tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV October 28, 2023 10:02pm-10:29pm IRST
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hello, welcome to press spotlight, i'm hashimi, thanks so much for being with us. jewish prisoners had their arms tattooed by the nazis in the 1940s, so they could be identified. in gaza, 2023, parents right on their own legs, they can be identified in case they're killed by the sign. the parents say that at least the kids can be buried in marked graves, as opposed to unmarked ones. they write their names to let the world know who they were, and for their kids not to be just the statistic, human beings with stories, families and dreams that may never be attained, bombs are dropping on their heads, phosphorus and other senderary bombs are being used by the israeli regime which have killed more than 7700 people so far, with over 3,000 of them be kids, doctors say the majority of those killed also had second or third degree burns, we're going to take a look at latest, the situation in gaza on this to welcome my guest the program. vanessa beel
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rider and activists out of damascuss and southshath after and west asia expert out of belfast thank you both for being with me start off in damascus and vanessa um the definition of a holocaust is very large amount of destruction with killing of a large number of people, especially when fire heat is involved, what you say? that what's happening right now would be classified as a holocaust? absolutely, and what's happening now is nothing more than a continuation of what happened in 1948, the nackbar of 1948, the ethnic lensing of palestinians has never actually stopped, people talk about seeing of palestinians being evacuated from the north of ghaza to the south of ghaza and then having their convoy bomb by the israeli war planes as they were fleeing to what was supposed to be safe. areas, you know, we've
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seen 75 years of oppressive persecution of palestinians, the the inability for palestinians that were driven out of their lands and dispossessed of their homes in 1948 to return to their land and to their homes, now we're seeing an extermination, i call it the hiroshima doctrine, there is more of explosives dropped on gaza in the last 20 days than in the... bombing by the united of hiroshima. what we're seeing now is is genocide, it's exterination of entire people, not only in gaza, but also in the west bank and in the occupied territories, where mass arrests and executions being carried out with impunity, and nothing is being said by western regimes that of course, since the balford declaration have pledged their allegiance to the zionist entity. well, it's not a sign of military problems just to. to
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fly planes or drones and drop bombs a civilian population, it doesn't take military strategy to kill civilians, so what is the goal here of the israeli regime in killing and torturing so many civilians in gaza for of three weeks now? the israeli regime have no goal except revenge and acting as uh somebody who want to show they are une from the international law. and they can commit genocide, ethnic cleansing in a massive scale, and nobody can bring them to account, of since the united states of america is covering them from the international international community, if there is an international community, so the the the they the z entity bringing what happened on the 7th of october, liberation, commandos from
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palestinian national liberation movement trying to push incubation from their land, they want to the west and the world to think of this. as second holocaust happened to them, i want to quote what one once an israeli prime minister gold, she is to say, they really won't forgive the arabs, because the arabs met the the desirus israelis kill the arabs kids, so under any circumstances nobody allowed to be victim except this entity and israelis, they are the only victims in here in here and the their head. so they they blame the the the whole internal community now for killing the palestinians in the logic they believe in since it is another holocaus they want us to believe in the world in the west this is another since the
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americans giving them full support and the western country show sure them up and full full support and all what you hearing in in the in the... western media when they even interview any of the victims, do you condem hamas? this is the only line that is in the western media, do you condemas? do you condem? they if they can wake up the dead body in gaz bodies, they will ask this question, to that that much they are death and that much they are just doing what the zist entity, propaganda, atrocity propaganda, she wants them to do, we are facing something unprecedented. of shelling and destruction happening to gaza, cutting the water, the fuel, the medicine, the whole thing, the kids die in hospitals in the incubators, hospitals collaps, international community watching that, people cannot find water, they ignoring the idea of death in gaza and they searching
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for water now, we are facing, but saying that, saying that till now they are, they they launched in last night on gaza and they got pushed. stuck, okay, stay with me in that, i'm going to come back to you, i'm going to come back to you on that, but vanessa, and really, what's saying is, it's absolutely unbelievable and sickening, um, what is going on, i mean, does the regime actually believe that it can totally empty gaza by either saying people who to the sinai or to the jordan and or to jordan, i mean, isn't an overall a sign of the settler colonial entities weakness that is taking on the civilian population in the way it has. well i think you know i mean i i compare always the zianist entity to al-qaeda which of course they supported in the destabilization campaign an syria. al-qaida would never engage with the syrian arab army on the ground. it would bomb civilian in the various cities where it had embedded itself
