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tv   Bratya  NTV  August 29, 2024 4:15am-4:56am MSK

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then pick up the phone and call these people. nikif, i won't call. go ahead, go ahead, tell them that you're giving them the land, let them come with a notary. do you think so? i think so. well , i don't know, tell them that's enough violence, tell them this nonsense about the right cheek. but we have to give it back, brother. well, how? and you think so? if kostik couldn't help you with anything, i'm here for you, so go ahead, pick up the phone, call, go ahead, go ahead, and i 'll call too, tell me, kostya, here... do you
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have any evidence that belozerskaya killed the judge, no, no, we need to develop it, this is a version for now, but this is the only realistic version for today. kostya, i don’t understand a damn thing, explain it to me, a dumb general, come on, let’s have a chat together, well , tell me, when the judge was alive, they owned everything together, on equal terms, right? so, then tell me, why the hell would this woman kill the judge if she gets half in the divorce anyway, it’s simple, the girl thought and thought and came up with it, it’s better to be a widow with 3 million than a divorcee with one and a half, she knows greed or sometimes suddenly wakes up, so stop, stop, stop, kosya, don't beat around the bush, as they say, listen, you know what, kosya , just don't be offended, okay, old man, don't you think that you're clinging to this version with the widow just because this whole situation,
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"reminds you of something, what are you talking about, i'm talking about what the whole of mur is talking about, about you, about your wife, about samokhin, may he rest in peace, okay, kost, you, this, the devil take me, well, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, please, i apologized, please, i'm sorry, it's okay, you you are not the only one who thinks that i have gone crazy, tych general, it is not true, i did not say this, it is not true, what did not happen, did not happen, yes , it just seems to me that you have some small psychological problems, and what will you do, send me to a doctor, it would not hurt, and you know what, igorevich, i understand perfectly well why you do not want to cling to the version with the widow, where is the hero? where is
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the judge who died because of his honesty and integrity, major, do not forget yourself, do not forget yourself, starostin, consider that i have gone crazy, send me to the commission, so, starostin, finished being a lawyer started working, damn, i still have problems with you, we have a great version, that's what needs to be brought to mind, and so that tomorrow i have... fuck, what are you talking about the detention, about lupato's interrogations of this whole gang of dump truck jackals. kosya, it's not for me to teach you how to do it, we'll just arrange a confrontation, i assure you, for sure, he'll crack, someone will crack, that's it, you 're a pain in the ass, go, let's work, it's not an eyesore here , yeah. mayor starostin, this is ina
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belozerskaya, come quickly, they want me kill, you should have dialed 02, what made you think they wanted to kill you, you soulless monster, if you don't come right now, my death will be on your conscience, just don't talk to me with those dug-up poems, you hysterical woman, yes, on the spot, thank you, thank you, sergei amarovich, thank you, yeah, bye. nikita, here are all the papers, yeah, tell me who they are, and these are my friends, acquaintances from the land management department, this is so that they don't take away your house along with the land, that's exactly what they are they will check everything, i beg you, no showdowns, yes it's fine, everything will be fine, calm down, go and warm up, okay, yes, yes, yes, oh, here are the guests, let's do it the first time... a note,
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the wiring is bad, right? let's do it without mockery, we'll quickly resolve all the issues, god be with you, father, what mockery, what are you talking about, are the documents ready? nikita, give me the papers, the documents, come on, can i ask a question, well, i'm not asking you, you snot, dear sir, aren't you afraid of god's wrath, or maybe you're not a believer there, but no need, nikita, who is this, no know who it is? nobody joked, catch , enough, stop, nikita, believed, believed, enough, nikita, here's your anger, enough!
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inna. inna, open a criminal investigation department. inna.
