tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV October 14, 2023 10:02pm-10:31pm IRST
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over 700 children murdered. this type of fatality is truly hard to absorb, but that is what israel has done with us bombs and support, including european officials. as europeans and people from all walks of life have poured onto the streets and solidarity with palestinians, the great divide between them and their politicians and leaders has become even more evident. that they are supporting an israeli regime and its massacres. meanwile incidents in the opt, the occupied palestinian territories have increased, which could be another front that israel has to deal with. this top of the evacuation orders that israel has announced for 1 million palestinians to leave northern gaza strip into the southern part of the ghaza strip, move condemned by many palestinians and persian gulf arab countries. first let me introduce our guests for this edition of the spotlight. kadumi, the hamas of
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representative here in iran joins us from tehran. also sayid mussan abbas, a journalist and political commentator, joins us from london. i'll first start with you, um, i can't help but start off with the unfortunate humanitarian stat that is still rattled the cages of anybody who has any type of emotion or sense within their psychy, and that is the fact that you have 700 children that are that have been murdered. israel says that it tries to prevent civilian casualties, do you believe israel? bismillahirrahmanirrahim, thank you for having me, who believes israel except those barbaric super? forces in the world, top of them is the blinking and so-called democratic, democrat government in united states of america, this massacre, mass massacre has been perpetrated during the presence of the american uh foreign secretary
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yesterday in tel avib, while the israeli army has thrown leaflets over the people threatening them. to move forcefully from their places, our people, they are deep rooted in our home land in palistin, so they did not listen, but unfortunately some of innocent humans, they moved from a house of of of to other house in the in the next street, according to this threatening, the result was massacre by created by the bombardment israeli a criminal army and at that time we we received 70 marties and more than 250 injured because of that thing, this is the actual face of israel, israel is an entity which has been initiated based on
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fabricated narratives and lies. uh, the news that i want to uh recite to you, say mosan abbas, is uh, about this: israel prime minister uh benjamin netanyahu who visited the israeli regime forces on the front line on the border front line and uh this is what he said are you ready for what is coming more is coming when turning to reporters uh what uh does that say about the face of the israeli regime? well it says that they uh they are infancidal maniacs they're ethnic cleansing they've been doing that for... decades and decades, there's a genocidal uh tinge to everything that they do, they want to depopulate, it seems that's the that's the uh the the track record of this this regime, and now you've got the worst iteration ever scene with some of the most diabolically
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right-wing fascist um zionists that you can imagine, mean the whole movement is is that way, but if you could imagine it getting any worse, well... you've got it with the the present government's makeup. now you know, in fantacide, i don't use words like this lightly, when you listen to the idea, the the the figures, you know, six, 700 plus children bombed, you know, at least if you like half the total number 1900 you've quoted so far and counting, are also women, actually women and children, so what else do you want me to say, infanticide is exactly what benjamin netanyahu? was talking about when he was reving up his kind of uh his storm troopers, and this is basically exactly out of almost like a hollywood movie, that's where he seems to be playing out his this nightmarish reality for for palestinians, because they are uh they are the uh the galactic empire
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which literally wants to smash to smitherinees this oppressed uh people, i mean they don't can't even stand them being there uh in any shape and form by the looks of things now so... yeah, that's basically egged on by the americans and by the anglo-zionist empire itself, so these people really, what can one say? i mean, they were not so long ago harping on about how the palestinians were into the idea of two-state solution, and they weren't being peaceful, or you know all these kind of these kinds of nonsense red hairings that they kept the palestinians dangled with, and now the first time that they've actually had the fist of the palestinian resistance. hit them uh, they seem to be uh going genicidal even more. sure. well, khalid khami, what has happened uh, which is in a sense extraordinary. uh, we had the hamas political bull chief come and make statements on uh what has occurred and basically praising the palestinians who did not head the uh warning for that evacuation
