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tv   News In Brief  PRESSTV  November 10, 2023 12:00pm-12:03pm IRST

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are by the israelis have been women and children, lots of dreams lost forever, lives cut short, what do you have to say um about that? that unfortunately children and women and the vulnerable are not recent victims of the occupation, they're not recent victims of the genocidal state of israel, um, these children have had to live in squaler, they've had to live um with very very simple dreams and aspirations because they'... haven't had the ability to dream greater than that, um, children have always been the victims, they are they are the first victims of any war, over any catastrophe, um, but what what reminds me, what gives me a little bit of peace and comfort is that subhan allah, these these gazzans, these these children, they are so honorable, because even in their simplicity, even in in hardness, um, during hard times, they are still able to to اكل سكر
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انا بحلم انه يرجع ابوي مثل ما كان انا بحلم انه يرجع المخير مثل ما كان انا بحلم يفتح الطريق انا بحلم افتح الطريق معليش انت حلمت قبل شوي كنت عم تحلم انك عم تاكل انا بحلم انه يرجع اخوي يعيش عن جد بحلم انه اخوي يرجع يعيش so you can drop all your bombs on us, you can kill our fathers or mothers, you can kill us, but you're not going to break us, is the message i'm getting from this. it's also just reminding me of of they're not asking for much, they really are not, for the roads to be blocked, for them to be able to play safely, for them eat sugar, to have a shawarma rap, and and this is many, many years ago, this is not you know since october the 7th, this video is is a... is vintage uh
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portrayal of of what the the children of ghaza have have always been deprived of um but yes absolutely their resistance even even in this happiness of of thinking about the his marttered brother wanting him to return you know that that strength that resilience that is resistance and um hopefully will give us all hope while we watch helplessly from um from outside of ghaza looking in. hopefully litiva, thank you very much. thank you, latifa. let's continue the conversation with my guests in the studio and on skype. um, let me start with batul. the online space, batul, very important. how do you feel about the far right agitators like katie hopkins and uh tommy robinson, being reinstated to...