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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara-2  NTV  August 19, 2024 8:25am-10:01am MSK

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from rains no higher than 15, and also from primorye, where a cyclone from china is rushing, today it is rainy there, on the verge of monday tuesday the rains will be very heavy, in vladivostok today +24, tomorrow 22. in siberia, the dominant and the formation of atmospheric processes remains a cyclone filled with rains, only the baikal region and the south of the krasnoyarsk territory are still under the influence of the distant far eastern anticyclone, but here too in places thunderstorms, and most likely very heavy. this is indicated by sharp temperature changes. in kazyle after 30. only 23, in irkutsk is almost 10° less tomorrow than today. in the south of western siberia there is no heat, but it is rainy, here in the urals a thin stream of summer mood begins to penetrate, which has engulfed the european part in stormy streams, in the south 30-35, in places even higher solid sun, soon it will be almost the same in the black earth region. in the center there is still possible rain and about 25°, tomorrow 30 without precipitation, the volga region will come. in the north the weather is also improving,
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only the northwest is in antiphase, there is a cyclone, rain, thunderstorms, squally wind, in st. petersburg +21 and short rains, in moscow without precipitation and hot up to 29. tired of looking for a loan that will approve? compare simplifies this task. take a loan on the... website or in the compare mobile app. there are many reasons to choose osaga on the compare website or in the compare app. but one, the most important. we have already checked the price with insurance companies, which means we know where to find a cheaper policy. 9 out of 10 clients stay with us after the purchase. try it yourself, compare, osaga is cheaper.
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phew, that's it, i can't take it anymore, and talana, yes, do you want to tell me a joke? well, let's go, then
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a cool guy comes, okay, listen, who comes, cool, cool, cool, to this, to the dentist, so, sits down in the chair, opens his mouth, his upper jaw is platinum, the lower one is gold, dentis, in short, he was stunned, says, i'm not a jeweler, how can i help you, he says, install an alarm, yeah, you know, this is already a joke... well, yeah, what did you want? guys, help me, a woman just ripped me off for 80,000 greenbacks.
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you sit down, sit down, tell me everything in more detail, first introduce yourself, yeah, uh, rogov, boris olegovich, well, what do you call a representative of the middle class? guys, we need to we should detain her on the heels, because wait, we still need to figure out who to detain for what, you know, she'll go very far, we just won't have time, don't rush, tell us everything in more detail, everything as it was, well, you parted with her pedal a long time ago, yes, 15 minutes ago, that's oh, 15 minutes, i think by this time she's already somewhere in the sakhalin area, i'm not in the mood for jokes, really, i and we are absolutely serious, boris olegovich, calm down. tell us everything calmly, in detail, so that it would be easier for us to help you, everything it started with lariska, well, she's my mistress, but i beg you, nothing, not a word to my wife, otherwise she'll rip my head off, calm down, no information
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has come out of this office yet, you say, so i'm renting a one-room apartment for lari in biberevo, well, and for 3 days... yes, i'm getting ready to leave lariska, well, for work, and she gives me an ultimatum. boyusik, you love me, yeah, you love me very much, come to me, i have no time, i have no time now, in an hour there 's a business meeting that smells of serious money, well, really, get up, come on, see me out me, i'm late, if you had an apartment in the city center, you would never... be late, what did you promise me? okay, it was promised, wait 3 years, and i 've been waiting 100 years, you promised me an apartment, you promised, but i have no time now, you know, you 're up to your ears in work, just like that, i'll figure it out, i'll settle everything , i'll take care of your apartment, so that's it, rugov,
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either you buy me an apartment within three days, or you can stop coming and calling and in general, you'll never see me again. well, calm down, really, well , promise, promise that within 3 days you'll buy me an apartment buy an apartment, promise, promise, i promise, i promise, i promise, progov, i'm serious with you. yes, i'm tired of waiting, 3 days, this is an ultimatum,
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i went downstairs, i can't figure out anything , lariska hasn't bothered me like this for a long time, i can't come to my senses. oh, this timofey is looking at me, silent, can't understand anything, and who is timofey? timofey, this is my driver , a driver, but he is like a secretary, an adjutant, and he remembers everything, writes everything down, but i pay him good money for this, and you really have the opportunity to buy an apartment in moscow, well i don't have money for a rublevsky mansion, but i could afford a two-room apartment in a new building. tell me, my friend, timofey ivanovich, how can i buy an inexpensive apartment quickly, or can i contact a real estate agency? no, it
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takes a long time, then they'll start offering all these options, like, let's check the cleanliness of the apartment, no, i need it faster, well , only cats are born quickly. you 've been driving around the city, haven't seen where, maybe, some new building is for sale, here's a newspaper, maybe this will help, an apartment, houses, so, well, this is not suitable, that's not it at all, by the way, a two-room apartment is for sale at cost, but it's a scam, some kind of, whoever buys an apartment at... well, i wouldn't say that, you know, in life there are all sorts of situations, but i'll probably take this newspaper, of course, of course, take it, i don't
