tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV October 20, 2023 2:02am-2:31am IRST
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of as the israely war on gaza entres is 13th day, it's not a war just about a military uh offensive, it's a war on many fronts, the war of words and the media depiction of the war, when the attack on the hospital took place, that took the lives of hundreds, israel accused islamic jihad after falsifying information twice before that accusation. the us president meanwhile has said that it was highly likely that it was the islamic jihad that had done it, in this edition of the
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spotlight we will look at not only double standards and disinformation on the part of the western media and also their officials, but what has emerged as the us taking a leading role in this war, even though the us president joe biden expressed grief for the hundreds of palestinians thought to have died in the explosion of the alahli arab hospital in gaza city. first let me introduce our guests for this edition of the spotlight. sami ramadani is academic and writer who joins us from london. batul sabeiti is an activist and political analyst also joining us from london. welcome to you both. sammyndani. i'll first start with you. um, i was going to start out with the question that i had uh in front of me, but i couldn't help but uh look at the way that the information and news is pouring in on this war, and uh, you have on the one hand, how uh, the way the war is written through some of these uh, reputable so-called uh news agencies where they say. new uh armored vehicles have
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arrived for the israeli forces uh for for the war and and then after that you have 16 people to have been killed uh by the israel slot on khans um this is what the world has come down to uh and and in the case of israel and palestine in particular obviously it's more glaringly clear as to uh where the lines have become blurred but i think the world has realized that how do you think uh uh this is being played out when it comes to the media side of things? i think the media has become the western media has become echo chamber of the politicians in the united states, britain, france, germany, there is no longer genuine free press that expresses an interest even sometimes in seeking the truth, it they have become a propaganda arm of a war machine
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and the war machine is being manufactured and orchestrated in washington really israel would not dare, this israeli regime would not dare commit such genocidal war and commit war crimes without - i'm sorry, i think that yeah, let me move on, i think we we lost you for for second there, and i think that's the case, all right? let me let me come out at you with this uh double sidedness that we're seeing uh for example you had the us president joe biden while in israel say based on the information we have seen to date it appears a result of an errent rocket fired by terrorist group in gaza this is in reference to the hospital attack that took place okay now uh what what is telling about this is the terminology that i'd like to throw at you prior to that and that's highly likely.
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"we've heard highly likely in a number of previous wars that israel executed on the ghaza strip, of which it turned out, turns out that that means it's not with 100% certainty. there are many examples, maybe you can give us some where that's the type of narrative that's put out there where it looks like they want to put the blame on the accused here being the islamic jihad, but really they don't have all the information there which uh supports that accusation with 100% certainty. yeah, you know what's really funny, um, the idf itself joked about the hospital massacre, um, an hour, so so literally after it was committed, stating that you, due to the lack of medical equipment and medical staff that was decided to bomb the baptist christian hospital in gazza and to give them euthanasia death, um, this was actually in the arabic twitter of the idf, and the reality is they they glope.
