tv Black And White PRESSTV October 2, 2023 5:02am-5:30am IRST
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la historia de colombia, the history of colombia is linked with the absence of democracy. colombia hasn't enjoyed democratic of moments since the very beginning, even before the establishment of the republic. in the past, the liberals also used their weapons to express their political points of view. they
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used to carry out armed movements to express themselves. there have been different forms of armed expressions in colombia for 60 years. expressions that led to the formation no longer of simple gurillas, but of true armies with territorial positions and with effective government in certain sectors, especially peasants in colombia. we must understand that the national liberation army that's participating in the negotiation process today is an armed group and it is not a simple gorilla. we can say the same about the presence of the fark ep, which at the of time was even in a kind of technical tie with the reactionary armed forces. politics has
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always been carried out in colombia with weapons in hand, there are also other gorilla forces, the popular liberation army, even the m-19 to which the current president gustavo petro belong, all then to fight for democracy, rights, sovereignty and independence from... they have always carried weapons, according to some analysts and amnesty international, 8,500 people, 17% of the colombian population have been affected in the armed conflicts directly, and the entire society, by the way, indirectly, a conflict that has not been sought by the people or by the...
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was the case with the fark have been boycotted very strongly by the us, for example, the detention and retention to this day in the united states in a north american prison of one of the main leaders of the park such as simon and trinidad is a way of making the peace process not to be accepted even by the members of the revolutionary armed forces of colombia. that is a reality. boycott of
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the oligarchy, boycott of the large land owners, boycott of the imperialists. today, in the peace process that is between the national liberation army and president pedro, the extreme right is not only ignoring it, but also placing emphasis on minor issues and at the same time, manipulating public opinion an evil way, to let this process fail. ultimately, it's the colombian people who will decide the form of struggle and estamos hoy día con mauricio leandro osori, escritor y periodista. to mauricio leandro
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osario, he is cuban, chilean writer and de journalist, he is the winner of some national and municipal awards in our country. he's also a political. advisor in colombia during the 2016 peace process with the fark. you're very welcome to black and white, bienvenido negro y blanco por ispan tv. thank you very much for the invitation, we're in the process of negotiations between the colombian government and the national liberation army. what are these negotiations about? how do the antecedents influence the previous negotiations? or the previous peace agreements with the fark made in 2016 and 2017? 2016-2017. in the first place, we must remember that in the last 30 years, there have been seven colombian governments that try to establish these dialogues with the
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national liberation army. this time, gustavo petro on august 3, 2023 announced that two important things were going to take place, sease fire, installation the national participation committee, which is an advance in relation to what was the agreement with the fark, we remember that the fark sat down to negotiate with the colombian government, which was between the gurilla and the government. this time we will also witness participation of colombians in this peace process. another important thing that will happen is the presence of the national liberation army's chief negotiators in bokada. it never happened in history. both parts have always. participated in negotiations in another city, well these are the historical milestones. it is also important to observe some historical background to understand what the difference is in this new round of dialogues. there are also three important events in the history that the government tried to have dialogues
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with the national liberation army. the first round of negotiations was held in the 90s through simon guerilla coordinating board where far. and popular liberation army were present. this negotiation failed due to the bad political will of the government of cesar gaveria, because the government carried out bombings and fork camps at casaverde. it happened on the same day that the constituent assembly was installed so that the negotiations were doomed to failure. the second round of negotiations took place during the presidenty of alvara uribe belles between 2005 and 2007. uribe had an aggressive strategy toward the insurgent forces called democratic security policy. more than 6,400 cases of false positives are documented from that period of time. it was a government that carried out imperialist interventions in colombia with military-base
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installations and the implementation of planned colombia. his strategies could only intensify the internal colombia war. the third round of negotiations with colombian. realized took place during juan manuel santos presidency. it is important emphasize the difference between previous negotiations with colombian guerillas and the one that is being carried out during gustavo petros era. the government of juan manuel santos and previous ones always saw the national liberation army as very small group and they didn't consider the political character of this gorilla. in addition, they saw the national liberation army as a simple. that did not have a control unit, but rather functioned more or less federatively. so what happened later? when previous colombian governments underestimated the national liberation army and didn't consider its military and political aspects, the national liberation army started to
