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tv   Chudo tekhniki  NTV  September 1, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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there wasn't even one yet, and sergey decided to make a motor himself using a 3d printer, one propeller is printed in about one day, one propeller, but it takes a long time to draw, that is, i take some kind of standard propeller layout in the program, i redraw it for my own, because it's not from a boat, it won't fit from a boat, it's too big, and propellers from toy models don't fit either, so i have to reduce it, with my experiments... many people also wanted to conquer the waves with the wind on the internet. the hobby turned into a small business, now it makes custom motorized sups. the creation is not cheap, about 180,000 rubles. for each set. but what is on sale is even more expensive. for example, we found a ready-made electric sup for 378. the motor is built into the board body, but it only accelerates to 8 km/h. but if you just want
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a quiet walk, and even with a pleasant warm-up, the costs will of course be less. without a motor, a set of a board, pump and paddle can be bought from 15,000 rubles. you will also say, not cheap, but the device here is much more complex than that of a regular swimming mattress. inside the sup there is no empty space, but thousands of stretched threads connecting two polyester canvases, they form a dense frame for tightness and support. the woven structure is covered with pvc film on top, here are three price ranges, and from 15 to 70,000, if you take a more expensive one, that is , you can already accelerate on it, it has a better ride, it is more stable and moves comfortably, and maneuverability, all this, well , again, due to expensive materials. the price is added by the method of attaching the film to the board, on glue or with the help of... lamination, all
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this, as the manufacturers assure, affects not only the running characteristics, but also the durability of the sup. a separate expense item will be the oars, the most expensive are made of carbon. the material is light, it will be easier to row, but at the same time strong, cheaper ones are made of aluminum plastic. the good news is that beginners do not have to overpay. here is an aluminum oar, for example, if an athlete takes it, the mushroom will be put into the mushroom, then he ... it will break 100%, that is here already, well, a person who more or less rows, he understands the density of the stroke, he may not invest so much little by little, that is, this is more for a beginner, for some kind of recreational use, but for inexpensive oars you need to keep an eye on them, the joints are not sealed, and if you do not monitor them, then the water accumulated inside can drag them to the bottom, let's return to the boards themselves, not all of them are inflatable, there are also rigid ones, especially for ... sleep rowing. the price, as
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a rule, is more than 100,000 rubles. but fans assure, it's worth it. what are these capable of people, we saw in st. petersburg, at the annual petrovsky mushroom marathon. one of the participants, a famous canoeist, konstantin fomichev, world champion, olympic finalist . today he plans to go 68 km on a hard paddle. during rowing, it does not deform, like a soft paddle, it does not bend. it maintains the straightness of the stroke, that is, you do not need to often throw the paddle from side to side, well, in principle, you can look at them and here are other boards of a different format, but first of all, that is, a hard board, it is more for sports, such a racing boat costs about 170,000 rubles. another paddle costs about thirty, however, for everyday riding konstantin uses more earthly options: i bought myself an inflatable one, after all, it is easier to transport, i have
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a size thirteen, so that i can ride my children on it, my dog ​​really likes to ride, sometimes i ride in the morning on such a board at home, i do such exercises, and so on, well, before work...
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the pump from the machine kit is cheaper, it pumps only when the handle is lowered, however, it takes effort both have to. lag a lot, even though i saved money, but it copes with amateur tasks perfectly, rest a couple of times during the summer, that's it, let's see how an inexpensive board will show itself on the water, our testers are not athletes, and the rapid current is canceled, but the task is still not easy, to stand and get to the finish line without falling into the water, because their suits are made of paper, on your marks, get set, go! dasha managed to dream a little faster on a straight line, but on the turns she had to slow down, masha was breaking ahead, here they turned around in first, red, green, first, our
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testers were on equal terms, yes, we couldn't go through all the turns perfectly without hitting the gate, but both returned dry, a fighting draw, as for the boards, what about me? rowing technique, ideally even take an instructor so as not to transfer the load to the arms, you need to help with your back, and the upper hand, how it works, it presses on the paddle not with a push, exactly downwards, that is, such a movement, as if we were digging, well, yes, in
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the other direction, well, yes, the load on the paddle, the back bends, we are like springs we bend, and as soon as we touch the water, due to the upper hand we straighten our back and straighten ourselves, thereby we push ourselves forward with the board, if you know how to dream correctly, you can avoid a situation when your back, legs or arms hurt later, this often happens to beginners, it is important that the forces will be spent more economically, because otherwise a seemingly harmless water walk can turn into a tragedy, last summer in tuapse a girl died, who was carried away into the open sea on sapa. a similar case was in stavropol, already on river. what do these incidents have in common and how to prevent them, we will tell you in a couple of minutes. all week, as usual, i followed the news
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from the world of science and technology and made a top five from them. let's start with line number five. one of the symbols of home comfort is a fireplace. harm. to health, scientists from ur warned about this. they measured the amount of suspended microparticles in the room air and found out that if you regularly use a fireplace as a source of heating, then dangerous... what can be dangerous about subboards, why are they on them people often die, our experiment will show how to get only benefit from this board.
