tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV November 4, 2023 10:02pm-10:31pm IRST
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but they don't want to, they want to convince um, even secretary blincan is like saying, they want to convince them to tone it down a bit or whatever, so it is power they have that they're not using in order to stop what many consider a genocide, so that's probably why he gave that message because it is possible for the president of the united states to stop this, yeah, thank you so much krishna swami, we're going to now return back to washington dc, speakers are speaking at this uh large pro-palestine rally, let's take a listen, the us government's historical record is open for the world to see, and we all know its details well. the us congress condemned our movement for justice and liberation, the two corporate parties have made themselves abundantly clear, so let us ourselves be abundantly clear. to the us
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congress, we welcome your condemnation, we of know your loyalties imperialism in war, the prophet over people, to the destruction of our environment and to the usurption of our rights, and you, you know very well that our loyalty remains with justice, with dignity, with human rights, with the exploited and the oppressed of this world. despite the repression, despite the media and lies, despite the media bias, despite all they do and will try to do as they have done ever with every movement of justice in this country, no we hold no fear in our hearts, we stand on the shoulders of palestinian children, the children of the stones, we have mobilized in the... millions globally and in
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the hundreds of thousands today. we do not stand here because we believe that we can appeal to your conscience to end genocide. we stand here because the power of the people will force you to. we, we, the palestinian youth movement, we palestinians, we the descendants of peasants and refuges, we, the siblings and offsprings of murders and prisoners, we are proud of our people, we are proud of their resilience and their fight, their sacrifice in their steadnast fastness, we are proud to be members of a small brave nation who holds its head high as the entire collodial west conspires to destroy us. they
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have spent 100 years trying to destroy us and they can spend the rest of the eternity trying. as the saying goes, as the saying goes, they tried to bury us, they didn't know we were seeds, well no, now those seeds that you buried have long sprouted, nurtured by a commitment to. justice and dignity, our roots extend deep into our communities, our workplaces, our campuses, we will wonder all your attempts to cut us down, and just as the sun rises, we too will continue to rise until palistine is free. we are here today as you.
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all right, uh, that is uh, just an idea of what's going on there in washington dc, uh, you have uh, people from all over the us have converged uh in washington dc, we understand, with the speakers making their speaches, as you were just watching, uh, many of them activists from different organizations, uh, this uh, was something that's quite incredible in terms of the numbers uh that have shown up and uh also the people who have uh contributed to bringing out all these uh um people out from across the us uh let's bring in um khalid barkat from uh toronto who joins us from vancouver i'm sorry sorry joins us he's a spokesperson at the massir movement welcome so i have to ask you about this uh protest huge it's a big one that's happening there in the us in washington dc not that canada is not seeing protest also but this uh particular one which is going to end up at the white house is quite telling in terms of the knowledge that the people have there. on
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the of the palestinian cause lot of things that they were saying it just brings true in a very deep a very deep level in terms of the crisis of palestinians the type of violations that have taken place uh based on uh the statements made there by the speakers, how relevant and important and significat is that this uh protest really that happening in washington dc, actually it's very important and it's very - relevant to the palestinian struggle, and if you look at these huge numbers that are coming out and hacking on the street you know in london, in washington dc, even. cities like new york last week, they mobilized over 100,000 people, if you ask people around the cities, the central cities like who are actually in the west, their governments are complicit and they are
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involved in these war crimes, so the more almost you know these capitals on an official level are complicit, the more people are coming out, like london for example. about half million people last week and there are so many demonstration today in paris in berlin, across the world really, even small cities that have never organized any demonstrations for palestine, today they are bringing out thousands of people, 5,000, 10,000 and it's unprecedented numbers, it's actually historic, and this is the popular incubator if you will to... the palestinian resistance and they are integral part of the palestinian people, the arab people, the muslim communities and the natural allies of palestinian people, like blacks and indigenous people and people of you know in west asia, i mean these are the actual kind
