tv [untitled] November 16, 2023 8:00am-8:30am IRST
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keeping you up to date with world news every half hour on press tv, press tv's news and of of reef israel presses ahead with its attack on gaza's al shiffa hospital which has turned into the focal point of its deadly raids in the besieg territory according to. officials in gaza, israeli armies, bulldozers and tanks have destroyed parts of the southern entrance to the medical complex. lebanon says while of the moving fires, rockets and precision guided missiles at seven israeli military sites in support of the palestinian resistance in the besieged gaza strip, it said the missiles directly hit their targets causing casualties among the regime's forces.
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in his meetings with un officials in geneva, iran's foreign minister has slammed united states over its involvement in israel's brutal aggression on the besieged ghaza strip. housein abdullahyan expressed hope that his trip to switzerland would speed up the delivery of humanitarian aid to gaza. a former state department official says leading us officials willfully ignore israely war crimes and the besieg gaza strip over domestic policy concerns. josh paul says many officials. disturbed by israel's actions, but turn a blind eye to rules governing us arms transfers to the regime. hundreds of israeli protesters have gathered outside the connessed and occupied alots to demand the resignation of prime minister benyaman netanyahu over the gaza bloodched. they blame netanyahu for the regime's defeat following last month's unprecedented operation by the palestinian resistance movement. they also called for the release of captives held by hamas.
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of welcome to the israeli watch program which took a tour to evaluate the scenes across gaza as well as the losses inflicted on the occupation. forces by the palestinian resistance forces there, not to mention the fiery circumstances at the borders with south lebanon, in the face of hazballah and the dilemmas that netanyahu faces on the internal arena. i welcome mr. hadi kobei, head of aletiad center for studies. welcome to the show. thank you, let the beginning of our show today be with the strong combat of the palestinian resistance fighters in gaza and the accomplishments they have been accomplishing in the... מאוד וגם מפרסם
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סרטונים של לחימה מול צעל מטוח אפס. מה שקורה ראינו את התמונות שירה אלון של החיילים שפועלים בשתח הרוס את רואה את הבניינים הארוסים וכולי. בשאר השטח הארוס ברצועת עזה חמס ומחבלים של חמס מגיחים מתוך מנהרות ומנהלים קרב מטוח אפס עם חיילי צהל. ה'. ההגכה שלהם מתוך המנהרות חוספת את המנההור שאפשר אחר כך לטפל ולהשמיד את זה והבעיה היותר קשה כרגע היא שהם יוצאים ממנהרה והולכים לבניינים אלה אתה רואה את הבניינים פה הארוסים כאן בתמונות ונכנסים לתוך הקומות הארוסות שאתה חושב שאין שם אף אחד ומשם מנהלים את הקרב אבל גם לזה מצאו פתרון ואותו חיר שפועל בשטח פה הארוס מזעיק את חיל האוויר שעם קטבמים או כלים אחרים משמיד את הכוח של חמס אבל שיש עוד ועוד מחבלים שמקיחים זאת הבעיה
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אחד אנחנו מעסיקים את עצמנו בתשומות, תקפנו כך וכך מטרות, תקפנו כך וכך יעדים, אין לזה שום משמעות, שתיים. גם שאתה הורג הרבה אנשים, אתה לא מקבל פה את התחושה של כמה מתוך כמה, והדבר השלישי והחשוב ביותר, יש פה מערכת יריבה שבנויה היטב ומתפקדת יפה מהצד השני, עם כל העובדה שהיא בלחץ ויש לה הרבה מאוד נפגעים, ולכן אתה לא רואה סימני שבירה, עכשיו יש בתולדות המלחמות סימנים ברורים לסימני שבירה במערכת יריבה, אני לא ראיתי אף אחד מהם כרגע, אני מקווה שזה יגיע, ויכול להיות שמחר בבוקר נראה חלק מהתופעות שאנחנו מחכים להם שקוראים הרבה יותר מהר ממה