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it's so cool that we are together again, the premiere is today at 20:20 on ntv. tverskaya, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. i, magna b6, now in new packaging in a profitable format. number one for excess stress and lack of magnesium. available on yandex market. tele2 presents. i have heard a lot about your tele2 exchange. well, show me what i will get first. smartphones, smart speakers and wink tv set-top box. minutes are currency. exchange minutes smartphones
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and gadgets. chase with gold to start. collect coins of luck, from all over the world. hello. make purchases in pyaterochka from 600 rubles. register promo codes in the application and win a coin made of real gold. and also play a mobile game. win prizes, pyaterochka helps out, pash, look what magic, apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything most important, gazprombank, enjoy your favorite dishes with the taste of classic provencal from the brand i love to cook, it will turn a good dish into a fantastic one, i love to cook formula adadatek motor adaptive
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engine protection 72 installment plan plus 24% cashback smart speaker yandex stations mini for only 8,499 plus installment plan without overpayment chief expert on technology look i'm sure it's time it seems they've already grown up.
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we're actually studying here, we've settled in well, you haven't seen the library yet, oh, my darling, and also movies and cartoons, dad, stop it, you have your own subscriptions.
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ivan kolesnikov, great things await us, got it? dverskaya, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. we're raising sports to new heights.
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this is a miracle of technology, i am sergey malozemov, we are moving up in our hit parade of news from the world of science and technology, what is in fourth place? the perfume used by gaius, julius caesar, was recreated together with italian perfumers by scientists from turkey. they relied on written sources in which the emperor's acquaintances mentioned the components of his perfume, including mint, pose, lemon, bergamot, water lily, as well as many rarer essential oils. the authors of the recipe note that ordinary romans used cheap perfumes, for example, a mixture of roses, with the sweat of gladiators, but the noble ones tried to stand out with complexity. caesar's perfume is promised to be released for sale soon. softboards are conquering russian
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reservoirs. enthusiasts attach motors to them and go fishing. athletes organize a marathon. interfere with a safe return. how this happens, we will clearly show together with experienced saber player vyacheslav karpov, who came out dry after swimming in stormy even a small wind can very significantly rivers. according to him, the main thing is to correctly assess your capabilities and never lose your sense. athletes consider themselves confident, they think that nothing will happen to them, but nevertheless, as the song goes, even if you are five to the big one, do not joke with the wave, the storm is terrible and scary, does not allow jokes. in the pool
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of the plekhanov university, we will simulate windy weather under the guidance of physics teacher vasily ovchinnik. a person creates pressure, the pressure in our case is proportional to the air density and the wind speed squared, respectively, in this case, of course, the larger the area of ​​a person, the more, so to speak, the steam he creates, the greater this force will be, in real life it will be easy to sail with the wind, but how to return later, this is what destroys many
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victims, but if this happened, is it possible to reduce the sail area, for example, row si?
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excellent cardio workout. in one hour of leisurely rowing, you can spend 300 kilocalories. if you spend time more actively, you can burn 600. sports doctor daria sych
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has been riding sape for several years and says, that with the right technique it is very good for health. the board is an unstable surface, so all muscle groups are involved in the work, the muscles of the arms, shoulders, back, participate in the mushroom, the muscles of the back , the press and legs. is responsible for balance, the head and neck are also involved in the process, keeping the center of gravity in the right direction. and at the finish of the mushroom marathon in st. petersburg, our film crew came across another interesting option for turning the sup into a cardio machine. wow! and correspondent dasha kordamysheva tried the hybrid with interest bicycle inflatable board. look, i can do it without hands. no, well, on such a bike. by the way, it seems to me, and 68 km, in principle, i am ready. such a vessel costs from 95. rubles. it can withstand a load of up to 150 kg, but there are more durable models.
