tv [untitled] November 16, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST
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protesters rallying outside of the democratic national headquarters in washington, making a number of arrests, and resistance has carried out new strikes against israel's military positions along the lebanese border. w welcome to our studios in the capital searman. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. on day 41. visual's onslot on the beside gaza strip. hospitals are the focal point of the regime's deadly raids. gaza city's shifa hospital is surrounded by israel tanks and bulldozers. no one is allowed to leave the medical complex. الان قصف في محيطى
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الاندووني, the director of the hospital says there's a military has bombed the borderline, he said the begime forces are present in the hospital and have stolen several palestinian bodies. the regime's military has confirmed its rais into the hospital which started on wednesday. israely forces entered the complex claiming that it was top of military command center of the hamas resistance movement. hamas has categorically dismissed that allegation saying it's really lies about finding weapons at the complex. meanwile dr. gaza has said the situation a shifa hospital is catastrophic. the situation at alshefa
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hospital is very dangerous and catastrophic. the israeli army invaded the al-seva complex last night and since then we have lost contact with our colleagues, patients and everyone inside the al-shafa medical complex. we are enable to certain the events inside the al-shafa complex, including violations against the medics and patients by israeli forces. israel has also bombed the surroundings of the indonesian hospital in gaza. the nesara refugee camp in central gaza was also hit, killing nine people, mostly children. israel has killed at least 11,500 palestinians in gaza since the 7th of october. the one human rights chief has said wide-spread outbreaks of disease and hunger are inevitable in the besieged palestinian territory. the director general of the world health organization has denounced israel's recent incursion into the austrafa hospital in gaza. says the israeli regime is
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restricting access to vital fuel and aid, exacerbating the already dire conditions and hindering the operation of essential medical infrastructure. israel's military incursion into al-shifa hospital in gaza city is totally unacceptable. hospitals are not battlegrounds. we are extremely worried for the safety of staff and patients. protecting them is paramount. who has lost contact with health workers at al shifa hospital. but one thing is clear, under international humanitarian law, health facilities, health workers, ambulances and patients must be safe guarded and protected against all acts of
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war. earlier today, a track with 23 liters of fuel intered gaza, but israel has restricted its use to all transporting aid from rafa, at least 120,000 liters a day are needed to operate hospital generators, ambulances. almost six weeks have passed since israel launched this war in gaza, leading to the destruction and shutting down of the health facilities. a un agency uh says that only one hospital is not functioning in the northern part of. the bes strap. un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs says out of 24 hospitals and clinics in northern gaza, only one is receiving patients. this says 18 hospitals have shut down and evacuated, while another five only provide limited care to patients already admitted, including alshipfa
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hospital. lack of power, oxygen, medical equipments, bombardments have been sided as reasons for their closure. according to the un, three hospitals have shut in the past three days alone. the situation has left medical workers struggling to keep patients, including premature babies alive. the un says even the palestinian red cross is unable to respond to calls for help, save those who remain trapped under the rubbles. un experts have condemned the quote grave violations that israel is undertaking, saying there is evidence of the regime's growing genocidal incitement against the palestinian. the group of experts also censored governments for their failure and achieving a ceasefire. israel's bloody campaign in gaza has been going on since the 7th of october. the group of un experts also expressed concern over the support of certain governments for israel. meanwile the euro-mediterranean human rights monitor has documented it was use of
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internationally banned white phosphorus in more than 100 strikes on gaza. 300 of such attacks were only conducted on wednesday targeting beitlah and northern gaza. said resorting to internationally banned weapons proves israel's ethnic cleansing campaign in the gaza strip. pakistan's former ambassador to the un, adi sarah says public outcry is the only way to push seasfire in gaza, as the un has proven to be ineffective in that regard. the basic problem is that the united nations can be effective and functional only if all its members desire to do so, then in the security council there is the discriminatory process of those members who are permanent and they can veto any resolution, so effectively they make the
