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tv   Nevskii  NTV  August 20, 2024 8:00pm-11:36pm MSK

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slow down, slow down, shubin, is that all, or is there anything to add? i need to familiarize myself with the case materials, there may be information there that will help the investigation, forget it, you're asking for the impossible, comrade general, i've been in the service for many years and i know very well that the investigation introduces exactly the information that it considers necessary, in this case, it seems to me, we can make an exception to the rule, i understand you, i understand, but i wouldn't... count on it, no one will let us familiarize ourselves with the materials of this case, that's exactly it, except perhaps within the framework of individual assignments, report to me on the progress of the case twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, provide colonel shubin with maximum assistance in terms of the tasks assigned to him, i have everything, everything is free, i haven't felt myself for a long time. so
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humiliating, it was embarrassing to look the management in the eyes, really, we are not employees blind kittens. andrey, something is wrong, it is unknown how many victims there would have been if we had stormed the building, and that this person, whoever he was, saved people, give him medals, i said only what i said, i will do ... what i haven't heard of this, what is major semenov doing? so he's suspended until the psychologist makes a decision? it's time to end this, i'll give you 3 days to resolve the issue, i don't need slackers here, so how am i going to resolve it? are you the police chief or what? andrey? find a way to deal with the internal service? a parasite,
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how many years ago they tried to close them down, and they're still there, in short, semenov should be back in action in 3 days, that's for sure.
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and you turned out to be stronger than i thought, i'm flattered, but you have a serious opponent now, you better be more careful there, okay, i'll try, pasha, i seriously, he's a real pro, one of the best. the fighter was making mincemeat, and you, and what about me, but you 're not even a fighter, well, you were lucky a couple of times, but it won't last
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forever, go, i need to get ready, okay, but i believe in you, go already, go, come on, come on, ah... come on, come on, come on, get up, stop, kalantya, come on, come on, come on, ah! that's it, that's enough, stop. so, ladies and gentlemen, in the third round, in the very minute, goronchak won. and we have a new champion, a new winner. hooray! my condolences, max, you bet on the wrong horse today. i hope with there won't be any problems with money. i'll bring everything to the office myself tomorrow morning. excellent, great, steam,
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tip, use it, the bruises, of course, won't go away quickly, but it will hurt. there will be less, stop coddling me, sergey borisovich, pash, take it, that this is some kind of special means, no, this is mash from the neighboring pharmacy, take it, and i was thinking, thank you, and why do you need all this, pash, what well, all this, fights, maybe you can explain, i wanted to buy myself a cool car, i needed the money, you know, i'm a fighter, tell this story to someone else, so why? i don't know, do you want to prove it, what are you a man, yes, these fights will cripple you someday, don't worry, sergei boris, i got an a in hand-to-hand combat at school, a fight, first of all, is a period of time during which it will last, pash, forgive me,
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come on, come on, get up, there behind the front line, there was time. hi, oh, i came to see off an older comrade, open the trunk, well, forest, of course, in principle i could not bother, i'm now, this was discovered on the wall in the cafe where the hostages were taken, an unidentified person entered the building, despite the cordon shot
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criminals, three bullets, three corpses, no face identified, and the cameras were all looking the other way, there wasn't a single frame suitable for identification, well, okay. and why are you showing me all this? what do you want to hear from me? well, you were closely involved in the architect's case, so i thought, it doesn't matter what you thought, shubin, what matters is what our superiors thought. listen, but the ministry of internal affairs is in charge of operational support, your office prefers not to interfere at this stage. well, you see, if i were really needed, they would have called me at the appointed time okay, they would have cancelled my transfer and attached me to the investigation, but that's it. well, one way or another, you know this case better than anyone. help, tell me, what do you think, is this a real architect or another one of his impersonators, shubin, the case materials are classified, and i have no right to talk to you about this at all, do you understand, and where is your wife? your wife is with your mother, who
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didn't want to change the climate, are you going without her? the order to close the case came from moscow, my superiors saluted, and i couldn't do anything. semenchuk, he died in the courtroom or miraculously survived? after the explosion in the courtroom, his dna was found, that's all that is known for sure. you can't fool an expert, but all this dna is written by people. and they can be bought, intimidated. are you seriously discussing a conspiracy theory with me now? or what, if we assume that semenchuk or someone from his team is at large, how can i find him? no way, he will find you himself, volodya, just like he found yura tarasov, he was your friend, are you really going to leave his death
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unpunished? andrei yuryevich, i gave you already the conclusion on semenov, this is a very difficult case, if i give him permission, then i may have problems, me too, well, all the more so, listen, katerina, can we talk seriously, well, of course, we have to be frank, do you think there are normal people in this building at all?
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so that's where you disappeared to, you dungeon rat. hello, zhenya, send me your little man to take his fingerprints, quickly, where, guess, hello, hello,
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comrade lieutenant colonel. "this is about semenov, as part of his operational department, where the photo is from, they passed it on from colonel shubin, as i understand it, he has his own little man in this crowd, he's free, idiot." nice car, pash, great, i also bought a season ticket here, tell me, are you normal or not?
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how? our psychologist doubts it. but he is not the only one, so what if your brains have been completely knocked out, maybe he should remind you that you are a cop, you are an officer, pasha, you are in uniform. you understand, if these photos are given to the management, you will fly out to civilian life on the same day and no one will sort it out, they will simply sign an order due to loss of trust, i have said everything, and this is not enough for you, and why are you helping me, vasya, you should
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get rid of people like me, in general, think for yourself. now i have said everything, well, how are you in shape, that you did not think that today you'll come, after all you got a good beating from the column, it's okay, i'm resilient, well that 's just it... okay, so they want a rematch, the stakes are crazy, it's been a long time since that happened, so go train, no, what? i'm leaving, what do you mean you're leaving? we had an agreement, you fight, i pay. pash, you still
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owe me half the amount for the car, don't take it, sell it, give me what i earned. wait, wait, wait, that's not what i meant. you don't even need to say that then. pasha. are you really setting me up now? are you setting everyone up, and who are you all to me? listen here, if you weren't a cop now, i 'd talk to you differently, you'd come to me begging me to put you back in the ring, so it's good that i'm a cop, it turns out, good luck!
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great, volodya, great, busy, fine, i can talk, thanks for the information about semyonov, just in time, vasya, so you understand, i don't give a damn about semyonov, if it were up to me, i would have put him in jail a long time ago, you and i understand that... according to the databases, yes, we'll find out,
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zakharov, stand up. i said stand up, i forgot who's in charge here, so i'll remind you, 10 minutes to pack your things, and they're letting me go, of course, they let him go, they said, why should such a good guy sit in the detention center, let him go out into the street, kill people, put him in the ribs again. 10 minutes to assemble, there is a citizen-chief, close him, yes, but
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really, where to take him, an order came to transport the freak to moscow, the investigator ordered an inpatient forensic psychiatric examination, and why not in st. petersburg, for the sake of objectivity of the conclusion, okay, in half an hour i'll be back with our operatives and we'll go, pray. where are we going? this is a surprise. what do you say, andrei yuryevich? the main thing is that later masha zavya didn't gouge my eyes out when we met. well, what can i say, our team is small, everything is secret and quickly becomes apparent, especially the personal lives of employees. well, we didn't make a big secret out of our personal lives. and if it's not a secret, why did you break up? not me with her. it was she who broke up with me. did something happen? do you want to talk about it? i understand your irony, but you, just like major
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semenov, are the object of my attention. otherwise, if anything happens, you'll dismiss me too. and how are you different from other employees? well, in fact , everything was fine with masha and me. until i got shot last year. how did that happen? my partner was forced to leave me to continue pursuing the criminal, but i had a lot of blood loss, in general, in my case everything could have ended very sadly, after that masha distanced herself from me, i looked for a meeting, tried to talk, but every time she avoided me, she somehow explained her alienation. drove me away, something like that she came to terms with the fact that she lost me, that she did not want to experience something such things in the future, yeah, another woman's nonsense.
