tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV October 9, 2023 2:02am-2:30am IRST
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hello and welcome to press tv, i'm marsia hashimi, thanks so much for being with us. the palestinian resistance operation of al-axa flod is in its second day, the blitz creed attack left the israeli regime in shock on saturday, at this unprecedented coordinated attack, left over 700 israels killed and more than 2100 oters wounded. israeli regime has now been... bombing the
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gaza strip, destroying at least 30 residential buildings and killing at least 370 palestinians, what is next? and we will be taking a look at the situation on the spotlight. i'd like to welcome my guess to the program. out of beirot, mira osman, of journalists and political analysts. out of cape town, zaynul abedien khaddafi coordinated of the zakzaki foundation south africa, thank you both for being with me on this program. mara, i'd like to start off with you, your overall assessment of this operation and the scale of it. let me start by congratulating the palestinian people, the palestinian resistance, the arab and islamic world, all the free people of the world for witnessing. an epic battle that we would have
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never imagined in our lifetime to see, so let me start there to just show you how immense this thing is to point that keep going through my phone watching all the videos because i can i cannot believe it's i'm very happy but at the same time it's it's brings me pride and joy to be part of this axiss of resistance and to witness first hand the liberation of palestinian land which we have been calling for for the past at least seven 25 years, now what is going on? that's a big question that we can't really answer, but what we can answer is according to what kind of of information that we are receiving, just at least an hour before i came on with you, we got first hand information that the uh palestinian resistance with different of factions is less than seven kilometers away from alkalil, can you imagine it's like they are about to reach the west. bank, the
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southern part of the west bank, which means if they do, they will be able to cut the historic palestinian land in half, the map and half and take the southern half, and if that actually happens, that would be beyond what we have imagined that would happen, and it would be a great, great benefit and victory and a great scoring for the palestinian resistance, but at the same time, sadly we are seeing how the... the air is still the biggest friend for the israelis at the moment by using their air strikes against families residential areas in the gaza strip at least up until now it has been registered at least 11 massacres with families with more than 10 to 12 members all perished in multiple areas across the ghaza strip when you also said it's more than 370 marters and more than 3000 uh w in the gaza strips, so it
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is, it is heavy price to pay, but it is a worth it price because what's coming up next is basically the battle of liberation, and of lot of things are happening really, really fast for the it's it's been uh like less than 30 hours and we are hearing that great powers are on the move and if they do get to the shows of palestine, it is a game changer. yes, indeed, it definitely has. has been fast moving and quite unbelievable, well znal abeddin, i want your thoughts about the incredible uh intelligence failure by the in zionist regime. yes, i would like to say thank you for having me on the show, and like sister, like the sister, i would like to give our congratulations to the people of palestine and to the resistance access on of this unprecedented historical moment in the history of resistance, we see that the
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palestinian resistance is giving such a blow to the zianist regime that we can only imagine they will never recover from this, i think the failure of the israeli intelligence is quite. here that being supported by the united states, being supported by various superpowers of the world, nobody was able to preem this operation that is taking place, the al-aqsa flood operation, as a result of the intelligence failures, we have seen the victory today and yesterday that we have never seen before, many israels were captured amongst the militaries, amongst the ordinary people a top commander was captured various ations that has been under the occupation of the illegitimate zist regime since 1948 has been liberated, we have seen that the palestinian resistance has entered into various settlements destroying the notion of safe settlements for all of the zionist
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occupiers, so the unprecedented attack has not only shown the strength of palestinians, but it has completely shattered the intelligence networks of designerss and their allies. in the world that are global superpowers, we also see that as the one of the hizbullah officials have mentioned today that this operation of the al-aqsa flood, it's ratifying the statement that said nasrull has said that the time of defeat is long gone and we are in the time of victory, we're in the time of armed resistance, of glory, of martydom, of victory, a time where we come together to liber. palestinians and we are seeing the beginning of the end of the zionist regime, and i think that this ties in with a statement by the leader of the islamic revolution and the champion of the oppressed, said ali khamenei on the 3rd of october when he made this historical statement that the
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ziners regime is coming to an end and few days later we see this major blow and the show of strength, power, unity, military excellence from the palestinian resistance, indeed, indeed, well, myira, today, the lebanese resistance, has belove fired shells and guided missiles toward - israeli occupied territories and israeli occupied sheba farms and tel aviv struck lebanon, your thoughts on this and what this side of things could mean, let me begin by telling you that it was seven at 10 am in the morning, this morning, when we woke up, i just arrived - half an hour ago to beirout, i was in my home village and khaam, which is facing the area that was bombarded, and we woke up at 7:10 am at the sounds of artillery shelling, and it was really loud, obviously i had the kids with
