tv Documentary Encircled 1 PRESSTV December 2, 2023 6:02pm-6:30pm IRST
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welcome to the palestinian village of alacaba. it's in the northern jordan valley. it's a pastoral community where you'll find warm and generous people. most of the people who live here. raise sheep and goats and live off the land, you think life here would be of relatively simple and uncomplicated? it's not, and this is our story, the jordan valley is the east part of the occupied. it's the only gate, the only border
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for the palestinian to communicate with the international community, especially with the arab countries. the jordan valley is considered as the basket food for the palestinian people where you can harvest in the middle of winter, and this big area which is about 30% of the west bank also considered as as kind of nest for the future of the palestinian. state: this village of al-aqaba is tiny, but at the same time, it's an excellent focal point for understanding the situation today on the west bank. in 1967, of of 200 people lived in this community, today only scattered families remain. تورفت عن ابوي وابوي عن جده وجده عن جده ل نوصل ل. عثمان بن
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عفان دوله عثمانيه اللي حكمت هاي البلاد فوق 400 سنهش مش ساكنين في العكبه احنا في الثمانينات كان في معسكر جيش هون هون بين ياسير والعكبه هسه يمنعونا نروح ونجي في الطريق شايف ما يخلوش يعني جنود انت عارف الجندي مش ادمي شايف هسه نحن نخاف على اولادنا نخاف على بناتنا نخاف على راح يجي وبعدين هناكونا ممنوع نبني بيت ممنوع نقعد اللي عنده غنم اللي عنده حلالات شو بيسوي فينا well, the way that israel treats the palestinian population inside area sea, is as a an enemy, hostile population, effectively, as a population that is not welcome there, and so it's doing everything it can to make life very difficult for them. to understand the political situation today on the west bank, we have to go back to the year 1453. this was the point in history where the turks conquered the ancient city of constantinople, now istanbul, and established the... empire. for the next four centuries,
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the palestinian territory was ruled by the turks, whose main interest was the collection of taxes. as such, the region's history was relatively uneventful, and it is during this period when many of the current alwa residents settled. then, during the first world war, the turkish government sided with of the germans. a decision, not smart, as germany was defeated and the ottoman empires subsequently broken apart. it was during this period that the british took control under what was called the british mandate. it was also during this period when european jews began to immigrate to the region under a political philosophy called zionism, a desire to establish a jewish homeland. tensions grew between these immigrants and the native population, and the british turn to the newly created united nations to help sort out the problem. they had helped create in the first
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place. in 1948, the un, in a vote of the general assembly, created israel, and immediately a war broke out between israel and its arab neighbors. after series of brutal battles in which tens of thousands of palestinians fled, an ermisties was established and jordan took control of the area, known as the west bank, or west of the jordan river. then, again in 1967, a... war broke out between israel, jordan and egypt. israel decidedly won this conflict and in the process occupied the west bank, rusting control from jordan. this occupation continues today and is the core of the ongoing struggle. in an effort to find resolution, series of secret talks took place in oslo norway in 1993. the result was a plan to divide the west bank into three areas: a,
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b, and c. area a, the major cities such as romala and janin, would fall under palestinian civil and political control. area b would be. jointly controlled, these areas being mostly areas containing medium-sized communities, and area c would be the rural areas, primarily the jordan valley. under the accords, this division of land was to exist for five years, during which time final status agreement would be drawn. this agreement, however has never come about, and the division of land is still very much in place, and the palestinian population. is constantly reminded of that fact, really for palestinians in area see, that the way that israel treats them as a hostile population, it makes them their lives as difficult as possible, most of the population in palestinia population are rural communities
