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tv   Femida vidit  NTV  August 18, 2024 12:40am-1:26am MSK

12:40 am
the prosecutor's office, you idiot, this is shemeneeva's lawyer, they raised old cases, you are now charged with 12 murders, extortion, racketeering, i understand, there is a chance, we need to fight, you understand, sergei mikhailovich, there is always a chance in principle, if we drag out the story as much as possible. you
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have been pouring this crap into my ears for 5 years already, will i ever see freedom or not, if they prove it, yes, life imprisonment, and they will prove it, i think, yes, and after all, it is new materials of your case, frankly. they say, everything is very, everything is very complicated, they found remains, there are witnesses, you know who, yes, then so, today you will contact keel, we will outline everything, tell him, the police are lying, yes lena, i know,
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it is you, surrender, go to hell, trash, just stick your nose in, think carefully, you can still lay down your arms and leave with your hands understood, your life is in our hands, kolyonny, got it , come on, kolyonny, or we will kill you, it is better to sit out than to die, stop, stop, motor, what kind of an exhibit is this, tanya? what, we would have killed him anyway, he and it doesn't matter that there are two pages of dialogue here, before he dies, and you have two lines, two, is that really so it's difficult, difficult, because i don't believe it, guys, what nonsense is this, this is not a minor drug addict, this is a killer, this is a fugitive because of magic with a kalashnikov, he will put everyone down here.
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bad things, yes, really, worse than ever, he asked to do a general cleaning, he didn't ask to pass on anything about the lava, and that's it, mikhailovich is no more,
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that we will not see each other again, and how i hope.
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nikita's guardian was assured that his biological mother named diana larechkina was no longer alive. my adoptive mother told me that my mother had died, but he found a page on a social network women named diana larechkina. her eyes are like mine, blue eyes. could it really be she
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who gave birth to him 20 years ago? she had no documents, she could have given the name of someone she didn't know. there is a high probability that such a woman, in principle , exists in nature, will nikita be able to find out the truth about why he was abandoned? the child was admitted to the hospital from the maternity hospital, born to a woman who called herself diana albertovna larechkina, all this information was recorded from the words, when it was necessary to discharge him from the hospital, for some reason she did not take care of him came, i really want them to appear in my life, i open the envelope, dna, monday at 17:50 on ntv. i need to buy so much for school, girls, not that intonation, i need to buy so much for school, and i am ideal for the parent-teacher
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12:51 am
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12:52 am
tira, you, me, well, finally, i didn't think
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i'd hear from you, i saw the news, i saw it, that's it, there's a reason to see you, where are you? don't be a sissy, chir, it's me! stop, okay, let's move on. anya, yeah, now you're running over there, and there you fall a meter before the door, struck by bullets. what? well, you're getting wet. what do you mean, completely? well, yeah. and so landings are needed here blood. oh, wait, what, this is my heroine, she just joined the group, she is part of the team, it is illogical. someone has to be sacrificed and dramatically it is justified, justified, why give him or
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him, it is the same opera, in essence, that i have to be taken down? great, great, well you got to the middle of nowhere, but at least you are free, you yourself are like a fool, this phone has been silent for 5 years, 5 years, what the hell, huh? zero money, you live on a corner and barely have enough grub, everyone is on the run, everyone is extinguished, no one
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will be caught, it's all you and sasha, that's all who stayed, work where i wash cars for armenians, funny to myself, here i am looking in order, in order, in order, and you will get it, if you do everything as it should be, ready, how much, three, i'm a great-grandmother, i'll give greenbacks for each, for all, 30, are you serious? yes, it needs to be done quickly within a month, no later. no, not an option at all, it costs much more, not at the market, i announced the price, as you know, as you know, wait, well , how is that, garik, i have two scenes, minimum,
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no, and that's it, damn, i didn't even die on camera, i was just wounded, well there behind the scenes they'll let it be said at the end that you died. so they won't even film it? it won't, i can somehow be saved in the next episodes, you can ask them, damn, please, i really want to act, anya, i warned you, don't show off, what did i say, well, your scriptwriter is an idiot, he wrote something a little bit crazy, i'll throw some bullets into his car, he'll find out, he'll get the full truth of life, he'll visit for six months before the trial, listen, just forget about him, why the hell do you need to act in this trash, because i an actress, not a pyrotechnician.
