tv [untitled] October 18, 2023 9:30pm-10:00pm IRST
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the headlines, genocide in gaza, hundreds and more palestinians are killed after the israeli military targets a hospital, the besieg gaza strip. the leader's islamic revolution khamenei deplores israel's genocide in gaza saying the regime should be put on trial over his crimes. also the headlines, people of many countries hold fresh rallys and solidarity with palestinians. they are calling for immediate end to the israeli onslot on gaza.
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9:30 p.m. in eran's capital techron, this is president news, thanks for joining us. hundreds more palestinians have been killed and yet another israeli air strike, this time a hospital in the besieg gaza strip, pushing the total death toll from the ongoing war to nearly 3500. the israeli air raid hit al-ahli arab hospital. in central gaza on tuesday night. the palestinian health ministry says at least 500 people were killed and many more wounded in the attack. that is the highest single day death doll in gaza since israel launched this war on october the 7th. the hospital was packed with people who had fled from northern gaza following an israeli order to evacuate their homes. israel has attributed the strike to a misfired rocket launched by the palestinian islamic jihad resistance movement, but the group along with another resistance movement, hamas, has denied the israely allegation. soon after the
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strike on the hospital in gaza, an advisor to the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu admitted in a social media post that the regime's air force was responsible for the attack. in his post on x, hananya naftali claimed that israeli air force had struck a habas base inside the hospital. he said multiple members of the resistance movement were killed as a result. hours later, however. he deleted the post, though screenshots of it went viral on social media platforms. ismal han political bureau chief of the palestinian resistance movement hamas, calls on the international community to condemn and to take action in response to israel's deadly bombing of hospital in gaza. americans take responsibility for giving. the
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cover in the un security council and refused to condemn this occupation and aggression. i call all the free people, the united nations, the security council and united nations general assembly, legal institutions. i call the arab league and the organization of islamic cooperation for a clear condemnation of this bad. for mass murder of our blood, our women, children and elderly, this silence must stop, israeli forces of attacked palestinians taking part in pro gaza protest in the occupied west bank, killing at least two and injuring dozens of others. palestinians took to the streets and several parts of the occupied territories, including ramala, alkalil bethlehem, and tulkharam to of condem israel's deadly attack a hospital in.
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they also urged the international community to stop israel's aggression on the besieg strip, which is in its 12th day. the casualties took place as the israeli troops used live ammunition, sound bombs, tear gas against the protesters. clashes were also reported between the protesters and the palestinian authorities forces. meanwhile palestinians in the west bank have also staged a general strike to condemn gaza hospital attack. since the start of the aggression on gaza, israeli troops have also intensified their attacks in the west. bank killing more than 60 and injuring 1300 others. iran's islamic revolution leader said the crimes committed by the israeli regime against palestinians amounts to genocide. در قضیه فلسطین اونچه که جلوی چشم همه دنیاست جنایت. نسلکشی رژیم قاسبه. این همه دنیا دارن
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مشاهده می کنند. مسئولین این بعضی از کشورها که با مسئولین کشور ما صحبت کردن در دفاع از رژیم قاصب صهیونیستی اعتراضشون این بوده که چرا فلسطینی ها غیر نظامیها رو کشتن اولاً این حرف خلاف واقعه یعنی اصلاً اینایی که تو شهرک ها اینها هستن غیر نظامی نیستن همشون مسلحن. حالا گیرم غیر نظامی چه تعداد غیر نظامی کشته شدن؟ ۱۰۰ برابر اون ها الان داره این رژیم قاصب از زن و بچه و پیر و جوان می کشه غیر نظامی که تو
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این ساختمان های غزه نظامی که ساکن نیستن نظامیها جاهای خودشون هستن می دونن هم اونا. the iranian president has once again slammed israelus crimes against innocent women and children in the ghaza strip. ibrahim called for an immediate action by the international community to end the regime's onslot against palestinians. he described hamas's operation as huge security and military defeat to the regime's intelligence apparatus. raisy added that israel cannot make up for its defeat by committing more war crimes. he said the tuesday attack a hospital in gaza marks the beginning of an end to the zincent entity. the iranian president also voiced readiness to send humanitarian aid to the besieg strep. ibram rc was addressing a mass rally by
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iranians in tehran, expressing their outrage against the israeli onslot on palestinians. meanwhile minister has vehemently cont the israeli regimes violent practices and carnage during the war on gaza, urging the islamic community to put an end or immediate halt to the regime's atrocities. abdullahyan was addressing an emergency meeting of the executive committee of the organization of islamic cooperation, known as oic. the constant policy of usurping the palestinian lands continuation of settlement construction, destruction of farm land and residential houses, torturing with... children and men and controlling the water resources and electricity, they are nothing but crimes against humanity. islamic countries must coordinate efforts to immediately put an end to the war crimes the israeli regime committed against civilians, especially women and children. the one's top
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diplomat called on the oic member states to urge the un security council to pass resolutions in support of palestinians and the condemnation of the israeli war crimes. he called. the formation of team of legal experts to protect the palestinian lives and to take to account the perpetrators of the war crimes and their commanders. emmy abdullah said the crimes of the zionist regime must be documented for future legal proceedings in international courts and tribunals. he also demanded that islamic countries severtise with israel, impose sanctions on the regime and ban all of its products in response to the ongoing genocide in palestine. rallies have been held in many countries to show solidarity with palestinians. in the iranian capital tehran, thousands gathered at the palestine square to condemn the ongoing israeli atrocities and crimes in the ghaza strip.
