tv [untitled] November 16, 2023 6:00am-6:31am IRST
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israel presses ahead with its attack on gaza's ashifa hospital, which is turned into a focal point of its deadly raise in the besieg territory, according to the health. officials in gaza, israeli, army bulldozers and tanks have destroyed parts of the southern entrance into the medical complex. lebanon's headbol the moving fires rockets and precision guiding missiles at seven israeli military sites and support of palestinian resistance in gaza said missiles directly hit their targets causing casualties among israeli regime forces. and. meetings
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with un officials in geneva, yuran's foreign minister has slamed us silver's involvement to israel's brutal aggression against gaza. hossain am abdullahyan express hope his trip to switzerland will speed up delivery of humanitarian aid into gaza. former state department officials says leading us officials willfully ignore israelly war crimes in gaza over domestic policy concerns. of josh paul says many officials are disturbed. by israel's actions, but turn a blind eye to the rules governing us arms transfers to the regime. and hundreds of israely protestors gather outside the connessit demanding resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, they blamed him for regimes defeat following last month's unprecedented operation by palestinian resistance. they also call for release of captives held by hamas.
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of as the deathsol mounts on day 40 of the israel the israeli regime continues to target hospitals in particular the al shafa hospital, claiming that hamas is using it as a command and control center and holds captives there. hamas has repeatedly denied that and asked the un to visit the place and prove the falsehood of the claim. israel forces who raited the medical center today have not found anything to that effect. in this edition of the spotlight we will look at the israeli genicidal war. the us support for the continuation of this war and how israel's goal is to impose another nakba on the palestinians. these are the guests for this
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edition of the spotlight. patrick henningson is a geopolitical analyst who joins us from los angeles. also joining us is john fenix journalist on international relations expert who joins us from london. welcome to you both. first i will start with you patrick if i may and we are taking a look at shifa hospital as you well aware that's being targeted by the regime forces. um at this point we understand that that has included of murdering palestinians. they've arrested some not only patients. but also people work there like engineers, and at the same time obviously patients lives are at risk because overall they wanted to evacuate the hospital, i'm not too sure if they're going to be able to do that uh, and this is all under the understanding that they think that the hospital is being used for military purposes by hamas, no evidence of that, nothing has been shown yet. uh, what do you think about the fact that the hospital which is being targeted by israel uh, and that is something that is banned under international law. yeah,
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it is, it is pretty amazing. i mean, we've seen the systematic targeting of medical facilities, multiple hospitals, in fact in total, you could say 16 hospitals have been targeted, have been disabled, or some cases destroyed by the israeli occupation forces, along with at least 30 other primary care facilities, multiple shelters as well, including un shelters, so one has to ask why this policy of target hospitals specifically, there seems to be some sort of objective here, and one can only say that uh, from the inside from the propaganda value of being able to claim that uh that hamas is somehow has these secret bases under all these hospitals or they're hiding entrances to tunnels or weapons, cachets, we've heard just about everything, the only thing we haven't heard yet is that they're hiding weapons of mass destruction under one of these hospitals and don't be surprised if that comes out from the idf uh in the next couple of days, who knows, but the the the sort of the... pr
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performative skits that we've seen are kind of really an act of desperation because i think what they're trying to do the israelis is to vindicate this bombing campaign against these civilian areas and northern gaza somehow to vindicate all this to justify it by finding quote evidence that it was all worth it because we found this hamamas command and control center supposedly and there is no receipts for this, they've been uh not able to come up with any real evidence other than these sort of hamfisted attempts by members of the idf or spokes people saying that this is how we found this evidence and we've got this here and then now we're providing aid so we're actually helping the people in alshifa hospital i mean and it's ridiculous in the extreme. all right, the the thing that you mentioned there about the aid also we need to discuss that the way that they think that they are providing aid. but john phoenix, uh, when you take a look at the credibility of uh israel, we don't need to look that far back in terms of just days where you have uh the claim on the al
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rantissi hospital uh where you had the israeli spokesperson, for the army uh point to the or maybe one of the israeli regime forces pointing to calendar that was... hung a wall that claimed to be a target list if you recall that and also the elevator shaft uh that was claimed to be a tunnel so that is debunked now that really puts israel a shaky footing um to say the least here uh so um how can that be backed by the us uh and the us to support that claim uh well not this particular claim but the claim that hospitals are being used as the for military purpose. purposes or is the us just taking uh whatever israel is feeding it to be okay and for it to back it what is what is your thoughts on this? well mean you don't need to go far let you start from the the allegation of that the 40 children you know where the hamamas ch of
