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tv   Bratya  NTV  August 29, 2024 3:35am-4:15am MSK

3:35 am
and woke up, yeah, hi, hi, i don't know what you like in the morning, champagne, i don't think so, thank you, and where's my phone, you poured champagne on it, do you want to see a lady, i have some mint oil, it will clear up your headache. oh, somehow i didn't get enough sleep, of course, air, and you have a plane today or tomorrow.
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i don't like it, really, no need, it's enough for me to get home, nikita, don't worry so much, firstly, i will really try to fly away today, secondly, i'm not a chatty person, i really felt very good with you, very, you have a phone blinking, yes kitty, nice lady, anya, your mother, don't open my brain, where am i at work, what zoo, well, yes, i remember, of course,
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sister, don't come near, what nonsense, he's calling, so what, i'll talk to him myself, i said, don't come near. lenochka, what
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kind of ostrich psychology is this, well, it's sooner or later anyway, mom, no sooner or later, he's a bastard, neither you nor i have anything to talk about with him, and turn off your mobile, please, i won't give him a chance to apologize, let him burst with anger.
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hello, lena, this is lelin, hi, like this the scouts are getting caught, a simple logical conclusion tells me that you woke up odisa, you know, sorry, the joke was lost, a lousy joke, what do you need, the trumpet is calling, kost, the murderers, anatoly felixovich was shot. what kind of person, honest, polite, the best neighbor, the best, respected, you just don't shout here, okay, i 'm not respected, as he calls a waitress in a restaurant, my husband was a general staff, they found the kosovo one, well, you're a meteor, kostyan, listen, no, not yet, the guys are looking, but most likely the aunt. we're checking it out, over there at
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arches, well, and in general, it's clear, let's see, i didn't understand, who am i, the doorman, do we have to wait so long, who should we give evidence to, let's go, let's go, let's go. let's go mine, let's go, there's nothing, look, leave the information after the signal, well, i understand, in short, i got there, listen, belozersky, in november, you, your goat face, landed a dump truck on a seven, you were warned not to do this, and now you're screwed, you understand, i can just see you lying in your door and your filthy... be careful of the doctor, girl, what's your name, come on, go here, well, how about you, come on, no need, no need, it'll pass in a minute, everything's fine, exactly, yes, thank you, that's it, come on, thank you, we
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'll leave you for a while, yes, okay. take a walk, please, what do you say? do you think it's too easy? i think it is too easy, and the woman on the line sounds young, go ask her, maybe she recognized it? no, you'd better, i don't get it, captain, i've actually been here for two hours, i 'll call ets for now. i'll run the number, but there's no need to run anything, here's the number, what were you doing here, boiro, go to the widow, i said, widow, a strange word, forgive me, nothing, how are you feeling, am i feeling better, the voice on
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the answering machine, i don't know it, there's a caller id, maybe the number was printed. look, thank you, inna, can i just, inna, yes, you ask, don't be shy, your husband collected antiques, yes, all his life, sometimes we couldn't go on vacation for several years, all our money was spent on it, and what's important about it, i can't say yet, but maybe you know someone who could threaten yours? "anyone, you're a policeman, yes, you probably had to shoot, but tell me, if the bullet hit "to a person in the heart, he died immediately, or in
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a few seconds, tell me, this is very important, excuse me, i won't last long" "listen, beautiful woman, beautiful, lyalin, roll up your lip, call the prosecutor's office, find out everything about the dump truck, who it is, what they eat it with, check the mobile phone, and connect an antique expert from the third department just in case, let him look at the photos and evaluate everything, blow, i have it." thank you, egor, look, here it is, come on, throw it, your turn,
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i don't want it, but what do you want, i didn't understand, and i want to be on my shoulders, come on, lard, what. and everyone likes to sit on shoulders, and kitty egorych, maybe let's go to the zoo, look at the lions, tigers, let's go, who's stronger, a tiger or a lion, remember, a kalashnikov assault rifle, maybe we'll see, really, monkeys, champagne, ah , dad pulled me to relatives, and mom won't be looking at monkeys, she 'll go to the hyenas, right? i wonder what animals dad was with yesterday? with ducks, with whom? mom said that you were with some ducks. come on, go, son, play. what are you doing? why are you
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are you embarrassing me in front of my son? you have a long tongue, and don't threaten me! niki, where were you yesterday? a question or a claim? question. i work from morning till night so that you can calmly enjoy life at home, and you, instead of saying thank you, nikita, thank you, darling, are lying on the couch in front of the tv and gossiping about me with your little mommy, you work and work, you'd better give your strippers more money for perfume, otherwise you smell like roskovye from the moscow region, shut your mouth, and what if, and nothing? we agreed in front of yegor not to quarrel, what are you doing, yegor, you again, no,
