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tv   Odin  NTV  August 27, 2024 1:50am-2:41am MSK

1:50 am
vitya, finally, where have you disappeared to? it's not vitya. excuse me, who? it's his friend. and vitya, did something happen? and you're nikita's mother? yes, what's wrong with vitya? is he okay? this isn't a phone conversation, we need to meet. how can you say he died? he wasn't sick with anything. you
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saw him a long time ago last week, don't think anything like that, it was a sudden , very short affair, vitya said that he loved his wife and regretted that, well, you know, then his son was born, because i helped from the first day as best i could, i was always there. what what should we do now? do you have anyone to turn to? maybe relatives? no, we don't have anyone else. my brother is just my cousin, but he always lived for himself. did you know where victor worked? he was some kind of boss in the police, he didn't tell us much, and i didn't... nikita, did your dad die,
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do you have any things left? yes, there is something there, a little, a couple of shirts, socks.
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these are also dad's. yes, hello, vik, you are still far away, well, about a kilometer from the gas station, why? listen, i got a flat tire, i'm afraid i won't make it to the dacha, 300-400 meters after the gas station it will be.
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drive, turn there and drive a little straight, i 'll wait for you there, good, what's with all this mystery, we couldn't meet in the city.
1:55 am
yes, georgy borich, roma, you should come to me, and the sooner the better, i have a corpse here, wiki, although it's better if you come, we'll talk here, i understand. the expert established the cause of death right there on the spot, outside the city, where was she found? two shots, both in
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the heart, these are her things, yes, i'll take a look, it's a bad thing, romochka. very bad, first victor, then his wife. the methods of murder are different, the first one they tried to disguise a heart attack, the second one, demonstrative, frank, it seems that the killer knew that his first maneuver was exposed, then he started acting with... stanna, as it goes, or there were two killers, and what am i making an assumption, this is your job, but i still don't fully understand why you need all this, who is handling these cases?
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sanya solomin was the first to go to victoria kulba's corpse, so he is in the know, yeah, i see, georgy borisovich, i see. okay, rom, be careful.
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oh, rom, come in, there is news, solomin is coming now he'll come, we'll find out everything, nothing on my part, the results of the examination were confirmed, okay. are you taking it? tell me, did vika and vitya have relatives? no, there were no relatives. yeah. georgy borisovich, what kind of bedlam is going on in your office, huh? i'm passing by the dissecting room, and there are things lying on the table. not sealed, how should i understand that. first of all, hello, sasha, my respects. and secondly, sit down, have some cognac.
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they didn't find the gun, what time was it? they found it at 5 minutes past twelve, yeah, that's why you're even asking, i'm so embarrassed ask, i knew them once, but a long time ago, that's interesting, maybe you also had common business with kulba, you tell me, don't be shy, osb has already intervened, well, how? "we are looking for them, in the end we interfere with each other, as
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always, i wonder what you are interested in, in general, i will not put the salary, i will give an advance, for the fact that this kulba was smeared completely, i personally knew the man, the case which he closed 2 years ago, i suspect for a lot of money, what kind of man, listen, who are you anyway , and an operative, an investigator? no, you are at best witness, at worst a suspect, and in general i'm asking questions here, and you in general, come to me for money, i'm very curious to hear about your story with kulba. okay, thanks for the coffee, no work waiting. bye, and i know
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who he was talking about, and you know, you crossed paths in one case, in the case of his son, beloded, yeah, so it was him kulba who got away with it 2 years ago, but this is just talk, unfortunately, you can't attach it to the case, you know, okay, we'll see, tell me, and what about... did you see the train off, that is, you're going to see him tomorrow, apparently, yes, he's here,
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i didn't think i'd ever see you again, odintsov, there were rumors, you were kicked out of the authorities, what do you need, information, you won't get it from me, why did you agree to meet with me, i wonder what happened to that impudent cop who wanted to put my igorek away, your igorek was living with a minor, she was turning 18 in a month,
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there was a lot of stuff, but there was no one to pass it on to. so, what do you need? i want to know about kulba. what is there to find out about him? an ordinary cop, a careerist. nikolai stepanovich, i suggest a deal. a deal? hmm, i'm curious. you tell me all about kulba, and i give you the addresses. do you know where inga is? i know. and she and your grandson. he's 8 years old.
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should i tell you his name? kulba was dragged into this case, he agreed because of his sick son, what 's my grandson's name? kolya, what about my question? sergey somov, the brother of the girl who gave birth to kulba's child. what else? what else? i only know that kulba is not the main one in this system. some idiot without a clue. yeah. give me the address.