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demonstrate its united national control unit by an armed strike. they carried out armed strikes and signed size fires at the national level. i believe that everything has changed. right now gustavo petro understands that he has to give political recognition to gurilla that has been fighting for 70 years and that was born as a political vision with great figures in its ranks. its members are deeply concerned with the term liberation like priest camilotors and manuel perez martinez in the 90s. so the political recognition of the national liberation army is a significant advance. the mistake they can occur in this new round of d is to fall back into the same trap and not give political guarantees to the national liberation army and take it as a criminal band or a parliamentary group como un grupo paramilitar ahora cuando se negocia es también una posición the term force is predominant at the negotiating table. the
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truth is that after the peace negotiations and reaching agreements with the fark, the national liberation army doubled its violent activities. it was no longer considered simply as a minor group. simplemente como un grupo guirrillero eh menor ciertamente this background to understand the new phase of negotiations government and the fark signed a revised peace deal in 2016. it is important to see what happened in that moment. in that time, fark abandoned arms in the areas under their control. they were governing in those areas because the colombian estate had abandoned them. the colombian government forgot about the health service, security guarantees, police and medical services and making roads in those zones. it was the fark that carried out all these missions in these abandoned. areas so witnessed the emergence of parliamentary groups and national liberation army as well. this current
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dialogue occurs a time of escalation. we are well aware that there was progres in political participation of the fark with their political party known as communas. five the fark members were in the senate and another five were in the chamber of deputies. 1,300 social leaders have been murdered so far since the signing of the peace agreement in colombia. among them, we can see 330 signatories of the peace agreement. permanently boycotted the peace agreements. it is important to mention that to this day, simonidad, is one of the main leaders of the fark is imprisoned in the united states, which makes the situation even more complicated. his absence made the peace process more difficult. the us could easily release him as a political prisoner. well, hence, assassinations of social leaders and simonidad's imprisonment have a clear message
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and means that they need to enter new phase. well, let's have a break and then we will continue our program. entrar, digamos en otro momento, bueno, vamos a una pausa y continuamos. bueno, continuamos en negro y blanco y estamos continue our program on black and mauricio. we were talking about an important issue, what do you think about these events
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related to the fark? what do you think about today's fark? i need your opinion to continue our talk regarding the peace negotiations. your opinion will be useful for gustavo pedro and the national liberation army as well. bueno, precisamente. they must be implemented correctly. we've been witnessing progressive governments in the recent years. ribismo has actually boycotted the peace dialogues in the recent years. many fark fighters were granted amnesty and were bringing the process of integration into civil society were actually murdered in that time. their security guarantees were not fulfilled. many social leaders were also murdered. right now there is progres in the peace dialogues. we see the political participation of the fark as communist. there's also a significant point here, there's also advance in the process of
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justice regarding the reconstruction of what really took place during the armed conflict in colombia. unfortunately, the right-wing policy of these pro-imperialist governments was to arrest the parliamentary leaders and extradite them to the united states. these right-wing governments also exterited leaders to the us such as simondat. these act. and release him to come back to colombia and act as a garantour of peace, it is demand of all left-wing democratic forces in colombia and latin america as well, hace bastante sentido eso. the government, if there's a
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progressive government in power, we could move towards these guarantees of security and dialogue until he is free, they basically expect his freedom, we shall observe the advancement of this dialogue, there's a real impeidiment in order to reach total peace in colombia, colombia's president has a plan for total peace, the... of monitoring and verification organizations is crucial to carry out a ceasefire a time of escalation of the conflict. we shall realize that there are the national liberation army, parliamentary groups and fark gurilla dissidents in colombia. these dissidents are in conflict over territories abandoned after the agreement. over 52 massacres took place during 2023 as the result of this conflict in colombia. so we can't pretend that nothing has happened. we see the renewed outbreak of war. there must be a real seesfire between the government and the national liberation
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army, but how shall be reassured that the national liberation army and other parliamentary groups do not enter into. that's right, the form of struggle obeys a special historical moment for a specific needs. i believe that the entire history of colombia has been ruled by dictators. colombia hasn't enjoyed democratic moment so much. that's why there are the fark, the national liberation army, the... popular liberation army and the 19th of april movement. gustavo pedro was also member of the 19th of april movement in that certain period of time. the armed conflict in colombia is transversal from social democratic organizations such as the 19th of april movement to others that claim to be communists. it is a constant conflict. the
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arm conflict was actually the only way to make policies. the armed conflict in colombia. latin america and the world has an expiry date? what do you think? i have my opinion, but i am not going to mention it right now. no lo voy a decir todavía. bueno, mientras el estado colombiano, igual creo que para responder, we must know about colombia. colombia continues to be one of the passions the us imperialism in latin america, along with chile. there are seven u.s. military bases in colombia. colombia is a strategic ally of the nato. colombian state doesn't guarantee the security, education, health care and other services in different colombian territories, and that's why there's a continuous war. drug trafficking is key element in colombian internal conflict. drug trafficking also causes various problems. many popular liberation army soldiers are connected to drug trafficking. many people in colombia have told me i didn't turn into a
