tv [untitled] October 19, 2023 1:00am-1:30am IRST
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leader iran's islamic revolution says israeli crimes in gaza amount to genocide. say ali khamenei has called for israeli officials be put on trial. they also. says a policy currently pursued by tel aviv is formulated by the us, hundreds of people are killed in israel air strike a hospital in central gaza. health ministry says hundreds are still trapped under rubble the alib hospital. thousands of civilians are seeking medical treatment and shelter from israel's relentless attacks there. well, but
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combinations are pouring in after brutal israely attack a hospital in gaza, the iranian president of islam regime strike is a war crime. abrahamis will soon be consumed by the flames of israeli american bombs that were dropped on the palestinians. meanwhile fresh rallies are held in show solidarity with polisty of the many countries amid ongoing israeli atrocities against crimes in the gaza strip. iran, among, baghdad, beirot, istanbul, and washington were among cities where people held anti-israeli demonstrations. and the palestinian resistance movement, hamas says israel's attack on ahli arab hospital in gaza proves regime's brutality and accent of his feeling of defeat. hamos also held the us responsible for the carnage since washington gives cover to israel's relentless attacks on palestinians.
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palestine is of great importance to the world's media because of the events and developments that take place there every day. the israeli occupation leaves no room for the palestinians to spend a single day without inconveniences and it does it through various means of repression, murder, confiscation of land and desecration of sacred sides, and it makes it look like the palestinians are the bad guys, and the israelis the good ones. this campaign of deliberate misinformation continued for decades until the day came that the... narrative that debunked that of the
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i think the palestinian press has managed and operated first and foremost based a national theme dedicated to the homeland and national responsibility. and free world about what is israel is doing, oh civilized people and free nations, this is what israel is doing to us, what distinguish media channel in this world was the influence it had on the zinest front, we were able by the grace of god almighty to infiltrate z media channels and broadcast. to
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the resistance, as you know, the zinst government and media follow al-aqsa space channel, and this is confirmed by a siness analys, we could enter homes outside palestine on tv and radio and show how the resistance. this is what the zionist occupation did not want their own people and the people of the world to see that the palestinian press has credibility of the news coming out of the zinus press which came from statements made by israeli settlers they don't have النظريه لم تاتي من فراغ بل اتت من مثاله واتت من تصميم
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the israeli occupation and its army first tried to keep the media away from the scenes of carnage during the 2014 gaza. the war, but when that didn't work, they went after the journalists, some of the most important facilities destroyed by the israeli occupation in 2014, were the five al-aqsa media network facilities. the headquarters at burgq financial management office. the office is at al-nasr and the office you are at now, were all targeted as well as the broadcast center. but we don't believe that we are more important than our children and our homes and the feature of palestine and our feelings do not shy away from embarrassment. our purpose is that our message to the people should not
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be disrupted because we believe they need us every second. we were back after few hours of the attack which was met with a positive response from the community. media network had aired resistance operational information that allowed the palestinian resistance to defeat a group of israeli soldiers. an operational failure for israel was not an option, and so they had to put a stop to the leaking of the truth to the outside world, and then to replace the truth by way of omission or denial. repeat with me, allah the almighty, allah, the almighty, allah,
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the heart, this is victory speech that we have started sharing on this blessed night, all respect and salute is due to brigades, we will start commentating after a short interval, stay tuned, that which was reflected through this war, the palestian narrative is credible when it comes to news, we were keen about that, whenus enemy said that five people were killed, we would replay the same we published it and this was validated by designus enemy
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later when they were forced to then confess that indeed eight of their soldiers were killed, we believe the resistance narrative because they are entitled to be belief المقاومه هي من تصدق. you believe we have a revolutionary privacy that distinguishes us from others? frankly we all received threatening letters to the order that several houses of colleagues were pounded with bombs. one of our colleagues in radio was bombed directly by an f16 fighterjet. this man was a journalist who was not engaging in any resistance for targeted due to his employment. the al-aqsa media network was but one of 19 media organizations broadcasting from the gaza strip which were bombed leaving them partially or totally destroyed. alshaab radio was one such network building reduced to rubble.
