tv [untitled] October 18, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm IRST
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the 12-day non-stop bombing being carried out by the israeli regime against the beessige people of ghaza. so i'm being told by the control room right now that the us president joe biden is arriving uh in tel aviv as we speak. this is of course in continuation of the full and unequivocal support that the israeli regime has received from the united states, of course in uh in response and uh to denounce this constant support that the united states has been giving uh to these rabies uh a uh meet and greet between uh the
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palestinian president mahmoud abbas with the us president joe biden was announced to be canceled on behalf of the palestinian side, also jordan has announced that it will be cancelling that meeting uh as well in protest at the us support for the onslot uh and crimes being committed against the palestinians in gaza. however, live images that we're getting right now are of us. president joe biden, landed in tel aviv, various israely officials, various israeli officials and the israeli prime minister benyamin netanyahu are there to greet the us president uh, i believe we still have mr. soy and mahmoud joining us uh from lahore, mr. mahmoud, you you talk to us about this uh, this unequivocal support that the united states has been giving to the likes. of uh of
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the israeli prime minister that we're seeing right there bany netanyahu and the constant support that washington has given throughout the years to the israeli onslot against palestinians in gaza and the israeli occupation of palestinian land uh in the occupied west bank uh how would you break down this level of of support when we're seeing innocent palestinians being slaughtered by the uh by the israeli onslot. but and yet still we see uh the uh the americans coming out in total support of israel at this point in time support to israel has to be taken for granted and you have to understand the tremendous organization, the tremendous power of the israel pro israel lobby in the usa, i mean for the american public affairs committee is
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a formidable organization and to its credit, i mean has has lot of connections, has lot of networks and you know acts very swiftly, in favor of israel, whenever israel is in trouble, whenever there there is a crisis in israel, the aipsc gets act together and they start pressurizing their their own government, i mean they have lot of connections in both the democratic party and the republican party, and i am giving credit to that organization. i mean, this is the way to do it, america is the democracy and lobbing is perfectly legal, i mean there's nothing you know sinister or the you know wrong about it, this is the way that america works, america is very open society, so if you believe in zoinism, if you believe in
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israel, you believe in the post, mean you will lobby your own congressman and senator, you will put pressure on your own government to support israel, right or wrong, whenever the chips are down, and as far as the pro israeli guish lobby is concerned, you know, mean they they think that this is moment. of crisis and they think that right or wrong, mean they have to stand by israel, no matter what, because they think that you know israel has has been you know challenge as never before, i may recall that this was very big intelligence failure, the hamamas attack on on on october 7. 12 days back was very
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of surprising and it mean they they were totally a loss to explain what had happened, they had never imagined it they could not i mean they could not... react, they could not, and they reacted in the only way that you, they could was to use force, and later on there would be a day of reckoning and later on the natan your government is going to pay very heavy price because of its complesency, because of its arrogant, because of it, because of its sheer, you know, racist attitude and sheer power, you drunk with... power and ignoring the palestinian sweeping the palestinian problem under the rug, remember that israel had been working for abraham records, mean i going back to the history of couple of years back during the trump administration, recall
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that you know the ue and bahrain, mean they had opened up relation then later on mororo, though things were going in the favor of israel and now you tell you was was planning to have the saudies come into the abraham accords in a big way and they were talking of you know reconciliation with the saudis and nanu government was working with along with the american government administration wanted it very badly because of the politics inside you know the the country i mean they want to show their support and they want want peace in the middle east as they see it and the way is het is, i am talking of hold that thought there, we do have more live images of pro-palestinian rallies now, high school students in city makluf in algeria have also taken to the streets in support of the palestinian cause, denouncing the israeli