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40 children with the at that time i don't think biden seen anything at that time biden claimed that he did see 40 children a photo which is shown to him by the israelis, as you understand the themastic policy in the state, the uh is so strong enough to control, obviously this pubbets, they repeating the israeli lies, mean let's say just go back to the beginning of your question about the tan, let's assume for few minutes that it was uh hospital, well do understand and why if there is stands in the hospital, what the justification of killing medical personal 202 nurses and doctors was killed and the 40 days, 36 civil defense, 53 ambulances been destroyed in the street and 25 hospitals
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being destroyed, they was invited by lot of international bodies to allowed them to visit the hospitals as a witness and to try to visit the hospitals and see if there is any tunnels and anyway they enter the hospital early morning and the hospital now being converted from hospital to the detention camp where the refugees who thought this is safe heaven for them and nearly 5000 people there some some of the people were being killed in the yard outside the buildings the cannot even be reach because the snipers if you try to rescue anybody that sniper will kill people who try to rescue them some for the last four days now dying from wind and starvation and hunger, you know, so anyway, they take over the hospital, they did not find anything under the hospital, okay, so what's the justification walking in and destroying the medical facilities and bombing
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the warehouse, which is got a few what left from the medicine and other machinery in the hospital, it is designed policy to. destroy the health service to punish the palestinians as much as they can, so the question is now, what other lies the come obviously with soon, the calendar you just mention to, if you know more about the hospital where they actually went in there, the arabic verse which he says planning attack on the 8th of october, it was added actually, you can see if you look, close it was added you know then a short of lot of zinho can write arabic anyway the names of the individuals on that list they are member of the hospitals you can actually investigate that because still alive you know so the problem is zin cannot really they're
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not good liers every time they lie they get exposed sure well you make a statement that patrick hannington our guests makes a statement there that uh based on what he said then therefore he concludes that israel just wants to punish palestinians. now um, that is, that is the that is the question here, why is israel doing that? and uh, one analyst has ... said that israel commits war crimes by punishing palestinians because it's not, this is not by design, it's actually by default that that is what it wants to do. now the question is why has israel pursued the genocidal war that it has in this particular war in the form and manner that it has. previous wars, yes, disproportionate, lots of palestinians were murdered, but not to this degree. well, let me just this is for patrick. sorry, i'm sorry, patrick, go ahead, sure, sure, look, um, it's it's the there,
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there's obviously vendetta, there's obviously vengeance motive, or at least that's how it's been framed for the israeli public, for the israeli political uh body as well, for the west that on october 7th that hamas carried out all these various alleged atrocities, beheaded babies, etc. mass rape and all the all these things that there haven't been any real evidence produced to validate, that's that formed the narrative that justified this kind of overwhelming reaction by the israeli occupation forces, this rapacious bombing campaign, suspension of all norms in terms of you, international law, geneva conventions that all of that needs to be suspended because of the quote horrors of what happened to the israeli settlers, etc. on october 7th, even though lot of those have been... systematically debunked um most of all by the israeli press as well and eye-witnesses
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within israel, so that that's one reason, it's like kind of weapons free, you know, the gloves are off, uh, we're going to go in with maximum force and we don't care who dies or gets in the way, it's all collateral damage and the quote war on terror, that's one side, here's the other side, it's a political dimension, benjamin netanyahu and this government have basically gotten elected on this idea that they're the security administration. that netanyahu is the security prime minister, that he and only he can guarantee the security of israeli settlers uh in all of these dubious locations in the occupied territories, and that's part the the the whole sales pitch of modern israel, that they are safe, this one place in the world where uh jewish people can come from around the world and the diaspora can return to their homeland and be safe, well obviously it's it's the most least safe place in the world, so if he's not the security prime minister, and if this is not the security. administration, they cannot go back to their voters or their support base and
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claim they are, because all that was shattered on october 7th, so what are they? they have to double down, so instead of being the security prime minister, the security administration, they have to become the genocide uh prime minister and the genocide government administration, and this is very popular sales line to lot of the hard line in israel, we need to get rid of them, we need to exterminate them, we need to make life so miserable and so unlivable that they'll have no choice but to flee to the south of gaza and then maybe if we're lucky to the sinai desert where they can live in tent cities. this is what israeli officials are saying publicly and have been saying and not just israeli, but also officials in the united states as well and other countries supporting israel, so it's almost like they've backed themselves into a corner on this hard line that there's no other way. other than to to to execute a sort of final solution if you will for what they call the palestinian