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שאני חושב כרגע וזה יהיה טוב, נכון לים, זה לא המצב, ולכן כדאי לתאר את הדברים בצורה מאוזנת, כי מה שאנחנו אומרים כבר שבוע, אם בעוד שבוע ובעוד שבועיים נגיד בערך את אותו דבר, let's stop at the impact of the military videos at zero distance and destroying israeli vehicles and tanks disseminated by the khasem brigades on the israeli media. what is the impact of such videos? اولا خلينا نحكي شويه ارقام الاسرائيلي ادخل الى القطاع 900 الدباب. first of all, let us talk about numbers. the israelis brought 900 tanks into the strip. so far, they have lost some 120 tanks during almost six days of ground confrontations. these tanks took only 120 missiles to be destroyed, which is a small amount of missiles of what hamas owns. only two fighters participated in targeting each tank, if not the same fighter actually hit several
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tanks. then we can say that some 200 to 250 fighters participated in targeting the israeli tanks. if they keep this pace until the end of the month, i think israel will have some 500 destroyed tanks. and few thousand soldiers kill, now we're talking about some 500 killed soldiers, practically speaking about what giola elan is saying, which only few examples were shown through the hamas videos, it's something catastrophic and the israeli enemy does not have the courage to talk about it. israel is trying to pretend like things will get better, but nothing will get better. now we can say that hamas is a 4000 member organization and has thousands and thousands of anti-tank missiles. he was saying: that the fighters hit their targets from inside the tunnels, by that the tunnels are exposed, and they resort to the destroyed areas, and that is when israeli war planes come and hit these destroyed areas, said these fighters are waiting until your war jets come and target the destroyed areas. this is called elusive
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and flexible enemy. so just like gior iland said, there are no signs of hamas being beaten so far, they do not understand what is awaiting them. no, without surprises, if we are only talking about the current context, and let us say hamas does not have any surprises or huge attacks that could explosively destroy tanks, or let us say they do not have huge explosive devices. let us say they only have the yassin missiles and a small number of hamas fighters, which is 4000, and as we calculated, only 250 of these fighters took part in the battles in destroying tanks in particle. the israelis stand before a real catastrophe and will regret their ground invasion of gaza, just like all american and israely experts suggested earlier, and they will consider that what happened on october 7th is too little in comparison to what is happening, because the israeli army, with all its might
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and readiness received such huge defeat. so what's happened in gaza is that three of the israeli occupations components have been damaged, according to. שנפגע שלושה מרכבי היסוד הביטחוני שלנו, הראשון זה נושא ההרתעה, השני ההתישבות לאורך הגבולות, הייתה מרכיב בביטחון הלאומי, והיא נפגעה בצורה משמעותית, והדבר השלישי זה כל נושא חטופים, צריך קודם כל להחזיר את ההרתאה, ואסור למצמץ. ואסור לעצור, וזה נכון שהתחילו בעזה, צריך ללמד את חמס לקח, כי כולם מסתכלים מסביב, איך המהלך. so everyone is waiting to see how this battle will end, especially the opposition of netanyag, who are protesting in the streets against him.