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i ask you, and if it's not a secret, who was the partner who left you wounded, it's better for you not to know, well, thank you, pavel semenov, nothing. and that after that you are still friends with him, pal and i are not at the age to make new friends now, we should not lose the old ones, in this situation in his place i would have done exactly the same, please support me, andrey yuryevich, don't you think that you are in a hurry, maybe this is too much for a first date, i was on the seine take, come in, come in.
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hi, great, come in, what's this surprise, surprise, we've come to you for work with a cake, it 's not me, it's him, so, so you'll keep us in the hallway, i don't like sweets, i bought myself a cake, pasha, we've come to you, on an official visit, i'm your boss, katerina is our full-time psychologist, we have to visit you, see how you're living, with a further entry in the diary. individual accounting work, really, katerina, it's too late to re-educate me, pash, come in, since i've shown up, come in, katya, he's always like this polite, in fact he is glad that we came to him, come in, come in, come in, come in, riding on a star, do not listen
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hello everyone, oh, hello, dream man, major semenov has a new appointment as a senior operative, well, this is some kind of nonsense, pash, why are you silent, do you really care, and why the air with... new partner, i don't want to risk my life, we won't work together, you and i, val, new problems, there's a new order, a goal, treat your spouse as an object of development, otherwise he'll surprise you greatly, but old enemies, tribute, what's going on, and foma will explain to you, eye for eye, he almost knocked me down here, but for the future, you need to choose your friends better, anton vasiliev, who are you ? congratulations, now you're officially looking for me, after all, you and i have known each other for a long time. nevsky, new season, coming soon to ntv. why aren't you
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in the van, as usual? shut your mouth. be more polite, can you? and again, everything is fine, come on, come on, fly out, carefully, carefully, get up, and how are you fine, fine, me, me, me, get me out, come on, climb in, and my hand hurts take off the handcuffs, get out of there, get away from
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the car, it's going to explode now, here, lie down , where was he going? well, katerina? let's assume that we visited pavel andreevich, found him in a great mood and in good health, and this means that tomorrow you will be able to report to colonel markin that pavel andreevich is ready to return to work, and in my opinion you are rushing things too much event, what else do you need? i'll jump around, you see, there's no conversation, and yes, since i'm here, let pavel talk to your neighbors, find out what you're like in everyday life, go ahead, by the way, you communicate with your ex -wife and son, i'd like to talk to them too, thank you, andryukh, thank you, now
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this beauty will go to yulia and ask about us, you shouldn't do that, i just wanted to help, if you want to help, sit in your office and don't stick your head out, you don't see anything around yourself at all your own ambitions, and by the way, there are people around you who care, respect you. pavel, well, you are in the service after all. don't you understand that all this is not a game, so i. thank you, take me home, all the best, your bad news, i don't care, i 'm suspended, during the transfer to moscow zakharov escaped, awesome, during the escape he shot three employees of the federal penitentiary service and dropped a policeman, there is an interception plan in the city, so, now we need to calm down, just understand what he will do next, and zakharov is the one the most... shopper, shut up please, how will you
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understand what he's thinking, he's crazy, for starters our osb will assign you security, and i won't be with you 24/7, no, why, i'm against it, it's not up to you, he'll come to you, he's going to take revenge, no, no, he 's a former cop, he knows a thing or two, he won't expose himself like that, this time he'll try to get me somehow more cunningly, through someone? through whom, i'm not bothering you, no, what yulia, mom, we're collecting money at school, what for this time, for a summer camp, in bulgaria, i understand, call your dad, i feel somehow uncomfortable for him call, he doesn't seem to live with us anymore, that is, it's convenient for you to ask me, and what should i do then? yul, sasha, i don't have any money right now,
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hi, hi, i was passing by, let me help you, yes, we can handle it, thank you, sasha, and what are you allowing yourself to do, mom, we can handle it ourselves, stop, police, what's the matter, yulia martynovna, come with us, yul, don't say anything without a lawyer, and don't sign, do you hear what's going on, yulia martinovna, this is for your safety, come with us. let's go, thank you, pash, yulia on the second floor in room twenty-five, and what is this guy doing here, he was with yulia, the guys grabbed him too just in case, let him go, are you sure? i'm sure! hi,
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hi, dad, hi, sanya, come out for a second, mom and i need to talk, come on, come on, okay, tell me what i need to do to prevent all this from happening, move to another city, yul, i have nothing to do with it, though, igor zakharov escaped from custody, remember him, and the guys from the internal security directorate decided that you and sasha needed security, and did anyone ask me about it, or my opinion means nothing, but it is really dangerous, he can threaten you to get in touch with me... after all, it's about you, then, wait, this is already funny, you knew perfectly well what you were getting into when you married a policeman, what did i know, pasha, what could i know, i thought that all these night shifts of yours are not forever, it's temporary, that you won't drag all this dirt into our house, that we will have a normal, happy family, that we will raise our son together, that everything will be fine with us, nothing will happen to us it will happen, that's what i was thinking when i married you. you're right, i'm sorry,
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i'm sorry that i ruined your life, made you unhappy, i'm sorry. pash, what are you doing, you know, andryukh, i only now realized that i was hoping in vain, well, that we could be together again, me, yulia, sanya, that we would live as one family, but you found the time, like before, it won't be, yes, everything will be fine, everything will be fine, it won't be, andrey. so, we have to find zakharov now, your personal
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issues, we'll decide later, yes, come on, come on, come on, hi, sanya, how are you, ok, well and good, work, take care of your mother, sorry for disturbing you at an inopportune hour, gennady petrovich, it would be strange if you... hadn't done it, yes, what happened anyway, yes, why was the prisoner transported in a non-standard van, this is a violation of the order, on escorting, well, this is not a question for me, but for the leadership of the vsin, as i understand it, they did it and... consideration of secrecy, they played with secrecy, well done, nothing to say, yes, i created a headquarters for the search for the escaped criminal, given the personality of this zakharov, all personnel were raised by alarms, only the kambirantsky hour remains to be conducted, you are smiling in vain, viktor mikhailovich, if necessary, we will introduce, you are still here, i thought,
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i... what is on his mind now, well, what, ordinary physics, like everyone else, carnal pleasures, you understand, he needs a woman, and not the first one he meets, well , the one he dreamed about in prison, this is the only thing that interests him now.
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so, well, okay, yes, what is it, hello, mash, i'm back, and hello, march, why are you so confused, nothing, come with me to the kamak, ugo put on a glade to cover, i can't, i have work
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a lot, but it's a pity for you, let's go already, take your hands off, are you completely nuts? well, what about you, beautiful? let's go for a ride? cool version, it's a pity it's stupid. well, why? i know zakharov, he lived alone, i was in his apartment, listen, it was such a pigsty, in general, he never had any women, so what's his address?
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tenth, tenth, answer the tambourine, over, tenth, over, tenth, answer the bob there, over, quiet, mashenka, don't cry, it won't drown in the river, ball, but don't fish, quiet, run, i'll catch up,
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so, let's fantasize. he's sexy. how do i know they're keeping quiet? maybe their radio is dead? let's go there right now. yes, while i'm on my way. urgent crew to zakharov's address, relying on the headquarters, there's no connection, as soon as you figure out what's going on, call me personally, you have a gun, of course, and a spare? no, because of you i was deprived of my favorite toy, when you understand that a gun is not a toy, then i'll let you on duty,
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andryukh, let's drop her off, actually it was my idea, both of you, shut up, what, what is it, what is it, what is it, quiet, what are you afraid of, and you're afraid darkness, huh? there will be light now, there will be light now, quietly, quietly, everything will be now, there is no light bulb now, it will be like this, pa,
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pa, pap, pap, pa, like this, like this, here. or maybe here, and here we will look now, here oh, i found it, we will turn it on now, masha, mashenka, i have the key, mashenka, why are you screaming like that, masha, mash, come on! where is mash, where are you hiding, masha, i have the key,
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what is it? with a knife, it was left on the floor, behind me, yeah, it can't be, that's it, that's it, come on, come here, come here, that's it, sit down, i know, i know,
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i'm alive, yeah, yeah, yeah, everything is fine, i wish you good health, but he left through the back door, but he's wounded, he can't go anywhere, we'll cordon off the area now, so give orders, it's your land.