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i understand. inna, inna, and this is you, do you know what happens for such jokes with the police, i was so scared, what are you saying, you didn't go, where were you, cooling off, major, i feel very bad, very... no wonder, this is aspirin, drink it to the bottom, you know how to please a woman, i'm used to it, my wife often got drunk, they tried
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to kill her too, no, it's none of your business, who wants you kill, and what about your wife now, answer the question, or i'll leave, okay. it was yesterday evening, i got out of the car and went to the house, suddenly two men grabbed me and tried to shove their car into me, i broke free and ran away, i don't remember their faces, but the car, it was black, why did you call only this afternoon, i don't know, i was in shock, stop pulling the wool over my eyes, haven't you watched any tv series, do you think i'm lying? no, i think you're hiding something and trying to make an idiot out of me. why do you hate me? why do you think i am i lying? look, i have sons. goodbye. please don't leave, i beg you , i'm scared. call someone,
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a lover, for example, do you really not have an admirer with your data? i have no one. if something happens, dial 0.2, if you are so afraid for your life, close the windows. in short, ainur, as my physical education teacher used to say, let's set priorities, i am a married man, what kind of relationship i have with my wife, it doesn't matter, but i will not change anything. i understand, do i, seeing each other we will do it by prior arrangement, i 'm telling you right away, i can't ever, it's friday dash sunday, we won't be able to see each other often on weekdays either, because there's a lot of work and it's going to get even worse, you see, we'll be here, in this apartment, it
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's paid for six months in advance, so you can throw out the pizza regarding housing, wow, for six months, thank you. and you didn't tell me, i'm telling you now, please don't call me, either on my mobile, or at home, or at the club, especially at the club, i don't like these unexpected appearances. i don't need you, i'll find you myself, i'll dial, call, find out where it is, that at night we, unfortunately, won't be able to see each other, we 'll see each other during the day between 12 p.m., so, what else money? yes, tomorrow you'll tell me the amount you need per month, nikita, how should i know, i'm not right now, i'm asking, well, what are you saying, well, think about it, figure out how much you need, nikita, i wanted to ask about work, i can't and don't want to sit on your neck. and if you hired me as a waitress or a manager, we could officially introduce ourselves, that you are so
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are you watching? i already told you about this, it's not up for discussion, forget about it, here's what , here's a travel agency, you call, he'll say that from me, it seems like a normal women's team, if you really want to work like that. 10 minutes ago you were like two different people, so let's do without it, don't manipulate me, play, if you think i 've gone crazy, no, i'm 30 years old, my girl, i understand, i'll go make some tea, come on.
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what's wrong with you, dad, you feel bad, you have no more strength, sasha, okay, but you didn't want this and i didn't even imagine, i wanted, when there was a fire, i sincerely wished them harm, i wanted to strangle them with my own hands. when i called nikita, i knew, i knew that he could turn everything like that, i didn't stop him, in the end i got what i wanted, oh my god, god is merciful, the main thing is that kostya doesn't find out about it, what does kostya have to do with it? sasha, two people in the hospital, a security guard,
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quiet, quiet, and this notary, a young guy, what do they have to do with it, you know what i'll tell you, everyone has to do with it, sashenka, i'm asking you, let me pack a bag of groceries, we'll ask take someone to the hospital, no need to ask anyone, why not? you won't go there yourself, hello, hello, how do i get to 110? it's further down the corridor, thank you, yeah, wow, and we're not dying yet, hello, nikolai. i'm here to see you, how are you feeling, i
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wanted to ask your forgiveness, nikolai, i 'll help you with your treatment, if you need anything, i don't, don't come to me, i've only been working for them for 2 weeks, it's not my fault, please, i'm honest and have nothing to do with it, i have a wife and a daughter. bring the child to me, forgive me, nikolai, i can't live without you, i'm like it's like it turns you off, i need to be with you all the time, it's passion, nikita, no, it'll pass in 2 weeks, no, it won't pass at all. no, it's like the flu, only worse, an incurable disease, ainur,
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what are you saying, ainur, what are you saying? and my girl, what, i also can't live without you at all.
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this is that restorer, zubov, you asked about. wow, he's wanted by the federal police for 3 months already, for buying stolen antiques, i wonder if he's from moscow, yeah, that's the address, bone, the dump truck guys are there, not now, pash, he's already going crazy about khurosov, go away he, after all, doesn't have a search warrant, you don't have a search warrant. and colonel sagin told me that i can rely on you as on a brother, yes, i'll have to call him, and today is his holiday, his grandson's birthday, and i'll tell him, excuse me, lev petrovich, i would never have bothered you, but here's the district police officer semyonov, okay, okay.
