situation, i fell asleep in... it was so difficult studying, filming, we have a scene where i sleep over a child's crib, and you just fell asleep, i fell asleep in the frame, i woke up when they slammed stop, they said, yes, so, your answer, a toy, well, such a horse, which is a swing or on wheels, well, i don’t remember, or on wheels, a rocking chair, a horse, well , something like that, right? i accept your answer. after such revelations, we need a break. what dog doesn’t dream of becoming mukhtar. ntv announces a casting
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this is a secret million and today the actress, people's artist elena tsyplakova talks about the most personal. in the movies, you often got the roles of mothers. yes. in life, it didn't work out. yes. is this a tragedy for you? it was, it was a serious tragedy when i found out about it, because i had an operation. after the trip. the rest, they took me to botkin and there i started having myocorditis, my heart, everything was discovered that it was malerin, i was
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almost green, because the malarial plasmodium multiplies in blood cells, the doctors told me so, we haven't tried it on anyone yet, lena, call me if anything, they gave me these pills, so i took two pills in one day, i just grabbed the iron bed, because everything was itching, that's it just, well, that's it... and i was cured, everything is fine, but i had a and because of this it flew, i had bleeding, they decided that i had an attentive one, which i did not have, and they plowed me open, wrong, then the doctor, when she discharged me, she says, you will not have children, i was in shock, of course, she says, what are you worried about, others only dream, you should not have abortions, of course it was a tragedy for me, but you know, what calmed me down, in the bible there is a wonderful phrase, he who does not have children, more, and how could doctors confuse ectopic, or is it maleria, well no, it
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was after maleria, the bleeding was just a side effect, len, and to operate there, i mean they removed everything, not everything, but i don’t have children, so i work a lot, i have time, and do you think that this len was a mistake of the doctors or what, i think so, because she was hiding from me, another doctor put me on my feet, that’s how it is, so when i woke up, i said, well, what, what did you do there, i had such a strange feeling, she looked at me like that, that’s it, and another doctor put me on legs, when i was discharged she told me that i couldn't have children, len, they wanted to call the doctors to account, no, why, what's the point, will this change anything, and how old were you then? 27 and i haven't had a single abortion, but maybe it was possible somehow, i didn't do ivf or anything.
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as if it wasn't mine, no, it wasn't in my interests, we didn't consider adoption for ourselves, lera, i work so much and travel so much, it's a huge responsibility, and then pasha has a daughter, my previous husband also had a daughter, and a son with first husband, why didn't it work out, we got divorced very quickly, how long did you live together, we lived for six months, of course, a student romance, it was stupid, yeah, well, let's find out, lena, the correct answer, watch the screen. in this scene of the school waltz, elena tsyplakova's heroine accepts gifts for her newborn son. the young mother is congratulated by her friend slava. this role in the film was played by actor sergei bachursky. then someone brought rattles for the baby. well, someone brought
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a horse like this. they called me, they told me, a huge number of women did not have abortions, having watched this film, did not, let me show you how other guests of our program spent their winnings, for the lives of their babies, twins, leonid and luka, their mother antonina ignatyeva has been fighting since their birth, the boys were born in the sixth month, weighing only 640 and 700 g with a whole load
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of diseases, they have many diagnoses, we have pro... antonina cannot do without the help of the fund, with two children she lives on 36 thousand rubles a month from maternity capital, the mother does not have her own home, her brother took her and the children in, and the twins' father abandoned antonina when she was pregnant and went to the hospital, i was left alone, i had thoughts about where i would live, well, another thing was that how i... would raise these two children was hard. the woman copes as best she can, the lion's share of her income goes on diapers, medicine, and formula. one jar costs 1,700 rubles. and it only lasts for 2 days. mom has gotten used to feeding the twins with both hands. eat, come on, eat, my little ones. recently, luka the tone of the legs increased. now antonina is looking for
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a massage therapist for her son to prevent the development of pathology. lenya has weak lungs, so every evening the child has to measure the saturation , turn on an oxygen concentrator at night, which the family was given for a while by a charity foundation. here's a mask to blow on it. antonina dreams of a stroller for twins, so that she can go outside with both children at once. such a stroller costs more than 70,000 rubles. antonina does not have that kind of money. the dream of the mother of sick children was fulfilled by actress natalia arinbasarova, having spent part of her winnings on a stroller, thank you very much to the secret million program and natalia arenbasarova for the gifts they gave us, for the stroller, for the diapers and for the formula, thank you very much, this young proud rider, eight-year-old gleb smirnov, today he rode a big horse for the first time, for a boy, horseback riding lessons are vital to develop muscles and learn to keep balance. at one year old