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problem in in their what they believe is all the greater israel area so this is the problem and i think this is what you're seeing here doubling down and really going from bad to worse throwing bad money after bad money this is what israel's strategy unfortunately they don't have any other strategy other than sort of to back off and admit they made huge mistake here that's not going to happen. well, let's look at what john phoenix said there, patrick henning about israeli officials and what they feel about palestinians, basically amounting for them to be uprooted, the extreme minister smotrich said the voluntary migration of palestinians in gaza is the right humanitarian solution. you have danny dunan, whose is a former ambassador to the un, he has made also an editorial or a commentary in the wall street journal, suggesting moving some people of gaza to nations that will accept them and also. so uh the most recent the former director of israel's spy agency shinbet um he said that tel aviv was rolling
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out of nakbah in the ghaza strip this is what netanyahu wanted to do from the onset and now we're seeing that come out even though netanyahu told uh this um former director of shanbed that he shouldn't have said that but that appears to be obviously what israel wants to do uh do you think that uh do you agree with that and uh do you think they're going to go through with this or yes, well just remind our listeners that it was a plan actually come to light obviously that the israel secret service had a plan where the palestinians should be all driven to sina, was actually talk about that before the the genocide, the slaughter of the palestinians between united states and egypt and israel, so it's not a surprise the intense killing of
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the palestinians is to drive them, as batric said, drive them to the south and in the south will be ' obviously people interrupt, no food, no medicine, no gas, no light and bunning, as you see now, the bomb is still on the south, they asking people to move from the north, what they move, they bomb them in a way, and if they arrive there, they bombed them in the south, if you look at the last week, most of the bombing in canunis, rafah, which is bordering egypt, they intend to do that to force the palestinians to force themselves to the egyptian side. where they after they enter the egypt you block the the border and that's it, you are out of gaza, that's the whole idea is to push the palestinians and this was a plan actually revealed by the israeli media, it's just actually before the attack discipline was there, you know, just also want to ask something, netanyahu, he is also in shaky
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ground, as you now, he was indiced for corruption, he's tried to survive as much as he can for his political life. and that's why he allied himself with this gang of fascists like him, in regard to uh he said that palestinians should voltally move out of ghaza to outside gazah you know that's the same man who when the settlers attacked huara and westbank and killed palestinians and burn hundreds of cars and homes he said is no hawara exist and he was forced to apologize after that. so the bunch of new nazis sitting in the parliament deciding the faith of the palestinians, some of them even call in using nuclear, yet israel been denying having a nuclear for nearly 50 years, now some of them calling the use nuclear in gaza, sure, sure, indeed, let's uh, let's look at the uh, attention that people have given to this
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cause patrick hennington when it comes to palestine in the form of the protests that have taken place, and uh, in particular. um the us has really um had people come out in droves and masses a couple weeks ago i believe it was in washington dc where they marched towards the white house and uh i'm sure you're well aware of that um i was quite uh surprised and then at the same time shocked to hear that an israeli organization was offering 250 bucks uh and it called a microgrants to pay college students to attend the dc rally that was supposed to happen on november 14th i don't how that went down or not but uh when you take a look at the protest in the us in the form and manner that it is, does the us administration see what has occurred, and these are not just people coming out saying, well how can i say, surface slogans, we're talking deep slogans here, we're talking their awareness, their knowledge about the palestinian cause and the conflict itself, and i'm thinking is because
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the fact that they have seen so many wars happen, but this uh messes to... out, will that rattle the cage of officials in the white house, and particularly the man at the top, joe biden? well, probably uh, joe biden's completely insulated from any reports of any significant numbers even in washington dc, he's probably being briefed there carefully, careful not to let him know about certain things that are happening, so he'll be generally oblivious to all of this, i would think, he's not the type of person who's very canny, who will be very interested in details and what's going on in real term anyway politically in the us, but they've really been caught by surprise, lot of people underestimated the level of public support for the palestinian cause, they tried very hard in the media to frame it as pro-hams demonstrations or anti-semitic demonstrations, but of course it's none of that, the pro-palestinian movement, the cause of pre-dates, woke, anti-woke, it pre-dates all these administrations, we're going back
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50 years, it's always been about liberation, it's always been an anti-apartide issue right along south africa. for decades, so now you're seeing the numbers grow each week on week, more people coming out on the streets and i think what you see is that you know while there's a degree of astroturfing uh you know by some some groups that are seen to capitalize off this movement, everybody agrees no matter who they are, that this is about right and wrong, this is about human rights, this is about preserving lives, it's about opposing genocide, ethnic cleansing and war crimes and lot of people from different stripes can come together and agree on those basic human principles, that's why you're seeing the numbers you're seeing on the street, and there's a big difference between those people, which are growing and showing themselves by the millions globally. and government and mainstream media, which are defending the very narrow israeli party line on this, which is really having trouble, it's a house of cards really, it's having trouble