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of brothers and sisters who are mobilizing everywhere now and attending everywhere, and that's why the other significant thing about these demonstrations is led by new generation and this new generation, their loyalty is to palestine, on the other side we see that zionists are failing to not just mobilize anybody in the street, but they are depending on these governments to back them up, if you listen to these, you know the so-called defense minister in israel, he talked about how you know zionists are united, but he's talking about... literally zis in palestine like in in in israel that are united, but he cannot say that the people of the world are coming out to support israel, he is actually saying we don't care about public opinion, we're gonna do these work you, he's gonna
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commit to workrim and genocide against people in gazza and they they don't care, they depend on us support, they depend on germany support, they depend on these you know capitals, also the public world opinion is not just the west, i mean we've seen hundreds of thousands of people coming out, you know, in muslim countries, in in arab countries, although there are so much oppression against people, like say in bahrain or in egypt or in places like morocco, but people are still coming out and expressing their support. camp of resistance in the region for the palestinian resistance and for the palestinian struggle, what's happening is really historical and it has kind of the two sides of the picture, one is the war crimes and the genocide that israel is committing
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against palestinians, you know, four palestinian babies get killed every hour, six actually four palestinian women get killed at you by us war machine, i mean the really the country that is killing the palestinian people is the united states of america, and israel is a tool, a colonialist tool, and they are doing this on the behause of these western, you know, capitalist colonialist powers and their the united states is very dangerous now, and israel is very dangerous, just to palestinians, but to to world peace actually, and the reason i say this is because what kind of example is israel actually presented to the that you can do war crimes and genocide and get away with it if you are pupet government of the united
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states, on the other hand, the people of the world are actually suffering different kind of wars that the united states is launching against them and their... coming out to express their rage against the united states policy, palestine is on the top of the list now, but there are other issues, there are other important issues, for people in africa. for people in asia, for people, especially in our region, west asia, there are many many, you know, important issues, we cannot forget, for example what happened in yemen, you know, when hundreds of thousands of people got killed in yemen and they did not lift finger, we cannot ignore you know this vicious united states you, attempt of recolonize the area military. they are you know building their military presence in the region, but on the
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other hand, there is also the palestinian heroic and brave resistance, the lebanese heroic and brave resistance. israel is in its worse shape, i say, not just in term of its international and regional situation, but also on the ground, i mean today the palestinian resistance have released you know... videos that shows how not just israeli soldiers are in their tanks, not willing to come out and fight, i mean 24 israeli tanks were destroyed by palestinian resistance in in, in a matter of hours and israel have set to itself very high ceiling and objectives, they know they're not going to be able to achieve it, and so israel is in a very bad shape. the israeli army and the israeli political leadership, they're not in
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harmony, look, if you look at the situation, now in palestine, there are huge demonstrations, ironically in a street called gazza in jerusalem, asking netanyahu to resign, if you look at the poles now, netanyahu, 76% of israelis once netanjahu to resign immediately, and he he have lost - every legitimacy even from a sinist perspective, and if you look at the pictures today, you see a huge demonstration in kalabib, these are the families and the friends of the you know israeli soldiers captured by the palestinian resistance and they want them released, and that's why now for example, the palestinian resistance did not shell because they they want them to demonstrate all so the camp of those who are against netanyahu are not exactly pro
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palestinians, they're just racist zionist, trends like netanyahu, but they feel that netanyahu has failed, and they feel that netanyahu is responsible of where israel, look at how much they are inflicting in and damage and destruction on palestinian people, but then when they come out in their press conference, they talk like they are. and yet palestinians when they're talking and addressing the world they are talking like victorias and this is important because we know that the colonialists have more power more support definitely have a you know an army will equipped and so we're not talking about that balance of power, we're talking about a different, sorry about that. was speaking there, i think we okay, do you have