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about the killing of palestinians, you know, they they call them, human savages, um, you know, we need to bomb every ounce of of ghaza, because these children are terrorists in the womb of... their mothers, for example, you literally have netanyahu, even his social media advisor, naftali who tweeted uh, after the occupation strike on the hospital, you know, they struck a terrorist base inside hospital. i mean, what's really interesting is, even the bbc itself, few days prior to that attack on the hospital, um, had claimed that actually, um, the palestinian resistance uses schools and uses hospitals as base, why? because they know that the occupying entity is going to target these very sensitive areas. so they want to provide a cover for it, the reality is, the zionist entity is not shy about showing the world the true face of its criminality, they've used chemical weapons, white phosphorus, they bombed the rafah crossing in which they ordered palestinians to evacuate through, killing
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hundreds, you know, preventing a trucks from entering into ghazah, this mass genocide that we're seeing in front of us, they they gloat about it, of course the reason that they're denying it and and the world's superpowers and medias are coming in their support and in their defense, is because the people of the world are waking up, it was that straw that cut the camel's back, you know, he knew that actually overs were killed, that they went out to deny that, but what i want to say about the media, especially in the west is that it's either controlled by the government, so if you're talking about the bbc, it's literally the government, and all billionaires, right? um, it's what we're seeing is just the continuation of old policies, and the reality is it's britain that handed over palestine to the zinanists like it was a piece of bread. it was the un that was institution that was formed post world war two by the victors of the war, so essentially the us, uh, britain and also the
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soviet union at the time, so that it can serve as institution through which they can practice hegemony on the world, or the emerging superpower of the west, because britain's uh colonialism fell into demise and america took over the reigns of power essentially, so so of course we shouldn't be surprised when we see that the media claims you know the israelis killed and and ghazans dead, because the media represents the interests of the establishment. okay, we have sami ramadani back, why did you continue where you left off, sami ramadani? yes, i was trying to say that the uh, the western media are really - conveying message which is been pushed out into the media channels in washington and they are spreading the message so that they can support as much as they could the israeli agenda and the israeli
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narrative to the world, so really this is the propaganda arm of the israeli regime conducting this war against the palestinian people and and the western media are definitely become the active propaganda arm of this war being launched by the israeli regime against the palestinian people, it's a genocidal war that's being covered up by the western media, and the western media tries as much as they could to portray the palestinian people as the aggressors, as those who are committing crimes, as those who are initiated. all manner of criminal activity or really in reality it's israel, it's occupation policy for the past 75 years, they want us to believe, the media want us to believe that this war that israel is conducting, this genicidal war of the israeli
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regime has just started few days ago, and not some 75 years ago, and it's not, they tr to convince us that it's not 75 years of oc of oppression, of apartite policies of uprouting the native population of palestine from their homeland, from destroying their farms, their olive trees, their homes, evicting hundreds of thousand of people from their homes, the they don't tell us that most of the population of gaza, this this most densely populated area in the world, most of this population are actually refugees from the 1948 genocidal war against the palestinian people, all this is covered up under pack of lies, they they just like they did over iraq, over pack of lies, they killed more than
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million iraqis and they want to hide the truth, they even target journalists who there to tell a bit of the truth, just like they did in iraq killing tens of journalists, so so really it's it's a package that is made in washington, spread through other western allies and the western media have become the arm of these wars of aggression and genocidal war. um, so uh, let's put uh some statements next each other, but the british prime minister wishionac went to israel, he said we would stand by israel in his darkest hour, he welcomed the decision to allow aid into gaza, and he said israel was doing all that it could to limit civilian deaths. you had the us president joe biden said pretty much the same thing in terms of it's all out support for israel, except for the fact that it was uh biden was in the war room devising plans. to how to execute the and continue the war, and then you have the israel minister for
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military affairs visiting the frontlines where he said there will be a price for that and we will have to uh, we will have a price to pay, but we will go on until we complete this operation to the fullest. not once did any of those two leaders say, how about a ceasefire? it seems like they are just encouraging for this offensive to take place and more palestinian. lives to be lost right um, do believe based on analysis um that the west was not prepared for this war at all, they don't want, they don't want the israeli occupation entity to enter into war, the they do not want the expansion of the fronts, because the truth is um that if the occuping entity do ground invade, the front will expand and they have no chances against the resistance in lebanon who depeated them over 16 years ago and is a... time stronger now, i mean america did send warships to the region because the israeli occupying entity is is
