tv [untitled] November 17, 2023 12:00am-12:31am IRST
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look at the smiles, these guys didn't sleep, how long you didn't do laundry? um, about two weeks, three weeks, yeah, well that two, three weeks and we brought and question when you are bombing and ethnically cleansing an area, how long since you've done your laundry occupation solder, he's you know he's he's really trying to smile through the pain of three weeks of no clean clothes, you know, and and the popsicles, you know, just to lift up morale, because the biggest concern of the zianist entity at this stage. surely should be to make sure that moral is high amongst the soldiers and giving them refreshments and looking after their laundry is top priority, not observing human rights for the palestinians and of course if you could just have a quick look here, someone's you using fuel that is run out in hospitals, babies have been taken off their incubators, but as long as the zionist occupies have nice freshly started shirt, we make light of this latif, but i think the jugst position. there
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is so much wrong with what's happening and there is so much wrong with the priorities here, if this is the kind of video that they're putting out laughing as their soldiers literally bomb gaza and the quote is guys, i'm trying eat my popsicle here, and that's just posed tragically with the next video that we're going to see, so this is young girl who has been um buried under of the rubble of a recent bombing and um the families trying to to at least rescue her body um from the rubble um so as as like you said the just position of those two images where the man is having the time of his life,
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you know, an exciting place, this glee, this almost adrenaline, fueled, um, fun time, he's of at the border, he's in an exciting place with of his buddies and he's giving a service to the soldiers and and then you've got the reality of the situation, which is that young children are dying in their thousands, they're being buried, and their families are having to dig them up with their hands, with their shovels, and this can take days, you know, we we're looking a place in gaza, now where fuel and water have... and and fuel um, pardon me, fuel, water and food have been deprived of these people, they can't clean themselves, diseases running rife at the stage, there are bodies everywhere, and that they're enjoying their popsicles and their clothes are being star and what makes this particularly goaling is the people who are making this possible behind the scenes, including members of our own uh establishment here uh run the video please, i've been...
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it's messages from a whatsapp group that's made up of members of staff who work for conservative mps as they discuss the situation in gaza. one member of staff who appears to be managing his mp's email inbox ask colleagues whether or not they've been receiving what he himself describes as nasty but not threatening or abusive messages in response to explaining to constituents the government's position on gaza a colleague replies one or two i just delete as not even worth a reply. people who never vote for us. another goes to respond, few causes with worse advocates. they all currently work for touri mps. in another set of messages, what's important here is that in the uk later today, they will be voting a ceasfy, and if those are the messages coming out of the backrooms of where those mps operate, we know it's possibly not going to go in the direction that we wanted to, even though that would be the very least. of what could be on offer
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today, just very briefly summarize what you saw here, what i saw here are people put in in charge of very weighty responsibility, which is to represent the people of this country and to work for those representatives, and if this is the kind of um cloake room, banter conversations that are being had about the constituents, the very people that they are supposed to serve, then really our democracy is in trouble. all right, more from latifa, next time. "latifa abuchakra for us there now, we spoke earlier to sheikh jafar ladak of the babul center in leeds and we asked him if freedom of speech exist in the uk in relation to the issue of palestine? i think the war on palestine and the movement for liberation in this period since october the 7th." has allowed for the
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mask to slip off across the west, and those claiming to have sort of very liberal approach to free speech, have proved their. nature or their reaction to what's going on, and this is where the challenges come from, because when you are stuck between sort of very pretty icing on the cake, whereas actually the cake inside is rotten, people have an expectation that they are able to speak up for cause, but then in reality they are left very, very disappointed with the reaction that they're getting, and that's what we're seeing, we're seeing right now, for example, chance that until now have always been normal and understood in the historical context, things like freedom for palestine from you know the river to the sea is being turned into a phrase as if it's somehow extreme to call for freedom from
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occupation and tyranny, or for example, only a couple of days ago we saw a child in california in a school um be suspen. did for three days from class just for using the words free palestine, or for example, worse worse still, the lack of freedom of speech in occupied palestine by the tyrannical regime, the israeli regime have killed more than 40 journalists, let alone killing their family members, bombing their houses, so there is venier of free speech, but the reality is that... this is being completely ambushed and limited to various different scales across the west, and this is the challenge that we're facing, because many people want to be able to speak out, but they're feeling very afraid to be able to do so. we then ask sheikh jafar ladak on his take on why it's so