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just tell lev petrovich that you provided every assistance, definitely, that's it, that's how. that is, we won't talk, okay, then i'll tell you, you're yours buddy zubov, under the judge's nose you made counterfeits of all valuables, sold them, using your name, the judge found out about it and you decided to get rid of him, i don't know whether zubov helped you with the murder, or you hired
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the killer yourself, i wonder who you allowed to beat you up so much that... and zubov made copies under my supervision. my husband bought a famous expert who gave the necessary conclusions. my husband needed money to buy new things. he was carried away by ellen artifacts and the passion consumed him completely, a vicious circle, like drug addiction. all this continued until zubov got caught hoarding
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stolen goods and ran away. i helped my husband. but i didn't kill him, do you believe me, to be honest, not really, you know, when you asked about enemies, i thought about the collectors to whom we sold fakes for millions, as i understand it, he did all these deals illegally, well, of course, then the clients were not interested in legality, he doesn't make such purchases legally, so as not to attract the attention of the prosecutor's office, it is quite possible that someone... got angry, having paid such a pile of money and got a fake. i got so angry that i ordered your husband. but do you believe me, tell me the names of the people you sold the copies to. i can't tell you, only my husband had contact with them. i need a list of all the valuables the copies were made of, the expert's report, the expert's address, and more. if you lied to me, it's
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true, well then you'll get off easy. only 2 years in prison, i beg you, i really did all this just for my husband, yes, but you still got the money. where are you going, korostov? yes, he's at his place. at his place. you did you hear the news? one of the thugs from the dump truck cracked. the dump truck gave him direct instructions. did he confess to the murder? yes. who brought him to justice? well, i was one of the guys, andreev. congratulations. it's just strange that he
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did it so suddenly, when stov really needed to report to the prosecutor general's office. what are you talking about, bone? about that, pasha, about that, you'll go far. khorostova, tell him that i have a runny nose. no, my throat hurts, or better yet, my stomach. but just wave me off somehow. i firmly decided, yes, father sergei, i understand, i confessed, yes, father sergiy, to whom, to father gennady. in ramenskoye, as usual, i imagine, you don't want me, father
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sergiy, remove me from the parish, i can read, go ahead and tell me, because of me people were beaten in the courtyard of the church, i stood there, i did nothing, what kind of shepherd of god am i after that, now they are afraid of me, i am constantly angry, i only multiply sins, i see only evil and vices in everyone, good people were beaten, kind people, i don't know, father sergei, does it matter, you, father andrei, come on, don't be a young man, you are not angry, you are hot-tempered, i will bleed you. but cool shepherds the lord does not need, and turn your suffering into prayer, live to the very bottom, to the creak, and
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if you can’t, then don’t come to me, i won’t sign your papers, go, father andrey, go, go with god, father andrey! work, be careful, please, you are the owner, no, but i am well aware of the cost of the things here, yes, well then i have no doubt at ... how do you like a couple of questions, and if a young man introduces himself, i ask you,
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forgive me, please, you have only one chance honor heartfelt confession that you know about clients of belozersk, where he sold counterfeits. "nothing, i just came to him and made my assessment, not much, it's strange that you risked your reputation so much, but i thought that i would not live to see the exposure, i have cancer, sorry, prostate cancer, stage three, i need money, six grandchildren, but you understand, if you want to leave your grandchildren a good memory of yourself, remember everything that concerns belozersk's clients, yes, but i don't know anything, really none of those who bought the counterfeits so far? '. did not guess, i did not i know, i was told, one businessman, he turned to my colleague for an independent examination, he wanted to evaluate a minoan
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statuette, a goddess of fertility, but it turned out to be a fake, this statuette belongs to belozersky, yes, this was the only blunder that belozersky made, but the one who made these crafts was a real expert in his field, and then i went to italy for... months, just in case, i heard nothing more about it, i need the name of this businessman, yes, but i don’t know, vyacheslav naumich, think about the many, you do you recognize this man? yes, i saw him at some party in the galley, i remember, he bragged that he bought women's jewelry from the time of tamerlane, everyone whispered that they were stolen and
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that he... well, is he more interested in collecting than tolik? and here is the statuette that you sold him. but if it was he who ordered tolik, then he will never confess. i know, but you can confess frankly. i, no. i assumed that this is exactly what you would tell me. well, he probably killed him only because he was stubborn and did not want to give up statuette. and tried to kidnap you to scare you, and i'll come back. this thing, and maybe kill you? and you know what i'll do, i'll give him this statuette, it'll all be over, but otherwise he won't leave me alone, you 're putting me in a stupid position, you want me to cover up your crime , turn a blind eye to the murder? okay, 10,000 dollars, generous, but i need more, how much? i need you because i want to catch the killer with your help. are you out of your mind?. are you
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kidding me, a little. by the way, how are you feeling? great, i'm today i'm checking out i won't help you, then you'll go to jail, and i could help you avoid it.