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, the child was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. we get off, you liked it, you liked it, you will thank horse, clap for it, what a great boy, in may of this year gleb had a small victory, he took his first steps with his whole foot, before he walked only on his toes, his legs literally twisted, the boy fell even from a small gust of wind, two expensive operations and constant rehabilitation, which are paid for by philanthropists, helped to get rid of spasticity. good! after the operation, gleb became almost independent, he can only dress himself, the boy walks in orthoses that support weak muscles legs, mom hopes that soon gleb will be able to do without them at all, but the child will have to sleep in such until he is 18 years old, now gleb does not have night orthoses, since they cost about
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15,000 rubles. well, we ... with the help of funds, the family does not have funds to buy other sports equipment, gleb's dad works as a driver, and his mother quit her job 2 years ago to take care of her sick son, but today the family received the treasured gifts, well, i want to open this a balance cushion, a bench for the press and a stepper from her winnings vladimir politov bought gleb, and also paid for his horse riding and swimming lessons. gleb knows that he must actively engage in sports all his life, the boy treats this with enthusiasm and is sincerely happy with the new exercise machines. many thanks to the secret million program and vladimir politov for the help provided. and a low-income family from
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moscow is happy with the new sofa that actor sergei ostakhov bought with his winnings. the old one was falling apart, it was impossible to sleep on it, it was impossible to fold it, without that, the small one-room apartment is getting even smaller, two-year-old vanya has nowhere to play, the mattress is separate from the sofa, the sofa itself is already falling apart. vanya's dad is the only breadwinner in the family, most of his salary goes to rent for food, the family has nothing to save for large purchases like a sofa, even with toys and children's clothes they are helped by a charity foundation. many thanks to the secret million program and sergey ostakhov for the fact that we now have a new wonderful sofa. lena, let's move on. let's move on further, we earn your bank, yes, yours too, the topic, lost shape, len, you were about 20 years old when you began to gain weight sharply,
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one endocrinologist told me, after 20 you will correct, you will not be able to do anything, which was the case, i had a period when i weighed 116 kg, we tried to lose weight, tried , nothing helped, i drank all sorts of things, something else , but it did not help. did not help, then, well, it came to diabetes, how did you get diagnosed with diabetes, well, i arrived, i went on vacation and something like this is my condition bad, i donated blood, it turned out that my sugar was 26, and i left the hospital, already left in a wheelchair with the first group of disability, and then this hit in the tenth year, the heat, and we are on the top floor? and the house was stuffy and i generally fell ill, for several months i could not turn over in bed myself, diabetic polyneuropathy and so on, these are all very complex things that
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are interconnected, i injected insulin for 10 years, i came off it in 3 weeks, then wait in turn, i said i know too much and can do too much to just die stupidly, no i'll die, i got up, first... with a walker, because i couldn't even stand, one step around the house, two, three, a stroller, i even took off in a stroller, ler, how did you get off insulin yourself, they say you didn't get off it, i explain, i found a doctor, he found a drug in china, 18 herbs that restores the pancreas, everything else, i had it on the third day after. and in 3 weeks, gradually removing the dose of insulin, i got off it altogether , since then i've been on herbs and all sorts of things, and what kind of sugar do you check now, of course i check
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all sorts of things, well, there are some, depending on how i behave, well all the same, it's not that it's straight , that is, diabetes is still there and it doesn't go away anywhere, but the other thing is that i got off insulin, i'm on the truck. oh yeah, that's the only thing now it wasn't very good, because it was winter and it was very slippery, i was afraid to walk, and so, when you walk, i have nordic walking poles, it lowers all the sugar , then when i work, i never have time to think about it, let's continue our conversation with the singer irina gribulina, so lyrochka, hello darling, hello, hello, hello, glad to see you, my dear, i didn't expect it, and we you both in blue, you and i are so positive, the color of the sky, the color of youth, the color of beauty, yes, yes, let's take a break, we'll continue
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in a few minutes, continuation of the scandalous stories of illegitimate children, the most beloved artists, how the world ballet star shared the inheritance with a woman, this is mine, and my mother just stood on... "take it, take it, i don't need anything, who got galina brezhneva's gold chain, i don't have such a chain, i never had one, well, how can it be, here it is in the pictures, yes , it is in the picture, i don't have it, what was i silent about sirov's illegitimate daughter, there are people who behave inappropriately, the title of an artist, the title of a man, a father, a person, and from whom krasko's last love fled to spain, it was terrible, that is, in general, i had such a feeling that the ground just went out from under my feet, the continuation of the multi-part investigation based on real events, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. dna new season, bike at 17:50 on ntv. na-na-na-na.
