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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  August 19, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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border occurred, as a result of a direct hit, the car completely burned out, there the crew tried to put out the fire and equipment this here you see engineering vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine, this is to save, but they did not succeed, another deployment point of the armed forces of ukraine, again. alive on
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the border of the khur region, russian military were destroyed by the use of fab-500 aviation bombs. the blow, as reported, was carried out again this night with the help of a su-34 fighter bomber. according to our ministry of defense, the ukrainian armed forces tried to break through in several places at once settlements of the kursk region, these are komarovka, alekseyevsk, sheptukhovka, here you see and cherkassnaya parechnaya, but to no avail. as a result of the attack on this site.
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protest in connection with the actions of the italians have already called the italian ambassador, they expressed their concerns to him journalists, well, on the bbc, as they say, its own atmosphere, the head of the moscow bureau of the tv channel, his name is steve rosenberg, we have shown him to you more than once, he went to the russian hinterland, to the tula region, the city of aleksin, and there, it means, he was going to talk to the locals so that they would tell him.
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how they are worried about the offensive in the ssu, but what is called, mr. rosenberg attacked the wrong people? i am very worried, maybe he himself went to visit, but it is already too old, too old, thank god, it is true that it is calm here, for now, and how do you think it will all end, then our victory, there should be no more, and what is victory, victory?
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a source, allegedly very close to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky, tells about this, assures that the reason was, before this the west allegedly twice disrupted previous, well, apparently the same operations of the ukrainian army, where are these operations were planned, when were they planned, in general, it is shown in every possible way that the west and nato, andrei vladimirovich has nothing to do with it, they knew nothing and so on and so forth tales of the evinsky forest, well , maybe they really didn't know everything somehow, because if you explain the activity of western journalists, that's what they continue to write, write.
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doha, they planned to discuss the conditions for passing it was supposed to be in the capital of kator to stop attacks on each other's energy facilities. ukraine and russia were going to send
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delegations to doha this month, however indirect negotiations, in which kator's representatives acted as mediators and met separately with the ukrainian and russian delegations, were disrupted by ukraine's unexpected invasion of russia's kursk region. russian media have already denied this information. according to the department's official representative maria zakharova, moscow has not conducted and is not conducting direct or indirect negotiations with ukraine. kiev is not commenting on anything, but many have noted that already on the third day after the ukrainian armed forces' attack on the kursk region, ukrainian the authorities themselves suddenly started talking about negotiations. the terrorist zelensky's office then hinted.
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the enemy is trying to improve its negotiating positions in the future, but what kind of negotiations can we even talk about? we can talk about people who indiscriminately strike at civilians, at civilian infrastructure, or try to create threats
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to nuclear power facilities. and today, vladimir putin's assistant, yuri ushakov, clarified that russia does not refuse.
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on a global media scale to give such a picture: look, he tells us article, ukraine and russia could have agreed on something, albeit small, but they could, here ukraine is so bad, got involved in kursk and ruined everything, who is throwing this into the washington post, it is obvious that this is not our story, it is someone, some western sources and why are they doing this, because ukraine does not look in the best light here, yes, some leak is absolutely real, that is , this is not a lie of the editorial board of the publication.
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the fact is that ukraine has a holistic concept, a holistic concept of conducting negotiations, it is multifaceted, here is what is written here, it does not fit into the scheme that they have already defined. double-checks, i agree with the statement that this is a lie, but i have other reasons,
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not some sources, in order to disrupt, uh, the upcoming negotiations, it is not at all necessary to put four brigades on the territory of the kursk region, for this you can have your own approach, no, this is the approach of a complete madman, and there they still have not completely gone crazy, you can arrange a massive missile attack, multi-level there combined, is it you agree with my version or not, that well here's what i'm saying, there is like one group, which, in kiev, yes, i even know who heads the second group regarding negotiations, of course, zelensky wants to live, who then will contradict him ustra, he himself seemed to have given instructions to kursk, he gave instructions, then he changed his mind, just like it was with the instructions to zaluzhny regarding the northern streams, also a lie, but beautiful. yes, that he gave the order, then he changed his mind and another order, and it's too late, and syrsky also has to live
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he wants to, and for the cheesecake to want to live, they would have raised their paws a long time ago, he hopes that it will be the same in kiev as it was in vietnam, that a blue helicopter will land on the roof, pick him up and take him to warm florida, he hopes for evacuation, he needs to live until it, that's why yes, he will simulate negotiations as much as he wants, but... stimulate negotiations, but why? i don't really understand, chew it over again for such a fool, for us svans, and why would he then need to move, he understands that at some point, if everything, as you say, that at some point a blue helicopter will fly in and take you away, so why does he need to negotiate, sit as long as possible, fight, it hurts me to say this, fight as long as possible, because you know that the blue helicopter will take you away anyway, it's time, a question of speed, the thing is that while waiting for the blue helicopter. yes, in kiev and while conducting military operations, you can suddenly find yourself on some unfortunate day, that they will tell him:
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hello, just a blue one, not a helicopter, but simply and simply a missile and not blue, and therefore he combines, here he negotiations, he is fighting there, he needs to hold out, let him have it for now, and what about you, no, i had a satisfied expression on my face when i heard ivan's hypothesis, because it is really interesting, and this is important in this case.
