tv We the People Revision PRESSTV October 7, 2023 7:02pm-7:31pm IRST
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have an extreme rightest government in israel that is even not tolerated by many governments in the international community, this entity, israeli entity, the the the elements of its existence in in 1948 is no more existing, this israeli entity is turning to be moral burden, a political diplomatic burden over even the european setups which has supported it till today, the second thing is the advancement of the resistance movement, the why the wisdom of the resistance movement, in one hand they are moving forward with their own capabilities, all right, sorry, sorry to jump in, is speaking now, we're going to take a listen to what he's saying, let's cross on over to him, areas and therefore, not only the battle of
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the people people of palestine or gaza alone. gaza is the main fortress of the resistance, and but since this battle has to do with the land of palestine and has to do with al-quds and is linked with aqsa. therefore it is the battle of the nation, the entire nation. therefore, i call on all the muslim nation, no matter what their geographic area. their presence is or their area is that they all in their own method and their own means and their own way to be part of this battle and that they do not late, they do not delay, they should not be they should be part of those whom god almighty said that they are the one god made steadfast in order to come of and be victorious, you should say god willing, be from those men who came to
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mobilize and be ready, but those whose holy sites were desecrated, they stood with all courage, they stood to fight and struggle with their with their money and with their souls, with their lives. this is the battle of people and the battle of an entire nation, and this is a battle that we began and it will end with god's promise of victory and god's promise of endurance and there will no be not be any hesitation, our main goal, our objective is clear, it is that we want to liberate our land, and we want to liberate our holy sites and our sanctities, and our prisoners, this is the objective, this is the objective that we are trying to live through.
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to the sacrifice to this battle, and this is to live up the level of this heroic stance and this courage, after what al-qassam has done, they will be in few minutes only able to get some land through this passage way, this glorious passage way, this blessed passage way and this cultural method that they these are the men. that wrote history with their blood, with their guns, with their arms, with their feet, their steps, which were able to end this existence of this invaders of these occupair pires, and there we go to our people, to our prisoners, to our resistance, to our people outside in the diaspora, to the clerics, to all the people of this nation, this is your day, we are.
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with victory, this is the beginning of victory, let us be partners in creating this victory, god willing, in conclusion, this enemy, which continues to threaten and to warn, we tell them, nor your threats, or your aggressions, or your arrogant assaults would benefit you and they would never not benefit you even in the future, leave our land, leave our land, move away from our faces, come out of our alqs and we do not want to see you over this land, we do not want to see your existence over this land, this is our land, i'll put is ours, and the right is ours, you are people who are occupying this land, this is a blessed, holy and pure land, and there is no place for you here. and we tell all
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those those countries, including our brothers, our arab brothers that this regime of which is incapable of defending itself at front of these fighters, these resistance fighters, they can protect you, and all the path of normalizations and recognition of this regime, all the accords, all the agreements which are open with this enemy, cannot decide decide on the the destiny of this path and this battle, this can only be done, on the fate will only be decided on the battlefield. only at the hands of those heroic men, this can only be decided in the hands of the heroic markers and the man people of this people and the prisoners and the wounded of this people, the pride gaza, dear dignity of our nation, you are the
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dignity, you are the glory of our nation, you are them, the khasam of the future and all the resistance factions as well, suit of pride and dignity, you have made us proud of everything that you have done, you have led us to thank god that we stand step fast and strong, and we will also be, our voices will be stronger, god willing, our existence will continue the land of palestine, we will be in alq, be in the alaxa mask as well, and they ask you when then it will be new soon as god almighty has promised, god almighty has bought from the believers their money and the their lives in order to give them paradise, they fight in the name of god almighty, and they kill the invaders and they are killed as marters, and therefore this is the right