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when folded, by the way, it fits in the trunk of a crossover. however, on a classic sap with a paddle , it turns out to be real to overcome a distance of 68 km. the athlete konstantin komyachev, who is already familiar to us , did it successfully. the distance in numbers was 67 km 700 m, it took me 7:20. enviable physical training. well, following konstantin, with a gap of more than an hour, the most noticeable crew approached the finish of the petrovsky mushroom marathon, a huge sub with twenty rowers on board. the team members have the inscription on their chests: size matters. and for good reason, this fifteen-meter giant was registered in 2000. in the twenty-third as the largest in the world, beating the spanish record by half a meter. it needs to be pumped up for about 2 hours,
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minimum. first , air is pumped up with simple pumps, then the the compressor sub brings the pressure to the required level. it will be faster to go alone, but every year... i want to diversify something, the record did not last long, last summer in primorye they launched an even larger subboard, its length is 20 m, more than 40 people fit on board, all these inflatable giants were of course made by professionals to order, but something similar is also starting to appear on mass sale, you can buy boards designed for two or more passengers, if you want to ride with a group, it is better to choose such models so that in... plans do not go to the bottom, well, in general , buying your own saberboard makes sense, of course, not for everyone. rental points are appearing everywhere on the beaches, in nizhny novgorod they came up
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with a special attraction, tours on transparent sups, at night they connect lighting to them, it looks like real magic. arrive, ride, enjoy, and no hassle with pumps or transportation. on the air. a miracle of technology and what news took third place in our list of the most striking messages from world of science and technology. the world's first full-fledged dry shower - this is what innovators from hong kong call their invention. they created a portable system that sprays water in the form of very small droplets and instantly collects it back, so that a person dries immediately and does not even need a towel, either for hair or skin. the creators of the device...
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the savings, compared to a regular shower, as the creators assure, are 90%. see further, the miracle goods section. we chose watermelons using smartphone apps and tested seven devices for fast beautiful cutting. is it worth spending money on them? and also the most amazing discoveries and inventions. leaders of the weekly news hit parade. oh! you don't have to be flexible, unlike your o, sago. bend the osago to yourself on, issue it for as long as you want, at least for a year, at least for a month in just 3 minutes. flexible osago from renaissance insurance, this is not just osago. 18 years old, her mother herself took her to an expensive salon for a lip augmentation procedure and bitterly regretted it. i had a complex of years with twelve, i didn't like the way i looked.
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mom seemed to say to me: we'll fix the shape of my lips, make them beautiful, to the horror of the young girl, her lips didn't get bigger, but deformed, instead of beautiful lips i just got brows, today she's 22, her lips have reached such a size that people turn around right away, my own mother doesn't talk, and then the lips, for me it's completely unacceptable, she forbade it, and to spite me, as if i wanted to make them even bigger, how many times have you already enlarged your lips? well, 30 for sure, will they be able to make peace the closest people because of the lips of discord, you live just look awful with these lips, no need to envy me, we plan to increase her breasts, increase her butt, somewhere i didn’t notice, it’s beyond the pale, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. you are super, new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. pash, look, what magic.
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and not only in this, methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the engine on throwing works perfectly, installation of equipment within the framework of the project people's fuel, i also converted my car to methane without investments, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations, 7:2, so that you can shine with new headphones for smartphones, laptops, don't pay
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installments right away, plus cashback, here. chief technology expert, choose your favorite brands on wildby. the obba autumn collection is a real art, bribe silhouettes, luxurious textures, trendy colors, each item is a masterpiece worthy of you, become a muse with obba, visit the sale with honors. what should a bank be like? a strong country, reliable, it should support culture. build a sports future and be in sports, help reach the stars and be there in any, even the most remote point. psb is a bank of a strong country. when pain limits, twists, pierces. nights active gel is a modern
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remedy for back pain and. joints thanks to the active formula nice active gel is absorbed faster and penetrates into the center of pain and inflammation. it's time to train. nice active gel. to reduce pain is its goal. when the family turned into a kingdom of ice figures, mom knew exactly how to melt them. mayonnaise ryaba makes your favorite dishes tastier, gathering loved ones at the same table. mayonnaise ryaba. the fairy tale of being together. already 25 years. every 15 minutes a game, a hunt, your chance to change everything. the main trophy from 240 million. hunting, check your instinct. look, i'm sure it's time. it seems they 've grown up. your first smartphones with children's sim cards. so that you are always in touch and
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safe. beeline will definitely take care of this, when the children have grown up to the first sim card, connect them to a beeline children's sim card with protection from spam and fraudsters. belain is the safest operator. formula adapt motor oil. takayama protects the engine, instantly adapting to any mode of its operation. takayama - adaptive engine protection. attacking credit card debts? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts on one holva conveniently repay 24 months. and do not forget about purchases in installments. holva - simple installment techniques. istanet. the world is big. and it was as if i was at your solo concert.