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no, no, no, no, let's go play air hockey, who plays better, you or me, i, have established that at the moment, leonid afanasyev, nicknamed dump truck, has been convicted by judge belozersky under the article. he is serving a sentence of 7 years in penal colony number 6 in the city of kolomna. some kind of cur? an ordinary drug dealer or small change in his pockets? if he had two contract murders hanging on him and they couldn't prove the organization of drug trafficking from the chuya valley. understandable. well, what about us from the answering machine? igorevich, nothing yet. under examination. in two days, in two days, you tell me in two months, listen, eagles, don't you understand what
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the murder of a federal judge means, the whole damn prosecutor general's office is on its ears, tell me what i'm going to report to them tomorrow, tell them stories, feed them my breakfasts, comrade general, shut up, no one is asking you, we've established who owns the phone, and who, the head of the norwegian embassy, ​​his name is very complicated, lyalin, and you at all at least sometimes... do you think what you 're saying, and you want to say that the norwegian ambassador threatened this belozersky, you want to tell me this, i can't say anything yet, comrade general, well, if we had a sanction, lyalin, lyolin, why do i still tolerate you, just think, a sanction on a diplomat, are you out of your mind, yes, it's good if he even agrees to testify voluntarily, give him a sanction, what the hell, who am i working with, what is this? presiding officer, norwegian ambassador, judge belozersky, some kind of crap, listen,
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where is starsn, and why isn't he here, that's why, when i need him, he's not here, what does he even think of himself, len, pick up the phone, len, i beg you, pick up the phone , please, len, i don't know what came over me, i'll never do this again. lenochka, lenochka, where have you been, khvarosov made a scene again about you not being at the meeting, i 'm tired of making excuses for you, what happened, kostya, you look like someone died.
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so you can't go to khorostov, but he 'll start yelling again, so why go to him to listen to him yell, criminals won't get caught any faster, okay, that's it, sorry, i have... trainik, damn, yeah, lyalin, great, let
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them lead them, no, don't take them, let them just lead them. agreed, no, i'm admiring the moscow region nature here, yes, it's good that you left your car at the station, it got stuck, well, although it's too early to rejoice, well, let's go, let's go, let's go. and now you get grants, do you understand? i can just see you lying from your door and from your
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belly, your lousy life is flowing. do you want to say? that i have something to do with this? i think, you take me for an idiot, citizen operative commissioner, i am the main suspect, i am not my enemy to get an extra ten, whose voice is this, i do not know, you know, but let's say you did not give the order, could one of your comrades have put himself out there behind your back, to kill the judge, i hope you will praise, the voice is too young, after all , sometimes the sixes do this to win respect? is not that so, citizen chief, about respect, you are in vain, if one of my people behind my back if he had done something unauthorized, he wouldn't have lived a day, apparently, you don't want to go out, what 's mine is mine, citizen-chief, i don't need what's not mine, i'm a lawyer, you know, here
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's the thing, afanasy petrovich, better known as a dump truck, there's only one life, and you never know how it... will end, you have cancer, what kind of film is that, kilograms, your medical record, throat cancer, you should have smoked less, while it wasn't in a very serious stage, but in a couple of years, by the way, you managed to get to know the local surgeons here, they are in their free time from work time boars are castrated by pig farmers, so be careful! and here's another thing, one of my friends recently defended his doctoral thesis on respiratory oncology, he tested some drug, told interesting things, 80% of the patients recovered. okay, okay, boss, good, i recognized the voice, it's one guy, he's been working for me for a year,
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he recently turned 18, but he couldn't kill, because he's a green coward, last name. but no, i won't give you mine, even if he's a juvenile psychopath, i don't know about you, but i'm a decent person, surveillance of samosvalov gangsters still leads, fly to them, they will lead us to the minor, that the dump truck is most likely already calling them to remove it before we find it, i'll take mine now. in the car and fly to you like a loon, but i can't go faster, lyalya, if they knock it down, it's your fault, that's it, come on, let's go,
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let's go, i want to eat, yeah, and you go to them, ask for baked wings. i'm tired of everything, i'm going to the store, and i'll get some sausage there, a couple of buns, damn, they're leaving, give me the car, quickly, quickly, fuck, start, what are you putting down, come on! khorkin, it's me, we're in sosnovka at the barriers, you where? comrade captain, we had to approach from the other side, there's a construction site there, everything. from the river, i told you, damn, it's clear what you have there, they're going to go into the house now , what should we do, come quickly, what's the plot number, the fourteenth behind the enemy, to the right, do
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n't be afraid, we'll be here soon, got it, come on, let 's go, that's it, they've gone to kill. mila, let's get ready, let's leave quickly, there's a bonfire with a bolson sneaking around the garden, great, we've just run out of cigarettes, what different cigarettes, do you think they're just walking around with weapons, that you've played too much, what does that have to do with it? you've played yourself out, my dear, pull yourself together, and drop this hare.