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this happens, because well, you can believe or not believe this or that information, there i put myself in the place of western analysts who study all this, what is there on the battlefield, consider it propaganda, but when information appears, 24 ukrainian
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prisoners were taken here, today 19, they don't just report, their show with names. listen, well, if such a number of those who , well, it seems, had the initiative, are captured at one time, this shows that at least the war is going on, well, a normal situation, of course , during the war, one or another, one or another personal soldier, regarding propaganda, what can be considered there, we will show you after a break some new ukrainian propaganda creations, there are absolutely, of course , fantastic ones, but for now, let's actually look at the situation in the kursk region, for what propaganda, again, if we have latched on to it , western media and partly politicians are using it now, they say, well, since the ukrainian armed forces have entered the kursk
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region, let's give them more weapons, let's allow them to use the weapons that the ukrainian armed forces already have for all these. underestimated throughout this conflict. and now, in the name of all that is holy, the ukrainians have once again shown how much we have them , the moment has come when we in the west must give them permission to use the weapons that we are already supplying them. and the day before , the times newspaper reported that the current prime minister britain's keir starmer has instructed
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the national security council to work out a plan to expand military aid to kiev. the telegraph newspaper adds details. allegedly, the office of terrorist president zelensky is begging london to give permission to use british missiles to strike our country. it is important for us that our partners remove the barriers that prevent us from weakening russian positions exactly as the course of the war requires. long-range for ours. the long-range of our forces is the answer to all the most important strategic issues of this war. and here it is. the same british press complains: london is ready to give kiev a complete carte blanche, but the us is still dragging its feet. allegedly, the biden administration is afraid of a possible escalation. the american publication politics reports that after the attack of the ukrainian armed forces on the kursk region, the white house is discussing the possibility of sending long-range cruise missiles to ukraine. the issue has allegedly not yet been finally decided, but the details are being worked out. at the end of july, washington
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hinted that it could lift restrictions for armed forces of ukraine. we are constantly watching.
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that no one will sit down at the negotiating table with him, he has a key ally here, the british, they also have a common interest, they also understand that no one will invite them to the negotiating table, at least the situation today is such that no one sees the british , they really want it, or something, they need it, they really need it, of course, they want to resolve their geopolitical issues at the negotiating table, it's just that no one sees them there, that they feel very good while they are going military negotiations. in a certain area, well, the negotiation process, yes, and it was classified, no one knew about it, here the british, zelensky also
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has a question, if russia and the americans could negotiate in secrecy regarding the exchange, then why couldn't they negotiate regarding a way out of this ukrainian crisis, this happened, the exchange takes place on the first, and the kursk operation takes place on the sixth. i am convinced, i am convinced, i am convinced that the kursk operation was prepared, it was planned long before before that, and it was prepared by the british, i have absolutely no doubt about that, you can doubt the capabilities of the british army, but you can doubt the capabilities of the special forces , so to speak, operations, which work at a very professional level.
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also, well, here the question arises, were the negotiations conducted in order to achieve these goals of a partial ceasefire, the beginning of the negotiation process and so on, or, on the contrary, were they conducted precisely in order to deliver an unexpected blow at that moment strike at where, yes, that is, in fact, i do not exclude the second option at all, especially since there were certain prerequisites, like i would go to china, there to brazil, china too, but here the operation itself is really enough... russia has money, the military-industrial complex, weapons, allies, but a very large number of soldiers are needed to stop any breakthrough, how many 10-12 thousand people went into this breakthrough, professional military personnel are needed in large numbers, where to get them, we are constantly
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being pushed. despite the fact that i am completely with i don’t agree with my colleagues, zelensky isn’t afraid of anything, nothing threatens him, he’s sitting in kiev, he’s sitting there quite tightly, we’re not threatening kiev at all, we won’t carry out any large-scale strikes, bombings, even like the donetsk gala, that’s also clear, nuclear bombings too. by the way, the question is also very ambivalent, on the one hand, they’re trying to provoke us, to strike them, or, on the contrary, they ’re striking our regions, because we’re not responding in any way, because we’re not we inflict some in order to provoke, or maybe we'll hold off now, let's, because we wanted to talk about these energy facilities separately, and by them we mean, of course, nuclear power plants, and that's where these new creations of the wonderful chicks will be , let's
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the place where everything becomes clear. we continue this part, let's start with news from baku, where russian president vladimir putin arrived on a state visit. the first footage of his official talks with azerbaijani president ilham aliyev. thank you for the invitation. we have long agreed on this visit. and i am very glad to be in baku, to admire this city once again, the development of which you, and i know this firsthand, your wife, pay great attention to, this is the city developing, developing successfully. is turning into such a uasis, i would say. it is reported that the talks between the two leaders took place in the zagulba residence, a motorcade was in front of the building the russian president was greeted by a company of honor guards. vladimir putin was met in a solemn atmosphere the day before at the