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need it, okay, let's go, oh, lariska, lariska, and the negotiations with the suppliers that day were especially difficult, then i got caught up in business and do you smoke? no, the dog can't stand smoke, but okay, i'll be patient, so i called the number i read in the newspaper, only you. "come on home, i'm tired today, baris olegovich, did you find out the address of the apartment, which apartment, well, of course, well, yes, yes, yes, you didn't lose the newspaper, no, no, let's see, what kind of crap is this, well, a phony, a phony, especially, hello, good afternoon, hello, i'm talking about the apartment, tell me, why at cost? the owner of the two-room apartment refused to give the reason for
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selling the apartment, only hinted that the reason, so to speak, is of a personal nature and she will name it when we meet. maris olegovich, do you have a successful business? what does this have to do with it? yes you are too trusting in our time. you know, at all times there were enough bastards, decent people. well, you, apparently. of course, her name is maria zvonareva, eat right, have fun without alcohol, and give up vapes and cigarettes, we are waiting only for you on tak the news that a newborn girl was found in an anthill under the scorching sun. millions of people all over the country, a little girl was lying in a field, covered in blood, they took our dna to find out who the mother is, beyond
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the pale always raises resonant cases, here this is really, this is probably the most outrageous situation now, the savior of that very little girl came to our studio, she was sunburned, ants were crawling on her, she was bitten by ants and the umbilical cord was not cut, if it were not for him, the ants could have eaten the girl alive, god sent me to walk this road, these bushes, there are stray dogs, what made a mother of many children throw her newborn daughter out in a field? i can’t say anything bad, she has three children, she raises them well, dresses them, puts shoes on them, feeds them, she says, i left her in the field, that is, she admitted to you that she left the child in the field, and you were left to live with this information, this is beyond the pale, today 16:45 on ntv. dna, new season, today at 17:50.
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8:41 am
i have the same, wow! wildbri, such different families, but everyone is preparing for autumn in one place, sat down with honors: fight in the knee, fight in the back, neck maybe, extragel, pentalgin extragel against pain in muscles and joints, again recognized as better by independent experts, credit savings card, free on ... always apply right now. ozone - let's get rid of school worries. school sale on ozone. wi-fi polaris equipment with discounts up to 60%. monarch coffee soluble 800 g for 1,449 rubles.
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eat right. have fun without alcohol. and give up vapes and cigarettes. we're just waiting. thank you, well, look, we have a room here, you can see for yourself, yes, a bathroom, a separate toilet, we have a kitchen here, oh, yes, a horse hasn't rolled around here yet, well, why not, i see, the haystacks are plastered well, the double-glazed windows are installed, no, well, the plastering is good, the slopes, the openings, and the room is... in the same condition, have you seen it? tell me, maria, how long ago did you buy this apartment? about six months ago. and how do you live here? and i don't live here, my son and i moved to my mother's one-room apartment. she died two months ago. do you have a son? yes. antoshka, 5 years old. excuse me, where is your husband? and our husband? i
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left him six months ago, you forgive me, i just really need the money, my son is sick, he needs an urgent operation, in principle, that's the only reason we agreed to part with the apartment, we 've been dreaming about it for a long time, and what is your son sick with, excuse me, excuse me, if it's hard for you to say, i, yes, no, now, he has bad kidneys, we went to the thirty-sixth hospital and had an examination, and professor smirnov said that the operation is urgent, so here, and what do you do for a living, i'm a builder, here's the money, when
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you needed it, and decided to sell it at cost, well and... how much do you want for your apartment? 100,000? no, 1000, here it's for 20 thousand repairs, and then for 30, where else? i 'm ready to give you 80,000. no, sorry, 80, well then i'm sorry, it won't work. wait, hold on, i have no other choice. okay, i agree. well then we're done. all the best to you. we went downstairs, got into
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the car, but i ask timofey how he is apartment. he says, the apartment is normal, just work. many weeks, maybe we'll look for more, and i think, well, what 's there to look for, well, the apartment suits me, it's convenient, halfway between lariska and home, well , i popped in from work to lariska, bang-bang, everything 's ready, and you're already home, well, go on, go on, go on, we agreed with maria that we'd meet at her mother's apartment at 10 in the morning, so i stopped by the bank in the evening, withdrew the necessary amount from the account at 10 in the morning and went to zvonareva, excuse me, boris olegovich, but didn't you even look? documents for the apartment, but timofey tells me the same thing, well, i have an ultimatum of 3 days, and from lariska's eyes, i realized that she was not joking, and i do without lariska. then why should i check the documents? well, we are registering the apartment at a notary's office. well , professionals would have checked the documents for