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regime's attack and massacre of palestinians in a gaza hospital, which uh has claimed at least 700 lives, according to palestinian, according to a press tv reporters, also many... palestinians remain under the rubble, as uh we also know the israelis have been carrying out their attacks against the besieg people of gaza from the early hours of this morning, today is the 12th day of the non-stop israeli bombardments and arial attacks on the gaza strip. as we mentioned earlier, various cities around the world are seeing similar uh demonstrations and riley's will try to update you on all uh the uh the details of these demonstrations so you know the uh the level of support, the worldwide support that the palestinians are receiving right now during these dark hours, this is also in the city of mashad in uh iran uh where demonstrators are also uh taking to the
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streets to rally and support of the palestinians back to sul mahmoud, our political analyst joining us now from lahor, mr. mahmoud, there have been a number of international official reactions uh with regards to what's taking place on gaza right now, one of those reactions that we want to focus on is coming from the russian president vladimir putin, he said first of all that what's taking place right now, the the escalation in west asia region is in fact, quote, because of the failed us policy, also uh russia's putin compared the unacceptable gaza siege to the nazi. bloccade of leningrad, please break down those comments for us. well, the russians have been supporting the palestinian cause for some time, and but but you know russia has has good relation with israel also, so they want
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to balance on the one hand support to the palestinians and the other hand, you know, israel's relations, especially israel's high-tech and you know... their commercial relations, but for all practical reasons, putin's comments of putin's attempt in the united nations security council, you know they have been attempting to have sease fire resolution passed in the united nations security council meeting, but that was obviously blocked by the usa and great britain and france and i mean that's not going to happen. we know that because of the weat of power that the usa has and the support that the usa has in the security council, i mean they were five countries that that were supporting russia calling for sease fire, but they were 10 that were against so that resolution did not even come on the
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table, but for all practical purposes because putin you know has been distracted because of the war in in ukraine as the americans have been destructed in the war in ukraine, so putin's support at the abovement doesn't count for much because he himself. has tremendous problems and tremendous you know business to do with the with the ukraine crisis, so he cannot be distracted, his focus is on ukraine, so you know his support to palestine does not amount to much, it is not russia, as a preeminent power, russian power has been diminished is not a super power anymore, russia is more of a regional power and at the moment russia cannot be expected
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to do more than just gave you form support, just give voice declarations and nothing more than that, so i wouldn't count on putin support at all, right, and the demonstrations of continuing worldwide to various cities across iran are seeing similar demonstration. is taking place right now in support of palestine uh in support of the uh the besieged gaza strip also denouncing uh the recent israeli massacre of palestinians as they targeted hospital in central gaza killing at least 700 people scores remain under the rubble as we speak.
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and very strongly is iran, can you hear me? well joining us now to further expand our discussion, we're joined by political analyst lembad opec who's joining us from the british capital london, mr. opec welcome to the program, first of all give us your thoughts on uh uh the worldwide condemnations that we're seeing right now uh in uh in response to the israeli attack a hospital in gaza the response. to this attack which in my view quite clearly was israeli sponsored uh has
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radically altered the balance of propaganda power away from israel and towards palestinians. i think that we have to recognize a quite a lot of chat was shared by members of the israeli military last night which more or less proved that they weren't just taking responsibility but they were. for the fact that this had occurred as well, those treats were taken down quite quickly, but not before people had already saved them, so i think we can be fairly certain who the culprat is here, it beggers belief uh to suggest that palestinians did this to themselves. secondly, what i notice in the western media reportage is a willingness to still entertain the possibility that the uh palestinians did this to themselves, there's such bias in the reporting, but the public, and this is the important point, the public seem to be taking the palestinian side now,