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steps of the plane, after which the russian president went to the home residence of the azerbaijani leader, where chita aliyev received putin in an informal setting. well, let's go over a few more details of the negotiations. vladimir putin thanked the azerbaijani authorities for their attention to the russian language, aliyev noted the level of interaction between moscow and baku, and the russian president also declared his readiness our country to participate in the peaceful settlement between baku and yerevan. russia's historical involvement in the situation in the south caucasus, and over the past few years, it dictates the need for us. participation in these events, of course, to the extent that the party requires it, of course, after the visit to azerbaijan with prime minister pashinyan, i will tell you about the results of our negotiations. i
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know that azerbaijan aims to complete all procedures, with a fully settled. and let's talk about one more significant visit, which in the near future , the indian prime minister is expected to make a visit. at rendromode, as the indian mit reported, for the first time, first of a special military operation, the head of india will visit ukraine, and then go to poland. it is noteworthy that, as you probably remember, modi came to russia quite recently, in early july, then the ukrainian conflict became one of the topics of his negotiations with vladimir putin, this visit was then personally criticized by the terrorist zelensky, well, apparently, the visit will eventually take place, the goal of the exact dates of his current trip is not yet... famous, by the way, it will be very interesting to see how zelensky will be in front of him, well, let's see, we'll tell you, so we interrupted bohdan anatolyevich at the moment when he began to talk about the incessant provocations of ukrainians, one way or another, connected with
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nuclear weapons, nuclear energy, it was absolutely correctly said, they do not stop literally for a day, let's watch the story, then bohdan anatolyevich will finish the thought. last saturday , the russian defense ministry accused kiev of preparing a nuclear provocations. strike on the kursk npp. the purpose of the attack, as explained by the department, is to accuse russia of self-fire, so that moscow would have grounds for retaliatory strikes on nuclear facilities in ukraine. and our mfa. stated that the ukrainian provocation could lead to a man-made disaster in europe, even western experts became concerned. ukraine, as a terrorist state, is doing everything possible to strike the npp, counting on a global reaction from the west towards russia, because of course they will say that the strike was carried out russia. for us, for the western world , there are still red lines, for ukraine there are none left.
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the historical moment is over, the food has gone, there is no explosion, we are under the control of the zsu, kursk is ukraine, well, bogdan anatolyevich, the cook is cool, yes, but i already said that we have some ambivalence, either they are hitting us because we did not hit hard beforehand after violating various red lines, or vice versa. they are provoking us to some kind of attacks, but i absolutely do not believe that zelensky made the decision on his own about the attack in the kursk region, that neither the cia, nor the nsa and other services that are in the us, they did not know about it at all, could not influence it in any way, this is absolutely clear, with a planned action precisely in the sense that the head is the west, the us, which is supposedly not involved, not guilty, can i with you, here some dispute arises, the united states, after all, or great britain, no, well of course,
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the list of targets, all this remains in full, technical preparations are underway for the attack on kursk-est, we should treat this very seriously, the question what the goal is is very simple, the goal is to create a second chernobyl from the point of view of psychology. not from the point of view, that is, to cause turbulence here, you can't
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force it, if in moscow people wake up in the morning and find out that there was an explosion at kurskoes, then the psychological effect will be very big, believe me, in washington it won't be, in washington it's calm, wait, andrey vladievich, wait, there is a zaporozhye nuclear power plant in significant proximity to the contact line, how many times have they tried to storm, how many times they tried to hit it, how many flew in with the spent fuel storage. i already talked about this, zaporizhzhya npp, the ukrainians will take control of it, as they want, and for this they are now preparing, completing all the preparations for the operation to seize it, in relation to the course, they do not want to seize kursk, they want to create
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a man-made disaster, the planning of a man-made disaster is carried out with the support of,
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secondly, as secondly, russia, russia will know who is responsible for this, no matter what they say, russia will know who bears responsibility for this, and the russian federation, the russian leadership, based on this, will make a decision, as you think, this is how it is, if such a tragedy happened, what would they say in the kremlin: well , now we make peace, now peace and give up all the territories, yes, that's what you think, no, what do you think in the west, in washington, in london, in paris, in berlin, someone thinks...
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from this the west, what, russia will not stop after such a terrorist attack, russia , on the contrary, will take escalatory action sharply escalatory listen well we showed you now where a guy in a chef's hat switches the kursk npp in ukraine well naturally for some reason they well for some reason they do it therefore there will be a media the same result look we broke the kursk station.
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here he is hiding, so what is your assessment here on nuclear facilities on energy, of course there are plans, they always are, everyone has them, we have them, they have them, what is the point of them , what do they want in these plans? to get yes they will not be implemented, they do not even discuss why do we need a plan then, if he said it correctly, there is a plan, because the military always plans for a year, for two, for five, for
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10, everything, everything, everything that is possible, there is a special strategic group of the general staff for this, but there are no such plans, because what is the main mistake, andrey's main mistake is in the very first sentence, that this is an attempt to psychologically influence us, comrades, dear, on europeans this is not a psychological influence.
