tv [untitled] October 18, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm IRST
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or hopefully our fighters will be assisted by divine blessing and the issues and predicaments of the islamic community and those facing iran, hopefully they will removed, and that's the end of the speech. iran's president, speaking there to packed crowd, tens of thousands of branies have come out, we're going to cross on over now to beirout to see incident that's taking place in front of the american embassy there. testers are clashing with the security forces there, obviously um they are angry as to what's happening to the palestinians, but here we're seeing the scenes in front of that embassy, um, from what we're looking at over here, they're converging on one of these streets and i believe the embassy is there on the right hand side, i think, but it
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nevertheless, it's actually not that important, um, the anger that's coming out on the streets of bayroot in this case and point, maybe reflective what what we may see around the world in terms of uh how um, not only what israel is doing, but the assistance that uh the us is giving israelly and otherwise, um, you can see the water uh there being sprouted to the protesters, which uh, there appears to be a large crowd, if that camera zooms back as it is, we can see how many protesters have come out to the streets and now they're being dispersed by the uh police there to your left, in sana to your right is what's happening in yemen where they'... usually i think that the record in terms of how many people come out uh for how many days now showing their support for the palestinians, but take a look at what's happening there on your left, especially on the top side of your screen there, let's listen to what's happening a little bit.
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on the streets of bayt in front of the embassy now dispersed the crowd is being dispersed by the security forces there, the people are out there angry and they're showing their anger and i don't even care for uh getting injured, you can see the uh level the um, i guess actions by the security forces there against the angry people there in lebanon, ins sana there you have. the yemenis to have come out and they are uh out again in force showing their support for palestinians. the official announcements by uh movement leader abdul malik althi, the official stance as of days ago when he gave a speech is that yemen and yemanis are ready to join the war against uh israel in any shape or form if they are called upon, and uh that is something that we're seeing um in terms of some muslim countries where their citizens are voluntarily um um asking to to join the war against israel because they want to stop the massacker that's taking place, just keep
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note of what's happening there to the left of your screen uh, it was quite an exchange of fire there, i think there were lot of sound bombs, but then we saw what appear to be smoke, maybe grenades that were thrown in, i'm not too sure, but those are the security forces there, basically um, the uh lebanese, the protestors are were in front of the us embassy there. uh showing their anger, they were out there um and you saw the skirmishes that took place, and to the right you're seeing tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands uh of yeminist have come out showing the solidarity. yeah, so um, you know, these uh protests that are taking place is not just directed at the us uh obviously and natural outcome has been uh protest across the world uh showing their anger
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against israel in front of uh any country that is hosting the um israel not hosting but where an israeli embassy is located um there are many who have come out uh from the past uh i believe it's been 15 hours now since that attack on that hospital took place which has claimed the lives of a minimum 500 palestinians one of the most remarkable yet shocking um things about the number of deaths uh is the fact that by many accounts, it's becoming clear that 70% of the uh people who have been murdered and the palestinians have been murdered have been women and children and uh that's really sad state of affairs where you have the us president to have arrived in israel today and uh basically not only showing its support for israel as it has it is customary to do for it to have done but also saying that israel is not responsible for what has occurred in terms of that attack at the hospital. in so many words he did not say it, but he alluded to that fact, that has drawn more anger from people, as we're
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seeing, for example there on the left of your screen in beirout. those are the lebanese security forces actually going after the demonstrators to try to quell the situation, but the anger is boiling at this point and spilled over. the 12th day of this uh war, claiming so many civilian lives, palestinian innocent palestinians, mostly women and children is making people come out in droves and the hundreds of thousands in the case of sana over in yemen and uh there in beirout we're seeing how these um security forces are uh trying to push back the crowd, it's really interesting to see how they've come out in the form and manner that they have, the security forces there, it's it's going to be kind of hard at from this point after that attack on the hospital to uh try to contain the crowds uh spain um um italy in in west asia or middleas some call it um all the
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countries have come out for example in jordan um herewan many have come out and many are showing their support for palestinians but uh some countries like in lebanon there in beirot in the capital you're seeing how that has um culminated in uh anger to that needs to be vented out uh maybe this is going to have an impact about uh the way. that certain countries are siting, not siting, but uh are showing support for israel or maintaining their usual stance, i should say for israel, again the streets of beirout there we're looking at.
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israeli massacker of palestinians showing their anger in front of the us embassy which i i think it's a block up, at this point they've been pushed away from that scene, but uh, the natural outcome of what has occurred, this comes on the day where the us president joe biden visited israel, so that could be part of the reason why they have shown and shown up in front of the us embassy. it's this particular instance is an unfortunate consequence, but then again highlights the fact that uh, the old uh way of dealing with this situation where israel wages a war uh is not going to... be sustainable and cannot be uh the way that it can move forward from this point on end. it's a lot of security forces there trying to contain the crowd. it's uh, it's quite remarkable to see so many of them.