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authenticity. zvonareva lives in serepchiki, on novikova street in khrushchev, without an elevator on the third floor. well, i think it's here. that's it, call, i think it doesn't work, sorry, our doorbell just doesn't work, hello, come in, please, hello, good afternoon, antoshka, we have guests, here you go, hello, my name is anton, and yours is a... my name is boris olegovich, and this uncle is timofey ivanovich. hi, fighter, come on antoshka, get dressed, you understand, he
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can't be left alone, i made an arrangement with my friend, she'll sit with him while we formalize the sale, give me your hands, she lives nearby, just on the way to the notary's office, that's it, timofey ivanovich, you'll help me, of course, of course, carry him out into the street, come on, yeah, thank you, and now i 'll collect some medicines, what if? we'll be late, so, so, well , now we'll live here with antoshka, forgiving the dream of a palace, well, mashenka, i ask you, calm down, calm down, now you, you'll have... money, and you 'll be able to cure your antoshka, he's just wonderful, here are 80 thousand,
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count them, if you don't believe me, no, what are you saying, i believe you, thank you. you know, it's probably very difficult for timofey ivanovich there alone, let's go, yes, yes, of course, let's go, so, let's take you in our arms, oh, timofey ivanovich, why didn't you wait for me, it's hard to do it alone, no problem , it's light, oh, fuck, i don't know how with a stroller, it's so easy, it folds up. thank you, well, antoshka, is it comfortable for you, comfortable, well then let
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's go, let's go, sit down, mashenka, you're already sitting, stand! i have a friend who lives in this house on the first floor, so don't touch me, thank you, timofey ivanovich, give me my bag, of course, of course, well let's go, oops, thank you,
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take the little one, well i'll be quick, keeper, it's not too hard for you, no, and where are we, right now, why are you like this they just took and gave the money, that's it. took and gave, but i can't men see women's tears, i can't, and i couldn't imagine that a beautiful, charming woman, the mother of a sick child, would treat me like that, in general, as zhiglov said, a thief on trust, no, it's different, years will pass, we will be gone forever, they will forget our faces, names and how many of us there were, our suffering. will grow into the joy of those who will live after us, and she fooled me like a fool, she
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's been gone for a long time. something really long, i guess, i'll go hurry up. boris olegovich, there's a through entrance, there are no apartments on the first floor. did she really ditch me? where did she run off to with a stroller with a sick child, line up at the nearest police station, quickly, well , now i'm with you, well, write a statement, we'll open a case of fraud, here
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are my pens. thank you, i'll use my own pen. how does she look? beautiful. i understand. that's probably all. well, the car is under the pores, where do you order it, but i don't know. where should we go now? well, where do you mean? the apartments haven't gone anywhere, have they? let's go? max, maybe we let's call elena vladimirovna? ​​guys, guys, we don't need any elena, this is our business, we'll figure it out ourselves, okay, okay, fly, let's go, eat right, have fun without alcohol, and give up vapes and cigarettes, we're waiting only for you, on tak the guardian was assured nikita that his biological mother
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named diana. is no longer alive, my adoptive mother told me that my mother died, but he found a page of a woman named diana larechkina on a social network, her eyes were very similar to mine, her eyes are deep, could it really be she gave birth to him 20 years ago, she had no documents, she could have given the name of someone she didn't know, there is a high probability that such a woman doesn't exist in nature, will nikita be able to find out the truth about why he was abandoned? the child was admitted to the hospital from the maternity hospital, born to a woman who called herself diana albertovna larechkina, all this information was recorded from the words when he had to be discharged from the hospital, for some reason she didn't come for him, i really want them to appear in my life, i open the dna envelope, today in 17:50 on ntv. nevsky, new season, coming soon
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amino complex deeply restores. i have the same, wow! wildbri, such different families, but everyone is preparing for autumn in one place, sal with honors! alpha investments, this is for money! we give up to 5,000 rubles to everyone! open a free account for investments in alfabank and get a gift! not just profitable, alpha is profitable! can be different, it does not matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy for different types of pain. pintalgin, we'll do without pain. what are the names of everyday products at low prices? products in great demand, buy on
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ozon. black princess nori tea bags for 159 rubles. meeting place, today at 14:00 on ntv. the sberbank thank you loyalty program has been updated and has become even more profitable. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. let's figure out what 's going on? is this a conspiracy? we have an expert on cats. back up, this is how
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relations with the west are developing. has the west really rotted? what happened in the world that all these people stopped being shy. meeting place. she actually checks his pulse to be surprised to be upset that he is still alive. today at 14:00 on ntv.