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all over the world thing, watermelon, and people are primarily interested in two things in it: how recognize a ripe one without cutting it and how to cut it later without making a mess all around, this is exactly why new technical assistants are being created, which, however, have many questions. to begin with, how to choose the sweetest and ripest fruit? our testers. lenya koshelev and dasha kortamysheva started a debate. lenya decided to go the technological way and downloaded special smartphone applications that promise to help. and two, i have two of them. they determine by sound whether a watermelon is ripe or not. and
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in this one, look, there are even hints. a round watermelon should be. listen, well you've really prepared yourself, but i'm also fully armed. first of all, i won't be alone. dasha's weapon is experience, but not hers. invited expert dmitry bayrakov, founder of an online store of premium products. i deal with products every day, and we choose the best varieties, the best samples, and i hope that my knowledge will defeat this iron thing, some application, i don't believe in it, i'll do everything possible so that my knowledge will help us win. let the battle begin. our testers will test all methods at a popular capital market city. stalls in the supermarket. just a second, lenya, you need to stop eavesdropping. the color, i suggest looking for any external damage, then we look at the tails, so that they are
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as dry as possible. this means that the fruit spent enough time in the garden and was picked ripe. but dasha didn’t immediately understand how to recognize the sound of a ripe watermelon. they are all the same. you chose it again, here it is a little muffled, now, look, here it is more ringing, yeah, accordingly, i would choose this watermelon. dmitry took the initiative in his hands chose the best watermelon in his opinion, but lyonya won't have to rely on his own ears, the microphone and algorithms will do everything. one of the applications also gives hints on visual selection. you need to take a round. watermelon, but i don't see any here, so we take what we have, the first failure, you need to take a watermelon heavy enough for its size, well, probably suitable, let's say, there should be a yellow spot, the advice
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is really useful, but the main thing is whether the programs will determine ripeness by sound, it analyzes the surrounding environment, noise, so, now i i apply a microphone to the watermelon, and i need to knock how many three times, fresh, from the first time, guessed, confident in the power of progress, lenya decided to stop at the first copy. we go further, at the street point dasha, having gained some theory, tried her hand. there will be a conditional such a test lesson. yes, especially since the assortment here is cool. it seems. there was a dry tail, and twist the spot we will find what we have here, well, it sounds good, a gorgeous sound, as if it is empty inside, yes, yes, soon we will cut everything and find out, passed dasha exam on watermelon cultivation. lenya
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turns to his second assistant, this application no longer gives hints on appearance, but offers three options for sound checking, fast, normal and detailed. and recognizes audio a little differently, so it does not read anything, but i hear that the sound is somehow good, i'll try to set up the detailed mode here. oh, progress, progress, watermelon, forgive me! after several attempts, lenya managed to achieve a result. the watermelon, as the application says, is ripe, although it is hard to believe weak. the seller, however, agrees with the program. here i hear the sound, yes. that's 100%. well, that's it. the final point is the market. they even told us here. that in addition to the main signs of ripeness, there is another, very unusual one.
