tv [untitled] October 18, 2023 9:30am-10:01am IRST
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area uh uh in in the gaza strip is uh is of highly densely populated and is uh considered due to the circumstances that the israelis have implemented on the 2.3 million gaans living there has been considered to be the world's largest open air prison and there we of have uh more news as the uh condemnations and uh anger continues with regards uh to the israeli onslot on the ghaza strip, the palestinian president mahmoud abbas is apparently withdrawn from a meeting with us president joe biden, also jordan uh has caused a meeting with us president joe biden as well, as we can see so many of these uh countries and these officials, they do hold the united states accountable as well for the uh scope of death and destruction and the suffering of the palestinian people and the palestinians and in gaza as well, well uh,
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we're now being joined by our correspondent monandeel uh who's uh with us to bring us up to speed on the recent, oh there, she's from joining us now from ramala to bring us up to speed on how events have transpired, mona, i believe there is demonstration taking place in romalo and condemnation of the israeli attack on the hospital in gaza city. to speed on what's going on over there, that's right, immediately after the israeli aircraft carried out new air strike on gaza, but this time a hospital, the al ahli baptist hospital killing hundreds between 600 to 700 palestinians who had take a shelter in the hospital because the israel is ordered the people and the rese of northern of northern
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the gaza strip to leave the north and to go of to the south, so hundreds of people remained at the vicinity of this hospital, the al-ahli baptist hospital, the israeli air strike killed hundreds, immediately people here went to the streets as they heard about this new massacre, they went to the streets, they demonstrated all over the occupied westbank in ramallah, in al khalil, in jenin and in several areas, even outside the cities, like for instance the village of the village of of of betrima and nabi saleh protest had been taking place and at least one palestinian had been shot and killed by the israeli soldiers, others had been wonded, as you have said the palestinian president, he was... in jordan
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for holding a meeting that was supposed today with the visiting us president joe biden, immediately abbas decided to withdraw from the potential meeting with us president and left jordan returning back to the occupied westbank abbas after he arrived at in ramala, in he held a meeting with the palestinian. leadership and then he issued a statement uh saying that israel's bombing of the baptist hospital in gaza is henus war crime which cannot be tolerated or allowed to pass without accountability. anyways, us president is supposed to arrive in israel today, and he was also supposed to return back to jordan of for this meeting, even the... jordan declared
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that they will not receiving the us president and even if abbas return back to ramulah then there would be no meeting between the jordanian king and the us president the israels are trying and had tried lot by several spokesperson of the of the military to tell the world and new life that maybe this rocket that hit the hospital maybe it was fired by the palestinian resistance. however, many military officials and experts say very clear, these are israeli rockets, these are israeli missiles and israel is trying in a way or another to not not to hold this responsibility as if all the the the the the last days they were not killing civilians, from the first day of the world.
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that that that had been initiated by the israels everyday civilians are being killed, women, children, elderly, israel itself had warned the palestinian hospital. worlds a numerous one like, and they ordered the people, the doctors, the medic, the medix there to leave the hospitals, because the israeli military was going to attack and hit those hospitals, so it's not weird, they were the hospitals that they might open fire, they they might launch their rockets on the hospitals and this is exactly what happened yesterday, the israelers fired the carried out new airstrike, carried out new massacre, killing hundreds of people, the majority of them were children and women taking shelter, so that's why unfortunately the people there are saying there is there's no safe place in the ghaza strip, all the gaza strip is being
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targeted, whether the people are in hospitals, whether they are in masks, whether they are in churches, because this hospital is als also work or had been working under the baptist church, so all people of the gaza strip are being targeted, it's a green light maybe from the israeli regime to kill as more people as it's possible, and after this air strike on the hospital, air strikes continued all over the the the gaza strip in khannes, many air strikes had been... launched by the israeli aircrafts in jabalya as well in order to occupied west bank and the the casualties, the number of casualties continue to rise all across the besieged ghaza strip. thank you uh
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mona, i believe we now have mariam salal corresponding joining us from the lebanes capital mariam, are you with us? yes i am. all right, my uh, first of all, talk to us about how events have transpired, the the condemnations that we're seeing with regards to the israeli attack on the alahi hospital in gaza, also uh earlier we had news of uh hezbollah resistance moving calling for day of rage against the attack on uh the gaza hospital that uh for today uh give us some more updates on uh what's to come? well definitely just from the... after the um the crime that was committed against the baptist hospital in gaza, you had hundreds of people in lebanon actually going down to the streets, protesting, shouting there, they wanted to show that the extremely angry at what occured, that this is one of the