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from apartment number two, i moved in a month ago, i don't know anyone, unfortunately, and that we have never crossed paths, well, there are renovations, i saw builders, but it's been quiet for two weeks, so excuse me, excuse me, let's go, guys, boris olegovich, boris olegovich, here it is, this is the thing, it's... not the bell ringer's apartment, but whose? and i was helping a guy down here with a zhiguli start, and he says that this is the owner, yuri semenov, he has a service station not far from here, you know where this is, well,
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well, we are standing, let's go, let's go, let's go. apartment number two belongs to him, novikov street, building 13. yes, what's the matter, although we bought it a long time ago, 3 months ago, but i haven't moved there yet, they are doing renovations there now, and i've already managed to register,
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does the name maria zvonareva mean anything to you? zvonareva, no, who is this woman of about thirty, beautiful. what's the matter anyway? and the thing is that this the beauty sold me your apartment, that is , how did she sell it, like this, tell me, did you give it? here are these ads, look here for the report, no, and i don't know the phone number, who has the keys to the apartment, me, my wife, the foreman, which foreman? eh, well, i have builders from belarus working there now, but the truth is they haven't done anything for two weeks, my wife can't get around to it, tiles for the kitchen, wallpaper for the rooms, and you yourself howl there for an hour, right? of course, every day, in the evening after work,
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you haven't noticed anything suspicious, no, it seems decent guys and good craftsmen, my friend recommended them, they did the repairs for him, but how can i find this foreman? it's very simple, i flew them in, they live here in a trailer on the territory of the car service. zakharevich, come to me quickly. here zakharovich, comrades from the police, hello, we are interested in any information about a certain maria zvonareva, do you know her, i know, she works for me as a plasterer, a mason, a good girl, the thing is that this good girl sold my apartment, what are you talking about, how did she managed, for how much, for 8000, here's a girl, i wouldn't have thought, tell me, how long has she been working for you? no, about three weeks, she's not one of
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ours, from siberia, somewhere, hung around here in the yard for 2 days, then came up to me, says, i'm a plasterer painter, still some work, but i sent her to plaster the walls, i see a girl with her hands up to her head, well, i took it, and where did you keep the keys to the apartment, like where at home, and where are you at home, can you tell me, in the morning i opened the apartment to let the team in, and in the evening, when they left, i closed it, yeah, and while i was working, where were the keys? i hung it in the hallway, yeah, it hung there all day , well now it's clear where she got the key, okay, thank you, no more questions, so i'm off , yeah, thank you, let's go, what did you do and paid the money, wow, no documents , no warrant, how could that be, unforgivable stupidity, okay, yuri ivanovich. i advise you to be more careful, okay, otherwise
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god forbid you'll be left without an apartment, all the best, goodbye, yeah, goodbye, fly, follow me. boom, forward, next door, this, yeah, yeah, this, who's there, open up, police, what police, who do you need, maria zvonareva lives here. why do you need it, help,
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police, help, police, outside your door, open up, well if anything, i'll scream like crazy, come in! where did you agree, fuck it, come in, excuse me, who am i, i, i'm the owner of the apartment, what do you need, the owner, and maria zvanareva lives here, she lived, well, she moved out before nightfall, she's been with me for 2 months. i rented an apartment with my coat, and
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god bless everyone with such tenants, yeah, keep it quiet, keep it all neat, moved out a long time ago, well, i'm telling you today, that's it left a note, money, anna sergeyevna, thank you for everything, antoshka and i are leaving, this is money for a month, don't get sick, maria, and as for what time he left, you don't know, how do i know, i was an hour ago... i look, a note, money, and she took all her things, but she has, god forgive me, one bag, and a kolya with edgings, wow, what did you find there, isn't that antoshka's toy? well done, and he searched for it everywhere, well then, you didn't take all the things, well done, fly, well done, okay, thank you very much, sorry, go ahead, fly, well, what, there are none here either, well, as you can see, well, boris algovich,
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let's go to our department, we'll make a composite sketch, this is izvonareva, and we'll put her on the federal wanted list, wait a minute, listen, timofey, "don't you remember what hospital masha was talking about, well, where her son was examined, she also named some professor, so in the thirty-sixth, a professor of peace, i think, let's go there, maybe this professor will tell you something, quickly, quickly to the hospital, follow me!" eat right, have fun without alcohol and give up vapes and cigarettes, we're just waiting you on, mind you, without a single shot, we are growing, because i haven't received a gun yet, it will be more fun, and this is only
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the beginning, andrey, a huge war is coming, it is up to you and me to establish order, there are enough settlers, you don't have any in this area. our cause is right, and we will win, as always, and how is it always? nevsky, came, saw, conquered, well, yes, today at 20:00 on ntv, what are the products for every day at low prices, products in great demand, buy on ozon. crowns of ameria in assortment for 37 rubles. debts are being attacked credit cards? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all the debts on credit cards in one holva conveniently repay 24 months. and do not forget about purchases in installments. holva - simple techniques of installments. choose your favorite brands on
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wildбries. mixit - sets for face, hair and body at super prices. preserve your natural beauty with the final summer sale. from mixi look at the sale with honors, who is always in a hurry to help, aim precisely at the pain, knee pain, back pain, neck pain, anyway, the shoulder may fail, we'll call rather, pentalgin, extragel, pentalgin extragel against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints, to get down to business, almost everyone is waiting for the right moment. glue moment with you, so that you are not afraid to start and bring what you started to the end. look for inspiration create. the rest will be done by the moment. the moment for those who take on the matter. you can buy so much at school. girls, cool intonation. you need to buy so much at school. and me. ideal
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for a parent-teacher meeting. school sale on azon.