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the watermelon is a boy, by the way, and how did you understand that? look, there is a back part where the shoot is, yes, this one goes, and there is a front part, when it is a small dot, like here, it means a boy, girls have a bigger dot, for 20 watermelons there are only a few girls, and such a question, boys are sweeter or girls, of course girls, science, however, does not confirm such a division, fruits are formed only. on female flowers, male ones are needed exclusively for pollination and are even called barren flowers. in addition, in modern varieties of watermelons, the spot at the base is almost always the same, sometimes it is not there at all. soon, however, we will cut up the purchases and find out whether the expert's experience has failed him. meanwhile, not everything is rosy for lenya either. he wanted to compare the data of two applications on the same watermelon, his optimism has diminished. this is a half-ripe watermelon, it shows me. a very
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ripe watermelon, so strange, two applications already differ, and dmitry, full of skepticism , decided to put technological competitors on their shoulder blades, i think that if you knock on the shelf here, it will also determine whether it is ripe or not, i apologize terribly, but i, let's try, let's see what so far, let's go, the process has started, let's see. this is either a ripe or very ripe watermelon, yes, the system is imperfect, but maybe when used as intended, it worked as it should, the testers say goodbye to expert and go to prepare watermelons for a public tasting, they need to be presented beautifully, and this is a reason to check seven devices, each of which, like the application, claims to be a miracle sticker, with a round slicer knife for 900 rubles to cut. this giant can allegedly be done in no time, sharp
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blades, the advertisement promises, will turn a dense raft into even 12 slices. if this thing works, then in principle we do not need all the other gadgets, since there will be a sufficient number of slices. you need to put in a lot of effort. let's start with a crumb, with this one. of the minuses, it is suitable only for small watermelons, the diameter is only 20 cm. but even the raft seems to be the appropriate size. the slicer cuts barely, come on, come on a little, there is not even half here, come on, the sticker is not a miracle and does not smell, but users on the network find this thing useful for mini-watermelons or for melons and apples, our testers will still have to try to present their purchases beautifully, next in line is a device for cutting into cubes, a knife with a handle for 750 rubles like this ...
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next in line is the lamtereska fork for 450 rubles. will be appreciated by those who like to pick at the pulp. here you cut off one cube and immediately give some kind of selfish device. you have a fork of a cube, i will have a spoon-ball. i think that for some dessert you can do this, op, make a beautiful ball out of watermelon. yes, cutting a whole watermelon with their help will be tedious, but for salads or...
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we cut at 45° on one side, we immediately make one large slice, then there are two ways, the first is to separate the pulp without removing. cut the rind into triangles. you can serve such a boat without a plate. the second way more cunning: turn the peel into a holder for the wedges. to do this, ksenia cuts off the peels only along the edges and divides them into portions. here 's a piece, we can freeze it and get
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natural fruit ice. let's get back to dasha and lyonya. the clouds parted in line for the last pair of gadgets: a heart-shaped mold for 200 rubles worked well, but i had to tinker with cutting out an even circle, this thing is more good for dough, and not for watermelon, as marketers recommend. mini-rake for removing seeds, took 700 rubles, disappointed, clean the surface managed, but you can also do it with your finger, a useless thing, not a miracle. well, now the main question: which watermelon is tastier? dasha rated hers. not sweet at all at all and as if i was just drinking water, the other two are not bad, but to decide finally we turned to a wide audience, which watermelon and
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how it was chosen was not told to random passers-by in advance sweet, but i tried here also sweet, and try it? now from different, yes, i liked it more from here, and i green, it turned out, everything is not so obvious, similar to this one, slightly slipping, slightly juicier, like honey, mm, this one is much better, sweet enough, but... the texture is moderately dense, that is, it is not too watery, this one is cooler, it seems to me, this one is imported, here it is, the moment of truth, 4, 5, 6, six, eight, well, that's not fair, come on, i want to try it myself, your texture is better,
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my watermelon is really sweeter, it seems, here you need to combine looking, with your eyes, touching with your hands, well, just for fun, maybe tapping with a smartphone. let's sum it up: did the algorithms help lyonya win, or was it his own observation, the question remained not completely clear, and our expert's check on the counter shows that watermelon selection apps do not work very reliably. so far, it seems to us, this is not a miracle, especially since the sound itself is ceasing to be a reliable sign of ripeness before our eyes. quite recently, at bakhcha in the orenburg region, the chief agronomist of a large farm , vladimir ponaetov, showed me new varieties, for example, seedless ones, and explained that their ripe ones sound exactly the same as those that are not yet ripe. by the sound, you can determine not is the watermelon overripe a watermelon that has
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seeds, if it is overripe, around the seeds, let's say, the pulp becomes more cottony, accordingly there will be a dull sound. for seeds... the watermelon does not have ripe seeds, when there are no voids around them, when overripe, voids do not form, so the sound will not change, and other classic signs: shape, the presence of a dry tail, boys-girls, all this does not work with most new hybrid varieties, except that a bright yellow spot in the place where the watermelon lay can still be about something say, we can only trust the manufacturers and sellers, if we buy not a classic... one of the innovative types, well, among the gadgets for cutting , today we will be generous and give out green stickers to two devices at once: the lamteresque forks and the noaz knife. yes, they will not cope with a whole watermelon, but they will do their small tasks perfectly. and if you are gathering a company and you need a lot of wedges for a treat,
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stock up on a sharper knife and use the advice of carvingmaster ksenia. then you will be able to create a miracle with your own hands. even and without buying anything extra, this is a miracle of technology, with you sergey molozyomov, already the second line of the hot five, which i compile every week from the most interesting messages from engineers scientists from around the world. on the island of fiji tested a new method of combating mosquitoes. an international group of scientists successfully tested a drone there, which allows transporting. release in different places insects infected with bacteria of the genus valbachia, it makes their relatives sterile, its use in indonesia has previously helped to reduce by 86%.