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gorilla fighter because i used to read marks, i turn into a gorilla fighter because the colombian army and parliamentary solid assassinated my family members, so i joined the gorilla groups to stay alive, i wanted to take revenge from my family. there was a grill of fighter that told me, if the parliamentary groups find me, i will join them, if the fark find me, i will join them as well, and i hope that the fark will find me, i mean that they didn't have a profound political and ideological background to join these groups, they only wanted to ensure their lives, many of these gorilla fighters used to tell me, i'm going to sign. paper to ensure my life in the becoming years, 330 gorilla fighters signed these papers and were finally assassinated quienes firmaron ese acuerdo que han sido asesinados una de las dificultades grande que tiene la paz, the power in the hands of land owners is one of the many obstacles to reach peace in colombia, how have they used their power with
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bloodched and fire, they have treated the peasants as slaves, they have also over-exploited the resources this sector of colombian society is among the actors that has intensified the internal conflict. we shall include them in the citizen participation just like the park, this is the only way to control such actor in the internal conflict. so participation. committee in facilitating the inclusive participation of colombian society in the peace process is very important. this committee has the responsibility to invite the relatives of the assassinated peazants in the negotiations and guarantee the lives of gorilla fighters, a las organizaciones campesinas y rurales. ahora en el contexto
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latino-americano, there is a really complex situation in latin america, "the us is now the first world power, it is actually becoming stronger every day. can the us become an impediment to the peace process negotiations in colombia? we should consider this point that the us thinks that latin america is its backyard. latin america may be the last bastion of the u.s. because it has lost africa and asia. there are other conflicts in the world as well. how could the us impact the peace negotiations in colombia? eso repercutir no negativamente en la firma la paz, bueno yo tengo ahí mi opinión personal, yo creo que i have my personal opinion, i believe that there is no peace in colombia because we are very close to the us. the us has also intensified the colombian internal conflict. they didn't need to carry out cous or operation condor. we have seen the us human rights violations and
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interventions in almost all colombian governments. i think that gustavo petro's government is an exception in this case. now the power was divided between liberals and conservatives in colombia. in the last decade we also witnessed uribismo. we shall also remember that juan manuel santos who signed these. steal used to be uriba's defense minister during the democratic security government at the height of the war, it is very complex, that's why i'm insisting point that the right wing must not come to power so we can guarantee the peace in colombia. the us's intervention must also be stopped. if we can't stop it, we can't reach peace in colombia. i agree with you, colombia must stop us interventionism. i think. gustavo pedro has authorized the presence of nato in some areas in order to protect the environment. this is one of the contradictions. i think that the participation of ex-fark members in the
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negotiations can guarantee their lives. this is very complex. we believe in the intelligence and capacity of colombian people. mauricia, we are about to finish our program and i need your opinion about these negotiations between the colombian government and the national liberation army. can we see such negotiations with other gurilla groups and bring peace to colombia? if it doesn't happen, these little organizations will become stronger. the same thing happened when the colombian government and the fark signed the peace treaty and the national liberation. bueno, yo creo que para eso es importante en primer lugar, i've already mentioned this point, i think that it was very good step that the colombian. government recognize these groups as political organizations, the national liberation army has been recognized as a political and military organization. they aren't known as only a military
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organization anymore. it is important not to use the word demobilization because they're not going to release troops from active service. they may lay down their weapons. the important point is that they will stay in their places, but will leave their weapons. the forms of struggles will be changed. the key point is to recognize them. because the gorilla members families have been assassinated, the colombian police and military aren't present in these areas, it means that no one guarantees their lives, the
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colombian estate with parliamentary forces and police are the ones that commit these crimes, those who have lost their family members will take weapons in their hands and defend themselves y se van defender, así es mauricio, mauricio, you are right, they had to use their weapons in conflict during all these. years, it was the only way for them to be recognized as a political body for their sovereignty, justice and independence. thank you very much for accepting our invitation to be on black and white, hope to see you next time, because i think that this peace process is in development. thank you very much. muchas gracias. thank you very much for inviting me.
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95 million people in the eu are threatened by poverty, there is a broken energy market while the energy and arms industries are making record process last year it seem that either was better performing as compared to other industrial economies in in europe, this year and this quarter it seems the the opposite.
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your headlines for this hour, iran once again warns that any geopolitical change in the caucasus will destabilize the region and escalate the crisis. the european union promises to increase military support for ukraine despite russia's warnings against western armed supplies to kiev. and the democratic republic people's republic of korea calls on the un nuclear watch washington's paided trumpeteer for joining a us that pressure campaign against pyong yang.
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