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in samara? in samara, hello! hello, please come in, go ahead, i'll call you myself i wanted to know if there was any news about vitya, when is his funeral, i don't know yet, hi, hello, well, it turns out, it turns out,
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well done, let's go... to the balcony, yeah , was anyone else interested in viktor besides me, no, no one except you, and you didn't remember anything, nothing special, anna, and sergey somov is your brother, cousin, i told you about him last time, yes, but you didn't say that they knew each other? what's the big deal, well, why talk about it, well, it could be important, well, yes, i introduced them long before nikita was born. at first they seemed to become friends, but then they drifted apart. seryozha was in prison, and victor was still a guardian of the law, but what do they have in common?
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nothing. and where is sergey now? in a hospice. he called me recently and asked me to come and talk. now that he has nothing left in this world, he remembered me. he has no one else, except for. who are you? it doesn't matter, kulba died, i heard, they killed him, what do you think? i get it. you dragged him into this shit, fuck you, i was at anya's, what's wrong
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with her, nothing's wrong with her, don't touch anya, listen, she didn't know anything, you need to ask me, that's why i'm asking how it happened, it couldn't be simpler. "when anya gave birth to a boy from victor, he turned out to be very sick, in short, they needed money, vitya had no money, so i cornered him then, come on, i say, vityok, work with us, anyway, he was covered up. besides you, kulby , who else was in the case? no, i'm not afraid of anything anymore. anya with her nephew, she's still alive,
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i don't want them to call me to account for my big mouth. and why was victor killed? how should i know? he was a weak man, viktor kulban, i remember how you once said: i feel like sergei in this crime saga, a bond girl, a bond girl, and why? i wonder, why then did you go to
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detain the suspect? what's so special about that? kul would have worked on other versions? but you must admit, it's strange that the deputy head of the district department himself goes to detain . listen, major. it seems to me that a person counts, if he's the boss, let me decide who should do what, do you have any other questions, okay, who do you think could have killed him? i don't have any versions, right, after all, kulba was not only your subordinate, but your friend, and you don’t even have a version? well, okay, we’ll figure it out on our own, good luck!
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aloe, edik, let’s say you found out? well, you found out, so what? you need the help of a computer genius, look for another one, danger, i’ll pay you whatever you say, for the especially gifted, i’m explaining, i won’t help you, especially you, alone
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. why did you show up? i told you everything, let’s just talk calmly. what do you need? the help of a computer genius. let’s not talk about the past. i’m offering you a job for which i'm ready to pay good money. that's it. it will be very difficult to forget. no, i have nothing to do with you and can't have anything. just do the job, get your money, that's all. what
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is this? a strange question. a strange answer, what should i do with it, first open it, well , there's one password to enter, you see the folder on the gunger desk, i see gongiridzh spear of odin, right? so, it 's locked, i need to open it, how much will you charge for the job? you'll charge double, okay, a day will be enough. i don't know how i'll do it, i'll call, that's enough, listen, they told me, you'll give me a couple days ago i was repairing a car, a black one, three sevens, well yeah, there was a case that i needed to, you can open it, you know, my laptop was left in the showroom, i should take it,
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no, man, i don't do things like that. come on, nothing complicated, opened the door, took the laptop, closed it, brought it to me, got good money, we'll free it, how much, five thousand with greenbacks, only everything needs to be done quickly, you'll get the money right away, where is the car, well done, you can tell right away, homo sapiens, where is he?
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are you on business? do i have any questions for you? for are you being followed? who would follow me, roma? i live quietly and modestly. i came to ask about vika. did you see her often after that. and what was going on with you and the neuroman? no, i know that it doesn't concern me, but who knows, roma, the case of the murders of vitti and vika is under my personal control, and igor andreevich, as you understand, is very closely monitoring the progress of the investigation, well, let's say you and barkov are monitoring these cases, what next?
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there will be questions later, roma, and you will have to answer them, so it's better for me than to someone else, i wonder what questions they might have for me, i haven't seen them for 10 years, well, that's it, it's a professional habit, i wanted to see the reaction, so, i have an alibi when vika was killed 30 km from the city, how did my new friend solomin find out ? okay, i'll tell you what, if anything, i 'll cover for you. yes, you can count on me, and i owe you, roma, i owe you and i'm ready to repay this debt. no, lyosha. what don't you owe me?
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well, you know, it's not for you to decide, but i know who i owe what to. is that all you have? no, not all. and come to me for the weekend, huh? well, i built a house there. it's so beautiful, there's a fireplace, it's quiet, you know, but what can you hear, the grass rustling in the yard, and most importantly, i know what you need. vidka's secrets don't give you any peace, do they? so you come, and i'll tell you everything i know. will you come? i'll come, that's good.