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elochka. will take place next week, belozersky's widow refused to comment on anything, said that she would soon leave the country, she would move to permanent residence in italy, by this hour all the information, all the best, get it. "i need you urgently, urgently, listen, let her leave, right? no, i won't leave it like that, she cheated me out of a lot of money, and now she'll be chilling in italy, especially since i i understand that the cops have already found their scapegoat and closed the investigation, you said it yourself, so what do you want, i want to get this statuette, 2000 and you".
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you'll do all this, let's say, and if she opens her mouth after that, take her away, it won't be 2000, seryoga, after that the cops will attack you like a son, you know, okay, 25, 30, since the time you were selling your boiled eggs in cherkizon, you haven't changed a bit, you haven't even learned to behave like a human being, and you haven't changed either. at least i 've never done anything stupid, okay, let's go, bad combination, get me up? do you want me, i
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'm at home, fenesipam and cognac, something of the same kind, time to order pizza, oh my god, how i've gotten tired of you these last 3 days, i don't think you have any plan at all, you like sitting here, making fun of me, you're not bored at all, and you have a pretty good library, when will i get another chance to read, and it seems to me that you're sitting there, reading stupid detective stories? the criminal is not a fool, he's waiting for me to go out, and he's not busy listening to my endless orders, come on, darling, come on, order, but i 'm tired of it, i ordered an electric kettle at 3:00 in the afternoon , they haven't brought it yet, if you forgot, write it down, don't shout, inna, you're here alone, yes, i understand, medvedev, that you understood, i
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'm leaving in 20 minutes. got it, an hour, one hour, be patient, kostya, we didn't agree on that, you're there in the warmth, and you 're getting the money, you'll leave in an hour, you don't have to come by tomorrow, i'll do it myself, it's coming, it's coming, only if it's in an hour. "i know, meet up, i have a headache and i don't care, it's strange, the elevator arrived and
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nobody comes out, we'll check now. now, hello, hello!
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put your guns on the floor, i said, quiet, quiet, guy, calm down, friend, calm down, calm down , calm down, calm down, how are you, okay, body armor, he ran up the stairs.
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anatoly felixovich and handed me in an envelope made me an order to kill velozersky 10,000 euros, i was supposed to receive the second 10,000 euros after completing the job, the second time i met belikov on the twenty- fifth, he told me, or rather offered... that i kidnap belozersky's wife, take her from she killed her statuette, doesn't want a life sentence, will negotiate for fifteen to surrender everyone
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like a sweetheart, he promised us an audio recording of his conversation with belyakov about belozersky's wife. a completely idiotic situation, fire me , yes i found myself in a stupid, silly, i don't know, go away, major, ah, well, i'll go, come on, get lost, there is. thank you, kostya, it probably sounds stupidly pathetic, but you, i was sure that you
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would hand me over to yours, but how could i, in fact, the investigation can still get to the bottom of it without me, so sit in your tal for another three years, okay. but still, tell me, why did you do it? i know it wasn't for the money or the boss. a woman's beauty is a great power. thank you. thank you, nikita nikolaevich, i... i 've been calling you for the second day, our accounts were blocked because of
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the tax authorities, who was handling the accounts? you, well, i'll go finish writing while yezidi is not here, he's already here and angry as hell, why are you such a fool, huh? hello! sergey amarovich, great, great, nikita, i haven't understood for 2 years now, and what am i keeping you here for, maybe you can explain to me, you haven't shown up at the club for 3 days, you don't answer the phone, how should i understand this? sergey amarovich, i had personal problems and i, shut up, you know that i kicked you out, no one will hire you, and do you know why? because you can't do a damn thing, what?
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come on, get lost, kostya, hello, vera dmitrievna, she won't want to see you, i know, i brought her thing, tell her that i won't bother her anymore, kostya, in my opinion, you're too much.
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kostya, i'm sorry, i haven't forgiven her, and i never will, goodbye, kostya, kostya, yeah, what, nikitushka, when are you coming home, not today, you promised your son tomorrow morning.
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smooth life suddenly became different in the delegation , of course he is different, but you want it like that. when they call, so that the cop was like these guys,
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if anything, yes with you.


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