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whose cold, great, i knew you'd show up here. our last stash, how many years have we not seen each other, sanya, yes, maybe five, but i see he hasn't changed, even the same jacket, who are you on a show-off, got rich or something, no doubt about it, he started a small business near pereslavl, as well as a family, children, it's normal when a chump, see each other, see each other, if i had such a layout, i wouldn't... wrote, so i didn't want to, samson will give in, if i refuse, that's what this guy said, bastard, oh well, i knew that and will be, it's my own fault, i should have run away abroad when i had the chance, it's too late now, yeah, they've done a lot of damage, i was thinking about it all the time, but i'm not
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, you can't rewind it, yeah, take yours. oh, hello, great, andryukh, what are you doing here? i'm working, how did you find out? well, how did he get in his pants? i think he went out in this in the morning, so i'm thinking, you, not you, me, so what, it's convenient, you pay for me everywhere, and i don't want to be a tezhdevyanets, oh, what words do we know, i want to work to earn money, what about here or what,
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whatever, they pay here too, i did it before i worked part-time, handed out leaflets, put up all sorts of ads and... there too, listen, andryukha, i'll tell you what, to be honest, there's nothing to breathe here, well, you don't want to spit out your lungs in a couple of months, how much longer do you have to stand here, well, another hour, an hour, well, i have to work hard, well, that's right , that's right, that's what , i'll, oh, wait for you on the bench over there, yeah, help, m, kiriyenko is the owner. grushik is in the warehouse, nothing is written about his age, that's also out of line, don't even argue, it just became known about a high-profile contract killing committed in the very center
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moscow. a well-known lawyer, larisa mineeva, who took part in many high-profile cases, was shot dead near her apartment building. according to preliminary data, there were two killers, they were waiting for the victim in the courtyard of her house. as soon as mineeva got out of the car, they shot her and her driver several times. doctors are currently assessing his condition as critical. an interception plan has been introduced in moscow and , as we can see, an investigative task force is currently working at the scene of the murder. damn, did you know her? i warned her. yes, andryukh, i knew, i knew. okay, come on, what's next? what's next?
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oh yeah, this is the main version for now, i think it will be confirmed eventually, so where is your uncle at home now, and that he was then the head of the otver-group, all the information about the tsaritsynskys one way or another passed through him, ask him to help, okay, no problem, maxim, he 's even happy to be there, well, especially, in general, guys, don't trust me, this case needs to be solved in any case, no options, well, and the driver, as if he could show consciousness, died, they just called from the hospital, of course, larisa was a great woman.
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yes, a whole brigade of 15 snouts, and each had their own role, someone was engaged in development or in prone positions, someone pulled the trigger, well, the material base, naturally, was many times better than ours, even there they had this special equipment, like the fsb, the guys there were very trained, very, well, where are they all now, well, some are in prison, some are in the next world in different ways, and ...
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a third of the tsar tsensky, so, probably, perished, brutal, this is a small part of the lawlessness that they did, there were episodes worse than that, but you closed them all then, yes, all, yes, not everyone, traces of us also then assured that no one was left at large, but i am 100% sure that at least two of them managed to escape, why do you think so, i don't think so, i know, the materials on... where are they or where? with the investigator? there are a couple of old photographs in one of the houses, that's exactly what it 's useless to tell, it's better for you
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to look at it yourself, and what, is it too late to go now and what, should we go tomorrow? no, anechka, now i have a personal score to settle with this samsonov, this is one of them. so let's get ready let's go, that's not it, that 's it, that's it, that's it, ugh, they confiscated it from one authority of tsaritsyn. search, well , the photographs are ancient, it's somewhere around the year ninety-three, if i'm not mistaken, here is the mole, who watches over podolsk, but he
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was killed a long time ago. these two brothers are also gone, oh, i took these ones personally, these two are exactly the ones you need, mine, you know, well, this is alexander kholodtsov, in the brigade they called him kholod, the second one has a well-known rattle, chira, everyone we interrogated then claimed that these two were not alive, well, that kholodtsov himself died, and what? or for some kind of righteousness, but then a year later, yes, suddenly one of the thugs went on a drinking spree, well, apparently he wanted to reduce his sentence, so, he said that both killers were alive and well, and even indicated the place where they should be looked for, and that they were looking, but not for long, however, the authorities soon closed the case, they transferred me to another, well, in general, in the end it all ended like this, do you think they executed me, the probability