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i'm not dead yet, i'm not dead, i don't hope so, i'll live a long time, pasha, a very long time, on a life sentence, come on, i'm a psycho, pasha, they'll treat me well, and then they'll let me out pasha, and you and i, pasha, ah... we'll meet, oh god, we 'll definitely meet.
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don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. biden says "goodbye" to his country and the world. america, i gave you everything i could. a political reshuffle is taking place in chicago, after which america will never be the same. biden has straightened his shoulders, throwing off the burden of the election, and trump's political opponents have put everything on the dark horse kamalukha. but why is the specter of communism wandering in the corridors of the democratic party convention, and what has made influential people in the richest country in the world seriously talk about the threat of famine, what problems are the president and his successor keeping quiet about, giving speeches from high platforms, what is the american establishment whispering about behind biden's back, and haris. don't miss the special central television report straight from behind the scenes
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50 on ntv, yes, it didn't last long, thank god, nevertheless, we will have to initiate a case. but it wasn't he who shot himself twice in the heart, and as i understand it, they didn't find a weapon either, i wonder who it was, i don't know, but he
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did a good thing, it's strange from you mikhailov hear, by the way, where was your friend all this time in the neighboring yard and... in the neighboring one , can someone confirm, i can confirm, our psychologist can confirm, we arrived together by car, the ambulance doctor also saw him, i ask, i will definitely ask, ask. yes, pavel andreevich, i understand that it is too late, but i would still like to see
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you in my office, it seems to me that it is time for us to close your question, maybe you wanted to say too early, well, yes, exactly, okay, i will, yeah, thank you. well, as they say, everything is fine, what ends well, i'm sure no one will worry about this maniac, but gen, i'll tell you straight, shubin's style of work, i have a lot of complaints, he missed the shooter in the cafe, now he also couldn't take the criminal alive. what do you suggest, vitya? i think he needs to rest, change the environment, i mean, vacation? well, yes, indefinite, don't even think about it,
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i won't give you shubeno, i've known him for a long time, and he's in his place, but you genno and i know me well, if i decide something, i'll definitely do it. in the end, the personnel department the policy in management now depends on me, ladies and gentlemen. and have you changed your mind, it seems you didn't want to fight, you said it yourself, one more fight and the car is completely mine, i like it, pash, i don't believe you, you 're doing the right thing,
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"vitya, i have big plans for this city, i don't want anything to fall through just because i left an enemy behind me, and shubin is our common enemy, lyubovfu himself is worth nothing, shubin does everything for him, so we need to get rid of him first, yeah, come on!"
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the new champion won in the first minute, i'm busy, are you completely swollen? open your eyes, and
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this is you, well, what's wrong with you, you don't want to explain anything to me, why do i find out about everything last, we had an agreement, we decide everything together, why do i find out from other people that the building will be sold, well, well, you understand, well, well, we found some companies, they're giving good money, but i thought, what are we losing, should we do more? no, well , who's going to hold us accountable? listen, i 've settled everything with the lawyers, we'll make the deal, the mosquito won't undermine us, wait, wait, why sell? the place is a trump card, even if you rent it out floor by floor - it's good money, but i want to remind you that the building is still legally registered to the company, well, or one of its left-wing offices. so an heir will be found sooner or
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later, they'll kick us out of here, so it's better to do everything quietly and quickly, let the grass not grow further, you know, my intuition has never let me down, maybe it's true, let the grass not grow further.
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yes, hello, yulia martynovna, hello, this is morozova! sasha, the vocal director, yes, good morning, something happened, how are things there, sasha, is he okay? yeah, why? what do you mean, he's sick. who's sick? yulia martynovna, sasha hasn't gone to school for a week, do you even know what's going on with him? i 'll call you back. hello, yulia. yes, yul, what happened? it's amazing how you figured it out, did it happen, pasha? well , you don't just call, although if you want to chat, i 'm ready. it's not funny, sasha hasn't gone to school for a week. okay, and does he spend the night at home? of course
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he does, are you crazy? well, that's good. do you understand that our son hasn't gone to school for a week, a week, pasha, i'll strangle him when i'll see him, i'll kill him with my own hands. you. when they try you for the murder of your son, tell your lawyer, let him use the state of affect, maybe they'll reduce the sentence, very funny, no, yul, oh well. thank you, yes, hi, dad, hi, how are you, how is school, yes, fine, dad, i can't talk now, my break will end soon for a lesson, i'll have to be late, so what are you doing, dad, i'll explain everything now, i
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'm trying to earn money, so, i needed money, mom told me to go to work, tonight in the yard of my own... lieutenant colonel andrey mikhailov. andrey yuryevich, do you already have suspects? but at present , a range of operational and investigative measures are being carried out aimed at solving this crime. the investigative committee has opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime, as provided for in paragraph 3, part two of article 105 of the ukrainian criminal code. it is known that mr. beloryabov was once part of an organized criminal group headed by alexey fomin, no comment,
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are you on hunger strike, no, you just left, we live alone now, we need to pay for the apartment pay, i have tutors there too. sasha, i talked to my mom, offered her money, she said that you have enough, dad, i know everything, you have enough for all this, just hanging out with friends, going to the movies, it's not enough anymore, i understand, dad, of course i understand everything, what the teacher told us, that if a family breaks up, both are to blame, not just one, why couldn't you persuade your mom to live together, that means you couldn't, do you love your mom? so sasha, i think we're talking about you, not me, everything is clear, sanya, i haven't finished, me work is waiting, sasha, sasha, yeah, what, what, first of all, take it, i'll earn it myself, take it, please, secondly, if you want to work,
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go ahead, i don't mind, just time off from school, got it, there can't be any other options, we agreed, come on, i 'll take you to school, go get changed, quickly. jen, good afternoon, i'm calling you, you 're not picking up, maybe because we have nothing to talk about, huh? maybe after this you 'll change your attitude? so what?
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you were the boss, your signature,
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you're the one to answer, okay, okay, okay, when you cool down, find me, we have something to discuss, open jardin gold, enjoy its rich aroma and soft taste, the pleasure of feeling is special, and do you know that somewhere here on tverskaya a certain chastyakov hacked two elderly women to death with an axe, he is the prototype of raskolnikov from crime and punishment, a former special forces soldier from siberia, let me introduce you to the new boss ivan petrovits sobolev, gets a new appointment, when the president presented him with the second order of courage, asked him if he needed something , and sobolev said that... when he dreamed to work in moscow, how will the capital greet him? on tverskaya it’s faster to walk than on
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any transport, you’re not a muscovite, you’re new, so what does that have to do with it? i’ve already heard the story about the president and the transfer to tverskaya, in fact, mr. sobulin is ready, you’re a major in moscow, a new person, you don’t know the local layouts, moscow, as they say, is a city of wonders, tverskaya, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. you from... super, new season, coming soon to ntv. ozon, let’s get rid of school worries. school sale on ozon. wi-fi polaris equipment with discounts up to 60%. coffeemonkh, instant 800 g for 1,449 rubles. do business with sber. open a free sber-business card, connect to the sberbusiness loyalty program. thank you, get 10% cashback. bonuses for purchases using the sberbusiness card.