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based their livelihoods are based on agriculture, and so the two things they need more than anything else, land and water, this is this is what they need, the essentials of their lives, and so what israel is doing is making both taking both those elements away from them, it's restricting their access to their land, it's using various means to do that, it's confiscating lot of land, declaring it state land, it's creating military zones, firing zones, fifth of the area, see a firing zones, military firings and the goal of course is to to remove them from their land in area c and move them into areas b and ideally into area a, no one exemplifies this situation better than arthman spay. growing up in alaqaba, he was forced to move to the neighboring area b town of tayasir, he now commutes back to supervise production and the community. انا كنت عايش في اسره في بيتي يعني غرفتين اللي هم عقدين عقود
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قديمه كنت انا وامي ابوي متوفي كنت انا وامي وتسعه اخوي لي تسعه وامي على عايشين في الغرففتين هذول وبقوا الاسرائيليين مانعينا نبني غرفه نضيف عليهم او حتى حمام ممنوع احنا قالوا لنا هذول موجودات بيظلن موجودات بدكم تعيشوا فيهم بدكم تعيشوا فيهم روحوا علىاسير على طوباس عنابلس عندنا مشكله المهم هذول بيظلين هيش تاكعن وخلص ما لكم شيء هون فاحنا صمدنا وظلينا هناك بس انا يوم تجوزت انجبرت اني اجي اشتري وابني واقعد هون لانه ما فيش مجال ال انا صار عندي عائله يعني فوق اخوتي تسعه صار عندي عائله وولاد اثنين صغار يعني بعد ما صار عندي اولاد اثنين صغار انجبررت ultimately what israel wants is it wants it all it wants the whole of the west bank the question is
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whether it can get away with doing that and it certainly can't get away with doing it in one fell swoop so what it's doing is what famous israeli general called mashayan called creeping annexation it's slowly. incrementally taking the land away from the palestinians and it's focusing most of its efforts on the rural land, the agricultural land, um, the the largest part of the west bank, and so slowly are is being ethnically cleansed, there are few and few palestinians. we know for instance that in 1967 there were about a third of million palestinians just in the jordan valley itself. today, the best figures we have suggest there are around 100,000 palestinians in the whole of area so. so it's quite clear, it's a very graphic illustration of quite how effective the ethnic cleansing policies have been over over four or five decades, they really cleared the area out, think about it, just let us think that those palestinian bidwan families who live in in almost about 52 communities
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without any kind of service, it's denied by the incubation to have even a fresh water, they can hear water running in the... pibes under their feet but they can't drink from it, the electricity wears is crossing over their tent, but they can't, it's just for the zionist jewish colony in the jordan valley, people stay in the jordan valley because they feel that it's just the only place where they can have their own dignity, and those people who are staying without all kind of the service, they belong, they are part of the soil, they are... part of the climate and they will never leave. many people over the years have moved out of alaqaba. but you stayed, why did you decide to stay when many people, many families have had to move away? كلام سليم. انا رايح اموت هون في العقبه لانه
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هي الارض هي عن ابا وجد توردتها هي ارض ابائي واجدادي اللي رج راعت ياسير ما له شيء هون لكن اللي له ارض الارض هي هي الدم الانسان انا شو بدي اروح اسوي فيها ياسير. شو اللي بيسير بدي اتفرج على الشوارع ولا اتفرجي على الدور طيب هي ارضي وهي منطقتي وهي عيشتي وهي حياتي يعني شو شو بدي اروح اطيير شو بدي اروح اعمل فيها لاروح على باريس اسكن في باريس ودش ارضي شو بدي اسوي فيها باريس والله عندي العزيز الشجره هي بتسو باراري اللي فيها بريطانيا هي representative the political climate existing today on the west bank, there is a cornerstone of the
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village that makes it quite unique to itself. that uniqueness is first encountered as you drive up the main road into the village. in english, enter with peace and you are a welcome. ان العقبه برج انا اسمي الحج سامي صادق رئيس مجلس قروي العقبه من مواليد 1955 وصبت بثلاث رصاصات من قبل قوات الاحتلال بتاريخ 28/6 عام 71 كان عمري في ذلك التاريخ 16 عاما مما اددى الى اصابتي بشلل نصفي تام ومنذ ذلك التاريخ وانا اعمل من على هذا الكرسي المتحرك من اجل السلام العادل وبدون احتلال ان شاء الله تعالى when when you hear the jets, and and