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you are watching a miracle of technology, here is what will happen next: the top line of the hot five world scientific and technological news, what seemed to us the most interesting this week? and the question of our traditional quiz: we, as usual, have prepared something tricky. all issues of miracle technology, live food, as well as our scientific investigations can be watched at any time on the website, as well as on the ruble. and a lot of additional materials, articles, short videos, recipes are waiting for you on my pages in all popular social networks, in zen, vkontakte, odnoklassniki, telegram. type in the search sergey malozyomov, subscribe immerse yourself in the world of interesting and useful stories, by the way, there are
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audio podcasts, watch, listen and read where it is convenient for you. oh, sago, you do not have to be flexible, unlike your o-sago. bend osago to yourself on issue it for as long as you want, at least for a year, at least for a month in just 3 minutes. flexible os. from renaissance insurance, this is no longer just osago, in the house of our heroes this pot-bellied handsome man is not the only one, there is a whole a treasure trove, all of different ages and with their own history, and we will be remodeling this kitchen, we would like some zest, in other words, to get out of the comfort zone, it all started with samovars for us, and a samovar is copper and brass, and we thought that beautiful colors are needed for this, so that these very items look good. with your samovar, a kitchen for family tea parties, we combined all this with color, made such an enveloping
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atmosphere, this color, and we have it on the tiles, on the pono, in ceramics, dacha answer, today at 12:00 on ntv. you are super, new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. formula adaptek motor oil takayama protects the engine. adapting to any modes of its operation. takayama - adaptive engine protection. the sun is turning orange, waiting for an orange greeting. it's turning orange. orange, live orange , cashback up to 48%. pyaterochka and perekrestok. 7.2 installments plus cashback 24%. smartphone. 6 pro for 28,999 + installments without overpayments. video eldorado, the main expert on technology. a cold knocks you out of your usual rhythm. mom,
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we're already on our way. contact. active ingredient active in 10 minutes. cold is not in our plans. koltakt. every 15 minutes - game - hunting. your chance to change everything. the main trophy from 240 million. hunting. test your instinct. "this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they talk about converting transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it's not just about that. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the engine works perfectly. installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project, i also converted my car to methane without investments, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations. pash, look, what magic, apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything most important,
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gazprombank, oh, myasorubskaya stradori, yes, for her myasorubin is large, large, myasorubno, kremyasistosti, myasorubskoe istrodvorye delicious, myasorubno, children's t-shirt for only 174 rubles 50 kopecks, fix price for everything low price, 3 = 1, i believe, on common 30, accessory communication included at the price of a smartphone. belain is the safest operator. sinntek oil with molly gard technology increases engine life. sintek is always a smart choice. happiness begins where we think not only about ourselves. and always comes back. to care for loved ones, a deposit in banks dom rf'. with a rate of 19% per annum cashback 10% on the card. you are super, new season, today at 20:20 on ntv.