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and you can just by taking a look at some of the objects that are in the hands, you can see that the protest mean business, mean imagine that the protesters here are pretty much putting in a sense their life on the line, they're not afraid of getting injured a minimum to show how much they hate what's going on with the massacre of the palestinians, so as i was mentioning, this type of incident may become a common. occurrence and there you have itpur is the scene of uh um demonstrations taking place, i'm sure against israel, but against the mere fact that palestinians are getting uh massacred, this is not in any shape or form comparable to what's happening there in beirout. sesungguhnya
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adalah syaitan akbar dan kamu adalah makkluk syaitan yang bertoping dan manusia, saksikanlah inilah wajah-wajah kanak-kanak palestin, inilah wajah-wajah mereka, sesungguhnya beginilah keadaan bentuk, wajah dan tubuh mereka yang telah diform oleh kamu wahai amerika dan sukutu kami islam tidak ada contoh pertsontohnya dan kalaupun. adalah manusia yang berkualiti, manusia-manusia yang didah wajahnya, namun kamu telah ciptakan mereka, wahai amerika dan israel, sesungguhnya kamu, i don't understand the language, but you keep hearing the us and israel, when he mentions america and then uh israel, persilakan.
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two scenes there as you can see reminder the root uh protestors were out the security forces there trying to thort them off um protesting against the israeli massacre as to what has occurred in particular occurred at the hospital andpur, just two scenes across the world where there's worldwide condemnation as to the boodal israri regime's crimes and massacker against palestinians, which by many accounts have been cited to be war crimes, at least three or four different ways that israel has committed war crimes. in
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the past hour we've heard from the iranian foreign minister who was over in jetta uh where the oic conference. was taking place there, he gave a 10- point recommendation as to what needs to occur, a couple of them were uh sanctioning israel and for there to be somewhat of movement towards uh what bds has promoted, not to buy products from israel, this goes for regional countries especially in west asia, and bairut now you have a different uh angle uh from uh this now we're street level that we're seeing uh the protesters who have come out. they have mobilized, it's got to be lot of anger, which is quite natural when it comes to, of course you know that's lebanon, where hezbollah is uh... but these people, these protesters, lebanese protestors, they the they have put - they don't care about their physical state of being to go out there in the form and manner that they are protesting, especially when you
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have hundreds of security forces raining down on you, so live from beiroit, you just saw scenes there and brush to use scenes from colal, anti-israel and anti-america, i should say anti-us protest. okay, great, so miriam salle comes into the picture now, our correspondent who is going to tell us uh what we're saying and what has occurred. mariam, uh, tell us what happened? tell me one to begin, i can't make out the mariam, if you have my voice, just tell us what, what's going on? see clearly, you probably can see behind me, the people are running for their life, actually, what we see here, the security that we are witnessing surrounding the united states embacy is something. that we don't see in any other embassy here in lebanon, it is clear that the security forces, even special forces from the lebanese army are putting forcing a crackdown on
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people who are unarmed, actually you see one the young men who would fainted as a result the teer gas being carried by his friends, we had several ambulances that also carried several people who were wounded as a result, we had other very angry people as a because they have kept them away so... far away from the us embassy, many of them even uh threw some rocks at the security um uh here that was surrounding the lebanese the us embassy and what i can tell you is that we're really far away from the united states embassy, we're not anywhere near the united states embassy and still the people who are protesting kilometers away are being treated as such by the security forces here in lebanon, of course many of them have come from from some of them have come from the... palestinian refugee camps, some of them from several different areas in lebanon, some of them from the bakar, from beirout, from different areas, they're all coming here to basically show their anger and their
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furiation with the us support for israel, we heard it very clearly, from the us president today, he is in israel itself, he is there to sit with the cabinet, and he has been considered by the people here as being the actual prime minister. the israeli entity itself, this is what the people here are saying, and every few minutes we have many of them running away, coming closer, protesting a little bit, then going backwards when the when the army fires tier gas, not only firing tier gas, they're actually hitting the protesters and hitting young women, he was hit, this one person was wounded very badly, no ambulance right in his throat and his mother is with him. they are hitting the people, people here are very angry at how amerikan, they're saying that the americans,
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they are the true zionists here and they need to be removed from our country, this is what they're saying, and he they are really angry at the lebanese army for protecting them, that they're protecting the us embassy, and like i said they're really really far away from the us mbc and they were in the vicinity the us mbc and still. we are being fired at at this moment we're trying to take shelter because the security forces are firing back the are throwing back the rocks that they were throwed out but the people here are extremely angry of course it started out as really a peaceful peaceful protest and it still is a peaceful protest but you do have many of the young men coming from the palestinian refugee camps this is the only way the only way they can show their they can show their they're not even seeing we're press. they're throwing at us at our sng, they're throwing at us and we're press, we even the journalists, they're throwing teergas, they're throwing rocks at us and that's the security forces, this is