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from the north to the southern part of the gaza strip. and you have countries that actually have come out and uh supported uh the fact that this should not happen. "there's comparisons being made to another second into father and that palestinians as uh ismahani has stated are not going to give up their land, this is their land, why should they pick up from their land and go somewhere else?" um, but for the countries to come out and support them in that way, what does that say about what appears to be defeat for israel in terms, at least up to this point in terms of what it has requested the palestinians to do? actually, this is the second appearance for ismail hanyer since 7th of october, and in both of his speech he was drafting milestones in the confrontation against the israeli enemy, today he came with... few important concepts: one is the call for our people not to listen to the
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threatening and fabricating story by the enemy, because yesterday it was evident that the enemy cannot be believed. second, he called upon the international community to prevent the forced transfer of our people from their homeland, because this will not be allowed so. is to appreciate the stance of egyptian to refuse to to make new era of refugees and displacement of our people, that that that is very against the international law and against the values of humanity. forth and and most important emphasize the steadfastness of our people. you know our masses yesterday in friday along with the masses in the muslim ummah and in the streets
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the world they marched after juma prayers to express the solidarity with palestine, but our masses in gaza yesterday in during the bombardment they came in marches in order to cherish the resistance leaders in order emphasize that they are. rooted in this land and they will not allow new transfer and new displacement, so they were deserving to be appreciated and to be and to be respected by the leader of resistance, ismail hannah, and last point is message for the for the enemy that their threatening to the resistance is futile, because the resistance movement, soldiers, they have... endorsed, they have created a new book in the confrontation saga
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in the front of this barbaric enemy, while their achie, through their achievements in the field, through the achievements politically, through achievements in their narrative internationally, even that we are still in a defensive state under the biggest crime against humanity, that is the occupation. so tofansa, the flood of al-aqsa will swipe this enemy and this occupation. um, our guess are talked about uh these solidarity rallies, saying abbas, where you're at, was one of the biggest uh with the drone shots that we saw, block after block of what seemed to be hundreds of thousands that came out, and this was also seen around the world uh, which is a reflective, if you agree the great divide that exists now between the... people and their officials wherever they are supporting the israeli regime. tell us how significant that is? the fact that so
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many people turned up at such short notice tells you that people emotionally are with the palestinian cause, no matter how many trillions the zionist regime and their allies in the west spend, and they they spend an awful lot of money in terms of false propaganda and running all these kind of... psychological operations to try and persuade their public that uh that what they're doing is is right and that the oppressor is the oppressed that's been the target, mean i'll give you story, my son goes on cartoons time with various youtube videos, every half an hour, less than half an hour, there's a new version of zionist propaganda aimed at children, mean it's shocking, that's the level that they've gone to, that they will try to indoctrinate people, yet still what you're seeing is millions and millions of people around. the world turn out and go with their their hearts and go with the their humanity, and this is the key, what we're not
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just fighting for here is palestinians and their right to uh to to to existence, this is a question of humanity, i mean, what kind of civilization are we really looking for in the 21st century, we're meant to be moving forward, and here we got neoliberal, neoconservative, zionists trying to tell us that settler colonialism and imperialism of the medieval times and onwards is okay, well it's not okay, and the public is saying this right across the border, and yes, protesting does have an impact, uh, the politicians do get a little bit more scared, but infrastructure you've got to understand. is systemically geared towards supporting israel, is systemically zionist uh, you listen to people like kier starma even the opposition guy here, rishi sunak here in britain, they literally uh, you know, bow at the feet of zionist interests and they dare not say anything, because the minute they do, they will be out of office. more can be done though, i have to say that you know, this is
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a jihad, and jihad comes with bill gallam, with the pen, with the voice. with your uh with your your general demean, with your attitude in in terms of the charity you give towards the oppressed, there are many more ways that the public can be encouraged to to support the the palestinian cause. well the iranian foren minister, i'm sure you're aware khalid khadumi has been a regional tour and uh he has met uh the resistance groups in particular hezbollah and he said, but this is going back number of hours ago that there's still maybe time to prevent the israeli uh machine from continuing its killings, he didn't use that word, but he said time is running out, he did also say and resistance fighters are ready, which he called could be a political quake, if they were drawn into the war, and to use his words, they have their hand on the their finger is on the trigger to shoot, how close are we to that?