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mr., you mentioned uh, the the bias in the mainstream media portrayal of the events, you think that that has many are calling that the pro israeli propaganda, basically, would you say that it has failed when we're seeing the worldwide uh support for palestinians, how would you attribute that to the increased global awareness? with regards to the palestinian cause uh, yes, on the first point, i do think that the palestinian propaganda machine is now failing, and let's be clear, this isn't about judaism, it's not about semitism or anti-semitism, this is about condemning the actions of a political body, which is the israeli government, and if people want to hide behind some seudo religious uh defense here, they're completely wrong, any government, regardless of religion, should be condemned for the kind of attacks which are taking place against palestine. on the second point, uh, it's
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interesting, you should ask this question, because i attended a press conference here in london by the palestinian ambassador yesterday, and he pointed the finger of blame, not just at western politicians, but the western media also for giving a biased account. i have seen no evidence of any of those old legacy uh media outlets accepting responsibility or even reporting the comments the palestinian ambassador, and that was before this horrendous attack on the hospital last night, and back to the members of the public, the public have decided that however this started with the hamas incursion 10 days ago, perhaps it's actually hundred year problem, and attributing blame to the whole situation is all down to where you begin to look at the history, and for the first time i think the public are beginning to understand the level of oppression that palestinians have been living under, and israel can do nothing to stop that change in mood. sure,
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and uh, what about the level of support that these? are getting from uh the likes of the united states, not just uh uh in in terms of uh weaponry and and assistance and um verbal support, but we also see these countries giving their total backing to the uh to the israelis in the united nations security council, also a meeting which was held yesterday, a russia proposed humanitarian ceasfire was vetoed by uh all the israeli allies in the in the unsc, what can you tell us about that? yes, historically, the west, particularly countries like britain and america, have aligned themselves very closely to israel and behaved in a way with double standards, so that israel sometimes gets criticized or even condemned, but gets away with things that other countries would not be
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allowed to do, why? because i suppose historically britain and america carry most the responsibility for the events that caused israel to be set up in the first place, and regardless of the noble intentions there, everybody knows that people were displaced 75 years or so ago, in order to accommodate israel, but here's the problem now, with the level of condemnation amongst the voting public in places like america and the united kingdom and elsewhere, it's going to be lot more difficult for the politicians to persuase win public relations victories as joe biden is clearly hoping to do with his visit to israel, because they can't hide the fact that the hospital has been blown up, they can't conceal the fact that hundreds of thousands of people who have nothing to do with militancy at all, who just wanted to live their lives, are injured, displaced and
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being killed, including a large number of children, and that looks very bad for western politicians who pretend to ignore her. so actually we're seeing people power in a way i wouldn't have expected at this stage in the dispute. stay with us, mr. opec, stay with us, sir, we're going to listen now to a speech that was made by leader of iran's islamic revolution ali khamenei yesterday regarding the recent developments in gaza. در قضیه فلسطین اونچه که جلوی چشم همه دنیاست. جنایت نسلکشی رژیم قاسبه. این همه دنیا دارن مشاهده می کنن. مسئولین بعضی از کشورها که با مسئولین کشور ما صحبت کردن. در دفاع از رژیم
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قاسب صهیونیستی اعتراضشون این بوده که چرا فلسطینی ها غیر نظامیها رو کشتن اولاً این حرف خلاف واقعه یعنی اصلاً اینایی که تو شهرک ها اینها هستن غیر نظامی نیستن همهشون مسلحن حالا گیررم غیر نظامی چه تعداد غیر نظامی کشته شدن ۱۰ برابر اون ها الان داره این رژیم قاصب از زن و بچه و پیر و جوان میکشه غیر نظامی که تو این سااختمان های غزه نظامی که ساکن نیستن نظامیها جاهای خودشون هستن می دونن هم اونا اینا همین مردم مراکز پرجمعیت رو انتخاب می کنن و می زنن
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چند هزار تا حالا کشته دادن فلسطینی ها در غزه تو همین چند روز این جنایت جلو چشم همه مردم دنیاست. اینا باید محاکمه بشن. دولت قاصب رژیم صهیونیستی امروز قطعاً باید محاکمه بشه. اونا باید محاکمه بشن. دولت آمریکا هم باید مسئولیت خودشو تو این قضیه بشناسه. اون طوری که اطلاعات متعدد به ما میگه سیاست جاری این روزها یعنی همین هفته اخیر داخل رژیم صهیونیستی رو آمریکایی هارن تنظیم می کنن. یعنی سیاست گذاار اونان اونا این کارایی که داره انجام میگیره سیاست آمریکایی هاست. آمریکایی ها مسئولیت
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خودشون رو مورد توجه قرار بدن. مسئولن. بمباران ها باید فوراً قطع بشه. ملت های مسلمان عصبانی ان. جداً عصبانی ان. نشان هاشو شما دارید می بینید اجتماعات گروه های مردم نه فقط در کشورهای اسلامی در کشورهای اروپایی در کشورهای غربی مردم اجتماعات می کنن مسلمان و غیر مسلمان کشورهای اسلامی هم که روشنه مردم عصبانیان اگر چنانچه این جنایت ادامه پیدا کنه. مسلمان ها بیتاب میشن نیروهای مقاومت بیتاب میشن کسی جلو اینا رو دیگه نمیتونه بگیره اینو بدانن توقع