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you see the soldiers in the field and here the tanks, how do you feel as as the mayor of the village? باستمرار باشعر بالحزن لمضايقات قوات الاحتلال لاهالي قريه العاقبه هذه الصغيره، هذه القريه لم تتعرض للوات الاسرائيليه حتى بحجر واحد منذ حرب عام 67 الا ان القوات الاسرائيليه ترد على طلبنا من اجل السلام العادل وبدون احتلال بتدمير شارع السلام بتدمير الاراضي الزراعيه باحراق المزروعات باحراق المراعي بالضغط على المواطن لترحيلهم بحجه ان اراضي قرض العقبه هي منطقه عسكريه مغلقه ومنطقه جيم ولكن اننا نشعر بالالم. an equitable solution. ironically immediately across the road from welcome sign is the home of akmed hamdan, his house is under
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demolition orders and he and his family go to sleep each evening with fears of waking to the sounds of tanks and military bulldozers coming up the road to level his home. يعني سيدي شراها وابوي طبعا من بعده و وريث. وريف له وبعدها جيت انا يعني هي الارض على زمان اجدادي واسم الطابه لحد هسه الطابه في اسم سيدي حسين الجابر جابر يعني ارض ممتلكه من من سنين يعني سيدي الله يرحمه سراخ تاريخ ميلاد سيدي سنه 1900 بجوزه 23 24 سيدي ولد سنه 1923 وهي الارض اجا هو شرراها طابه يعني خطوب من المحكمه بطرق
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قانونيه اوراق طابه يعني انا لما تكون عندي في اوراك طابه وثبوت ثبوتيات في الارض ففي وين المشكله يعني i think what the israeli wants or what the ship of this state which is called israel and maybe other uh groups in this area they want sustainable for their personal future, because i don't think that the israelical leadership, they are trying to achieve real peace in this area, but because this place is an important junction in the world, and the israeli state and the israeli, leadership, they want to show the european and the international community that they are the ones who can control this international junction. so they want to keep making a crisis, they want to keep fighting forever,
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so they will continue receiving help and support from the international community, claiming that the only people who can protect and keep this junction as secure place in the middle of the world. well, once the idf decides to declare an area as a firing zone a very large area, it's actually bigger. than area a, which is under palestinian control, so these large areas, which are declared as as military as firing zones, then become closed military areas, which means that the army then has kind of a free range to do what it want, what? what it wants to do, it can move palestinians out, it says it's not safe for them there, and it clears the population out, in a way it's trying to do it as though it's some kind of humanitarian gesture, we don't want you getting caught up in the in our military maneuvers, so you have to move out, but of course it's all a pretext for getting palistiners out off their land and out of their homes, في قريه العقب لا نعلم لماذا الرد الاسرائينا على طلبنا باننا نرغب
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بسلام عادل وشامل بدون احتلال اننا نرغب ان نعيش على اراضينا بسلام من اجل ان تن ننقل هذه العينه هذا النموذج الى القرى والمدن الاخرى ولكن جواب القوات الاسرائيليه تدمير المنازل تدمير شارع السلام حرمان المواطنين من الخدمات حرما من المي حتى هذه اللحظه يضغطون علينا لرح من اجل ترحيلنا بالاضينا هذه مملوكه النا بالطابه وارضنا مملوكه للمواطنين بالطابه ونحن عايشين فيها قبل الاحتلال ويوجد اراضي م مبنيه من سنه 1930 عقود قديمه ولكن الاسرائيليين يرغبون باستمرار بانهم بيقوما بمضايقه وتنكيد الحياه على هؤلاء الاطفال والنساء والمواطنين في كربه من اجل ترحيلهم ومصادره اراضيهم بحجه اننا في منطقه سي بحجه اننا منطقه تشبه جنوب
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لبنان بحجه ان قريه العقبه هي منطقه عسكريه مغلقه ولكن احنا مش مشكلتنا ان قريه العاقبه لا تشبه جي لبنان مشكلتنا ان هذه اراضينا محتله واراضينا هي مملوكه من عزمان اجدادنا. in terms the the whole problem of what's going on between the israelis and the palestinians, the the the pressure on the international community is to is to enforce international law. that's what it's there for, and it's been ignored for decades, or it's been overlooked or it's been twisted. but you know the the international law is fairly fairly clear about what happens here, this is palestinian land, it's part of you, we have many resolutions in the un affirming this, so the international community needs to act, it needs to enforce international law, that's what it's there for, what, what do you see in the near future here in the jordan valley?