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but tehran was only one of the many cities where the mass of protest were held in neighboring iraq. angry protesters broke into baghdad's green zone where the us embassy is located. police in the lebanese capital beirout fired teergas to disperse angry demonstrators near the american consulates. in the jordanian capital aman, the outporing of anger against israel fueled a large rally near the israeli embassy with police using teer gas to disperse the crowd. jordanians demanded the government to close the ambassey and to scrap a peace a treaty with israel. hundreds of tunisians also hit the streets. protesting what they slammed as genocide by israel against palestinians. the burning of humans, the killing of babies is heideous act. this should not even happen to animals. this is a grave crime and a colossal failure, no matter how much you appeal to the international criminal court, it may not
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results. a unified arab stance is needed, enough of the disappointment, you have brought us shame. these crimes are described as brutal. brutal in every sense of the word, the israelis have abandoned principles, values and democracy and have exposed their falshood, lies and fabrications. they have revealed their hatred through their... rewards, actions, crimes and guns, but we tell them that only fearful, lowely and degraded human being commits such cowardices and disgrace, however, god willing, we will fight you, egyptians dressed in black held a funeral prayer for the people killed in the gaza hospital strike. yemenes and libyans also pour into the streets and droves to show the support for palestinians, amid over a week of heavy israeli mobarmed. on the long blockader territory. let me introduce our
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guest, nicholas ayala, political activist and writer from new york, new jersey, and sean murray, producer and host of the conversation from belfast. uh, welcome to you both, sean murray, first start with you. when you take a look at what's happening, the inaction, sounds like a broken record of the international community, if there is one, uh, mainly displayed through the un, inefficient, um, is preventing israel from the carrying out the massacre? i mean, even if they had a chance of doing it, which uh was on the low side uh, what what do you think about uh this failure in in this respect? i think in all all of the 70 old years that we have seen uh this conflict bringing i think it's the worst, obviously the worst in all this period, it's i mean it's just demoralizing to see how the media for me uh the western media has paved the way for the slaughter and the dehumanizing of the of the palestinian people, it's just it's just very very demoralizing setting. in the west and and and watching all this on fold and taking a look
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at uh the views that now people around the world have when it comes to israel, mass mobilization of people out on the streets, um even ones who are ready to put their lives on the line as we saw in beiroth and lebanon, um of course that's the population there is very much so aligned with palestinians, what does that show about the mass mobilization at this point against israel in the in the form and manner that it's occurred, which is unprecedented. well we've seen this mass mobilization before and the two groups that you've mentioned it's i mean it's it's recurring but what we need to see is is the the the arab countries around israel and north africa is said they need to come together and do something once and for all that's very very constructive and helps the palestinian people once and for all i think that's that's where this lies also all right well sean murray you want to take a look at our what i guess there said uh regional countries to mobilize we're seeing that happen in west asia uh we're seeing more so the fact that iran in this respect in some respects through for example what happened at
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the oic earlier in jetta where summit was held in saudi arabia um all countries are on one page right now in westa when it comes to what israel has done and to try to defend palestine but um words or anything on paper does not translate to action ground what can regional countries then therefore subscribe to in order order to prevent what's happening? well i think what we see is all those countries that we have seen uh that are vocally uh that have been very vocal today, they need to come together and first of all they need to sanction israel, i think that the west uh needs needs to be isolated and and many ways that can be done through through oil sales and and economic high the west economically benefits for some of these countries that should all stop right away, but i also think that there's there's a multi-polar world that we're we're gradually seeing now, and i think that we've seen america over over overstretch in this last
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number of years and i think this week we have seen israel overstretch more than we have ever seen israel overstretch and and its history, so i think that mass mobilization by these corporates, they they need to sanction israel, they need to come together and they need to do something constructive for for for the last time and get get the the the palestinian people uh to to have their own stathood. once and for all, i think, i think we're definitely unprecedented teams and this mobilization can definitely be constructive and we can see some positive things to happen around this issue. thank you for that, shan marie, nicholas ayala, let me get your input in here in terms of what international law states uh, there have been numerous war crimes committed by israel, that's a fact, there's no denying it, the visuals are there, there's also the use of uh white fosphorus, which is banned internationally. the war crimes that are committed along with that are testament to the fact that israel, it's not