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security council totally, mean i impractical and ineffective to work with. you know, in the vietnam war, the reason the us administration was forced to sue for peace and to hold peace talks in paris in the 60s and early 70s of the last century, was because of public protest, because of the fact that people came out on the streets, students in the universities came out in protest and demonstration against the policies of the government, so there was such a massive change in public opinion that the government had to also alter its foreign policy. now here the situation is very
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worrisome and very bad, but unfortunately the israely and the jewish lobby in the united states is used. all resources and keeping the media its side, the media in america is still talking about israel's right of defense. and israel's dealing of the threat that it come that comes from gaza, so the media war has to be fought also, and i think if public opinion turns against israeli action, then the media will also have to follow suit and change its stance. this. the military says it has killed three palestinians near as after they illegally open fire at his forces. according
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to the israeli military, at least seven troops were wounded, one critically, in the palestinian shooting operation. the incident took place a checkpoint, guarding access to road tunnels, linking the occupied west bank and outlets. the regime has intensified its bloody attacks on the west bank. more than 190 palestinians have been killed a israelly forces and setters across the occupied territory since october the 7th. that is when the regime began is onslot. is besieged ghaza strap. propalestine sentiment continues to expand across the globe with people staging new demonstrations and condemnation of israel's a savage rate in the besieg gaza strip. in washington, police scuffled with protesters outside of the democratic national headquarters. the protesters were calling for
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an anti-i israel's genicide of war on gaza. police dispersed the demonstrators and some were arrested. elsewhere in san francisco, hundreds of protesters blocked the entrance into the apex summit. some demonstrators tried to prevent summit attendies from entering the venue. the protesters demanded immediate ceasefire in gaza. in london britain protesters. assembled outside of parliament demanding that lawers support the seasfire in gaza. also in jordan's capital, am security forces mobilized to guard the us embassy as hundreds of protesters gathered outside of the premises. the protesters condem washington's support for israel and the regime's raid into a shifa hospital in gaza. has carried out another strike against israel's military positions along the border.
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hezball fired rockets and missiles towards seven israeli military sites. injuries have been reported among israeli soldiers. hezbollah and israeli troops have been engaged in direct clashes since the 7th of october when the regime ignited as bloody war machine to bombard the beside gaza strip. hisbolla says that it will continue striking israel's positions until it stops the crimes against palestinians. faisal asaf is a journalist, author and activist who joins us from jakarta, we also have ali mala who's a former vice president of the canadian arab federation who joins us from toronto. i'd like to welcome you both, and i find it a loss of words that after 41 days of these uh um strikes that have resulted in deaths, we're still looking at international law being broken uh in so many ways where you have the un expert. that have condemned uh israel's violations, they have even cited that there's evidence uh that the regime is
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committing genocidal incitements against the palestinians, that's very worrying uh when you have this regime to continue this for so many days in a row, and the reason why i have to talk about this though, it sounds like beating a beating issue to to a pulp, is that you can't ignore the deaths that are resulting from this, which puts into question, is israel after... one thing only as or as a priority as a minimum and that is to kill civilians, to kill palestinians, what do you think? there are three points i want to point out, first this is the repetition of the barbaric and horrific aggression committed by israel and the second, this is also the reputation of the blatan violation by committed by israel against international law and national international humanitarian law and the third this uh war uh this time uh
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is the reaffirmation of the status of israel above the international law. taking a look aala at the latest un resolution which was issued, it did call for pauses, but at the same time it did cite what i just mentioned in so many words, the problem we have over here are um countries that are supporting israel in particular, obviously we're looking at the us being a front and center of this, what do you think about the intel that the us is uh confirming coming from israel when it comes to the al shif hospital in particular, we just had a press conference, uh from hamas that said they're planting these uh um military equipment whether they're rifles or ammunition and they had pictures to prove that uh we still uh are looking at the the israel side of the story uh running very thin if even close to it being a command and control center for hamas and the resistance