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we tried to take with us some devices such as a transmitter, which is an expensive device. due to the panic and stumbling around at 3:00 in the morning, seeing nothing in front of them, the tower we worked in after being hit collapsed into debr, when we couldn't grab anything from inside the radio station, we thought we had lost our important archives, we believed we had lost a voice for the people, months of work, another palestinian media organization assaulted by the israeli forces was national agency which provides services to local and international tv
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stations. this particular site was filmed by surveillance camera while under attack by israeli wearplanes that let fly several missiles which decimated the area, compelling and hard evidence of a war crime. واحنا على مدار اللحظه بنغطي لا نحن اصلا كنا في ليله we were offering round the clock coverage of the deadly nights which they targeted more than 30 houses throughout the gar we're not targeted as journalists
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individually, but they bombed our whole building, bringing it down with three missiles. it means the occupation is trying to silence media, audio and images. it's a crime, they want to kill the journalists in one hit. there were 36 journalists inside the building at the time. they targeted the building with no prior warning so that we had no chance to evacuate the building before. it's natural for journalists to be frightened, cautious and not want to stay long in places that clearly are a potential target of israeli missiles. many evacuated from their news desks and resorted to working out of hotels in their continued efforts to write and prevent their words and video footage from being silenced by the invading israeli forces. i come from han city, i had to move to gaza because of the very hard security situation. as a journalist i come to stay in a hotel where i am sure i can provide
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the needed life and life coverage surfaces to the to press tv uh well the i was injured in one in the morning i was attending my work i was doing this work in a area that is known to be full of journalists from the different media outlets including some foreign journalists who are doing some live coverage and media coverage and general for some international and regional uh media channels. this is the area where i was targeted and injured and where i sustained my injuries. i tried my best to stay away. i tried my best also to to establish what was happening, but it was far beyond my capacity because of the very strong ex blogen and because of the surprise and because of the injury.
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palestinian journalists continued to deliver audio and video reports during the war that so displeas the israeli government and military, it issued a statement which palestinian journalists interpreted as a preface to direct targeting. prior to targeting the first journalist in the gaza strip, hamed shahab, through their media office issued a public statement ordering foreign journalists who had entered the gaza strip to go to the beach hotel for sanctuary. we issued immediate statement telling palestinian journalists that it meant they were being targeted as long as they were not included in the statement. that was our perception of this. and the eve of... july 9th 2014, the first israeli aerial bombardment took place in what is considered
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the high-class neighborhood of alrimal in gaza city. the target of the rate was an automobile carrying a sign that red press on it and driven by journalist hammed shahab with co-worker hatim selmi at his side. they had stopped by hatim's home to briefly check on his family whom he had not seen in a while. remained in the car outside, a minute or two later, while hatim was with his family, a missile hit their home. anhammad shahab lost his partner. fourth day in a row without going home, i went then, returned home, had bath and changed my clothes, i saw my family, but decided not to see my mother, as i knew she would become too emotional, you know how mothers get after their sons are away for a while phone me to say he was
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coming to my home, i went to the balcony to watch for him, but he said he couldn't see. from the opposite lane because he was coming from our sabra neighborhood, so he said he is now in the street, and i told him i saw him and ended the call. i was going downstairs, my mother was there and she commented that she had not seen me in a while and that she missed me. i was touched and moved back to kiss her hands and head, and i was about to hold my brother's hand. prayers, we sat with my cousins and few unkles next to a press vehicle, وقفتت هان عندكم وقفت اللي هو to pick
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up hatim selme, a journalist who was upstairs. i moved to the next and they two were dead, then another and another, i wanted to work my way through those that died so that i may find someone alive to rescue, the injured i could help, the driver was nowhere to be found. the car was unrecognizable, the explosion was so severe. i searched for the driver, but found nothing until a first aid officer found his legs and half of his abdomen. the car suffered a direct hit, it was indeed the target. i imagined myself sitting next to him when the explosion occurred, cut to ribbons dying together as marters.
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as the war on gaza continued, the targeting of journalists too continued and escalated. israely occupational forces assassinated six journalists all in one month, prompting many other journalists to go into hiding. i would often warn him, but he always insisted. and help carry the injured on his searching to find them all. he used to come home asking about me in my day. he hit his blood stain
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close from me because he knows i have high blood pressure and diabetes. he didn't want me to feel upset. "where are you going?" he would say he was going to do his job and show the truth to the world. i reminded him that we have young children that need their father. what's meant to happen will happen? ryan did not respond to calls from his parents and wife to stay home and cover the war and go out in search of crimes being committed by the israeli aggressors. rami is a photographer and an only son. he is married with four children and his job supports them all, the whole family. ramy's family like other families of journalists worried incessantly every time bombing or massacre occurred. it was a traumatic time for all. i
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had my child rami after 14 years of marriage. i spoiled and doughted upon him as he was. my only son, he married after high school and had two girls and two boys, always sculded him saying he is an only son and all would be lost if someone were to knock on my door and tell me something happened to, may he rest in peace, he never listen to me, his work was message he had to deliver, even if the price رساله بدي ااديها انا روحي بادي رسالتي من هنا لما اموت يعني اخر فتره اتصلت عليه قبل هاm i found him in his last days, he was away so much and told him that he needs to come home. missed him so he promised to come home early that night and he did come and we ate dinner together he showed us some of what he had and spend time with his children as they filmed, horrible scenes from his trips accompaniing the... the last time i saw him, i was afternoon prayer and he was about to