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sberbusiness. thank you. sberbusiness. moscow coffee shop on the poi, taste, pleasure, i love, i recommend, solved issues with a difficult transaction, helped with the sale of secondary housing, here with the purchase of a building, order a call back sergey belogolovtsev, a secret for a million on saturday at 21:50 on ntv. eleven-year-old yaroslav asked his adoptive mother irina to find his mother, biological. i was on a trip, why are you crying, miss your mother, yes kirina will arrive soon, i miss my other mother, but besides the name of that one women who gave birth to a child for her, the adoptive mother knows nothing, tatyana viktorovna kuznetsova, and the baby already had a name, there was a name, there was kuznetsov, sergey, will she fulfill the wish of her beloved son, i don’t see the point in looking for these relatives, it seems to me that he will be disappointed,
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does the biological family remember yaroslav, i know that yarik is the fifth child, this is it... nastya, does nastya look like you or not? there are seven of us children, we were registered as a dysfunctional family, in the documents on deprivation of parental rights of the mother it is indicated that a girl was born. mom also had sergey, so maybe these are two different stories, a premonition that there was a mistake, i open the envelope, dna, tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv. hello, this is shubin, i wish you good health. and muroshov is far away, he is not here, he is getting ready. i need to make a conclusion on the fingers, i do not know, but maroshov is on vacation, so, and who has my conclusion, did he pass anything on, no, no order was received, comrade colonel, if something is needed, let's do it officially, through our management, that's it, then yes, comrade colonel, others no options, okay, right now. wait,
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i'm looking here, good afternoon, i'm looking here, yeah, yeah, yeah, right now, wait, yeah, that's it. i saw the news, you did everything great, as it should be, listen, there's another order, if you take it, first pay for this one, how much is it,
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eight exactly, to the two that i paid you in advance, so this... there's another bastard to take down, will you do it? we'll go now, will you tell me where we're going? to the investigator, for questioning, let's go out, let's get him in the car, well, have you signed up, at least it's okay, check, great. here's a girl, show her how you have everything set up here, and so on, hello, hello, yes, good, but why, why? wait a minute, yulenka, understand, this is the daughter of sirotin's best friend, uh, she graduated from university, looking for a job,
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oh well, i'll try something, we need to think about layoffs for her this week, you don't get it, she's for your place, that is, how to find one, only sirotin himself said that for mine? and i, well, understand, we can't hire her as a cleaner, this is sirotin's personal order, of course i should have warned you, but i'm kind of caught up, yulia martinovna, they brought in some dairy products and yes, here we have a new manager, all the questions go to her, they brought in some dairy products, you need to sort out the invoices, what can't you accept yourself, no need to bother the manager over trifles, what are you even getting paid for? go and work, i said everything right, everything is great, you 'll succeed, that's good, that's right, comrade
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general, there is a note in the order, yes, it will be carried out, the management asked to convey their gratitude, maybe... a classic development, like from a textbook. remind me where from and who received the information? major semenov's development. one of fama's accomplices contacted him and offered to resolve the issue with one of his business partners. and this accomplice was not aware that semenov had returned to service? that's the point, he was aware. but they think that semenov returned to the authorities not for personal reasons, but paid for the position in order to resolve issues. you tell semenov that he won't be able to leave his old contacts for a long time, i expect new implementations from him, that's right, here's another thing,
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moscow contacted me, the main department search, there is information that moscow wants to put its man in our district, so, for what position do we have all the positions closed, you did not understand, not to our management. in place of faminan, his assets still have not found an owner, for many this is a tasty morsel, here is the phone number of the moscow operative, contact him, he will give a full layout, thank you for saving my life, now this is my job, again, do you regret, by the way, that i saved you, what? came back, if i had not returned, we would not be talking now, yes, a paradox, okay, i'll go, i need to calm my wife down, she's in shock, i'll owe her,
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nothing. the answer is not enough, so, it means, the security officers are bankrupt, thanks for that, one won't ring, and two won't ring right, you watch out, take care
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of yourself, vladimir ivanovich, i didn't give you anything. no, pasha has got himself into a great situation, the gang comes to him and gives him their own opinions on their topics, he 'll get a new title soon in this way, that's the only way. as they say, a person works for his own people for the first half of his life, and then the name works on the person, but in general, to be honest, i i don't envy pashka.
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and nothing, he was shot during the arrest, i hope it wasn't you, no, thank god, the guys from the special forces, he wanted to run away from them. in short, what's the moral, and the moral is that cops should be friends with cops, yes, but this is not always the case, so no one goes anywhere, we're not wasting the evening, it's starting, where is semyonov, well, in general, attention, important, sorry, important information has come from moscow, a man is coming to us, he plans to take fama's place, who is he, nicknamed tagil. i know him,
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yes, yes, a serious guy in moscow in real life vazhukhe with fama, what kind of direct business did he have, none, after all, different cities, he had nothing to catch here, pama did not climb into moscow, there was one incident, a man from agel was killed in st. petersburg, he wanted to ask from foma, we were really tense then, that he could charge shooters on fama, well, and how it ended, i don’t know, somehow they had a chat there, figured out the concepts, it’s clear, then the man needs to be met, explained that st. petersburg is for st. petersburgers? moscow is for muscovites and that you shouldn’t climb into someone else’s monastery with your own charter, we’ll explain to the third, so, everyone knows what to do, pasha, then come to me, yes, uh, so, then, denis, engage the specialists for the evening , write a plan of the task so that no one has any questions, i understand, we'll do it, let's, if anything, i'm on the phone, you saw, we've sorted out the concepts,
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an additional draw, a golden barrel, we meet at the main lottery show of the country, we win, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv. let's sum up the week together in the new season on ntv. weekly results with irada zeynalova on sundays at 19:00 on ntv. well, you see, it's not the gods who burn goshka. why did you tell this chicken? that i'm the daughter of your master's friend, are you embarrassed? no, of course not, it's just that i'm married, you understand, i'm not offended, only you should come to me here very often, so that i can regularly provide you with reports on my work,
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believe me, you're very good at reporting, but what, what nonsense? so, what 's going on, what's going on here, what's this mess, where's the security? and there's no security, i mean, i thought, before my office had a contract with the previous manager, and if there isn't one, then the contract is terminated, so now it will be like this, you come in, take whatever you want, you won't get away with it just like that i... will call the police, do you think you'll have time, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, but the store could burn down, what do you think, you 're the coolest one here, you can solve all the problems , who do you think you are, dude, and what are you looking at,
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let's get out of here, actually i'm the manager, maybe you want to get on your knees too, are you sure you can do it? it's working out well, well, yeah, you got it all, or do i need to explain it again, yeah, yeah, i got it all, today, i'll return it right now, i'll call yulia, not yulia, but yulia martynovna, okay, okay, what's going on, where are you going? what you do it, girl, all at the house's expense, here's the catcher, as they say, and the beast , greetings, vasik, great, volodya, my
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car is waiting downstairs, but if it's urgent, show me the way, and i'll be brief, you and i are operatives, ca n't we really come to an agreement, this is how it starts, did you fly in yourself, or did one of yours, listen, i'm on a different topic, here are the fingers from that cafe, where for...