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fighters the location of the al-shifa hospital what's your impression of that? well first let's see agree on the fact that the zion state of israel, it's it's illegal state build on lies, deception and massacres, so they can fabricate a news and you know like they can play negative propaganda, you know you mentioned the command center for hamas and that hospital, keep on mind that that hospital was built with the zionist and with the israeli government back to 19. 83 84 i believe and they have the maps for the hospital and every hospital around the globe has you know several underground tunnels you know for pipes for electricity for flat for all this type of stuff so and they have not been able to prove any of their claim similar
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to the claim about behaving babies and raving children etc. and you know the... us unfortunately has not learned from its history of of war crimes throughout you know the last 200 300 200 years and you know they are you know the biggest supporter of that state of israel because it served their interests and and purpose in the middle east if there is no z state in palestine i don't know how much influence the us would have. in many countries in the region, you mentioned earlier about the public abraising and and the the increased level of public participation and values and actions everywhere and you know our friend who spoke before me talk about the jewish lobby and i
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would say it's zionist lobby more than jewish lobby because lot of jewish activists have hitting the streets, you know, hitting, like us buildings even including the capital hall, the the congress and other places, union stations, i mean transportation stations, everywhere, and the same is happening here, the bottom line is, you know, after almost 42 days of attempt by the zion state to to achieve what it has set out to to achieve and say... amas and they have not been able to and and you know it it's a huge failure for them because you have powerful coat and coat state with with mighty army, lot of firepower and they have not been able to break the resistance and and take over, so let's hope
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that you know more pressure on on what? government and on on american government, because let's face it, international law become a joke, and and the security council is is fake institution, it's dominated by the people who have the vetos and mainly, you know by by nato, of course china and and russia have have the right to veto, but at the end of the day it become kind of of handicapped security council because they apply the v to everything not be will not be processed and you know the united nation was established as we all know after the second world war because it was originally the the nation of leagues and then you know in in 1949 40 49 if i'm not mistaken could be
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earlier you know they came up with the united nations to prevent war, whether preventive war or aggression war, and history tells us, facts tells us, you know, it has not prevent any war, as matter of fact, it did help more vicious roles, whether you know from vietnam to korea, to philippine, to afghanistan, to iraq, and also brox. wars in many places like attempt to sabotage in iran or syria or yemen etc. so i don't know how much hope we can have in united nation and and and security council and especially when it comes to the international law, if there is a real international law, you know, people like george w. bush, tony blair and and their
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supporters should be rotten in jails right now, because of their war crimes, you know, from from iraq to to afghanistan, and you know, if we do simple count, more than million people. died, you know, million lives lost, and you know, hundreds of thousands of of mained and injured people, plus, you know, the same for children, and now we have the effect of depleted uranium, so honestly, i don't know what international law we're talking about, i think the only law is, the law to resist, and the lot to confront the occupation and the occupiers, sorry if i went too long. okay, so that's a very important point that uh our guest there is making and face, i'll like to get your reaction to that, because when you take a look at the fact that if international law cannot uphold the
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principles of the message that it is trying to send, and in this case it's regarding civilians, that it doesn't have mechanism to enforce it, even though the institution is there, then the other side of the coin, not the other side of the coin, but then um to just oppose that or to uh stand against that is uh, are the people that are being victimized, they could only do that if they resist, that could include armed resistance, which i believe under international law, that is something that is their right, so shouldn't then palestinians uh continue with their resistance, which could include arm resistance? yes of course i agree, this is the momentum for palestinians in the ghaza strip and also in the west bank to continue their armles system, because during uh the negotiation, we know the... palestinian and israel has oslo agreement in 1993, but israel since the establishment of the jaanist country they always violate international
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laws and also un resolution, so the point is we cannot, we cannot trust with the israel regime, the only way for palestinian to achieve their independent, their dignity is through the armed system, and this is this is what uh what hamas and islamic jihad did in the ground attack invasion to the south israel occupied palestine in october 7, and for me, this is the embarrassment for israel when the there are four points of the embarrassment of israel, the first is - the milit, the militia, the hamas and islamic jihad can, can can broke, can infiltrate the