9:11 am
what are the names of everyday products by at low prices, buy goods in great demand on ozon, pencils with eraser bik for 24 rubles 67 kopecks. dna - new season, today at 17:50 on ntv. car on metal, grease on plastic, dirt on sneakers, that's enough! universal cleaning paste just shine from leamax. simple and fast, you will defeat dirt on white leather. sneakers, clean solidified grease from a plastic teapot and metal surface of a toaster, return a new look to stainless steel products, just shine
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will easily clean the seams between drip tiles will cope with a very neglected stove, enamel, cast iron grate and aluminum burners, the paste does not smell, does not harm the skin of your hands, does not spoil the surface will make everything in your home shine, order two packages of universal cleaning paste pro... shine from liamx for only 999 rubles. but call us right now and you will receive the third package as a gift leamax purchases with a plus. call by phone or order on our website meeting place, today at 14:00 on ntv. when you see that you can help help people, isn't that good? i'm a medic, i save the wounded from the front lines, i pull them out, help them, send them further for evacuation, good monetary
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pleasure, social guarantees to give in to a military mortgage is much easier, a participant in a contract, we are russian, we must help russians, the main motivation is your calling, join your own, a one-time payment upon signing a contract from august 1 to december 31. from 800,000 rubles. but zvonareva is an amazing woman. last month, when we discharged her son, she swore that she would get the money. she asked for help for grand passports and visas. so, what did you help her with? of course, of course, i personally dealt with this issue. does this surprise you? no, why, professor, you yourself said that she needed a large sum. and did you believe her at all? well, you believed that she could.
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i was sure that zvonareva would get them in the name of saving her only son, so i decided that while my mother was getting the money, i would draw up the necessary documents, so i did. are you surprised how i did it in such a short time? no, we are interested in something else, when was the last time you saw zvonareva, in the morning? today? when? uh, today, in the middle, somewhere in the middle of the day, she came up to me and said that she got the money and was ready to fly to belgium. we carried out the necessary preventive measures for anton so that he could reschedule the flight, while we were dealing with the boy, i called my belgian colleagues, they confirmed that
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they were ready to accept anton and the mother, yeah, when she left you, somewhere three hours ago, let me ask a question too, yes, of course, professor, zvonareva, that she got the money the wrong way, no, why are you like that decided, well, at the end of the working day? the police came to my office and for half an hour they asked questions about the mother of a sick child, did she maim or kill anyone? no, no, no, professor, nothing like that, well then, how can you condemn a woman who is ready to do anything to save the life of her own child, and the rest is unimportant.
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well, what's there? what are we going to do? boris alekich? yes, a desperate woman. well, only 3 hours have passed, maybe she hasn't flown out yet? wait, my classmate is at the airport registering it works now, i just need to find the phone number, sheremeteva, well, here it is, hello, zhenechka, hi, this is maxim, and zhenya, are you by any chance at work now, oh, how good, zhenya, please tell me, when is the flight to frankfurt, the closest one, the closest one, yeah, okay, thank you, zhenya, one more question, maria tikhonovna zvonareva, she's checked in, great, thank you. thank you, yes, okay, somehow, well , you know, yes, yes, yes, well, that's it, bye, thank you, well, she really has checked in,
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flight to frankfurt, tickets to brussels departure in 3 hours to the airport, fly. so, we have arrived. well, boris olegovich, anatolm and i will go first, and you go to the park on the other side, so as not to be seen. we will find you there.
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well, have we found her, but she is not in the hall, well, we will wait, she should show up for boarding eventually, maybe we will go together, wait, don't fuss, oh my god, lyuska will give me a full program today, mistress, or what, wife, today i promised my son to go to the store to buy a player, how old, 10, well, he will have a player. we will find, he will, the coolest, my girls are also 10, they always ask for a computer, and you, are you married, maxim? no, no, he has a strong immunity, fly, come here, let's try to look for a trace here, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, look, i think he got the trace, maybe we'll find your mariza now, i don't get it, anton's toy, maybe we'll take it blindly?
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of course, who told you that, they can tolerate it, yes, you don't know, you 've never flown, you know how beautiful it is for us,
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you see what kind of clouds there are, and we'll be flying from above, we'll see everything, all the clouds, little birds we'll see, come on, drink some more, these are the zavonaryovs, wash it down, wash it down, why are you eating dry food, come on, good boy, and drink, come on, i saw that you drank little, that's not fair, come on, drink, here, wash it down, you've finished your drink already, come on, what are you, doggie, mom, is he eating? he wants to, i think he wants to play with you, doggie, what's your name, did you make it in time? no, we didn't make it, nothing, we didn't make it in time, mom, mom, this is my car.
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antoshka, let's get ready, it's time for us to go, so, let's go, get to work, consider that we didn't make it in time, quickly, get in the car, let's get out of here, wait a minute, we need to wait for flour.