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me, we had to come them down, tell them it's okay, it's just the resistance, none no one else but the resistance, and lo and behold, less than 30 minutes later we know that... hisbullah, islamic resistance in leono takes responsibility for bombing three security uh towers for the israeli entity in three different areas in the occupied shaba farms, basically it was a retaliation as the statement of hizbullah said to uh against the palestinians, against killing the palestinians and in support of the palestinian resistance, and it was also illegitimate fight by hizbullah as an islamic resistance in lebanon to try and... regain control over occupied territories in the shaba farms and the occupied karshuba hills as well, so it was still according to international law, and it was still according to what lebanon has rights within the occupied territory, but uh, to be honest with you, it was a clear message by the islamic
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resistance in lebanon telling the zionists that if you do cross certain red lines, we are here, we are ready to engage, we will not leave the palistin resistance alone, and we will make sure that you will... pay for every uh crime and mistake, okay, marv, stay with me, we having some audio, what also happened, i think it was, a little audio, i'm let me cross over to cape town and hopefully we can uh take care of this uh audio problem that we're having, uh, abedeen, we've seen these western regimes uh immediately condemning the resistance. operations and of course pledging more support for tel aviv, at the same time, corporate media is trying to portray that the world is condemning the attacks by palestinian resistance, however we are seeing uh more and more people in these countries, even western countries, even as we speak
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right now, holding demonstrations in support the palestinian resistance and and condemming israeli oppression, your thoughts on all of this? yes, look, i think. that throughout the history, the western regimes, namely the united states, the uk and the allies across the world, that they have never respected the god given natural right of human. beings of self-defense, and that is to defend themselves against capital, against - illegal occupation, because of course the western regimes, be it in africa, be it in all around the world, in south america, all across the middle east, they are the ones are guilty of occupation, of stealing minerals and resources of nations, and therefore they have never drawn a distinction in western media, between wars of liberation and wars of occupation, nor have the... respected the right of humanity of free people to defend themselves, regardless of this, throughout
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the 75 years, there have been numerous negotiations, there have been new inner resolutions, there have been different kinds of intervention, and all of them has failed, the only means of liberation for the freedom of palestinian people that has ever been taken seriously, and that has even ever brought fruits to the oppressed of palestine is the means of armed resistance. that is to fight with the intention to eradicate, annihilate and destroy illegitimate israel out of the face of earth. this is the only means that has ever brought success and fruits for the liberation of palestinian people. in the same way the lebanese defeated the israeli invasion in 2000 and in 2006, this is the only way in which palestinian people will be liberated, so regardless of the condemnation of western states and of nations across. the world, this will not deter the palestinian resistance and free people, people that believe in liberation,
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people that are moving to the global shift on consciousness across the world will support the inade right of the palestinian people to resist and to liberate themselves with arms. in new york we are seeing that there are people uh protesting support of the palestinian people in cape town tomorrow on the southern tip of africa we will be protesting in support. the palestinian people and free people across the world will always support armed resistance in palestine as our means for liberation. well, my, of course the corporate media continues to try to both distort history and current events and of course continuing to trying to show the palestinians as the aggressor and zinis as the victims. i want to talk about that aspect and those of us in the alternative media. and our responsibility and and what do you see that we need to do to make sure that the
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truth gets out? well, let's begin by saying that we have a history that's 75 years old that we can use in facts and documents and photos and videos especially of maskers committed by the zionist entity with the help the western hegemony with the starting with the britain and then moving to the united states of america, so we have lot of facts from history. that says uh that this is illegal zionist colonial regime that have brought immigrants from all across the world especially from europe and eastern europe and specific to loot the land of the palestinians, take their rightful properties, kick them out of their homes, kill them, massacre them, kill their babies, burn their babies, what what the palestinian people have been suffering from and enduring for the past 80 years is beyond what anyone can imagine as nation. and the people so we have lot of facts that we can highlight that we can speak about when the western mainstream media tries
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to portray that the zionist are civilians and that they are being violently attacked by uh terrorists quote unquote and also there's another role for us as people especially on social media now you know how much we are being attacked on social media our own press tv has been taken down from youtube from facebook several times a couple times from twitter even our website was taken down along with 36 other websites from uh west we know that it's a very hard fight, but we need to do it, we need to use all social media sites to tell the story of palestine, the narrative the axiss of resistance, the natives of this region, of this land, what we have been suffering, what, what we have been enduring for the past 75 years, how much we have presented for our cause, how many of our vital family members we have lost, one of which is my father-in-law, for example, my children have no grandfather because of the israeli entity because they'... killed him while he was trying to defend his country and his land as member of the lebanese army, so