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difficult to push for a ceasefire in gaza. when you have more than million people in london marching on the street. on the saturday just to before, let alone the tens of thousands in other cities, glasgow, manchester, leeds, and so on. when you have so much passion and position regarding something on the streets, the voice of the people is not being heard, which means you either have to go to something a little bit more radical, or you have to actually have to change the system within itself. now the problem we have is. that elections approving that really parties come, parties go, but the people in charge, the people in power, they don't change their moral stances, so we have to figure out how to be able to disrupt and change what is sitting behind the veneer of
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government within the uk, and that means we really need to be able to hold people to account the power that they have, we need to be able to demolish. the systems of corruption that govern this country, that's a really wide conversation that different groups need to have, but unless and until we're able to hold these people to account seriously for their words and for their stances, we will not be able to do anything, much praise has to be given to those couple of palestinian organizations and pro-palestinian legal organizations that are holding people like kies starma um and the government to account for their... championing of war crimes by the zionist and apartide state, so unless we start funding that, unless we start actually making serious inroads in those sorts of ways of holding people to account, then tomorrow another crisis will come and again people will be
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able to say what they want, do what they want, cause complete devastation around the world, and sadly it will just continue, so we need to be able to fire our arrows very deep into the system of corruption. be a thorn in the eye of corruption itself. shake jafar ali ladak there for us. you are still watching gaza under attack. my name is amina taylor and i'm back with my guests shaber rasvy and tony greenstein who's with us via skype. uh, tony, i want to bring you back into the conversation here. it is so difficult to speak about palestine to speak about uh the evils of what's being perpetrated on the... gazans especially here, without - running foul of the establishment, your own reactions, well yes, i mean there's been an attack on the right to protest, the right to boycot israel, but israel is accepted, you
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cannot boycot israel if you're a local authority or a pension fund, and the reason is is quite clear, israel is the favored child of imperialism. in the middle east and it can get away with virtually anything, and that's despite the fact, as the shake said, the vast majority of british people support and the... it seasfire, and yet the elites in this country, represented by the prime minister, the leader of the opposition, and of course america, are categorically opposed, that shows what a thin veneer of democracy we actually have, because most people are horrified at the idea of troops trampling into a hospital, beseging hospital, bombing a hospital, bombing journalists, there is no atrocity. that israel has not committed, indeed, i don't think even the nazis actually
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refuse to allow water into one of the ghettos and gaza is a ghetto, so what what we're seeing unfold before our eyes, is absolutely horrific, but it's done with the blessing of the american and the western leadership, and yes they're embarrassed, but unfortunately they've been embarrassed many times before without being helped. to account, i think we have to now uh say quite clearly that an israeli settler state will never be at peace the palestinians and so we do need uh tony stay with me just want to bring uh shabir back into this we saw when fahim gave the first part of her palestine in the media section a conversation that didn't think i'd be seeing to my high profile leaders in this country, david lamy on the opposition
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benches, hamsuf who is the first minister of scotland, arguing about the nuances of a ceasefire with the labor party official saying he wants a humanitarian pause, what did you make of that, i was just interested to pick your brains on that one, well look, obviously david lamy, perhaps he should be renamed as david lam, he he's completely. lame about what he's talking about, um, and of course, you, it's not only david lammy, but you see lot of minority politicians when the vote was taken few days ago, and ones who represent minority constituencies, for whom this is major issue, exactly, and there were muslim mps who voted against the ceasefire resolution, which was few days ago, you prominent again amongst them the bradford mp, miss naz voted, or the touting mp, dr. khan,
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she voted, lot of muslim mps whether conservative or labor. look, the reality is that these are short-term politicians, they are really looking that when am i going to become a minister, like you quite rightly pointed out, because that's his sort of modest operandi, if you like that when he actually becomes the foreign minister, he doesn't... want you know for what you uh, so they only look at how much power they have, how much sort of status they have, and therefore they will compromise whatever needs to be compromised in their own, but i don't understand how calling for a cessation of violence is a hot take, how is this controversial? because they want to give the zionist entity as much time. as possible to destroy what their aim is to hamas, but