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is 99.9? handwriting, look, they shot during the daytime, they used pistols with silencers, the murder took place in the courtyard of the house victims, holod, by the way, is a former special forces soldier, i won't say for sure, i don't know, but that's exactly how this couple acted, mind you, they did a clean job, i bet that neither of them showed up on any of the cameras, and where did you look for them then? holod had a minor daughter, yulia, that's right, she lived with babushkoitsova, they followed her for several months, but no one ever contacted her, you remember the address, and what do you think, well, you never know, i don't always remember such things, then how many years have passed, i haven't gone crazy so far, thank god, i remember everything, everything, the news that
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a newborn girl was found in an anthill under the scorching sun. dogs, what made a mother of many children throw her newborn daughter out in a field? i can't say anything bad, she has three children, she raises them well, dresses them, puts shoes on them, feeds them, she says, i left her like in the field, that is, she admitted to you that she left the child in the field, and you were left to live with this information, this is beyond the pale, on monday at 16:45 on ntv. every
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day, i did everything that i need, stop, i'll shoot, who are you, quiet, i'm a doctor, you need urgent medical care, give me your hand, try to make sure he doesn't go anywhere, i 'll be there now, i'll find evidence, i work until i get results, i'm not going to live by your rules, i don't harm people, do what you have to. and come what may, the exhibits will have to act, the sub-movie ends , heroes, new season.
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the heroes are left. atat, mindyr. good, hello, let me come in on one series. father, in the new season, miracles.
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i just saw that he was throwing out the trash, well what so pretty that you didn't ask where the priest was hiding? no, stupid questions, that's your thing, nothing stupid, you're stupid yourself, you'd tell me. you reproach him, like, you're looking for him with the rachanik, to give him some money, for example, and what about him looking like a bandit, you howl, you're a joke, you know what my grannies in the entrance call you, a bandit's mug, is it true, is it true that it's a bandit's mug, a mug, like a mug, quite nice-looking, chasing your money, oh, oh, oh, she's gone, yeah, can you imagine her now with her dad? she's talking, hmm, that would be nice, we need to wiretap her phone, and look, maybe her number is somewhere on social networks, take a look, as simple as possible, exactly, uh-huh, yeah, yeah, that's it, come on, pony,
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shumilino, girl, excuse me, please, can i call from your phone, my battery is dead, i just need half a minute, yeah, sure, thank you very much , oh, yeah, hello, honey, i've arrived, will you meet me, yeah, come on, come on, thank you very much, so, well, what about us, oh, we're there, let's go. and what kind of work is it, you still haven't said, okay, it's just right for you, how long will it last? don't be afraid, it won't offend you, and you'll find it interesting, anya
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she said, you like pyromaniacs, so there's a lot of this stuff there, what stuff, we're here, holy shit, here and here! and the owner is an old friend of mine, let's chat now, stop grinning, it'll be more serious, what a great guy, let's go, let's meet him now , his name is volodya, but we'll see how it goes, there's someone alive, yes, yes, come in, great, glad to see how you're living, nikolai ivanovich, how, i'm mostly relaxing. i'm relaxing, yes, this is andrey, i told you about him, andrey, andrey, and volodya, andrey, very nice, and i, well, how do i like fireworks, yeah, that one over there
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the thirty-shot one shoots pretty well, especially if you add some gunpowder, yeah, well, just give me something to blow up, a natural pyromaniac, that's right, yeah, i'm kidding, he's a responsible guy, yeah, really, i won't let you down, i promise, and... i'm not a newbie in this business, i can make them myself, i believe you, well, that's it, i have a treasure trove in my basement, you'll work there for now, then we'll see how it goes, we agreed, i think i'm ready to work here for free, yeah, andrey, no, why, the salary will be on par with everyone else, you'll be storekeeper, that's fine, of course, or can we start right today, right now, okay, come on, good luck, thank you, volodya, we'll call, hello, hi, home, hi, yes, busy, no, not busy, how are your exams, there are still two left,
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i'm preparing for now, clever girl, you'll succeed, when will we see each other, soon, or maybe i 'll come to you, i thought i'd introduce you, we'll have time, at least he doesn't offend, no, of course, what are you saying, he 's good with me. ilya, good afternoon, we're from the police, the criminal investigation department, i've seen you somewhere before, yes, that's right, at the bus stop, can we come in, yes, sure, come in, yeah, and you didn't