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they are holding him responsible for this huge defeat at the hands of the palestinian resistance on the 7th of october. the main slogan the protest shouted was for netanyahu to resign, this is one of the protesters showering him with accusations of... שלום, אנחנו נמצאים פה אלפים כדי להגיד לנתניהו: אתה בוגד, אתה בגדת במדינה, בגדת בחיילים, בגדת בנרצחים, דם הנרצחים על ידיך, דם
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הנרצחים על ידיך, אין לך שום זכות להמשיך להיות ראש ממשלה ולא דקה אחת, אין לך שום זכות להיות ראש ממשלה, אפילו דקה. מי ששולח חיילים לקרב לא יכול להצטלם עם חיילים בלי מחסניות, מי שקורא בלילה לראש אמן וראש השבא שהם עשמים, לא יכול להיות ראש. you must resign today, today, the calls for netanyahu to resign are on the rise, both by the protestors and the families the captives who were taken by the resistance in gaza, what will be the fate of netanyahu in your opinion, now netanyahu, the israeli entity and the army. focus on one point, which is military censorship. if facts are revealed in terms of the numbers of those
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killed, the tanks destroyed, and what is actually happening on the ground, netanyahu, the army, the cabinet and the entire israeli entity will collapse. the main pillar now is this military censorship, and with time it will win and become weaker. yesterday we saw the arrest of a reporter who filmed the bodies of the dead soldiers, and now there has been a rule issued. which says that every foreign reporter must also abide by military censorship, because the reporter of fox news said that in one ambush 24 soldiers were killed, and this caused them issues. therefore, netanyahu is holding to the straw and is trying to pretend like he has achieved victory through the bodies of the palestinians and the army too. i think that he supposes that if the war ends, he will be seen as the hero leader who actually saved israel from hamas. and by that retrieve some of his image and way around keeping himself in office or at least outside prison. this is
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what he is practically thinking about. but this is not what the americans want. they are seeking change on the internal israeli arena. according to opinion polls, ganz is candidate that is actually on the mind for this position these days. these voices we hear are part of the gance program and part of the opposition scheme. they want to keep him outside the government. also an interview yesterday he said that what happened on october 7th was because of the opposition and what had happened inside the army of opposition and objecting the judicial amendments. however, the case of the families the captives is a milder case, unless this case was also merged into the opposition, and by the time the rasam videos are disseminated, the snowball of opposition becomes only larger. the videos of the rassamb brigates are very crucial point in this battle. we may say it is pivotal point and decisive point. every day the people and
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the israelis watch these videos and see that the promises that were made by netanyahu are in fact not true and are vanishing. we move on now from discussing netanyahu to the minister in the netanyahu government, amihai eliyahu who called on bombing gaza with the nuclear weapon to destroy it. he appeared on israeli tv saying the souls of the israeli captives are. מבחינתך מחר בבוקר הציפיה שלך שהיינו מתילים מה שנקרא איזה פצצת אטום על כל העזה משתחים אותה מכסלים את כל מי שנמצא בה ובא לציון גואל בדרך אחת אבל אם האפשרות היא להחריב את כל עזה כי אין שם מעורבים המשמעות היא גם לשלם את המחיר מצידנו זה אבל נכון במלחמה אנחנו משלמים בחירים מה זה מה זה החטופים אני אומר החטופים למה החיים של החטופים שאני מאוד רוצה שישחרו. with an atomic bomb, some were for
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and others againstman, this is another stupid person who destroyes everything with some stupid words, when will you wake up from your blindness? this is an option, but it is severe violation of international law, he is right, this is the best way to end the story that is called gaza. he is 100% right. nicole blusher, this is a perfect time to bring gaza to an end. you see, why only nuclear bomb gaza, also hit lebanon and iran. so, mr. hadi qabaisi, there are calls on hitting gaza, lebanon and iran as well, with nuclear bomb. what do you think of this reflection on these calls on the... well he is not the first one