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the first time that is doing, it has gone away with it, but in terms of the international repercussions, what can be done in order to um hold israel accountable, not only the israely officials, but also the ones that are committing committing the crimes, such as the the pilots who are responsible for dropping the bombs, ending up with palestinians being killed, well i think that. what the iranian administration has been pointing to is is probably some of the most important first steps in terms of how to deal with this administration the israeli administration uh you know we need to document these war crimes first of all we need to isolate israel, we need to sanction israel and we need to stop giving them impunity in the international arena, and the international forces and many nations are are beginning to drift away because of these international war or these war crimes that israel is committing, they're beginning to drift away from the israeli relationship that they once had uh president nicholas maduro as well came out and because and incited the un
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charter resolution 2334 which was a resolution which said that israel must stop and in settlements in in occupied palestinian territory, something that they completely ignored and continued to violate even before this war, and he cited that and failure compliance with the israel's failure to comply with that un charter, as one of the main reasons is why this conflict is going today, and also main reason as to why venezuela stands with palestinians, so as we see these war crimes are it's important that we document them now, and it's important that we first, the international community isolates israel and and as the irani administration says that we must begin to to mobilize unity and solidarity against the regime which will act with impunity knowing that it's violating international law uh and we're seeing not just i think west asia begin to unify but also places in latin america and africa uh and east asia beginning to drift further and further away from this uh israeli regime. uh the types of uh military
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assistance that the us is giving israel uh contains a whole array of weaponry, including the bombs that are being thrown, the particular bombs that israel is reported to have used uh that um have severe consequences that's not really that well known in terms of uh the types of effects and impacts it has. i mentioned the white phosphorus um there's also reports of these bunker busting bombs which penetrate deep into the ground and then uh kill anything that's within a 2 kilometer. radius, now the reason why i'm mentioning this is, these are unconventional weapons that's being used on the worst scenario uh on the palestinians, um, shouldn't there be any, i mean we we talk about the international uh responsibilities here in terms of even law, let's say, but where is where is the law when the us is manufacturing it, then giving it to
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israel and for israel to then use it on the battlefield, exactly, and i think that's important to keep in mind, in in spain and in the united kingdom um when the united kingdom a palestinian organization has begins to file prosecution charges, notice of prosecution charges against uh uh british prime uh british pms, british parliamentary members and i think this is important first step because exactly as you pointed out these weapons are being manufactured weapons that are illegal uh according to uh you know conventions against war, according to uh uh prohibitions on the use of chemical. weapons, these weapons are are known to be illegal, have been legal illegal for decades and are not being, there's not these factories that are making these weapons are not based in israel, they're based in the united states, they're based in the united kingdom, and these countries that are supplying israel with these illegal weapons that they are then using on the palestinian people should be held just as responsible for their crimes,
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just just as any country that is funding israel or allowing israel to maintain its military capability a time when it's committing genocide, they should all be held accountable, and it's important that we keep track of these receipts, keep track of the documentation, for example, the serio code numbers of where these uh uh missiles and these weapons are coming from, and if we when we look at that we can see that they're coming from the united states and there should be, as there is in the uk and and as i was mentioning in spain, the spanish uh social rights minister wants to uh suggest that that is benjamin natanyahu bring be brought up on war crime charges, which he should be. uh, it's important also, i think to to hold our own political officials accountable for these war crimes, because as we've been talking about, they are just as as responsible for these, they are the ones supplying israel with the ability to kill palestinians and that is just as bad as pulling the trigger. all right, sean murray, um, in terms of what happened with that hospital, it's uh, pretty much something that's still, one of the key factors behind
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this uh, condemnation uh, going into high gear, um, is is known to have uh um changed the story twice on that in terms of what is now described as deconstructing a lie which we when we look at the details uh indicate that it's not just the this particular instant where israel is doing that there have been many instances where it has uh um lied about what what has occurred the previous wars are examples of that and lot of uh times uh israel has actually bombed whether it's a un school whether it's a a home or what have you uh but the way that this is being now put out there using the phrase high confidence, many are going to be, many are going to fall for that, and that's the us uh side by the way, saying with high confidence that israel didn't do it and that islamic jihad did it, many are going to be foled by this terminology, which doesn't say with 100% certainty. um, this is something that theaters of war, us has used time and again