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on our website new season tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. always above the fray, always in search of real reasons. let's sum up the week together in the new season on ntv. results of the week with reda zeynalova, today at 19:00 on ntv. well, now, what news from the world of science and technology did we recognize as the most interesting. this week. first place - the hot five. an unexpected plus for those who did not ignore coronavirus vaccinations, scientists from britain discovered. it turns out, after vaccination, the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes decreases. researchers analyzed data from 46 million people and found that the reduction in the likelihood of cardiovascular attacks ranges from
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10 to 27%, depending on the duration and number of doses. the exact mechanism of such recovery is not yet clear, but earlier studies indicated the activation of various types of non-specific immunity in the body after almost any vaccination. those who are regularly vaccinated, of course, on the recommendations of doctors, are more good health. watch next week at the same time. quickly and easily update the design, reverse osmosis filters effectively purify water, but do they make it dead, and also in the miracle products section, a bicycle radar light promises not only to shine, but also
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to warn of approaching cars from behind, a miracle or not a miracle. and now on your screens is a question from the weekly quiz, just test yourself or answer by scanning the qr code with your smartphone and clicking on the link, choose the correct answer and win one of my books that contain many interesting scientific discoveries about healthy food, safe living, health promotion, and delicious recipes. we determine the winners every month, among those who gave at least one correct answer. and the more hits, the higher the chances: raffles and discussions of the correct answers on our program pages in popular social networks, and we will call those who win right away, so don't forget to enter your phone number after you answer. voting is over, the correct answer is on your screens, thank you to everyone who participated, the next question is in a week.
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hello everyone, this is a dacha answer, i am ilya zapodenets, in the house of our heroes this pot-bellied beauty is not the only one, there is a whole treasure trove here, all of different ages and with their own history, and we will be remodeling this kitchen. the renovation was done here 20 years ago, and so that tea can be drunk here with greater pleasure, we will give the space a shade of aromatic tea leaves. we will emphasize the complex geometry, we will settle tigers on the ceiling, and we will find a place for the samovar. the plot of land of the university is large, 17 acres lovingly arranged, there is a spacious lawn for active games and an apple orchard,
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they moved here in the early 2000s, when there were no high-rise buildings around, now they live like on... their grandfather built it back then, it was interesting for him in the summer, we worked there in the garden, spent the night there, his wife elena is the main assistant in all ventures, she is also the main specialist in growing tomatoes, zucchini and other peppers, they met as teenagers, they have been together for 33 years, i'll go back now and try to collect, let's go. the nevers' daughter natalia lives separately, but often visits parents, she is a nurse at a sports academy, where she met alexey, he is a coach of a women's basketball team
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, he copes well with poultry, girls, girls come to me, they came to me, op, yes, yes, we will spread out, lesh a little, the chickens are laying eggs regularly, even the neighbors are going to the neverovs for fresh eggs, measure 119.5 now we still need to trim the second side, son sergei, like his father, received the profession of a builder, he helps with another chicken coop, for broilers, which we buy every year, we forgot what store-bought is chicken, we mostly eat our own chicken, we build, we build and we will build, as the motto of builders, here we have built chicken coops, this is another chicken coop, those will be dismantled, well, we are updating the housing stock, well, that's it, mark, saw off, while the men saw and plane, elena stitches in her home workshop. she began sewing back in her school years, first for herself, then for her family, she can do everything, dresses, and suits, and cute little things for the home, her husband asked for a lid for the teapot so that the tea would warm up, not get cold
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long, brewed better, here is alexander's chin, veranda and garage, here is stored most of his impressive collection, it began with a gift from a cousin, he had an unnecessary samovar gathering dust in the village. since then, for 15 years, alexander neverov has been bringing home more and more new items, including ceramic and souvenir ones. i am interested in old things, samovars, their old ones, especially there are fewer and fewer of them, so how not to waste this history of ours, i collect, where possible, whatever comes across, i bring everything home, restoration for now i haven't done it yet, so far it's just simple to collect and so that they please the soul, please the eye, guests come. everyone really likes it, after household chores it's nice to drink tea with smoke, but first you need to boil the water correctly, there are some subtleties here, you need cones, you can, yes, everything has already flared up, about 10 pieces,
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the cone is simply put as if for the smell for the smell, there is little use from it, it just burns like gunpowder, smokes well, and the cones are spruce, no, pine, there is a lot of resin in spruce, it gives a cone-bitterness, a cone-bitterness, yes, right away you can see with a professional samovar. we boil it, well, am i done? well, yes, everything, basically, has burned out, you can take it away, we put it on, what is this thing called? a crown, yes, a crown and a carcass, well, i've got it, yes, to the kitchen, to the kitchen, pot-bellied ones, let's go, oh, good, how about tea from a samovar - another tea, it's not from an electric kettle, tell me, what are the bigger problems here, so far i only see cracks on the ceiling, otherwise everything seems to be like people have. our kitchen, if you look, the kitchen should be white, yes, it's already turned yellow, accordingly, that's all, what is this, it burned, melted, leans here,


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