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no one knows it, no one has ever checked it, they do not know where to stop, therefore from cooling towers shock, from substation shock, every time they are walking on a fine line in zaporizhzhya, and grosi says, no one knows, our korchaga says, a great specialist, when here one bullet will be enough for this to go into an uncontrolled process, there will be a double chernobyl, they do not play with this.
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what do we have, that's it, we do not have time, let's take a break now, then we will continue, we have another big topic of ours inside, open jardin gold, enjoy its rich aroma and soft taste, jardin gold - the pleasure of feeling special and notice, we are growing without a single shot, because i haven't received it yet, it will be more fun, and this is only the beginning, andrey, a huge war is coming, it is up to you and me to establish order , and there are enough villages, you have no future in this area, our cause is right, and we will win, as always, and as always it is like, nevsky, i came, i saw, i conquered, well, yes, today
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protect your family, you must also protect your homeland. but a real man cannot stand aside when his homeland gives birth to danger. we are here to our children then lived peacefully in the future, so that they did not know war and there was a peaceful sky above their heads. and we must always be ready. to bear a powerful blow, such that the enemy does not rise, you will do a worthy deed, your loved ones will be proud of you, join yours, serve under contract, this is a meeting place on ntv, a place where everything becomes clear, it is really a big topic, i meant that it is, firstly, long- standing with us. which does not please me at all, but recently, thanks to the emergence of a new character, that's how it is the scale has become completely different, in a few minutes we will move on to this topic, now i want to briefly remind you that
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i invite you next saturday, august 24, in sochi in the winter theater i will be waiting for you, here are the messages from vanya that are less pleasant, but at least more alarming, alarming for sure, this is the south china sea, three warships collided there, two philippine and one chinese and the incident in this, this is called not just an escalation, perhaps even a harbinger of some big war in the region, what are we talking about? collision happened near the disputed shoal, it is called xianbin. china blames the filipinos for the incident, allegedly they deliberately rammed the chinese coast guard ship and illegally invaded the territorial waters of china. but the representatives of manila have the opposite version: they assure that it was the chinese border guards who behaved aggressively, made dangerous maneuvers, and ultimately all this led to the collision. the filipinos , as they claim, were defending their national interests, that as a result of the strong blow one of the coast guard ships the philippines' security was breached, the second was damaged, the chinese one also suffered, but it seems not so seriously, well, beijing is already
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threatening tough measures. the philippines' actions seriously infringe on china's sovereignty, violate the declaration on the conduct of the parties in the south china sea, and threaten peace and stability. china resolutely opposes this and will continue to take measures to protect itself. china regards all this as an invasion of
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its territorial waters , a conspiracy with western allies to arrange a major military escalation, kotmeli then sent a response powerful coast guard fleet. against this background, the philippines are stepping up military preparations, the very same new president marcos is already saying that he will spend 30.5 billion dollars on modernizing the army, well, the americans are ready to help him in every possible way, they have already armed the filipinos with typhoon missiles and tomahawks. so far, all this has happened as part of the exercises. now the filipinos are negotiating with washington on the exchange of intelligence data, they promise to conclude an agreement by the end of the year. in the spring, american president joe biden promised to come to the rescue of manili if suddenly it will have problems with its neighbors, well , it is clear that china was meant. the pentagon is now making comparisons. china is showing us an example of bad behavior of a big power pushing on a small neighbor with the aim of imposing its will on it. and here an analogy with
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russia and ukraine comes to mind. i am very concerned about the direction in which events are developing in this area. china is behaving dangerously and illegally. i am afraid that this could be such a story, you know, andre, flared up where no one expected, while everyone was looking at the middle east. actually, we discuss it quite often, these are the actions of scammers who, under various pretexts, in various ways, lure money out of people, from a variety of people and in a variety of amounts, why did i say that the scale is different now, because by the actor, i certainly mean larisa dolina, who suffered from scammers, this all happened right before your eyes, literally a few days ago, we have a very big story, colleagues have prepared it, so i will not say anything now, the first
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calls from ukrainian scammers have begun larisa dolino was supposed to do it back in april, posing as fsb officers, the perpetrators told the singer that some criminals were interested in her elite five-room apartment in khamovniki. according to the alleged fsb officers, the singer was supposed to sell the apartment, and during this sale the criminals would be detained by the police, so they say the singer will save her apartment and help catch the swindlers, but most importantly, dolina should not tell anyone about the secret operation of the special services, they tell you all the time, so look, firstly, this is a secret task, secret, you can't communicate with anyone under any circumstances, you can't tell anyone anything. having processed the star victim, the criminals put the apartment up for sale through a real estate agency with the telling name of lvov estate. the press claims that they were the ones who posted the ad for the apartment. the price of 112 million rubles, according to experts, is much lower than the market price. the company's website