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we have lot of stories to tell, but we need to uh use uh social media, we need to uh diversify the ways that we talk to people, because we also know that for example meta, x and other mainstream social media networks are censoring us, are making sure that we do not talk about palestine, even if it's about historic events that took place in palestine. and they don't allow us to share photos, they don't allow us to share videos, so we need to uh make people come to us on telegram by using the mainstream media, the mainstream social media to uh promote the alternative media that that are using to try and let the people know that we are somewhere else for them to follow and learn what's happening and it's working perfectly with telegram if i may yeah good good point very good point that you made because actually my my social media page on instagram has been shut down actually uh with all of this and and sharing uh simply sharing the names of palestinian kids who
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have been killed in the past and of course picture of general solemani so uh that definitely uh will get you shut down. well, zeinal abad in looking at the situation uh, when uh, looking at uh corporate media these days, we see iran's name is being brought up constantly. i want to talk about that, because iran has always been unapologetic in a support for palestine, and uh, and of course pays the price. your thoughts on the importance uh of tehran's support, um, or the resistance at this time as it always has since the islamic republic has been established. now of course, a clear fact and something that all free peoples of the world are grateful for towards iran is that the islamic republic of iran is the organic heart the resistance axes, the coordination, the logistical support, the monetary support and
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all other efforts in bringing together and holistic of force to combat and to count the the western powers and their hegemony across the world is as a result of the islamic republic of iran. that is number one. number two, iran has, as you mentioned been unapologetic for its support to the oppressed and also unapologetic in its opposition against the illegitimate zionist regime. this starts of iran are being unapologetic in its pursuit to bring about the destruction and the eradication of the illegitimate regime is. a stance that has inspired many revolutionaries across the world, many of us, we live in eastern and in western countries, our governments, our leaders, our scholars, our academics, our role models, people of prestige, they have not taken the stance that the islamic republic has taken against the illegitimate regime, and when we are in this path of liberation, we found that our source
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of confidence, our motivation and the inspiration that we gain. comes from the islamic revolution in the form of the supreme leader, imam khamenei, as well as the leaders the resistance, of course most famous shahied general qasim sulaimani, and this stance taken by iran is one that many can learn from. iran has not been apologetic, nor has iran uh cared about the response that the islamic republic gets from western states and from western media, the islamic public is velified across western media in every aspect. most recently um the event which took place where a young lady fainted in the subway station and of course western media, they took every opportunity to accuse the islamic of republic of iran of being guilty of some crimes towards this young lady, which is not the case, but despite all opposition
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from the western world, despite all kinds of sanctions. and all kinds of interventions taken against the islamic republic, iran has remained the core that has skipped together the access of resistance, of course this is amazing work and we appreciate and respect the islamic republic. okay, unfortunately we are out of time, of course our prayers are with the people of gaza tonight, as right before this program we saw israeli regime pounding that area. i'd like to thank both of you for being with me out of beirout mar osman, journalists and out of cape town, ghaddafi, coordinator of zack zack foundation, south africa, and as always viewers, we appreciate you being with us on another spotlight, i'm signing out for myself and all the crew right here in tehran, hope to see you right here next time.
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هست و اقتصاد ایران تحت فشاره و نمیزارن راحت معامله بکنن ایران یک گوهره توی این دنیا از نظریت ایران کشور امنیه سیفه در منطقه ما متأسفانه همه مردم دنیا آزادانه بدون سلطه اونها زندگی. a journey from light to darkness, he may not see the way we do with eyes so bright and quick. he has to fight constantly the
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terrible shadow that stands between him and the world outside, but with a dark paradoxical gift, he can see what other people miss. this is a private story between a man and his eyes, an experience of beauty a way invisible, acclaimed by millions. mashti ismail, soon on press tv, این بیمار، جراحی با سیستم نوویگیشن هستش. یک شکل سه بعدی ما از این تصاویر بیمار که قبلاً گرفته شده ازش تشکیل میدیم و باید مطابقتی از این شکل و شکل سه بعدی و صورت بیمار داشته باشیم. این دستگاه
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یه دستگاه خیلی پیچیده ای راهاندازی نگهداریش تعمیر نگهدنش واقعاً کار سختیه دوستان طراحی کردن ما با هم مرحلاییشو انجام دادیم بعد آوردیم در بالین و الان خب چندین سالیم استفاده می کنیم ما الان هیچ احساس نیازی نمیکنیم که بریم سمت سیستم خارجی بریم. system, one is american, and the other one is german. we are the third. این افتخار داشتم که به عنوان اولین بانوی دریان جمهوری اسلامی ایران و خاورمیانه وارد سیستم دریاندی بشمم.
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