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really at the end of the day they're not going to destroy the resistance, they know it very well, they sort of intelligence forces, the military know that it's an ideology, it's a way of it might have a different name, but it's not going to be extinguished anytime, stay with me, mr. rasy, now the turkish president increased his. criticism of israel on wednesday, calling it a quote terrorist state, intent on destroying gaza alongside its resident. now in a fiery speech to members of his ruling party, erdogan also said his country would take steps to ensure that israel's political and military leaders are brought to trial in international courts. faahima mohammed is back with the follow-up to her first offering of palestine in the... we're going to keep the theme going, we're going to keep the energy going, what have you got for me? yes, unfortunately another
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reporter, hend hasan has got press release information saying snipers are targeting patients at al shifar hospital in gaza as well as um having a call with colleagues who is directly reporting and informing how the patients are barely trying to manage using the corridors for space, having no electricity. no food, no water, and again even internet connection is really bad, so the reports are few and far between, but her tweets are so important just like we've had continuously from the surviving uh reporters, journalists that are there at the moment, because i think what we have to understand with this, it's become an epicenter of the violence that's been unleashed, where not even a place that's desperately trying to save babies in incubators is safe, and i think it was shaber wh made the point before, that you know, had this been a building with
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ukrainians in it, had russia done something here, there would have been no, it's clear, it's the wounded, it's the injured, it's the vulnerable, it's you know, babies, children and young adults and women that are in those hospitals continuously being bombarded and there's no sort of like pause even in that area, and snipers inside the hospital, imagine already scared, already tormented, traumatized, and then to see that when it's the only place that you think is safe and it's not. all right, we move to just efforts that are being made to try and raise awareness of this in a very well, i'll explain when the video comes up and we can see what we're talking about, because the plack behind the speaker there, should give you some ideas, this is bernie sanders who's the senator for vermont, you may remember him as some would have classed him as the leftist
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voice of american politics, there jeremy corbin, i think jeremy. corbin would be a little bit embarrassed for those comparisons right now, because bernie sander says he's not calling a ceasfire. let's just hear what some of these activists had to say. a release the hostages, deescalation and to address the root causes of this violence, which are decades of occupation, apartide and siege. see fire now, sease fire now, sease fire. now well the if not now uh poster here that we're seeing in the video is an american jewish organization so these are not just individuals and they are calling for the end of uh israeli aparthide system demanding equality justice and thriving uh and what do
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they get as a thank you well they're getting arrested for it right outside bernie saunders office while they are trying to you know... and i don't think it was by accident they obviously chose the offices of a man in the senate who should have been on their side essentially he should have been out there with them chanting for a ceasefire well again causing for pause is not the same as cease fire well you know patch them up so they can be bombed again uh what else have we've got well we have almayadeen uh english channel which we have the chairman of the board of directors mr. hassan benjadu sending message to the israeli occupation after اتخذ الكابنت السياسي والامني والعسكري والسرائيلي بقياده نتنياهو وجلانت وباني جانس وهاليفي وغيرهم من رؤساء الموساد والشباك واجهزه القتل والابباده قراراا بحضر شبكه الميادين الاعلاميه في فلسطين
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المحتله الشبكه كلها شاشه ومواقع الكترونيه ومنصات just pointing out that i know why you shut us down, i know why you've taken all reporters out of the territories, you think you can silence us, but you cannot, absolutely, one of the comments even said, well even an entity exists on disinformation and propaganda, there's a limit to what you can do with them, so it is no hope, but even though they sending to the channel and terrorizing free press, um, they do say that they're not just walls, buildings and offices, they are you know an idea, they are a culture, they are a choice, and they actually are humanitarian, media project, so that's something that even as much as they want to silence is much more powerful what they stand for, and um, if anyone has a
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chance please watch this because it's really important that we do see different as well, absolutely. arabic like mine is a bit rusty for himahammed, thank you, more from you tomorrow. uh, i'm going to go back to you here, tony greenstein on this one. i mean, we're still a stage where our parliamentarians in just few hours here, not very far from where we are in london, are going to be discussing, voting a ceasefire. why do you think it's been blocked thus far? uh, because it's not convenient uh. for israel to have political impediments put in its way, when its goal is what it remains at the very beginning, which is firstly to move dars population. to the south and then to move them into sonii desert ethnic cleansing has always been part of the rational, and if you need to carry out genocide and massacres