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نکنن از کسانی که نگذارید فلون گروه فلون کارو بکنه که کسی نمی تونه جلوی اینا رو بگیره وقتی بیت شدن این یه واقعیت که وجود داره البته: هر کارم بکنه رژیم صهیونیستی جبران شکست مفتزهه ای که تو این قضیه خودد رو نخواهد توانست بکنبرایی. the city of mad where demonstrators are taking uh the streets in support of palestinians and support of gazans and also denouncing the uh israeli massacre that took place on the uh
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al-ahli hospital in central gaza, which has left hundreds dead, many more remain trapped under the rubble, so this is uh basically a continuation of the overwhelming international and global support of palestinians that we've been seeing specifically over the past. last few days, but this type of rallies uh have been a common occurrence since the israeli uh onslot on gaza started on saturday october the 7th, that was when the gaza based resistance movements in retaliation for the decades old israeli occupation and the constant and day-to-day israeli crimes they launched operation also storm uh on uh the uh on the israeli regime. uh, the uh israelis then subsequently started a non-stop aerial assault on the gaza strip, which is gone into
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worldwide rallies in uh support of the palestinians and gazans continue across the world opec former member of british parliament is uh still with us from the british capital london mr opec. what are your your reactions to these international rallies that we're seeing? mr. opec lambard opec, are you with us? yes, i can hear you. yes, i'm here. all right, what, what do you what, what are your reactions to the international rallies, the worldwide rallies that we're seeing right now, like the one we're seeing in tunisia. uh, as i was saying before. "the
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politicians and their stuge media has tended to uh be very supportive of israel and really under play the problems and the occuping nature of the uh of the oppression against palestinians, but what's happened now is that massive number of media outlets and the general public have taken opinion forming into their own hands, so whatever the bbc and the old media might want to try and get." the public to believe the public has a different view. fundamentally, i think the human race is fair-minded and is compassionate and does not like to see people being oppressed. and whatever joe biden and rishi sunak and the rest of tried to give the impression of, namely that hamas created an unprovoked attack and all of this is their fault. israel has so overplayed its hand that the public have taken a different view. and what this
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probably will mean regardless of what? media says the politicians will start getting worried that they're backing the wrong horse, and privately, at least biden is going to have to tell benjamin netan yahoo! there is only so much that i can get the american people to accept, and we're maybe getting close to that stage now. mr. opic, russia, the russian president vladimir putin has weighed in on the recent uh events and the recent war on gaza, he uh, putin himself believes that uh he blames if failed us policy for the recent escalation in the west asia region, would you agree with that? well vladimir putin has avested interest, but it seems proposals, well for united states and britain haven't done that, so biden's inability to manage the situation. to manage
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the behavior of his allie israel is potentially giving vladimir putin a public relations victory. now if you consider the implications here, that makes it much more challenging for biden to get the support of his people in waiting a war in the ukraine against russia, because people might start thinking putin isn't as bad as they've made them out to be before. in the geopolitics we're seeing and it's a fast moving situation. byden's biggest problem is the uncontrolled aggression of benjamin netanyahu and his military against palestine and so essentially i think putin is playing it smart and biden's playing it dumb. what about the issue of accountability mr. opec there should be accountability for these for these crimes that are being carried out. there should be
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serious consequences for kill. children for targeting hospitals, for targeting schools, for targeting un run facilities, which were intended to give refuge to those fleeing uh war and and these these types of attacks, so when will we see uh any form of accountability, if there will be any, of course, on the first point, i grew up in northern ireland and they were killings on both sides, and we've seen that here as well, and those have killed and murdered, especially when you think about the number of children and innocent people involved on both sides, they must be held accountable, and that is an accountability that will should affect everybody from hammas to the israeli defense forces and the politicians who sponsored some of those decisions. on the second point, even this morning i was watching the state sponsored media outlet in the united kingdom bbc, and they gave a long opportunity for
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