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weak and we can see that and all they've managed to do essentially since the start um of this confrontation is just massacre uh women and children and babies um so the reality is that western leaders sent their leaders to the region um to the occupy entity to calm them down to reassure them the west ultimately wants to manage i believe the... feet of the occupying entity, um, because the forces sponsoring and supporting the occuping entity, they don't want a confrontation, this was not on their agenda, no one expected october the 7th to happen, and certainly the west right now is in a situation where the zionist entity is not a priority its list, it's fighting for its survival as a unipolar power through its proxy war in ukraine to bleed russia. it's it's existentially threatened by china's economic development and technological growth, that's where its
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priorities are, so i would argue that actually, yes, whilst the zionist entity um is still an important tool for the west um currently in terms of confronting and acting as an intelligence space to to confront russians in some respects and iran, the reality is that um the zionist entity is essentially losing the functional role for which it was created for. and that's to act as that arm and extension of um the superpower of the day, which is america, an area of strategic importance, because the area itself is becoming less strategically important, so the reality is that the american intervention has everything to do with calming the tensions, ensuring escalation does not occur, that's all that we hear from the zionist, they're rattled with the idea that the lebanese front may filly open or that other fronts will expand, because if major's changes do happen and we do see that happen, then america wishes essentially what america wishes to do is it
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wishes to manage the affairs, it wishes to oversee it, even, even if that entails the ending of the zionist regime through liberation of occupied territories, the the importance for america is that it's holding to the reigns of this operation, it doesn't want the balance of powers to tilt at the hands of the resistance, it wants to still be that entity that has that control. uh, i saw you shaking your head there, go ahead. um, i, i take a different view, i think the middle east is still one of the most strategic areas for the united states, as an imperialist power, and to say that it is no longer important, i think overstates the case, it's true, obviously, the european arena, ukraine, the challenge of china and russia, are are. important issues, strategic issues for the for the us empire, but the middle east remains an anchor, whether it's to do with
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oil, whether it's to do as as a bridge to europe, it's location in the entire, if you just look at the world map, you're talking about the arab and islamic countries stretching from algeria to to iran and turkey and afghanistan, pakistan. "i think this is area of absolutely strategic importance, and the united states, it's true, are frightened of leban of the lebanese resistance, are frightened. the power of iran are frightened the general resistance forces stretching from yemen to syria through iraq and so on and obviously the palestinian palestinian resistance, this is a formidable power, but the united states is is worried, is frightened, but they are arming israel to the
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teeth, they are trying to bolster this this monstrous power in the middle of the... middle east led by the israeli israeli regime, the israeli regime is a corner stone of us policy in the middle east, and they would defend it as much as they could, it's true, they will fail in my opinion, i think the resistance is much too strong, but the united states will still try to preserve this power base they established in the heart of the middle east, this is zionist entity is powerful arm of the united states and they don't want to lose it. iran's leader has said something that was echowed by the iranian presidents and i'd like to get your idea about that batul sabeiti and that is the fact that they have both pretty much said the same thing when it comes to muslim nations and also the resistance factions and they said they're not going to sit iadly by um and he
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said that you're going to face the rage of muslim nations um are we are we looking at that rage to translate uh this time around because we have seen the rages before um but will it uh be uh a different scenario this time in terms of their rage given the type of massacres that we've seen take place and unfortunately ones that may be coming up right um i'm going to answer that question but just before that i just quickly want to make point um and that's to uh respond so the idea that politics and policies are are not based on good or bad intentions the world runs on power and ability, the reality is that the west knows it cannot rely a fragile entity to achieve its interests and the occupy entity was created in order to protect western interests, but now the occupying entity is in need of protection, so it's ultimately losing the functional role for which it was created for. and if you also consider the fact that the us is now going in