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the leamax super prize promotion and get a chance to win a tv. details on the website. beyond the edge new season. from monday at 16:45 on ntv. this is the secret for millions in the chair opposite the people's artist of russia elena tsyplakova. they say that beautiful women are very painful, and experience changes in appearance. age have you ever been concerned about this, have you ever looked at wrinkles, were you upset? lera, when i was huge, they sent me roles, right? they write women of enormous sizes, even without a name character, i said, guys, there are even more enormous, yes, that's right, the most important thing is to love yourself, because a woman who loves herself in any form, in any size, she loves her body, the body,
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you know, they say it's trite, but it's a temple of the soul, i also had a story when i fell from the third floor down the stairs at a friend's dacha, i lay motionless for almost a year, i... a year in the hospital for 30 kg and i lost them in 4 months, that is, you went straight and did not eat and diets and massage protein, vegetables, very exhausting and painful liposculpture massages, painful hiccups, needles in the ear, which affect well done, i'm a lint,
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you know, i'm very naughty, i sometimes allow myself sweets despite the fact that my sugar is high, but it doesn't matter, you see, i live, in a wonderful weight, i lost weight beautifully, very well. you look lena, so, attention, a question, yes, you are an unpretentious star, you can afford an elite boutique and a store economy class, yes, remember your shopping in kaliningrad, when you were looking for a red handbag to go with your red shoes, and the salespeople remember, because you came for a handbag, and left in a hat, yes, and now hats in the studio, yes-yes-yes, lena, reveal the secret, what style are these headdresses? oh, ira, can you help elena, help, because i 'm not good with names, i had hats with valetok in my youth, i really loved them, and
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can you call them, pill, pill, this one looks like some kind of bowler hat, bowler hat, this one looks like barsollin, like this one, i don't like that one i know. well, these are, well, these are cowboy hats with large brims, i don't know what it 's called, this is a straw hat, that's all i can say about it, but it suits you, my mother wore hats all her life, she had 50-60 hats, yes, i have one too, but i don't wear them because i always have haircuts, i don't think they suit me, wait, well , give me an answer, is it a pill, is it a bowler hat, a bowler hat,
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do they like to dress up or are they calm about it ? well, i can answer that maybe it's with age, or maybe i've always been like this i was, i really like to dress up in public, but as for everyday life, i wear jeans, t-shirts, i don’t put on makeup, my face gets a rest from makeup, if we need a festival, a concert, a party, a stage, a red carpet, then yes , i want to look beautiful, i do the same, so in fact, well, sometimes i just like hats sometimes. here, hats are very, well, i was young, yes, they suited me very well, well, now i have one too, let’s try it on, i went, and by the way, it looks good on me, valets on my face, eyes, a cowboy red one right away
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i'll say, yes, very good, well that's also yes, that 's also good, that's good. by the way, do hats suit you too, ira? i don't think so, but if i can convince you now, then maybe i'll wear them, that one looks good on you, by the way, well, i always have bangs, with my haircut, where do i need hats, come on, give me one, it suits everyone, i was filming in poland, i brought a hat with a valet from there, oh, how beautiful, it's so retro-vintage, yes, it's clear. that we go out somewhere , naturally, as they say, god himself ordered to dress up, at home, calmer, more comfortable, i don't think so, i don't either, and i generally sewed, you see. i wore my own clothes from the age of 11 to 19, i even had a jacket sewn, well
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, that's how it used to be, jackets, skirts, i had two cars, i had a funny story, children of the sun are filming, we're driving in a car, pchelkin is the director, smaktunovsky and i, we're going to film, feodosia, the sun rises, they're talking about their foreign cars, great, and - throw on mikhailovich, give me a certificate, do you have a car, i say, i have two, he says, which ones, i say that at home a woman is independent from whether she lives with her husband or with children or alone, in my opinion, she should dress beautifully at home, i love these silk trousers, t-shirts, pajamas, i don’t understand when a woman walks around in some kind of junk and also with her husband or with a lover, children, a cat, a dog, girls should be on you and at home they should be pretty. yes, how much can you spend on shopping, well, without tears, well, depending on what, depending on what the goal is, the goal,