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legitimizing itself in the face of what are effectively open war crimes by the netanyahu regime and the state of israel, and they're seeing that this systematic oppression has been incurring for 75 years, 80 years and they're realizing this just didn't happen or start on october 7th, young people get it, fortunately, lot of older people, especially in media and government, unfortunately don't get it, so that's why you have this massive disconnect, it's only going to grow. john phoenix, the israeli foreign minister, just a day ago said that he expects the international pressure on israel to rise significantly within two to three weeks. now my question obviously comes out, why would he think there hasn't been a rise that's significant enough, he must have seen the protest happening worldwide, but kind of gives maybe an idea as to how long this war would last? do you think the fact that he has made that kind of a statement? i believe with the what just battic described the thousands
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of people in the streets, mean i just seen a video of tredo, the prime minister of canada being in a restaurant and he was kicked out the restaurant by chanting fire now, i think the european leaders now feeling the heat that the staying silence is is the crime itself, you know, so i believe there is some kind of connection or something communication between the americans and the european leaders, enough is enough, because the world cannot bear to see all this slotters with childrens and women's, i mean, if you look at the first week, when hamas attacked the suttlers, they was crying wolf that look, they kidnapped children, women, they attack
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people, which is most of the people got killed that day was killed by israeli helicopters, but they got at that time simbaty for nearly 10 days, you know, but the man they retaliated with this barbaric scale of retaliation, now they losing the the plot, they were thinking that we would... now with the thousands of civilians killed, they're not really gonna uh, you see stay silence, talking about the accusation of being antis, if you support the palestinians, well there is also not to forget that there's hundreds of american jews from jewish voice for peace was actually demonstrating in washington against the slaughter of the palestinians. so i think there is a pressure on them, i think that us that soon with the economic factor, because also they having difficulties, no
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schools, no jobs, no factories in the country, they 200,000 settlers moved out of the border plaza, being hosted somewhere e fade, looked after, the same thing with another palestine, lebanon, there is also nearly 100. so that's going to be a strong factor for them to stop their mini holocaust in gaza, indeed and let's go with that, and patrick, you, when you have uh, any hopes of this war ending, which hopefully at some point is going to end sooner than later, uh, israel has to then go back to the reality, not go back, but face the reality that's unfolding there in the occupied territories, we know how things were before this war broke out, things were tense on so many different fronts uh regarding you know those protests that were happening, the judicial ones. now you have the the elevated tensions between
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the palestinians and the israelis, especially the settlers, so it has to face that, and that's another war in itself, really, taking a look at what's happening there on the streets, along with the cost that is $250 millions a day, i think israel is uh facing, do you think israel is going to be able to? come out of this, and one minute, please, well, yeah, economically, they they've got huge problems, not just the cost of the war, but also lost income, which is going to affect their gdp, they're already having to go to the international money markets to raise funds, uh, bonds and domestically uh, issuing bonds to try to raise money, the central bank is having to uh, you know, i don't, 30 billion to stabilize the sheckle uh, which is very unstable at the moment, so it's it's it's having a bad effect on the israeli economy, but also people. the country as well, obviously can just go to to to florida or new york or wherever they're from and just kind of flee the trouble uh when things get a little bit warm. northern israel
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is also... either settlements, towns are empty, they've been completely evacuated, there's only active service, reservists and maybe elderly left there, so all right, thank you very much for that, thank you, patrick henningson, geopolitical analyst from los angeles, and thank you john phoenix, journalist and international relations expert from london, with that we come to an end for this edition of the spotlight, for me and the team, it's goodbye. what do we want, seease fire, when do we want
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to, now امريكا اصل الارهاب امريكا اصل الارهاب قولوا الله يا شباب قولوا الله يا شباب طز بالامريكان وطز طز بالامريكان غزه واجه وغزه بترصد الاستهداد يا حريه نسلاح وعدنا جيش والامريكي in shops and in tech, shut down, shut down, shut down, shut down, may found a tech community for gaza sky geeks, united crowd, who knows?
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palestinian village of alacaba. it's in the northern jordan valley. you think life here would be relatively simple and uncomplicated. for palestinians in area see uh that the way that israel treats them as a hostile population, it makes them their lives as difficult. possible, those palestinian bidwan families who live in in almost about 52 communities without any kind of service, اننا جميعا في قريه العقب لا نعلم لماذا الرد الاسرائيلي علينا. are this is the goal, the immediate goal.
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your press of headlines, israeli forces continue attacking gazas alshufa hospital with virginia's military bulldozers and tanks destroying the southern entrance to the complex. leban's movement hit seven israeli military sites and shows support for palestinian resistance and besiege gaza strip and a former us state department officials says country senior officials willfully ignore israel's war crimes and gaza and cycle descent overarming the regime.
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