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my voice? i believe, i believe his audio is okay now, i think we can continue with khalid barkot, until we get that fixed, he was talking about uh obviously uh initially anyways for my initial question about the protest that we're seeing in washington dc in particular where we came in and brought him. into uh that discussion. i'm still looking at the pictures uh from around the world, really, at this point the protest rallies are happening in many areas of the of the world which uh seem to uh gain traction rather as the day progresses, and the one in washington dc is the one that's uh has been rather strong in his showing. i see khalid barkat now. khalid barkat, go ahead. so, we have to look at this battle as a strategic and a historic. it's not just a one confrontation like what happened or what has been happening
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in gazza since 2008. our people in gazza have got engaged in confrontation and the palestinians and the lebanese resistance got engaged in different battles, some battles were eight days, some battles were 53 days. this is different and the leader of the resistance. uh in laban yesterday he gave a speech and he actually laid kind of the main forms that the main task. that we are facing as people and as movements of the resistance and that is to immediately stop this aggression and this war against palestinian people in ghaza and to make sure that the palestinian resistance and the camp of resistance come out victorious and i think that these are realistic objectives for our
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camp to achieve, one is because we that the israeli society, economy, militarily cannot withstand along confrontation, they're already crumbling, they're already tired, unlike palestinians and unlike the resistance, they they don't have, you know, the israel, they don't have that long breath in in fighting, first because they have no just cause, and every day they are killing palestinians, they are exposing their... actual real face to the world, this is how israel looked like, this is the real image of israel and its objectives and its nature, it's an expansionist, colonialist sector project that is serving you know imperialism and colonization of the region and they're willing to do anything in order to maintain
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their racist cer project including killing thousands and thousands of people, this is a for us palestilians is very uh, is the only experience we have with this zist regime, but now the world is seeing and the world is seeing it after 30 years of illusions and 30 years they have been fabricating lies about the so-called peace process and at the same time the israeli society is becoming more f. and you settler based and they're arming their settlers and they're looking at more grabbing more palestinian land um and we have to always look at what happ what was the situation in october six we cannot just start from october seven and what happened also october six and the reason i say october six
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is because you ask palestinians what what worries they have was there? situation mean months ago, we're not talking about history, palestinians at that time were very bad because of the internal fighting that was happening in the refugee camps of lebanon incited by the united states and cia, and all documents and proves have come out that the united states was trying to create chaos, let's let's bring in a subsh author and westasia expert, has stop shoth, welcome to the program. uh, so we had the meetings that anthony blincon had with some of the persian golf arab leaders and basically uh, the headline reads, even though they have many differences, uh, they do share one uh common uh goal and that is for this uh war uh to end. now uh, how uh, ironic is the fact that they say that that's a goal of the us when
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the us keeps assisting israel with military uh equipments and armaments and can't even get p let alone wanting this war to end, so the fingers are pointing to the us here based on logic that it is the one that can put an end to this war or for it to continue, which it seems like it's opting for it to continue, what's your reading into it? couple of hours ago, i just came back from administration massive one in belfast, it was directed at the american, they call it the embassy which is the... litten here and the slogans were directed at the united states of america to stop the geneside, the the the masses in there i tens of thousands of them i you know it's you can see people with hours walking around the streets and with the palestinian flag and the slogans and surrounded there and
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enchanting the slogan anti united states of america and the the white settler. premisis colonial power as well was described, so the if the public opinion in west europe pinpoint who's the one responsible for the war and the genside being lit on gaza, it's it's obvious, i don't need to analyze or to say anything, the the international majority of the international public opinion knows that today, united states of america uh is there leading the even planning and leading the war uh hands on since its tool or function state, this zin is settler state project collapsed from one punch, one attack of 1800 to 1200
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freedom fighters from the ghaza strip according to the zionist entities numbers and figures, not mine, and the united states of america came with the three aircraft carriers in the region, nuclear weapons, maybe some of them. armada, western armada of of navy pieces in there, while the air left of ammunition and machinery coming from germany and from what was going to to ukraine landing in jordan to sustain their entity and sending their delta force, as they say they... were saying advisers at the beginning and the some the palestinians i hear from them, they got some even american prisoners now from the