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if you go for an expensive bag, then you put aside a certain amount for it, you, and if i i go there to buy shorts, t-shirts, some nonsense, but i spent ten, fifteen, everything, you know, i want to tell you, i have very expensive, good things, yes, but i wear them for years, i think they last for years, yes, there are expensive things and there are cheap ones, which i really carry around at the dacha or something else, well, in short, which i don’t mind wasting and , like, i have bags, for example, expensive branded bags, well, how much is your most expensive bag, well, when i had the opportunity, i bought myself expensive bags, there were bags for 120,000, for 100,000 and so on and for 40,000 at 80. and you have expensive bags, i like bags, my bag is much simpler, i find. the most expensive, i just have a few suits, a few coats, such
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demo-season ones, if there for 100,000, well, a coat, but this is what i wear, they wear, i have a cardigan, i have a white italian cashmere one, now my nastya wears it, and nothing happens to these things, when i am also thin, i lost a lot of weight, they remain, because this is quality, the price of quality, yes i understand, let's find out the correct answer, and we have it in the story, designers know, in women's fashion there are at least sixty types of hats, the most popular are this hat called a cloche, this is a fedora, this headdress is called a canatie, this is a pillbox, and this is a floppy hat, you haven't revealed your secret, in our bank, no, they keep it, and what we would have won would have gone to the kids, i suggest.
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better the girl's mother snezhana sokolovskaya recalls: 7 years ago, when she married her beloved man, she did iko because of her husband's health problems, several times was on bed rest and finally gave birth to long-awaited twins, a boy and a girl, i could not imagine what a deplorable situation she would find herself in just a couple of years later. he told me many times that he really wanted children, that he wanted children with me, that i... was suitable for the role of mother and wife, i had no doubt that this man really
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wanted children in the family and understood that this was a responsibility, until the age of one the twins developed equally, and then the mother noticed that her daughter was behaving differently from her son. paolina was capricious for no reason, then on the contrary, she did not react to external stimuli. well, at some point i noticed that she did not notice and did not pay attention to a flock of birds that was flying by. low, that is, one baby was pointing at me with his finger, that look, the birds are flying, the second one did not even notice the bird in general. when snezhanna's fears were confirmed, doctors diagnosed her daughter with autism, her husband left the family. when the children were 2 years and 10 months old, he announced that he was leaving the family and , accordingly, would somehow provide financial support as much as possible, when he wants. he found a new... love, a new life, and this family turned out to be unnecessary for him. after the divorce, instead of the promised support, the ex-husband bombarded
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snezhana with lawsuits, for the division of the apartment bought during the marriage and... the child does not want it now, they consider my child practically a palliative patient, that nothing will help her, they have already buried the child literally completely in a coffin, that is, she does not exist for them, they believe that at 3 years old, even when i was, that it is necessary to put a cross, that this is not what incurable, that you can't live with it
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, it's not worth investing in it, the girl's mother is forced to rent a house in the moscow region, because the child can't live in the apartment, firstly, paulina has attacks during which she screams loudly, secondly, the girl needs to walk several times a day, this relieves her psyche, a special child is not welcome at the city playground, as soon as children at ordinary city playgrounds understand that the child is with developmental disabilities, rarely anyone will help her, and they do not want to communicate, not only that, the parents do not want communicate, i often heard that maybe we should go earlier. with this playground, the playground is not meant for us. the participants of the star factory came to snezhana's aid. alexandra savelyeva, victoria daineka, alexey kabanov and mikhail grebenshchikov used their winnings to purchase an alternative communication kit for paulina. a special vest will calm the child during another bout of irritability. sensory balls
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will help with the development of fine motor skills, and thanks to cards with pictagrams, the girl always be able to. find out what she wants, what is it, she is all tangerine, the child wants tangerine, that's how it helps communication, the child can fully express his thoughts and desires even with a stranger. lena, continuing our conversation, press the button. the topic is "competitor". they say that you have a competitor on the set. me yes, who comes with you the shooting takes all the attention, and well then, yes, this is my dog, and as top, whose idea was to get a dog, pashka and i somehow arrived home from the festival, and we say, we really want a dog, there was yulia, she immediately
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said without a pause, a corgi, she got on the internet, we immediately found not...