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including israel, um, what do you think about the way that they're trying to, not say israel is doing it, i'm putting the blame obviously on the islamic jihad in this case, well i think it's political to mods and i think israel is the best in the world of this kind of political semantics if you like, i think that most of us have have... grown to take anything that that the israel say at at face value, but you have to remember for for israel to conct these lies, they have to have a complaint media, and and they do have that and and broadcasters around the west, and and and if i look back, i can, you, i can chart three ways, how we have come to this point with israel, first of all, the media in the west, they were silence when there was crimes against the palestinians, they were supply support of israel, it was in every nuance of of of reporting... the bbc, cnn and and elsewhere, but then we moved into a second phase of delegitimating the resistance, the palestinian resistance, uh, tried to tie the
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resistance with uh islamic extremists like isis etc. and then if you delegetimase that resistance, then you're able to dehumanize the palestinians, which is phase three, and what's very, very worrying for the first time is seeing the media and seeing these leaders in the west give full card blanch to israel and... in the slaughter and and even after we have seen at least 500 people killed yesterday in the hospital that we have uh baiden still at the right hand of netanyahu cheer leading the slaughter and videoing today that united nations security resolution i mean we we've come to a place that even i thought we would never get to but it has to have a complaint media and the media have allowed this and and israel have been playing the media very very well for for for. many years, but but to have them so complaint as i've seen over this last couple of weeks, it's unprecedented, we have never seen the west be as complaint as they are now, and and
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and i think that needs the chance, we need a chance that ourselves within within the west, one of the things that can be done maybe if there's enough of a will for the international community uh to do that, if there are mechanisms to enforce it, which the us obviously knows what those mechanisms. are nicholas ayala, is sanctioning israel, now we know that uh that is possible for sure, but uh, again, the key word here being the will to do it, and if the u.s. uh, is going even allow that to happen, which it won't, but isn't that one of the steps that be that can be taken against uh israel? yeah, i i think that's definitely one of the steps to be taken against israel, and honestly, it is a step that as we said, it won't be allowed by the west, or by the united states, but it is an important step. i mean, when you think about it, this is the step that uh, international organizations advocating for palestine, have been have been pushing for
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for for decades now, think of the bds movement, this is essentially the sanction of israel, and it it the cutting off the financial ties to nation who is heavily relient on the financial sustainability from outside nations. i mean, let's not forget israel is nation that was created through in period. it was nation that was did not exist prior to 1948, it and it could not have existed prior to 1948 without the financial backings and and estab and base of the west, and so if that gets cut off, they're really it's difficult to imagine what israel would look like uh after that, if it could even exist after that, but this is i think sanctions are definitely one of the most important things and if i think if the us is not willing to do it then it's up to the rest the international community to act on behalf of in solidarity with palestinians and to take that step forward to to isolate uh israel financially. all right, i think i have
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time for one more question or not, maybe, but if so, let me go to you, sean murray, last question in under a minute, sean murray, what are we looking at uh in terms of what's happening on the ground and uh for there to be anything that may uh push israel and the u.s. to stop this, less than a minute. right, as as i mentioned earlier, it's the moralizing for me sitting in the west, looking in, but i mean, i mean, we need to do lot of work on the west, we need to push to have people like here starmer and those conservatives be to to be held accountable for their un unprecedented support for israel, and we need to deal with these politicians ourselves within our own country. all right, thank you very much for that, let me thank her guest nicholas sayala, political activists and rider from new york, thank you, and sean murry, producer and host of the conversation. from belfast, thank you to you both, that brings us to an end for our international news and uh our coverage of this uh, we ask you to stay with us uh at the top the hour recap of the uh top stories and
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هو يوم حزين نفقد فيه. الزملااء الصحفيين في هذه الحرب التي تشننها اسرائيل على غزه اليوم الاولنا اثنين من الصحفيين واليوم نفقد الزميلين سعيد الطويل ومحمد صبح هذه خساره كبيره لجموع الصحفيين وهذه تؤكد ان الاحتلال الاسرائيلي لا يرغب في نقل صوره الحقيقه من غزه يريد ان يغطي هذه الصوره التي ينقلها الصحفيون الفلسطينيون.
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