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suburbs and the zionist regime the sionist forces the the iof for example they are not battle harden soldiers. they used to beating up children on the streets of the... occupied territories, so therefore when it comes to a military operation on the ground, they are going to be heavily inflicted with with injury and with death, because the palestinian resistance factions are prepared, and you know what's extraordinary, so i mentioned this playing victim, i mean gidian levi has has spoken quite openly about this, the only occupying force in history that is an oppressive occupy. settler state, it's not a state, it's it's a hit and run colonialist project that was established first of all by the british and then picked up by the american who used as an instrument of their policy in the region a military outpost, a proxy mercenary entity that has been used and
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weaponized against nations in the region that the us has targeted for destabilization, partitioning and destruction and regime change, and when you look at the propaganda, the people are talking about the so-called hams and again this is not only about hamas, this is about 17 resistant factions inside garder itself, multiple other resistance factions, some traditional and and have been there for decades, some new that have been established like the lion then, and when you look at what is actually the reality about the so-called his atrocities, we're now seeing 50% of the victims at the rave party that by the way was being held on the outskirts of the biggest concentration camp, open air concentration camp in the world today, right? 50% of the victims were members the police forces, the security forces and the iof, that the israeli forces were actually responsible for killing civilians in the crossfire, and two days after those
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civilians were taken hostage by hamas and were being sheltered in buildings close to ghaza, the iof shelled those buildings killing their own people, the you know we know that the... baby story was retracted almost immediately even by the white house, we know that very other stories like the rape stories and so on were almost immediately retracted also, but we also know the zionist media media is one of the strongest complexes in the world for misinformation, so therefore those lies stick, and as sir said, what are people talking about, the hamas atrocity two weeks ago, it's almost like the entire holocaust that has happened since then against palestinian, civilians, thousand, more than 3,000 thousand children, dead, is completely denied, the west is actually becoming an anti-semitic, holocaust denying entity itself, what's happening now is a holocaust and they're denying it? indeed,
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indeed. well, back to the um, ground invasion that the israeli regime attempted last night, let's talk about that. mean, what's going on here, uh, because we have this very well equipped military that's supported by western regimes and yet we saw last night that they retreated. is amazing you know to see all the show up by three uh three you know just carrier coming from united states of america, the latest technologies and maritime or f35's fighter jets and all the ammunition came from the west and all the visits from the prime ministers of the west, the british, the german, the italian, the... president before them and sending the marines as well the expertise which the united states of america
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brag about used or in north iraq in mosul and attacking the iraq to put it to put the experience and to lead the ground in gaza all of that came to what last night they manage with massive bombardment before that if you know never ever anybody heard. of such nasty bombardment like what happened last night in the ghaza and the night before especially in and then ghaza and suddenly netanyahu comes in his press conference half an hour ago and say limited land and because there has forces which is amount over 35000 soldiers around the ghaza strip and my colleague right from damascus she said they only train to chase kids in west bank and torture the basilian people in the west bank, they couldn't face real resistance, don't have the morality like
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the people who own the right on the land to push the ocers, and those people who are with limited resources underblocade for 17 years, not even toilet papers not allowed ghaza, they to manufacture an underground military system to to push back the united states of america's latest technology this is unbelievable, this is massive victory in here, they achieve, and i don't know, except killing the civilians, as my colleague in damascus as well, this is the tactic, terrorizing the civilians because they cannot fight professional militaries like the syrian militaries when they don in syria or in iraq when dash done that, the same thing, the creator of of isis entity and its western b cannot face... freedom fighters in gaza fighting right, what about that? vanessa, because i mean basically we see the uh the
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science military and they're facing what they're facing in gaza, i mean how do they deal with the people have nothing to lose everything to gain, how do you do that? you don't, you know, this is where it's absolutely ridiculous when netanyahu and and dianast allies are talking about destroying hamat, they don't understand the essence of palestinian resistance. you don't destroy one element of it, hamas, i pointed out, only one faction inside gaza, the khassam military wing is one of the strongest military wings the resistance factions, but however there are multiple others, and if you, for example, wipe out the leadership of hamas, there will be other leaders to take their place, because you're talking about an entire people, an entire nation, an entire movement, an entire principle. for which they fight, and they have the right to fight and to resist with
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every mean possible under international law, this is forgotten about, you know, again, what does the zionist entity to, it portrays itself as the victim, it's acting in self-defense, and the us, the uk, nations of the eu, france and germany in particular, talk all the time about the design entities right to self-defense. what about the right to self-defense palestinians? what about their right to self-defense for the last 75 years? but you know what, also what was extraordinary for me last night was the fact that yes. yemen, besieged, bloccaded, destroyed, devastated yemen, 2015, managed to fire missiles that actually landed in ilat in in in the occupied territories, extraordinary, and what you're seeing on the on the streets of london, for example, of thousands of people, what are they chanting, they're chanting one state, they understand