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where am i going, what are you doing, come in , you little son of a bitch! my dear, cover me, count to three, one, two, three, my dear! attention, the house is surrounded, come out with
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your hands up, bitches, catchers, you've gathered yourself far away, and go, run, hands behind your back, behind your back, hands, get up.
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so what was that, what kind of war is this? no, well , some kind of outlaws, well, how did they start shooting first, why were you late for the showdown, is that it? the exterior signs, a bonus of gratitude, you're in trouble, got it, report to tailsov, but everything went fine, a hack job, well, that's fucking amazing, but what about the mutual assistance of the service, you have a bald head, not testimony, i get it, 10 years of strict regime, considering that this is a complete jack, he'll be out at 30... your whole life is ahead or a stage on a general basis, where they'll organize a scraper under your ribs on the second day. the dump truck doesn't
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just have a grudge against you, it's a big mouth. yes, the dump truck will believe me more, i don't give a damn about your threat, i didn't kill the judge. your voice is on the answering machine. two passers-by in the tablecloth alley saw you in the utility worker's uniform leaving the yard, throwing off barrel into the collector. conspirator unfinished, what utility worker, what collector, what are you trying to hang on me, if you're such an honest man, give me a real showdown with witnesses in the presence of a lawyer, who exactly ordered the judge, well, who exactly ordered the judge? dump truck, well, tell me, come on, come on, save yourself, no, nobody, called
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the judge, i, well, so that he wouldn't... freak khrelov, but i didn't kill, i wasn't even in the city, there are witnesses, there are, my girl, your girl, from frost, but not nice, another, olya, she's an excellent student at msu, i call in front of her in the club, you're digging your own grave, lupatov, convoy. get up and leave.
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yeah , joke, yeah, i'm at work, what holiday is it, name day, yeah, thank you, yeah, sure, yeah. yeah, i'll come, okay, come on, come on, come on, i'm really glad you all found the time to come, you need to get together not only in need, but in joy, sashenka, come on, bring something hot, i'm bringing it, i'm bringing it, so... here, anyut, help
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me, yeah, come on, guys, what are you sitting there for, pour me some, yeah, some bread, you'll be, come on, get some bread, ainu too, ainur, no, ashot, please forgive me, come on, yeah, tell me, who has a name day, kostya, what kostya do you have, i have a name day, big. you since you jumped into the well, excuse me, nothing, nothing, i'm already used to it, it was my father who whipped me like that then, it was offensive,
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now i'm thinking, now ainur is with us, ainur, ainur, i'm very glad that you moved closer to us, we are like your older brothers, we promise to protect you, yes enur, we are formidable brothers, so your suitors are unlucky, yes, that's for sure, well, well, i won't offend you ainur... i even got such a groom in a month i'll find it, my brother has a really great one at work, do you think anyone would be interested in this, and nastyusha, come on, play on the slide, and i 'll put some chickens for everyone right now, and so on, nikita already has one, well, come on, guys, come on, kostya, come on, well, let's make it worse once, yeah, come on, not for the sake of drinking, for health, yeah, for nastya, nastyuli,
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what do you say, is this your new sunday school? yes, it's small, but we already have 20 students, it's beautiful, those freaks didn't bother us anymore, no, not a word, not a spirit, and what are you he told them something like that, so that they would live according to god's law, that's right, don't give
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up, nikito knocked the chatterbox, everyone can deserve forgiveness, bone, you have to be patient. patience is not my strong point, yeah, lyalin, not a spoke, bummer, bone, lupaty has an iron alibi, he really was with his girl, two neighbors saw him, just at 10 in the morning, what the, so, wait, it turns out, one threatened, the other killed, it looks like that. some kind of nonsense, well, it's clear that the judge had many enemies, but for everything to coincide like that, with an interval of several hours, in life happens, no, no, no, no, no,