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what do you want? a large shipment is already on the way, everything is in order at customs, they'll let it through without any problems, but on the highway there may be surprises. maybe i heard, recently one traffic cop the boss was arrested for a bribe, so he used to make me a corridor to st. petersburg, and to hell with this game, why risk it? " my partner and i invested too much in it, we won't be able to win it back, all hope is on you, you'll accompany the cargo to st. petersburg, if they stop you on the way, you'll sort it out, how can you, you're the son of the head of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs, can't you think of anything, i'm sure your dad has already whipped up some kind of id for you, just in case, is there any"? no, my dad is a man of principle, so am i,
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when the cargo is in the warehouse, you'll get the same amount. hello guys, that's what the tezhalitsa is, well , we're working, we're working. on the ground, on the ground,
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quickly, mortak pol, don't move, that's it, that's it, roki, well done, guys, you did a good job, som, me. take the beeches, we'll talk to the main ones. what, cops, have you completely lost your minds? are you going to drag me around the table every day now? i'll call your boss now. command, you shouldn't have opened your mouth, if i were you i'd keep quiet. miner in the next room, pashty here. oh, what people, don't even talk. thank you for helping, not for
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what, contact me, what? i thought you were different, what? why would you leave silently, why would you swallow the insult? and you called me, asked me to come for an analysis. i, to be honest, don’t know what i am anymore, everyone thinks that i’m so white and fluffy, but all this is in the past and i won’t be able to live the life that i lived before, yes, i understand, the zone changes people, have you been in prison too? twice, first in kolpino for
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being a minor, then for extortion, but it was enough for me. fama was right when he said that to go to prison, you don’t need much intelligence, you need intelligence, to remain free. well, then now you will have to go with us to the department and there they will take an explanation from you. yes, shove it in yourselves, from two of your security officers. "we have confiscated two units of unregistered weapons, that's their problem, but in general call sirkov, he will sort everything out, who, general syrkov, call, no need to tell me what i should do, by the way, the bag of white powder that we confiscated from you, can you tell me what it is? i have no idea, was it planted"? well, as you know, give me your phone, one
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call, it's not allowed, why did you come to peter? i haven't been to the hermitage for a long time, they say you want to take over the family's assets, listen, pasha, let's be honest, imagine, you 're walking down the street, you see a wallet lying there, fluffy and all, because there's a lot of money in it, you 'll pick it up, you'll want to return it to the owner , so let's say, well, you picked it up, looked around, there's no one, there's no one at all, and the owner is gone, are you a wallet ? will you put it back in its place, or take it for yourself? i don't know, but you know everything, no normal person would put a wallet in its place, wouldn't take it to the lost and found table, they'd go and put it in their pocket, but that's how it is with famoy, he
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left a large inheritance, the people of vashpiter can't divide it among themselves, what's even worse are the jackals who will rip it apart and steal it, so the community asked to come. to decide according to the concepts, who will get how much from lyosha's inheritance, denis, yes, it's clean, clean, the security guards, of course, have weapons, but everything is done legally, confiscate them anyway, send them for examination, yeah, what drugs did you want to find me, or guns, do you think i'm an idiot, so what? are you going to let me out or what? pasha, yes, for a second. you have to see this. where are you? took it? one of tagil's guards
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had it with him. and pay attention, there's a full breakdown of it on the back. address, place of work, phone number. are you free, why do you need mine? ex- wife, isn't that right, what do you want from her, tell me, otherwise you won't get out of here, just don't threaten me, the miner has a general in his corner, even call him, that's all i need from you, i have to get out of here, i'll shoot you, pasha, i'm the only person who can protect your ex-wife, you won't help her, you can't even imagine what kind of story she got herself into. well, thanks for the ride, for the store,
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thanks, but you're welcome, maybe you'll invite me for a cup of tea? "i can't, i have a son at home and i have a very serious conversation with him, i understand, you misunderstood me, i'm sure , please forgive me, yes, of course, i am. i'm not going anywhere, let me out, what are you
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doing, let me go, the girl was let go, they got lost from here. are you okay? quiet, quiet, quiet, everything is fine , it's over, it's over, max, max, max, watch the match, akron zenit, fonbet russian football cup. august 27, major semenov, what happened? the architect is killing our friends, agents, relatives, a new season of your favorite tv series, i don't know who you're dealing with, but you have to leave, well, what can you do, i'm attracting trouble, they're trying to kill my best friend,
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the reward is in force, look, the stakes are rising, set up your best partner, why have they lowered him again? every cop has his own sins, the best detective is threatened by the ghosts of the past, my son could be killed, i didn't start this war, i'll destroy you with..., the enemy is closer than it seems, you're off somewhere in the forest again, i i didn't want this, nevsky, new season, coming soon to ntv. miracle, premiere on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. wanted to open a deposit at 19%. it turns out you can at 21. thought about opening a deposit in one bank, it turns out you can in different ones at once, there's a marketplace for money,
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are the names of everyday products at low prices, goods in great demand, buy on ozon, office paper svetokopi for 289 rubles. buy a large combo, collect collections of glasses and summer impressions in a delicious point. alfa investments - this is for money, we give up to 500 rubles. open a free account for investments in alfabank and get a gift, not just profitable, alpha profitable. our life is divided into two parts: when we are small and want to grow up, when we are already adults and want to return to childhood, this is the place where both are possible. i dream of flying into space, cleaning up all the trash there. and who littered in space? well, who, who? cosmonauts? how old are you? 7, 7 years old and you are already the best voice of the earth, yes 40 fouettes, 30 rolls, you do not draw zero anywhere,
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i will show you how to earn money, fate zigzagged brother, fortune bartanula, you feel how the air is heated with excitement, of course, i want to give you a medal from the russian book of records, a miracle with arseny po... you should help me, and not giggle maliciously, and i 'm scaring you, and i'm scaring you, on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. again recognized as the best independent.
9:55 pm
take me home. your fighters ran over a good man yesterday, you know who i mean, that's right, we received operational information, i'm not interested in the details, just from
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now on, remember it yourself. and tell everyone , the miner is my friend, and my friends cannot be touched, and you have many such friends, enough, read out the whole list, please, you're being sarcastic, in vain, believe me, many in this city are asleep and... how to be among my friends, well, and you, you, colonel, want to be my friend, general lyubimov, as you understand, it's not evening when i take his chair, i will not forget about my friends, not one, especially about those who helped me.
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well, will we be friends or will we fight? what do you say? i hope you are not offended that st. petersburg did not greet you so friendly. but remember your youth. the hotel, of course, is not five stars, but the cells are more comfortable now than they used to be. yeah. so, breakfast? first things first, let's go , they're already waiting for us, tatalich colonel, how is that possible, how is that possible, they had drugs and guns with them.
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what is this? your resignation report, sign it. well, i don't want to go anywhere. then don't ask stupid questions. so, it's up to you to choose. nothing changes, what the investigator said, in what capacity were you interrogated, as a witness, do you know who it was, what did they want from me anyway? pasha, where are we going?
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right, i asked you to take me home, i i'm very tired, i haven't slept all night, we need to do something together, believe me, it's very important. you're worried, but everything will be fine. if anything, tell me who your dad is, well, show me a photo, a general one, by the way, i took it, i took it, i'll drive the trucks into the hangar, i'll settle up with you right away, as i promised,
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next time, there won't be another time, i don't understand you, zhenya, you seem like a grown man, you're acting like a snotty woman, i don't want to, i won't, oh, zhenya, if i had your opportunity, i'd... do business , you also want a general dad, my mom would suit me too, pasha, what? what's going on? let's go, let's go, i'll explain everything to you.
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maybe you should wait outside, we 'll figure it out ourselves here, i'll probably be there, sit down, you explained to her why we're here, i think you 'll do better. hello, yulia martynovna, hello, i want to apologize for yesterday's misunderstanding, you call it a misunderstanding, it shouldn't have happened, i assure you, i planned to protect you, but some disagreements arose with law enforcement agencies, but everything worked out, nothing more will happen to you, i will i assure you, i don't understand what's going on, well... it's just that one of our mutual friends decided to take the initiative: to gobble up a big piece of pie in one mug.
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who is this? what's not visible? me and my father, okay, well, i can call, i'll pass the phone on, if you don't believe that it's real, well, you understand, he won't like it, and the trucks, as i understand it, are yours too, yeah, well, i'm off, go have a nice trip, lyokha, let the truck go, everything's fine. yulia martinovna, my last name is krichevsky, i'm mr. famin's lawyer, i know his lawyer and it's not you. the case
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that a businessman of alexey leonidovich's level has more than one lawyer on his team. i represent a large international law firm, and i flew in specifically to sort out all the formalities. here is the will. let's skip the legal subtleties, according to it you become one of three heirs, or rather heirs, the other two are alexey leonidovich's mother and his godmother, you need to sign two papers, which, according to this document. you enter into the rights to inherit your share, these are cash accounts in russian foreign banks, apartments, country houses, real estate in europe, as well as controlling stakes
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in companies and commercial firms, mostly registered abroad, yeah, so, the second paper, the second is a power of attorney, yeah, by which you alienate your property rights. in favor of third parties, mr. shakhtin and mr. shirsanov, for my part i guarantee that we will throw you something for a comfortable life, you will be able to never work anywhere again, they are right, sign, it is a simple formality. thank you, please.
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and why should i give away what is rightfully mine, it won't happen, yulia, please give it to them too. what are they asking for, no, well, if you have everything for me, then i 'll probably go, yul, you won't get out of here, you scum, i'll rip you to pieces, take your hands off her, freeze, you saw my fighters, you'll stop everyone, yes, i'll start with you, so, gentlemen, i have 2 hours before the plane, if yulia martynovna doesn't want to sign the documents, she... has
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the legal right to do so, yulia martovna, now you have all my contacts, call at any time time, the phone works all over the world, the sejm is sitting, no one will leave here until this piece of crap signs the document, try to stop me. but i was a millionaire for 5 minutes, yes, come on in.