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know anything, no pity, but nothing has been proven yet, there hasn't been a trial yet, the trial. will happen, you'll see, and it will be the best outcome for everyone, first of all, for your father, the best, because he'll be put in jail, and at least shipov was killed during the arrest, there's no special ceremony with people like that. what do you want from me? tell us where he lives, the address, we need his address, i give you my word, he won't get hurt, no one will get hurt, he lives there with his family, who's there with him now, his wife, children, right? look, what nonsense. we're all we can find out without your help. we'll check
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the numbers he called you from, we'll find out his location from the billing, but then no one will guarantee you anything. anything can happen when containing a particularly dangerous criminal. why are you looking at me like that? your father is a hired killer, yulia! enough! so where, don't make noise, styopa, don't clap, andrey will fall asleep, yesterday was his first working day, well, how simple, got a job, that means you have progress, everything is cool, uncle kol, kholodtsov lives in pereslavl, how do we know this, his daughter, turned him in, wow, wait, i by herself, why did you leave her alone, she 'll warn him, everything's fine, she's sitting alone, without communication, under supervision, everything's tip-top, it's good when you're moving, did you want to right now? hey, it's chilly outside, should i put on some light clothing? what do you mean? i'm with you,
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who else am i going with, i'll quickly, stop, i'll wait, come on , you're talented, what are you feeling sorry for? anya, with all due respect, but he's retired and not on duty, so what? listen, at least the man will have some fun, he's been catching them for so many years, everything would have happened later, if it weren't for him, we would have, but what's going on here? everything's fine? yeah, well, i'm ready. okay, mother. that 's it, with god, yeah, let's go, quietly, let's go, so that i could sit down for a sandwich, dad, well, i don't want to, so, there won't be a sandwich, there won't be any jam. who came there? some girl, it happens,
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katyusha, did you wash your hands? yes, child, and you definitely washed my hands, well, haven't you seen him, we have a sweet wife, well, it's time to get ready, wait. well, these bandits are like that, they're used to everyone being scared to death of them, then two
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ordinary operatives take him, not a special forces squad, but ordinary men in shabby jackets and torn sneakers, well, the arrogance immediately disappears and respect is not imbued, yes, by the way, this later helped a lot during interrogations, well, well, who knows what you think, he is a family, it is unlikely that he keeps a valyn at the ready, i am for, oh, there are already two of us, i wanted extreme. okay, the hell with you, let's go, uncle, here, keep this for yourself, i took the award, let's go, let's go, it's inexpensive in greece, larisa promised to pick up a turk, we are not sure about greece, honestly, well, sasha, sasha, child, are you going to finish your sandwich or not?
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so, i told her that she was on another street. sasha, what's going on, who are these people? forgive me. criminal investigation department sitting? cold, do n't move. quiet. for what, what did you do? forgive me. come on, tell me, how are you a lawyer, who shot and many others. styopa, it's better to take the child away from here. live, sunshine, hands, i agree to everything, i just ask no fuss, no journalists, don't drag them in here, don't... let's not ruin life, i ask you, okay.
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how many shots did i fire? well, he came out from behind that gazelle. three shots from here, then he came up and here one in the head, in the driver, who shot, chira, cherkunov, vadim, if he hadn't stuck his head out, they wouldn't have touched him, there was no order to carry out vadil, an order from whom,
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turn off the camera, let's talk, turn it off, i suggest. a deal, any term, except for life, on the list, besides neva, there are two more names, i know where, how and approximately when all this will happen, plus your testimony samsonovo, there is no deal without a full layout, how many did you kill on orders from your elders, you, you personally, in all that time, 18, how many, 18 people, just don't look at me like i'm a beast, i was ordered, i carried it out, otherwise is this nothing to worry about?
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and from whom did the last love for rasco run away to spain? it was terrible, that is, in general i had such a feeling that the ground just went out from under my feet. continuation of a multi-part investigation based on real events. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv.
1:25 am
good afternoon. plumbing service, i'm going to your tenants on the eighth floor. a request for a car. there was none, call them, let them order a pass, what are you doing flooding the apartment, waiting for me, i can't let you in, wait, give me yours i'll say something, yeah, something else, nothing else is needed,


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