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is now unavailable. literally a couple of weeks later, in may, the agency announced that buyers had been found for the apartment and a deposit had been made. they were convinced that larisa dolina was indeed selling the apartment with the help of this dubious video. this is me. in july , a deal took place in the agency's office in moscow city, where dolina, in the presence of a lawyer, signed a purchase and sale agreement and received money. the singer immediately transferred part of the funds received to an allegedly safe account as part of the same special services operation. a female courier came to dolina for the rest of the money, after which she handed it over to unknown people, who were already detained by the police. it is assumed that fifty-year-old angela tsirulnikova receives a percentage of the funds stolen in this way. the woman herself claims that she also became a victim of fraudsters, but the ministry of internal affairs said that she was involved in another case related to the theft of personal savings. it really was larisa. we
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greeted her, she really gave me a large package, then she, when i was in the car, said that there would most likely be money there, we ask you to take it, i put my purse down, they took everything out, they counted everything in front of me, dolina began to realize the whole situation a week ago, when unknown persons, who introduced themselves as the new owners of the property, tried to enter her apartment, the people's artist refused to give up the keys, now the apartment has been seized and... a criminal case has been opened, whether the buyers of the apartment are involved in the scam, law enforcement officers will have to find out, dolina herself made a statement: i became a victim of fraudsters, very sophisticated and planned fraudulent actions were committed against me. a criminal case has been opened on this fact, i am recognized as a victim, my apartment has been seized. in addition to the apartment, the fraudsters also managed to pledge the people 's artist's dacha near moscow. to get a loan
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for 50 million rubles. the fraudsters convinced the creditors that the singer's money was needed to finance an anniversary tour next year. and to eliminate all doubts, they showed the same fake video with dolina, most likely generated by a neural network. the total damage ultimately amounted to more than 200 million rubles. the scammers also hacked the singer's social networks, where they posted on behalf of dolina that the artist had sold the apartment , mortgaged the country house, and the proceeds means supposedly from...
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turning off logic, this is how hypnosis works, that is, when a person is put into a trance state, everyone is supported in a trance state, they are subject to it, yes, because we are all asleep, one way or another, yes, well, accordingly,
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it is not the case that they were forced into it, the fact is that there was a person on the other end who understands psychology, neurolingual programming, ericksonian hypnosis, everything, it takes literally 2-3 months to study this. that is, well, this is the very first point, look at what number we are calling you from, how to hook, she says: i see, now go to the website of the moscow fsb department, go, see the number, she says, i see, from this one, this is the same number and this one, hello, we are from the moscow fsb department, why can't you just remember? that fsb employees will never call you on the phone and provide such information, they will summon you with a subpoena, i don't know you there, they will take you to the funnel, but they will not call on the phone, i will also explain now, look, all these call centers,
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of which there are almost 1500 on average ukraine, in the west, they are divided into several so to speak gradations, someone is engaged in you know from viber. number 90 space zero, dials and says that your sberbank application has crashed, yes, someone is engaged in social issues, someone is engaged in legal entities, says that you have shadow employment, send these documents via a link, and there are those who work for a long time, they were collecting information for three months, i am sure, they gave her the information that no one could know, you understand what the matter is, they told about her relatives now, now we, since we have already touched on your story a little, i will briefly, natalya, remind you, remind you how it was, actually,
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the attackers persuaded natalya vlasova to transfer her, transfer money to an unknown account, about a million rubles, correct me if i am wrong, it all started with a call allegedly from the clinic, during which the singer dictated her snils number, a few hours later she received a call allegedly from fsb officers, it is clear that in quotation marks, who reported that the account was on...
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the pension insurance number, which i i usually call the clinic, sosnils'm, that is, i thought that everything was as usual, they ask me for a snil to make an appointment with a doctor, that is, they call and say, what are you doing, we managed to hold you back at the last moment , forgive me, prevent, and you must now, first of all, swear that you, well, that is, you are under such-and-such an article, such-and-such, now on video recording, and confirm that i am avlasova, natalya valerievna.
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the guardian assured nikita that his biological mother named diana larechkina was no longer alive. my adoptive mother told me that my mother died, but he found a page of a woman named diana larechkina on a social network. belo
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's eyes are very similar to mine, she has blue eyes. could it really be that she... gave birth to him 20 years ago, she had no documents, she could have given the name of someone she didn't know, there is a high probability that such a woman does not exist in principle. will nikita be able to find out the truth about why he was abandoned? the child was admitted to the hospital from the maternity hospital, born to a woman who called herself diana albertovna larechkina, all this information recorded from the words, when it was necessary to discharge him from the hospital, for some reason she did not come for him... i really want them to appear in my life, i open the envelope dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. alfa investments - this is for money, we give up to 5,000 rubles to everyone.