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you take her even to filming, so that the dog does not get bored alone, and the topos statically withstands twelve-hour shifts in the cinema, because after the stop command, a reward always awaits her, a piece of something tasty from the buffet, reveal the secret, how much does your dog weigh now, i know just, yes , you weigh her right away, we yes, sometimes you weigh yourself, then you pick her up, then it’s clear, but in in general, she and she walks 18-19 kg, but for not she is a shepherd, so for her it is basically karma corgi is a shepherd, yes, and she is a shepherd, she barks when she comes, barks when she leaves, and why do they have short paws,
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so that they run under the belly of the sheep, and i did not know, she commands everything. i accept your answer. topochka, my beloved. come here. who is there, well, let's get acquainted with your top. come to me. come, my cutie. lord, i was looking for a talk, she wanted to bark here, you are my beauty, lord, hello, yes, like this we have a beauty, and can you give her some kind of command, like sit there or something, in fact, we haven't done that, so our tops are very free spirits, well, has a dog trainer ever worked with her, taken her to an exhibition, brought her to an exhibition, they immediately said that she is cool, wonderful, that's all. she even starred in my movies yes my girl starred, that is, she is also a star yes, talk quietly
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yes well, that's right, there is no treat, so excuse me, but do you vaccinate her or something yes there is a veterinarian yes here is the top - it's more whose girl is your pavla or yulia, we share everything. yulia washes her, pasha walks with her, and i feed her. well, scales, come on, let's find out the right answer. well, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, stand here, stop, stop, stop, 19, i said exactly, 19, yes, you revealed your secret and the money is in your bank, here is the top, you and i won, yes. well done, a good dog, yes, tell me, i'm a little plump, but i'm not young anymore, so it's normal, 8 years old, still young, yes, she had three puppies, two of them
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fetisov has fame, he is beautiful, yes, they didn’t take one, butman wanted a puppy, we brought fetisov, he said, i won’t give it up, len, and do you live in an apartment with her, yes, you bought the apartment yourself, or was it given to you for your services, no, they helped me, my friends there first, then i gave it away little by little, yes, in st. petersburg the apartment turned out like this, my aunt, my dad’s older sister left a small one-room apartment to my mother, my mother left it to me, i rented it in st. petersburg, added a little money, we have a small two-room apartment on the outskirts of st. petersburg, because i often work there, i often rent there, i am there i'm filming, and my hometown and it's wonderful, yes. i also bought an apartment there, you'll laugh, we bought an apartment without finishing, and i'm so tired of high-tech, and especially i'm a rag and chain girl, i love all sorts of little things, everything, when we bought an apartment, i say, pasha, i
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dream that i have wallpaper in my kitchen with flowers, but it's so cozy, of course, i'm very, i have a very cozy apartment both in st. petersburg and in moscow, elena tsyplakova will show the apartment of her dreams with flowered wallpaper, a carved chest of drawers, a collection of antique services. three balconies, in a matter of minutes. the guardian assured nikita that his biological mother named diana larichkina was no longer alive. my adoptive mother told me that my mother had died, but he found a page on a social network of a woman named diana larechkina, her eyes were very similar to mine, her eyes were deep. could it really be that she gave birth to him 20 years ago, she had no documents, she could have given the name of someone she didn't know, there is a high probability that such a woman does not exist in nature. will it be possible nikita to find out the truth about why he was abandoned? the child was admitted to the hospital from
