tv SPOTLIGHT GAZA BLEEDING PRESSTV October 24, 2023 1:02pm-1:30pm IRST
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of hello and welcome to press of you spotlight, i'm marsia hashimi, thanks so much for being with us, well this has been day 17. the israeli genocide on gaza, the strip of land with a civilian population of 2.2 million people has been bombed and attacked from the air, land and sea by tanks, by drones, by missiles and by fighter jets, fosphorus bombs have even been used on this population, half of whose residents are under 18 years old, despite this, the bombings continue as does the thirst and hunger of the people as have
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been cut off to the gosa strip, more than 5,000 people have been slaughtered and 2,000 of them being kids, the mass murder continues as gazans face another night in the dark, except for the bombs exploding over their heads. i'd like to welcome my guests to the program, my first guest, saib shat, the author and middle east expert from belfast, thanks so much for being with. me, i mean it's such a tragedy and it's so difficult to be honest uh, just covering this this situation, in the last 24 hours, 430 more palestinians were killed in gaza. so, just just tell me your overall assessment of things, genocide um is dick in a place and of this nical cleansing of the palestinian. and
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of the zin entity got the huge support from shamelessly from the west, all all the west, which is surprising, you know to see west europe, these days have no state men, no leadership like we can remember during the 2003 american attack on on iraq, at least there was the german chancellor schroder that time. and shiraq tried to act like digol in a way which to stand up, they failed, but they tried, but today you cannot say there is one who is trying to stand, at least to save the face of west europeans who talks about human rights and the geneva convention and the annex of the fourth annex and and and all of this the... not anymore talk about anything
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but double standards, they they today they took obviously with the with the communique which is signed by all the western leaders under of course the hospices of mr. biden himself, they can say they are racist and adheres to fascis and zionist of course policies when they uh show full support and still talking even in egypt conference which supposed to be under the name of peace, okay, of supporting the zist entity and against the international law, keep saying it's have the right to defend itself, how can an attacker have the right to defend himself against the victim, i don't understand, and last night,
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and today as well, the people in the south of gaza striven, the city of janunis, which the zinis entity with all the state of the art, american technologies and bombs and whistles and whatever, blown them people to be pieces who they pushed them down to the south, and we as well the the people of speak of unbelievable, unbelievable... hell landed on them from the skies, so many killed, so many devastation, so many buildings, so many homes, people, you know, lots of names we are familiar with, unknown, young, young graduates of medicine haven't yet started their first day, and and and it's heartbreaking and all of that is under the watch of the mostern leaders, yes, indeed, and let me let me get human rights activists
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out of toronto in on this discussion when i was talking to our correspondent um in on unius, he's he told me about the overall situation, besides the overall devastation and the bombs falling on their heads, he says everything has collapsed, the sewage system has collapsed, raw sewages in going into the sea, the soil is filled with depleted uranium, because the israeli regime is using depleted uranium on these uh these civilian, the civilian population and also phosphorus. "we know the phosphorus bombs are being used, and he said they're just being poisoned in so many different directions or bombed a daily basis or just totally in shock and constant pressure, your thoughts, fair us. yes, um, i
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mean it's very clear that the zianist regime is just exposing its cruelty, it's evil establishment and its history. i mean, this is, we have got to the peak. point of these criminal acts and the israeli regime is losing grip, it's crumbling and uh, this is kind of like a hysteria, you now where they cannot control what they do, they just want to retaliate, they want to seek revenge for their losses and their weaknesses, and uh, really, truly, this is uh, um, showing in the world right now, if you look at the world stage and you see what's happening on the streets in the world, the massive amounts of people that are going out and protesting and all all countries, i mean, i was surprised to see protest in japan, in south korea, so many different places that are pretty much uh, you know, governments that are submissive to the us imperialist system, and the people on the ground, in the streets, the the populations are going out in support of palestine, so
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truly um, this is uh, making more people angry and frustrated and hateful towards the israeli regime, they are not uh gaining any all. anymore, they're actually only gaining enemies and the hearts of the people are going towards the palestinians and standing in salt there to the palestinians and truly uh you know you can see who cares about human rights and who doesn't in this case because you could like you mentioned all all the all the breaches of international law all this inhumane uh you know attacks and um punishment on a a whole stage mean the whole country is being punished. okay, it's a collective punishment against the whole population of gaza, because they can't deal with the resistance there, the brave and bald uh resistance there, so they're trying to have everybody punished, and this shows you that they do not care about any laws in any way, and this means that uh they're losing,
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they're losing, truly this is a this is a big loss for them, right? yeah, they uh, they seem to be reeling and totally out of control, it's interesting that the uh the corporate media um still tries to use october the 7th, of course the uh uh the absolutely amazing day uh of the resistance, they try to use that to justify everything that is happening, and as you said feras about totally ignoring international law, i want to read something from the united nations, the united nations of course resolution, and and also we know this is part of the geneva convention um that there. the lawful entitlement of occupied people to resist occupy forces by any and all lawful means, and then it goes to say, that the resolution reaffirmed the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial, integrity, national unity, and that they can,