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massacres is reminescent the israeli mas that have happened in the past, but even far too hanous than anything that we have seen, we've witnessed in the past, massacers like kana where in one instance in a united nations shelter over 100 people were killed instantaneously by the israeli shelling um basically burned alive and so what we are seeing right now is very much rem of that but even worse than anything since this is hospital this is a place where people were taking shelter in addition to the fact that it included one of the oldest churches in that area which proves that the palestinians have... existed um as muslims and christians uh for so long, even as jews for very long time until the establishment of the entity of of israel, of course you had all those people, many of them go into their cars, go to their on their motorcycles, try to get to the us embassy to show their um their
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protests and their denouncing of this crime and show and they expressed very clearly that they also hold the united states accountable for the... crime the same as they do for the israelis since they see that it was in the operation room you did not have only the israelis you also had the us secretary of state so they believe that now it is not only just covering up it is also very much complicit in these crimes and this is what you get from the everyday person here in lebanon uh like i said hundreds of people protested on the streets and the in the palestinian refugee camps they went down to the streets late at night um just to show anything that have hizbullah also has called for a mass protest today uh early in the afternoon and we will be seeing of course i think over hundreds i think maybe not thousands of people coming down to the street in the beirout southern suburbs to show slogans and although this is just maybe just
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chanting and slogans people just showing their anger but they are going this is the only way to show the world uh that they uh what happened is acceptable and this is something that they will not be silent about, and so this is when it comes to the popular and to the the people's reaction, you also had a reaction from the... officials in lebanon happy, the prime minister making one the very first statements stressing that this is a war crime and that the world me should not be silent on what is happening, we also heard from the foreign minister of lebanon stressing that perhaps now the the conscience the world will awaken as a result of these crimes um in addition to the fact that we have the minister of education also decided to consider today a day of... morning, all schools are off, universities have been called off, many people do not go to their
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work, they are already to show this anger, that is on one side, you also have taking action, actually, we saw first thing in the morning at 3:15 am, hizbullah launched another operation against one of the israeli post in south lebanon um in the al head post, it is near the village of. job, they launched several guited missiles and they say anti-tank missiles and they say they targeted several makava tank, in addition to a group of israeli soldiers, and they stress that they have destroyed the tank and they have killed the soldiers who are in that operation, and that is just i think one step only, the first step for hazballah to show their response and their retaliation of the killing of innocent women and children inside the... the the the inside gaza itself will definitely have more chances today in the
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protest it's not clear which of hazballah's officials will be about to speak, we have lot of people that are waiting for a speech by hazballah secretary general sasanlah however analysts are saying that the day one comes out to speak that will be the day when the mass retaliation will begin that is when hezball really begin their retaliation against the israeli enemy for all the crimes it has committed so far and so therefore um i think hezballah will be looking at this issue now very seriously we heard from uh iranian officials that time is up we saw from the first day of the israeli onslot against god we saw the iranian foreign minister going back and forth talking to all the countries in the region. trying to make some sort of a collaboration, cooperation, talking to qatar, talking to egypt, talking to um to iraq,
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everybody who can listen that we need to stop this bloodshed, since if we don't this blood, and israel continues to feel it is secure it is back by the united states, as we saw of course the us was very expressive about how they are supported of israel, how much they are backing it, and all the weapons, all the support, the naval general ford is in the mediterranean it is ready of course to hit strike not only perhaps in in palestine and support the israelis morale it is also as they said ready even take care as they said of hazballah to keep an eye on hazbullah and perhaps even uh launch strikes against hazballah if mr abdullah said if we do not look into this and stop the bloodched then things will really ignite the entire region and this will be something that no one can stop, we also heard from the leader of the revolution in iran stress that no can stop
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the muslim's resistance, and we can see that anger, and we can see how the israelis are definitely losing any sort of sympathy that they might have had from the rest of the world, not only from the muslim and the arab world. this is something that is considered by many, even those who are probably closer to the us, as being unacceptable, we heard. the same rhythm from the israeli right and from the us that there needs to be reports, they need to see where the strike came from or where the bombs are, but it is definitely something that we have always heard from the israelis throughout their wars against lebanon, they always blamed it on the resistance, that was just one of their pretexes in order to kill more people, and this is what they said from the beginning, all they want to bring into gaza are just bombs and bombs and we heard this from being of fear, he said that every nothing should come into gaza. accep bombs, nothing, no humanity. thank you mari, let's go back to monandila correspon and ramala, ever since uh