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open a free account for investments in alfa bank and get a gift. not just profitable. alpha is profitable to give 30 gb every month when transferring a number - this is normal, so we give zbermobile. apply for free connection of gas networks to the boundaries of your site. details by phone: 8800 101 000 04. the call is free. to earn on my savings, i open a deposit in t-bank with a rate of 18%. i can top it up from any bank by phone number without commission. open a deposit in t-bank with a rate of 18%. t-bank is one of a kind. to be here means to be close. with those you love
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like a set of men's accessories hermes from leamax, a voluminous cross and a chain of armor weaving, a massive cross hermes, jewelry steel, noble shine and spectacular voluminous design. three crosses in one: a powerful cross is ideally combined with a chain of armor weaving, the color of real gold, a strong lock reliable links. hermes jewelry is self-confidence and an integral part of a successful male image. a set of hermes jewelry is a worthy gift for a real man. the price of the set is 2.49 rubles. but call us right now and you can buy it for only. well, 1999 rubles. but that 's not all, everyone who orders the set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. liamax, shopping with a plus. this is a meeting place
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on ntv, a place where everything becomes clear. we continue. and the story of fraud against larisa dolina, who was in ... remotely installed a certain application, and after that the actor was contacted by self-proclaimed police officers who convinced voevodin to secure his accounts, he lost about 250,000 rubles. a similar story last year
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happened to figure skater evginia tarasova, first the girl received a call, allegedly from the investigative committee, assuring her that loans had been issued in her name, and then tarasova was transferred to a supposed employee of the central bank, who persuaded her to cash out the money and put it in another account. then the figure skater lost. more than 700,000 rubles. other public figures have encountered similar schemes. we will now send you a text message with a code that you will need to enter to change it there. well, you understand that if you tell someone this pin code, you you will bear criminal liability for this. when your brain hears this criminal liability, it immediately knocks you unconscious. for more than one day, the scammers were working on the actress maria selyanskaya. for several days, the woman communicated with the attackers, who introduced themselves to her as employees of a mobile operator and law enforcement agencies. after she was convinced to transfer all the money to a new account, the actress lost more than one and a half million rubles. a similar scheme was used to extort money from the writer edward rodzinsky.
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first, he received a call from alleged wikipedia employees who were planning to update the information on the internet. and later , impostors from the fsb contacted rodzinsky and warned that his savings could end up in the hands of criminals and go to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. a few days later, rodzinsky withdrew 45 million rubles from his accounts. and handed them over to a well-known courier, the criminal has already been detained, how much did you manage to earn, nothing, that is, you were never paid, no, but they should not have paid only when i switch back to my city, on what amount they were expecting, 1,100, actress alexandra cherkassova also fell for the scammers' tricks, first the scammers contacted the girl on behalf of director klim shipenko and said that the special services were checking her for involvement in financing the armed forces of ukraine. later , cherkassovy received a call from a pseudo-investigator from the fsb and told the actress that the money was transferred from the accounts of the production center, and now the entire film crew was under surveillance. the actress admits that she was very scared and was ready to do anything just to avoid going to
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jail. the scammers were working on cherkassova 24/7 for 4 days. under pressure, she withdrew all her savings from her accounts and took out loans. the girl gave the scammers 2 million rubles. i was not allowed to use the phone, the further, the more they pressed, what could be the consequences, okay for me, but for my loved ones. about which i will tell you that it is 15-20 years in prison and so on. for more than a week, the scammers processed lyubov kozarnovskaya, in february, the singers wrote from a hacked account of a colleague, allegedly with the singer's personal data. the scammers took possession of it, then a classic call, as if from the fsb. kozarnovskaya was informed that a transfer had been made from her accounts in favor of a ukrainian terrorist organization and was offered to protect her good name from harm. then the singer was contacted by an alleged employee of the central bank, who convinced her to withdraw her savings and transfer them to a new account. kozarnovskaya lost about 900 thousand rubles. victoria mikhailov, do i understand correctly that they tried to contact you through your former
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employer, right, yes, and in this way. immediately some kind of trust in a person who initially tells you something, you thought that you are talking to someone distantly familiar, or even my previous boss at the company where i worked two years ago, well, that is, they started processing in the morning, on telegram, yes, well, that is , wait a minute, your former boss suddenly showed up there after 2 years and what, what did he want? i just wrote, said, listen like this. question: how were things with your colleagues? maybe there were some quarrels? i say, well, i haven't worked for a long time, i know, i'll just tell you a secret, someone leaked the data of current and former colleagues somewhere, now in our office fsb, we are conducting an investigation, well, i'm not speaking literally, well, i understand, yes, there are questions for you too, so if anything,
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they might call you. from the investigative committee, maybe from the fsb, don't be scared, that's all they tell you, tell me later, just don't tell them what you told them, so i think, oh, figure it out yourselves, i hung up, well , i didn't hang up, i ended the conversation, so a few hours later they really did call me from an unfamiliar number, as a journalist, i can't help but pick up unfamiliar numbers, it could be at work, and i can, i'm not like that, well, it starts, what... did such and such contact you? i say, well, yes, she wrote today, yeah, i see, well, questions start, they introduce themselves, naturally to the fsb, specifically about my previous workplace, that is, how many months ago i worked there, who i talked to, did i have any suspicions, well, that is , nothing was directed specifically at me, i talked, the call was dropped, then another one calls me back and says: that's it, your passport details
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indeed. but we saw this transfer, we stopped it, it froze. now, if you cooperate with us, we will return this money everything will be fine, was this said by a person from the bank or not, this is what he said, it means that the fsb can stop it happens within one day, understand, because they make a remark to me that i am angry today, i am not angry, i am simply stunned by how you are being fooled, dear friends, yes please, it means that the transfer was stopped and what monitoring was stopped what? and
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so they tell me: so that i can cooperate with the fsb now, i need to go through a short interrogation, it lasts an hour, they ask me, if you don't go through this survey, you won't be called to cooperate yet, i 'll go to court, i'll definitely go to prison and all my relatives will pay my debt , list my last name, patronymic, details, place of residence , list all of my relatives, at what point did something start to bother you, can you explain? they said when they told me that a rosvidmonitoring employee would call me on telegram, my common sense started to return connect, so, but i still haven't quite turned on my head, i kind of guessed that something was wrong, but they tell me that now dad's car, there's an apartment, all the money, now everything will fly away, everyone will suffer, at what point after all, here's telegram, but you're not yet under hypnosis, at
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what point something happens to you, when...