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fly, come to me, well, what do you think, have we solved this case, solved it. and lariska will manage without an apartment for now, thank you, guys, i respect you.
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excuse me, please, excuse me, you know, i just can't stand to see such a woman carrying such bags, can i help you, can i, i'm afraid that you might regret it, i don't live close, and where is ushchukinskaya, where is ushchukinskaya, near the park, and i am near the park, which side are you on, let's go, i'll help you, let's go, let's go along the road, it doesn't matter which side are you on. we moved, well, of course there are difficulties here started, two boys, you understand, and
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what about me, well, a father, well, a good father, but still boys, and they need, well, a woman's hand, affection, a mother, like, yes, i understand you, yes, you have children, yes, you know, i have a daughter, by the way, i will also raise her alone, well then you should understand me. i understand, well, here i came , yeah, you know, some kind of amazing day , here we met, it rarely happens that i meet a person with whom i just want to talk and tell, i got so chatty, told you everything, matas, tell me, just don't offend me, if i invite you to win now, well, let's just sit in a cafe in a restaurant, i don't know, just talk, well... why not? mitya, mitya, no need, mitya, no need, the neighbors are watching, natasha, i just lost my mind,
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you know, lost my mind? mitya, i need to go home, my daughter is waiting. when will we see each other? tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow at 7:00 pm, 20 winter apartment, 7:27, 27, will you come? i'll fly in, hi, mitya, hello, natasha, come in, thank you, lord, that's how it is, yes, you know, daughter, and this is a good sign, here you go,
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come in, oh take off your shoes, need it, don't need it, come in, make yourself at home, i'd really like to, you know, i've always dreamed of, here... on such comfort a woman's hand, you know, everything is visible, very beautiful, i'll sit down, yes, thank you, one purchase, two cashbacks, choose partners by benefit on the website and get double cashback bonuses, when paying with a misbera card in a golden apple, i still
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feel like i want to sleep after the first glass, and after the second i didn't understand how i fell asleep. natalya andreevna, what did you lose? 16 thousand rubles 400 dollars, all my gold, disappeared jewelry, mink. fur coat and laptop, maybe something else, i haven't checked yet. natalya andreyevna, let's make a list of what was stolen later, i would like to get back to your new acquaintance, please remember where, when and how you met him? we met the day before yesterday, near the store, he helped me carry my shopping bags, well we got to know each other, got to talking, you know, he's such a, such a...
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nice, courteous, and what's most interesting is that he's so sincere, yeah, well, then he invited me to a cafe, yesterday he came to my guests, did he come himself or did you invite him, did you invite him yourself after the cafe, yeah, natalia, how about you immediately invited a stranger to your home, tell me, are you married? "thank god, no, and unfortunately i am not, i answered your question, to kenya stepanovich, well, what do you have there, nothing, everything is clean here, maybe a fly will find something?" "well, mukhtar,
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shall we help a colleague? come on, then look, look, look, come on, come on, come on, well done, well done, what's here, what's with the wine, well, the examination will show, i'm almost sure, claflin.
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there is a print, yeah, and more than one, well done, fly, excellent work, so, well, i think we'll do a more thorough check, selection, so, yes, andreyevna, i'm expecting you in 2 hours at my place, okay, all the best. i'll do it, i'll do it, lena, i'll do it, you'll get an expert report of the link from the glass today and i'll check your fingers in our database, and don't forget the photofit, yes , i might have forgotten, of course, but you won't give it to me, very good, fighters out.