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the uh the attack the israeli attack on uh the al ahli hospital in gaza, of course, we also have to mention that according to our own reporters, the death toll has now risen to 700 as a result of the bombing of that hospital, one of why the reluctance from international bodies to uh to end this blood. to make the israelis stop the uh the aggression and attacks on the palestinians in gaza. what more do they basically have to see? a hospital has been uh attacked, that's against international. 700 people who have seeking treatment, were seeking refuge, believing that the hospital would be safe uh have perished now, as long as israel continues to fabricate lies to what's going on in the gap, then the word international community will act as if they are not seeing
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what's going on, when the israels took the pictures on and videos coming from the gaza strip. showing innocent children and civilians had been killed in the israeli fire and the israeli rockets and they said that those children were israels had been killed by the palestinian resistance, then they are addressing the word that they are the victims and they are just protecting themselves and retaliating, what's going and what happened yesterday, they tried to immediately to say that it might be rocket from the palestinian resistance. because they found that it's a it's a hospital where uh thousands of people had to sheltered to save themselves and the majority of those who had been slaughtered in this hospital were children and women, so the the the word must move now, the word must believe that those who are being killed are
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not only palestinian fighters, the majority of those who are being murdered in the ghaza strip are civilians. are women and children, even if they support the resistance, even if they do not support the resistance, they are normal people, they have the right to live, they have the right to live like the the everyone in this world, so if the international community reaches this belief that those are innocent people, civilians, women and children, human being are being sluttered, then they will move and to maybe. try, they can do nothing of course, but to force the israeli regime to immediately stop these crimes being committed against the people of the gaja ship. the first thing that must be done now is reaching a sease fire, allowing the opening of the rafah crossing in the gaja ship in order to allow the entry of the of the trucks that are full of
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medications that the that bring food and equipment to. the into the gaz strept the the the the the us president is supposed to come and to meet with the with the with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, experts are saying that before he came, it was a visit to support israel and to clearly say that the united states is with israel, however analysts are saying this crime on the hospital on al ahli hospital in gaza may... you will change something, but no one knows what it will change, will the us say that the israel is mistaken in firing and in targeting this hospital, or they will say they will stand with them as usual and support them, and they will say that everything is allowed
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a war, unfortunately when we are speaking about wars, military experts say that everything is allowed in the wars, but let's remind our viewers that it's not an equivalent war, this is a genocide being carried out by the israels against the people, those are fully armed military, fully armed soldiers, are carrying out massackers, airstrikes every day and night on the people the ga ship, people who have no shelter, they don't have ground shelters, they have only their homes, they have, they can take shelters in the hospitals, in the mosks, in the churches and unfortunately one of the hospitals has been targeted, facility of others of other hospitals has been attacked as well, the rafah crossing that is supposed to be safe area, and the israel said that it's a safe area, they they will allow the
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opening or they were thinking about opening the crossing in the... uh fired their missiles at the rafa crossing twice, not once, people were trying to take shelter by moving from south from north the the ghaza ship to southern the ghaza ship, people were were fired at the the israeli air strikes, attacked hundreds of people while they were on the way to save themselves, while there are no shelters in the gaza strap uh at least 77 were killed on that day and the number increased, the hospitals are full of bodies, are full of thousands of people wonded and the situation situation is even going to uh to to uh to be more difficult on the palestinians there. thank you mona press tv's monandial joining us from ram we also now
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have journalists and political analyst monir ahmad joining us uh from the pakistani capital islamabad let's start off with a recent comment that we have right on the bottom bottom of of the screen we can see excuse me, hamas said that israel's tuesday attack on gaza hospital is impossible without the green light of the united states uh, so how much support uh is the united states giving to the israelies right now, i want you to expand on that and how far will the uh uh with will the united states go in its support for the israeli regime as a hospital has now been attacked in defiance of... international law where so many people seeking treatment have have now been killed. okay so we can
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redirect that question to uh mariam seller correspondent joining us from the lebanese capital until we get uh ready from islamabad mariam uh i want to address that question to you uh the uh hamas officials have stated that the attack that took place on the alahli hospital in central gaza could not have taken place without the green light from the united states, please elaborate on that force and basically how far uh will the americans, will the united states support the israelis in in this type of action, which is being considered as a war crime and is being considered as genocide against palestinians. well the israel, the americans never israeli operations against really full scale um killings and aggressions, whether against