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whether in the bible or the quran, and god almighty will live up and fulfill his promise, and therefore you should be grateful and you should look forward to this promise by god almighty. and god, peace be upon his prophet muhammad and his pure family and his companions and may god's blessings be upon him and may all the fighting and struggle continue, and after all the struggle, either be victory or martterdom and peace, we just listening to the hamas political. chief ismal there speaking on the occasion of what's happening uh today um some of the highlights are there uh which we will get into uh but before that let's cross on over to uh what you're looking at is here in the capital tehran and this is palestine square where people have come out in solidarity with the palestinians keep in mind as successful so
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far as this operation of the resistance fighters which has included all the resistance fighters from hamas to the islamic jihad to what have you has come with some deaths on the palestinian part um of which there's roughly around 200 of them which includes children from what some of the images i have seen, so people are coming out here to show their solidarity with the palestinians. it seems like israel is beginning their onslot in a to a higher degree, because in the past half hour or so, the regime forces actually uh targeted a particular building that we saw get demolished, even when our correspondent was speaking to us and this was the palestine tower, the palestine tower is in the heart of the ghaza city, which israel targeted, but here in the capital tehran, iranians have come out in a square by the name of palestine
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square, in order to show their solidarity with the palestinians, hoping that they will be able to endure the offensive from israel, as limited as it has been so far. but iranis are not the only ones that have actually come out uh marking this, this could be also scenes where iranians like some other countries um celebrating what has occurred because uh this may indicate a liberation of palestinian land to in one form or another, so far based on many assessments that have been made, israel has lost - this particular war that has happened where it was, it has not only been uh cited as the biggest intelligence failure in israel's history, uh, but the fact that you have palestinian resistance groups have infiltrated israel in so many different locations along with
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obviously the rockets that have been fired, which have reached havoc and destroyed a many buildings there in uh occupied land uh where also there's been israeli. deaths that have accumulated as a result with hundreds of injuries. uh, this is a step towards trying to free uh the uh palestinian land which is occupied now by israel. let's try to get some analysis into this uh sabir abu maryam, columnist and commentator joins us here in the capital tehwan. okay, we don't have the guests yet. so let's continue with what we're seeing there in palestine square. iranians have gathered there in tehran showing their solidarity. we spoke to the um hamas representative here in the capital tehran, he indicated that uh we have started the liberation of palestine and all of palestine khalid kadumi uh made that statement where he
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said no one can stop this operation uh so uh there is that stance and viewpoint coming from the hamas representative here in the capital tehran as we're watching this palestineuh square by the way we're seeing how uh people just keep uh accumulating there where he is at um if we have khalid kadumi if we may continue with him if it's possible. yeah, please go ahead. okay, khalid kadumi, if you're if you're with us, we heard a small, if you listen to what he said, what are your thoughts on that? well, i mean, the major messages which we can conclude from the speech of the chief of hamas, can be summarized with the points, first of all, we have defended ourself against the actual atrocities of israel. so whether we have initiated the war, whether we have responded,
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we are in a defensive status against the major crime of israelis which has been continuous for the last 74 years, that is one, second thing, that how he has appreciated the advancement and development the performance of the resistance in the field, so today as i have said earlier, we we have managed to develop the theories and the the the military creed of of of hamas and al-qassam brigade from the balance of power from the balance sorry of detarance against the the the enemy to the actual physical military achievements, so today we are capturing, we are liberating lands which has been occupied previously by the israeli army. third, he has sent multiple messages as a chief to the international community that we
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have kept patient, we have stood waiting for your response, but unfortunately you are supporting the losing horse, you are not supporting the actual custodian and the actual legal custodiant of the land, that is the palestinian people who have been continuously victim. by the israeli army. fourth and very important messages is for those people who are still dreaming to encash anything out of normalization with the israeli government. those who are still dreaming that israel can save them. today brother ismail han and the leadership of hamas is telling the people that look at your people, look at your nation, look at your own. nation how look look in in in the other side of your screen over here, how for