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it's not killer or white picture. and i hope it will not be more black because what's going on in the jordan valley is kind of inthenic cleansing or may be more it's genocide because there is an authority which is israeli authority making all kind of pressure all kind of collective punishment against those who still or those who manage to exist on the jordan valley from the palestinian community replacing them with new kind of... people, which is jewish community, and of course this is more than ethenic cleansing. what's going on in the jordan valley is kind of stealing the palestinian resources, that's mean is stealing the future
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the palestinian a new generation, and it will not be acceptable at all. يسوعني ويسعدني ان اقف بين ايديكم في هذه اللحظات المباركه لنحتفل بعده مناسبات عزيزه على قلوب شعبنا الفلسطيني وهذه المناسبات هي يوم الارض ذكرا معركه الكرامه يوم الام يوم المراه العالمي يوم الطفل وجديدا يوم الغابات العالميه وفي هذا الشهر من كل عام نحتفل بهذه المناسبات لتجديد العمل الجاز للحفاظ على ارضنا
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وحمايتها من المصادره والتهويد من قبل قوات الاحتلال ان اخوان يمكن في هذه القريه الصغيره يعملون ليل نهار من اجل ان تبقى جميع الايام لدينا ايام ارض لحمايه ارضنا من التهويد والمصادره ونعمل جاهدين لفتح الشوارع للمناطق المهدده وزراعه الاشجار المثمره واستصلاح الاراضي وبناء المؤسسات حيث اصبحت هذه القريه قريه مؤسسات حيث تعمل هذه المؤسسات من خلال اتحاد اتحاد مؤسسات قريه العقبه وهي مجلس قروي العقبه جمعيه المراه الريفيه الخيريه جمعيه العقبه التعاوليه الزراعيه جمعيه العقد التعاوني لاسكان المهجرين نادي العقبه للوحده والامل بيوم الارض الخالب هذه الذكرى التي نؤكد
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فيها المره طلوا المره باننا اصحاب هذه الارض اننا اصحاب حق وان لا وطن لنا سوى هذا الوطن فلسطين. for people in america who really don't know about the west bank, you really don't know anything at all about the german. what's the most important thing i should about this place? we are human being, i'm a man like you and my children is like any other children all over the world. it's shame to have this kind of racist apartide regime in the holy land. the future for people. area see, i think is bleak, unless the international community is prepared to actually do something. israel's focus is on area sea, this is the goal, the immediate
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goal, and so it's work, it's been working for decades on getting palestinians out of area see, it's been very successful, and every indication is it's going to continue being very successful, unless the international community steps into act, palestinians can't live there if their lives are being made impossible. "if they're surrounded by tanks and firing ranges and it's impossible for them to get water, to get access to their land, there's no way that they can sustain their lives there, becomes impossible, and so unless we're going to do something about it, we have to say west, لقد زرتوا 11 ولايه امريكيه عام 2008، وجدت الشعب الامريكي انه شعب طيب، يختلف اختلاف كلي عن الحكومه الامريكيه وعن السياسه الخارجيه الامريكيه التي تقوم بدعم الحكومه" اسرائيليه عسكريا باستمرار الجندي الذي اطلق النار عليه هو جندي امريكي وليس جندي اسرائيلي لان هذا الجندي اواعيه وبسطاره وسلاحه
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وطيارته ودباباته كله من الشعب الامريكي والحكومه الامريكيه ادعو الشعب الامريكي ان يضغط على الحكومه الامريكيه لوقف عمليه دعم اسرائيل عسكريا بل يدعموها سياسييا بل يدعموها من اجل السلام العادل والشامل واعاده الاراضي الفلسطينيه لاصحابها لا يمكن ان يبقى الظلم مدى الحياه الظلم لا يمكن ان لا يمكن ان ياتي يومما ان يتغير الوضع ولكن قبل ان ياتي الوضع ويكون الشعب الفلسطيني قويا اطلب من الشعب الامريكي ان يكون شعب محترم لدى الشعب الفلسطيني الشعب الاسرائي الفلسطيني غاضب جدا على الشعب الامريكي الى ان الشعب الامريكي يدعم حكومته التي اييه support state or the main resources
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for for supporting israel, so our message to the american, first of all, don't pay for our killers, don't pay your money to a place where you don't know, the most important thing for i think for americans. to know about what's happening in the west bank right now is that what we're seeing is a process of sustained ethnic cleansing, the theft of land, the theft of resources of water, and it's being paid for largely by american tax payers, they're subsidizing this process of ethnic cleansing, it's being done in their name, and because of that, there's a responsibility, moral responsibility on americans to stand up and say: no, it has to stop, it has to end now.
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quali sono i diritti dei palestinesi per sapere i palestinesi hanno diritto ad un paese loro sovrano non ce l'hanno hanno diritto ad utilizzare una moneta loro non ce l'hanno hanno diritto a uscire da gaza non ce l'hanno hanno diritto a non vedere occupate le loro terre in chis giordania territori che si chiamano territori occupati dove lì l'aggressore è l'esercito israeliano che dovrebbe starci lì non ce l'hanno un attimo un attimo hanno diritto ad essere riconosciuti a livello internazionali sì non
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ce l'hanno hanno diritto vedere rispettati... decine di risoluzioni votate dal consiglio di sicurezza delle nazioni unite sì no perché non vengono rispettate la mia domanda è come si può convincere oggi un ragazzino di 10 anni a credere in una in una soluzione diplomatica se tutti gli spazi diplomatici nonché gli spazi per fuggire da gaza sono chiusi come è possibile convincere un bambino palestinese sperarebar. المجد لما نغالي هذا البلش ثمنه غالي الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر.
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the headlines. israel is launching fresh strikes in gaza after killing more than 15,000 palestinians, most of them women and children in the besieged coastal territory. the hesbollah resistance movement hits israeli military targets and retaliation for strikes on southern lebanon. and people around the world hold rallies to show solidarity with palestinians and condemn israeli genocide and
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