10:07 pm
what are you doing, i'll crush you, an attack by an employee, not good, igor filippov, come on, i'm not offended that the person is new, recently in moscow, you don't know our realities, vitaly kishchenko, he thinks that he outplayed me, he thinks that i have no moves, cretin, lukerya ilvishenko, ready. ivan koleshnikov, i work within the legal framework, a little stretched, naturally, but still within the framework. tverskaya from monday at 20:00 on ntv. dna new season, tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv. pash, look, what magic. apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything most important. gazprombank
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rubles, pay in installments, you 're taking out a mortgage, then, only mine, already two repairs did, dani, it seems. generally mortgage free, i will miss this, approved, so easy that i don't need to persuade, repair, moving, and most importantly mortgage from sberbank on the house click, house click, don't wait, live, nevsky, new season, soon on ntv, we all want a bright future for our country, it must be provided right now today. i am there because i don't want my children to participate in this, it must be finished here, with our own efforts, for me first of all these are some internal convictions, homeland, honor, worth, join yours, serve under contract,
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i'm afraid i'll have to tell my partners that you were pressuring my client, if i put pressure on you now, your eyes will pop out, if our conversation ends in such a radical way, i promise you that you 'll be in trouble, my partners know where i am, who i'm meeting with, what are you talking about, your partners' ass, this is russia, my friend, all the best, gentlemen, what are you doing? i'm just looking ahead, miner. don't you understand what kind of law firm he represents? do you need problems in europe in the states? i did what i had to do. the girl
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won't sit on the money for long. we'll take ours. as we agreed, no one move, raise your hands, formalize everything as it should be, yeah. and you really surprised me, yeah, i just didn't want to set you up, yeah, wait, i know how much you value your work, come on, don't twitch, forward, forward
10:14 pm
, go, go, go, oh, let's go. everything is like it was under fama, yeah, nothing has changed, and lyoshka, it seems, went out for a while, and will be back soon, yul, you don't even can you imagine who we've gotten involved with? i'm even
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afraid to imagine what they can do to us, and i'm afraid, you'll protect me, right? well, you're a policeman, this is part of your direct responsibilities, right. wait a second, excuse me, i need to answer, yes, andrey, now a completely different story will begin,
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vasily, hello, shubin, did you manage to find out something, i'm talking about those fingers, yes, i cast the line, but there's no information yet, call back tomorrow, well, tomorrow, that means tomorrow. miracle, premiere on saturday at 20:00 on ntv.
10:17 pm
petelinka - clean products without harmful substances additives. there are many reasons to choose osaga on the website or in the compare application. but one is the most important. we have already checked the price of insurance, which means we know where to find a cheaper policy. 9 out of 10 clients stay with us after purchasing. try it yourself, compare, osaka is cheaper. in sportmaster discounts up to 50% on children's products. results of the week, new season, on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. i do not want to differ from men, sit down,
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well, what did you want, say, do you know the rattle lenka? which is on vaska, her brother recently died, now in st. petersburg, last week a friend and i robbed a jewelry store, knocked out all the security guards, often got up from the display case, yeah, i remember, i read about it in the reports, and that he now lives in lenka, um, most likely he's already moved out, but even if that's the case, she knows where to look for him, yeah, one more thing, his friend told me that he stabbed someone to death in tver, almost a cop, that's all
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good, i'll check, but this isn't my land, in our area, is there a request, what request? we have a new girl at the point , she recently arrived, listen, take her, find her where to put her, otherwise our guy will teach her bad things, how do you imagine that, where should i take her? pash, i won't get up, i won't get off the needle, i'll continue to work for a fix, that might still be possible to save her, vlad, give me my phone, let him call, i'll think of something, thank you, i'm free, free, but you sit down, i'll take you back.
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lyosha, where are you, the planning meeting is in an hour, yes, i'll make it, i'll deal with one goat now and be back, it's not far from here, well, look, don't be late, the boss is not in a bad mood, ok.
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hello lyosha, where are you, the boss is urgently calling yes okay, i'm going, i'm going, and where's that cheap bastard, come on, let's go, how much longer can this go on, are you a bastard or something? what did you think i wouldn't come? you're a bastard, you'll answer for your words, got it? come on, take a risk, you idiot, hurry up, sasha, we're late, and i was ready half an hour ago, don't come with me. i'll be sorry, i would have walked there a long time ago, listen, my dear, i 'll personally take you to school so i know that you 're there and not washing a car or unloading wagons, i promised i wouldn't do it anymore, okay, mom, i won't work in a store anymore
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you will, i don't know, yes... in general, with this inheritance, everything turned out to be somehow unexpected. uncle lyosha left a lot of money. sasha, you must forgive me, of course, but this does not concern you. it's just that dad and i were talking, he asked me to remind him about security. what did he ask me to remind him about? that we need personal security. come on, everyone will do their own thing, okay? i just conveyed his words. i understood you, thank you. sasha, don't be offended, forgive me.
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mom, what's wrong? don't bother me, sit quietly. where are we rushing to, comrade driver, beyond the other world, i apologize, we were being followed bandits, what, real bandits, and what did they
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want from you, i don't know, okay, we'll figure it all out now, did you remember the number? no, okay, i'll ask you to hand over the car documents , right now, mom, what happened, you know , apparently your dad is right, we really will need security, cool, what a joy. there 's another angle, was he drunk? no way, no, no traces of alcohol were found in the blood, while i don't understand how he could have ended up there at all,
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what versions is the committee putting forward? the investigation is leaning toward an accident driver. cars, as well as several witnesses claim that the colonel himself jumped under the wheels of the car, well, the driver is understandable, they also connected, sometimes they confuse so much that what am i explaining to you, but the suicide version, sorry, i also can’t believe it, it’s impossible, colonel shubin is not that kind of person, that’s what i think, so i personally interviewed the witnesses again , one of them testified that a certain person... whose face he didn’t see, allegedly pushed the colonel in the back, thereby provoking an accident, i don’t understand, allegedly or pushed, allegedly. keep, is the investigator informed? yes, but he continues to adhere to the previous version. vasily, personally, what do you think
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about this? if we discard the versions of an accident and suicide, then only one version remains. the attempt on the colonel's life is connected with his professional activities. "i agree, that's why i'm counting on you, vasily, in the end, your service should not only identify turnovers in your own ranks, but also ensure their safety, i agree, for some reason not everyone remembers this, allow me to go, go, vasily." what do the doctors say? he is wary of making prognoses. colonel shubin is still in a coma.
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if you need anything, money, medicine, anything else, come to me straight away. and most importantly, provide security so that they don’t come to finish off shubin. already, gennady petrovich, already. connect me with the head of the main investigation department. okay, well, what else can he tell us about his colleague? how were his relationships in the team? well, maybe he had a fight with someone? no, but you wouldn’t call our team particularly friendly. i have a friend who works in the office, and they they go to the korooki together, go out to the forest for shashlik. and we just worked and ran away. and what exactly did roshnyak do? well, he's a lawyer, he read the contracts before the management signed them. yeah, so he didn't have any direct competitors in the office?
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no, of course not, but it's true that the management guys sometimes got offended by him, you know, he's very picky, but it never came to a quarrel or fights. and what kind of goat is this that they want to sort things out with, you know, i was surprised myself, it's not like him in principle, okay. i'll come see you later, okay, thank you, goodbye, oh, well, yes, to zero, pash, and what do they say at the hospital? oh nothing, the operation is going on, they are trying to save his eye, the investigator is still working, people don't just shoot, there must be a reason, even the most idiotic, yes, that's clear, but in what direction to dig i have no idea? well, look, if he rushed towards her so abruptly, then someone assigned her to him, brilliant, pash, well, we
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'll check his phone, maybe there will be a clue, it's more difficult with the city phone, and the computer, the computer in his office, you checked, pash, well, don't start, follow us to our head, i also thought of something else, lately he left work late, he now... kira moved, so there are some problems with the internet, so what? it's just that he very often hung out on some forum on the internet, almost moderated it. very interesting, do you have an admin here? oh, yes, of course, could you call him for us? oh, okay, yeah. now the admin will come, remove the password from his computer and you will carefully read what he wrote there on the forum and check your mail, both work and personal, investigator, will swear, i never thought that i would wait for zavyalova to come back from vacation, even she understood that sometimes you just need to work quickly without writing, yes, maybe
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mash will not return at all, i mean, but after that story with zakharov, they say that she wants to leave completely, well, that's right, a young girl, why does she need all this, we'll sort it out with the investigator, go work, connections. hello, hello, yulia martenovna, something happened, you have some person there, what do you need here, who are you? pasha, glad to see you, bro, great, how is it it, yes, as usual, quietly, calmly, you know,
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in our business it is. contact the office that one of your exes runs, so that yulia has your red roof, which does not obey the miner. okay, come on, bye, eat right, have fun without alcohol, and give up vapes and cigarettes, we are waiting only for you at
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services. te bannk business and business is done. a third-grader was playing with fire. suddenly, the flames spread to his one-and-a-half-year-old sister. he wanted to see what would happen if a drop of alcohol was poured into a candle. at that moment. verochka disappeared, she caught fire, what a state she was in, terrible, she had burns all over her body, but instead of immediately calling an ambulance for his daughter, his own father began to beat his son, and then set him on fire with his own hands. dad walked by, began to beat me, took the same alcohol, poured it on his buttocks and set it on fire. according to the children's mother, she barely managed to drag her enraged husband away from the boy screaming in horror, she says, why did you put it out, it was supposed to burn.