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leave, i raised my voice saying allahu akbar, to make him wait, then he came to the window side and waited. once i finished my prayers, i told him that his kids are still young, and that because of the risk he was taking, that one day he would die in the blink of an eye. he told me that allah will look after them and told me that if i locked him in a box. he would die, so it's better that he lives as he was meant to. i told him that he exhausted me with worry, but that he's also right in what he said. one day, rami journeed out to cover massacre in al-sshajaya neighborhood, his photos taken at the site were the last images he ever took. scores of rockets and missiles rain down on the same area after the initial massacre and rami was martered. the incident of injure of injuring and killing and murdering uh rami rayan and ashajay neighborhood when the israeli occupation
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forces targeted the market killing with with the deceased dramy more than 17 people from a shaj neighborhood that was another evidence that our job is full of risks and that our life is at the stake but that also be that surprised us but that also made us determined that we are the guards. the truth, rammy's family lost their son, husband, father and soul breadwinner. the only consolation for the family members is that rami died exposing the truth, embedded in the photographs he took of the massacres and other crimes committed against the palestinian people. may he rest in peace, he has been martered, which is a privilege, praise the lord that he was chosen, he was kind-hearted and a good man,
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there is nothing worse though than when a child asks you, where is her father? you might answer that he is in paradise, but then the child says, when it rains, dad will get wet, and so he should come here to stay warm with us. you answer that, it won't reign on him, as the lord protects him in paradise where he has everything. war in gaza lasted for 51 days, by the end, dozens of journalists had been killed or injured, witnesses to israel's great loss over its battle to monopolize and control media exposure, which severely damaged its reputation on the world stage, witnesses to the success of palestinian resistance in the face of one of the largest and most technologically advanced armies in the world today, here there are seven marters, and about 30 wonded. after the wounded, some have permanent disabilities. in every war by israeli aggression, there's a great sacrifice from the palestinian media sector, and i can tell you that we have no problem in giving
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our souls freely to expose the hellish barbarism of the zinust regime. we have lost in this war 18 brothers from the family of the press in gaza, if journalists didn't put their lives on the line to expose israel's crimes. "if they did not succeed in this mission to be the messengers of the occupied peoples, then they would have not been targeted by the israeli army. i think the palestinian press succeeded in their endeavors that shows their love for their homeland. there was a distant challenge this time in that the palestinian media became serious counter weapon versus the western dominated israeli media a narrative. we were able to refute the narrative of lies and manipulation of the truth this time. station
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was saying, here is al shab voice from the studios of algod station, when watan and alaska stations were targeted, we said we were their voice, we made it clear if they targeted one studio that the whole ghaza radio network would all be the voice for our goods even if a war erupted right now, we will still continue our work, for instance, i'm from the neighborhood of bait hanon, where almost every family has been displaced, my family stayed initially in a collective center, our house was targeted, and thirdly, my place of work at. waatanya media was taken out by a missile. it took me just four hours to get back to my duties. every journalist is subject to risks just as the families and the thousands of children displaced. i didn't see
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my family for 52 days. even when injured, i kept on working, palestinian journalists of fierce workers in their dedication to expose the occupation in all its aspects. almost immediately after the war came to an end, media personnel returned to their offices to work, and staff of the destroyed networks found new premises to set up in and continue their brave cause. منذ لحظه قصف البرج as soon as the radio station was bombed by an israeli air strike, we were back in the settle coming up with ways to get back on air reporting events, even with the loss of the archive and the old premises of our shab, we started working and thinking of how to revive our efforts, despite the sustained risks, nothing will stop us from our path to serve the palestinian cause. radio station represented the resistant media, a voice that will never
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run out of means to continue. we have. in alternatives and options that the enemy is not even aware of our signals will never be permanently ended, with allah's will, we will return to the airwaves, always one time more than we are knocked down, they may have killed or deported journalists, but their pictures are immortal witnesses to all the horrendous atrocities committed by the israeli occupation on palestinian soil. الميدان تنجل همموم الناس بايمان وكل اخلاص والعالم الساكت لاجله ترن جراس يا فارس الاعلانا يا مشعل الكلمه are standing on the ruins of the house overlooking the school in the northern gaza strip town of hanon. the
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israelis rounded them up and killed 16 of them where they stood. mostly children, and wounded more than 55 others. the children were playing in the street, some were playing on the swings. we were surprised by the explosion, but when we turned round we saw the children had become shreds of flesh laying in the street, some were injured and some others were dead. my uncle shaban, jamal and muhammad were among those who died. every child of palestine now carries with them memories of explosions, of screams of horror by the inhumane, unconchionable actions of israel. i'm over in lakesh and i've come here
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to occupied palestine to investigate what the so-called deal of the century means for the palestinian people and the future of palestine. this deal is not a deal for beast or base plan, it is a war deal. we are the oppressed and they are the oppressors and they they want the oppressed to give more to the oppressor, they want the oppressed to be oppressed more. what would you do? you will just leave your houses for money, leave your land, leave your life, your memories, your history for money.
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genocide in gaza, hundreds more palestinians are killed after israeli military targets a hospital in the besieg gaza strip. leader of iran's islamic revolution i told the how many deplores israel's. genocide in gaza saying regime should be put on trial for its crimes. and people in many countries hold fresh rollies and solidarity with palestinians, they're calling for immediate end to israeli onslought on gaza.
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