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the maternity hospital, born to a woman who called herself diana albertovna larechkina, all this information was recorded from words, when it was necessary to discharge him from the hospital, for some reason she did not come for him. i really want them to appear in my life. i open the envelope. monday at 17:50 on ntv. nevsky - new season. coming soon to ntv. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of cells liver. two components of phosphoglyph help not only to restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now in an economical package of 96 capsules. ozone sdoym school worries, school sale on ozone, bed linen, be obnumyus and copybarara from crazy get up with discounts, grizzly backpack for
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the first international music festival dreamfest in baku, the rhythms of foreign pop music, tomorrow at 22:00 on ntv. this is a million-dollar secret in the chair opposite actress elena tsuklakova. in this moscow three-room apartment, the most cherished dreams came true dreams of elena tsyplakova, 80 square meters of floral wallpaper, patchwork bedspreads. shelves with souvenirs that the actress brings back from tours. i have a lot of different stones here, i even have a stone like this, very beautiful. this carved chest of drawers takes pride of place in the living room. the people's artist bought it inspired by a trip to india. i think it's really great. brass inlay. i really like it. i have two chests of drawers, the screen
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is amazing. all this is natural. i i love it very much, not a single centimeter is wasted in the actress's kitchen, there is a shelf for a circle in the hood cabinet, next to it there is a spacious sideboard for all kinds of services, i brought this from france, it's very funny, look, the people's artist prefers dandelion infusion to coffee and tea, she collects medicinal herbs at her dacha with her own hands, dandelions are flowers themselves, you can eat up to five pieces a day for vision, for everything... a very useful plant, when there is no time to go to the dacha near valdai, the balcony helps out, elena tsyplakova has three of them, on the first one she grows flowers, the second one is inhabited by pigeons.
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donbass, how? yes, i, ah, it so happened that my brother's friend, his call sign is pole, he is a professional soldier, has been fighting for 40 years, he was everywhere, they had garages nearby with my brother, and we became friends, sergey came to me, and i, ah, i sometimes sew shrouds for churches, yes, this is my very first shroud, ah, i make them like this, wow, yes, i buy gold-embroidered cherubs, crosses, all this ammunition, but it is all sewn by hand, i had a set for the next set, no
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sewn, and the earring sits, and it suits me, give him these cherub crosses, let the guys sew them into his clothes for protection, he took the earring, then i go hang it on him, the mikhailovsky savior medal, made by hand, there is a licus and a prayer, i put this on him too, he leaves, he calls me, says, they snatched up the cherub crosses, said to spit on snipers, sewed hope on top, 11 people got into a jeep, a shell hit, the jeep was smashed to pieces not a single scratch, oh well, and a month later he calls me, lena, says, a shell exploded nearby, and... a chip pierced bulletproof vest, hit the medallion, but not the face of jesus, in prayer, he arched like this, two ribs opposite the heart were broken, a fragment flew off, he remained alive, he is a hero
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of russia, like you support burdenko, a soldier in hospitals, i do not perform as an artist, i do not read poetry, i do not dance, i do not jump, i talk, i was just visiting a woman, i say, how old are you, 37, i say, are you married, she says, died there, i say, what is your rank? she says, i am a private, they barely put her leg back together, such a positive woman, i say, well, how are you, i say, you say, i'll get up, i'll go there, they are absolutely amazing, let's see who the other heroes of our program helped? on april 30, 2022, the life of the glotov family was divided into before and after, fifteen-year-old kirill and his older brother, nineteen-year-old nikolai, came to ...