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"if you don't give back what doesn't belong to you, everything will be very, very bad for you, and no one, i emphasize, no one will be able to protect themselves, i ask you to leave my office immediately, nothing here is yours, you fool!" we joked and that's enough, you understand, you have a son, your parents are no longer young, you will also protect them, and what is this will be for life, give us back what's ours, and you will live
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peacefully, as you wish, call the police, what? call the police! you will sign the papers, and it is all yours, for life, that's enough, tomorrow morning i will come with
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lawyers, think, girl, very good, think, goodbye, goodbye. they sent me the police, so should i call? yulia martinovna? ​​listen, pasha - i, therefore, am a suspect, they had a tolerable real conflict on the forum happened on the internet. cool, they argued. with themselves, they argued, well, yes, i hope, nobody's crimea, practically, it is construction forum, the guys really got into a fight about what's better to put on the site, a well or a borehole, they were arguing for two weeks until they decided to figure it out, idiots, are you kidding, what
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jokes, the sucker was one of the moderators on this forum, his opponent, but his nickname is funny, crocodile, he just banned him, but he got offended, shot him with an arrow, decided to bury him completely, well, what did the guy actually do? i mean, i'll run to his address now, call him back from there, how and what, just don't bother yourself, take the experts with you, the point, i think, is the house he's not here right now, he's probably hanging out somewhere, and if you just call in the specialists , they'll... fulfill the report, well, we'll use the ineffective ones. okay, fine, you call me back later, definitely. okay, go ahead, i'll call you back. are you olya? yes, sit down, tell me, what? are you telling me about yourself? well, there's nothing special to tell. my father died in the mine, my brother, my brother is fighting, my mother can't get up,
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she's been sick lately, her younger sister is looking after her, that's all, i've heard the truth a thousand times, come on, i'm telling you the truth, if you don't want to, if you don't believe me, okay, okay, okay, sit down, i won't let you down, i'll do whatever you want. i'm clean, i don't use, everyone says so, especially at first, i can't do that , i'm telling you, my mother is sick, if not me, who will take care of her, marin, hi, i found out, i'll be there in about 40 minutes, we need to talk, come on. buckle up, let's go, yeah, the whole front yard knows this guy, he's
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crazy, always looking for scandals, he got the apartment from his mother, she died a year ago, and he has a weapon, a traumatic pistol, according to my information no, but is that problem finding a gun? agreed, if only there was money, but where does he work? the security guard guards a warehouse. yeah, you have a gun? in the armory, i don't carry it with me unless i need it. well, let's go, i need it today, i'll check the address. okay, he's not home. are you sure? i'm sure, i saw him this morning, he was going to work. yeah. the girl, it seems like nothing, you'll take her,
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but only if you ask, i ask, then i'll take her, pasha, you know my rules, if i catch her on drugs even once, she'll be out, no problem, if she starts cheating on clients, the same thing, marin, let's explain the rules to her yourself, if she's not stupid, she'll understand, and if not, then it's not meant to be, okay, well, what's new in the area, nothing interesting for you? okay, then i 'm off, sorry, as usual, come on, bye, bye, thank you. i'll be right back. uncle pash! wait, are you crazy, what
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uncle do you mean? i just wanted to tell you, thank you, i found something for, if there are any problems, call, don't worry, i won't let you down, i 'll follow all the rules, and if i find out anything interesting, i'll definitely let you know, okay, come on, take care, thank you.
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so i'm lost, there's no way through here, come on turn around, good afternoon, you have one like this, surname zotov, why are you asking, commander, well if i'm asking, then it's necessary, well there is one, he was late for his shift at the facility now, he was accommodated in a soapy one. i got a slap on the neck from the guard because of him, and where exactly is he, i'm guarding the perimeter, 3 hours, and then the shift, does he have a weapon, a revolver? oh yeah, you'll call him, tell him that although okay, we won't risk it, pash, i found him, only he's armed, no, not a traumatic one, a combat revolver, got it, i'll text you the address now
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. i also brought you some coffee, yeah thank you, and these people will come back, yes, they will, tomorrow, martan, can i not come tomorrow then, i'd rather find myself another job. i'll find myself, i thought that this was a solid office, do as you please, it's just so scary, it was today, at least leave a will, what? oh, yes, that's me, thank you,
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yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. pasha called from general syrkov, he personally keeps the situation under control, when you pasha are with him, you've already managed to bite, and what does sarkov matter to you, you're kind of on your own, oh, don't tell me, if i go against the general, he'll
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he'll take away my license in one go, where will i go then, all business to hell, that means you won't give me people, right? what does pasha have to do with it , will you give me or not, well, if we sign a security contract with your yulia, it'll be for a day or two, until he actually takes away the license, you understand, so you think no one in the city will work with yulia, i think no, your yulia has crossed the path of too serious people, you only need to look for some unofficial private person who is ready to give a damn about the syrkovs and the gang, but only i... personally i don't know such a daredevil in this city, everyone is on someone tied up, well, no offense, pash, i see, and so, if anything, call, i'll be glad to see you, thanks, come on, yeah, laziness, collected at the entrance, come on over, yeah, i'm on my way, eat right, have fun without
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alcohol and give up vapes and cigarettes. we're waiting only for you at i hear, it seems i'm in time, it seems i'm your debtor again, alexander krasovsky, i'll drag you in now, right on the creative personality, lukerya ilyashenko. batman is in the city, he'll save everyone and it 's okay that his virginity was almost knocked down along the way, the main thing is justice. igor filippov, never use methods.
10:51 pm
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trisha, hi, what's wrong, quiet down. pash, so what, was there no way to avoid shooting? you see, i have nothing to do with it, all the blame falls on me.
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what kind of reputation do you have? what kind of reputation do i have? where's semyonov, is there shooting? it's just that some dogs, by the way, came across, look at that dog, you found the non-lethal pistol he used to shoot in the morning, yes, it was in his locker, he's spitting smoke out of traces with the witnesses there now, well then, with disclosure, with disclosure, commander, yes, i'm fine, it's a revolver, a lead bullet, yes, it entered the armor at an angle, otherwise i wouldn't have gotten up myself, i said, you'll go to the hospital, if they say hospitalization, then lie down. yes, and i suggest relieving stress, now we'll hand in the report and go and take off somewhere for a hundred, let's just without fanaticism, it's possible with fanaticism, tomorrow i'll definitely not work, and if they call me for a second interrogation, you boring commander, i'm not boring, i'm correct, yes, i'll come right over. listen,
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maybe after the hospital, we'll break into my place, i 'll heat up the bathhouse. what's the matter? what bathhouse without vodka? what bathhouse without girls? your colleague came to, i called right away, as you asked, tell me, has anyone talked to him yet, maybe an investigator, what are you talking about, he's still in intensive care, what investigator, even you can't go there, i can, i'm a very, very close relative, one minute, exactly 1 minute.