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2 hours ago, the detainee gorokhov died, damn, are you out of your mind, odintsov, what are you doing, comrade lieutenant colonel, roll, well, you yourself said that you would beat testimony out of gorokhov
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by any means necessary, of course i understand everything, but that's not how it's done, in short, i'll cover for you, odintsov, but i don't want to see you among my own people anymore. write of your own free will, roma, roma, roman, forgive me, we set you up, i wanted to warn you, but lyoshka talked me out of it, it was you and lyozhka who screwed up gorokhova, we didn't want it, but we didn't want it, we just wanted to beat information out of him, well, it turned out we set you up, roma, at lyoshka's. my wife is pregnant, i have a career ahead of me, do you even understand what you're talking about, you 've wiped your feet on me, stop your career,
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to ruin everything, rum, i don't know, i now it's so bad, like nothing has ever been so bad in my life, i don't know what to tell you, just shut up. roma, yes, edik, i did it, i'm on my way. well, it worked, and you doubted it, as i understand it, the system is like this, it's a table, it's a kind of database, it contains names, surnames,
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scans of documents, some contacts, look, for example, he writes, in such and such a case there was evidence, where did he put it in order to subsequently ruin the case, as i understand it, for money, but... if you open this folder, what do we see, also photographs, some pictures, scans, as i understand it, in order to blackmail people later, thank you, edik, and what is this, is this how he tried to encode someone's last name, you think correctly. well, what else, is there anything? yes, at the end of the directory there is a folder nikita, nikita, maybe, yes, nikita, there is only one file in it four numbers, i did not understand what this
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means, i understood, so, i'm taking the netbook, it would be better if you forget about everything, is that enough? already forgot, well, good, see you, i hope not. hello, anya, this is roman, hello, tell me, do the numbers mean anything to you 2,217, my birthday is on july 22, at 17, it's nikita's birthday, anya, maybe this is the pin code for the bank card that's in your box, remember, nikita showed it to me, yes, i remember, yes, most likely, that there's money there, money, yes, it's yours now.
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uh, is anyone there? i'm upstairs, hi, oh, hi, where is everyone? so that's it, the working day is over, i see. well, here's the bag. well done, take it, as they say, it was a pleasure doing business with you, no, somehow you cost me a lot, something's wrong, man, what's wrong with you?
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2:30 am
you again, yes me, hello, edik, hi, you 've cut up a copy of gunga, oh god , don't lie to me, this isn't like you. i'm telling you, no, that i'm sick or something, that's right, it's a pity, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!
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oh, come in, that's how we agreed, i wrote down another half hour for you before and after, well, just in case, here's the rest, come in if anything. hi, roma, what are you doing here? maybe you'll let me in, or are you going to keep me at the door? by the way, i
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came here with our son. come in. yes, you live, of course, it's peculiar, and what's there? the bedroom, i hope you're alone, don't touch anything there, yeah, and why? it doesn't matter, get out of there, well, it doesn't matter, so it doesn't matter, wine, will you open for me? okay, if you're not interested in knowing how your ex-wife lives, your wife will tell you herself, i live well, and he loves me, he's a very good man, it's boring, though, he works a lot, gets terribly tired, comes home late,
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spare me the details, every weekend a barbecue with his boring friends, well , what do you think, is that why i came to america overcooked? to eat with chicks that i don't even understand, people, what's all this for? is it somehow connected with the fact that you came here? yes, i'm roma, now a producer, we're launching a joint tv project with stars from both countries, negotiations are tomorrow at half past twelve, gena , how is it? gena, now a genie, speaks better english than... russian, what does he do, nothing, was going to college, didn't go, have no idea what he's going to do, people, i want to see him, roma, he doesn't want to, but 10 years have passed,
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we left, he was eight, he didn't even see you i remember. it's hard for me with him, not with him, it's very hard, it's your own fault, i know. why did you come? are you bored, i see you're living like a bachelor,
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the atmosphere is so-so? and you look good, people, i have no time at all, yeah, yeah, good, here's a business card, if you want to find a hotel, you'll find it, some wine, finish it, bye.
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yes, it's me, come in, rom, i'm in the yard. romka, it's good that you came, romka, i'm almost ready, and you've settled in well, who would have thought 10 years ago that a police major, already a lieutenant colonel,
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i, romka, would pay my very life for my betrayal punished to the fullest extent, we svitka, when you were set up. everything went wrong for us, sit down, rom, wherever you like, so, oops, i had only one left. after those events, our friendship was no longer the same, and
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romka, loud, loud, thank you for coming, let's drink to you, what did you do with him? lyosh, what did you kill vitya for? what fantasy? no, there are no fantasies, you were in that cafe, you knew it, you keep digging, well, yes, i was in that. cafe shortly before vitya's death, i went in to exchange a few words, and
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what does this prove, well, if you don't know, kulba kept track of all your affairs, maybe this will amuse you, but in these documents you are listed as agent 007, it will really amuse me, yes, i jokingly called myself bond. so what? and they call you one? but you are not a scandinavian god? what nonsense are you talking about? he received the assignment exclusively from you, right? yes, exclusively from me. and anyway, hannibal the lecturer. vika was found not far from here. she was moving along the highway in the direction of your dacha. yeah. she was driving to you. she doesn’t have any other acquaintances here. it’s easy to establish. were you waiting? yes, where was vika going, nobody knows.


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