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they succeeded, now kirill is 17, he underwent about 10 operations to relearn how to walk so that his foot could function, kirill needs an expensive orthosis, which the family does not have the money for, vladimir vinokur spent part of his winnings on it, this device is needed in order to compensate for my non-functional foot, which cannot rise by itself, thanks to my muscles. i still train four times a week
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so that the injured leg can fully bend and straighten, it constantly needs a load, the best solution is an elliptical trainer, another gift from vladimir vinakur from his winnings. we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the secret million program and vladimir vinakur for providing us with artes and an elliptical trainer. indeed, we want you... here is a huge gratitude for help with my rehabilitation, press the button, fatal diagnosis, lena, what fatal diagnosis did your dad have, father came from the front, his lungs were shot through the legs, he was wounded, he developed tuberculosis, an open form. i was born when he was already sick, he has more than 30 years, so he
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lived, and wasn't the open form in the hospital or not he periodically went to the hospital to lie down, then returned, he worked at home, then he developed cancer, he had 26 pulmonary hemorrhages over the past 8 years, this is when ... the scar heals tears the adjacent tissue, and he lived, he was an amazing person with a will to live, here he is, i remember the last time i came to him, he weighed 33 kg already, andryukha, his brother played the guitar, he sang very well, and he played a gypsy dance, and dad with these stumps, he danced a gypsy dance even more in bed, you remember all this, of course, and did you know that you too could get infected from... my whole childhood, my health problems are also connected with
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this, because all my childhood they stuffed me with pills, and well, as if it were tuberculosis prevention, we had a basin of bleach, where his cup, his spoon, his plate were folded, everything was ironed, every rag was steamed, the house was always absolutely clean, neither i nor my brother got sick, and you could hug dad, i hugged, but... on september 5, 2019, you were in the village
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of trudoarmeysky in the kemerovo region. together with your fellow artists, you opened the alley of stars and planted 17 trees. the linden trees named after elena tsyplakova, local residents take care of them, trim them in the spring, feed them in the fall. reveal the secret of whose linden trees keep you company on the right and left on the alley of stars. oh! we have there was such a crowd of people who went there, well , there were a lot of people, you know, i have a monstrous memory for names, i know, for surnames it's just a disaster, so now i'm giving up right away, i accept your answer, i'll stay, and we 'll continue our conversation after a short commercial, the news that a newborn was found in an anthill under the scorching sun... the girl shocked millions of people across the country, the little girl was lying in a field covered in
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blood, they took our dna to find out who the mother was, beyond the pale always raises resonant cases, that's really true, this is probably the most terrible situation now, the savior of that very little girl came to our studio, she was sunburned, ants were crawling on her, she was bitten by ants and the umbilical cord was uncut, if it weren’t for him, the ants could have eaten the girl alive, god sent me to go on this road, these bushes there are stray dogs, what made a mother of many children throw her newborn daughter out in a field? i can’t say anything bad, she has three children, she raises them well, dresses them, shoes them, feeds them, she says, i left like in the field, that is, she admitted to you that she left the child in the field and you were left to live with this information, this is beyond the pale, monday, 16:45 on ntv.
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continuation of scandalous stories of illegitimate children, the most beloved artists, how women divided the inheritance of the world ballet star, this is mine, and mom just: stood, she says, take it, take it, i don't need anything, who got galina brezhneva's gold chain? i don't have such a chain, i never had one, well as already, here she is in the picture, yes, she is in the picture, i don't have her, what sirov's illegitimate daughter kept silent about, there are people who behave inappropriately, the title of an artist, the title of a man, a father, a person, and from whom she ran away to spain, krasko's last love, it was terrible, that is, in general, i had such a feeling that just...