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well, israel left no places without enmity, they bombarded through the sovereign borders, they violated those borders, they assassinated scientists in tunisia, in malaysia, in iran, in iraq, and they they assassinated political figures in their in uniform, so they the hezbullah and other resistance movement, and powers, they are in the line of of defensing them defeat defensing themselves against those israeli atrocities. uh, well, i would say that the field, the escalation in the field is the one who will judge the involvement or the expansion of this battle. uh, according to
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the our spokes person of haizdin qassam brigade abu ubaydah, he was saying that we are, in close coordination with members of the resistance access, hence i would say that whenever it is required in the past, we haven't seen those friends, those brothers away from whatever it is needed, second thing in particular, they they have a marties today and in the southern of lubnan, hizbullah and lebanese they have oc pied territories by israeli criminal army, hence i mean this is this is very natural to be rather, not only hizbullah, all muslim ummah in the borders has to come forward, those governments in the neighborhood of so-called israeli entity,
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they need to open their borders, they might be not. asking the involvement of conventional army, but the people, the masses, look at the million marches, they are all having their own potential to proceed further, to do whatever they know to do, all what is needed from the official stance is to bridge this dichotomy, this this gap between them and official stance and the masses stance, the masses today they want to take the revenge for the killing of our innocent children inside palestine, they want to return al-aqsa, they want to return the arb palestine and back and return palestine to its own environment of muslim ummah, these
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these martym and and sacrifice being presented by the palestinian. deserve different approach from the ummah at at masses level, which they are doing their well, but also at the official stance level. all right, there's a warning issued by israel samon abbas, to hizbollah, and this particular official said that hizbullah should not start a war a second front to israel's north and threaten the destruction of... lebanon if it did, what what are we looking at when it comes to uh this type of a warning which sounds like it's hot air in a sense because the us has also through the us president joe biden has said for regional countries not to take advantage of what's happening, that in a sense shows that israel can't be stretched, is that a correct uh um
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look at this? i think the game changes significantly if israel has to fight on two fronts, already has been keeping them occupied, morter attacks were changed, fire was exchanged today, missiles were exchanged, number of combatants have los lives over the over the days, hezbollah has repeatedly put out message to the americans saying uh, you better not get involved, otherwise we're going to target your basis, and they've also said that they're in full readiness, the uh foreign minister of iran reported today that say nasrullah says that we're fully ready for any circumstance, and so many times the messages come from said nasrullah to say that the israel's defense mechanisms are like a spider's web and the the uh the... fan has shown you that that web is not that strong, and the reality is that if hezbolla were to join, rather than israel uh boasting about
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what it's going to do lebanon, it should be looking very carefully at how it's going to be able even defend its own borders, because the last two occasions as i recall it, the lebanese hazbullah have given the israeli army a jolly good trouncing, i mean they were able to hammer them recover tanks that were able to... tactics and skills and and weaponry which would shocked the israelis into stopping their invasion of lebanon, and they had to go scuttling back with their tails between their legs. now how on earth has israel uh imagined that they can now do any differently? because hez bulllah is uh going to be 10 times stronger, it has it has potentially ballistic prison precision missiles, it potentially has drones, it have potentially has all sorts of weaponry which may be even the uh resistance itself hasn't got because they've been uh henned in by these kind this concentration camp that they've created around gaza, and that's what it is, a concentration camp. the same jews
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who complained about the holocaus and concentration camps have done that to the palestinians, but now no more, there is a resistance and that there is weaponry and there is a military response and the israels are going to have to get to get used to that new new uh scenario. all right, and finally, um, when we take a look at some of the scenes. um uh khalid al khadumi of uh celebratory moods that were displayed by palestinians like in lebanon for example a couple days back, maybe it's for the first time that uh palestinians have a sense that liberation is close that they can sense that maybe the tide has turned, um, how close do you think uh is that and whether that's wishful thinking or not? see the... the backbone of this liberation track is the palestinian people. what what the the type of the steadfastness and the advancement of the
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resistance of our people in palestine, in west bank, in jerusalem, in in gaza, of course top of them, it's legendary. i tell you, this is very serious. it is a golden opportunity for. everyone to make this caravan of liberation move forward to whatever has been remain shortly remain to the to the to the liberation of palestine. our people in the camps of lebanon, in syria, in jordan, they have seen that it is evident that we can do it and in a closed dire. situation inside gaza of 265 square kilometer with no capability of any life, those people
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could tried and they were able to confront this barbaric israeli which is undefeitable army used to be today, they penetrated their own, they exploited the security weakness, the intelligence weakness, and they did. thank you very much, sorry to jump in, we're just fresh out of time, khalid khadumi, hamas representative in iran, spoke to us from tehran, thank you and say boss, journalist and political commentator from london, thank you to you both, with that we come to an end for this edition of the spotlight from ecover taway and the team, this goodbye.
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the israeli regime keeps pounding the gaza strip relentlessly killing civilians and reducing the beside palestinian territory to rubble. israel once again hit gaza city on saturday, the regime attacked 750 targets on friday alone, nearly 1900 palestinians have been killed since the strikes began last saturday. the head of hamas political bureau ismal hinia says palestinian people will never leave their land despite the recent is really bloodshed in the sieged gaza strip. he said the return of palestinians to their ancestral land is close, given that the regime's plan, which is assisted by the us is doomed to fail.
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