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the problem, they understand that until the dinas entity is expelled from... those territories and jews and muslims can live again in peace as they did before the zionist movement began in the 1880s, and the influx of european jews started even back then, people understand, and the thing is what what zionist entity and what the us and the uk in particular don't seem to understand is that by allowing the zionist entity to do it's doing, to to commit genocide in full view of the world. it's losing all support, it's completely lost support in the global south, it's completely lost support, for example in latin, but even among the people of the eu, uk and us, even the jews in the us were out night demonstrating despite the brutality of police, so actually whatever happens now, in
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my views entity has lost this war already. right, what about that side, because we look at world of? opinion turning against the israel regime as more and more people in countries around the world are are protesting and as vanessa just said and really getting it and realizing um what this is all about and and as you pointed out earlier uh the israelis designs always want to portray themselves as a victims but they really have not been successful this time around in the way that they wanted to. your thoughts on that why is it that the zionist um have not been able to control the narrative as they usually? and the importance of that in them losing the narrative? uh, to pin point that the people in the west, they they had a bad experience with the americans and in britain in 2003 when they were lying, lying to the parliament and telling them to west minister the irakis having these pockets which can
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reach us with weapons destruction reach the uk, mean in five minutes and the same thing, the united states of america going to the security council and the there is, i forgot his name, colonel holding that thing is saying lying to the united nations to the wall, that's the irakis have weapons of mass destructions and after that the result is one half million iraki dead pushing the credal civilization to the world which is babylon and that back to the agency looting the wealth of that country, destroying the arab world and the trying to destroy all west asia at the same time, all of these lies, they made the people believe, this media which is run by mord and the rest of them is embedded with the west, it's part of the western military force, it's not a neutral media, so they lost trust in it, the bbc and the rest them is is math pieces to the elite, to rob
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the world from its resources and to dehhumanize. the world in the name of the civilized west and destroyed and looted, but today the lot of the people they take their their information from the social media, before breast tv used to be in sky and people network in europe and different many countries in europe or in canada and people can at least go there and take some of the truth like about but they deny them that have to go to the internet to watch tv or to go to social media to see clips or live clips from gaza and the people start building the public opinion and this galbanized behind the palestinian calls. i seen today calls in in a massive demonstration belf i took part in the the the the slogans for to dismantle z and apart state from to create free palastin from
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the river to the sea which for everyone, the muslim, the christian and the jews. this is a brilliant when the people in this... states start understand that, but on the other side we have the elite, the western elite, the western elite who is backing up with its multinational companies, the the the design entity which is their first military base in the middle east to protect the that the oil and gas and the transport, so the united states of america and the western countries, eu and britain behind it, guarantee their dominance in that region and their position globally, and massive a blow they received in gaza shaking back well vanessa i have a minute left but we looking at this regime and and how out of control it is no respect for human lives and using um uh these illegal weapons against the civilian population, mean i want to look at the the the aspect of how dangerous this entity is for the world because it also has nuclear weapons and how
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responsible these western regimes are in supplying both conventional and non-conventional weapons this genocide regime. yeah, mean you now this is really um for me the israeli ambassador for example should be expelled from the un immediately, the... us and the uk, if they continue to participate in genocide and the extermination of palestinians that is being conducted by the zist entity with weapons and technology supplied to them by the west, then they should be perceived as a nation, violating international law and complicit in genocide and actnic cling, and as such of course they should be held accountable under international law, what they're also rushing for? is is to give um under international law right of nations that stand in solidarity with the resistance, a right to react them in
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self-defense, exactly the same argument that zionist entity always uses and of course it's bomb syria multiple times in the last few weeks, there are reports that there are threats against the life of president assad um by the zionist entity, and if we reach this level um of escalation of this conflict with the active alliance of the us and the uk then we're heading for regional escalation all right and on that note i think both of you for being with me vanly righter and active author and west asia expert out of belfast and thank you viewers for being with us on another spotl hope to see you right here next time goodbye.
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this attacks, says the bombing of the telecommunication infrastructure places the civilian population and grave danger. iman's president has call for international support, especially from muslim countries, for palestinians, where he says gaza needs more than ever. and to stop israel's relentless crimes, the irani president said muslim countries need to adopt a decisive and united stands in support of the pres nation. b have held in different parts of the world.
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