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they can resist occupation by all available means including armed struggle, yep, so sorry, i mean, we don't hear any of... this on mainstream media, we don't hear this coming out of these uh western regimes that of course this did not start october 7th um we're talking about 75 years of occupation of murder of uh just totally trying to torture the native population brilliant you use the term native here because that's what it is, it's the new world order after the second world war, all of these laws which govern battles and wars and whatever, they are actually in in their own liberal minds, as they say, from woodward wilson till till that minute, is tower the white, white societies,
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white europeans and this applies on whites and if we notice in this last two weeks with the war being watched in gaza, the genocide war, the ethnic cleansing, it's a racist war, it's like a crusade against the the the the arabic region and the islamic people in there even the christians who belong to that. they are treated, no difference than than a muslim or or others, so the geneva convention, we can remember the french when they have the resistance against nazis and the dutch and lot of resistant in europe against the the the nazis, we they used to salute that, that is is a brave, but when you say to the french who send mercenaries today to to fight the palestinian, they the... there is no flights from france to occupied palestine under israel, but the french send the flights of
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mercenaries there to take part in fighting the the the palestinians, because of racism, because what you see to them, geneva convention, the united nations charters, all of that is fine, they can apply it when they want the double standard, the hypocracy, this this world needs to shock. these people and these people leading the west, they will pay the price from their own voters next time, these voters, because as as your guess from canada say, the the the this the people in the streets, their heart with the palestinians now, lots of people going to the side of palestinians because they see the massacres, they see their tax payers money being used to support the the wars on on innocent people in palestine, the the doctors, the nurses who has been asking for
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increasing their wage in the uk and they said no, we don't have money, suddenly they see their money being get out of the treasury and going to toward israel to support wars or ukraine, it's disgusting, and it's it's it's about time somebody speaks about it and stop it, the media, they cannot control the collective public opinion anymore, because the people. start tending to use social media and this and that you remember when they silence brist tv and other channels exactly because of the truth was broadcasted from b tv through a sky network and this and they didn't like that, they didn't like their people to see the truth, they want to lead their people like she people. well first the iranian foreign minister amir abdullah han has said the region is like powder cat. and things could spread and blow up very, very
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quickly, now your your thoughts on that, and your overall assessment of the situation as it stands, the likelihood of this expanding, yes, i mean the access of resistance, you know, they are very determined to destroy this zinist entity in this occupation and free and liberate the palestinian people, and i all... uh very eager and they're standing patiently waiting for the uh the green light uh from the uh islamic leaders um especially from uh imam khamenei and for instance ayatullah sistani and sayid hasan nasar allah said abdul malik from yemen um sheikh qaysal khazali from iraq for the popular mobilization forces i mean all these access of resistance have been watching these crimes. and they all have lots of military experience and they defeated so much uh of
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the zionist puppets such as isis and all these different groups and uh they have the determination and they have the strength and they are they're waiting for the opportunity to get inside and help the palestinians and freedom and uh this is inevitable there's no way around it there's no way around it uh we believe though the palestinians can free their land you know uh together once they're you know united and and their you know uh causing more pain to the zin, i mean in different cities and different areas inside palestine, the more unification the palestinian factions and different groups and also coordination and attacks, i think this is going to you expedite the liberation process as well, but the zinis are playing with with fire and throwing gasoline on it, acting like they're brave and they're striking in syria sometimes and they're also fighting on the borders with lebanon with hiz. and hizballah is is taking it easy to be honest, hizballah if they wanted to, they can
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they they can you know start a big war with the israelis, but there's a strategy involved and there is some patience and there is some uh coordination between the axes of resistance, um, i think ghaza really wants to deal with this battle themselves because they're palestinian and they have uh matured up and and strengthened up now to very strong resistance and you know i think themselves the palestinians have. strength now and the experience and the the unity and determination to really destabilize the zinus regime and hopefully we're going to get to a stage where it's going to be very close to liberation. and okay, let me let me get side back in on this, i mean, we've been talking about guys, of course the situation is deteriorating rapidly on the west bank, um, but more and more people are coming out. i just want to go back to what fers is just saying, um, as far as they're playing with fire, because the palestinians now, um, i feel they are a point of no return, almost
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because of seeing this carnage taking place in gaza, those on the west bank. um, do you think that the israelis uh, that they have cross the line, they will never be able to return to the parameters that were set up prior to october the 7th, even if they want to return to that, they are not allowed, i would have agreed with your guess from canada, if the united states of america was like france or like, you know, not the superpower or the... dominant power in the world, the israel acts as a function state for the united states of america or as an extension of the united states of america, and israel in there it's the one who's showing up the interest of the west all together in the in that part of the world, oil, gas, transport, support, the whole thing, the strength of the united states of america as dominant power around the world