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gaza or lebanon itself, actually in 2006, the george w. bush administration was pushing for continuing the war more than 33 days, it was the israeli army that was incapable of doing so, and so therefore they called for mediation, they called for some sort. of a uh an exit of that war since what was happening was really detrimental for them was destructive for them despite all the assistance that they were getting from the us uh hazballah was with its humble capabilities with the fact that hazballah was not even ready they said it themselves they were not ready for that type of war and still they inflicted heavy losses on the israelis they would not the israelis could not even get one single soldier into lebanese territory uh they could not um their markava tanks were brought into certain areas and then they were completely destroyed by hazballah's missiles, so that was lot, there was a lot of surprises that hezballah uncovered during that war to
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show that they are ready to fight that, and despite all that israel support, the american sport, the americans wanted to change the middle east, now we are looking at something where these the americans are actually using that war to blackmail uh other uh the the arab leaders, this meeting today with b as analys say and they uncover that the main issue was that going to be during that meeting with the uh jordanian uh king, the president of of egypt and the president of the palestinian authority, biden was going to basically blackmail them, to tell them that if you don't want this aggression to continue, you don't want this war to continue on gaza, you need to accept that there be a some sort of a foreign hegemoneny over gaza and that everything that that hamas controls. needs to be liquidated, that we need to, we need to end that, and we will give support, we will give uh supremacy for palestinian authority, and uh abu mazin would probably get more more power in gaza where he lost the
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elections, so basically what they wanted to do is basically put their hands on gaza, try to take control of that, and it is the united states that wanted to take that control, and they would be the ones that would be the uh, the the landlords or be the ones who are controlling the hegemony over over gaza. and they were they didn't have that problem, now we hear the talk about the fact that they don't want bloodshed and and this is the the double standards that we were talking about that many of the arab um leaders, arab officials, the islamic republic of iran has always talked about that on one hand, you're giving bombs to the israelis and we do know now from reports that the bombs that were shelled on the um baptist hospital were definitely us made bombs, they were the same bombs, the same sounds, the same extent of destruction, the same efficacy, so basically those were the same bombs that the israelis use, there is absolutely no doubt that the israelis shelled that hospital. using the us
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weapons, so that is on one hand, they continue to give that support uh to the israelis to kill and destroy and this bloodshed, we can definitely see that all the casualties so far have been only civilian women and children and civilian uh and elderly and so on, and on the other hand they come and say they they don't they are against blood or they are against massackers and what happened it is unacceptable and we are looking into it or they are investigating it, we're not sure what happened, so it's it's become something of a month. mondaine sort of talk that we hear always, we've always heard from the americans, nothing has changed, whether from the george w. bush administration during his wars against labanon and gaza, and in addition to what we are seeing now, now we what we are seeing is even, i think maybe more towards stupidity than it is, even knowledge of what they are doing, in light of the the mental um status
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of the us president self, and so from that perspective, the us will try to do that. now this meeting that he was trying to do as a result of this massacre that has failed, or at least the palestinian president has has left uh the the the jordan. we also know that even biden himself could not reach the bingorian airport as well, since it is of course always under hamas's rockets. we know that he's increased, and what he will do next is not clear, he's not going. have the support definitely of the arab leaders in this right? thank you mariam. uh, we're now going to run some footage of uh what took place in the united nations security council, yesterday, the voting proceedings for the russia proposed humanitarian sease fire uh to uh to the onslot on gaza. let's watch. the provisional agenda for this meeting is the situation in the middle east, including the
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palestinian question. the agenda is adopted the observer state of palestine to the united nations to participate in the meeting in accordance with the provisional rules of procedure and the previous practice in this regard. will those in favor of the draft resolution contained in document s/2023/772. please raise their hand. those against, the draft resolution has not been adopted, having failed to obtain the required number of votes, don't send the signal that the...
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don't matter, don't dare say israel is not responsible for the bombs it is dropping over their heads, don't justify the killings, don't blame the victim, and repeat, don't, don't do that, what is happening in gaza is not a military operation, it is a full scale assault against our people. it is massacres against innocent civilians. joining us now is journalists and political analist ahmad with us from pakistani capital is mr. ahmad uh when we're looking at that at that footage there, why would a humanitarian ceasefire be uh be shot down at the united nations security council? what's the what's the
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motives? what's the purpose of that and also? so if this humanitarian ceasefire was implemented and it was passed in the security council, lot of the mass murdering of gasons would have been prevented. yes, you are right, it's a massacker was prevented by all those powers who claim to be the more most human rights champions and this is seriously one has to consider them the f governments against the palestine and they are supporting israel like anything and 100 billion dollar aid is in process on the other hand they have given clean shit to israel to like just destroy the ghaza but they have squeezed to just few kilometers.
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