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american commandos, i don't know if this is right or wrong, but all of this is the picture says, the one who is he's talking about ce fire or agreeing with the egyptian and about ceasfire, they are not allowing even their own people to mention the the the the term sees fire. the term of even humanitarian seasfire, they are insisting in and committing genocide in their sense, they they it's an imperialist, as as even i heard and in your screen, some of the speakers in washington today, about it, they say the united states of america's imperialism is responsible for what's going in palestine. indeed, go ahead, indeed, no, no, i was going to say that that's uh one of the things that the uh amongst the many uh who were protesting in washington dc were talking
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about and i mean they talk about um they were chanting how colonial colonialism needs to end and uh that end is in inevitable my question to you would be uh how they said the end of us imperialism is the only solution i mean that speaks volumes um we we know that these types of slogans have said before, maybe in protest, but coming at this point in time in the palestinian context, it is quite significant, isn't it? it is, heard the same thing today, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, subsh, let's go to, i'll come back to you with the same question, good, absolutely, because the the people always, people of the world always knew where the problem is, and the united states is, as we call it. in palestine, the head of the snake of imperialism, and they are the one who are generating war after war and destroying one country after another, the
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people of the world knows this fact because they have been suffering under you know these us aggressions. look, half of the people of the world suffer sanctions and the hands of the united states. we look at almost one third of the people of the world are. directly you know uh facing united states wars and germany, sometime it takes an economic forms of war, sie, sanctions, collective punishment, isolating countries that doesn't agree with the united states and the people of the world knows this, they knew it in the all along in the 40s and the 50s in the 60s up until today, what happened is that... in our region something different happened and that is in 1979 a great revolution happened in iran and that changed the entire equation in our region because in
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1979 almost we lost the you know egypt who signed a surrender agreement with israel at the hands of the sadad but in 1979 a different alternative path was to be born and that is the revolution in iran, now the camp of resistance in the region is the only hope for our people, and we found ourselves in a direct confrontation with the same enemies since bullford declaration until today, because we haven't, we haven't actually won the war against imperialism and against germany and against. i mean the entire arab world in some way or another is under colonization nation never had the chance to
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practice its right to self determination. not just the palestinian people, but israel is very visible in the united states and the united states to these demonstration, demonstrators, to these people who are coming out in the street, it's very much are you know they are, they know that in washington where the big boss is in washington where the headquarter of colonization, if you will are residing. it's in this white house and so this generation and the people in the united states are actually saying you do not represent us and this is creating also not just something that people are mad and angry because of what's happening in gazza. people in the united states are actually angry because of what's happening in the united states. just imagine when biden is taking 160
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billion dollars. to fund his wars in ukraine and to fund israel, and at the same time people in neighborhoods, black people in the you, latinos, arabs, immigrants are actually poor in the united states, poverty is rising, the situation in the united states, it's not good, and so it's very natural, not even from the perspective of being a good person, an anti-war person, you know, human who's saying? i don't want to see people dying, but also they look at their own internal situation and they see that this class that is ruling class of the united states is actually stealing their money, when we look at these billions and billions of dollars, what if biden got this money from his grandfather? biden is getting this, stealing this from the pockets of the united states workers, of the workers of the you, farmer.
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the teachers and the uh you know nurses and and the the people who are actually working the working people who and they're saying we don't want to fund this work you now we pay taxes so we want we want you to help people and we don't want you to destroy people and so for the united for the united states israel is also being exposed this relationship because many things happened in the united states, huracans happened, you know, voters in flint that were boisen, and they didn't even care about people there, they didn't care about their own people, you know, and the minute the palestinian resistance carried this heroic operation against an occupation, everyone rushes to rally for israel and billions and billions of dollars are being...
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