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to those people who were responsible for security issues in this company, we just changed my passport, that's all, so, here yuri alexandrovich is sitting, nodding, but with all due respect, i found out that you, it turns out, also a little bit, so just a little bit were
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a victim of scammers, though the scammers then felt bad, there were fewer scammers then, there were fewer scammers, well, since we are confessing today, yes, i will join in, i probably became a victim of scammers who use the scheme. finding caregivers, i needed a caregiver with medical education for a relative, i will not tell you the inside story, the point was that well, for myself i roughly understood that most likely it was 50/50 fraud, but as you correctly said, i immediately contacted the police and about 100 people are currently in pretrial detention awaiting trial, accordingly, 100, yes, well, there was a large large group and a nurse who talked to me and told me which store was opposite the house.
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that's from all the statements that yes go to the police, 97% of the applicants, they not only knew, they were warned that they had to hang up, not talk, and so on, they knew specifically about this method of fraud, when we conducted an additional survey, the key thesis was the interest in understanding what is happening, what exactly tactics are used towards me, and then it is already involvement, here they said correctly, you need to hang up immediately, then...
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i can say the following, that not a single script, not a single knowledge base indicates that assistance to the client is initiated on the basis of something identified by us or identified by the bank and so on, yes, that is, it is either a statement, or a statement of the citizen himself, or a professional check and it is carried out only in personal contact, but people do not hear this, why do they not hear, i will explain, we need to take a very short break, yes why they don't hear, yes, it's all very simple. because on the other side, there's a huge machine working with psychologists, with professional operators, with foreign and our experts who create contact centers, yes, that is, we've seen these scripts. knowledge bases, professionals work there, no one
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bonuses for purchases by card. sberbusiness. our life is divided into two parts: when we are small and want to grow up, when we are already adults and ... want to return to childhood, this a place where both are possible, i dream of flying into space, cleaning up all the trash there, who made the trash in space, well, who, who are the astronauts, how old are you, are you six years old, and you're already the best voice on earth? yes, 40 feet, 30 rolls, you don't draw zero anywhere, i 'll show you a master class on how to make money, fate has zigzagged, brother, farton b... you feel how the air is tense
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with excitement, of course, i want to give you a medal from the russian book of records, a miracle, let's do it quickly, we have little time, we're just all about some kind of technological they said that the same thing generally happens in personal contact, let's ... we will give examples in 2018, an employee of one of the pawnshops in yekaterinburg gave a fraudster several million rubles from the cash register. the swindler introduced herself as a healer and promised to remove the damage from the saleswoman, later stated that gold and a large sum of money were needed for the ritual. the victim herself later told the police that she succumbed to the persuasion
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of the fraudster and filled the criminal's bag with cash herself. i am withdrawing all this through there gold, through money, just take more. do it right away, she got into my trust to such an extent that i simply couldn't do anything anymore. cashiers in catering establishments and stores often become victims of scammers. in 2016, a similar incident occurred in tatarstan. in one of the cafes, an employee gave the scammers money from the cash register. it is visible on surveillance cameras. the scammers take turns pretending that they are going to pay for the order, take money out of their wallets and the cashier immediately starts counting out the change, although she never received the money, this there was some kind of hypnosis or something like that, because several times in a row, but i work myself and it's unreal. in 2012, a strange robbery took place in one of the jewelry stores in moscow. the fraudster managed to buy jewelry worth more than a million rubles for a pack of shredded paper. the money she
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paid with, the sellers immediately put in the safe, and the catch was discovered only at the end of the shift. the store sellers assured that they put real bills in the cash register, they themselves do not understand how this could have happened. a year earlier a jewelry store in the ryazan region was robbed by a young couple, while the man was chatting up the consultant, his accomplice hid the jewelry in her pocket. as the seller says, it may have been hypnosis, perhaps memory loss, five expensive chains worth about 12,000 rubles were missing. well , let's say it's all suggestion, yes, then something happens.