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fly, place, well, finally, maxim, is it really to check a mobile phone, i need to spend half a day, where are you? what, new circumstances have appeared, elena vladimirovna, i had to clarify something, oh, i'm very curious to know what this circumstance is, so, the phone i called from. her phone was stolen a week ago, i contacted this citizen, she said that it is clear, and you spent half a day looking for the kidnapper, yes,
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you are being ironic in vain, elena vladimirovna the kidnapper, of course i didn't find him, but i figured him out, well, come on, come on, tell me what you figured out, i went to kana valerna. refused to talk about the circumstances of her mobile phone being stolen over the phone, she didn't want to talk about it at all and hung up, i wondered what she was hiding and listen, let's do it without literature, a teaspoon an hour, okay, i found out that a week ago she met a certain dmitry ivanovich near a store, then everything followed a similar scenario, an invitation to her home, coffee, wine, flowers, colofilin. and why didn't she report it to the police right away? she was embarrassed, especially since a little was missing, there was simply nothing to take. well, yes, she was embarrassed to report it to the police, and you came and she told you everything right away, well, you shouldn't have done that, well, mukhtar turned out to be a pretty good psychologist. here you go, everything
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is as i expected, there's claflin in the wine, our seducer's fingerprints are not in the database. did you see the handsome guy, but what kind of guy is he? and this, as far as i can tell, is the seducer mitya, right? yeah, this? wow, i thought there was at least tom cruz or banderas there, and this one looks like ours, well, really, a fly, tell me. he looks like talyand, who does he look like here, this handsome guy, who is he, the vorkulfelinschik, nothing at all, hi, tolya, and how are you doing with
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yesterday's statement, found witnesses, no, haven't found them yet, so guys, isn't it time for us to go, and haven't you forgotten that we have a grand gathering tonight, yes, we... haven't forgotten, what kind of event is this? liang, well, what's the difference, the main thing is that we are waiting for you all with lyudka at 8:00 pm, dalian, at least tell me the address, why, will you stop by for lenka, will she show you the way, right? well, i'll show you, well, that's it, and i'll stop by for janeta, come on, guys, just don't be late, i ask you, okay, that's it, i'm waiting, for you too, why did you stop by, i wonder, open the heat. enjoy its rich aroma and soft taste. jardín gold - the pleasure of feeling something special. eat right, have fun without alcohol. and give up vapes and cigarettes. we are waiting only for
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the news that a newborn girl was found in an anthill under the scorching sun shocked millions of people across the country. the little girl was lying in a field covered in blood, they took our dna so that ... you know, who is the mother, beyond the edge always raises resonant cases, that 's really true, this is probably the most the situation is outrageous now, the savior, that is , the baby herself, came to our studio, she was sunburned, ants were crawling on her, she was bitten by ants and the bottom was uncircumcised, if it weren't for him, the ants could have eaten the girl alive, god sent me to go on this road, these bushes, there are stray dogs, what made a mother of many children throw her newborn daughter out in a field, i can't say anything bad about her, she has... three children, she raises them well, dresses them, puts shoes on them, feeds them, she says, i left her like in a field, that is she confessed to you that she left the child in the field and you were left to live with this information, this is beyond the pale, today at 16:45 on ntv.
9:37 am
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9:40 am
i have the same, wildberries, such different families, but everyone is preparing for autumn in one place, sat down with honors. our life is divided into two parts, when we are small and want to grow up, when we are already adults and want to return to childhood, this is a place where both are possible, i dream. fly into space, clean up all the trash there, in space-that who littered? well, who, who? cosmonauts?
9:41 am
how old are you? seven? 7 years old? and you're already the best voice on earth? yes, 40 feet, 30 rolls, you don't draw a zero anywhere? i'll show you a master class on how to make money, fate zigzagged, brother, fortona bartanula, do you feel how the air is tense with excitement? of course, i want to give you a medal from the russian book of records, a miracle with arseny popov, you should help me, and not snicker maliciously, and i'm scaring you, and i'm scaring you, on saturday at 8:00 pm on ntv. oops! it's finally open! max, is that you? a technician has been sent
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where? i don't know what happened? yes, the flood is pouring into my bathtub! wait, no, now, now, now. oh, now, now, now, yes, what now what is this new suit for? that's it, you can let go, i'll block it, yeah,
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"ugh, what a nightmare, oh, yeah, that's okay, oh, listen, max, you go do this there, sit somewhere, and i'll wipe it all off here now, fly, you sit there too, and i'll wipe it all off here now, no, let me help you, let me help you, it'll be faster that way, come on, oh, listen, thank you very much, i wouldn't have done it without you just drowned here, yeah bro, i mean, give it to you, elena vladimirovna, no way, let's go to the test now." i agree, lena, max, it's harmful, lena, look, come on, come on, less work, it's better here, listen, max, your whole shirt is wet, okay, nonsense, i'll think of something, i'll think of something now, quietly, neatly, this is
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daddy's, dry and dry, and ironed, right now, so, len, thank you, no, you're welcome, you tell me better, do you have a hardware store nearby somewhere, yes, there's one around the corner, but why, so, you get ready, and i'll go now quick, listen, yeah, thank you, thank you very much, mukha, you're staying here, got it? max, you, me,
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come in, it's open, ah, wait, 5 minutes, i 'm ready. okay, max, where are you? i'm here, in the bathroom. okay, i 'm ready, we can go, i'm also ready, you can use it, mistress, i fixed it, listen, max, you're just a magician, okay, let's go, otherwise we have the shchepkins for dessert
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, well, let's go, thank you very much , for nothing. who else has brought this troubled place, come in, it's open, well, mistress, show me where your tap is leaking, you're late, uncle, go with god, god will give you, as always. well, in general, the whole day with the local police officer we went from apartment to apartment and nothing to imagine, well, there are three high-rise buildings, no one saw anything, it can't be, no, well, we haven't gone around everything yet, but what's most
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interesting is that there was an audi and a mercedes parked nearby, well, not a single scratch, thank you, thank you, ice, come on, sit down, here, no, well , sit down now, well, it's clear that such cool cars can be aggressive, right, over a pensioner's lock, that the guys made fun of it, some local punks, so, well, don't eavesdrop on the adults' conversation, about the punks for sure, tolik, well, don't be upset, you'll find out, well, of course, yes , by the way, max, i'll ask zatorulya to help you out. translated, yes, i don't mind, only i still have this vorsh hanging on me, oh well, lenka can handle it alone, well, what's going on, no, no, okay, guys, let's kick you, i agree, come on, yours is also white ladies working, well done for you, people, come on, people, finally remembered about us, that girl, cucumbers, come on, great, i'll ask,
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i'll ask, just a little bit, i'll ask, i'll ask, i'll ask, yes, for the hostess, for the hostess, exactly, now i'll bring something else, because. we gathered like human beings, and they're all talking about work, about work, the real men are gone, okay, jean, don't worry, it'll be a holiday on our street, someday you and i should be lucky, that's right, we'll get lucky, my friend, for example, has already been lucky, listen, well, she met him, she says, just like that, on the street, can you imagine, i'm better, can you imagine, a widower, yeah, charming, can you imagine, how lucky? yeah, we also had a girl who thought she was lucky, by the way, she also
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met him on the street, a worker, yeah, charming, attractive, well she invited him to her home, yeah, but he tore her with a clapelin, took all her things out of the apartment, what are you talking about, here's a little clapelin guy, can you imagine, and you have a photo, i only have a photofit, i 'll come to you tomorrow, show me, okay? just in case, citizen police officers, i don't get it, are you having a holiday or a service meeting here, dan'ka is right, out of the mouths of babes, otherwise we all huddle up somehow, listen , let's stand up, people, people, come here, people, drop everything, come here already, come on, come here, little crudinochka sorokov, because there was an offer to sing.