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did you nurse your mother when she was given a fatal diagnosis? yes, my mother had cancer, they cut out the tumor. they made a colostomy in the side, and the intestines, yes, well, military youth, childhood, typhus at the time, everything played. and oncology is unforgiven grievances, lamentation, the root cause, mother had one and a half liters of black mucus come out of her throat, how is it
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with her throat, one and a half liters of black mucus came out of her throat and how long did mother live after the operation, and mother lived another 2.5 years, and very actively, he said that she would live a week, but she lived 2.5 years, then she stopped eating normally, because apparently the food was not completely... all digested, she stopped eating, it just left, but she lived 2 s2 years after that actively i live radiation did she do it or not, and didn't, because we did what was needed, and didn't do any chemotherapy, at the fourth stage without chemotherapy, yes, that's the story i had with my mother. len, what happened to your brother? my brother was poisoned, and he was sick, in general, he passed away
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at 54, and what did he poison himself with? well, it's a complicated story, he was sick for quite a long time and drank, well, and drank too, but not from this, no, no, he also had problems with his intestines, that was also a problem, well, lera. after all, i wasn't the only one who took pills for tuberculosis brother too, so it could have been some kind of consequence, yes, and you and your brother were friends, close, yes, but i left st. petersburg for moscow, so we generally communicated when i came, well, on the phone, and what did he do in st. petersburg, he was, he graduated from a technical school, he was an engineer, but his wife... she couldn’t give birth, she somehow had a miscarriage, one, two, he went to her homeland, and there he had nothing to do, he sang very well, he played in a restaurant, sang and
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was a driver, when we returned to st. petersburg, then it was difficult to find any engineering work, he continued to work as a driver, yeah, that's it, but he has three children, and masha is already an adult, she already has two children, somehow a gift.
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he says, there is a concept of banquet alcoholism, all actors to some extent festivals, something else, they gave everything, but i can't say that i, i live normally, i can be sad, but not to the point of despondency , falling into some kind of such a state, this is strong for me, i had such examples before my eyes and mom and dad, let's see what they spent their win other heroes.
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read, only loudly, clever, excellent, for sasha's mother tatyana, pregnancy was a pleasant and unexpected gift for her 40th birthday, the future mother carried the child under her heart for 7 months until she fell ill with a high temperature. the fever lasted only 2 days, but that was enough for the infection to cause complications. right in the womb, the girl had a brain hemorrhage, to save the child, it was necessary to do. my nerves, let's do it this way, i will not explain anything to you, but if i do not come to your ward tomorrow, then the girl died, here, and if i go in.
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maybe tatyana didn't abandon her daughter, she spent the first 3 years with sasha in hospitals, where the girl was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, autism, epilepsy, optic nerve atrophy, and third -degree hearing loss. at first, tatyana couldn't even imagine how she could leave her daughter for even an hour. i didn't see what was next, i didn't understand what to do next, that is, my
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life felt like it was over, yes, what... well, like a special child, four walls, everything, but thanks to maternal care and doctors' help, sasha washes herself, holds a spoon, puts away toys, should i help you or do it yourself, yourself, yourself sasha will now also do sports on a treadmill, which mothers of many children gave her from their winnings in the program secret for a million, active walking
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. teberezhanov from moscow. the boy was born into a large family. he is the only one of eight brothers and sisters born with down syndrome calls all men dads. oh, nikitos! dad! hi, nikitus! nikita wants to turn on the laptop as soon as possible. the boy needs a computer to study with a speech therapist and psychologist. a large family lives modestly on the purchase of tech.
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, china and north korea are at the peak of their form. donny behaves like a young d'artagnan, who really wants to get into the company of three swashbuckling musketeers. international sawmill with tigran kiosayan. today at 23:55. on ntv. this is a secret million. and actress elena tsyplakova will receive a commercial with her main secret right now. elena, thank you for our frank conversation. looking at you, i was once again convinced that the numbers in the passport mean nothing as long as we ourselves feel young. today you shared with me your victories, defeats. the main story of your life you still have not revealed to me, in this envelope is a secret that you have been keeping for many years.
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if you are ready to reveal your secret, i will ask you to turn on the light, and we will continue our conversation. lera, and i read and i do not want to answer this question, because i always think.
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their loved ones, i do not think, need to be discussed in front of everyone, fire is true, some things are destroyed. lena, your winnings amounted to 150,000 rubles. what will you spend it on? for charity. i love you very much, i respect you very much, i want to hug you. thank you very much. thank you, somash. yes. i wish you health, all the best. thank you. thank you very much, people's artist of russia elena tsyplakova was with us, watch the secret for a million exactly in a week on ntv. moscow
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coffee shop on poi, a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. large purchases. will become easier, apply for a loan with cashback from smer in 5 minutes in a mobile application. dna new season from monday at 17:50 on ntv. hello, fellow citizens. the vacation flew by faster than the plywood over the bluish olympic paris. and we are again, again with you. today.


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