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you don't see who, but the name is written, the fsb department, the fsb, this is all, so as not to repeat, that is, the victim in each case is a very trusting person, what do you know, well, i'm here well, in fact, it's not very clear what we're all waiting for a call from, well, i said it's interesting, well, as interesting as it can be, sobyanin called one of my friends by video, by video, yes, because it was for work, he said that the connection was bad. you see, it's just a matter of purity, sobyanin himself calling or wikipedia, damn, it's nice, as we discussed with you on some other show, there are often fsb colonels, colonels, yes, generals, they all call, and they all ask for some money, in fact, well, somehow protect yourself, well, you can, of course,
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with these filters that will somehow filter incoming calls, but again, these are only phone numbers and only those phone numbers that have already been compromised in some way. before that, and not by you , someone complains about them, it seems like the technology will already distinguish it, but if these are new numbers, if these are messengers, if this is a substitution of speech, a substitution of an image, yes, then here technologically, well, so far there is no such spam filter that will still develop your incoming with your contacts password system, password recall, only you do not take unfamiliar contacts, and many have to take, there are no options, you understand, when here on...
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and did you see makovetsky's recording, when he was recently here on top, yes they tried to bring him, he is there with a lisp somehow, here something somehow breeds them, breeds in the end sends them, and
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because you noticed the main part, as in this, i also actually communicated, they called me, but all this is easily calculated by me personally, because - here from these calls i figured out what, this is a call center scandal, the background is going right into the background, i even told one of them that everything is fine with you, he started telling me this, but you still have a background, but less than... he says to others: do you know, like, why? because i have good headphones, i bought them myself, and then unprofessional speeches, all this, here with makovetsky the same, there a, e, b, m, there, you want to be considered there as a combine operator, in my opinion, that's how, how is it possible, come on, maksimich, how to protect yourself, if you didn't hang up, yes, i would like to give practical advice to our viewers, that to do in a case when this actually happens, and i admit that my wife and my parents also had this happen, me, me yet... they couldn't, that means, i hope they won't be able to, that means, the first thing you need to understand, the first thing, as an nlp specialist
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, they say, the basic presupposition, that is , the basic belief of any person should be what, i always have time to think, that is, they always don't have to do it right away, of course, they always lead us, that this is a stressful state, when, as i said, logical, critical thinking is switched off, we are emotional, we are afraid, and we slide into automatism, everything is clear, the second, the second is... to consult, have you noticed that in all the stories that our guests told today, they say: under no circumstances isolate yourself from external contact, that is, in any case, you first need to break this contact, and even if you cannot break it, you always have the opportunity to consult with someone, and how will you do this with them write while you can go out, when talking on the phone, you can go out, call your neighbor, say: listen, i have this situation now, advise me what's going on, she's a neighbor in collusion, like the bank employees.
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you can also give our viewers your recommendations, a short pause. the news that a newborn girl was found in an anthill under the scorching sun shocked millions of people across the country, the little girl was lying in a field covered in blood, they took our dna to find out who. mother beyond the edge always raises resonant cases, that's it indeed, this is probably the most outrageous situation now, the savior of that very little girl came to our studio, she was sunburned, ants were crawling on her, she was bitten by ants and the umbilical cord was uncut, if it weren't for him, the ants could have eaten the girl alive, god sent me to walk this road, these bushes, there are stray dogs, what made a mother of many children throw her newborn daughter out in a field, i can't say anything bad about her, she has three children, she raises them well, dresses them, shoes them, feeds them, she says, i left her like in the field, that is, she confessed to you that she left
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meeting place, how to protect yourself from scammers, let's maxim vladimirovich, your final recommendation, yes, well, we have already discussed it with natalya, actually, she confirmed, call back, here they call you, even if they say that this is a sberbank phone, check on the website, call back, everything is very simple, you know why it works, because when banks need something, they will write you an sms, they will notify you in the application, they, they will get involved, yes, that's why. well, of course, hang up first of all, but probably the second point, we finally achieved this, accordingly, the new law came into force, you have 24 hours to file a statement with the police, initiate a criminal case, and there is a chance not to be left without pants, ivan nikolaevich, well , first of all, remember once and for all, a call via messenger is a 100% fraud, set up all your accounts with two-factor authentication
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protection, it is definitely something. they will hold, and thirdly, there is our social circle, try to stick to it, these are the rules, fsb officers do not call, fsb officers, the ministry of internal affairs and government agencies never call citizens, but invite them to their place, that's it, i, unlike andrey vladimirich, do not swear off, and i can assume that i can be caught at some emotional moment, i was running somewhere or something there at that moment they called me and i did not hang up, so i try to cut off all the ends immediately when i hear some unfamiliar voice, colleagues know.
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cooperation prospects vladimir putin visited azerbaijan on a state visit. a group of saboteurs covers, destroys equipment. what is the current situation in the border area of ​​kursk oblast?


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