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to speak of nuclear bomb at the beginning of the war on gaza. i think that a journalist or an mp spoke about this matter. second of all, talking about the killing of the israeli captives, this is netanyahu's policy. netanyahu, the army, and everyone are killing the israeli captives. so far, 60 were killed. no importance is attached to the captives. because the problem is way bigger than the issue of the captives. they were saying that war has a price. yes, war has a price. they see that these captives are part of the price paid for war. "we cannot stop the operations against hamas only for the sake of the captatives. at the time we already have 1300 killed and 1300 killed in the army, and we have a complicated crisis. and these captives are not from the army. well, this is part of the price paid at war. now, in terms of the statement a nuclear bomb, i do not think this
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is his personal opinion. talking about nuclear bomb is also part of the american rhetoric. submarine ohio, which has arrived, also carries nuclear bombs. the israeli fear the results of the war, which are really ugly results, one of israel's former officials said before the ground invasion of gaza, and i think i mentioned it in this program, he said israel will face an existential threat if it enters gaza with huge ground forces. this is what will happen if things will continue as they are. the israeli army will suffer severe losses on the level of... israel will worry lot when it will intent to resort its ground troops in the future. the first time it happened was in 1982 when israel used its army in such level and such an intensity, the israelis will return to point zero in terms of readiness to combat and in terms of social acceptance to the immense losses, especially that all this will
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what is the background of these calls and that this zist arrogance in in seizing the land of gaza and killing 5000? if you have seen the film tantura, you can clearly see that these israeli people have a criminal sense, killing a child, killing the innocent, killing the elderly, all this reassures that
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these people do not have the right to have a state or own a financial, political or. media power, this case should be dismantaled, we have a palestinian cause and then have a jewish cause next to it, there should be consensus among the peoples of the world that these jewish people should not own arms or even a gun. we will reach this reality. we have been living with this since 1948 and until today. i saw another film, other than tantura on the crimes committed in 1948. the settler in the film says, i committed massacre, and they were civilians, they did not have. weapons, we said they were sabotagers, but they did not have any weapons. this nature is not related to october 7. وتفكيك هويتها. الهويه اليهوديه لا ينبغي ان تبقى كهويه. taking the land of gaza and killing 50 th00 of its people as enough. the connesit member rah ben baraq also call
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for kicking out the gazans and distributing them across world countries to get rid of them. אז בוא נפזר אותם בעולם, בוא נפזר אותם בעולם, יש שמה 25 מיליון אנשים, כל מדינה תקלות 20, איש מהמדיות, זה הומני, זה מתבקש, הם פליטים ממילא, עדיף להיות פליט בקנדה מאשר פליט בעזה, אפשר, אפשר, אם העולם באמת רוצה לפתור את הבעיה הזאת, יכול לפתור אותה media users reacted, kern everyone is racing with ben giver, edmond, he is speaking like kahahana, we're ready for the plan of rambe back for ethnic cleansing, today understand that there is no better solution than leaving, even if hamas was totally destroyed, a similar islamic organization will rising this trip.
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transfer ethnic cleansing, kicking people out, to what extent do you see these as part the israeli scheme in terms of gaza and the entire occupied palestine. this is always been mentioned. there was talk earlier about transferring them to egypt and to jordan and other parts of the world. but the scheme they are trying to implement and which netanyahu clearly expressed as controlling gaza on the military level and cleansing it from thought and culture. the same thing is applicable to the jewish people themselves. they are refugees in palestine. we always had a question, which was where would the jewish people go? he gave us an idea, ramben barak, that this entity, which was tested on october 7th in terms of its capability to survive and exist, the reality of this. and its capability to survive will also be revealed in the ground invasion. they have the solution so they can apply it to themselves. let us move on from the ghaza besege strip to