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in order to achieve that, then it's far better that you don't have the media around to record what's happening, i mean all of this is very logical, or if you do, you have the tame media, the bbc, cnn, cbs, all record what you want. to record in the sense and to convey the messages you want to be conveyed, but israel has seen it support in the west, drain away with these invasions, the bombings, hospitals, the journalists which they targeted and all the rest of it, i mean the last pretend that israel was democratic state has almost disappeared. shaber, why do you think the ceasefire is? a discussion, you touched on it a little bit earlier when we discussed hamza yousuf and david lammi, but for all of the main parties, labor, the lib dems, the smp, they should be, they have the
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numbers to take on the tories on this, and with few tory descenters, there'd have been no choice except to say that britain is in favor of a ceasefire even if nothing happens, but just to make a statement, and still that seems an ask too far. well, there are number. of factors: one is there was a report recently that at least 40% of the labor mps are funded by zionist lobbis in uk, in usa is much higher, perhaps 80 to 90% of both the democratic and the republicans are funded by zionist lobbing firms, so you've got to look at it purely and simply from - you know which side of their bread is buttered so why would you want to annoy your employers exactly not the people who put you there, the people are giving you the real money, absolutely, so
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that's one factor if you like, the second one, as i said, you, of course, money does taint one's moral fiber at times, but at the end of the day, there are still human beings, like our friend has been sort of saying throughout this program. program that there are huge number of jewish people worldwide who are sort of standing up and saying not in my name if you like and other people i mean in london as i'm sure you reported we have huge number of jews turning up for demonstration so what we've got to really try to make clear through your programs and others is that zionism is not jeudicium just like isis is not islam zionism is equal isis, just like mr. nethaniau and the other zionist politicians have the habit of saying that hamas is equal isis, we've got to keep on
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continuously saying zionism equal isis. zionism equal isis and that i think the narrative has to be presented in that that way a regularly and continuous basis, because what happens with the media and the politicians who are... not really calling for sease fire is as i said first the money side of it, secondly they really lost their moral compass, as i said in my there's a lot of pressure though, oh there is huge amount of pressure, absolutely, but really, i mean we saw at the end of the day in 2003, there were over million and a half people turning up in london against the war in iraq, what did blay and bush do, nothing, totally ignored it, but i think things are different than in 2003. we can all be reporters shaver uh final question to you tony, you've given a thoughts to just
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how much palestinian blood needs to be shed before there's a change in tone here, because it seems 11,00 dead and counting is not it, no, i mean we saw in the invasion of lebanon in 1982, over 2000 were killed uh. "there is no limit to the amount of palestinians who can be killed in order for israel to achieve a political objectives and in the west, i mean we can see in the british parliament, you couldn't put a piece of paper between sunak and kies dama, i mean they are at one in supporting american imperials, and therefore the favorite ally, their watchdog in the middle east, which is of israel, and of israel." there is no limits uh for the amount of they will uh shed - on the october
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the seventh attack. that was made, we now know that all the horror stories, the babies were beheaded and so on was simply untrue, and indeed when the shit, the the hostage came back and gave a press conference, the els, i think was shifer hospital, she said they've been treated humanely, and then apparently the hospitals pr, is facing dismissal for allowing that? tony, so many great points there, and sadly though, with those comments, we've come to the end of the show, let me thank my esteemed guest shaber rasvy and tony greenstein for gaza attack, we'll be back tomorrow with more, until then, continue to keep palestine in your hearts, goodbye.
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the us pushed one sided mark overseas. fire announced in northern gaza comes as a direct result of the failure of the israeli occupation army to achieve any significant battlefield accomplishments that could be used in negotiations. this suggests that the israeli regime may soon be forced to reconsider its objectives to align with the outcome of the battles on the ground, where they seem to send in their soldiers and they never return. nevertheless netanyahu and his cabinet are still unwilling to agree to seasfire before achieving success. that would
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your headlines on press tv, hamas has presented evidence rejecting israeli allegations that the palestinian resistance movement operates on the hospitals in gaza, a group of ex in the united nations say there is evidence of israel's quote to increasing genocidal incightment against the palestinian people and the resistance movement hizbollah has carried out new strikes against israel's military positions along the lebanese border.
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