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example the iranian people in midaan palestine and square of palestine chanting against israel, no one in the in the ummah, muslim and non-muslim in in the muslim and arab countries want this israeli entity to continue, so why the big question, why those regimes are still? going forward for the normalization with this finishing with this short shelf item state like israeli regime i would say for those people who are normalizing with israel they have to understand that israel cannot save them against any any other forces israel is losing party israeli elements to continue to live is no more existing, israel is no more legendary
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army, few elites, mujahidin and palestinian fighters, today they have managed clearly to to make sudden attacks, to to exploit the security pockets in their in their fields in their lines and to reach the red which has been established by the israeli forces and achieved military achievements, today we are talking about a real army, there is an israeli military experts was commenting on the government's statements talking about hamas in language of terrorism, he said stop talking chaotic language, these are not terrorists, we are in front of an army, so now today even the military figures in israel is is is is confirming the development, the
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advancement of this resistance and thank god this resistance is an honest, wise resistance, has a clear target, as as many leaders of of the resistance used to say that this rifle which we carry is only pointed towards the only enemy of this uma, that is the israeli regime, so we're looking forward for for a collateral, a collective prayer performance with all muslims and freedom fighters in a liberated field in, in a liberated churches, where we will go together, we and the nations everywhere and defeat this entity and finish this entity and liberate palestine from river to say, yeah, well, when you say that, and i would like to
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ask you in terms of the technicalities that are involved in the operation that has taken place. when you take a look at the facts on the ground, one of them that really stands out, it's truly remarkable is how there are resistance fighters in 21 different locations on the ground, there's a map that uh states there's 21 different locations, 21 different locations, i don't recall the last time that that happened, um, does that mean that uh there really is a possibility that these locations might be overtaken and then the towns might - i mean um militarily speaking and technically is that really a possibility that this could happen and to what extent can the resistance fighters progress when it comes to taking back their land uh which israel's occupying right now? well it's very premature to judge the result of this war technically speaking, but as the first
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statement of al-qassam brigade been released an hour ago, they're talking about the 50 points which has been targeted, out of them 25 points to the till moment still under the control of the al-qassam brigade and the palestinian side with soldiers in hand as detinies as as prisoners and with with lot of arsenal machine vehicle and lot of strategic things which has been captured. by the resistance movement, more than this, some of those soldiers has been taken and they have arrived together, so and they are in the custody of the of the resistance now, hence those cards, they encourage more possibility of of consistency, so hence we are more
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optimist that we can continue this path in a track of... war, you know, the the war had field developments, they have targets and i'm still saying, it's very premature to judge the the end result of this war which has just started in the morning. i'm reading what the us has said, and it's interesting because you have uh, not on too many occasions where you have the pentagon and the defense secretary that have come out here, in this statement made by loy. austin saying his organization would send support to israel, if you read between the lines, and correct me if i'm wrong here, to look at it this way, is that uh israel maybe cannot handle this all by itself, so it needs support, for example, doesn't that indicate how much the israeli, i'm sorry, the palestinian resistance fighters have penetrated and have in some
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sense defeated the regime forces there, well, well we are in front of two major things, one, we should not... forget that israel as a regime and as as an entity is an american or western project by itself, so they have guaranteed the support and continuous unconditional support unfortunately to this entity, but on the other hand, we need to understand that today they have turned to be moral burden on on those regimes and tell you it's until the the latest development of what we call what we call it normalization, the failing of the deal of century, the failing the abraham deal has also encouraged some of the governments to save god this project again, hence when we have seen, i think we
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lost our guess there, khadumi there was speaking, we do thank him, khadumi is the hamas representative here in the capital tehran, we're looking at live images coming through from palestine square, i'm sorry, kadumi, we we just lost you there, but we're going to uh, first of all we want to thank you for your statements, we're gonna uh cross on over to saber abu maryam, columnis and commentator, joins us from the capital tehran, as we're looking at images there on palestine square, where iranis have come out in solidarity with uh, for the palestinians, at the same time, even though there have been some palestinian deaths, some are morning that, so uh, it's a mixture of both, sabyam, welcome to the program, it's an unprecedented uh development that has taken place as we're speaking, and as we're looking at the possibilities of palestinian land actually being taken away from the occupation, that that could be one of the major developments. what are your thoughts about this operation