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a direction more so of compromise eventually with the islamic republic of iran, because there's nothing that it can do. to stop iran's development, you know, over those 40 years of brutal sanctions that it's turned from a problem to an opportunity, and especially in this regards, the israeli occupying entity becomes a liability, so with the evolution of developments and interests, the west recognizes also that policies must change, i'm not claiming that this will change in a month, it it will take several years, but the west has been dealing based a continuation of old policies, when we talk about the zinest entity, it's it's it's seven decades, it's a seven decade old colonial outpost, denial of the power balance on the ground and turning a blind eye to the facts, leads to dealing with the wrong situation. the west knows that if it wants to achieve better results in the region, it must notice those ongoing changes, it must deal with the forces of real action that represent the people of the region. that's where the actual
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interests of the west light. now now to come back to your question, um, expanding uh the front is not necessarily in terms of geographical areas. interventions and scenarios in war um are not made on the basis of an emotional decision, but it's made on strategic and tactical grounds and that's even if the public's patience runs out in terms of the massacres that we're seeing. until the limits of the deterrence and um this new equation that's been established since uh october the 7 gets consolidated and that is... one of offensiveness rather than defensiveness, it is one of entering into the 48 borders, it's one of striking the heart of the occupying entity, until that deterrance and this new equation is recognized, the atmosphere will remain hot and the arena um will remain entire in more than one front. let me see, how far do you think uh um
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samdani, will the us if israel goes and conducts this ground operation will come? to the defense of israel um if israel was seeing itself lose in that ground operation because uh almost um unanimously practically all fingers are pointed to the fact that israel is not going to be able to um strategically win and take over the uh resistance fighters in the ghaza strip especially if they're going to go block by block uh of course we never know in a theater of war what's going to happen but uh if if it turns israel is not able to win that uh what what what's going to happen there because if they backtrack then uh the whole notion aside from the invisibility being shattered which it has already. they can't then over uh power palestinians any longer and stand tall against them. palestinians will see that you know this is our opportunity right? yes, i
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think, i think you've posed an important question here, and what i would like to remind the viewers of is the 2006, invasion of lebanon by the israeli regimes forces. that mission was to destroy. the resistance in lebanon, particularly led by hizbullah, and in that war, the united states actually pushed israel into that war, and at the time the saudi regime and some other arab regimes were also complicit in that war to invade lebanon and try to destroy the lebanese resistance, that failed, israel in fact was pleading with the united states so that they could withdraw their forces and stop that. war because they were suffering enormous losses at the hands of the lebanese resistance and in the united and the united states eventually had to stop that war. this
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is well known, well documented, conndalis was the foreign secretary at the time, and they had to admit defeat, and i think something similar might happen in the case of the israeli regime's intention. of going by by land forces into gaza, they might go in few kilometers ons and stop and claim some kind of victory, in fact their killing genocidal war might be portrayed as their victory, because ultimately this israeli regime is is is genocidal regime and killing as many palestinians for them, they might want to portray it as some kind of a... of of a revenge that they they meeted out on the palestinian people in the name of trying to defeat hamas, but ultimately i think this israeli regime will not be able to defeat the
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palestinian resistance and gaza or even in the west bank, but the united states i do not think are ready to confront uh the the the might of the resistance forces and lebanon, in syria, in iraq and in yemen, and ultimately in iran too. all right, i got 30 seconds only, people power, out on the streets, paris, we saw again today, where they've restricted pro-palestine support, that they would arrest people for that, um, how does this reflect on the divisions between the masses and their officials who side with israel, uh, in 30 seconds, absolutely. "the reality could not become clear to the masses, um, the truth, you know, people have access to social media, they're seeing the reality with their own eyes, um, and there's only so much that that
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disinformation can spread essentially and actually affect the hearts and minds of the people, because they can see the brutality for itself, mean it's not like the the zionist entity cares to hide its brutality, um, and actually that's that's one of the benefits of having this extreme right wing in power is that actually it's not." afraid to just speak the reality of its entity, wish we had more time, thank you so much, batoti, activist and political analyst, sami ramadani, thank you, academic and writer from london, with that we come to an end for this edition of the spotlight from the team, it's goodbye, these young palestinian men including the founder of the movement, were studying at egyptian universities. i clearly remember how the israeli occupation
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your headlines for this hour, israel's genocidal attacks on palestinian homes and infrastructure, continue across the besege gaza strip, killing more people, especially women and children. unabated his really violence also claims palestinian lives in the west bank. as settlers and soldiers carry out attacks across the occupied territory and lebanon's hezbollah resistance movement says it has hit an israeli military base with guarded missiles in a vitalitary operation.
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