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no, everything is so perfect, in short, what do we do next, bone, let's start from the beginning, we need to check the judge's apartment, by the way, there is a version with the widow, call on her. no, i won't go, why? i somehow get lost with beautiful women, and lyalin, hello, good evening, i have a couple of questions for you. go ahead, come in, i can offer you coffee, if you want i'll make it turkish style, no, thank you,
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and where are the paintings? and the paintings, the most valuable ones, i took to the bank vault, why? a stupid question, for security purposes? you thought, that your husband was killed because of his professional activities, i'm just leaving abroad in a week because i'm afraid that my nerves won't hold up here, for a long time, i don't know, sit down, i don't know yet, nothing keeps me here, really, you knew how much she valued belozersky's condition, of course she knew. very well, tolik spent almost every penny on these things, this was, perhaps, his only passion, and not me, no matter how he tried to convince me of this, if i understood correctly, he didn't love you, and you, as to
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treated him? wait, do you want to say that i killed my husband to get an inheritance? you didn't answer the question, okay. when i married tolik, i was 19 years old, and he was 40, yes, i didn't love him, i wanted a good life, believe me, a woman can sacrifice a lot for this, but suddenly i fell in love with his university friend, you had an affair, 10 years, one day tolik found out about it. i left, i left myself to nowhere, only he didn't kick me out, he just stopped noticing me, so if i wanted to get something from tolik, i could file for divorce in court i would have achieved division
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of property, believe me, what i would have won in court would have cost a lot of money, well, well, go on, i 'm listening to you, you left, what happened next ? and then tolik asked me to come back, he said that he forgave me and even swore never to remind me of what happened, and why are you looking at me so angrily, i ask you not to go anywhere, tomorrow you will be called in for questioning, so, in my opinion, i became the main suspect, because i honestly said that i did not love. my late husband, this will decide investigation, but i advise you, start looking for a lawyer, goodbye, goodbye, it
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was definitely a tulip, only in the cup on a green chair sat a girl, a tiny one, and she was so tender and pretty, her nipple was only an inch long, that 's what they called her, thumbelina, she's sleeping. dad, and demovochka is a person, yeah, a person, only small, like this, thank god, well, that's it, sleep sleep, sleep, sleep, you know, i was just putting her to sleep myself, she dozed off for a minute, and do you know what i dreamed, jerusalem, jerusalem, yeah. hmm, that's good, that's right, so
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what? why did you quarrel with bishop alexander, you'd be living in palestine now? sashenka, well, because, let's go to bed. and you didn't notice anything at the table today, but when the guys came, and what should i have noticed, kostya is having a hard time now, i'm not talking about kostya, ainora and nikita, they're having an affair, sasha, forgive me, of course, you're an idiot. oh, stop it,
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it's written on both of their foreheads in letters like this, and what do you know, if i say, you remember, i figured out the thief in the temple then, it's even on her face it was written, sasha, do you realize what you 're talking about, i feel sorry for anyuta, sasha, get up, the school is on fire.
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and ashuat, yes, stop poking around there, come here, yes. only in the movies they don't burn, you know, nikita, and it 's my own fault, i got proud, it's, of course, scary, but we must thank the lord, thank, no matter what, listen, you have a phone with you, go then, take the phone and call these people. nikis, i won't call.
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go on, go on, tell them that you're giving them the land, let them come with a notary. do you think so? i think so. well, i don't know, tell them, that's enough violence, let's talk this nonsense about the right cheek. well, we have to give it back, brother. well, how? and you think so? well, if kostik couldn't help you with anything. i'm here for you. so go ahead, pick up the phone, call, come on, come on, and i'll call too, tell me, sir, that's what?


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