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superior country as israel, in the context of security and defense, and the second embarrassment is this is, there are they already refers to 1,200 people killed by the invasion by hamas and islamic jihad forces and third is hamas and jihad islam can uh take uh around 250 hostage and the fourth is this is hamas and jihad islam have a high bergaining position to make the israel uh i mean elbow under their demand. okay uh taking a look ' mala at uh what we are seeing is the other um, i don't want to say uh war, but it is turning out to be one and that's in the
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occupied territories. we're seeing uh instances of uh drones that are being used on these refugee camps that is being fired upon, not only claiming casualties, but also um the regime forces infiltrating into these uh refugee camps with uh the guess uh the the the level of uh anger that's between the settlers for example and the palestinians being played out resulting again in many deaths and also detainments of palestinians um how do you think that is going to go given the fact that you have the situation that's unfolding in the gaza strip to have impacted uh the intensity there um between the israelis and the setterers ves the palestinians well you know is not. only refugee camp and it's well documented, it's all over the world for the people to see and read, the zionist forces have bombed hospitals, schools, unurwais centers, even
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ambulance caring, wanted people, so there is no limit to their crime, and the settlers, by the fact of being there are settlers, they are part of the zionist army, you know, let's not get ourself here, and you know, the other side of the of the coin is the the determination and and the resistance by the palestinian people, and not talking about adult, fighters and resistors, you know, you've seen, we all seen videos of children saying alhamdulillah, and you know, we will grow up to defend our land, we've seen mothers, you know, also saying alhamdulillah, and it's all for palestine, which we have been saying elderly people, standing on the rubbish of their destroyed homes and lost
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family members and saying we will... submit, we will not surrender, so it is war, it is war between occupiers and between the people who have the right to live free on their own land, i'm sure you may know like in in one of the united states, the motot which inscripted in in the license plate for cars, it says live free or die, well isn't this what the palestinian are doing and why is not being recognized and why is not being supported? we support life, we support you cohabitation, you know for all the people, and i don't mean the settler and the zionist here, but in the same time, you know, as you mention, the right to resist the occupiers is is enshrined of again, the international law, and as we know, the the same international law back to 1947, 48 talked about the right to return, talk about the settlement and talk about you know palestinian right on the... land and
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nothing being implemented up to far so far, so i see it as as ongoing struggle between right and wrong, and you know israel actually is is in a in a crisis, because you know not only with with the resistors and the resistance, but also with its own population and now with some international scene. "you know like there is kind of war of war between the canadian prime minister and the zionist prime minister about statement made by the canadian prime minister, even though canada is one of the biggest allies to the zion state, and also as as you you've seen, you know in many places in europe and the same in the us, the the the support for the z state
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is in the decline." you know yesterday or the day before there was a poll in the us and you know zion state have lost, have lost about more than 20 point in terms of support, so that tells us, you people are becoming more aware of of the situation and you have better understanding and hope that with with international public support, not you know states, you things could be changed, but for the present time, you know, the the important factor is the state fast of the resistance and the palestinian people, and it's not only, as i said, the resistors are fighting, almost every palestinian is fighting, and even inside the the west bank, people are revolving, and just imagine if we have huge public intifada or uprising in the west bank.
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what would that do to the z state? so that will be my last question to you, ali mala, what would that do to the ziana state? well, i'm sorry to fasal, fasal, i'm sorry, fasal, question to you, what, sorry, please pardon, yes, the question is, if you have that interfather happening in the occupied territories, what would that do to the zionist uh regime, as our guest there from toronto, ali mala said? yeah, i think the church intifada will be the biggest problem for the israel, because they are now, they are now during the 42 days until today, the they launch aggression against palestinian people in gaza, they they didn't, they have no yet achieve get achievement, there is no hamas or...
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