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unfortunately the lebanese army that is considered by the us, the us continues to give donations to the lebanese army stressing that they need to be supportive and to protect the us embassy here, as you know the us embassy has been subject to many operations from the beginning of the israeli uh, israeli occupation of lebanon back in in the 1980s when the israelis were occupyng ah the us brought in gerald ford they brought in uh several many forces marines forces into lebanon people or some people thought that this these forces were here to at least maybe help the people or to not stand by the israels but they were on the opposite actually protecting the israeli occupation in the 80s when they were occupying the capital of of lebanon beirout these the us forces were here to protect the israeli occupation, this is what we ask every single person here, they all say this, and they feel the same way up until today that the us embassy in beirot
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is actually and espionage center and headquarters of the entire middle east, the u.s. ambassador, herself, meets with lebanese officials that are against the lebanese resistance, and people here find it that it is necessary for them to come and show their protest here at the us embassy, that that is the main side that continues to support israel, israel would not have committed all the crimes that has committed, whether it were in lebanon. from the 80's until the year 2000, the 2006 war, which was actually brokered by the us itself, the george w. bush administration, and today the crime that we saw in gaza, people here all believe the main side that is to held accountable is the united states itself, not only the israeli government, tell us more about what we're seeing in terms of uh the way that these people came out, i mean um i don't quite
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understand why the security forces there. if you have my voice uh mariam um and i would recommend you wearing a press jacket, i think that may help you, i'm not too sure if you are, but why are they using such brute, we didn't have enough time, yeah, i'm sure, while they're using such brute force against the demonstrators, usually i would think, given the circumstances uh, they should be more contain, because this shows that they're fighting each other, uh, the security forces should take more of a precautionary approach, but they're they're coming down pretty hard on the demonstrators, i'm not too sure, maybe demonstrators. uh have acted also maybe violently, but they're out there to show their solidarity, but also it's a natural consequence, but my question is why why there's so many of them and why they're acting in such anger, not the protesters, the security forces uh and the way the their handling, why why are they doing that? i'm sure they've been instructed to do that, i think, definitely, the united states has been in the last decade or so very close to the
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lebanese army leadership. they have tried to basically uh buy their way into allegiance for the lebanese army, they have given donations that are still considered very minute, they're very humble uh capabilities, nothing that would allow the lebanese army to be able to defend lebanon and defend it from an aggression like the israeli aggression, well at the same time you have them uh giving and certain donations to the lebanese army, especially in light of the current economic crisis, so and what we got when we saw lot of protests we saw... protest facing the the french embassy, protest facing the egyptian embassy, we've um, seen several protests in several other areas, we've never seen any crackdown against the protesters as we have seen today, and like i told you, we are kilometers away from the embassy, we're nowhere near it, and still you have that, and they have taken precautionary measures, they put barbed wires, we can't and get near to show you exactly how this situation is, there's barbed wires, there's um, big
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fortresses actually that were put forth from last night in order to make sure that no protester gets anywhere near the road that leads to the the us embassy. so why they did that now? with all of this, you still have this crackdown and the tear gas and so on, so perhaps there are some protestors that are extremely angry to the extent that they threw rockets, but they have their shields, they have their helmets, they're well protected, i think they can just let go, let the people show their anger uh. vent this anger out that the to protest, to say their words and they would have just left very peacefully, but every time there's a protest near the us embassy, the same thing happens, and this has been happening since the 1990s, since the occur of south lebanon, when the people used to come to the us and call on it to stop its support for israel and stop to give israel weapons to use against the people of lebanon, to continue to occupy lebanon and to continue its current, its daily shelling of. territory
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and killing of lebanese civilians, so basically this is what we were uh hoping to see, we have another group here that is still protesting since there are several roads, so one of them have turned and come back uh, but the security forces seem to have succeeded and basically moving away, most of the protesters, we can feel the tier gas now, we're choking actually from the tier gas, they continue to throw tier gas at us, but we also have seen a fire somewhere. and we don't know what caused that fire near uh one of the stations where they were deploying uh so we are still waiting to see if we've had ambulances like i said some several people wounded one of them was hit either with the tear gas itself or maybe with rubber bullets i'm not sure what they were using but one of them was hit right in his uh throat so this person was really endangered his life was endangered and they were even firing at us as journalists they're firing
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