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comes from its dominance over the oil and the gas and the transportation. and that side of the world, which is that and the standard reserve currency of which is the whole world use uh, which is the dollar, it's link to that, link to the oil is not or gas sold without the dollars, so this is like the the black gold cover to give legitimacy to the united states of america, this war in gaza is linked to all of that, links to the hijomany the united states of america, link, if the the palestinian manage to... shake the core the zist entity, the protector of its interest in that region, used to be two protectors there, shah of iran, which is the islamic revolution in iran, demolished and now the zin entity, the only one stays there, if this goes again out of the picture like the shah of iran, then the united states of america is is not doesn't have any tools to
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leverage in the international arena and the the new world order with the... the multiplayers like russia, china, the bricks or the rest will come to fact de facto them, so this is why the whole west rushed to help israel, to show up the zist, to tell the settler, third missiles coming, batteriat missiles, batteries coming, the all the the navy, the british navy, the air carriers fire fighters in the american c three and all of that, even today, if you read the new york times reported about the biden administration telling their own the zin entity israel delay its invasion, they put in it under the cover of to release the prisoners and give some little shipment of aid to gaza, but the
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america interest is to prepare for possible attacks on the us interests as... in the region as in new york times mentioned, which is we see in the iraqi resistance attacking asad base, the yemeny attacked missiles, the american said warship said we intercepted some, but in the future it will get bigger and bigger, all right, and on that note, i would love to continue, i really would, but we're out of time, i appreciate both of you being with us, uh, fer human rights activist out of toronto sa middle east expert out of belfast. and thank you viewers for being with us on another spotlight, i'm signing off for myself and all the group right here in tehran, goodbye. my name is,
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my name is dr. gasan abutta, i a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, i a british. palestinian volunteer with medecines son fontier this morning upon the request of alli hospital administration, i moved from shiffa hospital to ahli hospital to help out with the treatment of some of the wounded as the number of wounded had exceeded the number of beds in the hospital. we had been operating all day and had made the decision. that in order to continue operating on these patients, i would stay behind um and sleep at the hospital. in the evening, after we finished one of the surgeries. we heard a screach following by huge explosion, as a result of the explosion, part of the ceiling the operating room fell as i moved towards
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the outside of the operating room, and towards the emergency department, we could see bodies of children piled up, both dead, not moving and wounded. there were several who had been amputated. i tended to a man who had his leg brown off at the thigh. we then carried on trying to resuscitate the patients. when the ambulance came. i decided to help out by carrying one of the wounded who had had a shrapnel in his neck into the ambulance. as i was walking towards the ambulance. there were parts of there were body parts everywhere and there were bodies piled up in the courtyard of the hospital. i
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then got into the ambulance and escorted the patient back to shifa hospital. this morning when i drove into the hospital i noted how full the hospital courtyard was with families who had sought refuge inside. the hospital thinking that it would be safe haven. it's these very same families who are now either dead or critically wounded a result of this attack. this is a core crime that the world has seen coming. israel has been warning the entire world that it was going to attack palestinian hospitals and it did exactly that. every western politician who has declared unconditional support for israel's war effort on the palestinian people, has
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their hands, has the blood of these children on their hands, that unconditional support is what led us to this massacre, the impunity that israel believes it has from its western allies is what has led to this massacre. no other country feels the impunity to target hospitals and get away with it. what happened today is a war crime and if the israelis get away with it again then more war crimes will be committed and more hospitals will be targeted. the zionist enemy decided to conduct a ground operation in gaza under us protection, but it's still hesitant implement it as the resistance awaits him underground and above it. the existing coordination
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between the forces of the axis of resistance witnessed an expansion in the activities of popular support for the resistance in palestine, and that seems to have become an upward path accompanied by increase in the level of field support for gaza from inside and outside the historic palestinian map. at 10th base (conicob). were all under iraqi and syrian resistance fire, while yemeni ballistic missiles aimed at the israeli occupation were intercepted by the us navy this time. west asia headed for total war this week on the mediast stream.
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אבל אנחנו צריכים ליכנס לא כמו קודם להרוס ולהתקדם להרוס ולהתקדם עם תותחים, עם הפתצות להרוס בית ולהכנס הלא, להרוס עוד בית ולהיכנס. להפתיע אותם שלא ידעו מאיפה באפ הפגז או מאיפה באה פתטה? הלקמה על מה שהם עוללים לנו, עכשיו הולכת להתחולל, עכשיו הולכים להיות דברים שלא חלמנו עליהם, כן, שיפלו עליהם פצטות שישמיו אותם. כל מה שהנביאים מנבא נבאו הולך על אחרית ימים מתרחש עכשיו.
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first of the headlines, israel keeps pounding the gars of spip for the 18th straight day, 104 more, 140 more palestinians are killed in overnight strikes, raising the total death doll to 5,500, the hamas leader lashes out of western countries. for supporting israel's war in gaza, saying the west is complicit in the massacre of palestinians. palestine, free, free, palestine, free, free, palestine. the millions of people around the world voice solidarity with the people of palestine, calling for an end to the israeli bloodshed in gaza.
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