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that has taken place? thank you, first of all, i would like to say the appreciation words and the congratulations to the palestinian nation, those have launched a great resistance against the zinast regime and... it is unbelievable and markable event today held that 5000 rockets were fired different cities, yes the day to day we are witnessing that since the 2000 and till now 2023 when the first time israeli regime was expelled forcely expelled from the lebanon and after in 2006 2007 9 11 14 until 19 and 21 all the time israeli regime was failed in the in the in the objective of achievement and always defeat, always get the defeat in
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front of the resistance movement, especially islamic jihad of palestine, hammas and and other group, especially in hizbullah, so that's regarding your question, yes the palestinian resistance? is close to to get back their land, get back their entity, get back their all of things from the occupation, because this is the faith, this is the fait of dynas regime, it must be evanished, it must be removed from this from this from this piece of land, because we we believe that this this entity, this is regime is illegitimate and occupied the palestinian territories. so today let me say that this is the new page, this is the new page on the history which will never forget among the
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coming generation and we are glad and we are also fortunate people in this era that we are seeing, we are witnessing these kind of great resistance events, so do appeal from all of the muslim nation across the globe, especially emphasize on the government, they must stand people with the palestinian resistance on this occasion, because they need our help, they need our fully support, now i do appreciate and thanks to the iranian government and the supreme leader of iran who always strengthen the palestinian resistance with his great words, with his financial support, with his military support and and the palestinian always thanks them and palestinian always accepted this in front of media that without this support, without this
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help, they are not able to do this, and regarding to the strategical point, i would like to say that israel has been failed and israel is failed now again, the intelligence failure a military failure and also thank you very much for that sub, thank you. thank you for your comments, saber abu mariam, columnist and commentator, we do appreciate your comments. let's cross on over now to uh, not cross on over, but see celebrations that were happening in nablus uh, the way palestinians came out on the streets there, to mark this very important victory so far by the resistance fighters of which we hope that this will continue until all of the land of palestine is free, which is the ultimate goal. um, let's see what was happening there in nobel, of which that's just one of the locations in the occupied territories where palestinians are uh celebrating this particular offensive that's taken place by uh the resistance fighters and here we have what's what happened there in nabulis earlier in the day palestinians marking this if we
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have some audio, it's great to see what's being said and how uh this mood is uh in that in this particular town, حط السيف قبال السيف حط السيف قبال السيف. okay, you got an idea there as to what was happening there in nablus, uh, number of locations that are celebrating this uh, historic uh uh event, monandils arresponndet joins us now to tell us more about what she
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has for us, mona? obviously tell us what you got, one of the things that i like to ask you if you can include in that is this a police station that was taken over in starat, if you have information on that, where that stands? for several the palestinian fighters succeeded to take control of the israeli police station in the illegal settlement of sedarot around the ghaza strip, flashes erupted, the palestinian fighters succeeded to keep dozens of israeli settlers and israeli forces hostage, not only in sedarat but also in a number of israeli settlements including settlement. what happened? let's remind our viewers early in the morning, palestinian fighters fired rockets at the illegal settlements around the ghaza strep, later they succeeded to enter, infiltrate, raid let's say enter these legal settlements
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and the the the number of those palestinian fighters was around 1,000 palestinian fighters according to the israeli military, everyone didn't expect what's going on, it was not a simple anti-israeli operation, however since the early hours of this morning, the operation continued, exchange of fire, burning of vehicles there, the israeli military just released that confirmed, let's say this evening that at least 100 israeli had been killed, 100 israels had been killed, hundreds had been wonded and taken to the israel hospitals, dozens of them are in serious condition, and they confirmed also that the palestinian fighters succeeded to arrest and to take.
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