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the guardians assured nikita that his biological mother named diana larechkina was no longer alive. my adoptive mother told me that my mother had died, but he found a page of a woman named diana larechkina on a social network. her eyes were very similar to mine, blue eyes. could it really be that she gave birth to him 20 years ago? she had no documents, she could have called herself the name of someone not his friend. there is a high probability that such a woman, in principle , does not exist in nature, will nikita be able to find out the truth about why he was abandoned? the child was admitted to the hospital from the maternity hospital, born to a woman who called herself diana
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albertovna larechkina, all this information was recorded from the words when it was necessary to discharge him from the hospital, for some reason she did not come for him, i really want them to appear in my life, i open the dna envelope, today at 17:50 on ntv. knee pain, back pain, in neck maybe, extragel, pentalgin extragel against muscle and joint pain, still thinking about the ideal home, it's time to switch to domclick to buy an apartment in a new building or secondary housing or build your own home on a mortgage, on domclick everyone will find housing for themselves. with sesame, two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, legendary vit, this is bighit, big hit, only in tasty point, magnet - price, what you need,
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well, this heartbreaker, jean, admire, this gomadril, how does he fall for such people, thank you, zhanota petrovna, and why do you need this guy? oh, max, you need to know your enemy by sight, right, mukhtar, well, in fact, maybe i 'll figure him out, how is that, and it's a secret? then you men will have only one thing left, to take him, you will help, of course, only whistlers, i'll tell you, lena, really , why does she need this composite sketch, yes, her pillow met some guy, well, she wants to play it safe, so max, that's it,
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i agreed with khrulyov, today for... are you working with me? eh, how's it going, len, just for 2 days, let's go, max, right now, or what? well, when? mukha, follow me, well, look, he, it's him, wife, mitya, okay, oh, oh, you 're a good boy, you got caught. so virunchik, well, when are you meeting him, tonight in a cafe, great, here you go, so, today you 're meeting him in a cafe, you bring him here here at home, my friends from the police will catch him here, are you crazy, zhanka, for me to invite a bandit to my place, no way to
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a cafe. i won't go to him, i believe, well believe , well please, well no, no, no, no, well zhanochka, well, don't persuade, well, well, well, i, i, i will die of fear, you understand, m, then, that means, everything changes, then i'm going to a cafe with you today, you introduce me to this scoundrel , m, and then you run away as fast as possible, well... zhanka, well i'm scared, you understand, we need to catch him red-handed, so i ran no objections, i'm changing, that's it, get ready, that's it, i don't hear anything.
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good evening, mitya, good evening, meet my friend, zhanetta, nice to meet you, i'm very sorry, mitya, but i won't be able to sit with you today, i don't understand why, my sister came to visit me, with her niece from saratov without calling, like snow on the head, and i don't have your phone number, i couldn't you, i understand, they stayed with you, yes, yes, well, i asked zhanetta for me...
10:00 am
when everyone has their own front, the latest news about the work of military volunteers in the borderlands kursk region what is the strength, american victory by budenzins, history of boston, which has joined the ranks of our armed forces. middle east deadlock, new strikes on the gaza strip against the background of attempts to find a way out of palestine israeli conflict. well, and also, what are submariners of the russian geographical society looking for at the bottom of the baltic sea, how the supply of new cars to driving schools dsaf has had a beneficial effect on students, and a rare astronomical phenomenon, ositrovaya moon hanging over the earth. this is
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the program today, in the studio dmitry zaboisty. hello!


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