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discuss the lebanese front and the stance of the war minister who saw the israeli entity is not entitled to enter war with hezbulah. עיקר כוחו על מנת לתת מענה לכל התפתחות בצפון ויחד עם זה אם נסראלה יעשה את טעותו של סינור ויגרור את חזבלה למלחמה לדבר הזה יהיו השפעות מרחיקות הלבנון. מה שאנחנו רואים פה אנחנו רואים פה איזשהי: השלמה איתית, עוד לא ברור לאן זה הולך, ראינו את רקטת הבורקן שנורתה, זה חתיחת רקטה עם הרבה מאוד קילוגרמים של חומר
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נפץ, אבל היא טסה למרחק קצר, צריך לשים לב לזה, הוא החליט בינתיים לא להתפשט רחוק מקוו הגבול, וזה סימן בינתיים, מעודד, אבל, אבל אם המלטים האלה יחדרו. ויכנסו לתוך הגליל דרומה פה מתחיל להיות כבר סיפור יש לו יכולת להגיע רחוק מאוד מאוד מאוד מאוד אם הוא רק רוצה ובשלב הזה הוא מאוד מאוד לא רוצה חיסבה לא רוצה כרגע לפי דעתי להסליים את המערכה מצידו לא מצידנו من الواضבה. of course it took israel long talks and
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discussions among the cabinet members, the chief of staff and even with american generals until they decided to carry out a ground invasion in gaza. of course, entering lebanon is much tougher issue. well, they had a pretext to invade gaza due to the catastrophe that fell upon their heads on october 7th. if they were ready. for lebanon, why did they get their american allies to the region? or what did the americans clearly stated that they came to the region to deter hezbullah, because the israelis told the americans were not able to confront hezbollah. hezbulah means targeting military airports and setting it out of service, hitting economic, military, security and intelligence spots and damaging them during the first three days of the battles and israel will need a military allly to support it. it will not be easy war, but the israeli arena will be bad. that things may develop
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and a war might start there, this topic was discussed in the media of the israeli enemy, and was perceived as a long attrition war that is not in the interest of the occupation entity. חזית הצפון. ולא זה והרבה אומרים, אנחנו מכילים, מכילים, לא מכילים שום דבר, זה לא הכלה, יש פה תגובות עוצמתיות, עוצמתיות מאוד, אני חושבת שאפילו קצת יותר מזה, אבל הטווח זמן המיידי מה אסור לנו? אסור לנו להגיע למצב של מלחמת הטשה על גבול הצפון שמוחזק על ידי חיסבה, ולכן תדרש חשיבה משמעותית וחשיבה יצירתית, מה אנחנו עושים, אגב לא רק כדי לא לספוג את ההטשה, אלא אני לא רואה איך המערכה הזאתי מסתיימת. בלי שמיצרים איזשהו מרחב ביטחון בצפון, אנחנו יודעים, שהאזרחים ותושבי הצפון אומרים בעצמם לא יחזרו לגור שם, אם לא יהיה שם
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איזשה. של רקטות מכל הזירות וקצב יש כזה, אם דיברנו על זה שלחס יש נגיד 15, רקטות, 150, רקטות, אני חוזר, 150, רקטות, ירד ב-50, זה טוב, קצב אש, של הכי מאודקן, 400 ביממה, כן, קטות ארוכות, כבדות, מדויקות, מגיעות צפונה, דרומה לתל אביב, עם נזק אחר, כן, לכן, לכן, זה הרבה יותר, הרבה יותר מורכב הסיפור הזה, what is your comment, اعتقد انه الاردادي. that according to what
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yasi is saying is that the settlements of the north and the military posts in the north will not exist, in case the israeli entity wanted to create security belt in south lebanon, there will be security belt and cleansing to the settlements easily, and they know this very well. head of al-ethiat center for studies and research. thank you so much for being with us in this episode of israeli watch and thank you.
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the us pushed one-sided mark. of a ceasefire announced in northern gaza comes as a direct result of the failure of the israeli occupation army to achieve any significant battlefield accomplishments that could be used in negotiations. this suggests that the israeli regime may soon be forced to reconsider its objectives to align with the outcome of the battles on the ground where they seem to send in their soldiers and they never return. nevertheless netanyahu and his cabinet are still unwilling to agree to a ceasefire before achieving success. says that would alleviate the accountability they expect to face at the end of the war in the aftermath of the heroic al-aqsa flot operation and the failure of the ground operation in gaza, displacement or death this week on the medias stream. october 7th marked new chapter in israel's history. they were
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the headlines israely forces continue attacking gazas al-shifa hospital with the regime's military bulldozers and tanks destroying the southern entrance to the complex. lebanon's sezbolla moving hits seven israeli military sites and shows support for the palestinian. resistance in the besieged gaza strip. a former us state department official says a country senior officials willfully ignore israel's war crimes in gaza and stifled discent overarming the regime.
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