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volodya, volodya, can you hear me, it's me, vasily, tuchkov, bolody, why did you come, what, i can't hear, volodya, why? did you come to beat me up, what are you saying, vladimir, and they pushed me, that i'm not alone, i know, volodya, there are witnesses, i need to know who stood next to you, it was, it was you who gave me away,
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right? volodya, you're wrong, fingerprints on the lips, asked to find out, right away, listen, i need to know who stood next to you, volodya, volodya, what are you doing, get out of the room, light, light, here, yes, i'm running now. hello, sasha, this is tuchkov, listen to me carefully, so tomorrow morning you take the guys and together comb the street where shubin was run over, i'll check all the cameras again, i know they checked, that means.
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once again, so do it! pasha, i've thought of everything, i know what we need what to do, yul, is that enough? stop, you won't be able to live the life that foma lived, i won't be able to protect you, no one will, of course, i won't have security anyway, but that's what i thought, let's go.
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i hope you made the right decision. my lawyer will be here now, you'll sign a waiver of inheritance, no, what do you think, i came here to joke, there's a limit to everything, i'm a miner. as i said, that's how it should be done. i'll run over you with a steamroller, you fool. this option is possible, but
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i now have insurance against it. a will, if if something happens to me, i will bequeath all my current property to the state. what other state? our russian federation. and what are you screaming about, huh? she's always been stubborn, once she's decided on something, you can't convince her otherwise. fama bequeathed a third of his fortune to me, and i'm bequeathing it to the state. i understand that you have very cool opportunities.
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pash, what's up pash? it looks like i 'll need security after all. great. so, i 'm quitting the police and will be guarding you myself.
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yes, it's on the next street, it's about the same time, come on, there's another box. bring it, i have it! the dog walker found the body in the morning. then we butted heads with the region, figured out, ours? the land or theirs, it turned out ours, yours, yours, i remember everything here well, how did you know her, she had connections, she was registered, and what
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difference does it make now, vasilich, no, a prostitute, yes, who was she under, you need to work off clients, you see how unlucky she was, the girl, it looks like she ran into a pervert, well... i haven't seen such mincemeat for a long time, the body is one solid hematoma, multiple fractures, burns, internal injuries, in short, some kind of butchers. believe me, there is clearly more than one person at the bottom mocked, at least two, cause of death, broke his neck, such a well-placed blow, after the autopsy i'll give you the full picture, get to work, there are no witnesses, no, well, pash, call, find out who ordered it last time, where?
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we have an order to detain him for murder, what nonsense, everything was transparent during the operation, yes, my weapons were used lawfully, but no one is talking about the operation, he ordered a girl from a massage parlor for the night, a prostitute, and in the morning she was found with a broken neck, well, you still have to prove that he was involved, but that's not it our job is with you, yezhovtsy is a smart guy, a good commander, let's not complicate things, now you'll call him, call him to the location. and tell yours not to interfere, if you assert your rights, it will be worse for everyone, him, you, he lives outside the city, there are three of them there now , i'll call one, there will be questions, yeah, we need to go ourselves, well, great, get ready,
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the police officers in the shortest possible time came across the suspects in the brutal murder of a nineteen-year-old girl, whose pipe was found on the outskirts of st. petersburg. three officers are suspected of the crime special forces unit. next to me is an investigator from the investigative committee, lieutenant colonel boyko. it is too early to draw any conclusions. yes, there are suspects in the case, but there are investigations ahead, examinations will be appointed. that is all. thank you. on the selection of a preventive measure in the form of detention, all three were released on recognizance not to leave and proper behavior. i will not find anything here.
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you think that this was the last architect, it was he who was in that cafe, and his seals were found by shublin. it is difficult for me to draw conclusions, gennady petrovich, but against the facts not to the one who has not rotted, someone liquidated the bandits in the cafe, then drew the letter a on the wall. shubin found fingerprints. assassination attempt, which is in the general
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style of the liquidators? do you think the trail will go to your office? the order to stop the architect's case came from moscow, i now know one thing, that i definitely can't trust anyone, that's why we are meeting here, and not in the office, this is so that no one can hear us. hide it and be careful, report all your suspicions to me personally, because if you are right, you too in danger, but what are we going to do about it? first of all, don't rush, if the architect is free, someone is covering him from above, then this is a very, very high level, i understand, we
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with whom, here with the girls, when, and at night zhrutok, pochemulyafon, want to know everything about the stars, look, you won't believe it, even though it won't be on air, after your program, i think they'll find out now, on sundays at 20:20 on ntv. anything else? are you sure you won't? no, no, thanks. but i need to. it's my fault. i overlooked the bastards in my squad. and they won't get into trouble for it. they'll get away with it. or their own will cover for us. we don't give up our own. maybe it's not them, though. who? do you believe it yourself? and
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it seems like we'll never find out. what are you going to do next? drink? and when the vodka runs out, to get over a hangover. there is no turning back for me in the authorities. and in the private sector, those who do not solve problems are of no use to anyone. yes, it is true, they say, women are nothing but evil. listen, the chick herself is to blame for throwing a tantrum, i will not do it with three, i will not do it with three, who asked her, she chose such a job herself, why should she scream now, spread her legs, and tomorrow they call me to the investigator, but to hell with her, they did not close me right away, now he does not swear. tell me what is going on with the job, the bank offers collectors, my buddy served there
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together, we can not finish the conversation until the case is closed, i have debts, he hits me, the collector says people are needed, i agree, and i'm in, i'll go get some firewood, yeah, and i'll wait, who are you?
11:22 pm
well done, you coped, fighter, although you still need to be taught, for the future, remember, one shot, one kill, bringing hand-to-hand combat to the top of unprofessionalism. my ex -husband recommended you, you worked with him, he doesn't work for us
11:23 pm
, he serves us, it doesn't matter, did you work or not, well , let's say, in neighboring units, why did you leave? and it doesn't matter, who do you need as a security guard or what? i need it more like head of security, a person i can completely rely on, i agree, but you understand that this is dangerous, i have a lot of enemies in the city now, no matter, we'll figure it out when you can start working, consider that i've already started. those diamonds that you took from
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baikal's house were finally sold, the flash drive contains the account numbers where i transferred your share. code words and contact information. thank you. what are you going to do now? colonel. will you return to your family? no, i decided to stay in petersburg. so, after all decided to train this guy to be a new architect. already started training. well, let's see what comes of him. i'm sure he did well. i want to remind you that the rules are the same for everyone: if your fighter screws up on something, no matter what, we'll have to get rid of him, put him to waste, you'll have to do it, seryozha, i hope it doesn't come to that, god willing, seryozha, god willing.
11:25 pm
hello, can you talk? yes, i can, you'll be deciding something there, i can't ride them around the clock, they stress me out, do it, what we decided, we did not agree, you will receive the money tomorrow at the office, got it, i work.
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as they say, alive to prison, than dead to the cemetery, so tverskaya, new season, such a good crime story, premiere, soon on ntv, someone like that, sees a dog, kicks it, the investigators have completely hogged it, on yesterday's stabbing at the disco, olti pushchin was leaving, imagine, he didn't draw up an inspection report, and i've already dragged a suspect to her, security the local helped, pour it in advance. that they've had it on their radar for a long time, so what, so what, that he's drunk on the phone, on his clothes, i'm cutting it, let's go, yeah, come on, pour it, pour it,
11:33 pm
come on, pour it, op, and teplukhin is in my sight, she says, i have no reason to detain him, i say, olya, he 'll sober up tomorrow, he'll disappear from the city, she tells me, let the troops come, denis, that's normal, and what's the guy's last name? semakov, ladies, look, his dad, you know, who, who is a very rich man, look, you're a boy now you'll let him out, and tomorrow.
11:34 pm
that's how it all starts, everyday rudeness, then one word leads to another, today it's good that i can't hear anything, guys, well, you were told in russian, you can be quieter, now i'll go out on the street, the coolest one here or what, and guys, let's? let's all calm down, okay, stop, everyone froze, stop, guys, quiet, quiet, everyone calmed down without shooting, calm down, guys, where are you so harsh from, and who are you under, we are kolpinsky, i heard, and who are you, who is the eldest, pasha semenov. well, he's
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